Creatures of my mind

I recently just finished my first typed out creature for my setting, The Necrolord, a creation by the most powerful anomaly of my setting. I do have to say that its really long since i stated it out with everything written down to prevent errors. But i probably can post a shortened version in the future. This is probably also only the first. Also credits to Beefermatic, olby99 and belz for their divine abilities, reborn necromancer and lord template plus the divine metamagic

A dark age has descended upon the numerous worlds of the Gorgonic empire. Despite the High levels of magic and technology of the Gorgonic empire, it appears they were facing a crisis of unprecedented scale. They had received reports of large quantities of undead suddenly appearing in some of the planets belonging to the Gorgonic empire, invasions led by atropals, vampires, hunefars and liches had become commonplace in some of the border worlds destroying the homes and livelihoods of millions of people. While the empire had been able to deal with them with relative success, it was still a major issue as the incursions seemed neverending. Not just that, but refugees from other planets and empires were traveling to our planets via their ships or high level magic, speaking of massive invasions by thousands if not millions of intelligent undead. If that was the only problem it would be a massive nuisance but not existential however these were not the only issues. They were united and seemed to act together, led by some unknown force to bring destruction to so many worlds. But it was odd as well, if the tales of these refugees were to be believed, they would not have made it to the empire at all and would have been slaughtered on their planets with no survivors. And yet, Millions still come in every day with the empire having to even settle new planets to provide enough room for them. The emperor of the Gorgonic empire, lord Fabrian, was feeling increasing pressure from his people and his governors to do something about the refugee crisis and the undead attacks. However, he couldn't do much beyond sending elite forces and mercenaries to handle the undead. For there was something he knew that the other governors and people did not. Gods were real and they are dying everywhere, so he knew when that thing that was slaughtering its way through pantheon after pantheon and planet after planet finally made it here, the Gorgonic empire must be at full force or they would become another group of refugees seeking the protection of yet another empire amongst the stars.

2 months ago, on the planet of Maldraxon, Fabrian arrived with the assistance of the Grandmagister spells. The Grandmagister had informed him that the leaders of the various refugee groups had wished to speak with him in private and this desolate planet was the perfect place for it. His escort of 20 archmages and 40 warriors had arrived shortly thereafter. After all, one could never be too prepared. Soon, the others had arrived with their own escorts. The mood was grave no doubt about it. Before Fabrian could say anything, a fragile looking old man dressed in strange robes spoke first,” Lord Fabrian, let us not delay with the pleasantries. I am afraid there is grave news. You are aware that the incursions seem to happen all the time, correct?” Fabrian nodded. “Unfortunately, this is no mere skirmish. It is a war of life against death. And not just mortal life but divine life as well.” Fabrian frowned,” divine life what do you…”. The old man began to glow and flared an aura of tangible power from his, Fabrian gasped and took a step back as his guards moved forward though the old man stopped them with a mere wave of his hand. “This is a war even the gods must fight, mortal king and it appears we need your help.”. As if on cue, some of the other people around him flare similar auras while the other looked on at him. Fabrian said,'' What… why are you here then, shouldn't gods be in their realms in the outer planes?” as Fabrian looked to his grandmagister looking for advice but the old man spoke up first. “Indeed we would be there normally but our divine realms have been destroyed and most of the pantheon slain.”. Fabrain was bewildered,” slain by what monster?”. Instead of answering the old man stuck out his hand and Fabrian saw a vision in his mind’s eye. He saw the prosperous divine realm of several gods, a massive ocean filled to the brim with ordinary sea creature and even massive krakens, a endless library filled with tombs of ancient knowledge, a fiery realm of volcanoes and dragons and a seemingly impossible to navigate labyrinth filled with horned beasts and serpents. And then, across all of them a heavy aura of death and destruction descended, followed by a near endless horde of undead, liches, vampires, mummies, atropals and even great terrible headless black dragons. These creatures ravaged the realms of the gods one by one, reducing the ocean to black ichor, smashing down the library and labyrinth and smothering the flames. The gods and their servants tried to fight back but then that thing appeared. A three faced humanoid with 6 arms, barely taller than a man but its body horribly scarred and mauled as if it endured a thousand battle wounds and divine curses. In a blur of motion it struck at the gods and their servants, and with each barrage another one fell. The ocean god was frozen in place by a spell before the strange power from this creature’s arms stripped the flesh from his bones, a hulking demon was struck by a ray and imploded and the giant efreeti was thrown into an out of control gravity well. Only the old man escaped, barely managing to teleport away from the assault due to the sacrifice of his servants. Suddenly snapping out of it, Fabrian looked around dazed before he refocused on the old man. Another one of the present gods, a massive muscular hulk of a man, Growled,” It happened to all of us, and it will happen to your gods eventually too.” Fabrian composed himself then asked,” if so then what shall we do, if the gods can deal with it, who can?” The old man replied,'' We can only stand a chance together. Those of us here and our people are training to fight and we ourselves are seeking ways to grow stronger. We have also put out calls to other pantheons and because of our numbers we are getting some to come to our aid. But it's not enough and it's only a matter of time before it realizes what's going on. So we need your help. Send out your ships and mages, get them to contact as many worlds and people as possible. We need as many gods, people and resources as possible. There is every chance that if we die, this information dies with us. And then the fate of every god and mortal is to die alone and unaware.” Fabrian nodded, saying,” That's a sound plan, the more hands and minds the higher chance we can come up with a way to deal with this. I will have my subordinates work on this immediately. Though how should we convince them of the direness of this occurrence?” The old man nodded to his side, a woman in a witch's outfit stepped forward and placed something on the ground. The object appears to several small mirrors and as Fabrian picked them out he saw the undead horde advancing on a number of planets and the destruction it wrought. The woman said,” do us all a favor and show them to the people you meet. These should at least convince them of the danger of the undead horde. It also stores the location of where these planets are so you could send some people to go capture some more images of the planet to get more evidence if needed.” Fabrian looked to his Grandmagister and he nodded. Seeing this the old man smiled,” Good, let us go then. We have much work to do.” and with that the group parted ways.

Since then,Fabrian has been funding the armies of the refugees and giving them weapons in preparation for the fight. And yet, Fabrian was worried. He was told that more gods had joined their cause from all over the universe and they were moving their forces through the outer planes to prepare for the fight yet everyday came with a new report of another god or pantheon under assault. The God of knowledge had been hard at work formulating a plan of attack but what they needed was more forces and territory. The archmages and expedition fleets were working non-stop to gather more allies and with the support of the gods’ magics it was progressing smoothly but he feared it was not fast enough. The Gorgonic Empire’s reach had grown more in the past months than it had in years and their priests stated their patron gods were becoming more active as well. However, as the empire grew, the chance of exposure grew as well and as more planets were settled more quickly with divine magic the chance of a full scale assault grew. While Fabrian was pondering on how to improve his situation, he suddenly felt cold as a tingle of fear ran up his spine. Looking around hurriedly, he found nothing out of the ordinary but spotted one of the mirrors given to him by the woman. He kept it as their mages managed to enchant it to become a long range communicator to him directly by the expenditure forces. He picked it up and then froze. Staring back at him was the creature, its red eyes staring into his soul. Behind him were the dead bodies of an expeditionary force as several undead appeared to be raising them as servants. Fabrian, though, could only focus on the creature as it stared back. A third eye opened on his forehead as it began to glow and the creature reached towards the mirror with a hand. Fabrian forced himself to react sensing what it was trying to do and he grabbed a nearby enchanted dagger, stabbing the mirror and shattering it to pieces. He hurriedly threw it away and called for his grand magister who entered in a rush. Observing the situation the wizard whispered a spell to himself and touched the mirror, causing it to lose its magic glow before disintegrating what remained. “Are you alright my lord?” the wizard asked. “Grand magister, get in contact with the others, I fear we have been compromised, we must be ready for war immediately.” The wizard bowed his head and teleported away. As Fabrian looked around, his attention was caught on a scrying mirror in his office. It was used to monitor the situation on all the worlds’ under the empire’s control. And it was glowing red, as it displays what appears to be a mass influx of Intelligent undead into the border worlds of the Gorgonic empire, led to a pair of black headless dragons. The war has begun and the battle for the fate of his empire commences.

Necrolord, fragment of the great anomaly(Before full awakening)
Medium undead (augmented), Beyond alignment(acts as Neutral evil)

Cleric 100/ divine emissary 59/ reborn Necromancer 10/ Cosmic Descryer 21
DvR:23 (paralleled Greater God)

Ability Scores:
18 base+56 lord+32 divine+10 monster of legend+40 Anomalous gift=156 |+73
:18 base+56 lord+32 divine+6 monster of legend+40 Anomalous gift=152 |+71
Wis:18 base+56 lord+32 divine+2 monster of legend+47 CL+40 Anomalous gift)x2=390 |+190
:18 base+56 lord+32 divine+2 monster of legend+40 Anomalous gift=148 |+69
18 base+56 lord+32 divine+2 monster of legend+40 Anomalous gift)x2=296 |+143

:190D20+27170+3800 Lord (34,770hp)
Initiative:71 dex +23 divine+45 luck=+139/Always first
: Mach 3( 6756ft Lord x 3 Greater god)
AC:10+71 dex+23 divine+190 Lord’ insight +45 lord+143 Char+190 natural armor+190 profane+1 dodge+143 heavenly+69 cunning=1075, touch 885, flat footed 1004
Attack bonus:
15 BAB+73 Str+23 divine +190 lord’s insight+45 lord+143 char+69 cunning+190 profane+1 haste
Saving throws:
:12 base+45 lord+190 lord’s insight+143 heavenly+23 divine+71 Strength of Personality+190 Profane+69 cunning=+743
:6 base+71 dex+45 lord+190 lord’s insight+143 heavenly+23 divine+71 Strength of Personality+190 Profane+1 haste+ 69 cunning=+809
: 12 base+190 wis+45 lord+190 lord’s insight+143 heavenly +23 divine+71 Strength of Personality+190 Profane + 69 cunning=+933
:190 CL+ 45 lord+190 wis(insight)=425+ relevant ability mod
:10 base+190 HD+23 Divine +45 lord=268 (spell that do not penetrate reflect back on caster)
Power Resistance:10 base+190 HD+23 Divine +45 lord=268
:115/epic and cursed (lord)+40/epic (Divine)=165/epic (165/-)
Fast healing:75
Immunities (Ex)
: The Necrolord is immune to cold, fire(lord),sonic, force (divine ability) acid and electricity(monster of legend) and is unaffected by natural effects such as: ability damage, disease, natural elements (cold, drowning, fire, lava, lightning etc.), poison and so forth.
Senses: Cosmic consciousness( to the edge of the plane/dimension he is on)
Full round attacks: 1 Anti divine/negative energy/black hole ray (or a spell) + 2 spells or spell-like abilities( free action, third eye and 2 more faces)+ Wrath (anti divine+ negative energy+ black hole) (deal dmg if in range (500ft) as free action) and either 1 quickened spell + 1 effect or 1 fist attacks or doom bringer (swift+ standard) or 8 fist attacks (full round attack)
:+749 against mortals,+939+opponent’s divine rank against deities(no decrease on multiattack), dmg: 190d10 (1900)+47d6x4(2256) to deities + 60 energy level drain +47d8x4(1520) bludgeoning dmg +3800 x opponent’s divine rank= 3420 dmg to mortals,5676+(3800 x divine rank) 60 energy level drain, crit range 17-20/x5 (17100 dmg to mortals, 28380+ 5(3800 x divine rank) to deities, 300 energy level drain
: Automatic metamagic capacity (x48), Metamagic freedom, Improved spell capacity x12), spell opportunity, combat casting, Improved Alignment Based Casting, Negative Energy Burst, zone of animation, Planar Turning, Spontaneous Domain Access, Undead Mastery, Great smiting, Improved Turning (x6), Leadership, Improved cohort, Extra followers, Cat’s fall, Epic spellcasting, Ignore material components, Permanent Emanation(x4), Epic leadership, Legendary commander, spectral strike, Improved combat casting, strength of personality,

Metamagic: Empower spell, Silent spell, Still spell, Reach spell, Widen spell, Energy substitution, Enlarge spell, Quicken spell, Bouncing spell, Contagious spell, Delayed spell, Tenacious spell, Sickening spell, Persistent spell, Cataclysmic spell, Annihilating spell, Dire spell

Divine Metamagic (24 feats converted to 4 divine abilities): Dolorous spell, Quintessential spell, Telluric spell, transient spell
Feats: 110(90 base+20 lord(42 converted to divine abilities(7)), divine abilities:122 (no artifacts, 23+92(23x4)+7)

The Necrolord was one of the many fragments sent forth by the great anomaly ‘It burns all’ in order to interact with the universes around it and attempt to halt the suffering of the mortals within. The necrolord is intended to be the common enemy of all mortals and the gods they worship, to force them to work together. Should they fail, the sidereals and demiurge will be targeted after it awakens, to reset the universe to force it to begin anew. It wields no artifacts of its own but holds a specter carrying the scale of the anomaly to aid it and to awaken its true power should the need arise. The only end that the necrolord and the anomaly will accept is the unification of the gods or the rise of the mortals and it will not rest till then. To that end, it holds a wealth of power it can use to challenge the immortals and mortals alike.

If engaged, it will make use of the anti divine powers to swiftly destroy the immortals and use its near absolute control of negative energy to drain and snuff out the lives of the mortals as the blood spilt will only increase its own strength. Its large aura is an effective way to stall and slowly waste away any armies it faces while quickly summoning undead to deal with the army empowering them with divine skills, all while it bombards them with spells. It will never retreat from battle, for it knows it cannot die until its mission is accomplished. Escape is near impossible due to its cosmic senses and to attempt to change it is impossible.

Class abilities:
Granted Powers:

The Necrolord may use a death touch once per day, it is a supernatural ability that produces a death effect. He must succeed on a melee touch attack against a living creature. When you touch, roll 190d6 (1140). If the total at least equals the creature’s current hit points, it dies (no save).

Deicide:23+21(extra smite)=44/day(if cogency is abrogated),the Necrolord may use Smite Immortal.

*Smite Immortal (Su)

The necrolord can infuse his strikes with anathematic energies. As a swift action, he chooses one target within sight to smite. If this target is an Immortal,he gains a bonus to his Attack Rolls equal to 190+opponent's Divine Rank**, deals extra damage or permanent damage (deicide choice) on his Damage Rolls equal to 380 x his opponent's Divine Rank x 10 (perfect smiting) against any Immortal and attacks automatically bypass any DR the Immortal might possess. In addition, while smite immortal is in effect, he gains an insight bonus equal to double his opponent's Divine Rank to his AC and saving throw against attacks and abilities made by the target of the smite. If he targets a creature that was not an Immortal, the smite is wasted with no effect. The smite immortal effect remains until the target of the smite is dead or the next time the deicide rests and regains his use of this ability. This ability counts as smite. If the Immortal target of the smite immortal has at least 49 divine rank, the base smite immortal damage (before applying superior and perfect smiting) increases to 380 x his opponent's Divine Rank x 100 x10.

Rebuke or command undead: 7200HD (undead mastery+reborn necromancer)

Divine Inspiration (Sp): The necrolord gains a +2 luck bonus on his or her attack and Damage rolls for 10 rounds, 20/day
Extra Smite (Su): The necrolord can use his or her smite ability 2 extra times per day,
Greater Planar Ally (sp): The necrolord can call a Greater planar ally 6/day. The ally does not request a return favor when a divine emissary uses this ability.

Divine Hand (Su): As a free action, the necrolord gains a +20 profane bonus on his next melee or ranged attack roll, as long as the attack is made with the deity’s favored weapon. The necrolord can use divine hand 6/day.

Superior Planar Summoning (Ex):The necrolord can increase the power of any of the following spells—elemental swarm, gate, greater planar ally, greater planar binding, summon monster iX, or summon nature’s ally IX—to affect or summon outsider of 24 HD higher than the spell’s normal limit or conjure creatures with 24 HD of advancement.

Naturalization (Ex):The necrolord develops a natural affinity for 10 planes(the abyss, feywild, elemental plane of fire, positive energy plane, hades, mount celestial, limbo, far realm, shadowfell and negative energy plane) that he or she has visited, becoming resistant to any spells and spell-like effects that would normally affect any creature not native to that plane.

Enduring Gate (Su): As a full round action, the necrolord can make any casting of the gate spell remain for 7 days.

Cosmic Connection (Su):The necrolord may join with the massive energy of the multiverse 3/day. He can remain connected for 190 minutes. While connected, he is immune to critical hits, is a native on any plane he visits, and can use dimension doors at will as a 20th-level caster. He can draw off excess energy from the multiverse itself to increase his effective caster level or enhance any check. Drawing off excess energy from the multiverse is dangerous, and it deals him 5 points of damage for each +1 bonus applied to a single roll or +1 caster level on a single spell.

Magic of the Unliving (Ex): A reborn necromancer focuses on learning black magic, regardless of the source. He can learn and cast spells of the necromancy school from any spell list. If, however, the spell would normally be of the wrong type of magic (arcane/divine/occult), it can only be learned and cast on a spell level higher than it would normally be.

Aura of Dread (Su):The Necrolord are surrounded by an aura of fear. Living creatures in this aura feel tendrils of despair in their minds. Creatures in a 50ft area are aware that something unnatural is nearby. The reborn necromancer has a penalty(-5) to Diplomacy checks but a bonus(+5) to Intimidate checks when used on living creatures. Animals do not willingly approach the reborn necromancer unless the animal’s master makes a DC 25 Handle Animal, Ride, or wild empathy check

Train Undead: The Necrolord swiftly learns that mindless undead minions are useful in many ways, but hard to handle. He therefore learns how to train small tricks to them, as if they were animals. He can treat undead without an intelligence score as animals with an intelligence score of 1 for training purposes, except the Necrolord uses knowledge (religion).

Eternal Balance (Su): The Necrolord interacts with positive energy as a living creature and with negative energy as an undead.

Master’s Call (Su): The Necrolord can perform a greater command against undead in place of a regular command attempt. The greater command is like a normal command except that intelligent undead that are commanded with greater command gain a new save only 1/week. This ability is usable 2/week and costs 2 uses of channel energy instead of one.

Undead Versatility(Ex): The Necrolord can create any undead with a CR up to 11 with create undead, and up to his caster level with create greater undead with extra specific components for specific undead. The Necrolord can create undead based on templates only if the undead final CR is lower than its caster level. If the creation of the undead requires particular components (like the phylactery of a lich), those components must be provided during the casting as an additional material and/or focus component.

Eyes of the Dark Lord (Su): The Necrolord can look through the senses of any undead he is currently controlling. The undead must be within a radius of 10 miles. Looking through the senses of an undead requires a full round action to start watching and one swift to stop. While the Necrolord is in the undead’s mind, he leaves his own body in a sleep-like state. The reborn necromancer may look through the undead’s senses and he may use its mouth to speak, but no other actions may be taken.

