stonegod's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Ch. I [OOC]

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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
s@squ@tch said:
Would movement for Marot (K4 --> L3 --> M3 --> N4) be 25', or are some of those squares considered difficult terrain?
Doesn't work for a few reasons:
- You can't kitty corner around corners; you have to go the long way
- L3 is difficult terrain

James Heard

Janis can't have fired a Storm Bolt at Witch K12, because her Storm Bolts only have a range of 20 feet. They're up to 4d6 in damage now though, because she's got a 4th level Electrical spell memorized.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
James Heard said:
Janis can't have fired a Storm Bolt at Witch K12, because her Storm Bolts only have a range of 20 feet. They're up to 4d6 in damage now though, because she's got a 4th level Electrical spell memorized.
Miscounted by 5 feet. But I did roll the damage correctly.

The witch would have been killed by Tessa's fireball, so he's dead either way.


First Post
Damn ... now Ashlyn's in trouble ... and no AP's left to use to try and stabilize.
Well I guess she'll just have to depend on luck and the help of her friends :D

Strangely enough, Ashlyn seems to be making a habit of dying during the bigger fights. I think this is the third time (the first when she met the group, nearly again when fighting Jarrith the Werewolf lord, the second during Forest trials, and the third now).
The cool thing is that it suits her character well to step in and take such blows and thus keep her companions alive. Let's just hope that she lives to do so again ;)


First Post
@stonegod: Does Marot have line of sight to the Fiend?

@ everyone else: Hopefully Jarrith can heal Ashlyn -- Ladreth needs to pound on the Green Lady, and if Ashlyn is still dying at Marot's turn, he could use a scroll or a potion, but will take a beating from the AoO from the old crone.

Voidrunner's Codex

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