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Star Wars Blues

Arrgh! Mark!

First Post
Hey guys, I'm asking for help.

I've had half my players cancel for my normal game due to life issues. (Bodgy life never helped anyone.)

Anyway I went out of my brain and said I'd do a one shot star-wars game with three PCs.

Plot so far -



(DAA. Da da da da. etc.)

PC's were Jedi Padawan that escaped the early purges of the empire of jedi scum by hiding out in an ancient Jedi stronghold underneath the surface of the water planet Chelsus V. In only 3 years the trade federation has claimed, colonised and controlled by the rather balkanised trade federation due to the central location of the planet and it's mineral resources. The solar energy once harvested by the fortress is now cut off by the massive sun shield and the multiple solar collectors on the planet itself, creating an atmosphere habitable by most alien creatures.

The fortress itself holds the Jedi Code - the very last written archives of the Jedi Order.

So, our PC's are forced to blend into the population due to the fact their fortress has no power and they haven't exactly got the power to topple the empire. (6th level - 3 levels in a Jedi class and 3 in another class of their choice to reflect their differences now.)

PC's are troubleshooters, paid extralegal muscle who work for cash. So far they have avoided any serious "Bad" action, only planting evidence against one corp while sabotaging another.

PC's are approached by a Kel Dor of the Blue Wheel Trading Company who wishes the Heaven and Earth trading company to stop stepping on it's toes. As they work, PC's realise both companies are slave traders making money by shipping slaves to nearby Hutt space.

This is all well and good. The actual game however starts when the Executor-class super star destroyer shows up with a contingent of bounty hunters... and Vader.

Could you guys help me to make a decent 5 hour session by thinking of some structure and fun events to spice things up? I have very little experience with Star Wars and am having more difficulty with this than what I normally do creating a game.

If you guys can help, thanks!

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I assume Vader is there for the jedi loot as well as hunting them?

First thing I'd do is set a timeline of events that will happen:

0 hr: SD arrives
2 hr: Bounty Hunters deploy to the planet
3 hr: First of the BHs zeroes in on the PCs
6 hr: Chase scene, between a group of BHs and the PCs
12 hrs: Vader closes down the planet's spaceports and PCs must find a way to escape the blockade. Either highjack a ship, smuggle themselves out, etc...
15 hrs Vader enetrs the fortress.
18 hrs Vader secures the data

At some point the PCs must learn that Vader is after the jedi holocrons or whatever, and must race against time to recover and escape with the info.

I'd stress the fact that they're been hunted at every turn, and t

Arrgh! Mark!

First Post
Thanks chief - but the game already has been and gone.

It went pretty much according to schedule. Lots of steam and spark factories and they never got to directly face Vader in combat, but running from him through a factory of giant cogs is cool enough.

The bit where they attacked a troopship thousands of meters up.. and nuked it's engines was kinda odd. Heroic, but odd.

They assumed they couldn't fight it on the ground.

Voidrunner's Codex

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