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stonegod's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft [Recruiting Closed]


The man with the probe
stonegod said:
Still waiting for Bront, Azaar and kinem to flush out their concepts and on Eva of Sirrion to answer my questions above.

New applications also welcome, of course.
I don't have the time, Sorry :(

Have fun though :) I might just follow this and heckle :D

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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
starkad said:
I'll throw my hat into the ring.. I haven't played a PbP yet, but I am online basically 16 hours a day, so why not?
I've updated the list of proposed characters with your dwarf.


First Post
Daellin ir'Ayellan, elven archer

The war was over, and Cyre was gone. Daellin had been a child when it had started, son of an important family in Metrol. Had taken service with King Connos as a young elf, learning the bow in an elite archer company. Had served with honor under Connos, and later Queen Dannel. Had commanded the same company he'd joined as boy as middle age creeped upon him, and taken the field against the Karrns when it happened.

And he was sure that somehow, they had been responsible. Oh, some blamed the Thranes and their religious fanatics. Some blamed arcane tricks of the Aundairans. Some said House Cannith had been tinkering with things no mortal was meant to know. But black necromancy had created those things he had been battling for decades. And he knew it could do much worse.

The Day of Mourning had taken his family; parents, siblings, even his wife. He'd thought, with the round of offensives that had been underway on that day, Cyre might be able to carve out a situation where they could sue for peace. And where Daelinn could go home and start a family. It was not to be.

He had sought out the Prince, and delivered his company intact. Had led an expedition into the Mournland itself to confirm the fates of his family. And then he put himself at Orgarev's service, trying to punish the guilty.

Primary role: ranged combatant, tracker, and scout.

(ranger 5/Cyran Avenger 1; archery combat style, favored enemy (undead), distracting attack from PHB II replaces animal companion)
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I've been mulling it over, and I think I'd like to through my hat in the ring. Upfront, I'd like to note that I have no knowledge of Castle Ravenloft. Unfortunately, I also have little knowledge of Eberron, so I've been reading what I can find.

My concept, at this point, is a bard, probably a changeling (though that might become human, since I know so little about changelings).

Background: Since I'm unfamiliar with the setting, my background sketch is quite rough right now. I'm uncertain as to specific events of the war (still reading on that), but I think I'd likely have been involved in some capacity helping to boost moral and give that general support at which bards shine. I'm thinking that, given the state of things since the war, and all the political, social, and economic movement going on, I'd likely have been working as a diplomat of sorts (for either some governing body or a merchantile group). However, rather than being on the up-and-up in a role such as ambassador or negotiator, I'd have been working more covertly as a manipulator. Due to a general distaste for the job, coupled with a desire to not die from a knife in my sleep, I've since left that life to see how my talents could fare adventuring in a sort of return to the battle work I did in the war.

I'd love any comments or general thoughts that could flesh this out more.

Primary Role: While charismatic, of course, I'd assume the role of a party face, though likely not a role of a leader. I'd have a secondary role as helping gather information, via manipulation, magical assessing, and even passive disguise and observation. Naturally, in combat my role would be primarly buffing, with a backup focus battlefield control (via charming and the like).

Quirks: Compared to most changelings, I'd probable be considered uncautious and more friendly. I think I may have a slight inferiority complex coupled with a need for attention (in a typical bard sort of way) that has resulted in my acting almost more human (by changeling standards, not by human standards).

Distinguishing Abilities: Obviously bardic music and magic. Additionally great focus on the social skills, and probably fluency in many languages.

Other Games in Which I've Been Involved:
Rose, tiefling dervish in moritheil's Invasion of Mori
Aeron, the Last Prophet of Caria, cleric of Pelor in Rhun's Greyhawk OMEGA Game
Idim Moq Qo Harr, swashbuckler in Nalfeshnee's Tale of the Clueless
Konstantine D’Artur, bard in Krago o'the Mountain's Shackled City (game not currently running)
I tried DMing Dichotomy's Age of Worms, but it fell apart when three of the characters had to abruptly stop playing on the boards, and a fourth stopped posting regularly. Note that the game is also a bit messed up because it was started during the time that the boards crashed, so much had to be reposted in summary format.


Stonegod, from the most excellent posts you make I am sure you will be a very fun gamemaaster. I will put a Psionic character on the table for you to peruse over as well. Do all characters have to be from Khorbaire, or can a Psion be from Reidra for instance, a traveller of many journeys into both the unknown lands as well as psyches.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Mr_Spicoli said:
Stonegod, from the most excellent posts you make I am sure you will be a very fun gamemaaster. I will put a Psionic character on the table for you to peruse over as well. Do all characters have to be from Khorbaire, or can a Psion be from Reidra for instance, a traveller of many journeys into both the unknown lands as well as psyches.
As mentioned in the first post, anything psionic tied to Reidra (kalasthar, Inspired, anyone from there) will be a bit of a sell. Especially a Redrian psion which would have some connection w/ the Dream Dark which has no play in this story at all. I have nothing against psionics, but you have to be aware of the baggage that a lot of it comes with in Eberron.


First Post
stonegod said:
No warforged or artificers yet. ;)

Stonegod I find this wrong. So I will add a post. I have been looking for a good Eberron game to get into and Castle Ravenloft would be an amazing way to go. I loved the setting back in 2e but never ran the adventure.

Echo Warforged Artificer

Echo served during the great war in the background working on the arms and armor that men carried into battle, and too often as a field medic to his kin. Since the war ended he has done many things in his life to fill the void. He has tied on with smiths and though he enjoys the tasks he has to leave them at night as other races need to sleep. Spending time polishing everything metal kept Echo going, but he became restless. He eventually took on with a traveling merchant caravan as the blacksmith and mechanic to their wagons. It did not carry the prestige of crafting armor but he was appreciated. This took him throughout the world and through the lands. Echo had not the chance during the war to appreciate the beauties and subtleties of the lands.

