3.5 IH stuff from my old notes

Colossal Dragon

Hit Dice: 50d12+750 (1,350 hp)

Initiative: +4

Speed: 100 ft., swim 100 ft.

AC: 52 (-8 size, +50 natural), touch 2, flat-footed 52

Base Attack/Grapple: +50/+86

Attack: Bite +70 melee (8d6+20/18-20)

Full Attack: Bite +70 melee (8d6+20/18-20), tail +70 melee (4d6+20)

Space/Reach: 40 ft./60 ft. (coiled)

Special Attacks: Breath weapon, constrict, corrosive scales, improved grab, ship-sinker, spell-like abilities

Special Qualities: Cold resistance 50, DR 50/epic, SR 46

Saves: Fort +42, Ref +27, Will +32

Abilities: Str 50, Dex 10, Con 40, Int 17, Wis 21, Cha 18

Skills: Listen +58, Knowledge (nature, religion) +56, Search +58, Sense Motive +58, Spot +58, Survival +58, Swim +81

Feats: Awesome Blow, Greater Weapon Focus (bite, tail), Improved Critical (bite), Improved Natural Attack (bite, tail), Weapon Focus (bite, tail)

Epic Feats: Epic Prowess (x4), Epic Weapon Focus (bite, tail), Greater Critical (bite), Perfect Toughness

Environment: Aquatic

Organization: Solitary

Challenge Rating: 35?

Treasure: Double standard

Alignment: Always chaotic evil

Advancement: 51-63 HD (Colossal); 64-127 HD (Titanic); 128-150 HD (Macro-fine)

A massive, coiling serpent form rises before you, its head as high as the treetops. Its open jaws reveal huge fangs dripping hideous venom. Turning its head to face you, its eyes shine with an ancient and evil intelligence.

An eitrdrake resembles a dragon but has no wings or limbs. It is about 150 feet long (100 feet excluding tail) and weighs about 180 tons.

These horrible creatures are the spawn of Jormungandr, the Midgard Serpent, or perhaps born from its blood spilled when Odin first bound it into the deepest seafloors.

Eitrdrakes live either in the ocean, in great rivers, or in swampy or marshy waters. In swamps or marshes, they often use their spell-like abilities to great effect.


At sea (against ships), an eitrdrake will use its breath weapon to simply annihilate the vessel and its crew. (Against a smaller ship, of Gargantuan size, it may constrict and slowly crush the ship instead - but only if the crew is unable to pose any threat to it.)

In rivers or shallower waters, the eitrdrake may call upon shambling mounds to distract weaker foes while it concentrates on any real threats.

Breath Weapon (Su): An eitrdrake's breath weapon is a cone of eitr (cosmic acid) vapors. This breath weapon deals 70d10 [avg. 385] damage, half divine damage and half acid damage (Reflex DC 60 half). It can use the breath weapon once every 1d4 rounds.

Constrict (Ex): An eitr dragon that makes a successful grapple check against a grabbed opponent inflicts 4d6+20 additional bludgeoning damage, as well as 8d10 acid damage from the eitrdrake's corrosive scales (see below).

Corrosive Scales (Ex): Every scale of an eitrdrake runs with acid. Creatures constricted by it take 8d10 additional acid damage. Creatures striking the eitrdrake with natural weapons or unarmed strikes take 4d10 acid damage, with a Reflex save (DC 60) allowed to avoid the damage.

Immunities (Ex): An eitrdrake is immune to acid in addition to the normal immunities for dragons.

Improved Grab (Ex): If the eitrdrake hits an opponent up to one size category smaller with its bite or tail attack, it can then attempt to start a grapple without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it gets a hold, it can constrict.

Ship-sinker (Ex): An eitrdrake deals double damage to ships, other vehicles, and objects.

Spell-like Abilities: At will – acid fog, greater dispel magic, horrid wilting (DC 22), plant growth, shambler. Caster level 50th. The save DC is Charisma-based.
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Supernova [Effect] (Transcendental Ability)

Your [Effect] ability strikes with the power of an exploding star.

Benefit: The effect deals 3d20 divine damage per hit die of the effect as the target is consumed in the ultimate energies of a dying sun. In addition, crushing gravity waves deal damage equal to a percentage of the target's maximum hit points:

Hand/Immolation Effects = 2d10% damage

Beam/Breath Effects = 2d6% damage

Blast/Wrath Effects = 1d6% damage

Blood/Storm/Strike Effects = 2% damage

e.g. A Stage I Demiurge (400 Hit Dice) taking Supernova Breath would gain a breath weapon dealing 300d20 divine damage and 2d6% of the target's maximum hit points.

