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Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi (Character Thread)

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First Post
Anariel Tyri
Human Female Jedi Consular 7 // Jedi Master 1

Anariel's grasp of the Force is very well-rounded...while she does not excel in any one area of control over the Force, neither is she particularly lacking in any area. Her Jedi trainers found this development of her skill to be a good thing, as it showed that she truly understood the aspects of balance.

Although dedicated to her studies, Anariel can be a bit flighty and carefree. She has a tendency to act impulsively, often before thinking things through completely. It is this aspect of her personality that she has resolved to better.

Her training ended with the successful capture of a group of space pirates (and their Force sensitive leader). Upon completion of this task, Master Thy'Wen decided that she was ready for knighthood; she faced and passed the Jedi Trials, and was awarded the rank of Jedi Knight.

Shortly thereafter, she found herself on a relief mission to the planet Gamlus, which had been suffering raids by unknown marauders. Their foe turned out to be some sort of armored warriors, with powerful weapon systems and ships. While her team suffered some casualties during the mission, they were successful in defeating the raiders, and even capturing the enemy ship for further study by the Jedi Council and the Republic.

Upon returning to Coruscant, Anariel has been assigned yet another mission. An assassination attempt had been made against the Jedi Master, Sidrona Diath, who was running for the office of Supreme Chancellor. While the assassination failed, Master Diath requested a team of Jedi be assigned to investigate the matter, and Anariel was chosen as part of that team...

Anariel is a slender young woman of twenty years, standing just over 1.7 meters in height. She wears her long dark hair in multiple braids or securely fashioned in an 'up-do', and she has almond shaped eyes the color of cold, grey stone. Her skin tone is fair, and set off by her dark hair and eyes, giving her something of an exotic look.

Str 10 +0 (2 points)
Dex 14 +2 (6 points)
Con 14 +2 (6 points)
Int 14 +2 (6 points)
Wis 16 +3 (6 points, +2 level increases)
Cha 14 +2 (6 points)

Initiative: +2
Defense: 19 or 21 (10 base + 2 dex + 7 class / +2 when wielding Lightsaber)
Speed: 10 meters
VP: 68 (30 + 14 + 8 + 16 CON)
WP: 14
Reputation: +3
Force Points: 9
Dark Side Points: 1

BAB: +6
- Melee +6/+1
--- Lightsaber +9/+4 (3d8/19-20), constructed
- Ranged +8/+3
--- Caliban "X" +8/+3 (3d8+3 or DC18, range 6m)

- Fortitude +8 (6 base + 2 con)
- Reflex +7 (5 base + 2 dex)
- Will +10 (7 base + 3 wis)

- Basic, speak and read/write
- Droid, comprehension
- Rodese, speak

Skills: 2 to spend
- Computer Use +15 (11 ranks, +2 int, +2 equipment)
- Diplomacy +8 (6 ranks, +2 cha)
- Gather Information +5 (3 ranks, +2 cha)
- Pilot +8 (6 ranks, +2 dex)
- Sense Motive +10 (7 ranks, +3 wis)

Force Skills:
- Affect Mind +10 (8 ranks, +2 cha)
- Battlemind +7 (5 ranks, +2 con)
- Empathy +5 (2 ranks, +3 cha)
- Enhance Ability +4 (2 ranks, +2 con)
- Enhance Senses +7 (4 ranks, +3 wis)
- Far Seeing +5 (2 ranks, +3 wis)
- Force Defense +6 (4 ranks, +2 cha)
- Force Strike +10 (8 ranks, +2 int)
- Friendship +4 (2 ranks, +2 cha)
- Heal Self +10 (8 ranks, +2 cha)
- Move Object +10 (8 ranks, +2 int)
- See Force +9 (6 ranks, +3 wis)
- Telepathy +8 (5 ranks, +3 wis)

- Alter Force
- Control Force
- Sense Force
- Exotic Weapon Proficienty: Lightsaber
- Force Sensitive
- Weapon Group Proficiency: Blaster Pistols
- Weapon Group Proficiency: Simple Weapons
- Weapon Finesse
- Lightsaber Defense
- Heroic Surge
- Combat Expertise
- +1 feat (6th level)
- Force Mastery (Jedi Knight)

