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Star Wars: Republic and Empire Characters


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This is the thread for characters for my Star Wars: Republic and Empire infinities game.

OOC Thread
IC thread
Character creation rules recap
- characters are 5th level Star Wars Saga characters, built with a 30 point buy + stat bonuses from 4th level, no droid PCs
- don't roll hit points. Use fixed 3/4 max HP -
d12 - 9
d10 - 7.5 (7 at even levels, 8 at odd levels)
d8 - 6
d6 - 4.5 (4 at even levels, 5 at odd levels)
- all Saga Edition sourcebooks are allowed, though I may disallow things as era-inapproriate on a case by case basis
- characters must be capable of speaking basic
- characters must be active members of the Republic military, or otherwise closely working with them, to the point where they can reasonably be aboard a warship involved in active military operations (members of the New Jedi Order, for example, though serving officers and enlisted personnel can be Jedi)
- although some PCs can be Republic Marines, your character should have a role in starship combat (whether as a pilot, gunner, tactician, or engineer), as at least half of all combat will be starship scale

PCs will open the game serving on the RNS Taelros (a Republic Engineering Corporation Sacheen-class frigate -- slightly modified from the Sacheen-class light escort from the canon timeline), assigned to the Republic's Third Fleet (which has long been Admiral Serrano's personal command).
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Dramatis Personae

Republic Navy

- 3rd Fleet -
RNS Freedom (Kandorian Heavy Industries Freedom-class Battleship)
Fleet Admiral Istara Kandorian Serrano, supreme commander, Republic Navy, and field commander, 3rd Fleet
Rear Admiral Kell Sirali, flag captain, RNS Freedom (Duros)
Rear Admiral Jesmin Ackbar, starfighter master, 3rd Fleet (Mon Calimari)

RNS Taelros (Republic Engineering Corporation Sacheen-class frigate)
Cmdr. Adriav Cyn (Miraluka male), commanding officer
Lt. (senior grade) Ariel Karan (human female, Anaxsi), tactical officer
Lt. (sg) Lynial Gelian (Twi'lek male), starfighter squadron commander
Lt. (jg) Shorhynn, P-Wing pilot (Wookiee male)
Ens. Alix TBA, E-Wing pilot (human/near-human female)
Ens. Mari TBA, E-Wing pilot (human/near-human female)
(8 of the 12 pilots in the squadron are female)

unnamed human male PO, familiar to Rosa, Cmdr. Cyn's steward
Chief Selkin, flight crew for Taelros' fighter wing
unnamed Duros male PO, flight crew for Istara's fighter
unnamed young Twi'lek female spacer, flight crew for Istara's fighter

Lt. Cmdr. Rosa Merridon, first officer
Lt. (sg) Saricia Targon, chief engineer
Lt. (jg) Zenith Khambatta, starfighter pilot
Lt. (jg) Istara Starglow, starfighter pilot
Ens. Khyber Udo, starfighter pilot
Lt. (jg) Storm, gunnery officer
Senior Chief Belloc "Bel" Sinde, gunnery chief

Jedi Order
Master Padme Solo, eldest child of Leia Oragana Solo and Han Solo; a gifted visionary, she became head of the Jedi Order after her mother's death
Master Cilghal, niece of Admiral Ackbar, a gifted healer
Jedi Knight Luke Solo, second child of Leia Oragana Solo and Han Solo; a student of lightsaber combat
Jedi Knight Eryk Serrano, only child of Admiral Serrano, a skilled pilot, and rumored to be Padme Solo's lover
Jensaarai Defender Kelbis Nu, lightsaber instructor at the Jedi Academy (Rodian male)

- other Jedi -
Saricia Targon
Zenith Khambatta
Istara Starglow

Republic Government
Gaven Marinikar, President (human male, from Anaxes)
Menka Erelen, Foreign Minister
Waric Serrano, Minister of War (husband of Adm. Serrano; retired from the Republic Navy)

Corellian Expeditionary Force
CNS Wedge Antilles (Corellian Engineering Corporation Proficient-class Crusiser)
Admiral Kay Starglow, fleet commander, Corellian Expeditionary Force (attached to 3rd Fleet)

Imperial Navy
Grand Admiral Gilad Pellaeon (human male)

Imperial Government
Darth Gaida, Empress (human female)
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He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Storm, Male Cathar Jedi

"There is no passion, there is serenity."