Special: This effect can be taken multiple times, and its effects stack. Each time it is taken it either applies to a different effect, or to the same effect as follows:

Taken twice = Greater Supernova [Effect], original effect doubled.

Taken three times = Superior Supernova [Effect], original effect tripled.

Taken four times = Perfect Supernova [Effect], original effect quadrupled.

Taken five times = Supernova Mastery, use any type of Supernova effect at the Perfect level.

Taken six times = Uncanny Supernova Mastery, use any type of Supernova effect at the Perfect level, and shape area effects to only affect those you wish to target.

[Basically, a Transcendental-level Atomic Effect.]

I also found this list:
Huitzicoatl: Hero-Deity, 20 HD, 10 integrated Barbarian levels, no portfolios; Wind Breath.

Goel: Lesser Deity, 44 HD, 22 integrated Rogue levels, Madness and Winter Portfolios; Superior Icy Hand, Quintessential Shot

Adei [aspect of Hureila]: Demi-deity, 30 HD, 15 integrated Ranger levels, Moon Portfolio

Sonell: Quasi-deity, 20 Wizard/5 Loremaster levels, Magic and Secrets Portfolios

Obesol: Hero-deity, Love and Madness Portfolios

Gesor: Demi-deity, 32 HD, 16 integrated Barbarian levels, Strength and War Portfolios

Koe: Quasi-deity, 24 HD, 12 integrated Cleric levels, Knowledge and Skill Portfolios

Hureila: Elder One, 120 HD, 30 integrated Druid/30 integrated Ranger levels, Moon Portfolio; Time Dilation, Regenerating Storm

Cipactli: First One, 240 HD, 120 integrated Barbarian levels, Disease and Destruction Portfolios

Xochipactli: Stage I Demiurge, 340 HD, 170 integrated Barbarian levels, Disease and Nature Portfolios; Uncanny Rotting Mastery

Kadmon: Stage I Demiurge, 340 HD

[Goel and Huitzicoatl are on the old thread, Cipactli and attempted reconstructions of Adei, Hureila, and Kadmon are on the other thread Obly99 started. I have no recollection whatever of Sonell, Obesol, Gesor, or Koe, though it's conceivable that Obesol's Love and Madness Portfolios might have been a reference to Roze-Kattee, god of love and madness in Niven's "The Magic Goes Away", which I think I'd read not too long before then. Sonell might have been a Vecna-type perhaps?]

Supernova [Effect] (Transcendental Ability)

Your [Effect] ability strikes with the power of an exploding star.

Benefit: The effect deals 3d20 divine damage per hit die of the effect as the target is consumed in the ultimate energies of a dying sun. In addition, crushing gravity waves deal damage equal to a percentage of the target's maximum hit points:

Hand/Immolation Effects = 2d10% damage

Beam/Breath Effects = 2d6% damage

Blast/Wrath Effects = 1d6% damage

Blood/Storm/Strike Effects = 2% damage

e.g. A Stage I Demiurge (400 Hit Dice) taking Supernova Breath would gain a breath weapon dealing 300d20 divine damage and 2d6% of the target's maximum hit points.

Special: This effect can be taken multiple times, and its effects stack. Each time it is taken it either applies to a different effect, or to the same effect as follows:

Taken twice = Greater Supernova [Effect], original effect doubled.

Taken three times = Superior Supernova [Effect], original effect tripled.

Taken four times = Perfect Supernova [Effect], original effect quadrupled.

Taken five times = Supernova Mastery, use any type of Supernova effect at the Perfect level.

Taken six times = Uncanny Supernova Mastery, use any type of Supernova effect at the Perfect level, and shape area effects to only affect those you wish to target.

[Basically, a Transcendental-level Atomic Effect.]
Imo the Divine damage should be upgraded to at least d100 (720d20, even with Quantum and Inner Eye is 57,600, nothing at that level)

Imo the Divine damage should be upgraded to at least d100 (720d20, even with Quantum and Inner Eye is 57,600, nothing at that level)
I kinda agree with you, but it's meant to be balanced with the existing Effects - Transcendental is d100 and Cosmic is d20. If it was d100 + Gravitic effect, it'd be strictly better than Transcendental Effect.