Class Features:
- Starting Feats (above)
- Equipment (lightsaber)
- Force Training (above)
- Deflect: Defense +1
- Deflect: Attack -4
- Bonus Feat (above)
- Deflect: Extend Defense and Attack
- Increased Lightsaber Damage (3d8)
- Jedi Knight
- Force Secret (Battlemind Bonus Increase +1)

- Lightsaber, constructed (1000cr)
- Caliban Model X Heavy Blaster Pistol (975cr, 1.7kg)
- Clothing
- All temperature cloak
- Aquata breather
- Comlink
- Datapad
- Glowrod
- Grappling spike launcher
- 2815cr
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He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Still need to pick feats


Lorem Rūt

Male Neti Jedi Consular
Init 0; Senses Listen +3, Spot +3
Languages Read/Write/Speak Basic & Neti; Speak Caamasi & Ithorian
Defense M:16 / L:15 / H:14, touch M:10 / L:9 / H:8, flat-footed M:16 / L:15 / H:14
Wound points M&L:14 / H:28
Vitality points 51
Force points 9
Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +8
Spd 10 meters
Melee lightsaber M:+6 / L:+5 / H:+4 (3d8)
Ranged +5
Base Atk +5; Grp M:+5 / L:+9 / H:+13
Abilities Str 10, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 20, Wis 16, Chr 9
Feats Combat Expertise, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (lightsaber), Weapon Group
Proficiency (blaster pistols), Weapon Group Proficiency (simple weapons), Perfect Memory
Force Feats Alter, Control, Force-Sensitive, Kinetic Might, Sense
Skills Computer Use +8, Knowledge (Alien species) +8, Knowledge (History) +14,
Knowledge (Jedi lore) +10, Knowledge (Wilderness lore) +9, Knowledge (World lore) +8,
Repair +6, Treat Injury +7
Force Skills Battlemind +7, Enhance Senses +7, Farseeing +12, Force Light +11,
Force Strike +10, Heal Another +13, Heal Self (Cha) +9, Move Object +17, Plant Surge +8,
See Force +12
Class feature Deflect (defense +1), Deflect (attack -4), Deflect (extend defense and attack)
Species Traits Variable Size, Metamorph, Photosynthesis, Camouflage
Possessions Dual-phase lightsaber (white), Orb (Diminutive hovering 4º training/lighting droid),
Jedi utility belt (canteen, medpac, tool kit, power pack, energy cell, glow rod, comlink,
Aquata breather, pouches), datapad, datacards (alien species, history, Jedi lore, world lore,
5 blank), medical kit, 100 credits
Experience 10,000
Height 2 meters – 9.5 meters

[sblock=Background]Left seeded in the lush rainforest of the planet Ithor untold centuries ago by unknown parents, Lorem Rūt first germinated and grew into sentience amongst a grove of semi-sentient Baffor trees. Under their serene tutelage the young sprout spent his first few decades absorbing light, water and woodland lore. When he became ambulatory, as well as curious, the telepathic flora of the forest guided Lorem to a nearby circle of Ithorian nature priests who soon identified the odd sentient plant for the creature he was. Over the following decade, the peaceful and contemplative priests made offworld inquiries on behalf of their mysterious charge, contacting the neti homeworld of Ryyk. Within a few years the Ithorians and Neti had made arrangements for Lorem to rejoin his people on Ryyk. Before he could undertake the journey however the distant planet, along with most of his species, was tragically destroyed when the system's star went supernova.

