3.5 IH stuff from my old notes

I was looking back through my old D&D notes from several computers ago, and found some fairly complete IH-based material...

Skath, Eldjotunn (20 HD Fire Giant Hero-deity, Integrated Levels Fighter 10)

Size/Type: Large Outsider (Extraplanar)

Hit Dice: 20d8+220 (380 hp)

Initiative: +16

Speed: 90 ft. in half-plate armor (18 squares); base speed 120 ft.

Armor Class: 35 (-1 size, +5 Dex, +8 natural, +7 half-plate armor, +3 deflection, +3 divine), touch 20, flat-footed 30

Base Attack/Grapple: +15/+38

Attack: Pyre Edge +45 melee (6d6+35 plus 1d6 fire) or slam +34 melee (1d4+20) or rock +25 ranged (2d6+20 plus 2d6 fire)

Full Attack: Pyre Edge +45/+40/+35 melee (6d6+35 plus 1d6 fire) or 2 slams +34 melee (1d4+20) or rock +25 ranged (2d6+20 plus 2d6 fire)

Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.

Special Attacks: Divine aura, portfolio abilities (fire, war), rock throwing, spell-like abilities

Special Qualities: Divine senses, DR 5/epic, godly realm, grant spells, immortality, immunities, low-light vision, rock catching, SR 33, vulnerability to cold

Saves: Fort +26, Ref +14, Will +14

Abilities: Str 43, Dex 21, Con 32, Int 16, Wis 17, Cha 17

Skills: Climb +18, Craft (weaponsmithing) +12, Intimidate +16, Jump +18, Spot +24

Feats: Cleave, Dodge, Great Cleave, Greater Weapon Focus (greatsword), Improved Initiative, Improved Sunder, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Mobility, Power Attack, Spring Attack, Weapon Focus (greatsword), Weapon Specialization (greatsword), Whirlwind Attack

Epic Feats: Greater Power Attack, Epic Potency (x2), Superior Initiative

Divine Abilities: Anyfeat, Divine Immensity, Force Field, Nescient, Perfect Body, Superior Power Attack

Environment: Muspellheim

Organization: Solitary, patrol (1 plus 5-10 fire giants and 2-5 hell hounds), or keep (1 plus 21-40 fire giants and 5-10 hell hounds)

Challenge Rating: 22

Treasure: Standard

Alignment: Lawful evil

Skath is an Eldjotunn, one of the immortal fire giants who form the ruling class of Muspellheim. He is a relatively weak member of this ruling class, a lesser vassal of Surtur's Avatar and commander of a remote keep and its force of fire giants. He is also a keeper of hell hounds.

Skath is 13' tall, but can grow to up to 26' via his Divine Immensity ability.

Spell-like Abilities: At will – blade barrier, burning hands, commune, divine power, dream, elemental swarm (fire only), ethereal jaunt, fire seeds, fire shield, fire storm, flame strike, geas/quest, greater dispel magic, greater teleport, incendiary cloud, magic jar, magic vestment, magic weapon, power word blind, power word kill, power word stun, produce flame, resist energy (fire only), sending, spiritual weapon, tongues, wall of fire; 3/day - limited wish. Caster level 23rd, save DC 13 + spell level.

Fire Portfolio: -3 competence penalty on all rolls in underwater / sub-zero environment; cold vulnerability; fire immunity; +3 competence bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls and armor class within a fiery environment

War Portfolio: -3 competence penalty to Wisdom; -3 competence penalty on all rolls for one week if ever retreats; use armor or shields without penalty; +3 competence bonus on attack rolls


Pyre Edge: +7 keen flaming burst greatsword made of superdense solidified flame (double damage, minimum Str 40 to wield) sized for a Large creature.




Divine Status: The most powerful Einheriar are treated as disciples, but most are merely petitioners.
Alignment: Serve Odin: often chaotic neutral or neutral
Serve Freyja: usually good (any)
Patron: Usually Odin or Freyja; some serve other Norse gods
Home Plane: Asgard
Pantheon: Norse
Portfolios: (if applicable) War, one other depending on the character (Strength or Skill for fighter-types, Magic for spellcasters, etc.)

Einheriar are the warrior petitioners of Valhalla or Folkvangr, in Asgard. Odin and Freyja choose the greatest from among their numbers and grant them greater powers.

The Einheriar train for the battle of Ragnarok on the plains of Vigrid, when they will face the forces of evil in a cataclysmic final conflict.

