Starfinder Starfinder video game might be incoming?


Just speculation with a good dose of circumstantial evidence.

Owlcat Studios, best and pretty much only known for the previous Pathfinder video games (Kingmaker and Wrath of the Righteous) have put up a website teasing their next project.
That website, if you do not want to see it for yourself so far only features a newsletter registration and a background animation showing multiple planets and an asteroid field, indicating a sci-fi setting and not fantasy.

In addition a small game studio in Russia which often worked for Owlcat had, for a short time, listed a Starfinder game on their website.
So its not only wishful thinking, there is some reason for speculation.

The website from Owlcat itself doesn't show anything hinting at Starfinder itself though. The planet could be Bretheda based on the color but that link is rather far fetched.

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This would be great honestly, both Owlcat games have been excellent. They really like making complicated sub-systems so I hope they end up revamping the Ship building system that comes with base Starfinder.


We had another hint of this earlier this year. I can't recall the exact spot, but it showed some of the Starfinder races I believe, including a Vesk.

Can't remember the exact website though.

I think it is possible. Star Wars and Star Trek should start to worry because a new rival has arrived to the city.



And now Paizo denies that this is a starfinder game.

I can't think of any Pathfinder IP which would fit that picture (not to mention announcing Pathfinder when people expect Starfinder in imo rather suboptimal). So either its a original IP or some other license.

Its of course likely that it is Starfinder and Paizo just doesn't want it to be known too early but based on the strong no I doubt that.

Edit: Some now speculate it will be for the Ruins of Atzlant AP. I mean I guess it could fit and show the original meteor impact which sunk Atzlant but imo not a good communication strategy to use pictures which are more associated with Starfinder for a Pathfinder game. That raises the completely wrong expectations.
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Another Pathfinder 1e AP game would be a little disappointing. I’d like to see them do something with Pathfinder 2e.
For that they would need to rebuild the engine and I doubt that Owlcat will do that just after they modified the current engine for 3D.


Edit: Some now speculate it will be for the Ruins of Atzlant AP. I mean I guess it could fit and show the original meteor impact which sunk Atzlant but imo not a good communication strategy to use pictures which are more associated with Starfinder for a Pathfinder game. That raises the completely wrong expectations.
Unless, of course, Owlcat wanted to gauge the reaction to a Starfinder game to convince Paizo that there would be interest.


Given that PaizoCon is happening as we speak, I imagine that if there is a new PF or a SF game in the works, we'll know soon enough.

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