stonegod's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Ch. I [OOC]

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First Post
James Heard said:
What's the point in upping the save DCs of Janis's pitiful amount of 1st level arcane spells? :p

Well, you'd get 3 magic missiles instead of one....

It's so painfully obvious that you are headed for mystic theurge... ;)

@stonegod - I goofed on the number of healing potions Marot had -- he had 4 CLW and 1 CMW, but it ended up with the correct result -- odds are that he would have grabbed a CLW while blind.
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James Heard

Actually, I'm not headed toward mystic theurge with Janis.

The only reason she has the Wizard level in the first place is because she reconfigured after the game already started and I started panicking about the prospect of getting anywhere in this game with a low hit point, low Fort save Wizard. Druid got taken mostly because it was the best way mechanically to save the real schtick of Janis, the electrical reserve feat. So she's really a sort of hodge-podge of "what can I do to make the concept work while maintaining some sense of who the character is as written." After that? Well, I've mostly just been trying to advance her in a way that kept her until the next level the best.


First Post
James Heard said:
Actually, I'm not headed toward mystic theurge with Janis.

The only reason she has the Wizard level in the first place is because she reconfigured after the game already started and I started panicking about the prospect of getting anywhere in this game with a low hit point, low Fort save Wizard. Druid got taken mostly because it was the best way mechanically to save the real schtick of Janis, the electrical reserve feat. So she's really a sort of hodge-podge of "what can I do to make the concept work while maintaining some sense of who the character is as written." After that? Well, I've mostly just been trying to advance her in a way that kept her until the next level the best.

I was kidding about the mystic theurge as I remember the change earlier in the campaign when Janis went from pure wizard to druid. :heh:

Except for a few places so far, (like the circle of death) a wizard who stayed out of the fray of battle could have survived -- but it is a given that more devious things await in Barovia.
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First Post
I've added the various stuff that we found to the group gear at the bottom of Ashlyn's sheet:
  • Equipment added to group gear
    - light crossbow x4 (Group)
    - bolts x20 (Group)
    - dagger x2 (Group)
    - [Dormant Symbol of Ravenkind] (Group)


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Okay folks, now is a good time to transition to the new Ch II threads:
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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Callings S@s... please check into the two new threads.

And DEFCON: Don't forget to post/subscribe to the new OOC thread.

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