Gifted Birth traits (Anomaly birth, lord and monster of legend):

Cosmic Destiny(Ex)
:The Necrolord was created to serve a specific purpose, to provide a suitably terrifying threat that the immortals and mortals halt their petty games and better their worlds. Till this purpose is served, he cannot die. This is treated as the Transmortality ability except to abrogate or nullify this, the creature must roll against “it burns all” directly in rank check, which is treated as a rank of 200 while it is asleep (which it currently is). If it wakes, it is impossible to abrogate this ability. Once the purpose is served, this ability is automatically discarded.(once most gods and mortals work together for a common purpose) Successful nullification of this ability and slaying of the necrolord when its purpose is not complete will awaken “it that burns”.

Blood of the cosmos(Ex):The Necrolord has been blessed with a small amount of the anomalies' vast power to help them challenge every god and mortal. He receives the cosmic consciousness, 2 Legendary [abilities], 3 additional cosmic abilities of his choice, a +40 to all stats and may choose cosmic abilities as normal (though he may not select transcendent abilities at all). He also has nescience as a bonus divine ability. To remove this via abrogate requires a DC 43 rank check for each ability.
The 3 abilities are:
Divine nescience: He ignores prerequisites for divine abilities
Cogency: he treats every attack as a smite
Perfect smiting: His smite damage increases 10 fold

Stand united or fall divided(Ex): The Necrolord has an Unique ability that is also a weakness. At the start of combat, All the mortals and immortals roll a skill check of their choice and the difference of the sum best and worst 5 of their checks is taken against a DC of 884 (864+20). Should they fail, The necrolord gains 1 additional cosmic ability and 3 divine abilities and all combatants suffer an unavoidable round of attacks of the necrolord’s choice. Should they succeed, the necrolord loses 3 cosmic abilities granted by his blood and a penalty of -200 to all his attack rolls, AC, Saves and DCs. He may use this ability 1 additional time in combat but only gains 3 divine abilities if he succeeds. Any attempt to abrogate this ability causes the failure effect which stacks (repeated attempts lead to repeated benefits).

Death’s wrath incarnate: The necrolord has death in its very nature and possesses the innate powers of a powerful lich. He gains the Akalich’s spell-like abilities

Death of all (Ex): the necrolord represents the end of all immortals and mortals. He gains the double death and double deicide portfolios. This can be abrogated on a successful DC 883 Wisdom check against him by the abrogator as they attempt to impose a new reality on him but he chooses which portfolio he loses. He can only lose 1 of the two portfolio at anytime

Deicide Portfolio:
Spell-like Abilities
: Use two deicide domain spell as spell-like ability
Lunatic’s Atheism (Weakness):Competence penalty to on all rolls equal to double your divine rank for one month if you ever retreat the battlefield so long as a single enemy Immortal remains alive within your Divine Aura
Anathema: Immortals target you above all others in combat
Pernicious Ascendency (Su): You are healed by Divine Damage
Greater Scion of God Slaughter (Ex): You gain your two most powerful opponents in your Divine Aura Divine Bonus to Armor Class, Attacks, Damage, Saves, and Checks
execration Ritual (Ex): All summoned allies maximize all die rolls if there is an Immortal within your Divine Aura
Vile Divinity (Su):All Anti Divine Damage you do is considered Permanent Damage
Uncanny Divine Mastery (Su) (x2 HD): Assault your enemies with divine energy
Font of Perdition (Ex): All Immortals within your Divine Aura take damage equal to the combined total of the Divine Bonus of all Immortals within your Divine Aura (including your own) every round

Uncanny Anti divine Effects(x2hd)(d3 to d6)( anti divine is divine dmg that does x2 dmg to divine beings but 0 dmg to mortals)(quantum effect+inner eye=x4 max dmg)(DC+190 Profane+143 heavenly+69 cunning):
• Beam (Ray):
standard action, ranged touch attack, 190d6x4(9120 to deities) permanent anti divine dmg, range 8000 ft.
• Blast: standard action, 95d6x4(4560 to deities) permanent anti divine dmg (DC 635 Reflex for half damage), range 8000 ft., 500 ft. radius burst
• Blood: any foe who strikes the necrolord in melee suffers 47d6x4(2256 to deities) permanent anti divine dmg (DC 635 Reflex negates).
Breath: Once every 1d4 rounds, the necrolord can breathe either 500 ft. cone or a 2000 ft.-long line that deals 190d6x4(9120 to deities) permanent anti divine dmg (DC 635 Reflex for half damage).
Hand: standard action, a touch attack, deals 285d6x4(13680 to deities) permanent anti divine dmg.
Immolation: When slain, a 1,024,000ft( enlarge aura x 9), deals 285d6x4(13680 to deities) permanent anti divine dmg (DC 635 Reflex for half damage).
Storm: All enemies within a 1,024,000ft, 47d6x4 (2256 to deities) permanent anti divine dmg (DC 635 Reflex negates)
Strike: Any creature struck by the necrolord in melee suffers an additional 47d6x4(2256 to deities) permanent anti divine dmg.
Wrath (Gaze): 95d6x4(4560 to deities) permanent anti divine dmg (DC 635 will negates), 500 ft.

Death portfolio:
Spell-like Abilities:
Use two death domain spells as spell-like abilities each round
Positive Energy Vulnerability: Suffer 100% extra damage from positive energy attacks and spells
Sterility: You cannot produce offspring, even magically
Undead: You gain the undead traits and have no constitution score
Cold Resistance: You gain cold resistance equal to your HD
Greater Scion of Death: Competence bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls and armor class equal to double your divine rank against living opponents
Perfect Summoning (Undead): Undead created/summoned have 200% more HD
Perfect Embodiment of Death: Immunities ineffective against your necromantic effects
Uncanny Neg. En. Mastery (x2 HD): Assault your enemies with negative energy based attacks
Improved Neg. En. Absorption: Use a single source of neg. energy damage to give bonus hit points

Uncanny Negative energy Effects(x2hd)(quantum effect+inner eye=x4 max dmg)(DC+190 Profane+143 heavenly+69 cunning):
• Beam (Ray):
standard action, ranged touch attack, 252 (63x4) energy level drain, range 8000 ft.
Blast: standard action, 124(31x4) energy level drain (DC 635 Reflex for half drain), range 8000 ft., 500 ft. radius burst
Blood: any foe who strikes the necrolord in melee suffers 60(15x4) energy level drain (DC 635 Reflex negates).
Breath: Once every 1d4 rounds, the necrolord can breathe either 500 ft. cone or a 2000 ft.-long line that deals 252(63x4) energy level drain (DC 635 Reflex for half drain).
Hand: standard action, a touch attack, deals 95 energy level drain.
Immolation: When slain, a 1,024,000ft. radius( enlarge aura x 9), deals 380(95x4) energy level drain (DC 635 Reflex for half drain).
Storm: All enemies within a 1,024,000ft. radius, 60(15x4) energy level drain (DC 635 Reflex negates)
Strike: Any creature struck by the necrolord in melee suffers an additional 60(15x4) energy level drain
Wrath (Gaze): 124(31x4) energy level drain (DC 635 will negates), 500 ft.

Inner Eye (Ex): The necrolord can automatically (no action required) manipulate its fate. For example...The lord gains the best or worst (it's choice) results on all dice rolls. However, a natural “20” is not an automatic success and a natural "1" is only an automatic failure if it opts to automatically fail.

Might(Ex): The necrolord does 190d10 dmg per melee hit

Lord Presence (Ex): The necrolord radiates an aura of pure presence (Radius: 2000ft). All creatures with less than 142 HD must make a Will save DC 650 (248+190 profane + 140 heavenly+69 cunning) or fall unconscious for the overwhelming presence of the lord for 24 hours. Slapping or wounding awakens an affected creature, but normal noise does not. Awakening a creature is a standard action (an application of the aid another action). If a creature makes his save it is instead staggered for 143 rounds. Once a creature makes with success his save, he is immune to the Lord Presence of that lord for a number of rounds equal to his HD + his Charisma modifier. This ability ignores the immunity to fear or mind-affecting effects of creatures with less than 95HD. Against unattended objects in the area (like the squares of the floor) Lord Presence deals 950 hp every round which applies only half of the hardness. The lord can exclude any number of creatures of objects from suffering the effects of this aura. This is a fear, mind-affecting effect.

Maven and Omnicompetent(Ex): The necrolord knows all skills as class skills and has max ranks in all class skills

Mythic creature(Ex): The necrolord is a mythic rank 38 creature with appropriate mythic power (38/day,+28d6). The necrolord can use any of his spell and spell-like abilities as the Mythic versions of those spells (if a Mythic version of that spell exists), expending Mythic Power as normal. He can also expend Mythic Power to use the augmented versions of these spell and spell-like abilities.

Regrow limbs (Ex): If the necrolord loses a limb, head, or body part, a new one grows in 1 round. He cannot be slain by a vorpal weapon's head-severing ability.

Divine Abilities (62 abilities):

Profane mind, body, soul, spirit (1 divine ability):
Wis bonus to Attack rolls, AC, saving throws and DCs
Heavenly body, soul, spirit and mind (1 divine ability): Char bonus to AC, Attack rolls,Saves and DCs of abilities
Cunning mind, body,soul and spirit(1 divine ability): Int bonus to AC, attack rolls, saves and DCs
Carapace: His natural armor bonus is equal to his HD instead of ¼ his HD
Quantum Effects: Fate is incorporated into all his effects. With inner eye treat as all effects at x4 dmg
Vampiric Effect: Choose 1 enemy damaged by an effect and heal half the dmg
Spell reflection: Reflect spells that do not penetrate his SR back onto caster
Seventh sense: Replay 23 rounds per day
Perfect damage reduction: His dmg reduction cannot be overcome by any trait
Enlarge aura (X9): His Aura increases 2^9 times( since double double is quadruple ) to 1,024,000ft
Greater Aura: His aura’s effects increase
Superior Aura: His Aura’s effect increase even further
Perfect Aura: His Aura’s effects Increase phenomenally
Perfect initiative: He always goes first in the initiative order
Superior Critical: His critical threat range is quadrupled to 17-20
Superior critical multiplier: His crit multiplier becomes X 5
Superior combat casting: His concentration cannot be broken when casting spells
Third eye: He can use a Ray effect, spell or spell like ability as a free action each round
Moderate Eradication: He has a 50% chance of critical hitting creatures immune to crits
Self Hypnosis: He is treated as having a mind blank spell on at all time, lowering or raising it as a free action.
Epic presence(x3): He grants all allies in his divine aura 3 epic feats of his choice (epic spellcasting, dire spell, cataclysmic spell)
Abnormality (x4): The necrolord has many strange and unnatural augmentations on his body.
Faces(x2): He has two additional faces on the sides of his head. He may cast 2 additional spells or use 2 spell-like ability as a free action each round
Arms(x2): He has 4 additional arms on the side of his body, clawed and vicious granting him 4 additional attacks each round
True seeing: He acts as if he has True seeing on at all times
Obviate: He grants all allies in his divine aura the ability to use true seeing at all times
Adjuration: Each day, he can summon creatures whose total Hit Dice is no greater than 380HD. No creature may have a CR of 118
Create greater spawn: Any mortals he kills automatically become one of the undead. He can choose the type of undead, however, the undead he creates cannot have more than double the hit die of the creature killed. Additionally it’s Challenge Rating cannot be greater than 31
Multifaceted(x5): He gains 30 additional feats ( 18 to AMC and 12 to improved spell capacity)
Force and sonic immunity( 2 divine ability): He is immune to force and sonic dmg
Distant gaze: He gains a gaze attack that can forcefully plane shift/teleport any being to any location of his choice on a fail will save of DC 673(271+190 profane+143 heavenly+69 cunning), range 500ft
Spell abatement: He ignore the first spell cast against him each round(as if he has infinite SR against it)
Spell absorption: As a free action, he can automatically absorb 1 spell cast at him, storing it and he may cast it as a standard action anytime in the future. He may store 190 levels of spells
Shapechange: He can change into a new form with no more than 380HD as a free action (Usually a Great void wyrm), gaining all Ex and Su abilities of the new form but losing the Su abilities he possesses.
Gravitas: Each round he assaults the same opponent with the same spell or ability the DC increases by 2 up to an increase of 143
Goetic blood: Each time he takes dmg, he summons monsters. For 10hp/1 spell level loss, he cast the summon monster spell to the appropriate level. For more than 90 hp loss, he summons monsters of CR spell level x 1.33
Perfect staff specialization: He deals max dmg on melee hits with staffs
Perfect weapon focus: Always use his highest BAB on all attacks
Superior smiting: He multiples his smite dmg by 4 (taken if Perfect smiting is abrogated)
Uncanny whirlwind attack: As a full attack action, he can make a full attack against every target he threatens.
Quickness: He always act as if Hasted
Vanguard will and reflex (2 divine abilities): All allies within his divine aura can use his will and reflex save instead of their own
Apocrypha: He gains a +50 bonus to any save against being scryed on, detected or any divination effects.
Precognition: He can glimpse into a being’s future. An individual must make a will save of DC 720 (318+190 profane+143 heavenly+69 cunning) or have their plots and goals become known to him, him being given clues and hints about possible future events involving the individual. He may do this any number of times but the victim gains +10 circumstantial bonus per previous attempt on the person
Perfect sunder: His attacks do damage and count as sunder attempts

Cosmic abilities(60 Divine abilities converted to 10 cosmic abilities)
: Any single opponent in his 1,024,000ft divine aura has his greatest ability negated, which could be an ability or ability score
Anaretic: His strikes destroys magical items as per a disjunction spell of CL 213, though immortal artifacts are only destroyed for 1d4 rounds before being restored
Apostasy: He has transcended alignment. He cannot be affected by aligned effects and cannot be affected by effects attempting to change his alignment
Create legacy: for every mortal killed, he summons 23 undead with no more than twice the mortal’s HD and CR not higher than 31
Divine presence: All allies within his divine aura gains a single divine ability (Create greater spawn)
Doom bringer: 1/day per opponent, On a successful touch attack, He deals 25% of that opponent’s max HP by reopening the worst wound that opponent had received
Revivdius: He can resurrect the Greatest enemy of his opponent from beyond the grave, summoned for one round per HD of the enemy.
(modified) Shroud of death: Enemies with his Divine Aura must make a DC 673 fortitude save or die every round for which they remain within his divine aura. Anyone without a divine rank automatically succeeds this check
Spirit stealer: He gains 100% of the quintessence from any deity he slays instead of 10%
Extra portfolio: To aid in his conquest the Necrolord claims another portfolio: space

Space portfolio:
Spell-like Abilities
: He may use the space domain spell like abilities at will
Hostile Environment(lock): Competence penalty of -23 on all die rolls while in an area that blocks dimensional travel
Cold Vulnerability: He takes an additional 50% cold dmg( he is immune though so)
Eternal Freedom :You are immune to spells and effects which impede movement
Dimension Hole: +23 Competence bonus to attack rolls damage rolls and armor class after using a conjuration effect for 23 minutes
Dimensional Summon: A summoned creature can summon or otherwise conjure another creature, and can it use any teleportation or planar travel abilities
Hyperdimensional Body: The necrolord exists in multiple dimensions at once: all attacks and effects against him have a 50% miss chance. He can move through solid objects (even made of force) as if they were difficult terrain, except that it cannot end its movement in an object. This ability does not function if he is subject to a dimensional anchor or similar effect.
Dimensional Lord: You gain regeneration equal to ½ your HD after using a conjuration effect for a number of minutes equal to your divine rank
Uncanny black hole effect(quantum effect+inner eye=x4 max dmg)(DC+190 Profane+143 heavenly+69 cunning):
The effect deals d8 bludgeoning damage per hit die. Creatures that take damage must make a Reflex save, with the same DC of the version of the Effect or be moved to any square that is included in the area of effect. For effect forms that are not area (Beam, Blood, Hand, and Strike) a failed Reflex allows the immortal to move the creature anywhere in its Divine Aura.
• Beam (Ray): standard action, ranged touch attack, 190d8x4 (6080) Bludgeoning damage, range 8000 ft.
• Blast: standard action, 95d8x4(3040) Bludgeoning damage (DC 635 Reflex for half damage), range 8000 ft., 500 ft. radius burst
• Blood: any foe who strikes the necrolord in melee suffers 47d8x4(1520) bludgeoning damage (DC 635 Reflex negates).
• Breath: Once every 1d4 rounds, the necrolord can breathe either 500 ft. cone or a 2000 ft.-long line that deals 190d8x4(6080) Bludgeoning damage (DC 635 Reflex for half damage).
• Hand: standard action, a touch attack, deals 285d8x4(9120) Bludgeoning damage.
Immolation: When slain, a 1,024,000ft( enlarge aura x 9), deals 285d8x4(9120) Bludgeoning damage (DC 635 Reflex for half damage).
• Storm: All enemies within a 1,024,000ft, 47d8x4(1520) Bludgeoning damage (DC 635 Reflex negates)
• Strike: Any creature struck by the necrolord in melee suffers an additional 47d8x4(1520) bludgeoning damage.
• Wrath (Gaze): 95d8x4 (3040) bludgeoning damage (DC 635 will negates), 500 ft.

Divine Aura: Range 1,024,000ft
The necrolord can choose from the following effects each round as a free action (DC +190 profane+143 heavenly+69 cunning):
Daze: Those within the immortal’s aura must make a Will save DC 578 (176+190+143+69) or be unable to act, other than defend themselves, duration 1 round.
Fear: Those within the immortal’s aura must make a Will save DC 578 (176+190+143+69) or be shaken and suffer a -2 morale penalty on attack rolls, saves and checks.
Sleep: Those within the immortal’s aura must make a Will save DC 588 (186+190+143+69) or be unable to act, duration 1d4 rounds. A sleeping character who takes damage gains another saving throw against this effect (maximum one new save per round regardless of how many times they are damaged).
Pain: Those within the immortal’s aura must make a Fortitude save DC 588 (186+190+143+69)or suffer wracking pains that impose a -4 penalty on attack rolls, saves and skill checks. These effects last for 1 hour after the creature leaves the immortal’s divine aura.
Stunning: Those within the immortal’s aura must make a Will save DC 588 (186+190+143+69) or be unable to act, other than defend themselves for 1d6 rounds.
Weakness: Those within the immortal’s aura must make a Fortitude save DC 588 (186+190+143+69) or suffer 3d6 points of Strength damage.
Insanity: Those within the immortal’s aura must make a Will save DC 588 (186+190+143+69) or become permanently insane.
Death: Those within the immortal’s aura must make a Fortitude save DC 588 (186+190+143+69) or die. The immortal can only slay up to a total of 1900 hp per round (although it can choose which targets suffer first).
Perfect Heroism: Allies within the immortal’s aura gain a +8 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves and skill checks. Are immune to fear and gain 60 temporary hit points.

