Level Up (A5E) State of the Archetypes


A5E Designer and third-party publisher
Also: it is one of my goals as a 3PP content creator to get the non-gray parts of those bars to even out as much as possible. :cool:

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Oh I know! I’ve also thrown some pitches to the GPG in that direction, and if they’re not accepted I may publish independently. :)


Hmm. So, everyone: what sort of archetypes do Savants and Artificers need?

The Artificer currently has one archetype that throws bombs, one archetype that builds vehicles, and one archetype that makes constructs undead monstrosities. It could benefit from an alchemist, of course. And someone who creates clockworks, which would include clockwork pets and... maybe Babbage engine-type computers that allow for research, divinations, and things like that. And perhaps someone who can replace body parts with

The Savant one archetype that basically a guide or doctor, one archetype that's a tactician, and one that's a public speaker. A chronicler or historian that provides large amounts of knowledge? EN5sider had a few interesting archetypes that could stand updating or adapting.

The Artificer currently has one archetype that throws bombs, one archetype that builds vehicles, and one archetype that makes constructs undead monstrosities. It could benefit from an alchemist, of course. And someone who creates clockworks, which would include clockwork pets and... maybe Babbage engine-type computers that allow for research, divinations, and things like that. And perhaps someone who can replace body parts with
i'm also thinking one centered around weapons/armor, sort of like a pf2e inventor or a mage hand press craftsman. the not-quite-computer idea is pretty cool, i like that


Nice! Got your self-publishing stuff ready to go? Because that should definitely be a commercial product!
I’ve never self-published before, so no, I don’t. Faolyn and I are ostensibly working on a project together, and they’ve published, but I wouldn’t really know where to start!


A5E Designer and third-party publisher
I’ve never self-published before, so no, I don’t. Faolyn and I are ostensibly working on a project together, and they’ve published, but I wouldn’t really know where to start!
It's not as bad as you might think (actually, it's really straightforward), but it's also beyond the scope of a thread reply. I really should stand a blog up somewhere and write a post about it.




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