Still, yeah, the high level damage dealing Effects are kind of pointless... the 320 HD Stage I Demiurge I just built could have Transcendental Beam for 80d100 at 13,200 ft range ... or he could have Transversal to use his normal melee attack +706/+706/+706/+706 melee touch (1,600d10+268 + 20d20 force / 15-20 / x5) at infinite range.

And that guy splits his resources between magic and melee, since breadth feels appropriate for a Demiurge (multiple dimensions to an universe). If I were to give him Legendary Strength instead of Dominance, his virtual size categories would go totally insane (Strength 500 would give him 30 VSCs, which would be another 8 doublings of damage ... x1.5 on top of that, I think... or somewhere around 600,000d10
damage maybe?) I was specifically trying to keep him more or less close to the VSC table in the Epic Bestiary.

And then if I were to swap out that spell-boosting Artifact he has for, say, Ultimate Weapon Specialization...
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I kinda agree with you, but it's meant to be balanced with the existing Effects - Transcendental is d100 and Cosmic is d20. If it was d100 + Gravitic effect, it'd be strictly better than Transcendental Effect.

Still, yeah, the high level damage dealing Effects are kind of pointless... the 320 HD Sta
Divine, Cosmic, Transcendental, Omnific [Effect] Imo are pretty much a trap because they are designed as Effects that you take to do great damage without any particular extra effects but they fail miserably in their intentions because they cannot keep up with the hp growth.

Divine with d3 is too little damage, even for non-Divine Epic build (the only thing good is
that Divine damage penetrates any type of magical defence, destroying it in the process)

Cosmic as above too little damage. 120d20 for a base Elder One for 24 divine ability slots, even if maximized and multiplied with Quantum is only 9,600 damage, usually with a save for half (and the DC is usually pretty low compared to the saving throws possessed).

Transcendental is ABYSMAL for how little damage. 320d100 for a base Demiurge Stage I for 144 divine ability slots, even if maximized and multiplied with Quantum is only 128,000 damage, when the hp are usually 1,400,000 or more. At this point simply take Automatic Metamagic Capacity x300 and go to Nuke Town with a simple fireball disgustingly metamagized.

Omnific as above.

In summary, don't try to balance based on this abilities.

I feel like Divine is mostly useful for breaking through protections, yeah. Goodbye wall of force, and so on.

I mean, you can get something out of Cosmic if you trade an item for more divine ability slots to get it as an Esoteric at lower-mid divine levels... I was messing around with what the standard D&D demon lords might look like with IH rules, and it's hard to come up with 4 artifacts for some of them. But even then, it's kind of marginal... a 7d20 Cosmic Beam might be a decent ranged option for a CR 41 Juiblex (ECL 62, 32 HD + effective Demi-deity template) but not far above that.

His melee attack (say two slams for 2d6+32/18-20/×3*) looks like comparable average damage (2d6+32 x 2 = avg. 78, vs. 7d20 = avg. 73.5), but when you add in criticals and Power Attack...

much above that level, yeah, no.

Maybe Omnific effect should be removed (or infinite damage?) and Transcendental should be either d1000, or something like 4d100 per HD of effect?

Then something like Supernova effect could be 2d100 + 2x Gravitic.

I wonder about Annihilating (d6 permanent) as a Cosmic, too. Even for my 32 HD Juiblex example above, 7d6 permanent sounds scary, but for the, what, maybe 30+ level characters (or perhaps level 20 Hero-deities or low-20s Prophets?) who are likely fighting him as a CR 41...

And a bit higher up - a 100HD Greater ( 180 ECL = CR 120) would spend 6 ability slots on Annihilating Breath/Beam and do 25d6 permanent... which isn't that scary to a party of say ECL 90 lesser deities (50th level) who would have 1000 hit points before Con bonuses (50d20 maxed) and
probably over 2000 in practice unless they have undead/construct traits, and who all have wish SLA to fix it afterwards...

*1d6 base, +1 step for oversized natural weapons, +1 for VSC, +1 for Improved Natural Attack
Strength base 45 (15 base and 3 from level advancements + 5 inherent + 10 size + 12 from effectively having the demideity template), Strength 76 with a belt of epic strength +31 (artifact at ECL 62/2)
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Hmm, now looking at those demon lords again, U_K on the old website has Demogorgon at CR 45 w/one artifact (not CR 60 with four) for 50 HD/Lesser Deity equivalent. So maybe they should just be missing those artifacts (and lower CR/ECL because of that), rather than trading them for more abilities.