Shroud of death: All enemies must make a DC 673 fort save or die, repeating this every round they are within his aura. Creatures without a divine rank automatically succeed

Storms of power: Every rounds, each enemy must make a reflex save of DC 635 takes 47d8x4(1520) Bludgeoning damage, 60(15x4) energy level drain and 47d6x4(2256 to deities) permanent anti divine dmg

Spells and spell like abilities: 48 AMCs each round, 3 free spells or spell-like ability per round(third eye +2 heads)
Spells: As a level 110(100 cleric +10 from cosmic descryer 45 lord+ 23 divine) cleric (CL 178), Spell array:(lv 0-9:6/30/29/29/29/29/28/28/27/27 and lv 10- 21 (purely for metamagic purposes, ISC): 18/18/18/18/18/18/18/18/18/17/17/17) Spell DCs: 10+190 wis+45 lord +23 divine +190 profane +143 heavenly+69 cunning +spell level= 670+ spell level.
Typical spell prepared: (i am just listing spells known, not the specific spell slots associate with them, too many)
(0th): create water, mending, read magic, resistance, guidance, inflict minor wounds
(1st)(30 slots): Bane, Command, Protection from good, protection from law, protection from evil, Obscuring mist, Curse water, Entropic shield, cause fear, shield of faith
(2nd)(29 slots) :silence, spiritual weapon, enthrall, hold person, darkness, cure moderate wounds, inflict moderate wounds, desecrate, status, shatter, aid
(3rd)(29 slots): contagion, deeper darkness, dispel magic, magic circle against good, bestow curse, remove curse, obscure object, invisibility purge, wind walk, water walk, helping hand, animate dead
(4th)(29 slots): imbue with spell-like ability, dismissal, poison, spell immunity, discern lies, inflict critical wounds, dimensional anchor, control water
(5th)(29 slots):dispel good, dispel law, dispel chaos, symbol of pain, command greater, slay living, summon monster V, insect plague, wall of stone, unhallow, flame strike
(6th)(28 slots): Anti-life shell, Geas, Create undead, symbol of fear, Blade barrier, Forbiddance, Greater dispel magic, Harm, Heal, Word of recall, Greater glyph of warding
(7th)(28 slots): Blasphemy, Symbol of weakness, Symbol of stunning, Greater Scrying, Destruction, Control weather, Repulsion, Resurrection, Word of chaos
(8th)(27 slots): Create greater undead, Symbol of death, Symbol of insanity ,Earthquake, Firestorm, Dimension Lock, Cloak of chaos, Greater Planar ally, Mass inflict wounds, Discern location
(9th)(27 slots): Astral projection, Energy drain, Gate, Storm of vengeance, Soul bind, Miracle, Implosion, True resurrection, Summon monster IX
Lv 10-21:Metamagic amplified

Spell-like abilities: The necrolord possesses many spell-like abilities from his portfolios, blood and deity power. Caster level: 190HD+23 divine+45 lord=258, DC=10+190 wis+45 lord +23 divine +190 profane +143 heavenly+69 cunning +spell level= 670+ spell level.(Also putting the constant spells here)

Constant(permanent emanation): Unholy Aura, dispel good, Find the path, Entropic shield (miss chance 70% with the Hyperdimensional body)
At will: commune, dream, etherealness, geas/quest, greater dispel magic, greater teleport, magic jar, sending, tongues; Limited wish; cause fear, death knell, animate dead, death ward, slay living, create undead, destruction, create greater undead, wail of the banshee; Doom, Undetectable Alignment ,Nondetection, Dimensional Anchor, Dismissal, Antimagic Field, Destruction, Trap the soul, Gate; Guardian Armor, Apport Object, Urban step, Dimension Door, Teleport, Plane shift, Greater teleport, Maze, Interplanetary Teleport; Alter self, Astral projection, enervation, Greater dispel magic, harm, telekinesis
29(23 divine+3 lord+3 akalich)/day: Wish
1/day: Ruin
1/week: Memento Mori

Epic spell casting: The necrolord is capable of casting spells that are beyond the capacity of a mortal spellcaster. He has an Epic spell count of 19/day and a spellcraft check of 635(inner eye)(Up to 803 if using mythic powers,38/day)and epic spell save of 680.
He has the following epic spells prepared:
Greater ruin, terrible Animus blizzard (ghosts summoned and increased to 100d6),memento mori, destructive hellball(40d6 each energy type), Enslave(quickened),Animate Greater atropal, Animate Lich court(3 demiliches and 12 liches),Now die ,Summon elder unelemental(permanent), Summon unelemental swarm (7 Greater unelementals,20 rounds),Soul dominion(permanent, quickened,DC+40), Demise Unseen, pestilence, Time duplicate, Time freeze, Eclipse, Quickened Soul scry, Dragon strike(no mitigating factors),Flash freeze, Conjure void dragon servant,Perfect spell reflection( All spells lvl 1-9 reflected),Let go of me, Kinetic control, Summon Akalich( permanent)

An example of the highest end spell he can possibly cast: I stated out this out, presuming that he uses a mythic power to up the spellcraft check to 803.
Conjure void dragon servant:
Spellcraft DC:
Components: v, s
Casting time: Quickened
Range: 75ft
Effect: Summon an adult void dragon
Duration: permanent
To develop: Seed:Summon(DC14), Factors: Summon CR 188 Creature (+372),other type of creature(+10),Quickened(+28),permanent(x5),mitigating factors:Backlash 380d6(380 with inner eye)(-380),burn 20000 xp(-200), 15 additional participants (3 participants contribute 2 10th level spell slots(-114), 15 participates contribute 2 9th level spell slots(-510), 15 participants burn 100 xp each(-15)

Calling upon the void itself, the necrolord summons an adult void dragon to do his bidding, which will follow his orders till its death.

Summon elder unelemental:
Spellcraft DC:
Component: v,s
Casting time: Quickened
Range: 75ft
Effect: Summon an elder unelemental
Duration: permanent
To develop: Seed: summon(14),factor: summon CR 53 creature(+102),quickened(+28),Elemental(+10),Permanent(x5)

Summon an elder unelemental from the negative energy plane

Damaging spell sample:
Flash freeze:
Spellcraft DC:
Components: none
Casting time: Quickened
range :6000 ft
Area: A bolt 100 ft wide and 6000 ft long
Duration: instantaneous
Saving throws: reflex for half( DC +40)
Spell resistance: yes (+40 to check)
To develop: Seed:energy(19), Factors:No verbal component(+2), No somatic components(+2) Increases range by 1900%(+38),Increase Area by 1900%(+76),Quickened(+28), DC increase +40 (+80),Increase dmg dice to d20(+40), +40 increase to check to overcome Opponent’s SR(+80),Increase dmg to 145d6 (+270)

When the spell is cast,the air turns to freezing immediately, causing most creatures to die of the cold. It does 145d20 cold dmg to all creatures caught in the blast radius, and while powerful is fairly simple to cast.

Now die
Spellcraft DC
Components: none
Casting time: quickened
Range: 36000 ft
Target: 1 creature or 10 ft cube of non living creature and up to 10 creatures within 300 ft of the target
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving throw: fortitude for half,DC+40
Spell resistance: yes (+40 to check)
To develop: Seed: Destroy(29),factors: No verbal component(+2), No somatic components(+2), Increase range by 200%(+4), Additional 10 targets within 300ft(+100), Quickened(+28), DC increase+40(+80),+40 increase to SR check(+80), Increase dmg dice to d20(+40), increase dmg dice to 155d6 (+270)
When the spell is cast, a crackling bolt of purple energy lashes out at the target before it splits off and hits up to 10 more targets within 300ft of the original target. It does 155d20 untyped damage to the target and if it reduces the target to -10 hp, the target turns to fine dust.

Scale staff of the Anomaly
This staff of power holds a fragment of the great anomalies power. It is 6ft long, appearing to be made of a strange type of glistening silver coloured wood, which when twisted by the necrotic power of the necrolord, seems to be encased in a dull purplish red light. On the length of the staff is strange spiral runes that pulse and glow at regular intervals, though this is difficult to see from afar. At the tip of the staff is a glowing golden scale, its color and brilliance a stark contrast against the dark appearance of the rest of the staff. It appears to serve no purpose to an outside observer, as the necrolord does not wield it in battle at this stage despite it carrying the staff everywhere it travels to. Despite multiple initial attempts by several immortals, the staff is utterly indestructible even when struck with weapons made of pure orichalcum.
Any kind of scrying that attempts to locate, view or discern the purpose of the staff fails automatically, no matter the divine rank or power of those who attempt to. Scrying on the necrolord will fail to inform the scryer if he is holding the staff and the staff will not appear on any scrying mirrors or similar items.
Hover: When in combat if the necrolord drops the staff to fully use his fists, the staff will hover upright exactly 1 ft above the ground at the location it was dropped. It is not possible to move it from this point except by the necrolord. Any attempt to lift it or move it will cause the person to let go and take 1d10 untyped dmg, which they are treated as vulnerable to.
Flare: If the necrolord is slain, the staff will release a ball of red light 100ft into the air(or space if it's in space). Depending on how the necrolord was slain, the following effects take place:
Slain with cosmic destiny active: The ball of red light will turn blue and the staff will vanish back into the hand of the reformed necrolord
Slain with cosmic destiny negated: If the necrolord’s mission was complete when it was slain, the ball of red light will change into all the colors of a rainbow, forming a prismatic sphere which descends onto the staff. After 1 round, the sphere will disappear, with the staff destroyed and only the golden scale being left behind.(the golden scale possesses a very large reserve of quintessence and XP as well as numerous abilities of its own)
Slain with cosmic destiny abrogated. If the necrolord was slain with the cosmic destiny being abrogated by a successful rank check, the ball will begin to glow brighter. It then burst, with the red light engulfing the battlefield. All creatures involved in the battle (via participation, planning, transporting etc) must make a DC 1000 save at disadvantage with their worst save or die(no death prevention will work in this case). If they succeed, they are marked with a red light and their power is assessed as if by psychometry. If a significant number of them (at least 3 aided in the battle and 1 directly fought the necrolord) have a divine rank of 24 or greater, the ability “the endless night” activates. If they were immortals or mortals, Their alignments and mindsets are assessed. If they are deemed as being capable of unifying the mortals and immortals and fulfilling the mission of the necrolord in its stead, they are marked with a Geas to do so(this cannot be removed, Dmg is their HD x D20). If they are not, the red light resurrects the night lord, granting it 3 additional cosmic (or equivalent) abilities specifically to deal with whatever killed him.
The endless night: This is the Anomalies' distaste for the sidereals and eternals made manifest, for it believes that the fates of mortals and immortals should be in their own hands not the hands of these so-called “higher beings”. The staff resurrects the necrolord with the following changes:
  • The necrolord is now a Divine rank 150 Anomaly, with double Portfolios of Massacre, deicide, death, entropy, space and darkness with none of the weaknesses
  • Its HD quadruples and its is gains the abilities of the Akalich and welkin as bonus abilities
  • It is now the Amidah of whatever Universe it is in and its cosmic senses extend to the edge of the universe it’s in
  • Cosmic destiny now cannot be removed as the great anomaly is now awake (partially awake but enough to prevent the removal of this ability)
  • Gifted blood grants him 3 transcendental abilities and grants him divine nullification and uncanny astro effect in addition to its current benefits.It can now select transcendental or even omnific abilities if it so chooses
  • Considering it now faces sidereals or demiurges, It gains the ability to grow to any size from medium to macro-medium with all the benefits therein
  • To be slain, instead of all deities and mortal uniting, all the forces in the universe must now unite to destroy this cancer or face certain destruction, A herculean task indeed. If this is achieved, the necrolord’s penalty is now -500 instead of -200.
  • If it cannot be slain and it destroyed all which oppose it, it will become a time lord momentarily before it sunders itself to begin the universe anew
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I recently just finished my first typed out creature for my setting, The Necrolord, a creation by the most powerful anomaly of my setting. I do have to say that its really long since i stated it out with everything written down to prevent errors. But i probably can post a shortened version in the future. This is probably also only the first. Also credits to Beefermatic, olby99 and belz for their divine abilities, reborn necromancer and lord template plus the divine metamagic

A dark age has descended upon the numerous worlds of the Gorgonic empire. Despite the High levels of magic and technology of the Gorgonic empire, it appears they were facing a crisis of unprecedented scale. They had received reports of large quantities of undead suddenly appearing in some of the planets belonging to the Gorgonic empire, invasions led by atropals, vampires, hunefars and liches had become commonplace in some of the border worlds destroying the homes and livelihoods of millions of people. While the empire had been able to deal with them with relative success, it was still a major issue as the incursions seemed neverending. Not just that, but refugees from other planets and empires were traveling to our planets via their ships or high level magic, speaking of massive invasions by thousands if not millions of intelligent undead. If that was the only problem it would be a massive nuisance but not existential however these were not the only issues. They were united and seemed to act together, led by some unknown force to bring destruction to so many worlds. But it was odd as well, if the tales of these refugees were to be believed, they would not have made it to the empire at all and would have been slaughtered on their planets with no survivors. And yet, Millions still come in every day with the empire having to even settle new planets to provide enough room for them. The emperor of the Gorgonic empire, lord Fabrian, was feeling increasing pressure from his people and his governors to do something about the refugee crisis and the undead attacks. However, he couldn't do much beyond sending elite forces and mercenaries to handle the undead. For there was something he knew that the other governors and people did not. Gods were real and they are dying everywhere, so he knew when that thing that was slaughtering its way through pantheon after pantheon and planet after planet finally made it here, the Gorgonic empire must be at full force or they would become another group of refugees seeking the protection of yet another empire amongst the stars.

2 months ago, on the planet of Maldraxon, Fabrian arrived with the assistance of the Grandmagister spells. The Grandmagister had informed him that the leaders of the various refugee groups had wished to speak with him in private and this desolate planet was the perfect place for it. His escort of 20 archmages and 40 warriors had arrived shortly thereafter. After all, one could never be too prepared. Soon, the others had arrived with their own escorts. The mood was grave no doubt about it. Before Fabrian could say anything, a fragile looking old man dressed in strange robes spoke first,” Lord Fabrian, let us not delay with the pleasantries. I am afraid there is grave news. You are aware that the incursions seem to happen all the time, correct?” Fabrian nodded. “Unfortunately, this is no mere skirmish. It is a war of life against death. And not just mortal life but divine life as well.” Fabrian frowned,” divine life what do you…”. The old man began to glow and flared an aura of tangible power from his, Fabrian gasped and took a step back as his guards moved forward though the old man stopped them with a mere wave of his hand. “This is a war even the gods must fight, mortal king and it appears we need your help.”. As if on cue, some of the other people around him flare similar auras while the other looked on at him. Fabrian said,'' What… why are you here then, shouldn't gods be in their realms in the outer planes?” as Fabrian looked to his grandmagister looking for advice but the old man spoke up first. “Indeed we would be there normally but our divine realms have been destroyed and most of the pantheon slain.”. Fabrain was bewildered,” slain by what monster?”. Instead of answering the old man stuck out his hand and Fabrian saw a vision in his mind’s eye. He saw the prosperous divine realm of several gods, a massive ocean filled to the brim with ordinary sea creature and even massive krakens, a endless library filled with tombs of ancient knowledge, a fiery realm of volcanoes and dragons and a seemingly impossible to navigate labyrinth filled with horned beasts and serpents. And then, across all of them a heavy aura of death and destruction descended, followed by a near endless horde of undead, liches, vampires, mummies, atropals and even great terrible headless black dragons. These creatures ravaged the realms of the gods one by one, reducing the ocean to black ichor, smashing down the library and labyrinth and smothering the flames. The gods and their servants tried to fight back but then that thing appeared. A three faced humanoid with 6 arms, barely taller than a man but its body horribly scarred and mauled as if it endured a thousand battle wounds and divine curses. In a blur of motion it struck at the gods and their servants, and with each barrage another one fell. The ocean god was frozen in place by a spell before the strange power from this creature’s arms stripped the flesh from his bones, a hulking demon was struck by a ray and imploded and the giant efreeti was thrown into an out of control gravity well. Only the old man escaped, barely managing to teleport away from the assault due to the sacrifice of his servants. Suddenly snapping out of it, Fabrian looked around dazed before he refocused on the old man. Another one of the present gods, a massive muscular hulk of a man, Growled,” It happened to all of us, and it will happen to your gods eventually too.” Fabrian composed himself then asked,” if so then what shall we do, if the gods can deal with it, who can?” The old man replied,'' We can only stand a chance together. Those of us here and our people are training to fight and we ourselves are seeking ways to grow stronger. We have also put out calls to other pantheons and because of our numbers we are getting some to come to our aid. But it's not enough and it's only a matter of time before it realizes what's going on. So we need your help. Send out your ships and mages, get them to contact as many worlds and people as possible. We need as many gods, people and resources as possible. There is every chance that if we die, this information dies with us. And then the fate of every god and mortal is to die alone and unaware.” Fabrian nodded, saying,” That's a sound plan, the more hands and minds the higher chance we can come up with a way to deal with this. I will have my subordinates work on this immediately. Though how should we convince them of the direness of this occurrence?” The old man nodded to his side, a woman in a witch's outfit stepped forward and placed something on the ground. The object appears to several small mirrors and as Fabrian picked them out he saw the undead horde advancing on a number of planets and the destruction it wrought. The woman said,” do us all a favor and show them to the people you meet. These should at least convince them of the danger of the undead horde. It also stores the location of where these planets are so you could send some people to go capture some more images of the planet to get more evidence if needed.” Fabrian looked to his Grandmagister and he nodded. Seeing this the old man smiled,” Good, let us go then. We have much work to do.” and with that the group parted ways.

