D&D 5E Storm King's Thunder

Rogue Gallery
World Map

You’re convinced the wagon will break soon. The creaking of wood boards and the wobbling of wheels are the only sounds on this peaceful spring night. The transport cost, mere coppers, seemed like such a steal at the time.

The driver is a scrawny man dressed in rags.The wild mop of hair hides his eyes, but not the hooked nose. You don’t know his real name, but he insists on being called Spuds. This moniker is fitting as you share the back of the wagon with five other travelers and a mountain of potatoes. There are enough of them to sleep upon or hide beneath, but not eat. Spuds is adamant about that.

You've been traveling down the coast, along the High Road, for days. Eventually you come across a tree with three arrow-shaped signs nailed to it. The two marked "Waterdeep" and "Daggerford" follow the High Road, but point in opposite directions. The third, marked "Nightstone," beckons you to follow a separate forest trail.

“Not much further now,” Spuds proclaims as the wagon turns inland. He eyes the passengers and cargo nervously. “You best not be swiping Spud’s spuds!”

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Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
He seems uncomfortable in his ill-fitting suit of armour, but he's not able to stand in the back of the wagon, lest he roll an ankle on one of the potatoes. But with every bump, sending the other passengers spilling, Tranio smiles. It's like he enjoys the discomfort and knocks.

When spuds calls out, Tranio responds "No, sir!" It's not a mocking tone, but it is playful. e picks up there potatoes and tries to juggle them, but does not have much success with the other movement and his armour.

Tranio wears a holy symbol around his neck, and he's happy to talk about his vocation.He introduced himself when he first joined the passengers, but hasn't said much since, though his expressive face has made clear most every thought in his head, or so it seems. "Life is worth living," he says, "but its success is measured by the quality of its end." He does not elaborate.


The stoic halfling in the corner tries her best to nestle into the burrow she'd wriggled out of the mountain of potatoes, but the whole thing collapses at the next heavy bump in the road. Frustrated from all the jostling, she closes her eyes and tries with all her might to keep her lunch (of a stolen potato) down. She rolls her eyes at the driver's weak threat.

"He's been waiting all day to say that..."

[B]AC:[/B] 14; [B]HP:[/B] [COLOR=#FF000]9[/COLOR]/9
[B]Initiative:[/B] +3
[B]Saves:[/B] DEX +5, INT +4
[B]Passive Perception:[/B] 13
[B]Languages:[/B] Common, Halfling, Thieves' cant
[B]Skills:[/B] Acrobatics +7, Deception +2, Investigation +4, Perception +3, Sleight of Hand +4, Stealth +7
[B]Stats:[/B] Str 8 (+1), Dex 17 (+3) , Con 12 (+1), Int 14 (+2), Wis 13 (+1), Cha 11 (+0)

-[B]Inspiration[/B]? [ ] Yes, [[COLOR=#FF0000]X[/COLOR]] No
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Charwoman Gene

"Not the worst ride I've ever been on," says the tall woman in heavy chain mail, as she pulls a potato out from behind her. Muttering under her breath, "I'm pretty sure he's aiming for every bump in the road though."


Wizard 1

Fistan looked up from his spellbook the wagon hit another bump, the glimmer of light form the back of his hood illuminating each of his companions faces in turn. He knew their names but not much else, for he'd kept largely to himself the whole trip, as always preferring the company of his books over the company of people. He had, he thought, ingratiated himself with the group a little by conjuring up magical servants each evening to strike camp, allowing the group more time to relax.

"Not much further now," said their driver, "You'd best not be swiping Spud's spuds." A chorus of half humorous answers came from his companions and Finnan added his own, "Not until we get a fire going to cook them."

The fine, thick cloth of his mage robes helped a little with the discomfort of the trip, but not enough - perhaps a little comfort in the future - and Finnan would be glad to end the journey. He settled himself as best he could and tilted his head back down, directing the light form his hood onto his book, to continue reading.