Male Cathar Jedi 4/ Soldier 2
Destiny (Education) 3; Force 8
Init 6; Senses Perception 8
Languages: (Catharise), Basic, Huttese.
Defenses Ref 20 (flatfooted 17), Fort 22, Will 17
Hp 78; Treshold 22
Speed 8
Melee 7
-Claws: +9 1d6+3
-LS: +10 2d8+4
Ranged 9
Base attack 6
str 12, dex 17, con 14, int 12, wis 10, cha 15

Talents: J1: Deflect, J3: Block, S1: Armored Defence,

Feats: St: Force Sensitivity, W. Prof. (Lightsaber, Simple), 1: Skill Focus (UtF),
J2: Weapon Finesse, 3: Weapon Focus (Lightsaber), S1: Armor Prof. (Light),
S2: W. Prof. (Heavy), J4: Double Attack, 6: Force Training

Skills: Stealth 11-2, Perception 8, UtF 15

Powers: Makashi Riposte

Possessions: Lightsaber (Holster), Shoto (Holster), Armored Flightsuit (Licence), Electrobinoculars, Utility Belt, Bandolier, All-temp Cloak, Comlink (Longrange), Stun Grenade x 4, Credit Chip (9000 C on account).
[sblock=Appearance]Storm is a bit short on human standards and especially so on cathars', standing just above 1.6 meters. This due to the scarsity of food when he was growing up. Being of the more humanlike subspecies Storm has just a very short and thin hair covering his body with strong, long mane contrasting it and short sideburns running down his cheeks. This combined to the sharp ears, yellow eyes and small fangs gives him quite a feral appearance. It doesn't help the image that he is much more comfortable in a crouched squat than standing upright, and takes this position in briefings and when he don't need to worry about formalities.

Storm's clothing is an interesting mix of Jedi robes and a flightsuit, having the armored breastplates and thighguards of combat jumpsuit covered with Jedi's traditional elegant robes.

What others might ignore but is instantly noticed by other Jedi is Storm's lightsaber, which is actually built from more or less scrap parts. The casing itself is taken from a swoopbike handle which gives it appearance of being more a piece of junk than an actual weapon. The blueish blade itself has irregular pulses running along it, which makes it even more apparent that it was built with inferior parts. It is a wonder that his master was ever even able to make it work, not to mention being up to par with her own blade.[/sblock]
[sblock=Personality]Storm was raised and trained by a survivor of the Purge on the most isolated little town on Nal Hutta. As such he was unaware of the reforming of Jedi Order until he left the planet after the death of his master.

Storm is very strict about following the Jedi Code that his master teached him and finds the ways of the New Order to be too lenient. But he does respect the Masters for what they are. Being a Cathar there is a natural passion in Storm which he strains to keep in check, only letting the hints of it to show when he fights.

Being not very strong on the Force itself, Storm is however extremely skilled at Lightsaber combat and his fast reflexes make him quite adept at shooting a gun also. After joining the navy he has taken the time to learn the operation of Starship Weaponry also.[/sblock]
[sblock=Extended Background]There were survivors of the Purge. Jedi were a cunning breed behind all their serenity and Savin Brock was a survivor. In the decades after the Purge she hid among the scum of Nal Hutta's darkest deeps, hidden from the Empire, and isolated from even the most worldshaking news. Why she took the young Cathar under her wings was a mystery for even her. Maybe she had grown lonely and longed for the days of the Jedi order. Maybe she felt that it was her duty to keep the teachings of the Jedi alive. She was growing old afterall, and as far as she knew, she was the last of the Order. Maybe others had hidden as she had, but she could not count on that. And so, as she found the orphaned child, crying on his mother's body, she felt the need for a padawan.

It wasn't easy growing on the capital of Hutt Space. But somehow Savin managed to keep the child from showing off his prowess while getting into the inevitable fights. It was perhaps a blessing that the boy wasn't very strong in the Force for he could have wrought havok growing up. He had the temperament of a thunderstorm, and as a joke, Savin started to call the boy " Little Storm".

But as time flowed past the boy grew on the teachings of the old woman. He took the tenants of the Order as his own, and though he became a fiersome storm with the blade, he never raised it in anger.

Then Savin passed on. She died peacefully knowing that the ways of the Jedi lived on.

