SSRL2 Catch Me If You Can

*Thanks to her Druidic ability to resist the siren song of the fey temptations and the innate reflex to enter her Dreamsight state when the dreams of the faerie speech drift towards her ears, Siobhan effortlessly resists their magicks as if they never were to begin.*

(OOC: 20 and then 29--yay +4 Resist Nature's Lure)

*Siobhan replies in Sylvan.*

[SBLOCK=Sylvan]"Honoured fey, please do not afflict my companions with a hundred year sleep or any of your other magicks. Perhaps when we return, in exchange for your kindness we shall willingly be the targets of your storied pranks, but for now, we seek something dark and unsettling, an evil presence that you must have sensed upon your land, and a blight that I hope we can help you remove. However, we must move quickly. Can you understand and spare my companions your curse? Perhaps you might know of where our quarry is headed?"[/SBLOCK]

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(OOC: Oh, and with 11 and 6, Stulgar fails both quite miserably. Hmm, I didn't remember this, but apparently even if I had failed the save for Siobhan, she gets a reroll on the next round. Wow, if she didn't respect the fey so much, she'd be awesome at killing them :])

[sblock=sylvan] The Flowery fey shudder as though remembering something.
Well now that you mention it, there was a very troubled Ogre romping through here. You are after him? Do you know his affliction? It seems most unnatural, it reminded our Guardians of most unpleasant times. Early times. Time long forgotten by all but us.

The fairy looks over at the fallen shifter and giggles " Oh do not fear. You looked like friendly visitors so we wanted to drape you in flowers and give you a most restful sleep. Our Guardian Thorn told us to do it on anyone else who came by here.

One of it's companions nods in agreement That's right, we were to make you most comfortable and stack all of your equipment and such beside you and give you your first restful sleep in ages. Is that a problem?

[SBLOCK=Sylvan]"Ancient?...No, I do not know exactly what this is..."

'Perhaps it is an aberrant taint like the one we encountered before...'

"But...we have not the time to sleep right now, little one. Otherwise, by the time we wake up, the ogre will be long gone, and we will not be able to stop him from hurting other people and despoiling the woodlands more. How about we come visit for a rest on the way back?"[/SBLOCK]

Raven, you passed your first save,but still failed your second and fell asleep.
Raven and Stulgar get drowsy and find themselves passing out in the forest, and to be fair, they look quite peaceful and happy doing it.

And lily, seems to resist the song,instead enjoying the musical qualities and the meories it invokes of time spent with her mother.

The fey seem to respond positively to this bfore the one who seems to be the leader flies upand begins to speak again. [sblock=sylvan] Well, I don't know. We will have to run this by the Thorn and Ivalia of the oaks. You will follow us. Talk to our leaders. We will see what we can do. That sot of evil bodes ill for our kind. Not since the Lycanthrope crusades has this evil attempted to enter our domain.
Wake your friends, if you can convince Ivalia of your purpose, we will help...if not hee hee, well it doesn't matter i am sure you have pure hearts.
As it says this they all begin to giggle vigorously as though laughing at an inside joke.

[SBLOCK=Sylvan]"Thank you for your aid. We shall follow you to speak with Mistresses Ivalia and Thorn,"[/SBLOCK]

*Siobhan shakes her brother awake, figuring Lily will handle Raven. If the magic proves too strong for this, she shouts at him, slaps him, then sprinkles water from her skin on his face. Once the group is awake, she lets them know what is going on:*

"The fey may be able to help us discover our quarry, but we must address their mistress respectfully. They seem to sense something...ancient and evil...involved with this ogre. I have heard tell that some Dryads and Nymphs might be able to travel between trees of the same sort at incredible speed. If we are very lucky, perhaps they might grant us this boon. Either way, if they would grant us an audience, we would be foolish to ignore it. When angered, the fey can become...rather dangerous."

Raven is not happy to awaken. She was enjoying peaceful dreams in the forest. She listens to Siobhan and agrees. "Very well. Perhaps they can tell us what has happened to this ogre."

You follow the Petal sisters through the forest until you reach a mighty oak. Standing in front of it is a Thorn, a small fey male with a bow, made entirely of what seems to be tree and needles and his legs and elbows seeming to be thorns.

As they approach they whisper in a language unfamiliar,even to Siobhan, and out comes and ancient looking dryad, who is obiously Ivalia.

Speaking in Druidic now, she says

[sblock=druidic][color= green] Welcome, children of the world, what brings you to my demense. Are you related the the daemon that just made it through here?

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