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Kajhin : Liad turns to you and signs:

"Merghas is the Burrough Warden of the Foothold, a wealthy community at the base of Cliff Walk. We've suspected him for years of some...illegal dealings...but I've never seen him expose himself like this before. Either he's desperate or confident or we're about to watch an antique deal.

"I don't know this Tutta person, but I suspect he's got some influence. Otherwise he'd never be able to bring that cargo in without an escort and inspection.

"And look, they're bringing more."

You turn and see another rowboat coming from the far side of the galleon carrying more crates and more men. It's difficult to tell from this distance but there are at least three more in the boat.

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Re: Kajhin/Liad

Bulsarra said:
Kajhin : Liad turns to you and signs:

"Merghas is the Burrough Warden of the Foothold, a wealthy community at the base of Cliff Walk. We've suspected him for years of some...illegal dealings...but I've never seen him expose himself like this before. Either he's desperate or confident or we're about to watch an antique deal.

"I don't know this Tutta person, but I suspect he's got some influence. Otherwise he'd never be able to bring that cargo in without an escort and inspection.

"And look, they're bringing more."

You turn and see another rowboat coming from the far side of the galleon carrying more crates and more men. It's difficult to tell from this distance but there are at least three more in the boat.

Kajhin raises his eyebrows and watches the next rowboat arrive before responding to Liad, [sign]"We need to put a stop to this flagrant abuse of the law. I say we wait for all of the illgotten goods to arrive, but by that time we'll probably need backup. The other option is for us to move now. Are you with me or should we wait?"[/sign]
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ranstaar scrambles for his two short swords in an effort to go after the nearest uninjured guard with them, hoping to draw blood!

OOC: he does this in such a rush that he doesn't think about looking to see if another arrow has been loosed by the other elf. and he doesn't try to get his backpack!
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Merghas, the burrough warden, closes the distance between you, speaking swiftly to you as he leads you toward Tutta (the portly man who just disembarked from the rowboat).

"Verify for me that these items are magical and fully charged and you will be well paid. Locate a particular magical component for me within the crates, it should be a small silver disc with runic engravings upon it, about the size of your hand, and secret it away for me and your payment will be beyond your expectations. If you can't do it without being seen then it will be Tutta and not you who will get the paymen--. Ahhhh, Tutta, may I make some introductions?"

You have just formed a small group around the crates that the two other men from the boat have unloaded onto the docks and are proceeding to open with prybars. Merghas stands close to you and the wizard who accompanied you, while Tutta supervises the crates' unpacking. Another man, armed and armored, is beaming happily at Merghas and preparing to reply to something that Tutta just asked him.


Tutta replies: "I think that you will find that this cargo will aid the people of Eisleis greatly. But before I turn this over to Merghas and accept his payment, tell me, emissary, what is the dogma of your god? For I explained to Merghas in my correspondence with him that I'd accept only a priest or some other man of a holy order to vouch for him and I expect you to prove yourself before I allow you to provide proof of his...trustworthiness." He tilts his head to Merghas who is approaching with two men dressed as wizards or sorcerers.


First Post

Xyffor stands proudly before Tutta and responds,

"I serve Heironeous, the Invincible. I am pledged to a life of justice, valor, chivalry and honor. My dogma is defined by my aspiration to be a Templar. According to the teachings of Thorzin of Balgorg, there is an evil in the land that must be eliminated at any cost. As a Paladin, and especially one who follows Heironeous, I am called and set apart for the task of identifying and destroying evil in all its forms. My Longsword is my angel, and it will one day be embued with mystical powers. My sword does not shrink from the taste of evil blood. I have no part with those who do not share the values of justice, valor, chivalry and honor.


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Liad says: "I count eleven on the dock with three more incoming. Do you think we can take them all?"

You really don't know if he's joking or not, though he is smiling and you can sense that he may actually want to charge down there on horseback, sword drawn.


First Post


You reach out and snag your gear as the two soldiers rush to the side of the building, looking for a way up while the third continues to stagger around, appearing divided over what to do about the arrow in his side.

You have enough time to draw your swords and get to your feet, just enough time to face down the three guards who have turned their attention to you.


The other elf gets to his feet and draws his sword, the sound of the steel sliding free of its scabbard enough to distract the soldiers from you momentarily.


First Post

Tutta grins broadly and turns to Meghas. "He's quite enthusastic, isn't he? Yes, he'll do just fine."

He turns back to you and says: "Get in the boat then. Trust me that you'll be well cared for until the transaction is done."

DM: You feel a bit of a tugging in your mind, like something isn't exactly right here.


Bulsarra said:

Liad says: "I count eleven on the dock with three more incoming. Do you think we can take them all?"

You really don't know if he's joking or not, though he is smiling and you can sense that he may actually want to charge down there on horseback, sword drawn.

With a grimace, Kajhin looks back at his odd friend, [sign]"I suppose we wait for now... Let's try to think of a battle plan though."[/sign] He turns his attention back to the unfolding scene, while his mind contemplates possible takedown scenarios that don't end in his death.


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Xyffor is quite surprised by Tutta's suggestion that he get into the boat. After all, that is what Zaka's men are there for. Xyffor also is surprised by Tutta's comment, "Trust me, you'll be well cared for.............." That same odd nagging feeling is returning that originally gripped Xyffor when he first met Zaka. Xyffor responds to Tutta:

"I appreciate your concern for my well-being, but I entrust that to my long sword and Heironeous only."

Xyffor barks an order to Zaka and his men:

"You men go with Tutta and bring the crates of goods to me for my personal inspection."

Just at that moment Xyffor spots movement out of the corner of his eye and imagines that he heard something .............. perhaps the sound of metal scraping against metal. He turns to look.

Voidrunner's Codex

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