Since then,Fabrian has been funding the armies of the refugees and giving them weapons in preparation for the fight. And yet, Fabrian was worried. He was told that more gods had joined their cause from all over the universe and they were moving their forces through the outer planes to prepare for the fight yet everyday came with a new report of another god or pantheon under assault. The God of knowledge had been hard at work formulating a plan of attack but what they needed was more forces and territory. The archmages and expedition fleets were working non-stop to gather more allies and with the support of the gods’ magics it was progressing smoothly but he feared it was not fast enough. The Gorgonic Empire’s reach had grown more in the past months than it had in years and their priests stated their patron gods were becoming more active as well. However, as the empire grew, the chance of exposure grew as well and as more planets were settled more quickly with divine magic the chance of a full scale assault grew. While Fabrian was pondering on how to improve his situation, he suddenly felt cold as a tingle of fear ran up his spine. Looking around hurriedly, he found nothing out of the ordinary but spotted one of the mirrors given to him by the woman. He kept it as their mages managed to enchant it to become a long range communicator to him directly by the expenditure forces. He picked it up and then froze. Staring back at him was the creature, its red eyes staring into his soul. Behind him were the dead bodies of an expeditionary force as several undead appeared to be raising them as servants. Fabrian, though, could only focus on the creature as it stared back. A third eye opened on his forehead as it began to glow and the creature reached towards the mirror with a hand. Fabrian forced himself to react sensing what it was trying to do and he grabbed a nearby enchanted dagger, stabbing the mirror and shattering it to pieces. He hurriedly threw it away and called for his grand magister who entered in a rush. Observing the situation the wizard whispered a spell to himself and touched the mirror, causing it to lose its magic glow before disintegrating what remained. “Are you alright my lord?” the wizard asked. “Grand magister, get in contact with the others, I fear we have been compromised, we must be ready for war immediately.” The wizard bowed his head and teleported away. As Fabrian looked around, his attention was caught on a scrying mirror in his office. It was used to monitor the situation on all the worlds’ under the empire’s control. And it was glowing red, as it displays what appears to be a mass influx of Intelligent undead into the border worlds of the Gorgonic empire, led to a pair of black headless dragons. The war has begun and the battle for the fate of his empire commences.

Necrolord, fragment of the great anomaly(Before full awakening)
Medium undead (augmented), Beyond alignment(acts as Neutral evil)

Cleric 100/ divine emissary 59/ reborn Necromancer 10/ Cosmic Descryer 21
DvR:23 (paralleled Greater God)

Ability Scores:
18 base+56 lord+32 divine+10 monster of legend+40 Anomalous gift=156 |+73
:18 base+56 lord+32 divine+6 monster of legend+40 Anomalous gift=152 |+71
Wis:18 base+56 lord+32 divine+2 monster of legend+47 CL+40 Anomalous gift)x2=390 |+190
:18 base+56 lord+32 divine+2 monster of legend+40 Anomalous gift=148 |+69
18 base+56 lord+32 divine+2 monster of legend+40 Anomalous gift)x2=296 |+143

:190D20+27170+3800 Lord (34,770hp)
Initiative:71 dex +23 divine+45 luck=+139/Always first
: Mach 3( 6756ft Lord x 3 Greater god)
AC:10+71 dex+23 divine+190 Lord’ insight +45 lord+143 Char+190 natural armor+190 profane+1 dodge+143 heavenly+69 cunning=1075, touch 885, flat footed 1004
Attack bonus:
15 BAB+73 Str+23 divine +190 lord’s insight+45 lord+143 char+69 cunning+190 profane+1 haste
Saving throws:
:12 base+45 lord+190 lord’s insight+143 heavenly+23 divine+71 Strength of Personality+190 Profane+69 cunning=+743
:6 base+71 dex+45 lord+190 lord’s insight+143 heavenly+23 divine+71 Strength of Personality+190 Profane+1 haste+ 69 cunning=+809
: 12 base+190 wis+45 lord+190 lord’s insight+143 heavenly +23 divine+71 Strength of Personality+190 Profane + 69 cunning=+933
:190 CL+ 45 lord+190 wis(insight)=425+ relevant ability mod
:10 base+190 HD+23 Divine +45 lord=268 (spell that do not penetrate reflect back on caster)
Power Resistance:10 base+190 HD+23 Divine +45 lord=268
:115 lord+40 Divine=165/epic (165/-)
Fast healing:75
Immunities (Ex)
: The Necrolord is immune to cold, fire(lord),sonic, force (divine ability) acid and electricity(monster of legend) and is unaffected by natural effects such as: ability damage, disease, natural elements (cold, drowning, fire, lava, lightning etc.), poison and so forth.
Senses: Cosmic consciousness( to the edge of the plane/dimension he is on)
Full round attacks: 1 Anti divine/negative energy/black hole ray (or a spell) + 2 spells or spell-like abilities( free action, third eye and 2 more faces)+ Wrath (anti divine+ negative energy+ black hole) (deal dmg if in range (500ft) as free action) and either 1 quickened spell + 1 effect or 1 fist attacks or doom bringer (swift+ standard) or 8 fist attacks (full round attack)
:+749 against mortals,+939+opponent’s divine rank against deities(no decrease on multiattack), dmg: 190d10 (1900)+47d6x4(2256) to deities + 60 energy level drain +47d8x4(1520) bludgeoning dmg +3800 x opponent’s divine rank= 3420 dmg to mortals,5676+(3800 x divine rank) 60 energy level drain, crit range 17-20/x5 (17100 dmg to mortals, 28380+ 5(3800 x divine rank) to deities, 300 energy level drain
: Automatic metamagic capacity (x48), Metamagic freedom, Improved spell capacity x12), spell opportunity, combat casting, Improved Alignment Based Casting, Negative Energy Burst, zone of animation, Planar Turning, Spontaneous Domain Access, Undead Mastery, Great smiting, Improved Turning (x6), Leadership, Improved cohort, Extra followers, Cat’s fall, Epic spellcasting, Ignore material components, Permanent Emanation(x4), Epic leadership, Legendary commander, spectral strike, Improved combat casting, strength of personality,

Metamagic: Empower spell, Silent spell, Still spell, Reach spell, Widen spell, Energy substitution, Enlarge spell, Quicken spell, Bouncing spell, Contagious spell, Delayed spell, Tenacious spell, Sickening spell, Persistent spell, Cataclysmic spell, Annihilating spell, Dire spell

Divine Metamagic (24 feats converted to 4 divine abilities): Dolorous spell, Quintessential spell, Telluric spell, transient spell
Feats: 110(90 base+20 lord(42 converted to divine abilities(7)), divine abilities:122 (no artifacts, 23+92(23x4)+7)

The Necrolord was one of the many fragments sent forth by the great anomaly ‘It burns all’ in order to interact with the universes around it and attempt to halt the suffering of the mortals within. The necrolord is intended to be the common enemy of all mortals and the gods they worship, to force them to work together. Should they fail, the sidereals and demiurge will be targeted after it awakens, to reset the universe to force it to begin anew. It wields no artifacts of its own but holds a specter carrying the scale of the anomaly to aid it and to awaken its true power should the need arise. The only end that the necrolord and the anomaly will accept is the unification of the gods or the rise of the mortals and it will not rest till then. To that end, it holds a wealth of power it can use to challenge the immortals and mortals alike.

If engaged, it will make use of the anti divine powers to swiftly destroy the immortals and use its near absolute control of negative energy to drain and snuff out the lives of the mortals as the blood spilt will only increase its own strength. Its large aura is an effective way to stall and slowly waste away any armies it faces while quickly summoning undead to deal with the army empowering them with divine skills, all while it bombards them with spells. It will never retreat from battle, for it knows it cannot die until its mission is accomplished. Escape is near impossible due to its cosmic senses and to attempt to change it is impossible.

Class abilities:
Granted Powers:

The Necrolord may use a death touch once per day, it is a supernatural ability that produces a death effect. He must succeed on a melee touch attack against a living creature. When you touch, roll 190d6 (1140). If the total at least equals the creature’s current hit points, it dies (no save).

Deicide:23+21(extra smite)=44/day(if cogency is abrogated),the Necrolord may use Smite Immortal.

*Smite Immortal (Su)

The necrolord can infuse his strikes with anathematic energies. As a swift action, he chooses one target within sight to smite. If this target is an Immortal,he gains a bonus to his Attack Rolls equal to 190+opponent's Divine Rank**, deals extra damage or permanent damage (deicide choice) on his Damage Rolls equal to 380 x his opponent's Divine Rank x 10 (perfect smiting) against any Immortal and attacks automatically bypass any DR the Immortal might possess. In addition, while smite immortal is in effect, he gains an insight bonus equal to double his opponent's Divine Rank to his AC and saving throw against attacks and abilities made by the target of the smite. If he targets a creature that was not an Immortal, the smite is wasted with no effect. The smite immortal effect remains until the target of the smite is dead or the next time the deicide rests and regains his use of this ability. This ability counts as smite. If the Immortal target of the smite immortal has at least 49 divine rank, the base smite immortal damage (before applying superior and perfect smiting) increases to 380 x his opponent's Divine Rank x 100 x10.

Rebuke or command undead: 7200HD (undead mastery+reborn necromancer)

Divine Inspiration (Sp): The necrolord gains a +2 luck bonus on his or her attack and Damage rolls for 10 rounds, 20/day
Extra Smite (Su): The necrolord can use his or her smite ability 2 extra times per day,
Greater Planar Ally (sp): The necrolord can call a Greater planar ally 6/day. The ally does not request a return favor when a divine emissary uses this ability.

Divine Hand (Su): As a free action, the necrolord gains a +20 profane bonus on his next melee or ranged attack roll, as long as the attack is made with the deity’s favored weapon. The necrolord can use divine hand 6/day.

Superior Planar Summoning (Ex):The necrolord can increase the power of any of the following spells—elemental swarm, gate, greater planar ally, greater planar binding, summon monster iX, or summon nature’s ally IX—to affect or summon outsider of 24 HD higher than the spell’s normal limit or conjure creatures with 24 HD of advancement.

Naturalization (Ex):The necrolord develops a natural affinity for 10 planes(the abyss, feywild, elemental plane of fire, positive energy plane, hades, mount celestial, limbo, far realm, shadowfell and negative energy plane) that he or she has visited, becoming resistant to any spells and spell-like effects that would normally affect any creature not native to that plane.

Enduring Gate (Su): As a full round action, the necrolord can make any casting of the gate spell remain for 7 days.

Cosmic Connection (Su):The necrolord may join with the massive energy of the multiverse 3/day. He can remain connected for 190 minutes. While connected, he is immune to critical hits, is a native on any plane he visits, and can use dimension doors at will as a 20th-level caster. He can draw off excess energy from the multiverse itself to increase his effective caster level or enhance any check. Drawing off excess energy from the multiverse is dangerous, and it deals him 5 points of damage for each +1 bonus applied to a single roll or +1 caster level on a single spell.

Magic of the Unliving (Ex): A reborn necromancer focuses on learning black magic, regardless of the source. He can learn and cast spells of the necromancy school from any spell list. If, however, the spell would normally be of the wrong type of magic (arcane/divine/occult), it can only be learned and cast on a spell level higher than it would normally be.

Aura of Dread (Su):The Necrolord are surrounded by an aura of fear. Living creatures in this aura feel tendrils of despair in their minds. Creatures in a 50ft area are aware that something unnatural is nearby. The reborn necromancer has a penalty(-5) to Diplomacy checks but a bonus(+5) to Intimidate checks when used on living creatures. Animals do not willingly approach the reborn necromancer unless the animal’s master makes a DC 25 Handle Animal, Ride, or wild empathy check

Train Undead: The Necrolord swiftly learns that mindless undead minions are useful in many ways, but hard to handle. He therefore learns how to train small tricks to them, as if they were animals. He can treat undead without an intelligence score as animals with an intelligence score of 1 for training purposes, except the Necrolord uses knowledge (religion).

Eternal Balance (Su): The Necrolord interacts with positive energy as a living creature and with negative energy as an undead.

Master’s Call (Su): The Necrolord can perform a greater command against undead in place of a regular command attempt. The greater command is like a normal command except that intelligent undead that are commanded with greater command gain a new save only 1/week. This ability is usable 2/week and costs 2 uses of channel energy instead of one.

Undead Versatility(Ex): The Necrolord can create any undead with a CR up to 11 with create undead, and up to his caster level with create greater undead with extra specific components for specific undead. The Necrolord can create undead based on templates only if the undead final CR is lower than its caster level. If the creation of the undead requires particular components (like the phylactery of a lich), those components must be provided during the casting as an additional material and/or focus component.

Eyes of the Dark Lord (Su): The Necrolord can look through the senses of any undead he is currently controlling. The undead must be within a radius of 10 miles. Looking through the senses of an undead requires a full round action to start watching and one swift to stop. While the Necrolord is in the undead’s mind, he leaves his own body in a sleep-like state. The reborn necromancer may look through the undead’s senses and he may use its mouth to speak, but no other actions may be taken.

Gifted Birth traits (Anomaly birth, lord and monster of legend):

Cosmic Destiny(Ex)
:The Necrolord was created to serve a specific purpose, to provide a suitably terrifying threat that the immortals and mortals halt their petty games and better their worlds. Till this purpose is served, he cannot die. This is treated as the Transmortality ability except to abrogate or nullify this, the creature must roll against “it burns all” directly in rank check, which is treated as a rank of 200 while it is asleep (which it currently is). If it wakes, it is impossible to abrogate this ability. Once the purpose is served, this ability is automatically discarded.(once most gods and mortals work together for a common purpose) Successful nullification of this ability and slaying of the necrolord when its purpose is not complete will awaken “it that burns”.

Blood of the cosmos(Ex):The Necrolord has been blessed with a small amount of the anomalies' vast power to help them challenge every god and mortal. He receives the cosmic consciousness, 2 Legendary [abilities], 3 additional cosmic abilities of his choice, a +40 to all stats and may choose cosmic abilities as normal (though he may not select transcendent abilities at all). He also has nescience as a bonus divine ability. To remove this via abrogate requires a DC 43 rank check for each ability.
The 3 abilities are:
Divine nescience: He ignores prerequisites for divine abilities
Cogency: he treats every attack as a smite
Perfect smiting: His smite damage increases 10 fold

Stand united or fall divided(Ex): The Necrolord has an Unique ability that is also a weakness. At the start of combat, All the mortals and immortals roll a skill check of their choice and the difference of the sum best and worst 5 of their checks is taken against a DC of 884 (864+20). Should they fail, The necrolord gains 1 additional cosmic ability and 3 divine abilities and all combatants suffer an unavoidable round of attacks of the necrolord’s choice. Should they succeed, the necrolord loses 3 cosmic abilities granted by his blood and a penalty of -200 to all his attack rolls, AC, Saves and DCs. He may use this ability 1 additional time in combat but only gains 3 divine abilities if he succeeds. Any attempt to abrogate this ability causes the failure effect which stacks (repeated attempts lead to repeated benefits).

Death’s wrath incarnate: The necrolord has death in its very nature and possesses the innate powers of a powerful lich. He gains the Akalich’s spell-like abilities

Death of all (Ex): the necrolord represents the end of all immortals and mortals. He gains the double death and double deicide portfolios. This can be abrogated on a successful DC 883 Wisdom check against him by the abrogator as they attempt to impose a new reality on him but he chooses which portfolio he loses. He can only lose 1 of the two portfolio at anytime

Deicide Portfolio:
Spell-like Abilities
: Use two deicide domain spell as spell-like ability
Lunatic’s Atheism (Weakness):Competence penalty to on all rolls equal to double your divine rank for one month if you ever retreat the battlefield so long as a single enemy Immortal remains alive within your Divine Aura
Anathema: Immortals target you above all others in combat
Pernicious Ascendency (Su): You are healed by Divine Damage
Greater Scion of God Slaughter (Ex): You gain your two most powerful opponents in your Divine Aura Divine Bonus to Armor Class, Attacks, Damage, Saves, and Checks
execration Ritual (Ex): All summoned allies maximize all die rolls if there is an Immortal within your Divine Aura
Vile Divinity (Su):All Anti Divine Damage you do is considered Permanent Damage
Uncanny Divine Mastery (Su) (x2 HD): Assault your enemies with divine energy
Font of Perdition (Ex): All Immortals within your Divine Aura take damage equal to the combined total of the Divine Bonus of all Immortals within your Divine Aura (including your own) every round

Uncanny Anti divine Effects(x2hd)(d3 to d6)( anti divine is divine dmg that does x2 dmg to divine beings but 0 dmg to mortals)(quantum effect+inner eye=x4 max dmg)(DC+190 Profane+143 heavenly+69 cunning):
• Beam (Ray):
standard action, ranged touch attack, 190d6x4(9120 to deities) permanent anti divine dmg, range 8000 ft.
• Blast: standard action, 95d6x4(4560 to deities) permanent anti divine dmg (DC 635 Reflex for half damage), range 8000 ft., 500 ft. radius burst
• Blood: any foe who strikes the necrolord in melee suffers 47d6x4(2256 to deities) permanent anti divine dmg (DC 635 Reflex negates).
Breath: Once every 1d4 rounds, the necrolord can breathe either 500 ft. cone or a 2000 ft.-long line that deals 190d6x4(9120 to deities) permanent anti divine dmg (DC 635 Reflex for half damage).
Hand: standard action, a touch attack, deals 285d6x4(13680 to deities) permanent anti divine dmg.
Immolation: When slain, a 1,024,000ft( enlarge aura x 9), deals 285d6x4(13680 to deities) permanent anti divine dmg (DC 635 Reflex for half damage).
Storm: All enemies within a 1,024,000ft, 47d6x4 (2256 to deities) permanent anti divine dmg (DC 635 Reflex negates)
Strike: Any creature struck by the necrolord in melee suffers an additional 47d6x4(2256 to deities) permanent anti divine dmg.
Wrath (Gaze): 95d6x4(4560 to deities) permanent anti divine dmg (DC 635 will negates), 500 ft.

Death portfolio:
Spell-like Abilities:
Use two death domain spells as spell-like abilities each round
Positive Energy Vulnerability: Suffer 100% extra damage from positive energy attacks and spells
Sterility: You cannot produce offspring, even magically
Undead: You gain the undead traits and have no constitution score
Cold Resistance: You gain cold resistance equal to your HD
Greater Scion of Death: Competence bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls and armor class equal to double your divine rank against living opponents
Perfect Summoning (Undead): Undead created/summoned have 200% more HD
Perfect Embodiment of Death: Immunities ineffective against your necromantic effects
Uncanny Neg. En. Mastery (x2 HD): Assault your enemies with negative energy based attacks
Improved Neg. En. Absorption: Use a single source of neg. energy damage to give bonus hit points

Uncanny Negative energy Effects(x2hd)(quantum effect+inner eye=x4 max dmg)(DC+190 Profane+143 heavenly+69 cunning):
• Beam (Ray):
standard action, ranged touch attack, 252 (63x4) energy level drain, range 8000 ft.
Blast: standard action, 124(31x4) energy level drain (DC 635 Reflex for half drain), range 8000 ft., 500 ft. radius burst
Blood: any foe who strikes the necrolord in melee suffers 60(15x4) energy level drain (DC 635 Reflex negates).
Breath: Once every 1d4 rounds, the necrolord can breathe either 500 ft. cone or a 2000 ft.-long line that deals 252(63x4) energy level drain (DC 635 Reflex for half drain).
Hand: standard action, a touch attack, deals 95 energy level drain.
Immolation: When slain, a 1,024,000ft. radius( enlarge aura x 9), deals 380(95x4) energy level drain (DC 635 Reflex for half drain).
Storm: All enemies within a 1,024,000ft. radius, 60(15x4) energy level drain (DC 635 Reflex negates)
Strike: Any creature struck by the necrolord in melee suffers an additional 60(15x4) energy level drain
Wrath (Gaze): 124(31x4) energy level drain (DC 635 will negates), 500 ft.