Storm felt a need to get out of Nal Hutta. The tales Savin told of ages past drove him to see the universe himself and he was surpriced to find a Galaxy where the Jedi Order was growing again. He sought out the center of this New Order and presented himself to the Masters. They greeted him with mixed feelings. On one hand he was a Jedi, one with knowledge that was thought to be forever lost, on the other hand, he followed a code that was in many ways different to the New Order, and in some ways even very drastically. They didn't want him on the Academy, but they could not either dismiss him altogether. So he was asked to join the Republic Military, to serve with Jedi who could teach him the proper ways without risking the initiates to his misguided "herecy".[/sblock]
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Guest 11456

Saricia Targon, Female Devaronian Scoundrel

[sblock=Sheet]Name: Saricia Targon
Species: Devaronian
Class: Scoundrel 5

Gender: Female
Age: 25
Height: 1.63 meters
Weight: 75 kg
Hair: White
Eyes: Black

Known Languages: Basic, Devaronese, Binary, Bocce, Durese, Rodese, Ryl

Strength: 11 (+0) [2 points, +1 level]
Dexterity: 12 (+1) [6 points, -2 race]
Constitution: 14 (+2) [6 points]
Intelligence: 21 (+5) [16 points, +2 race, +1 level]
Wisdom: 10 (+0) [0 points, +2 race]
Charisma: 8 (-1) [0 points]

Hit Points: 46 [18+10+4+5+4+5]
Threshhold: 18
Force Points: 7

Fort Defense: +18 [+5 level, +2 Con, +1 misc]
Reflex Defense: +19 [+5 level, +2 class, +1 Dex, +1 misc]
Will Defense: +17 [+5 level, +1 class, +0 Wis, +1 misc]

Base Attack Bonus: +3
Melee Attack Bonus: +3
Ranged Attack Bonus: +4

[level 1] Personalized Modifications {SotG}
[level 3] Quick Fix {SotG}
[level 5] Fast Repairs {SotG}

Note: The curly brackets {} denote a source other then SWSE.

[starting] Point Blank Shot
[starting] Weapon Proficiency (pistols)
[starting] Weapon Proficiency (simple weapons)
[bonus] Skill Focus (deception)
[level 1] Strong in the Force
[scoundrel 2] Tech Specialist {SotG}
[level 3] Improved Defenses
[scoundrel 4] Skill Focus (mechanics)

Acrobatics +8 [+1 Dex]
Deception +11 [-1 Cha, +5 Skill Focus]
Initiative +8 [+1 Dex]
Knowledge (technology) +12 [+5 Int]
Mechanics +17 [+5 Int, +5 Skill Focus]
Perception +7 [+0 Wis]
Pilot +8 [+1 Dex]
Stealth +8 [+1 Dex]
Use Computer +12 [+5 Int]

Mastercraft Portable Computer (6000cr, 2kg)
Mastercraft Tool Kit (1250cr, 1kg)
Mastercraft Security Kit (1750cr, 1kg)
Miniaturized Long-range Comlink with Encryption (5000cr, 0.1kg)
Pocket Scrambler (400cr, 0.5 kg)
Credit Chip (100cr, 0.1 kg)
The following are in various stages of disassembly:
4 Short-ranged comlinks (100cr, 0.4 kg)
2 Credit Chips (200cr, 0.2kg)
Power Recharger (100cr, 1kg)
Basic Datapad (100cr, 0.3kg)
Total (15,000cr, 6.6kg)
[sblock=Personality]Although Saricia is a capable marksman, she is just as likely to take her gun apart in the middle of a fire fight to see if she can improve it. She usually has several of the same type of technology with her at once. But it is difficult to find any of it that is not in pieces while she tries to tweak them to better operation.[/sblock]
[sblock=Background]Saricia lived her first 20 years of life on Devaron. Her older sister and mother were quite content to serve in various roles in the government. However, unlike most female devaronians, she longed to travel the stars like her father and most recently her younger brother. Saricia is the middle child of three children of Vilmarh and Jubal Targon. From an early age she has always been fascinated with all types of technology. She was always getting in trouble with her mother for taking apart various house electronics to 'see how they work'. Five years ago, members from the new Jedi academy arrived seeking out one who was strong in the force. Sarcia turned out to be the one they sought. While Sarcia had no interest in pursuing the force, she saw this as her ticket out. Since that time she had found that the academy was not much better then her home on Devaron. But it was different and there were so many new gadgets to take apart and 'see how they work'. Unfortunately for her instructors Saricia had been a problem. While she was obviously strong in the force she just couldn't quite learn even the most rudimentary of force techniques. After only a year in the academy the instructors suggested that she take a break from her force training. That is when she joined the Republic Navy in the engineering corps. This was what she had been looking for and due to her natural gifts she soon was rising quickly through the ranks.[/sblock]
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First Post
[sblock]Rosa Merridon

Medium Human Noble 3/Scoundrel 3
Destiny: 4, FP: 6
Init +10; Senses Perception +9
Languages Basic, Huttese, Old Galactic, Shyriiwook, Bothese

Defenses Ref 20 (flat-footed 18), Fort 18, Will 18;
hp 47; Threshold 18

Speed 6 squares
Ranged Blaster pistol +5, damage 3d6+3
Base Atk +3; Grp +3
Special Actions Dodge, Point Blank Shot,