Fortunately, a Jedi Master known as Ood Bnar survived the planet's destruction as he was on Ossus teaching Padawan learners. The elder Neti journeyed to Ithor anxious to be reunited with one of the few surviving members of his species. So it was that Lorem Rūt met his first fellow Neti as well as Jedi. Joining Ood Bnar on Ossus, the naturally force-sensitive young Neti was indoctrinated into the Jedi order. Eventually he was paired with a Caamasi Jedi Master named Mikos Thy'Wen as his first Padawan learner. Together they traveled to the temperate world of Selvernos to study in relative seclusion. Later Lorem was joined by other Padawans as his master accepted more followers.[/sblock][Sblock=Orb]

Thug 4
Diminutive hovering 4º training/lighting droid
Init +2 (Dex); Defense 18 (+2 Dex, +4 size, +2 class); DR 0;
Spd fly 16 m (perfect); VP/WP –/4 (includes Toughness feat); Atk +10 ranged (special
blaster array; low 1d3-1, med 1d2 or high 1d3; 4 meters); SV Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +2;
SZ D; Face/Reach 0.25 m by 0.25 m/0 m; Rep +1; Str 2, Dex 14, Con 4, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6.
Equipment: Blaster array, motion sensors, fusion lantern, rust inhibitor
Skills: Spot 7 ranks (+8).
Feats: Ambidexterity, Dodge, Multishot, Toughness,
Weapon Group Proficiencies (blaster pistols, simple weapons).
Cost: 1570 credits
Orb is a diminutive spherical hovering droid built around a training remote's frame but
augmented with a fusion lantern's power-core and emitters. To make room within its
chassis for the extra components, the training remote's standard signal receptor has been
removed and its program modified to respond to a neti's voluntary foliage gestures as well
as environmental stimuli. The following lists the actions Orb is programmed to execute:

Brighten – Increases its level of illumination.
Dim – Decreases its level of illumination.
Extinguish – Immediately deactivates its light & heat emitters.
Accompany – Floats along next to Lorem at a distant of a meter.
Ascend – Rises to hover in the center of a room's ceiling or directly
above Lorem (up to 4 meters overhead) if the neti is on the move.
Announce – Strobes briefly whenever a tiny or larger creature approaches within 10 meters.
Ward – Shifts to orange whenever a creature holding a weapon approaches within 10 meters.
Alert – Shifts to red whenever a creature initiates a violent action within line of sight.
Drill – Initiates a standard training exercise with its blaster array set to low.
Attack – Begins tracking and shooting volleys of high-powered blaster fire at an indicated target.[/sblock]
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Dire Lemming

First Post
Yeshua Nataraji, Human, Male
Jedi Guardian 7

Str 16 +3
Dex 16 +3
Con 13 +1
Int 13 +1
Wis 10
Cha 10

Initiative +3
Defense 19 (Dex +3, Class +6)
Speed 10 m
VP 50 of 50
WP 13
Reputation +2

BAB +7/+2
Weapons Attack Damage Crit Range Stun Multi/Auto
Lightsaber +10/+5 3d8 +3 19-20 - - -
Heavy Blaster +10/+5 3d8 20 8 m 18 M

Saves Total Base Abil Misc
Fortitude +6 +5 +1
Reflex +8 +5 +3
Will +4 +4

read/write and speak Basic

Skills Total Abil Ranks Misc
Balance +12 +3 9
Climb +11 +3 8
Jump +12 +3 9
Tumble +11 +3 8

Force Skills Total Abil Ranks Misc
Battlemind +7 +1 6
Farseeing +6 6
Force Defense +6 6
Move Object +7 +1 6

Exotic Weapon Proficiency (lightsaber)
Force Sensitive
Weapon Proficiency (blaster pistol)
Weapon Proficiency (simple weapons)
Combat Expertise
Improved Disarm
Power Attack
Burst of Speed

Deflect (Defense +1)
Deflect (Attack -4)
Increase Saber Damage (3d8)
Deflect (Extend Attack and Defense)

Equipment: Cost Weight
Lightsaber parts 1000 1 kg
Datapad 1000 3 kg
Holoprojector 1000 0.5 kg
Field Kit 1000 10 kg
Blank Datacards (10) 10 0.2 kg
Datacard with galactic map 300 0.1 kg
Glow Rod 10 1 kg
Comlink 200 0.1 kg
Recording rod 500 1 kg
Aquata Breather 350 0.2 kg
Grappling Spike Launcher 50 0.3 kg
Energy Cell (3) 30 -
Heavy Blaster 750 1.3 kg
Power Pack (2) 50 0.2 kg
Credit Chip 100 0.1 kg

150 Credits on Chip

Total Weight: 19 kg

Yeshua Nataraji is a human male about 1.78 meters in height with an athletic build. He has dark hair down to his mid back which he keeps tied in a braid behind his head. His eyes are a dull maroon color and all of his facial features are relatively small.