Inner Eye (Ex): The necrolord can automatically (no action required) manipulate its fate. For example...The lord gains the best or worst (it's choice) results on all dice rolls. However, a natural “20” is not an automatic success and a natural "1" is only an automatic failure if it opts to automatically fail.

Might(Ex): The necrolord does 190d10 dmg per melee hit

Lord Presence (Ex): The necrolord radiates an aura of pure presence (Radius: 2000ft). All creatures with less than 142 HD must make a Will save DC 650 (248+190 profane + 140 heavenly+69 cunning) or fall unconscious for the overwhelming presence of the lord for 24 hours. Slapping or wounding awakens an affected creature, but normal noise does not. Awakening a creature is a standard action (an application of the aid another action). If a creature makes his save it is instead staggered for 143 rounds. Once a creature makes with success his save, he is immune to the Lord Presence of that lord for a number of rounds equal to his HD + his Charisma modifier. This ability ignores the immunity to fear or mind-affecting effects of creatures with less than 95HD. Against unattended objects in the area (like the squares of the floor) Lord Presence deals 950 hp every round which applies only half of the hardness. The lord can exclude any number of creatures of objects from suffering the effects of this aura. This is a fear, mind-affecting effect.

Maven and Omnicompetent(Ex): The necrolord knows all skills as class skills and has max ranks in all class skills

Mythic creature(Ex): The necrolord is a mythic rank 38 creature with appropriate mythic power (38/day,+28d6). The necrolord can use any of his spell and spell-like abilities as the Mythic versions of those spells (if a Mythic version of that spell exists), expending Mythic Power as normal. He can also expend Mythic Power to use the augmented versions of these spell and spell-like abilities.

Regrow limbs (Ex): If the necrolord loses a limb, head, or body part, a new one grows in 1 round. He cannot be slain by a vorpal weapon's head-severing ability.

Divine Abilities (62 abilities):

Profane mind, body, soul, spirit (1 divine ability):
Wis bonus to Attack rolls, AC, saving throws and DCs
Heavenly body, soul, spirit and mind (1 divine ability): Char bonus to AC, Attack rolls,Saves and DCs of abilities
Cunning mind, body,soul and spirit(1 divine ability): Int bonus to AC, attack rolls, saves and DCs
Carapace: His natural armor bonus is equal to his HD instead of ¼ his HD
Quantum Effects: Fate is incorporated into all his effects. With inner eye treat as all effects at x4 dmg
Vampiric Effect: Choose 1 enemy damaged by an effect and heal half the dmg
Spell reflection: Reflect spells that do not penetrate his SR back onto caster
Seventh sense: Replay 23 rounds per day
Perfect damage reduction: His dmg reduction cannot be overcome by any trait
Enlarge aura (X9): His Aura increases 2^9 times( since double double is quadruple ) to 1,024,000ft
Greater Aura: His aura’s effects increase
Superior Aura: His Aura’s effect increase even further
Perfect Aura: His Aura’s effects Increase phenomenally
Perfect initiative: He always goes first in the initiative order
Superior Critical: His critical threat range is quadrupled to 17-20
Superior critical multiplier: His crit multiplier becomes X 5
Superior combat casting: His concentration cannot be broken when casting spells
Third eye: He can use a Ray effect, spell or spell like ability as a free action each round
Moderate Eradication: He has a 50% chance of critical hitting creatures immune to crits
Self Hypnosis: He is treated as having a mind blank spell on at all time, lowering or raising it as a free action.
Epic presence(x3): He grants all allies in his divine aura 3 epic feats of his choice (epic spellcasting, dire spell, cataclysmic spell)
Abnormality (x4): The necrolord has many strange and unnatural augmentations on his body.
Faces(x2): He has two additional faces on the sides of his head. He may cast 2 additional spells or use 2 spell-like ability as a free action each round
Arms(x2): He has 4 additional arms on the side of his body, clawed and vicious granting him 4 additional attacks each round
True seeing: He acts as if he has True seeing on at all times
Obviate: He grants all allies in his divine aura the ability to use true seeing at all times
Adjuration: Each day, he can summon creatures whose total Hit Dice is no greater than 380HD. No creature may have a CR of 118
Create greater spawn: Any mortals he kills automatically become one of the undead. He can choose the type of undead, however, the undead he creates cannot have more than double the hit die of the creature killed. Additionally it’s Challenge Rating cannot be greater than 31
Multifaceted(x5): He gains 30 additional feats ( 18 to AMC and 12 to improved spell capacity)
Force and sonic immunity( 2 divine ability): He is immune to force and sonic dmg
Distant gaze: He gains a gaze attack that can forcefully plane shift/teleport any being to any location of his choice on a fail will save of DC 673(271+190 profane+143 heavenly+69 cunning), range 500ft
Spell abatement: He ignore the first spell cast against him each round(as if he has infinite SR against it)
Spell absorption: As a free action, he can automatically absorb 1 spell cast at him, storing it and he may cast it as a standard action anytime in the future. He may store 190 levels of spells
Shapechange: He can change into a new form with no more than 380HD as a free action (Usually a Great void wyrm), gaining all Ex and Su abilities of the new form but losing the Su abilities he possesses.
Gravitas: Each round he assaults the same opponent with the same spell or ability the DC increases by 2 up to an increase of 143
Goetic blood: Each time he takes dmg, he summons monsters. For 10hp/1 spell level loss, he cast the summon monster spell to the appropriate level. For more than 90 hp loss, he summons monsters of CR spell level x 1.33
Perfect staff specialization: He deals max dmg on melee hits with staffs
Perfect weapon focus: Always use his highest BAB on all attacks
Superior smiting: He multiples his smite dmg by 4 (taken if Perfect smiting is abrogated)
Uncanny whirlwind attack: As a full attack action, he can make a full attack against every target he threatens.
Quickness: He always act as if Hasted
Vanguard will and reflex (2 divine abilities): All allies within his divine aura can use his will and reflex save instead of their own
Apocrypha: He gains a +50 bonus to any save against being scryed on, detected or any divination effects.
Precognition: He can glimpse into a being’s future. An individual must make a will save of DC 720 (318+190 profane+143 heavenly+69 cunning) or have their plots and goals become known to him, him being given clues and hints about possible future events involving the individual. He may do this any number of times but the victim gains +10 circumstantial bonus per previous attempt on the person
Perfect sunder: His attacks do damage and count as sunder attempts

Cosmic abilities(60 Divine abilities converted to 10 cosmic abilities)
: Any single opponent in his 1,024,000ft divine aura has his greatest ability negated, which could be an ability or ability score
Anaretic: His strikes destroys magical items as per a disjunction spell of CL 213, though immortal artifacts are only destroyed for 1d4 rounds before being restored
Apostasy: He has transcended alignment. He cannot be affected by aligned effects and cannot be affected by effects attempting to change his alignment
Create legacy: for every mortal killed, he summons 23 undead with no more than twice the mortal’s HD and CR not higher than 31
Divine presence: All allies within his divine aura gains a single divine ability (Create greater spawn)
Doom bringer: 1/day per opponent, On a successful touch attack, He deals 25% of that opponent’s max HP by reopening the worst wound that opponent had received
Revivdius: He can resurrect the Greatest enemy of his opponent from beyond the grave, summoned for one round per HD of the enemy.
(modified) Shroud of death: Enemies with his Divine Aura must make a DC 673 fortitude save or die every round for which they remain within his divine aura. Anyone without a divine rank automatically succeeds this check
Spirit stealer: He gains 100% of the quintessence from any deity he slays instead of 10%
Extra portfolio: To aid in his conquest the Necrolord claims another portfolio: space

Space portfolio:
Spell-like Abilities
: He may use the space domain spell like abilities at will
Hostile Environment(lock): Competence penalty of -23 on all die rolls while in an area that blocks dimensional travel
Cold Vulnerability: He takes an additional 50% cold dmg( he is immune though so)
Eternal Freedom :You are immune to spells and effects which impede movement
Dimension Hole: +23 Competence bonus to attack rolls damage rolls and armor class after using a conjuration effect for 23 minutes
Dimensional Summon: A summoned creature can summon or otherwise conjure another creature, and can it use any teleportation or planar travel abilities
Hyperdimensional Body: The necrolord exists in multiple dimensions at once: all attacks and effects against him have a 50% miss chance. He can move through solid objects (even made of force) as if they were difficult terrain, except that it cannot end its movement in an object. This ability does not function if he is subject to a dimensional anchor or similar effect.
Dimensional Lord: You gain regeneration equal to ½ your HD after using a conjuration effect for a number of minutes equal to your divine rank
Uncanny black hole effect(quantum effect+inner eye=x4 max dmg)(DC+190 Profane+143 heavenly+69 cunning):
The effect deals d8 bludgeoning damage per hit die. Creatures that take damage must make a Reflex save, with the same DC of the version of the Effect or be moved to any square that is included in the area of effect. For effect forms that are not area (Beam, Blood, Hand, and Strike) a failed Reflex allows the immortal to move the creature anywhere in its Divine Aura.
• Beam (Ray): standard action, ranged touch attack, 190d8x4 (6080) Bludgeoning damage, range 8000 ft.
• Blast: standard action, 95d8x4(3040) Bludgeoning damage (DC 635 Reflex for half damage), range 8000 ft., 500 ft. radius burst
• Blood: any foe who strikes the necrolord in melee suffers 47d8x4(1520) bludgeoning damage (DC 635 Reflex negates).
• Breath: Once every 1d4 rounds, the necrolord can breathe either 500 ft. cone or a 2000 ft.-long line that deals 190d8x4(6080) Bludgeoning damage (DC 635 Reflex for half damage).
• Hand: standard action, a touch attack, deals 285d8x4(9120) Bludgeoning damage.
Immolation: When slain, a 1,024,000ft( enlarge aura x 9), deals 285d8x4(9120) Bludgeoning damage (DC 635 Reflex for half damage).
• Storm: All enemies within a 1,024,000ft, 47d8x4(1520) Bludgeoning damage (DC 635 Reflex negates)
• Strike: Any creature struck by the necrolord in melee suffers an additional 47d8x4(1520) bludgeoning damage.
• Wrath (Gaze): 95d8x4 (3040) bludgeoning damage (DC 635 will negates), 500 ft.

Divine Aura: Range 1,024,000ft
The necrolord can choose from the following effects each round as a free action (DC +190 profane+143 heavenly+69 cunning):
Daze: Those within the immortal’s aura must make a Will save DC 578 (176+190+143+69) or be unable to act, other than defend themselves, duration 1 round.
Fear: Those within the immortal’s aura must make a Will save DC 578 (176+190+143+69) or be shaken and suffer a -2 morale penalty on attack rolls, saves and checks.
Sleep: Those within the immortal’s aura must make a Will save DC 588 (186+190+143+69) or be unable to act, duration 1d4 rounds. A sleeping character who takes damage gains another saving throw against this effect (maximum one new save per round regardless of how many times they are damaged).
Pain: Those within the immortal’s aura must make a Fortitude save DC 588 (186+190+143+69)or suffer wracking pains that impose a -4 penalty on attack rolls, saves and skill checks. These effects last for 1 hour after the creature leaves the immortal’s divine aura.
Stunning: Those within the immortal’s aura must make a Will save DC 588 (186+190+143+69) or be unable to act, other than defend themselves for 1d6 rounds.
Weakness: Those within the immortal’s aura must make a Fortitude save DC 588 (186+190+143+69) or suffer 3d6 points of Strength damage.
Insanity: Those within the immortal’s aura must make a Will save DC 588 (186+190+143+69) or become permanently insane.
Death: Those within the immortal’s aura must make a Fortitude save DC 588 (186+190+143+69) or die. The immortal can only slay up to a total of 1900 hp per round (although it can choose which targets suffer first).
Perfect Heroism: Allies within the immortal’s aura gain a +8 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves and skill checks. Are immune to fear and gain 60 temporary hit points.

Shroud of death: All enemies must make a DC 673 fort save or die, repeating this every round they are within his aura. Creatures without a divine rank automatically succeed

Storms of power: Every rounds, each enemy must make a reflex save of DC 635 takes 47d8x4(1520) Bludgeoning damage, 60(15x4) energy level drain and 47d6x4(2256 to deities) permanent anti divine dmg

Spells and spell like abilities: 48 AMCs each round, 3 free spells or spell-like ability per round(third eye +2 heads)
Spells: As a level 110(100 cleric +10 from cosmic descryer 45 lord+ 23 divine) cleric (CL 178), Spell array:(lv 0-9:6/30/29/29/29/29/28/28/27/27 and lv 10- 21 (purely for metamagic purposes, ISC): 18/18/18/18/18/18/18/18/18/17/17/17) Spell DCs: 10+190 wis+45 lord +23 divine +190 profane +143 heavenly+69 cunning +spell level= 670+ spell level.
Typical spell prepared: (i am just listing spells known, not the specific spell slots associate with them, too many)
(0th): create water, mending, read magic, resistance, guidance, inflict minor wounds
(1st)(30 slots): Bane, Command, Protection from good, protection from law, protection from evil, Obscuring mist, Curse water, Entropic shield, cause fear, shield of faith
(2nd)(29 slots) :silence, spiritual weapon, enthrall, hold person, darkness, cure moderate wounds, inflict moderate wounds, desecrate, status, shatter, aid
(3rd)(29 slots): contagion, deeper darkness, dispel magic, magic circle against good, bestow curse, remove curse, obscure object, invisibility purge, wind walk, water walk, helping hand, animate dead
(4th)(29 slots): imbue with spell-like ability, dismissal, poison, spell immunity, discern lies, inflict critical wounds, dimensional anchor, control water
(5th)(29 slots):dispel good, dispel law, dispel chaos, symbol of pain, command greater, slay living, summon monster V, insect plague, wall of stone, unhallow, flame strike
(6th)(28 slots): Anti-life shell, Geas, Create undead, symbol of fear, Blade barrier, Forbiddance, Greater dispel magic, Harm, Heal, Word of recall, Greater glyph of warding
(7th)(28 slots): Blasphemy, Symbol of weakness, Symbol of stunning, Greater Scrying, Destruction, Control weather, Repulsion, Resurrection, Word of chaos
(8th)(27 slots): Create greater undead, Symbol of death, Symbol of insanity ,Earthquake, Firestorm, Dimension Lock, Cloak of chaos, Greater Planar ally, Mass inflict wounds, Discern location
(9th)(27 slots): Astral projection, Energy drain, Gate, Storm of vengeance, Soul bind, Miracle, Implosion, True resurrection, Summon monster IX
Lv 10-21:Metamagic amplified

Spell-like abilities: The necrolord possesses many spell-like abilities from his portfolios, blood and deity power. Caster level: 190HD+23 divine+45 lord=258, DC=10+190 wis+45 lord +23 divine +190 profane +143 heavenly+69 cunning +spell level= 670+ spell level.(Also putting the constant spells here)

Constant(permanent emanation): Unholy Aura, dispel good, Find the path, Entropic shield (miss chance 70% with the Hyperdimensional body)
At will: commune, dream, etherealness, geas/quest, greater dispel magic, greater teleport, magic jar, sending, tongues; Limited wish; cause fear, death knell, animate dead, death ward, slay living, create undead, destruction, create greater undead, wail of the banshee; Doom, Undetectable Alignment ,Nondetection, Dimensional Anchor, Dismissal, Antimagic Field, Destruction, Trap the soul, Gate; Guardian Armor, Apport Object, Urban step, Dimension Door, Teleport, Plane shift, Greater teleport, Maze, Interplanetary Teleport; Alter self, Astral projection, enervation, Greater dispel magic, harm, telekinesis
29(23 divine+3 lord+3 akalich)/day: Wish
1/day: Ruin
1/week: Memento Mori

Epic spell casting: The necrolord is capable of casting spells that are beyond the capacity of a mortal spellcaster. He has an Epic spell count of 61/day and a spellcraft check of 635(inner eye)(Up to 803 if using mythic powers,38/day)and epic spell save of 680.
He has the following epic spells prepared:
Greater ruin, terrible Animus blizzard (ghosts summoned and increased to 100d6),memento mori, destructive hellball(40d6 each energy type), Enslave(quickened),Animate Greater atropal, Animate Lich court(3 demiliches and 12 liches),Now die ,Summon elder unelemental(permanent), Summon unelemental swarm (7 Greater unelementals,20 rounds),Soul dominion(permanent, quickened,DC+40), Demise Unseen, pestilence, Time duplicate, Time freeze, Eclipse, Quickened Soul scry, Dragon strike(no mitigating factors),Flash freeze, Conjure void dragon servant,Perfect spell reflection( All spells lvl 1-9 reflected),Let go of me, Kinetic control, Summon Akalich( permanent)

An example of the highest end spell he can possibly cast: I stated out this out, presuming that he uses a mythic power to up the spellcraft check to 803.
Conjure void dragon servant:
Spellcraft DC:
Components: v, s
Casting time: Quickened
Range: 75ft
Effect: Summon an adult void dragon
Duration: permanent
To develop: Seed:Summon(DC14), Factors: Summon CR 188 Creature (+372),other type of creature(+10),Quickened(+28),permanent(x5),mitigating factors:Backlash 380d6(380 with inner eye)(-380),burn 20000 xp(-200), 15 additional participants (3 participants contribute 2 10th level spell slots(-114), 15 participates contribute 2 9th level spell slots(-510), 15 participants burn 100 xp each(-15)

Calling upon the void itself, the necrolord summons an adult void dragon to do his bidding, which will follow his orders till its death.

Summon elder unelemental:
Spellcraft DC:
Component: v,s
Casting time: Quickened
Range: 75ft
Effect: Summon an elder unelemental
Duration: permanent
To develop: Seed: summon(14),factor: summon CR 53 creature(+102),quickened(+28),Elemental(+10),Permanent(x5)

Summon an elder unelemental from the negative energy plane

Damaging spell sample:
Flash freeze:
Spellcraft DC:
Components: none
Casting time: Quickened
range :6000 ft
Area: A bolt 100 ft wide and 6000 ft long
Duration: instantaneous
Saving throws: reflex for half( DC +40)
Spell resistance: yes (+40 to check)
To develop: Seed:energy(19), Factors:No verbal component(+2), No somatic components(+2) Increases range by 1900%(+38),Increase Area by 1900%(+76),Quickened(+28), DC increase +40 (+80),Increase dmg dice to d20(+40), +40 increase to check to overcome Opponent’s SR(+80),Increase dmg to 145d6 (+270)

When the spell is cast,the air turns to freezing immediately, causing most creatures to die of the cold. It does 145d20 cold dmg to all creatures caught in the blast radius, and while powerful is fairly simple to cast.