Abilities Str 10, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 13, Cha 12
Feats Bad Feeling (UNL 32), Dodge, Linguist, Point Blank Shot, Quick Draw, Skill Focus (Deception), Vehicular Combat, Weapon Proficiencies (pistols, simple, heavy)
Skills Deception +14, Gather Information +9, Initiative +10, Knowledge (tactics) +11, Knowledge (Galactic Lore) +11, Knowledge (Bureacracy) +11, Perception +9, Persuasion +8, Pilot +8, Use Computer +11
Talents: Coordinate, Born Leader, Hyperdriven, Retribution (CW 24)
Possessions Datapad, long-range comlink, blaster pistol, New Republic military uniform, various civilian clothing. [/sblock]

Level-up changes
*+1 to all skills, defenses and damage bonuses due to leveling up to an even-numbered level
*+1 to BAB and attacks due to taking an additional level in Scoundrel
*Added HP for leveling
*Took the Retribution talent from the Clone Wars Campaign Guide (pg. 24)

Mistake Fixes
*Added Bad Feeling and Quick Draw to feat list

Rosa Merridon, female Human Noble 3/Scoundrel 3

The daughter of a Jedi that survived Order 66 and an ordinary woman, Rosa has lived her life in defiance of the Empire. Despite the death of the Emperor and Darth Vader when she was only eight, the rebellion still continued to struggle, bringing her and her brother into service where--if things had been different--they wouldn't have.

Fourteen years after the battle of Yavin, Rosa began her service, helping coordinate small missions for the New Republic, but doing some intelligence work for them as well. In the decade that has followed that, she has made little real progress up the structural ladder, and constantly thrives to prove herself as just as accomplished as her father and brother were.
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First Post
Name: Zenith Khambatta
Profession: Jedi Fighter Pilot
Destiny: Force Points: 8
Medium Human Scout 1 / Jedi 5
Init: +11; Perception: +16
Languages: Basic
[sblock=Crude Mechanical Details]Defenses: Fort +17 Ref +22 Will +20
Hit Points: 61 ; Threshold
Spd 6 squares (walking)
Melee +8 lightsaber 2d8+1, unarmed 1d6+2
Ranged +8 hvy blaster rifle 3d10+2, blaster pistol/carbine 3d8+2
Base Attack +5; Grapple +4
Abilities Str 8, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 16, Chr 16
-Evasion (Area attacks do 1/2 damage on hit, no damage on miss)
-Force Focus (Full round action make Use the Force check (DC 15) to regain spent Force Power)
-Force Pilot (Make Use the Force Check in any situation a Pilot check would be used, considered trained in Pilot)
-Force Perception

WP Pistols
WP Rifles
WP Simple
WP Lightsabers
1 Force Sensitive
h Force Training
b Weapon Finesse
3 Vehicle Combat
b Skill Focus: Use The Force

Climb +7
Initiative +11
Perception (Force Perception) +16
Pilot (Force Pilot) +16
Stealth +11
Survival +11
Use The Force +16

Force Powers: Mind Trick, Move Object, Negate Energy, Surge
Force Techniques: None

Cash: 2500
Lightsaber, 3000cr
Combat Gloves, 250cr
Heavy Blaster Pistol, 750cr
Blaster Carbine, 900cr
Heavy Blaster Rifle, 2000cr
Ion Grenades x2, 500cr
Stun Grenades x2, 500cr

Long range wristcom, 500cr
Code cylinder (New Republic Naval Officer data), 500cr
Electrobinoculars, 1000cr
Holorecorder, 100cr
Flight Suit, 1000cr
Field Kit, 1000cr
Utility Belt, 500cr

Height: 1.55m
Weight: 52kg
Hair: Wild orange
Eyes: Sky blue

Appearance: Zenith Khambatta is at first glance anything but what most people expect from a Jedi. She has tanned skin with a tribal tattoo over her left cheek and an untamed mop of bright orange hair that's in perpetual disarray. More often than not she has a wide, reckless grin and her natural gait seems somewhere between a jog and a saunter. She dresses in eclectic, unmatched garments that look more like 'whatever I grabbed first' than any kind of planned ensemble.

Personality: Despite the primal disorganization Zenith seems to exude, she is a surprisingly effective and disciplined person when the chips are down. She gives respect strictly by merit rather than title, which has limited the speed of her rise in ranks, but she has little use for such things anyway. Many aspects of the Jedi lifestyle come naturally to her. Zenith has little personal desire for material wealth or possessions, is slow to form deep emotional ties, and has a powerful reverence for the overall concept of life, ecology and the balance of systems that all ties into her natural affinity for the Force...which is quite strong. In other ways, she is incorrigible; refuting the peace and serenity of the Jedi for her own simple, hyperkinetic joy in simply being alive. So far at least, her apparently indefatigable optimism and confidence have been sufficient bulwark against the temptations of the Dark Side despite her embrace of potentially dangerous passions.