Yeshua Nataraji is the third child and only son of a noble family from Alderaan. As such, his sensitivity to the force was recognized early on and he was taken under the tutelage of the Jedi Order at a young age. He showed great talent for lightsaber combat and he incorporated moves from his family’s own traditional sword dance, forming his own distinct style. His second older sister was also a Jedi but disappeared while on a mission two years ago. His first sister(Dianara) is six years older than him and his second(Mera) is four years older.

Yeshua seems to take saber training very seriously and is always willing to spar with his fellow students, sometimes telling them they “need the practice” if they are not at first as eager as he. He does however care deeply for the welfare of his allies. Two years ago he sensed that his sister was in danger and attempted to leave but Master Thy’Wen was able to dissuade him, reminding him that she was a knight and he was still only a padawan. When he later received news that she had disappeared he felt guilt over not going to her aid and started to act bitterly towards his teacher and peers. Thy’Wen spoke with him about it one day and after the talk he came to realize that even had he gone there would have been little he could have done to help and so vowed to become stronger so that he could protect others in the future. He still believes his sister is alive and hopes one day to find her.
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First Post

Female Echani Jedi Guardian 7
Init +3; Senses Listen +2, Spot +2
Languages Read/Write/Speak Basic
Defense 23 (10 + 3 Dex + 6 Def + 4 dodge)
Wound points 14
Vitality points 57 http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=993145
Force points 7
Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +6
Spd 10 meters
Melee lightsaber +12 (3d8+1)
Base Atk +7; Grp +7
Abilities Str 12, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 14, Chr 14
Exotic Weapon Proficiency (lightsaber)
Weapon Group Proficiency (blaster pistols)
Weapon Group Proficiency (simple weapons)
Force Sensitive
Weapon Finesse
Martial Arts
Defensive Martial Arts
Burst of Speed
Force Feats: Alter, Control, Sense
Weapon Focus (Lightsaber)
Lightsaber Defense

Balance +7
Climb +5
Computer Use +1
Jump +7
Tumble +10

Force Skills
Battlemind +5
Empathy +5
Force Defense +5
Heal Self +5
Move Object +8
Enhance Ability +5

Class feature
Deflect (defense +1)
Deflect (attack -4)
Inc Lightsaber dmg (+1d8)
Extend Deflect
Jedi Knight (Weapon Focus: Lightsaber)

Species Traits Bonus Feat, Bonus Skill points (effectively human)
1755cr (on card)
Lightsaber Parts (Used to make 'saber) 1000cr
Blaster Pistol 500
Stun Baton 500
Combat Gloves 200
Knife 25
Field Kit 1000
Glow Rod 10
Datapad 1000
10 blank datacards 10
Recording Rod 500

Experience 10,000/15,000
Height 1.5m
Weight 56kg
Age 17yrs
Description Kestrel is still a little young, having advanced through the early Jedi training quickly. She's pale skinned, with defined cheekbones and a sharp nose, she also sports the white hair common to the Echani people...in this case a short, untameable mop atop her head. Her features are quite pretty, if a bit stern. This is amplified by her frequent misinterpretation of the Jedi's avoidence of passions for an avoidence of expressing emotions in general. When in training or on Jedi business, she dresses in a rather traditional tunic and breeches, otherwise she favors Echani styles.
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First Post
Voda Vosa, Male Krevaaki Force Adept 4 / Jedi Consular 3

Voda Vosa lived on his homeworld of Krevas for much of his life; seeking knowledge in the swampy lands of his world before becoming a druid (a nature priest of his people similar to those of the Ithorians). Seeking a better understanding of the universal phenomenon of life and the force, Voda Vosa left Krevas and started traveling the galaxy. During one of his journeys he ended up in an altercation with Republic authorities. It was then that he met Mikos Thy'Wen, a Jedi master who managed to work out a peaceful resolution for the Krevaaki.