So in that case Juiblex (32HD/Demi equivalent) with one artifact would be 3/4 of ECL 62 = ECL 47 (CR 31). That sounds reasonable for possibly the weakest real demon lord (as opposed to unique demons still fighting up the chain, above a MM/SRD-standard balor but not established lords of a realm yet).

Demi-deity equivalent demon lord (16 integrated sorcerer levels)
Large Outsider (Chaotic, Demon, Evil, Extraplanar)
Hit Dice: 32d20 + 256 + 32 (928 hp, 1856 hp in his realm)
Initiative: +8
Speed: 30 ft., swim 30 ft., fly 90 ft. (perfect)
Armor Class: 49 (-1 size, +24 natural, +4 Dex, +6 divine, +6 deflection), touch 25, flat-footed 45
Base Attack/Grapple: +32/+74
Attack: Slam +71 melee (2d6+32 and 2d6 acid/18-20/×3)
Full Attack: 2 slams +71 melee (2d6+32 and 2d6 acid/18-20/×3)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: Acidic Strike, divine aura (420 ft), spells, spell-like abilities
Special Qualities: DR 15/epic, divine bonus +6, divine senses, godly realm, grant spells, immortality, immunities, SR 48
Saves: Fort +31, Ref +28, Will +30
Abilities: Str 74 (43 without Amulet of Might), Dex 18, Con 26, Int 25, Wis 23, Cha 22
Skills: Concentration +49, Intimidate +47, Listen +47 Knowledge (arcana, history, religion, the planes) +48, Search +47, Sense Motive +47, Spellcraft +47, Spot +47, Swim +81

Feats: Cleave, Greater Weapon Focus (slam), Improved Critical (slam), Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Attack (slam), Improved Toughness, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (slam)

Epic Feats: Greater Critical (slam), Greater Power Attack, Improved Critical Multiplier (slam)

Divine Abilities: Acidic Strike, Exoskeleton + Squamous, Mutability, Self-hypnosis, Spiritual Ancestry

Environment: The Slime Pits, The Abyss
ECL: 47 (with one artifact - would be 62 with four)
Challenge Rating: 31 (with one artifact - would be 41 with four)
Quintessence: 200,000 (220,000 total - 20,000 in soul object)
Treasure: Amulet of Might
Alignment: Chaotic evil

Acidic Strike: +2d6 acid damage to melee attacks
Exoskeleton/Squamous: Juiblex's Natural Armor bonus is equal to +3/4 HD (+24)
Mutability: Juiblex has Ooze Traits
Self-hypnosis: Juiblex benefits from a constant mind blank
Spiritual Ancestry: Juiblex has Demon Traits

Power Attack: Juiblex Power Attacks at a 3:2 ratio.

Spells: Sorcerer (save DC 22 + spell level)
Spells known: 0-level: acid splash, detect magic, detect poison, ghost sound, mage hand, message, open/close, prestidigitation, touch of fatigue.
1st-level: magic missile, obscuring mist, ray of enfeeblement, silent image, unseen servant
2nd-level: acid arrow, darkness, fog cloud, obscure object, see invisibility
3rd-level: lightning bolt, nondetection, stinking cloud, slow
4th-level: bestow curse, black tentacles, confusion, crushing despair
5th-level: mind fog, nightmare, transmute rock to mud, wall of stone
6th-level: acid fog, disintegrate, greater dispel magic
7th-level: power word blind, spell turning
8th-level: power word stun

Spells per day: 0-level - 6, 1st - 6, 2nd - 6, 3rd - 6, 4th - 6, 5th - 6, 6th - 6, 7th - 5, 8th - 3.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will - blasphemy, commune, contagion, create undead, desecrate, dispel good, dream, energy drain, etherealness, geas/quest, greater dispel magic, greater teleport, harm, horrid wilting, inflict light wounds, inflict moderate wounds, insect plague, magic circle against good, magic jar, protection from good, sending, summon monster IX (evil), tongues, unholy aura, unholy blight, waves of exhaustion, waves of fatigue. 6/day - wish.
Caster level 38th, save DC 22+spell level (Charisma-based).

Disease Portfolio
-6 penalty to Constitution
Healing magic only 50% effective
Immune to disease
+6 competence bonus on attacks, damage, and AC vs opponents with a lower Constitution
Oozes* summoned in Juiblex's divine aura have 50% more HD
Immunities against Juiblex's disease effects are only 50% effective

*The portfolio in Ascension says vermin, but oozes are better suited for Juiblex...