Background: Zenith was born on Rachnus, a rural backwater world that is technically in the territory of both the Old and New Republics, but is far from the center of things and farther still from the ravages of politics. Though there is a small spaceport and some technology, the people of Rachnus are divided between those in the city around the port, and those who had long ago moved out into the wild lands and rainforests of the world and taken on more primitive tribal lifestyles. For the most part, these two population groups get along fairly well, with the tribal folk trading food and furs for manufactured goods and offworld technology.

From very young, Zenith felt the Force, though she didn't know what it was or what it could do. She was a hunter and explorer in her tribe. From the first time she was permitted to take the tribe's hard-bought speeder out for a spin, she was hooked on the speed, on the adrenalin. Though her powers in the Force marked her as a potential for shamanic training, destiny had other plans for her.

Leia Solo came to Rachnus, following rumors of mystic shamans that lived in the jungles and had strange powers over men and beasts. As fate would have it Zenith was at the port at the time, running trading goods to the markets there. She felt the ripples in the Force that Zenith caused as she flew the speeder by instinct, and knew what it meant. When Leia left, Zenith left with her...and for the first time saw the Galaxy as it truly was.

Since then, she's never looked back. Zenith doesn't really -understand- technology much, nor does she feel a need to delve deeply into the workings of things. As long as she understands the -use- of them, that's enough. Her skill in piloting, further trained and augmented by her time in the new Academy, has grown considerably and shows no sign of slowing down.
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First Post
RNS Taelros

[sblock=RNS Taelros]
Republic Engineering Corporation Sacheen-B-class frigate

Stats TBA

[sblock=Cmdr. Adriav Cyn]
(Miraluka male), commanding officer
Noble 3/Soldier 4/Officer 1

One of the few Miraluka in the Republic Navy, Cmdr. Cyn is...

[sblock=Lt. (senior grade) Ariel Karan]
(human female, Anaxsi), tactical officer
Noble 6

Born to a family that rivals the Kandorians in wealth and power, Ariel Karan idolized another product of the same culture -- Fleet Admiral Serrano -- from a very young age, and has always wanted to be a fleet commander. She's more than a little arrogant and self-centered, but she's also an excellent tactician.

[sblock=Lt. (senior grade) Lynial Gelian]
(Twi'lek male), Starfighter squadron commander
Scoundrel 7

A former pod-racer from a planet in Hutt Space, joined the Republic Navy one step ahead of bounty hunters hired by Wirtala the Hutt. He was recommended for officer training soon after that, and has become an excellent pilot and squadron commander. He's older than almost everyone of similar rank in the Republic Navy due to his late start.
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First Post
Name: Istara “Wildcard” Starglow
Race: Human
Age: 20
Height: 1.73 m. /5ft., 6 in.
Weight: 58.1 kg. /122 lbs.
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brown

Class/Level: Medium Human Scoundrel 2/Jedi 4
Force Points: 8/8, Destiny Points: 4
Destiny: Champion (Wildcard Squadron)
Initiative: +11, Senses Perception: +15(10)
Languages: Basic, Huttese, Shyriiwook
Defenses: Ref 21 (18 Flatfooted), Fort 18(17), Will 19
hp 52; Threshold 18(17)
Speed 6 squares
Melee: +8 Lightsaber (2d8+2)
Ranged: +8(+9) Blaster Pistol (3d6+8(+10), Autofire, stun, energy) or
Ranged: +8(+9) Grenade (4d6+3(+4), Stun or Frag.)
Base Attack +5; Grp +4
Abilities: STR 8(-1), Dex 16(+3)*, Con 10(0), Int 14(+2), Wis 14 (+2), Cha 16 (+3)*
Talents: Fool’s Luck, Force Pilot, Deflect
Force Powers: Battle Strike, Drain Energy, Force Slam, Ionize, Mind Trick, Move Object, Pass The Blade, Rebuke, Surge
Feats: Weapon Proficiency (Simple, Pistols, Lightsabers), Force Sensitive (1st), Force Training (Human), Point Blank Shot (Scoundrel), Vehicular Combat (Scoundrel 2), Force Training (3rd), Skill Focus (Use the Force) (Jedi 2), Force Training (6th), Weapon Finesse (Jedi 4)
Skills: Deception +11, Initiative +11, Knowledge (Galactic Lore) +10, Persuasion +11, Perception +15(+10), Stealth +11, Use the Force +16
Possessions: 1,275 credits (13 / 16kg)
Flight Suit w/Weapon Mount and Superior Helmet Package Mod. (3kg, 5900 credits), Blaster Pistol w/Rapid Recycler and Superior Damage Mod. (1kg, 5000), Lightsaber (1kg), Utility Belt (4kg, 500), Bandolier (1kg, 100), Frag Grenades x3 (1.5kg, 600), Stun Grenades x2 (.5kg, 500), Holster (.5kg, 25), Field Kit (10kg – stored in fighter, 1000), Power Recharger (1kg – stored in fighter, 100 credits)