Now die
Spellcraft DC
Components: none
Casting time: quickened
Range: 36000 ft
Target: 1 creature or 10 ft cube of non living creature and up to 10 creatures within 300 ft of the target
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving throw: fortitude for half,DC+40
Spell resistance: yes (+40 to check)
To develop: Seed: Destroy(29),factors: No verbal component(+2), No somatic components(+2), Increase range by 200%(+4), Additional 10 targets within 300ft(+100), Quickened(+28), DC increase+40(+80),+40 increase to SR check(+80), Increase dmg dice to d20(+40), increase dmg dice to 155d6 (+270)
When the spell is cast, a crackling bolt of purple energy lashes out at the target before it splits off and hits up to 10 more targets within 300ft of the original target. It does 155d20 untyped damage to the target and if it reduces the target to -10 hp, the target turns to fine dust.

Scale staff of the Anomaly
This staff of power holds a fragment of the great anomalies power. It is 6ft long, appearing to be made of a strange type of glistening silver coloured wood, which when twisted by the necrotic power of the necrolord, seems to be encased in a dull purplish red light. On the length of the staff is strange spiral runes that pulse and glow at regular intervals, though this is difficult to see from afar. At the tip of the staff is a glowing golden scale, its color and brilliance a stark contrast against the dark appearance of the rest of the staff. It appears to serve no purpose to an outside observer, as the necrolord does not wield it in battle at this stage despite it carrying the staff everywhere it travels to. Despite multiple initial attempts by several immortals, the staff is utterly indestructible even when struck with weapons made of pure orichalcum.
Any kind of scrying that attempts to locate, view or discern the purpose of the staff fails automatically, no matter the divine rank or power of those who attempt to. Scrying on the necrolord will fail to inform the scryer if he is holding the staff and the staff will not appear on any scrying mirrors or similar items.
Hover: When in combat if the necrolord drops the staff to fully use his fists, the staff will hover upright exactly 1 ft above the ground at the location it was dropped. It is not possible to move it from this point except by the necrolord. Any attempt to lift it or move it will cause the person to let go and take 1d10 untyped dmg, which they are treated as vulnerable to.
Flare: If the necrolord is slain, the staff will release a ball of red light 100ft into the air(or space if it's in space). Depending on how the necrolord was slain, the following effects take place:
Slain with cosmic destiny active: The ball of red light will turn blue and the staff will vanish back into the hand of the reformed necrolord
Slain with cosmic destiny negated: If the necrolord’s mission was complete when it was slain, the ball of red light will change into all the colors of a rainbow, forming a prismatic sphere which descends onto the staff. After 1 round, the sphere will disappear, with the staff destroyed and only the golden scale being left behind.(the golden scale possesses a very large reserve of quintessence and XP as well as numerous abilities of its own)
Slain with cosmic destiny abrogated. If the necrolord was slain with the cosmic destiny being abrogated by a successful rank check, the ball will begin to glow brighter. It then burst, with the red light engulfing the battlefield. All creatures involved in the battle (via participation, planning, transporting etc) must make a DC 1000 save at disadvantage with their worst save or die(no death prevention will work in this case). If they succeed, they are marked with a red light and their power is assessed as if by psychometry. If a significant number of them (at least 3 aided in the battle and 1 directly fought the necrolord) have a divine rank of 24 or greater, the ability “the endless night” activates. If they were immortals or mortals, Their alignments and mindsets are assessed. If they are deemed as being capable of unifying the mortals and immortals and fulfilling the mission of the necrolord in its stead, they are marked with a Geas to do so(this cannot be removed, Dmg is their HD x D20). If they are not, the red light resurrects the night lord, granting it 3 additional cosmic (or equivalent) abilities specifically to deal with whatever killed him.
The endless night: This is the Anomalies' distaste for the sidereals and eternals made manifest, for it believes that the fates of mortals and immortals should be in their own hands not the hands of these so-called “higher beings”. The staff resurrects the necrolord with the following changes:
  • The necrolord is now a Divine rank 150 Anomaly, with double Portfolios of Massacre, deicide, death, entropy, space and darkness with none of the weaknesses
  • Its HD quadruples and its is gains the abilities of the Akalich and welkin as bonus abilities
  • It is now the Amidah of whatever Universe it is in and its cosmic senses extend to the edge of the universe it’s in
  • Cosmic destiny now cannot be removed as the great anomaly is now awake (partially awake but enough to prevent the removal of this ability)
  • Gifted blood grants him 3 transcendental abilities and grants him divine nullification and uncanny astro effect in addition to its current benefits.It can now select transcendental or even omnific abilities if it so chooses
  • Considering it now faces sidereals or demiurges, It gains the ability to grow to any size from medium to macro-medium with all the benefits therein
  • To be slain, instead of all deities and mortal uniting, all the forces in the universe must now unite to destroy this cancer or face certain destruction, A herculean task indeed. If this is achieved, the necrolord’s penalty is now -500 instead of -200.
  • If it cannot be slain and it destroyed all which oppose it, it will become a time lord momentarily before it sunders itself to begin the universe anew
Happy to be of any help!

I recently just finished my first typed out creature for my setting, The Necrolord, a creation by the most powerful anomaly of my setting. I do have to say that its really long since i stated it out with everything written down to prevent errors. But i probably can post a shortened version in the future. This is probably also only the first. Also credits to Beefermatic, olby99 and belz for their divine abilities, reborn necromancer and lord template plus the divine metamagic

A dark age has descended upon the numerous worlds of the Gorgonic empire. Despite the High levels of magic and technology of the Gorgonic empire, it appears they were facing a crisis of unprecedented scale. They had received reports of large quantities of undead suddenly appearing in some of the planets belonging to the Gorgonic empire, invasions led by atropals, vampires, hunefars and liches had become commonplace in some of the border worlds destroying the homes and livelihoods of millions of people. While the empire had been able to deal with them with relative success, it was still a major issue as the incursions seemed neverending. Not just that, but refugees from other planets and empires were traveling to our planets via their ships or high level magic, speaking of massive invasions by thousands if not millions of intelligent undead. If that was the only problem it would be a massive nuisance but not existential however these were not the only issues. They were united and seemed to act together, led by some unknown force to bring destruction to so many worlds. But it was odd as well, if the tales of these refugees were to be believed, they would not have made it to the empire at all and would have been slaughtered on their planets with no survivors. And yet, Millions still come in every day with the empire having to even settle new planets to provide enough room for them. The emperor of the Gorgonic empire, lord Fabrian, was feeling increasing pressure from his people and his governors to do something about the refugee crisis and the undead attacks. However, he couldn't do much beyond sending elite forces and mercenaries to handle the undead. For there was something he knew that the other governors and people did not. Gods were real and they are dying everywhere, so he knew when that thing that was slaughtering its way through pantheon after pantheon and planet after planet finally made it here, the Gorgonic empire must be at full force or they would become another group of refugees seeking the protection of yet another empire amongst the stars.

2 months ago, on the planet of Maldraxon, Fabrian arrived with the assistance of the Grandmagister spells. The Grandmagister had informed him that the leaders of the various refugee groups had wished to speak with him in private and this desolate planet was the perfect place for it. His escort of 20 archmages and 40 warriors had arrived shortly thereafter. After all, one could never be too prepared. Soon, the others had arrived with their own escorts. The mood was grave no doubt about it. Before Fabrian could say anything, a fragile looking old man dressed in strange robes spoke first,” Lord Fabrian, let us not delay with the pleasantries. I am afraid there is grave news. You are aware that the incursions seem to happen all the time, correct?” Fabrian nodded. “Unfortunately, this is no mere skirmish. It is a war of life against death. And not just mortal life but divine life as well.” Fabrian frowned,” divine life what do you…”. The old man began to glow and flared an aura of tangible power from his, Fabrian gasped and took a step back as his guards moved forward though the old man stopped them with a mere wave of his hand. “This is a war even the gods must fight, mortal king and it appears we need your help.”. As if on cue, some of the other people around him flare similar auras while the other looked on at him. Fabrian said,'' What… why are you here then, shouldn't gods be in their realms in the outer planes?” as Fabrian looked to his grandmagister looking for advice but the old man spoke up first. “Indeed we would be there normally but our divine realms have been destroyed and most of the pantheon slain.”. Fabrain was bewildered,” slain by what monster?”. Instead of answering the old man stuck out his hand and Fabrian saw a vision in his mind’s eye. He saw the prosperous divine realm of several gods, a massive ocean filled to the brim with ordinary sea creature and even massive krakens, a endless library filled with tombs of ancient knowledge, a fiery realm of volcanoes and dragons and a seemingly impossible to navigate labyrinth filled with horned beasts and serpents. And then, across all of them a heavy aura of death and destruction descended, followed by a near endless horde of undead, liches, vampires, mummies, atropals and even great terrible headless black dragons. These creatures ravaged the realms of the gods one by one, reducing the ocean to black ichor, smashing down the library and labyrinth and smothering the flames. The gods and their servants tried to fight back but then that thing appeared. A three faced humanoid with 6 arms, barely taller than a man but its body horribly scarred and mauled as if it endured a thousand battle wounds and divine curses. In a blur of motion it struck at the gods and their servants, and with each barrage another one fell. The ocean god was frozen in place by a spell before the strange power from this creature’s arms stripped the flesh from his bones, a hulking demon was struck by a ray and imploded and the giant efreeti was thrown into an out of control gravity well. Only the old man escaped, barely managing to teleport away from the assault due to the sacrifice of his servants. Suddenly snapping out of it, Fabrian looked around dazed before he refocused on the old man. Another one of the present gods, a massive muscular hulk of a man, Growled,” It happened to all of us, and it will happen to your gods eventually too.” Fabrian composed himself then asked,” if so then what shall we do, if the gods can deal with it, who can?” The old man replied,'' We can only stand a chance together. Those of us here and our people are training to fight and we ourselves are seeking ways to grow stronger. We have also put out calls to other pantheons and because of our numbers we are getting some to come to our aid. But it's not enough and it's only a matter of time before it realizes what's going on. So we need your help. Send out your ships and mages, get them to contact as many worlds and people as possible. We need as many gods, people and resources as possible. There is every chance that if we die, this information dies with us. And then the fate of every god and mortal is to die alone and unaware.” Fabrian nodded, saying,” That's a sound plan, the more hands and minds the higher chance we can come up with a way to deal with this. I will have my subordinates work on this immediately. Though how should we convince them of the direness of this occurrence?” The old man nodded to his side, a woman in a witch's outfit stepped forward and placed something on the ground. The object appears to several small mirrors and as Fabrian picked them out he saw the undead horde advancing on a number of planets and the destruction it wrought. The woman said,” do us all a favor and show them to the people you meet. These should at least convince them of the danger of the undead horde. It also stores the location of where these planets are so you could send some people to go capture some more images of the planet to get more evidence if needed.” Fabrian looked to his Grandmagister and he nodded. Seeing this the old man smiled,” Good, let us go then. We have much work to do.” and with that the group parted ways.

Since then,Fabrian has been funding the armies of the refugees and giving them weapons in preparation for the fight. And yet, Fabrian was worried. He was told that more gods had joined their cause from all over the universe and they were moving their forces through the outer planes to prepare for the fight yet everyday came with a new report of another god or pantheon under assault. The God of knowledge had been hard at work formulating a plan of attack but what they needed was more forces and territory. The archmages and expedition fleets were working non-stop to gather more allies and with the support of the gods’ magics it was progressing smoothly but he feared it was not fast enough. The Gorgonic Empire’s reach had grown more in the past months than it had in years and their priests stated their patron gods were becoming more active as well. However, as the empire grew, the chance of exposure grew as well and as more planets were settled more quickly with divine magic the chance of a full scale assault grew. While Fabrian was pondering on how to improve his situation, he suddenly felt cold as a tingle of fear ran up his spine. Looking around hurriedly, he found nothing out of the ordinary but spotted one of the mirrors given to him by the woman. He kept it as their mages managed to enchant it to become a long range communicator to him directly by the expenditure forces. He picked it up and then froze. Staring back at him was the creature, its red eyes staring into his soul. Behind him were the dead bodies of an expeditionary force as several undead appeared to be raising them as servants. Fabrian, though, could only focus on the creature as it stared back. A third eye opened on his forehead as it began to glow and the creature reached towards the mirror with a hand. Fabrian forced himself to react sensing what it was trying to do and he grabbed a nearby enchanted dagger, stabbing the mirror and shattering it to pieces. He hurriedly threw it away and called for his grand magister who entered in a rush. Observing the situation the wizard whispered a spell to himself and touched the mirror, causing it to lose its magic glow before disintegrating what remained. “Are you alright my lord?” the wizard asked. “Grand magister, get in contact with the others, I fear we have been compromised, we must be ready for war immediately.” The wizard bowed his head and teleported away. As Fabrian looked around, his attention was caught on a scrying mirror in his office. It was used to monitor the situation on all the worlds’ under the empire’s control. And it was glowing red, as it displays what appears to be a mass influx of Intelligent undead into the border worlds of the Gorgonic empire, led to a pair of black headless dragons. The war has begun and the battle for the fate of his empire commences.

Necrolord, fragment of the great anomaly(Before full awakening)
Medium undead (augmented), Beyond alignment(acts as Neutral evil)

Cleric 100/ divine emissary 59/ reborn Necromancer 10/ Cosmic Descryer 21
DvR:23 (paralleled Greater God)

Ability Scores:
18 base+56 lord+32 divine+10 monster of legend+40 Anomalous gift=156 |+73
:18 base+56 lord+32 divine+6 monster of legend+40 Anomalous gift=152 |+71
Wis:18 base+56 lord+32 divine+2 monster of legend+47 CL+40 Anomalous gift)x2=390 |+190
:18 base+56 lord+32 divine+2 monster of legend+40 Anomalous gift=148 |+69
18 base+56 lord+32 divine+2 monster of legend+40 Anomalous gift)x2=296 |+143

:190D20+27170+3800 Lord (34,770hp)
Initiative:71 dex +23 divine+45 luck=+139/Always first
: Mach 3( 6756ft Lord x 3 Greater god)
AC:10+71 dex+23 divine+190 Lord’ insight +45 lord+143 Char+190 natural armor+190 profane+1 dodge+143 heavenly+69 cunning=1075, touch 885, flat footed 1004
Attack bonus:
15 BAB+73 Str+23 divine +190 lord’s insight+45 lord+143 char+69 cunning+190 profane+1 haste
Saving throws:
:12 base+45 lord+190 lord’s insight+143 heavenly+23 divine+71 Strength of Personality+190 Profane+69 cunning=+743
:6 base+71 dex+45 lord+190 lord’s insight+143 heavenly+23 divine+71 Strength of Personality+190 Profane+1 haste+ 69 cunning=+809
: 12 base+190 wis+45 lord+190 lord’s insight+143 heavenly +23 divine+71 Strength of Personality+190 Profane + 69 cunning=+933
:190 CL+ 45 lord+190 wis(insight)=425+ relevant ability mod
:10 base+190 HD+23 Divine +45 lord=268 (spell that do not penetrate reflect back on caster)
Power Resistance:10 base+190 HD+23 Divine +45 lord=268
:115 lord+40 Divine=165/epic (165/-)
Fast healing:75
Immunities (Ex)
: The Necrolord is immune to cold, fire(lord),sonic, force (divine ability) acid and electricity(monster of legend) and is unaffected by natural effects such as: ability damage, disease, natural elements (cold, drowning, fire, lava, lightning etc.), poison and so forth.
Senses: Cosmic consciousness( to the edge of the plane/dimension he is on)
Full round attacks: 1 Anti divine/negative energy/black hole ray (or a spell) + 2 spells or spell-like abilities( free action, third eye and 2 more faces)+ Wrath (anti divine+ negative energy+ black hole) (deal dmg if in range (500ft) as free action) and either 1 quickened spell + 1 effect or 1 fist attacks or doom bringer (swift+ standard) or 8 fist attacks (full round attack)
:+749 against mortals,+939+opponent’s divine rank against deities(no decrease on multiattack), dmg: 190d10 (1900)+47d6x4(2256) to deities + 60 energy level drain +47d8x4(1520) bludgeoning dmg +3800 x opponent’s divine rank= 3420 dmg to mortals,5676+(3800 x divine rank) 60 energy level drain, crit range 17-20/x5 (17100 dmg to mortals, 28380+ 5(3800 x divine rank) to deities, 300 energy level drain
: Automatic metamagic capacity (x48), Metamagic freedom, Improved spell capacity x12), spell opportunity, combat casting, Improved Alignment Based Casting, Negative Energy Burst, zone of animation, Planar Turning, Spontaneous Domain Access, Undead Mastery, Great smiting, Improved Turning (x6), Leadership, Improved cohort, Extra followers, Cat’s fall, Epic spellcasting, Ignore material components, Permanent Emanation(x4), Epic leadership, Legendary commander, spectral strike, Improved combat casting, strength of personality,

Metamagic: Empower spell, Silent spell, Still spell, Reach spell, Widen spell, Energy substitution, Enlarge spell, Quicken spell, Bouncing spell, Contagious spell, Delayed spell, Tenacious spell, Sickening spell, Persistent spell, Cataclysmic spell, Annihilating spell, Dire spell

Divine Metamagic (24 feats converted to 4 divine abilities): Dolorous spell, Quintessential spell, Telluric spell, transient spell
Feats: 110(90 base+20 lord(42 converted to divine abilities(7)), divine abilities:122 (no artifacts, 23+92(23x4)+7)

The Necrolord was one of the many fragments sent forth by the great anomaly ‘It burns all’ in order to interact with the universes around it and attempt to halt the suffering of the mortals within. The necrolord is intended to be the common enemy of all mortals and the gods they worship, to force them to work together. Should they fail, the sidereals and demiurge will be targeted after it awakens, to reset the universe to force it to begin anew. It wields no artifacts of its own but holds a specter carrying the scale of the anomaly to aid it and to awaken its true power should the need arise. The only end that the necrolord and the anomaly will accept is the unification of the gods or the rise of the mortals and it will not rest till then. To that end, it holds a wealth of power it can use to challenge the immortals and mortals alike.

If engaged, it will make use of the anti divine powers to swiftly destroy the immortals and use its near absolute control of negative energy to drain and snuff out the lives of the mortals as the blood spilt will only increase its own strength. Its large aura is an effective way to stall and slowly waste away any armies it faces while quickly summoning undead to deal with the army empowering them with divine skills, all while it bombards them with spells. It will never retreat from battle, for it knows it cannot die until its mission is accomplished. Escape is near impossible due to its cosmic senses and to attempt to change it is impossible.

Class abilities:
Granted Powers:

The Necrolord may use a death touch once per day, it is a supernatural ability that produces a death effect. He must succeed on a melee touch attack against a living creature. When you touch, roll 190d6 (1140). If the total at least equals the creature’s current hit points, it dies (no save).