Evil Portfolio
-6 competence penalty on all die rolls when within a good-aligned environment
+50% extra damage from good/holy attacks and spells
Immune to poison
+6 competence bonus on attacks, damage, and AC in an evil-aligned location
Evil aligned creatures summoned have 50% more HD
Healing is only 50% effect against damage inflicted by Juiblex, except on consecrated ground

Amulet of Might: Grants +31 enhancement bonus to Strength. This is also a Soul Object storing 20,000 QP.

If given time to buff before combat, Juiblex casts spell turning, and uses his unholy aura and summon monster IX (to summon a hezrou) spell-like abilities.
Under unholy aura, Juiblex's saves become: Fort +35, Ref +32, Will +34, and good creatures who successfully attack Juiblex in melee take 1d6 Strength damage (Fort DC 30 negates).

Juiblex opens combat with his Superior Acidic Breath (unless he has reason to expect his opponents to be protected from acid). If he does expect opponents to be protected, he will use horrid wilting (against multiple opponents) or disintegrate (against a single foe). After using his breath, he will cast one of the above spells/spell-like abilities. If still not in melee, he will use waves of exhaustion.

Juiblex is served by relatively few demons, compared to the other demon lords - most of these are hezrou and dretches. An advanced 30 HD Huge hezrou (CR 21) is the leader of Juiblex's troops. Juiblex's realm also includes manes, but these are not really useful forces.

Most of Juiblex's minions are oozes of some sort, a few of whom have been granted intelligence by Juiblex in some unknown way.

By the guidelines on Ascension p. 22, Juiblex (ECL 62, Cha mod +6) would have a base Leadership Score of 74, allowing him a cohort of up to ECL 42 (CR 28) and up to seven sub-cohorts of average ECL 23.5 (ECL range 21-26, CR range 14-17).

However, Juiblex is known to lack minions compared to other demon lords, so a maximum advancement Hezrou (CR 21 at 30 HD = ECL 32) is probably suitable for his cohort, though technically underpowered.

Standard nalfeshnees (CR 14) are the right power level for sub-cohorts, perhaps exiles or those fleeing from other realms of the Abyss.
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Demi-deity equivalent demon lord (17 integrated barbarian levels)

Large Outsider (Chaotic, Demon, Evil, Extraplanar)

Hit Dice: 34d20 + 340 (1020 hp, 2040 hp in realm)

Initiative: +13

Speed: 120 ft

Armor Class: 58 (-1 size, +30 natural, +6 divine, +5 Dex, +8 deflection), touch 28, flat-footed 53

Base Attack: +34/+59

Attack: Flail of Yeenoghu +72 melee (2d8+35/15-20/x3 + 3d6 sonic plus brutal) or bite +54 melee (2d6+21)

Full Attack: Flail of Yeenoghu +72/+72/+72/+72 melee (2d8+35/15-20/x3 + 3d6 sonic plus brutal) or bite +54 melee (2d6+21)

Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.

Special Attacks: Divine aura (440 ft), rage

Special Qualities: DR 15/epic, divine bonus +6, divine senses, godly realm, immortality, immunities, SR 50, trap sense, uncanny dodge

Saves: Fort +35, Ref +32, Will +28

Abilities: Str 41, Dex 20, Con 31, Int 20, Wis 17, Cha 26

Skills: Climb +58, Intimidate +51, Jump +94, Knowledge (the planes, religion) +48, Listen +49, Search +49, Spot +49, Survival +49

Feats: Cleave, Great Cleave, Greater Weapon Focus (flail), Improved Critical (flail), Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Attack (bite), Lightning Reflexes, Weapon Focus (flail)

Epic Feats: Chaotic Rage, Epic Weapon Focus (flail), Greater Critical (flail), Greater Power Attack, Light Eradication, Power Attack Mastery, Ruinous Rage, Superior Initiative, Uncanny Power Attack

Divine Abilities: Divine Immensity, Moderate Eradication, Multifaceted, Perfect Weapon Focus (flail), Spiritual Ancestry, Superior Power Attack

Environment: Death Dells, The Abyss
ECL: 53 (would be 64 with four artifacts)
Challenge Rating: 36 (would be 43 with four artifacts)
Quintessence: 270,000 (300,000 total - 30,000 in Soul Object)
Treasure: Flail of Yeenoghu, Amulet of Endurance
Alignment: Chaotic evil