Voda Vosa is a crustacean-like creature, with deep glistening black eyes that seem to peer everywhere. His gender is unclear since for the Krevaaki it is not something individuals are born with, but rather something they gain during each reproductive season. "He" can switch between being male or female depending on the nature of the reproductive season. It matters little since few beside the Krevaaki could spot the differences between either gender.

Voda is quite centered, but all that crumbles when he is faced with pain. The Krevaaki is afraid of pain as he hates it with all his soul. It is the reason why he is so perceptive; he seeks to foresee painful situations so that he may avoid them. Voda always tries to maneuver himself out of these kinds of situations by avoiding them outright or using force tricks to sidestep them. Others may see it as cowardice, but Voda prides himself on his talents in dodging pain.

Voda often thinks deeply about all things, even the simplest sentence is motive enough to trigger his reflective behavior. Impulsive reactions and the sort are "visceral constraints" for this Krevaaki.

The robe he wears covers his six walking tentacles and the remaining two he uses as hands to hold his quarterstaff; the symbol of his druidic order. He is well trained in martial arts and so the staff is more than merely decorative.

Str 10
Dex 13
Con 14
Int 16
Wis 18 
Chr 6
Language Read/Write/Speak Basic & Kreva
Defense 20, touch 11, flat-footed 16
Wound points 14
Vitality points 40
Force points 9
Reputation +1
Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +11
Spd 10 meters
Melee weapons
-Lightsaber +4 (2d8)
-combat gloves +3 (unarmed +2 dam.)
-quarterstaff +3 (1d6/1d6)
Ranged weapons
-heavy blaster +4 (3d8)
Base Atk +5, Grp +5
Exotic Weapon Proficiency (lightsaber)
Martial Arts
Weapon Group Proficiency (blaster pistols)
Weapon Group Proficiency (simple weapons)
Weapon Group Proficiency (primitive weapons)
Defensive Martial Arts
Force Feats: Alter, Control, Force-Sensitive, Sense, Aware
Climb +2, Gamble +5, Hide +3, Listen +14, Move Silently +3 Search +7,
Spot +14, Survival +8, Swim +4, Treat Injury +8
Force Skills: Farseeing +8, Force Strike +11, Heal Another +8, Telepathy +12
See Force +13, Battlemind +4, Heal Self +8, Move Object +4
Class features: Deflect (defense +1), Bonus Feat, Deflect (attack -4)
Species traits: Natural Armor, Resilient, Stoic, Tentacles
-Lightsaber, constructed
-Heavy blaster pistol
-Combat gloves
-All temperature cloak
Height: 2.1 meters, Weight: 111 kg
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First Post
Jund Tiel
Male Ishi Tiib Jedi Consular 4
Defense: 16 (+4 class, +2 dex)
VP/WP: 36/12
Init: +2
Saves: Ref +4, Fort +5, Will +5
Melee Blue-bladed lightsaber +4 2d8+1 damage
Melee Beak attack +4 1d4+1 damage
Ranged by weapon +5
Skills: Bluff +4, Craft (lightsaber) +7, Gather Information +8, Sense Motive +6, Swim +5, Treat Injury +8.
Force Skills: Affect Mind +7, Empathy +7, Enhance Ability +4, Enhance Senses +5, Heal Another +10, Heal Self +9, See Force +4, Telepathy +4.
Feats: Compassion, E.W.P. (Lightsaber), Force-sensitive, Surgery, Trustworthy, W.G.P. (pistols, simple).
Force Feats: Alter, Control, Sense.
Equipment: Comlink, Common clothes, Jedi robes, lightsaber*
*Gift from previous master

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