Alright, we have a lot of play in now. I'm just going to c/p your excerpt from last session's play @Ovinomancer (which was the first session of Summer).
Do you (Ovinomancer), @hawkeyefan , @darkbard , or @Nephis have any thoughts thus far on Stonetop/the play to date (I know the latter two have much less experience, but you also have a huge reservoir of comparative DW play to draw upon)?
Ovinomancer wrote
What had happened was the near adult son of a recent addition to village started to act out. A few rolls happened steering this in a rocky direction that resulted in the kid trying to violently vandalize the Pavilion of the Gods. As all of the PCs are all essentially priests, we all responded and fun occurred trying to stop the kid without harming him, but his sister who tried to intervene and stop her brother ended up mortally wounded by the brother. As Dap and Trys were saving the girl, Cullen engaged the son and determined he was possessed and decided that right there in the middle of the village was the proper time and place for an exorcism. That went well, except that the demon doing the possession was 12' tall and pissed. Thus began the Cleaning of the Green, or the Day the Gods Walked. Much totally awesome displays of power were witnessed. Lightnings erupting from Trys, Gavin binding the demon with roots and thorns, Cullen rebuking the demon and weakening it, and Dap calling forth the sun to hinder the demon. A titanic battle, with titans all around. Not all was good, Dap did get tossed across the green and badly hurt, and everyone walked away with some new future scars. The Pavilion needs some repairs, and we need to deal with the aftermath of the boy's possession, but never have the forces of darkness and despair seen such a defeat in living memory.
Do you (Ovinomancer), @hawkeyefan , @darkbard , or @Nephis have any thoughts thus far on Stonetop/the play to date (I know the latter two have much less experience, but you also have a huge reservoir of comparative DW play to draw upon)?