Divine Immensity: Yeenoghu can shrink to Medium or grow to Huge
Improved Uncanny Dodge/Uncanny Dodge: Yeenoghu can't be flanked except by a rogue of 21st level or higher. He keeps his Dex bonus to AC even if flat-footed
Moderate Eradication: 50% chance to ignore immunity to critical hits
Power Attack: Yeenoghu automatically power attacks for the amount that the attack roll exceeds AC, at a 2:1 ratio
Rage: As 17th-level barbarian: 5/day, no fatigue after rage
When raging: 1,122 hp (2,244 hp in own realm); Flail of Yeenoghu +75/+75/+75/+75 melee (2d8+38/15-20/x3 + 3d6 sonic plus brutal) or bite +57 melee (2d6+24); Fort +38, Will +31 (+35 vs enchantment spells); Str 47, Con 37
Spiritual Ancestry: Yeenoghu has Demon Traits

Spell-like Abilities: At will - blasphemy, commune, contagion, create undead, desecrate, disintegrate, dispel good, dream, earthquake, etherealness, geas/quest, greater dispel magic, greater teleport, harm, implosion, inflict critical wounds, inflict light wounds, magic circle against good, magic jar, mass inflict light wounds, protection from good, sending, shatter, summon monster IX (evil), tongues, unholy aura, unholy blight; 6/day - wish.

Destruction Portfolio
Gain only 50% benefit from healing spells/effects
-6 Wisdom
immune to disintegration spells/effects
+6 competence bonus to damage
Summoned creatures gain +6 to damage
Ignore half an opponent's damage reduction

Evil Portfolio
-6 competence penalty on all die rolls when within a good-aligned environment
+50% extra damage from good/holy attacks and spells
Immune to poison
+6 competence bonus on attacks, damage, and AC in an evil-aligned location
Evil aligned creatures summoned have 50% more HD
Healing is only 50% effective against damage inflicted by Yeenoghu, except on consecrated ground

Flail of Yeenoghu This Large adamantine heavy flail is +14 ghost touch, thundering, brutal (as vorpal, but crushes skull rather than decapitation)
Amulet of Endurance Amulet of epic natural armor +22. Also a soul object storing 30,000 QP

Yeenoghu uses his greater teleport spell-like ability to close distance immediately, enters a barbarian rage, and smashes his foes with his massive flail, using Divine Immensity to increase his size to Huge.

If confronted by too many enemies to melee at once, his minions confront the lesser foes while he crushes the stronger ones.

If somehow forced to fight at range, he will use disintegrate against individual opponents, or earthquake against bodies of troops or structures. He may also use implosion if in range (at 40th caster level, 125 ft.)

Retinue and Forces

Doresain, King of Ghouls: 30 HD (Integrated Rogue 4/Assassin 10) quasi-deity; Undead Traits, House of Death (ECL 45/CR 30 with four artifacts, ECL 30/CR 20 without equipment)
Yeenoghu's dreaded vassal, accepting service to avoid destruction after a conquest ages ago; the King of Ghouls is not a true ghoul himself, but a demon in quasi-undead form. He commands a large force of ghouls and a number of bodaks as well.

The Soul Crusher: CR 18 advanced (22 HD) Nalfeshnee
Yeenoghu's enforcer

Banewing: CR 16 advanced (24 HD) vrock
Commander of Yeenoghu's vrock "air force"

Ordinary Forces:
Most of Yeenoghu's significant (i.e. excluding manes and dretches) demon followers consist of babau and vrocks, with a small "officer corps" of glabrezu.

However, the population of his realm is mostly weaker creatures - fiendish gnolls, fiendish dire hyenas (both often the spirits of dead gnolls put into new Abyssal bodies), manes, dretches, etc.

Bebiliths also haunt this realm.

By the guidelines on Ascension p. 22, Yeenoghu (ECL 64, Cha mod +8) would have a base Leadership Score of 78, allowing him a cohort of up to ECL 44 and up to seven sub-cohorts of average ECL 24.5 (ECL range 22-27).

The cohort is Doresain the Ghoul King (who must have three or fewer artifacts to keep his ECL below 45).

The sub-cohorts should be CR 15-18; the Soul Crusher is one and Banewing is another. Others can be Mariliths (CR 17), advanced Glabrezu, etc.
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