Growing up is hard enough for a free spirited kid, growing up during a war is even more so. Growing up with a mother who used to be an Intelligence Officer able to see through just about everything you say, named after a friend of your mother’s who the entirety of the Galaxy know and respect if not idolize, well that is another thing entirely.

Istara Starglow is the daughter of Admiral Kay Starglow, the leader of the Corellian Expeditionary Force currently attached to the 3rd New Republic Fleet. While her mother grew up steeped in law and order with service to Corellia stressed and expected, Istara the spitting image of a brash Corellian pilot, unconcerned with odds, right or wrong, or really anything except for fun and excitement. It was a rebellion against the expectations that she would do great things following in the footsteps of her mother and godmother. She’d stay out late, participate in highly dangerous swoop races, and various other illicit things. About the most exciting thing she could think of to do was being a combat pilot, there you lived and died on instinct, nerve, and gut feelings. She cleaned up her act…moderately, to look good enough to get into the Academy when she was old enough, and started to do a lot of simming with various craft preparing to earn a pilot’s license.

During a diplomatic visit from her namesake to discuss some common problem for Corellia and the Republic Istara was introduced to Padme Solo by Eryk Serrano and the pair of them encouraged her to join the Jedi Academy. Istara spent just three and a half years at the academy, and for the last year more time was spent away than was spent there, once she decided that what she was being taught wasn’t what she actually wanted to learn, or needed to learn. It was at the academy that she earned the name of Wildcard for her propensity for gambling and always seeming to draw just the right card. Her propensity for gambling was what led to her early graduation when she bet Padme an extra six months of apprenticeship against graduating six months early. In any event after graduation Istara joined the Corellian Navy Starfighter Corps. and was immediately transferred to the Republic Third Fleet as part of an exchange that would stop her from serving directly under her mother’s command. She has been assigned to the RNS Taelros, and is ironically serving under the daughter of another of her mother’s old comrades from the Rebellion.


Scoundrel 2/ Jedi 6
Retrained 2nd Battle-Strike Force Power to Pass The Blade
Took Force Training (6th Level) - Drain Energy, Force Slam, Rebuke
Took Weapon Finesse (Jedi 4th)
Skills Increase +1
Defenses Increase +1


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First Post
Starships of the Era

New Republic Navy

Mon Calimari Viscount-class Star Defender (slightly modified from its configuration in Starships of the Galaxy due to the proton missile project); the Republic doesn't have many of them, because Admiral Serrano doesn't approve of the project, but since construction of the first few was pretty far along before Admiral Serrano became Fleet Admiral, a small number were built
Kandorian Heavy Industries Freedom-class Battleship (new design; somewhat smaller than any Super Star Destroyer/Star Dreadnaught/Star Defender class, but larger than any Star Destroyer)
Mon Calimari MC90-class Cruiser (doesn't appear in SotG, but exists in canon; in this timeline they're slightly different, again due to the proton missile project)
Kandorian Heavy Industries Alderaan-class Light Cruiser (new design)
Republic Enginnering Corp Sacheen-class Frigate (slightly modified, again, due to the proton missile project)
[sblock=Republic Engineering Corp Sacheen-B class Frigate]
Republic Engineering Corp Sacheen-B class Frigate CL 16
Colossal(frigate) capital ship
Init -2; Senses Perception +6
Defense Ref 15 (flat-footed 12), Fort 35; +12 armor, Vehicular Combat
hp 800; DR 15; SR 125; Threshold 135
Speed fly 3 squares (starship scale)
Ranged proton missile battery +12* (see below) and
Ranged 1 turbolaser battery +14* (see below) and
Ranged 2 point-defense laser cannon batteries +12 (see below) and
Ranged 1 tractor beams +6 (see below)
Fighting Space 1 square (starship scale)
Base Atk +2; Grp +47
Attack Options autofire (laser cannons)
Abilities Str 60, Dex 16, Con –, Int 18
Skills Initiative -2, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot -2
Crew 220 (skilled), Passengers 75 (marines)
Cargo 3,000 tons; Consumables 1 year; Carried Craft 12 fighters
Hyperdrive x.9 (backup x10), navicomputer
Availability Military, Cost Not available for sale

