Starship Sensors Range Inc


on page 20 of the WOIN Starship Construction Manual can you clarify what the difference between range and range inc.? as i see some sample ships use range and other use range inc. and no where in any book dose it tell you.

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
on page 20 of the WOIN Starship Construction Manual can you clarify what the difference between range and range inc.? as i see some sample ships use range and other use range inc. and no where in any book dose it tell you.

There is no difference.


if there is no difference then what do you use? why even include range if there is range inc. when there is no difference? one of the example ships list it's sensor range at 4 but if there is no difference then it should be 10 as thats the range inc.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Ahah! You mean the infamous Sensors table! Sorry, I was a bit slow on the uptake there.

Yes, ignore the Range column. The Range Inc column is the correct one.


then should not all the prebuilt ships be updated as the Conveyer Class X Cargo Ship uses range as it's thing like most of the prebuilt ships and thanks for the clarification


I had the same question as Gordon, and I'm not clear on the answer.

I think you are saying that the "Range" column should be deleted from the "Sensor Systems" table in both the Starship Construction Manual and the Small Ships article from Eons?

Is this some leftover from a previous set of rules where these were used for different things?

Are these sensor ranges only used for combat?


Just a tourist passing your way...
Sensor range applies for every sensor-driven action - it's like perception but with a numerical limit. Also you can exceed sensor range if you pay dice like at ranged attacks.


I'm imagining that one can scan and detect some ships on the other side of a system, even if they can't really tell what kinds of ships they are, and then at some closer range they can get more details, etc. Same with planets and their satellites; one can see a planet from a long way away and maybe some of its moons but will get much more detailed information when closer. The range that sensors need to effectively target a fighter for weapons fire might be much smaller than the range needed to determine the composition of the rings of a gas giant.

How do people generally handle these things? Are there standard ranges at which various sizes of objects or details of their composition become apparent, or do players have to actively scan to find the moons and asteroids that might be good sources of raw materials?

Voidrunner's Codex

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