One day his caravan was attacked. It was not by the living. Echo fought beside the caravan guards. But in the end it was not enough. The caravan was taken, no one survived. Echo himself was rendered inert and spent nearly a season laying on the bloodied ground before an artificer passed by and assisted him. The gruff Dwarf helped him to (insert name of town here) where he has spent his time repairing himself and helping out the local militia update their arms and armor to better defend themselves. Echo had found a purpose, and that was to protect his friends against what may. From the living and the dead.

Party Role Echo would be a second string fighter, he would buff weapons and armor before battle and be the one standing between the baddie and the spell casters. I would take a few levels in racial substitution 1&5 from Races of Eberron and craft a warhammer weapon familiar and perhaps a homunculus to help him out.

He is out of touch with the fleshy races. He doesn’t understand the subtle or the treacherous. He has been used in the past and will be used again in the future by accepting in good faith that his companions have the best in mind for him as he does for them.

Echo is friendly enough and more than willing to go out on any adventure as it seems to sooth his itchy feet and wanderlust. He longs to experience life though often has to turn to others to understand what he just experienced. The lust of battle and longing he understands completely but since the war life has not often encouraged the first and the latter all too often. He is known to be reliable and trustworthy as well as handy to have around as he tends to keep spare wands for eventualities. He may have worked with any of the other adventures in the past on small jobs or filled requests for items.

Edit: I recant. I would take all the racial substitution levels for Warforged Artificer.

I have been playing for 15+ years and am a part of a few play by post games over at groovygamers.
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Isida Kep'Tukari

Ok, here's my character concept:

Maraat Jaasakah - Marot "The Deadly"

Background - I belong to the Ghaash'kala, and I owe them my life. I was raised by them since I was five years of age. I love our sar'malaan Gan'dal Homm, and I respect our kizshmit Svash Ramaal. I learned all they had to teach me when my mother brought me out of the Demon Wastes, and I know all I know of honor by the hands of the Jaasakah tribe.

Yet each breath I draw now spits upon all they stand for. I dishonor them each day I live. Even so, I feel I must, and yet I curse my own weakness that led me to choose life over honorable death at the hands of my tribe. I was only thirteen when I began to show the signs of sakah; those touched by the rakshasa rajahs. My mother was fair, my dead father similar, so she said. I bore hair of fire-red, an unnatural shade the color of dancing flames that never graced a human head before. Powers began to flow through me, giving me power at my very fingertips. Dark arrows of light, shadowed essense that gave me a silver tongue, fell magic that let me see in the deepest darkness...

This was not the power of dragon magic, or magic wrought through words or runes, nor was it the clean power of Kalok Shash, the cleansing flame. Gan'dal Homm told me my power rose from the rakshasas themselves, and that I had been chosen to be their agent of darkness. I cried when my fate was foretold. My mother did not live out the night after the news. I spent the night huddled in a pit, bound hand a foot, awaiting the dawn for the death it would bring me. But something with me rebelled. A white-furred rat came and gnawed through my bonds, urging me in my mind to flee my tribe before my blood was spilled. Crying, I took my new companion with me and fled into the night, my own dark powers protecting me.

My own cowardice has protected me from death at the hands of my adopted family. And their own teachings have led me to protect the lives of many more. Somehow I am determined to honor them as well as I can. I may be a pawn of the rakshasas, but I will do nothing but good with my powers, no matter what comes.

When I left the Demon Wastes, I ran straight into the Last War. But luck, or Kalok Shash's favor, was still with me, and I found myself in the holy land of Thrane. Here Kalok Shash's other face, the Silver Flame, illuminated me within. Though I was stranger than snake feet to them, the Silver Flame could find no evil in my heart, and no harm in my thoughts. With great reluctance, I was sent to prove myself against the undead hoards of Karrnath.

Here was a place where my dark powers could be put to good use. While they destroyed, they also cleansed, and I felt as if I were doing real good for the first time in my life. Many years I battled against Karrnath for Thrane, and even those who cared not for me in the beginning began to offer me bits of kindness. I gathered scars of the mind and of the skin, and yet I could not stop in the face of such overwhelming force... or my own determination to prove my own worth.

The Treaty of Thronehold was hard on many warriors, for how could they rest when the armies that had committed such atrocities still ran at large? Yet the destruction of fair Cyre, and the creation of the Mournland, was enough to cool the bloodlust of even the heartiest. I have drifted as I may in these last two years, seeking employment with others of Thrane to clear pockets of rogue undead and foul demon-spawn. Yet now with no greater cause before me, I wonder and fear if the rajahs might try to reclaim their pawn...

Primary Role/Distinguishing Abilities - Party face and blaster. I intend to take Beguiling Influence and Eldritch Spear, as well as Devil's Sight and Darkness, eventually. He would also take Obtain Familiar as a feat, and Touch of Deception (PGtE pg. 35) to represent his tainted heritage. I would have him be human, but obviously a little bit not human as well.

Quirks - I see Maraat as having a silver tongue that he is not always entirely comfortable with. He was raised to consider the powers that he developed to be demon-touched abominations. While he knows he can help change people's attitudes for the better, he tends to agonize over the ethics of them. He was also raised a barbarian, then spent the next several years in a military theocracy. He doesn't do "frivolous" entertainment, and has several odd customs he goes through daily in an attempt to "purify" himself.

Voidrunner's Codex

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