Sample Einheriar

Bjarki, Disciple Fighter 7 (Patron: Odin)

Medium Humanoid

Hit Dice: 7d10+35 (105 hp)

Initiative: +9

Speed: 40 ft

Armor Class: 26 (+4 Dex, +1 divine, +2 deflection, +1 natural, +7 +3 chain shirt, +1 small shield), touch 17, flat-footed 23

Base Attack/Grapple: +7/+18

Attack: +3 flaming longsword +18 melee (1d8+11/19-20) (attack: +7 BaB, +3 strength, +1 Weapon Focus, +1 divine, +3 weapon) or +3 composite longbow +15 ranged (1d8+9)

Full Attack: +3 flaming longsword +18/+13 melee (1d8+11/19-20)or +3 composite longbow +15/+10 ranged (1d8+9)

Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks: Divine aura (40 ft.), portfolio abilities

Special Qualities: Divine bonus, DR 5/magic, portfolio abilities, SR 18

Saves: Fort +14, Ref +8, Will +8

Abilities: Str 22, Dex 19, Con 20, Int 11, Wis 9, Cha 14

Skills: Climb +14, Handle Animal +8, Intimidate +8

Feats: Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Great Cleave, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (longsword), Weapon Specialization (longsword)

Divine Abilities: Perfect Body

Spell-like Abilities: At will – bull’s strength, command, enlarge person, magic vestment, magic weapon, spiritual weapon; 1/day - dispel magic, sending, tongues. Caster Level 8th. The save DCs are Charisma-based.

Strength Portfolio

Spell-like Abilities
-1 competence penalty to Intelligence
Bjarki cannot renege on a personal challenge

War Portfolio
Spell-like Abilities
-1 competence penalty to Wisdom
If he ever retreats from a fight, Bjarki suffers a -1 competence penalty to all rolls for 1 week

+3 flaming longsword, +3 chain shirt, +3 cloak of resistance, +3 composite longbow made for Str 22
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Lesser Deity
1,100+ years
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Allies: Norse Pantheon
Enemies: Undead
Home Plane: Asgard (?)
Nemesis: Unknown
Pantheon: Norse
Portfolios: Knowledge, Music
Quintessence: 1,500,000
Relatives: Unknown

A tall, slender man dressed in green and gold; he bears a harp.

Bragi is the Norse god of music and poetry, the patron of bards and skalds. He is a lorekeeper as well as an artist.

Bragi is light-hearted and somewhat fickle. While he is unpredictable and not particularly reliable, he is good-natured and honestly values artistry and knowledge.


Norse Pantheon: Bragi is on good terms with all the other Norse gods except Loki and Hel.

The Undead: While Bragi is not a militant god, especially by the standards of the combative Norse pantheon, he has a deep enmity with the undead of Hel's domain.

Elves and Fey: Bragi has good relations with the lords of Alfheim, mighty elven nobles and powerful fey creatures.

Manifestation of Bragi

Medium Outsider

Hit Dice:
40d20+160 (960 hp; 1920 hp in godly realm)

Initiative: +17

Speed: 90 ft. (18 squares)

Armor Class: 69 (+10 natural, +9 Dex, +8 divine, +32 deflection)

Base Attack/Grapple: +25/+38

Attack: Rune-Cutter +57 melee (1d8+27 + 3d6 cold/19-20)

Full Attack: Rune-Cutter +57/+52/+47/+42 melee (1d8+27 + 3d6 cold/19-20)

Space / Reach: 5 ft. / 5 ft.

Special Attacks: Divine aura (500 ft.), spell-like abilities, spells

Special Qualities: Bardic knowledge +63, bardic music (countersong, fascinate, inspire courage +7, inspire competence, suggestion, inspire greatness, song of freedom, inspire heroics, mass suggestion, deafening song), divine bonus, divine senses, DR 20/epic, godly realm, grant spells, immortality, immunities, SR 58

Saves: Fort +30, Ref +39, Will +32

Abilities: Str 20, Dex 28, Con 18, Int 42, Wis 15, Cha 75 (41 without cloak)

Skills: All skills +51 + ability modifier (Maven+Omnicompetent)

Feats: Combat Expertise, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Mobility, Spring Attack, Weapon Focus (longsword)

Epic Feats: Epic Potency (x3), Epic Prowess (x6), Deafening Song, Music of the Gods, Superior Initiative

Divine Abilities: Anyfeat (Great Fortitude), Echo Song, Epic Presence [Improved Initiative], Fire Immunity, Maven, Multifaceted (6 feats), Omnicompetent, Perfect Mind