Deicide:23+21(extra smite)=44/day(if cogency is abrogated),the Necrolord may use Smite Immortal.

*Smite Immortal (Su)

The necrolord can infuse his strikes with anathematic energies. As a swift action, he chooses one target within sight to smite. If this target is an Immortal,he gains a bonus to his Attack Rolls equal to 190+opponent's Divine Rank**, deals extra damage or permanent damage (deicide choice) on his Damage Rolls equal to 380 x his opponent's Divine Rank x 10 (perfect smiting) against any Immortal and attacks automatically bypass any DR the Immortal might possess. In addition, while smite immortal is in effect, he gains an insight bonus equal to double his opponent's Divine Rank to his AC and saving throw against attacks and abilities made by the target of the smite. If he targets a creature that was not an Immortal, the smite is wasted with no effect. The smite immortal effect remains until the target of the smite is dead or the next time the deicide rests and regains his use of this ability. This ability counts as smite. If the Immortal target of the smite immortal has at least 49 divine rank, the base smite immortal damage (before applying superior and perfect smiting) increases to 380 x his opponent's Divine Rank x 100 x10.

Rebuke or command undead: 7200HD (undead mastery+reborn necromancer)

Divine Inspiration (Sp): The necrolord gains a +2 luck bonus on his or her attack and Damage rolls for 10 rounds, 20/day
Extra Smite (Su): The necrolord can use his or her smite ability 2 extra times per day,
Greater Planar Ally (sp): The necrolord can call a Greater planar ally 6/day. The ally does not request a return favor when a divine emissary uses this ability.

Divine Hand (Su): As a free action, the necrolord gains a +20 profane bonus on his next melee or ranged attack roll, as long as the attack is made with the deity’s favored weapon. The necrolord can use divine hand 6/day.

Superior Planar Summoning (Ex):The necrolord can increase the power of any of the following spells—elemental swarm, gate, greater planar ally, greater planar binding, summon monster iX, or summon nature’s ally IX—to affect or summon outsider of 24 HD higher than the spell’s normal limit or conjure creatures with 24 HD of advancement.

Naturalization (Ex):The necrolord develops a natural affinity for 10 planes(the abyss, feywild, elemental plane of fire, positive energy plane, hades, mount celestial, limbo, far realm, shadowfell and negative energy plane) that he or she has visited, becoming resistant to any spells and spell-like effects that would normally affect any creature not native to that plane.

Enduring Gate (Su): As a full round action, the necrolord can make any casting of the gate spell remain for 7 days.

Cosmic Connection (Su):The necrolord may join with the massive energy of the multiverse 3/day. He can remain connected for 190 minutes. While connected, he is immune to critical hits, is a native on any plane he visits, and can use dimension doors at will as a 20th-level caster. He can draw off excess energy from the multiverse itself to increase his effective caster level or enhance any check. Drawing off excess energy from the multiverse is dangerous, and it deals him 5 points of damage for each +1 bonus applied to a single roll or +1 caster level on a single spell.

Magic of the Unliving (Ex): A reborn necromancer focuses on learning black magic, regardless of the source. He can learn and cast spells of the necromancy school from any spell list. If, however, the spell would normally be of the wrong type of magic (arcane/divine/occult), it can only be learned and cast on a spell level higher than it would normally be.

Aura of Dread (Su):The Necrolord are surrounded by an aura of fear. Living creatures in this aura feel tendrils of despair in their minds. Creatures in a 50ft area are aware that something unnatural is nearby. The reborn necromancer has a penalty(-5) to Diplomacy checks but a bonus(+5) to Intimidate checks when used on living creatures. Animals do not willingly approach the reborn necromancer unless the animal’s master makes a DC 25 Handle Animal, Ride, or wild empathy check

Train Undead: The Necrolord swiftly learns that mindless undead minions are useful in many ways, but hard to handle. He therefore learns how to train small tricks to them, as if they were animals. He can treat undead without an intelligence score as animals with an intelligence score of 1 for training purposes, except the Necrolord uses knowledge (religion).

Eternal Balance (Su): The Necrolord interacts with positive energy as a living creature and with negative energy as an undead.

Master’s Call (Su): The Necrolord can perform a greater command against undead in place of a regular command attempt. The greater command is like a normal command except that intelligent undead that are commanded with greater command gain a new save only 1/week. This ability is usable 2/week and costs 2 uses of channel energy instead of one.

Undead Versatility(Ex): The Necrolord can create any undead with a CR up to 11 with create undead, and up to his caster level with create greater undead with extra specific components for specific undead. The Necrolord can create undead based on templates only if the undead final CR is lower than its caster level. If the creation of the undead requires particular components (like the phylactery of a lich), those components must be provided during the casting as an additional material and/or focus component.

Eyes of the Dark Lord (Su): The Necrolord can look through the senses of any undead he is currently controlling. The undead must be within a radius of 10 miles. Looking through the senses of an undead requires a full round action to start watching and one swift to stop. While the Necrolord is in the undead’s mind, he leaves his own body in a sleep-like state. The reborn necromancer may look through the undead’s senses and he may use its mouth to speak, but no other actions may be taken.

Gifted Birth traits (Anomaly birth, lord and monster of legend):

Cosmic Destiny(Ex)
:The Necrolord was created to serve a specific purpose, to provide a suitably terrifying threat that the immortals and mortals halt their petty games and better their worlds. Till this purpose is served, he cannot die. This is treated as the Transmortality ability except to abrogate or nullify this, the creature must roll against “it burns all” directly in rank check, which is treated as a rank of 200 while it is asleep (which it currently is). If it wakes, it is impossible to abrogate this ability. Once the purpose is served, this ability is automatically discarded.(once most gods and mortals work together for a common purpose) Successful nullification of this ability and slaying of the necrolord when its purpose is not complete will awaken “it that burns”.

Blood of the cosmos(Ex):The Necrolord has been blessed with a small amount of the anomalies' vast power to help them challenge every god and mortal. He receives the cosmic consciousness, 2 Legendary [abilities], 3 additional cosmic abilities of his choice, a +40 to all stats and may choose cosmic abilities as normal (though he may not select transcendent abilities at all). He also has nescience as a bonus divine ability. To remove this via abrogate requires a DC 43 rank check for each ability.
The 3 abilities are:
Divine nescience: He ignores prerequisites for divine abilities
Cogency: he treats every attack as a smite
Perfect smiting: His smite damage increases 10 fold

Stand united or fall divided(Ex): The Necrolord has an Unique ability that is also a weakness. At the start of combat, All the mortals and immortals roll a skill check of their choice and the difference of the sum best and worst 5 of their checks is taken against a DC of 884 (864+20). Should they fail, The necrolord gains 1 additional cosmic ability and 3 divine abilities and all combatants suffer an unavoidable round of attacks of the necrolord’s choice. Should they succeed, the necrolord loses 3 cosmic abilities granted by his blood and a penalty of -200 to all his attack rolls, AC, Saves and DCs. He may use this ability 1 additional time in combat but only gains 3 divine abilities if he succeeds. Any attempt to abrogate this ability causes the failure effect which stacks (repeated attempts lead to repeated benefits).

Death’s wrath incarnate: The necrolord has death in its very nature and possesses the innate powers of a powerful lich. He gains the Akalich’s spell-like abilities

Death of all (Ex): the necrolord represents the end of all immortals and mortals. He gains the double death and double deicide portfolios. This can be abrogated on a successful DC 883 Wisdom check against him by the abrogator as they attempt to impose a new reality on him but he chooses which portfolio he loses. He can only lose 1 of the two portfolio at anytime

Deicide Portfolio:
Spell-like Abilities
: Use two deicide domain spell as spell-like ability
Lunatic’s Atheism (Weakness):Competence penalty to on all rolls equal to double your divine rank for one month if you ever retreat the battlefield so long as a single enemy Immortal remains alive within your Divine Aura
Anathema: Immortals target you above all others in combat
Pernicious Ascendency (Su): You are healed by Divine Damage
Greater Scion of God Slaughter (Ex): You gain your two most powerful opponents in your Divine Aura Divine Bonus to Armor Class, Attacks, Damage, Saves, and Checks
execration Ritual (Ex): All summoned allies maximize all die rolls if there is an Immortal within your Divine Aura
Vile Divinity (Su):All Anti Divine Damage you do is considered Permanent Damage
Uncanny Divine Mastery (Su) (x2 HD): Assault your enemies with divine energy
Font of Perdition (Ex): All Immortals within your Divine Aura take damage equal to the combined total of the Divine Bonus of all Immortals within your Divine Aura (including your own) every round

Uncanny Anti divine Effects(x2hd)(d3 to d6)( anti divine is divine dmg that does x2 dmg to divine beings but 0 dmg to mortals)(quantum effect+inner eye=x4 max dmg)(DC+190 Profane+143 heavenly+69 cunning):
• Beam (Ray):
standard action, ranged touch attack, 190d6x4(9120 to deities) permanent anti divine dmg, range 8000 ft.
• Blast: standard action, 95d6x4(4560 to deities) permanent anti divine dmg (DC 635 Reflex for half damage), range 8000 ft., 500 ft. radius burst
• Blood: any foe who strikes the necrolord in melee suffers 47d6x4(2256 to deities) permanent anti divine dmg (DC 635 Reflex negates).
Breath: Once every 1d4 rounds, the necrolord can breathe either 500 ft. cone or a 2000 ft.-long line that deals 190d6x4(9120 to deities) permanent anti divine dmg (DC 635 Reflex for half damage).
Hand: standard action, a touch attack, deals 285d6x4(13680 to deities) permanent anti divine dmg.
Immolation: When slain, a 1,024,000ft( enlarge aura x 9), deals 285d6x4(13680 to deities) permanent anti divine dmg (DC 635 Reflex for half damage).
Storm: All enemies within a 1,024,000ft, 47d6x4 (2256 to deities) permanent anti divine dmg (DC 635 Reflex negates)
Strike: Any creature struck by the necrolord in melee suffers an additional 47d6x4(2256 to deities) permanent anti divine dmg.
Wrath (Gaze): 95d6x4(4560 to deities) permanent anti divine dmg (DC 635 will negates), 500 ft.

Death portfolio:
Spell-like Abilities:
Use two death domain spells as spell-like abilities each round
Positive Energy Vulnerability: Suffer 100% extra damage from positive energy attacks and spells
Sterility: You cannot produce offspring, even magically
Undead: You gain the undead traits and have no constitution score
Cold Resistance: You gain cold resistance equal to your HD
Greater Scion of Death: Competence bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls and armor class equal to double your divine rank against living opponents
Perfect Summoning (Undead): Undead created/summoned have 200% more HD
Perfect Embodiment of Death: Immunities ineffective against your necromantic effects
Uncanny Neg. En. Mastery (x2 HD): Assault your enemies with negative energy based attacks
Improved Neg. En. Absorption: Use a single source of neg. energy damage to give bonus hit points

Uncanny Negative energy Effects(x2hd)(quantum effect+inner eye=x4 max dmg)(DC+190 Profane+143 heavenly+69 cunning):
• Beam (Ray):
standard action, ranged touch attack, 252 (63x4) energy level drain, range 8000 ft.
Blast: standard action, 124(31x4) energy level drain (DC 635 Reflex for half drain), range 8000 ft., 500 ft. radius burst
Blood: any foe who strikes the necrolord in melee suffers 60(15x4) energy level drain (DC 635 Reflex negates).
Breath: Once every 1d4 rounds, the necrolord can breathe either 500 ft. cone or a 2000 ft.-long line that deals 252(63x4) energy level drain (DC 635 Reflex for half drain).
Hand: standard action, a touch attack, deals 95 energy level drain.
Immolation: When slain, a 1,024,000ft. radius( enlarge aura x 9), deals 380(95x4) energy level drain (DC 635 Reflex for half drain).
Storm: All enemies within a 1,024,000ft. radius, 60(15x4) energy level drain (DC 635 Reflex negates)
Strike: Any creature struck by the necrolord in melee suffers an additional 60(15x4) energy level drain
Wrath (Gaze): 124(31x4) energy level drain (DC 635 will negates), 500 ft.

Inner Eye (Ex): The necrolord can automatically (no action required) manipulate its fate. For example...The lord gains the best or worst (it's choice) results on all dice rolls. However, a natural “20” is not an automatic success and a natural "1" is only an automatic failure if it opts to automatically fail.

Might(Ex): The necrolord does 190d10 dmg per melee hit

Lord Presence (Ex): The necrolord radiates an aura of pure presence (Radius: 2000ft). All creatures with less than 142 HD must make a Will save DC 650 (248+190 profane + 140 heavenly+69 cunning) or fall unconscious for the overwhelming presence of the lord for 24 hours. Slapping or wounding awakens an affected creature, but normal noise does not. Awakening a creature is a standard action (an application of the aid another action). If a creature makes his save it is instead staggered for 143 rounds. Once a creature makes with success his save, he is immune to the Lord Presence of that lord for a number of rounds equal to his HD + his Charisma modifier. This ability ignores the immunity to fear or mind-affecting effects of creatures with less than 95HD. Against unattended objects in the area (like the squares of the floor) Lord Presence deals 950 hp every round which applies only half of the hardness. The lord can exclude any number of creatures of objects from suffering the effects of this aura. This is a fear, mind-affecting effect.

Maven and Omnicompetent(Ex): The necrolord knows all skills as class skills and has max ranks in all class skills

Mythic creature(Ex): The necrolord is a mythic rank 38 creature with appropriate mythic power (38/day,+28d6). The necrolord can use any of his spell and spell-like abilities as the Mythic versions of those spells (if a Mythic version of that spell exists), expending Mythic Power as normal. He can also expend Mythic Power to use the augmented versions of these spell and spell-like abilities.

Regrow limbs (Ex): If the necrolord loses a limb, head, or body part, a new one grows in 1 round. He cannot be slain by a vorpal weapon's head-severing ability.

Divine Abilities (62 abilities):

Profane mind, body, soul, spirit (1 divine ability):
Wis bonus to Attack rolls, AC, saving throws and DCs
Heavenly body, soul, spirit and mind (1 divine ability): Char bonus to AC, Attack rolls,Saves and DCs of abilities
Cunning mind, body,soul and spirit(1 divine ability): Int bonus to AC, attack rolls, saves and DCs
Carapace: His natural armor bonus is equal to his HD instead of ¼ his HD
Quantum Effects: Fate is incorporated into all his effects. With inner eye treat as all effects at x4 dmg
Vampiric Effect: Choose 1 enemy damaged by an effect and heal half the dmg
Spell reflection: Reflect spells that do not penetrate his SR back onto caster
Seventh sense: Replay 23 rounds per day
Perfect damage reduction: His dmg reduction cannot be overcome by any trait
Enlarge aura (X9): His Aura increases 2^9 times( since double double is quadruple ) to 1,024,000ft
Greater Aura: His aura’s effects increase
Superior Aura: His Aura’s effect increase even further
Perfect Aura: His Aura’s effects Increase phenomenally
Perfect initiative: He always goes first in the initiative order
Superior Critical: His critical threat range is quadrupled to 17-20
Superior critical multiplier: His crit multiplier becomes X 5
Superior combat casting: His concentration cannot be broken when casting spells
Third eye: He can use a Ray effect, spell or spell like ability as a free action each round
Moderate Eradication: He has a 50% chance of critical hitting creatures immune to crits
Self Hypnosis: He is treated as having a mind blank spell on at all time, lowering or raising it as a free action.
Epic presence(x3): He grants all allies in his divine aura 3 epic feats of his choice (epic spellcasting, dire spell, cataclysmic spell)
Abnormality (x4): The necrolord has many strange and unnatural augmentations on his body.
Faces(x2): He has two additional faces on the sides of his head. He may cast 2 additional spells or use 2 spell-like ability as a free action each round
Arms(x2): He has 4 additional arms on the side of his body, clawed and vicious granting him 4 additional attacks each round
True seeing: He acts as if he has True seeing on at all times
Obviate: He grants all allies in his divine aura the ability to use true seeing at all times
Adjuration: Each day, he can summon creatures whose total Hit Dice is no greater than 380HD. No creature may have a CR of 118
Create greater spawn: Any mortals he kills automatically become one of the undead. He can choose the type of undead, however, the undead he creates cannot have more than double the hit die of the creature killed. Additionally it’s Challenge Rating cannot be greater than 31
Multifaceted(x5): He gains 30 additional feats ( 18 to AMC and 12 to improved spell capacity)
Force and sonic immunity( 2 divine ability): He is immune to force and sonic dmg
Distant gaze: He gains a gaze attack that can forcefully plane shift/teleport any being to any location of his choice on a fail will save of DC 673(271+190 profane+143 heavenly+69 cunning), range 500ft
Spell abatement: He ignore the first spell cast against him each round(as if he has infinite SR against it)
Spell absorption: As a free action, he can automatically absorb 1 spell cast at him, storing it and he may cast it as a standard action anytime in the future. He may store 190 levels of spells
Shapechange: He can change into a new form with no more than 380HD as a free action (Usually a Great void wyrm), gaining all Ex and Su abilities of the new form but losing the Su abilities he possesses.
Gravitas: Each round he assaults the same opponent with the same spell or ability the DC increases by 2 up to an increase of 143
Goetic blood: Each time he takes dmg, he summons monsters. For 10hp/1 spell level loss, he cast the summon monster spell to the appropriate level. For more than 90 hp loss, he summons monsters of CR spell level x 1.33
Perfect staff specialization: He deals max dmg on melee hits with staffs
Perfect weapon focus: Always use his highest BAB on all attacks
Superior smiting: He multiples his smite dmg by 4 (taken if Perfect smiting is abrogated)
Uncanny whirlwind attack: As a full attack action, he can make a full attack against every target he threatens.
Quickness: He always act as if Hasted
Vanguard will and reflex (2 divine abilities): All allies within his divine aura can use his will and reflex save instead of their own
Apocrypha: He gains a +50 bonus to any save against being scryed on, detected or any divination effects.
Precognition: He can glimpse into a being’s future. An individual must make a will save of DC 720 (318+190 profane+143 heavenly+69 cunning) or have their plots and goals become known to him, him being given clues and hints about possible future events involving the individual. He may do this any number of times but the victim gains +10 circumstantial bonus per previous attempt on the person
Perfect sunder: His attacks do damage and count as sunder attempts

