stonegod's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Ch. I [OOC]


First Post
stonegod said:
Insert sarcastic laughter from angry man.

Bildrath deals only in hard currency.
I meant that can Ashlyn use her letter of credit from the caravan to get the caravan to give her 5gp with which she can pay Bildrath for the scabbard.

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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Stormwind said:
I meant that can Ashlyn use her letter of credit from the caravan to get the caravan to give her 5gp with which she can pay Bildrath for the scabbard.
For such a small amount, that's fine.


First Post
Ashlyn is being prudent (it's not paranoia if everyone is out to get you), but just a few thoughts from my suspicious mind:
SRD:Lycanthrophy said:
The only other way to remove the affliction is to cast remove curse or break enchantment on the character during one of the three days of the full moon. After receiving the spell, the character must succeed on a DC 20 Will save to break the curse (the caster knows if the spell works). If the save fails, the process must be repeated. Characters undergoing this cure are often kept bound or confined in cages until the cure takes effect.
The interesting point here is that it states explicitly what happens if the curse is successfully broken, however it doesn't state what happens if a spell is cast but the character fails the Will save.

Basically my point is what happens if the character fails the Will save? Does the spell not work at all, or does the spell suppress the affliction (reversing the change) but doesn't remove it? I think the second option would be much more in keeping with the flavor of Ravenloft, and Barovia in particular.

Of course this may all be meaningless speculation ... but .... <evil laughter in the distance> ...


First Post
Ashlyn's status is down as:
Ashlyn: 43/43; 2 Con damage, 0/2 smites, 6/7 turns, 0/24 lay on hands, 0/8 AP

It should be:
Ashlyn: 49/49; 1/2 smites, 1/7 turns, 0/24 lay on hands, 0/8 AP
- Jarrith used his Lesser restoration on Ashlyn here.
- Ashlyn has only used 1 smite attack today (In forest trials here)
- Ashlyn has used 6 turn undead attempts today (3 during shifter ambush, 1 during Jarrith's Curse, 1 during Forest Trial's, and 1 in town)


Finally could Janis and Ladreth please add the potions/potion bracers from the group gear to their character sheets so that I can remove them from the group gear, Thanks. (details below)
  • Ladreth
    Potion bracer
    - Potion of cure light wounds
    - Potion of cure moderate wounds
  • Janis
    Potion of greater magic fang x3

Did we have any resolution on the cloak issue?
Also if anyone else was going to take anything from group gear, then please mark it on your sheet and let me know so that I can mark if off from the group gear. Thanks


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Stormwind said:
Ashlyn's status is down as:
Ashlyn: 43/43; 2 Con damage, 0/2 smites, 6/7 turns, 0/24 lay on hands, 0/8 AP

It should be:
Ashlyn: 49/49; 1/2 smites, 1/7 turns, 0/24 lay on hands, 0/8 AP
- Jarrith used his Lesser restoration on Ashlyn here.
- Ashlyn has only used 1 smite attack today (In forest trials here)
- Ashlyn has used 6 turn undead attempts today (3 during shifter ambush, 1 during Jarrith's Curse, 1 during Forest Trial's, and 1 in town)
I was looking for that restoration (I thought'd it happen). However, all the Turns before dawn today were yesterday, so she's only down 2 [Trials and town].

James Heard

Is Perriwimple eligible for reincarnating, or was it a death effect that did him in? I've been thinking about angry uncles and ticked off villagers, and maybe it's worth 1k gold to reinforce that we are not only the good guys but we are also serious bad@sses with life and death in the palm of our hands (even though it's hard to tell, what with everyone dying and all that). If he comes back as a Bugbear we'll even accomplish something for everyone in Barovia's diversity awareness training.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
I'm back w/ my books, so we'll get going tonightish.

Just to double check:

The Plan
Jarrith hides nearby, the rest at the edge of the clearing (there is a gap of bare rock) until the Green Lady shows. Jarrith attacks, gives the signal, then Marot jumps in Ashlyn and Ladreth while the others follow/spell from range?

Correct me if I am wrong.

Voidrunner's Codex

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