Proton missile battery (4 gunners)
Atk +12 (-8 against targets smaller than Colossal), Dmg 10d10x5
Turbolaser battery (5 gunners)
Atk +14 (-6 against targets smaller than Colossal), Dmg 4d10x5
Point-defense laser cannon battery (4 gunners)
Atk +12, Dmg 2d10x2
Tractor beam (gunner)
Atk +6 (-16 against targets smaller than Colossal),
Dmg -- (grapple +47)

While the first-generation Sacheen class was the Republic's initial proton missile frigate, it was originally designed as a turbolaser-based ship; it was late in the design phase before the Republic decided to commit to the proton missile project. The Sacheen-B drops one turbolaser battery and removes the ion cannon battery in order to make room for another pair of proton missile launchers and their missiles.[/sblock]
Koensayr Manufacturing P-Wing Starfighter (new design; basically the successor to the B-wing; it was developed instead of the K-wing, and is basically a starfighter wrapped around a proton missile launcher and a storage bay for 16 proton missiles)
[sblock=Koensayr Manufacturing BTL-B51 P-wing]Koensayr Manufacturing BTL-B51 P-wing CL 12
Gargantuan starfighter
Init +10; Senses Perception +6
Defense Ref 18 (flat-footed 13), Fort 28; +8 armor, Vehicular Combat
hp 160; DR 10; SR 30; Threshold 48
Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 1,000 hm/h), fly 4 squares (starship scale)
Ranged proton missiles +7* (see below) and
Ranged quad laser cannon +7* (see below) and
Ranged laser cannons +7
Fighting Space 4x4 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover total
Base Atk +2; Grp +35
Attack Options autofire (laser cannons, quad laser cannon)
Abilities Str 46, Dex 20, Con –, Int 20
Skills Initiative +6, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot +6, Use Computer +6
Crew 3 (skilled), Passengers none
Cargo 300 kg; Consumables 1 day; Carried Craft none
Hyperdrive none
Payload 16 proton missiles
Availability Military, Cost 265,000

Proton missiles (gunner)
Atk +7 Dmg 10d10x2
Quad laser cannon (gunner)
Atk +7 (+2 autofire) Dmg 6d10x2
Laser cannons (pilot)
Atk +7 (+2 autofire) Dmg 4d10x2

Koensayr suprised a great many observers when they won the Republic's design competition for a proton missile fighter with the P-wing. Although the P-wing's proton missiles don't carry warheads as heavy as capital ship proton missiles, they have the same tremendous range.[/sblock]

FreiTek E-Wing Stafighter, Type B (while the canon New Republic considered the E-Wing too expensive for its mainline fighters, the New Republic of this timeline does not)

Corellian Space Navy
(all ships manufactured by Corellian Engineering Corporation)

Proficient-class heavy cruiser
TBA light cruiser class
TBA frigate class
Corellian attack fighter

Imperial Navy
TBA Super Star Destroyer Class
Imperial III class Star Destroyer
TBA 'small' Star Destroyer class
[sblock=Nebulon C Frigate]
Kuat Drive Yards Nebulon-C Frigate CL 16
Colossal(frigate) capital ship
Init -2; Senses Perception +6
Defense Ref 14 (flat-footed 12), Fort 37; +12 armor, Vehicular Combat
hp 750; DR 15; SR 100; Threshold 137
Speed fly 3 squares (starship scale)
Ranged 1 proton missile battery +6* (see below) and
Ranged 2 turbolaser batteries +14* (see below) and
Ranged 2 point-defense laser cannon batteries +14 (see below) and
Ranged 2 tractor beams +4 (see below)
Fighting Space 1 square (starship scale)
Base Atk +2; Grp +49
Attack Options autofire (laser cannons)
Abilities Str 64, Dex 14, Con –, Int 14
Skills Initiative -2, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot -2
Crew 820 (skilled), Passengers 75 (troops)
Cargo 6,000 tons; Consumables 2 years; Carried Craft 12 fighters
Hyperdrive x1.75 (backup x10), navicomputer
Availability Military, Cost Not available for sale

Proton missile battery (2 gunners)
Atk +6 (-6 against targets smaller than Colossal), Dmg 9d10x5
Turbolaser battery (6 gunners)
Atk +14 (-6 against targets smaller than Colossal), Dmg 4d10x5
Point-defense laser cannon battery (6 gunners)
Atk +14, Dmg 2d10x2
Tractor beam (gunner)
Atk +4 (-16 against targets smaller than Colossal),
Dmg -- (grapple +49)

The Nebulon C frigate is the Imperial answer to the Republic's Sacheen class, incorporating upgraded defenses, an improved hyperdrive, and replacing one of the two fighter squadrons with a pair of proton missile launchers and their ammunition supplies.