Cosmic abilities(60 Divine abilities converted to 10 cosmic abilities)
: Any single opponent in his 1,024,000ft divine aura has his greatest ability negated, which could be an ability or ability score
Anaretic: His strikes destroys magical items as per a disjunction spell of CL 213, though immortal artifacts are only destroyed for 1d4 rounds before being restored
Apostasy: He has transcended alignment. He cannot be affected by aligned effects and cannot be affected by effects attempting to change his alignment
Create legacy: for every mortal killed, he summons 23 undead with no more than twice the mortal’s HD and CR not higher than 31
Divine presence: All allies within his divine aura gains a single divine ability (Create greater spawn)
Doom bringer: 1/day per opponent, On a successful touch attack, He deals 25% of that opponent’s max HP by reopening the worst wound that opponent had received
Revivdius: He can resurrect the Greatest enemy of his opponent from beyond the grave, summoned for one round per HD of the enemy.
(modified) Shroud of death: Enemies with his Divine Aura must make a DC 673 fortitude save or die every round for which they remain within his divine aura. Anyone without a divine rank automatically succeeds this check
Spirit stealer: He gains 100% of the quintessence from any deity he slays instead of 10%
Extra portfolio: To aid in his conquest the Necrolord claims another portfolio: space

Space portfolio:
Spell-like Abilities
: He may use the space domain spell like abilities at will
Hostile Environment(lock): Competence penalty of -23 on all die rolls while in an area that blocks dimensional travel
Cold Vulnerability: He takes an additional 50% cold dmg( he is immune though so)
Eternal Freedom :You are immune to spells and effects which impede movement
Dimension Hole: +23 Competence bonus to attack rolls damage rolls and armor class after using a conjuration effect for 23 minutes
Dimensional Summon: A summoned creature can summon or otherwise conjure another creature, and can it use any teleportation or planar travel abilities
Hyperdimensional Body: The necrolord exists in multiple dimensions at once: all attacks and effects against him have a 50% miss chance. He can move through solid objects (even made of force) as if they were difficult terrain, except that it cannot end its movement in an object. This ability does not function if he is subject to a dimensional anchor or similar effect.
Dimensional Lord: You gain regeneration equal to ½ your HD after using a conjuration effect for a number of minutes equal to your divine rank
Uncanny black hole effect(quantum effect+inner eye=x4 max dmg)(DC+190 Profane+143 heavenly+69 cunning):
The effect deals d8 bludgeoning damage per hit die. Creatures that take damage must make a Reflex save, with the same DC of the version of the Effect or be moved to any square that is included in the area of effect. For effect forms that are not area (Beam, Blood, Hand, and Strike) a failed Reflex allows the immortal to move the creature anywhere in its Divine Aura.
• Beam (Ray): standard action, ranged touch attack, 190d8x4 (6080) Bludgeoning damage, range 8000 ft.
• Blast: standard action, 95d8x4(3040) Bludgeoning damage (DC 635 Reflex for half damage), range 8000 ft., 500 ft. radius burst
• Blood: any foe who strikes the necrolord in melee suffers 47d8x4(1520) bludgeoning damage (DC 635 Reflex negates).
• Breath: Once every 1d4 rounds, the necrolord can breathe either 500 ft. cone or a 2000 ft.-long line that deals 190d8x4(6080) Bludgeoning damage (DC 635 Reflex for half damage).
• Hand: standard action, a touch attack, deals 285d8x4(9120) Bludgeoning damage.
Immolation: When slain, a 1,024,000ft( enlarge aura x 9), deals 285d8x4(9120) Bludgeoning damage (DC 635 Reflex for half damage).
• Storm: All enemies within a 1,024,000ft, 47d8x4(1520) Bludgeoning damage (DC 635 Reflex negates)
• Strike: Any creature struck by the necrolord in melee suffers an additional 47d8x4(1520) bludgeoning damage.
• Wrath (Gaze): 95d8x4 (3040) bludgeoning damage (DC 635 will negates), 500 ft.

Divine Aura: Range 1,024,000ft
The necrolord can choose from the following effects each round as a free action (DC +190 profane+143 heavenly+69 cunning):
Daze: Those within the immortal’s aura must make a Will save DC 578 (176+190+143+69) or be unable to act, other than defend themselves, duration 1 round.
Fear: Those within the immortal’s aura must make a Will save DC 578 (176+190+143+69) or be shaken and suffer a -2 morale penalty on attack rolls, saves and checks.
Sleep: Those within the immortal’s aura must make a Will save DC 588 (186+190+143+69) or be unable to act, duration 1d4 rounds. A sleeping character who takes damage gains another saving throw against this effect (maximum one new save per round regardless of how many times they are damaged).
Pain: Those within the immortal’s aura must make a Fortitude save DC 588 (186+190+143+69)or suffer wracking pains that impose a -4 penalty on attack rolls, saves and skill checks. These effects last for 1 hour after the creature leaves the immortal’s divine aura.
Stunning: Those within the immortal’s aura must make a Will save DC 588 (186+190+143+69) or be unable to act, other than defend themselves for 1d6 rounds.
Weakness: Those within the immortal’s aura must make a Fortitude save DC 588 (186+190+143+69) or suffer 3d6 points of Strength damage.
Insanity: Those within the immortal’s aura must make a Will save DC 588 (186+190+143+69) or become permanently insane.
Death: Those within the immortal’s aura must make a Fortitude save DC 588 (186+190+143+69) or die. The immortal can only slay up to a total of 1900 hp per round (although it can choose which targets suffer first).
Perfect Heroism: Allies within the immortal’s aura gain a +8 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves and skill checks. Are immune to fear and gain 60 temporary hit points.

Shroud of death: All enemies must make a DC 673 fort save or die, repeating this every round they are within his aura. Creatures without a divine rank automatically succeed

Storms of power: Every rounds, each enemy must make a reflex save of DC 635 takes 47d8x4(1520) Bludgeoning damage, 60(15x4) energy level drain and 47d6x4(2256 to deities) permanent anti divine dmg

Spells and spell like abilities: 48 AMCs each round, 3 free spells or spell-like ability per round(third eye +2 heads)
Spells: As a level 110(100 cleric +10 from cosmic descryer 45 lord+ 23 divine) cleric (CL 178), Spell array:(lv 0-9:6/30/29/29/29/29/28/28/27/27 and lv 10- 21 (purely for metamagic purposes, ISC): 18/18/18/18/18/18/18/18/18/17/17/17) Spell DCs: 10+190 wis+45 lord +23 divine +190 profane +143 heavenly+69 cunning +spell level= 670+ spell level.
Typical spell prepared: (i am just listing spells known, not the specific spell slots associate with them, too many)
(0th): create water, mending, read magic, resistance, guidance, inflict minor wounds
(1st)(30 slots): Bane, Command, Protection from good, protection from law, protection from evil, Obscuring mist, Curse water, Entropic shield, cause fear, shield of faith
(2nd)(29 slots) :silence, spiritual weapon, enthrall, hold person, darkness, cure moderate wounds, inflict moderate wounds, desecrate, status, shatter, aid
(3rd)(29 slots): contagion, deeper darkness, dispel magic, magic circle against good, bestow curse, remove curse, obscure object, invisibility purge, wind walk, water walk, helping hand, animate dead
(4th)(29 slots): imbue with spell-like ability, dismissal, poison, spell immunity, discern lies, inflict critical wounds, dimensional anchor, control water
(5th)(29 slots):dispel good, dispel law, dispel chaos, symbol of pain, command greater, slay living, summon monster V, insect plague, wall of stone, unhallow, flame strike
(6th)(28 slots): Anti-life shell, Geas, Create undead, symbol of fear, Blade barrier, Forbiddance, Greater dispel magic, Harm, Heal, Word of recall, Greater glyph of warding
(7th)(28 slots): Blasphemy, Symbol of weakness, Symbol of stunning, Greater Scrying, Destruction, Control weather, Repulsion, Resurrection, Word of chaos
(8th)(27 slots): Create greater undead, Symbol of death, Symbol of insanity ,Earthquake, Firestorm, Dimension Lock, Cloak of chaos, Greater Planar ally, Mass inflict wounds, Discern location
(9th)(27 slots): Astral projection, Energy drain, Gate, Storm of vengeance, Soul bind, Miracle, Implosion, True resurrection, Summon monster IX
Lv 10-21:Metamagic amplified

Spell-like abilities: The necrolord possesses many spell-like abilities from his portfolios, blood and deity power. Caster level: 190HD+23 divine+45 lord=258, DC=10+190 wis+45 lord +23 divine +190 profane +143 heavenly+69 cunning +spell level= 670+ spell level.(Also putting the constant spells here)

Constant(permanent emanation): Unholy Aura, dispel good, Find the path, Entropic shield (miss chance 70% with the Hyperdimensional body)
At will: commune, dream, etherealness, geas/quest, greater dispel magic, greater teleport, magic jar, sending, tongues; Limited wish; cause fear, death knell, animate dead, death ward, slay living, create undead, destruction, create greater undead, wail of the banshee; Doom, Undetectable Alignment ,Nondetection, Dimensional Anchor, Dismissal, Antimagic Field, Destruction, Trap the soul, Gate; Guardian Armor, Apport Object, Urban step, Dimension Door, Teleport, Plane shift, Greater teleport, Maze, Interplanetary Teleport; Alter self, Astral projection, enervation, Greater dispel magic, harm, telekinesis
29(23 divine+3 lord+3 akalich)/day: Wish
1/day: Ruin
1/week: Memento Mori

Epic spell casting: The necrolord is capable of casting spells that are beyond the capacity of a mortal spellcaster. He has an Epic spell count of 61/day and a spellcraft check of 635(inner eye)(Up to 803 if using mythic powers,38/day)and epic spell save of 680.
He has the following epic spells prepared:
Greater ruin, terrible Animus blizzard (ghosts summoned and increased to 100d6),memento mori, destructive hellball(40d6 each energy type), Enslave(quickened),Animate Greater atropal, Animate Lich court(3 demiliches and 12 liches),Now die ,Summon elder unelemental(permanent), Summon unelemental swarm (7 Greater unelementals,20 rounds),Soul dominion(permanent, quickened,DC+40), Demise Unseen, pestilence, Time duplicate, Time freeze, Eclipse, Quickened Soul scry, Dragon strike(no mitigating factors),Flash freeze, Conjure void dragon servant,Perfect spell reflection( All spells lvl 1-9 reflected),Let go of me, Kinetic control, Summon Akalich( permanent)

An example of the highest end spell he can possibly cast: I stated out this out, presuming that he uses a mythic power to up the spellcraft check to 803.
Conjure void dragon servant:
Spellcraft DC:
Components: v, s
Casting time: Quickened
Range: 75ft
Effect: Summon an adult void dragon
Duration: permanent
To develop: Seed:Summon(DC14), Factors: Summon CR 188 Creature (+372),other type of creature(+10),Quickened(+28),permanent(x5),mitigating factors:Backlash 380d6(380 with inner eye)(-380),burn 20000 xp(-200), 15 additional participants (3 participants contribute 2 10th level spell slots(-114), 15 participates contribute 2 9th level spell slots(-510), 15 participants burn 100 xp each(-15)

Calling upon the void itself, the necrolord summons an adult void dragon to do his bidding, which will follow his orders till its death.

Summon elder unelemental:
Spellcraft DC:
Component: v,s
Casting time: Quickened
Range: 75ft
Effect: Summon an elder unelemental
Duration: permanent
To develop: Seed: summon(14),factor: summon CR 53 creature(+102),quickened(+28),Elemental(+10),Permanent(x5)

Summon an elder unelemental from the negative energy plane

Damaging spell sample:
Flash freeze:
Spellcraft DC:
Components: none
Casting time: Quickened
range :6000 ft
Area: A bolt 100 ft wide and 6000 ft long
Duration: instantaneous
Saving throws: reflex for half( DC +40)
Spell resistance: yes (+40 to check)
To develop: Seed:energy(19), Factors:No verbal component(+2), No somatic components(+2) Increases range by 1900%(+38),Increase Area by 1900%(+76),Quickened(+28), DC increase +40 (+80),Increase dmg dice to d20(+40), +40 increase to check to overcome Opponent’s SR(+80),Increase dmg to 145d6 (+270)

When the spell is cast,the air turns to freezing immediately, causing most creatures to die of the cold. It does 145d20 cold dmg to all creatures caught in the blast radius, and while powerful is fairly simple to cast.

Now die
Spellcraft DC
Components: none
Casting time: quickened
Range: 36000 ft
Target: 1 creature or 10 ft cube of non living creature and up to 10 creatures within 300 ft of the target
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving throw: fortitude for half,DC+40
Spell resistance: yes (+40 to check)
To develop: Seed: Destroy(29),factors: No verbal component(+2), No somatic components(+2), Increase range by 200%(+4), Additional 10 targets within 300ft(+100), Quickened(+28), DC increase+40(+80),+40 increase to SR check(+80), Increase dmg dice to d20(+40), increase dmg dice to 155d6 (+270)
When the spell is cast, a crackling bolt of purple energy lashes out at the target before it splits off and hits up to 10 more targets within 300ft of the original target. It does 155d20 untyped damage to the target and if it reduces the target to -10 hp, the target turns to fine dust.

Scale staff of the Anomaly
This staff of power holds a fragment of the great anomalies power. It is 6ft long, appearing to be made of a strange type of glistening silver coloured wood, which when twisted by the necrotic power of the necrolord, seems to be encased in a dull purplish red light. On the length of the staff is strange spiral runes that pulse and glow at regular intervals, though this is difficult to see from afar. At the tip of the staff is a glowing golden scale, its color and brilliance a stark contrast against the dark appearance of the rest of the staff. It appears to serve no purpose to an outside observer, as the necrolord does not wield it in battle at this stage despite it carrying the staff everywhere it travels to. Despite multiple initial attempts by several immortals, the staff is utterly indestructible even when struck with weapons made of pure orichalcum.
Any kind of scrying that attempts to locate, view or discern the purpose of the staff fails automatically, no matter the divine rank or power of those who attempt to. Scrying on the necrolord will fail to inform the scryer if he is holding the staff and the staff will not appear on any scrying mirrors or similar items.
Hover: When in combat if the necrolord drops the staff to fully use his fists, the staff will hover upright exactly 1 ft above the ground at the location it was dropped. It is not possible to move it from this point except by the necrolord. Any attempt to lift it or move it will cause the person to let go and take 1d10 untyped dmg, which they are treated as vulnerable to.
Flare: If the necrolord is slain, the staff will release a ball of red light 100ft into the air(or space if it's in space). Depending on how the necrolord was slain, the following effects take place:
Slain with cosmic destiny active: The ball of red light will turn blue and the staff will vanish back into the hand of the reformed necrolord
Slain with cosmic destiny negated: If the necrolord’s mission was complete when it was slain, the ball of red light will change into all the colors of a rainbow, forming a prismatic sphere which descends onto the staff. After 1 round, the sphere will disappear, with the staff destroyed and only the golden scale being left behind.(the golden scale possesses a very large reserve of quintessence and XP as well as numerous abilities of its own)
Slain with cosmic destiny abrogated. If the necrolord was slain with the cosmic destiny being abrogated by a successful rank check, the ball will begin to glow brighter. It then burst, with the red light engulfing the battlefield. All creatures involved in the battle (via participation, planning, transporting etc) must make a DC 1000 save at disadvantage with their worst save or die(no death prevention will work in this case). If they succeed, they are marked with a red light and their power is assessed as if by psychometry. If a significant number of them (at least 3 aided in the battle and 1 directly fought the necrolord) have a divine rank of 24 or greater, the ability “the endless night” activates. If they were immortals or mortals, Their alignments and mindsets are assessed. If they are deemed as being capable of unifying the mortals and immortals and fulfilling the mission of the necrolord in its stead, they are marked with a Geas to do so(this cannot be removed, Dmg is their HD x D20). If they are not, the red light resurrects the night lord, granting it 3 additional cosmic (or equivalent) abilities specifically to deal with whatever killed him.
The endless night: This is the Anomalies' distaste for the sidereals and eternals made manifest, for it believes that the fates of mortals and immortals should be in their own hands not the hands of these so-called “higher beings”. The staff resurrects the necrolord with the following changes:
  • The necrolord is now a Divine rank 150 Anomaly, with double Portfolios of Massacre, deicide, death, entropy, space and darkness with none of the weaknesses
  • Its HD quadruples and its is gains the abilities of the Akalich and welkin as bonus abilities
  • It is now the Amidah of whatever Universe it is in and its cosmic senses extend to the edge of the universe it’s in
  • Cosmic destiny now cannot be removed as the great anomaly is now awake (partially awake but enough to prevent the removal of this ability)
  • Gifted blood grants him 3 transcendental abilities and grants him divine nullification and uncanny astro effect in addition to its current benefits.It can now select transcendental or even omnific abilities if it so chooses
  • Considering it now faces sidereals or demiurges, It gains the ability to grow to any size from medium to macro-medium with all the benefits therein
  • To be slain, instead of all deities and mortal uniting, all the forces in the universe must now unite to destroy this cancer or face certain destruction, A herculean task indeed. If this is achieved, the necrolord’s penalty is now -500 instead of -200.
  • If it cannot be slain and it destroyed all which oppose it, it will become a time lord momentarily before it sunders itself to begin the universe anew
One thing I noticed. His epic spells per day are way higher than they should be. Epic spell are calculated on ranks, not total skill check, otherwise you could just keep casting epic spells to give yourself more epic spells by just increasing your skill check. Go ahead and recheck the rules yourself, he should have 19 Epic spells per day.

"A spellcaster who can cast epic spells has a number of open epic spell slots per day equal to one-tenth his or her ranks in the appropriate Knowlege Skill. The rules for rest between casting a day’s allotment of epic spells are the same as for rest required to prepare standard spells."

"A skill check takes into account a character’s training (skill rank), natural talent (ability modifier), and luck (the die roll)"
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Only thing from me its that normally a DR does not stack with another DR. Why the DR from the Lord template (115/cursed and Epic) stack with the DR from the divine (40/Epic) in him?

Only thing from me its that normally a DR does not stack with another DR. Why the DR from the Lord template (115/cursed and Epic) stack with the DR from the divine (40/Epic) in him?
You're correct, but to be fair, I generally allow DR to stack as well, generally, as long as they aren't exactly the same. Technically you're right, but DR is so useless at these levels, I generally just allow it to keep it somewhat relevant.

One thing I noticed. His epic spells per day are way higher than they should be. Epic spell are calculated on ranks, not total skill check, otherwise you could just keep casting epic spells to give yourself more epic spells by just increasing your skill check. Go ahead and recheck the rules yourself, he should have 19 Epic spells per day.

"A spellcaster who can cast epic spells has a number of open epic spell slots per day equal to one-tenth his or her ranks in the appropriate Knowlege Skill. The rules for rest between casting a day’s allotment of epic spells are the same as for rest required to prepare standard spells."

"A skill check takes into account a character’s training (skill rank), natural talent (ability modifier), and luck (the die roll)"
OH, right i didnt read that correctly. Than that makes 19 ok
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Only thing from me its that normally a DR does not stack with another DR. Why the DR from the Lord template (115/cursed and Epic) stack with the DR from the divine (40/Epic) in him?
Oh DR doesnt stack? I thought since it was from different templates and with perfect dmg reduction it would make sense if it stacks

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