Challenge Rating: 53

Knowledge Portfolio
  • Spell-like Abilities
  • -8 competence penalty to Strength
  • Compelled to always speak the truth
  • Immune to Intelligence damage or drain
  • +8 competence bonus to Intelligence
  • Creatures summoned have +8 competence bonus to Intelligence
  • Competence bonuses are only 50% effective against Bragi
  • Superior Withering Beam (Int.) (Ray, 2000 ft. range, 3 Int drain, +42 ranged touch)

Music Portfolio
  • Spell-like Abilities
  • -8 competence penalty to Wisdom
  • +50% damage from manufactured weapons
  • Sonic Immunity
  • +8 competence bonus on bardic music Dcs, caster level and spell save Dcs for sonic spells
  • Sonic-based creatures summoned have 50% more HD
  • 50% of sonic damage Bragi deals is divine damage
  • Superior Sonic Beam (Ray, 2000 ft. range, 30d6 sonic damage, +42 ranged touch)
Spell-like Abilities: clairaudience/clairvoyance, commune, detect secret doors, detect thoughts, discern location, divination, dominate monster, dream, etherealness, find the path, foresight, geas/quest, greater dispel magic, greater shout, greater teleport, hideous laughter, irresistible dance, legend lore, magic jar, sending, shout, song of discord, tongues, true seeing, ventriloquism, word of chaos; 8/day – wish

Notable Abilities
Anyfeat: Bragi can have the benefits of any one feat (by default set to Great Fortitude)
Echo Song: Bragi's bardic music requires two saves
Epic Presence: All allies in Bragi's divine aura gain Improved Initiative if they don't already have it


Cloak of Ancient Song: Normally this appears as a simple green and gold cloak, but when Bragi is attacked, its colors shift, entwine, and flicker in a thousand hues as an age-old magical chant arises from the cloth. The cloak acts as a cloak of epic Charisma +34. Furthermore, when Bragi is struck by a magical weapon while wearing the cloak, the cloak casts greater dispel magic on the weapon, to a maximum of once per day per weapon (as the negating epic armor special ability)

Harp of Shaping Song: This beautifully crafted harp inspires even the inanimate, allowing Bragi to shape objects by music (making a Perform check as if it were a Craft check of any type; when he does this, he makes a check once per minute rather than once per week). He can even use it to create living beings; this requires a Perform check of DC 25 + (creature's HD x 5), takes ten minutes of playing for every Hit Die of the creature, and otherwise acts as the Great Breath cosmic ability (Bragi must still expend quintessence to create creatures in this way).

Mirror-Sheen Periapt: This amulet reflects damage on any attacker as per the Specular cosmic ability.

Rune-Cutter: Bragi's finely crafted longsword; its edge glitters with an aurora of ice-blue, sea-green, and violet. Rune-Cutter is a +12 icy blast longsword that can cut through magical effects; any object or creature struck by the blade is affected by a targeted dispel (as per dispel magic) with a dispel check result equal to the damage inflicted (after damage reduction, cold resistance, and similar effects). Similarly, Rune-Cutter can be used to attack any ongoing spell effect with a physical form (such as a wall of force, forcecage, prismatic sphere, etc.), rolling damage normally to determine the dispel result.


Bragi's realm has a radius of 100 miles. It is a region of open park-like woodland and deep, shadowy forest, centered on the hall of Bragi himself – a structure combining feast-hall, library of lore, and bardic college.
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Troll, Jotunheim
Gargantuan Giant (Extraplanar)
Hit Dice: 30d8+540 (675 hp)
Initiative: +7
Speed: 60 ft.
Armor Class: 35 (-4 size, -1 Dex, +30 natural), touch 5, flat-footed 35
Base Attack/Grapple: +22/+60
Attack: Slam +46 melee (2d8+28)
Full Attack: 2 slams +46 melee (2d8+28), stomp +40 melee (4d8+14)
Space / Reach: 20 ft. / 15 ft.
Special Attacks: Mountainbreaker, spell-like abilities
Special Qualities: Death throes, DR 10/- and 30/epic, SR 30?, sunlight vulnerability, virtual size category
Saves: Fort +37, Ref +9, Will +13
Abilities: Str 63, Dex 9, Con 46, Int 5, Wis 14, Cha 9
Skills: Listen +13, Spot +13, Survival +13
Feats: Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Improved Sunder, Iron Will, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (club, slam)
Epic Feats: Epic Prowess, Epic Potency, Greater Power Attack, Superior Initiative
Environment: Jotunheim
Organization: Solitary or siege party (1-2 plus 11-20 frost giants and 1 frost giant jarl)
Challenge Rating: ?
Treasure: None
Alignment: Usually chaotic neutral or evil
Advancement: 31-39 HD (Gargantuan); 40-79 HD (Colossal); 80-159 HD (Titanic); 160-319 HD (Macro-Fine); etc

A Jotunheim troll stands about 50 feet tall and weighs about 200 tons. It resembles a gigantic stocky humanoid made of stone; it is constantly surrounded by an intense snowstorm.