TIE Advanced (space superiority fighter)
TIE Interceptor
Scimitar Assault Bomber
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Starship Manufacturers

New Republic

Mon Calimari Engineering Corporation

The Mon Calimari provided the Rebellion's first capital ships by converting civillian designs, but one of their current purely military designs -- the MC90 Heavy Cruiser -- is a mainstay of the Republic fleet, and the Viscount-class Star Defender is kept in limitted production, both because it's excellent in a defensive role and because technological changes might favor giant starships again and it seems likely it would be easier to refit a ship that big to use whatever new weapons arise than to build them from scratch.

Kandorian Heavy Industries

A manufacturer of missiles, torpedoes, and energy weapons before the battle of Endor, KHI moved into capital ship construction as part of the delicate dance that brought Anaxes into the Republic -- and because KHI's engineers believed the MC90 redesign didn't fully embrace the proton missile concept. The company has grown rapidly since Anaxes joined the Republic, even acquiring the venerable Rendili StarDrive corporation; today they are the second-largest starship manufacturer in the Republic.

They build the Freedom class battleships and the Alderaan class light cruisers -- both of which are the most unambiguously proton missile heavy designs; they have limitted (for their size) numbers of heavy energy weapons. They have maintained their component business as well; a large percentage of the proton missiles -- and their launchers -- used in the Republic are still built by KHI.

Republic Enginnering Corp

Republic Engineering Corporation is an amalgration of smaller local starship manufacturers that banded together in the early days of the Republic that has become the galaxy's largest starship manufacturer. For the most part, REC serves a second source for warships, building other companies designs under contract (they build at least some of every Republic warship except the Viscount-class Star Defenders). However, they have some designs of their own. They've mostly targetted the civillian market or to local defense fleets with their own designs, but the Sacheen-class frigate has been a useful part of the Republic's order of battle.

FreiTek Inc.

Formed by refugees from the Incom X-Wing design team that fled the Empire, FrieTek has become the leading designer of fighters for the Republic (their manufacturing capability is limitted, so most of the production of E-Wing fighters is actually done by REC under contract). They have managed to rescue some other fighter designers and design teams from Incom and other Imperial manufacturers; with the design talent on-hand, most investors are expecting something spectacular from the successsor to the E-Wing, but no one knows when it will be seen.

Koensayr Manufacturing

The makers of the venerable Y-Wing fighter surprised many by beating out FreiTek, KHI, and Slayn & Korpil (makers of the B-Wing) in the competition to design a proton missile-based bomber craft. But although E-Wing pilots tend to consider the P-Wing sluggish and slow, it was clearly faster and more manueverable than the competing designs and maintained a similar level of firepower and missile capacity.

Galactic Empire

Seinar Fleet Systems

Manufacturers of the infamous TIE series of fighter craft, Seinar continues to produce inexpensive yet fast and manueverable fighters. The TIE Interceptor has replaced the venerable classic TIE Fighter as the standard Imperial fighter craft, while new bomber and space superiority fighters have been developed.

Kuat Drive Yards

The Empire's leading capital ship maker -- especially after Rendili fell to the Republic -- has been at the forefront of Imperial efforts to reproduce Admiral Serrano's proton missile project. To date, their greatest success has been the Imperial III Star Destroyer, which is becoming the Empire's primary heavy cruiser, though other designs are in the works, and both frigates and Super Star Destroyers with proton missile capacity have been seen in limitted numbers.

Incom Corporation

Incom, with its home world still controlled by the Empire and many of its design teams defecting to the Republic, has fallen on hard times over the last few decades. There are some rumors that Incom's designers may be behind the Empire's new space superiority fighter, but their local manufacturing facilities were destroyed in a Republic raid.


Corellian Engineering Corporation

Although better known historically for civillian craft, CEC went into military construction in a big way when Corellia elected not to join the fledgling New Republic, and Corellia needed to build its own navy. Although it doesn't make anything as large and powerful as a Super Star Destroyer or another battleship or dreadnought, the Proficient class Heavy Cruiser is capable of holding its own with the MC90 and the Imperial III, and its smaller ships fare well as well -- although some of the reasons for this are tech transfers from the Republic that were part of securing Corellia's formal alliance.
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