[SBLOCK=Mini Stats]
Passive Perception: 12
AC: 12 (15 with mage armour, 17/20 with shield)
Initiative: +2
HP: 8/8 (HD: 1/1d6)

Spell attack: +5 to hit Spell DC: 15
Firebolt: +5 120ft 1d10F
Quarterstaff: +1 1d6-1B

Luck: 3/3

CANTRIPS (3): FireBolt, Light, Minor Illusion
LEVEL 1: (2/2): *Mage Armour, *Shield, *Sleep, *Fog Cloud (C), Unseen Servant (R), Alarm (R)


First Post
He hadn't been traveling with them for very long, just this last stretch as they approached the village, the rest he had traversed through the wood. He was somewhat unfamiliar with the area and could not be certain of his safety, so thought to join the passing caravan. He wasn't quite sure if he was exactly welcome, but they were friendly enough he supposed.

He didn't like to see the horses in chains, and even though few in number he felt there were so many people. Eldrath felt very uncomfortable traveling in a group, but he would have to deal with the trappings of civilization for the time being. This was a mission of utmost importance, one of diplomacy, one that could spare the lives of both human and elf, one that could spare the despoiled wilderness that he called home.

Eldrath remained silent as the others murmered and moaned at a small one's word play. He didn't care to much for Spuds or spuds, both were bland and tasteless. He wanted to get to Nightstone quickly and return to the wilderness even quicker. Hopefully if he succeeded the visions would stop, so for now the elf kept his hood pulled up and ignored the rest of the people.

((OOC: sorry if I'm not giving yous much to work with, but my character is a druid and isn't used to there being other people within single digit miles, let alone single digit feet.))
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Outside Nightstone

A loud snore and snort came from the stretched out dwarf lying atop a pile of potatoes. Dren had found the trip in the wagon to be downright comfortable, as he was used to sleeping on hard rock benches. He yawned and stretched, stroking a hand through his blonde beard as he sat up and looked at the others.

“Are we there yet?”

Bonus Action:


AC: 14
HP: 11/11 HD: 1/1d8
Ki: 0

After following the trail for a few miles, you hear the ringing of a bell. The sound grows louder as Nightstone comes into view.

"Why would they be ringing the bell at this hour," Spuds asks to no one in particular. It is clear he is quite nervous.

A river flows around the settlement, forming a moat. The village itself is contained within a wooden palisade, beyond which you see a windmill, a tall steeple, and the high-pitched rooftops of several other buildings. Apart from the ringing of the bell, you detect no other activity in the village.

The trail ends before a lowered drawbridge that spans the moat. Beyond the drawbridge, two abandoned stone watchtowers flank an open gap in the palisade. South of the village and surrounded by the river moat is a cone-shaped, flat-topped hill on which stands a stone keep enclosed by a wooden wall.

"This ain't right. They keep the draw bridge up at night," Spuds explains nervously. "Best we turn around, head to Daggerford instead."
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Wizard 1

"That is strange." confirmed Fistan, "But I did come here to find the trouble." Perhaps I could convince you to wait a few minutes while I have a look?".

[SBLOCK=Mini Stats]
Passive Perception: 12
AC: 12 (15 with mage armour, 17/20 with shield)
Initiative: +2
HP: 8/8 (HD: 1/1d6)

Spell attack: +5 to hit Spell DC: 15
Quarterstaff: +1 1d6-1B

Luck: 3/3

CANTRIPS (3): FireBolt, Light, Minor Illusion
LEVEL 1: (2/2): *Mage Armour, *Shield, *Sleep, *Fog Cloud (C), Unseen Servant (R), Alarm (R)

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Charwoman Gene

Fighter 1

"There is something very wrong that needs investigating, or we are jumping at shadows, either way, turning around is not something I want to do." She begings gathering her things to climb out of the wagon. "As pleasant as this trip has been, my road goes through this village."

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