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Star Wars. what era are you playing in? Or who isn't playing in Legacy?


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Ankh-Morpork Guard said:
To be truthful, I feel like the two KoTOR games killed a lot of the look of advancing technology. Before them, we had the original movies, a couple of the prequels showing a similar level of technology that was a bit less military focused, and then the old Tales of the Jedi comics set in the 4,000 BBY era. Everything in the comics looked different and older. Ships weren't steamlined, buildings were completely different, and just everything had a much more less-advanced feel.

Now, I never read the comics, but it seems to me that the tech differences between the Tales of the Jedi-era comics and the KotOR-era video games was much more style than substance (other than the concessions to console RPG -- and D&D -- style in allowing 'power-up' gear). It's probably also worth noting that the 'Tales' comics predate the prequels, and the less-streamlined look probably seems a more logical ancestor to the more angular style of the original movies, rather than the streamlined look you see in episodes I-III.

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Pagan priest

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I am just now getting ready to start a new campaign, and I am planning to use the tail end of the Old Republic. I have told the players to think of it as a few years before Phantom Menace for things like politics, ships, Jedi/Senate interactions and all that kind of stuff. On the other hand, I have warned them not to expect to see Darth Maul, Palpatine, Valorian or any of the other name folk from the movies/books. Except Yoda, of course.


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drothgery said:
It's probably also worth noting that the 'Tales' comics predate the prequels, and the less-streamlined look probably seems a more logical ancestor to the more angular style of the original movies, rather than the streamlined look you see in episodes I-III.

It would be more accurate to suggest that the more streamlined look is a very logical descendant of the less streamlined look of the ancient comics, and that the difference in style between the prequels and the OT is very much reflective of the values of the relative societies.

Prequel streamlining represents a peaceful, prosperous, and opulent (if corrupt) society. Things don't have to be all function, because a) you've got the cash to spend to make sure it looks pretty; b) you're not in a big rush on anything, so you've got the time to spend, too; c) pretty becomes a status symbol. Couple this with the fact that basically we see the limos of the galaxy for the most part, and the Nubian, Bail's speeder, Dooku and Grievous' personal ships, the Naboo fighters, and all the Nabooian personal armaments all make plenty of sense.

Fast forward to the OT (and to a lesser extent, the Clone army's gear) -- this is a much less prosperous time -- trade isn't flourishing under the boot-heel of the Empire, all the Imperial resources are far more concerned with the ability to project power than to look nice doing it, and we're no longer watching the big politicians and nobility of the galaxy, but rather the working-class fringe elements and the armies. A smuggler's ship, particularly in this era, is all function and no form. Warships of the day are built for efficiency and cost-effectiveness. You've got better things for your droids to do than polish your car, and status is now linked to how secure you are or how much power you command.

Baron Opal

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In my first SW game, I'll probably run Old Republic just before the prequels. this will give the players some experience as to the "good old days". This will be a short run. The longer term campaign will be after the movies as the galaxy is now sorting out the New Republic, the new Jedi temple run by Leia Organa and the Imperial remnant run by His Imperial Highness Darth Vader and his son Darth Harrow.

Remus Lupin

The longer term campaign will be after the movies as the galaxy is now sorting out the New Republic said:
Darth Harrow, I love it. Can you imagine a sith empire run by Anikan and Luke? They'd spend all of their time whining at one another -- "Darth Harrow, I need you to crush the new republic." "But Lord Father, I want to go to tashi station to pick up some sith crystals for my shiny new red lightsaber!" "Luke, I am your father!" "Nooooo!"

Baron Opal

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Remus Lupin said:
Darth Harrow, I love it. Can you imagine a sith empire run by Anikan and Luke? They'd spend all of their time whining at one another


"Whining?! Are you whining?!? There is no whining in the Dark Side! Now, go blast some rebels with force lightning. Then you can go waste time with your friends."


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I'm currently running a game set less than one year after the destruction of the Death Star 1.0...and Yavin IV. It seems that Luke took a little too long to make the shot and Tarkin was able to fire the hyperlaser into the Masassi Ruins. It sucks that Leia had to die, but I feel it was worth it to take out Threepio once and for all.

So Han, Chewie, Luke and Artoo are on the run, wanted as the most infamous terrorists in Imperial history. Since Mon Mothma, Garm Bel Ibliss, and Ackbar were not in the Yavin system, the Rebellion continues. But for now, both sides have paused to reconsolidate their forces.

The players are fringe members of the Rebellion, more along the lines of criminals with anti-imperial sympathies than dedicated rebels. They crew a YT-1300 named the Smoking Mynock and are just trying to get along as best they can.

One of the PCs is a Twi'Lek Jedi/Scoundrel was has been living as a con-man since his master was picked up by the ISB several months before. But when the party found a lightsaber and a Jedi holocron in a ruined city infested with darksider primitives, he decided to embrace his past and live once again as a Jedi.

The players are now on Nar Shadaa and will be approached with the offer of joining in a "panty raid" on an imperial freighter. Their intelligence suggests that there is onboard that freighter a planetary defense ion cannon that certain parties are interested in purchasing. This is true, but what their intelligence missed is that the helpless freighter is really one of the new Star Galleon Q-ships, and has a company of veteran stormtroopers onboard.

I will also be incorporating the Bounty Hunter Guild war into the plot.

Voidrunner's Codex

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