A Jotunheim troll smashes its foes with its massive, stony fists and feet.

Death Throes (Ex): When a Jotunheim troll dies, its body shatters into an avalanche of broken boulders.

All creatures within a 30-foot-radius burst of the troll take 15d6 bludgeoning damage (Reflex DC 33 half). The save DC is Constitution-based.

Mountainbreaker (Ex): A Jotunheim troll's slams ignore hardness; they are treated as epic, adamantine and chaotic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Sunlight Vulnerability (Ex): A Jotunheim troll is treated as a creature vulnerable to sunlight for the purposes of spells like sunbeam and sunburst. While exposed to the direct sunlight of another realm (daylight spells are not sufficient), it suffers 1 point of Strength damage per minute it is exposed. At 0 Strength, it becomes petrified.

The light of Jotunheim is harmless to Jotunheim trolls.

Spell-like Abilities: At will – control weather, ice storm, sleet storm; 5/day – earthquake.

Virtual Size Category: A Jotunheim troll's stonelike, superdense flesh and great strength give it one Virtual Size Category.
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Inevitable, Chaosbane
Large Outsider (Inevitable, Law) (12 Integrated Fighter Levels)
Hit Dice: 25d8+30 (230 hp) plus 100 hp force field
Initiative: +16
Speed: 50 ft.
Armor Class: 42 (-1 size, +4 Dex, +25 natural, +4 insight), touch 17, flat-footed 38
Base Attack/Grapple: +25/+50
Attack: Force sword +51 melee (2d8+19/19-20/x3); or laser +34 ranged touch (12d6 fire)
Full Attack: 2 force swords +51 melee (2d8+19/19-20/x3); or laser +34 ranged touch (12d6 fire)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: Force swords/integrated sword, laser, spell-mimic technology
Special Qualities: Combat mind, construct traits, darkvision 120 ft./low-light vision, DR 15/chaotic and epic, fast healing 25, force field, SR 33, sufficiently advanced technology
Saves: Fort +18, Ref +24, Will +23
Abilities: Str 44, Dex 19, Con -, Int 13, Wis 20, Cha 19
Skills: Climb +45, Jump +45, Knowledge (the planes) +29, Listen +41, Spot +41
Feats: Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Greater Weapon Focus (force sword, laser), Improved Initiative*, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack*, Weapon Focus (force sword, laser)*
Epic Feats: Epic Prowess, Epic Weapon Focus (force sword)*, Superior Initiative

Environment: Any lawful-aligned or transitive plane
Organization: Solitary or strike force (1 plus 3-6 kolyaruts)
Challenge Rating: 23
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always lawful neutral
Advancement: 26-32 HD (Large); 33-64 HD (Huge); 64-75 HD (Gargantuan)

*Taken with bonus feats from integrated fighter levels

A towering humanoid figure made entirely of shining metal, twice as tall as a man, stands before you in a battle stance. Its body bristles with strange devices. It clenches its gauntlet-like hands, and blades of multicolored light appear.

These mighty warriors of cosmic Law appear on the mortal realms of the Material only to answer the greatest incursions of Chaos – battling slaad swarms, eladrin armies, or demon hordes – or to make epic assaults on Chaos's strongholds. Most of their existence is spent patrolling the Transitive Planes or on guard in the planes of Law.

A chaosbane inevitable stands 12 feet tall and weighs 3 tons.

Combat Mind (Ex): A chaosbane's advanced sensors and combat programs grant it a +4 insight bonus to armor class; attack rolls; checks (ability checks, caster level checks, skill checks, turning checks); DC (for any special abilities, spell-like abilities, spells); initiative; saving throws and spell resistance.

Fast Healing (Ex): A chaosbane has fast healing 25 as long as it has at least 1 hit point. However, damage dealt by weapons that are both chaotic and epic heals at the normal rate.

Force Field (Ex): A chaosbane is protected by a force field (as the Divine Ability taken twice – 100 hit points, regenerating 2 hp per round).

Force Sword (Ex): A chaosbane's force sword is a force effect with a base damage of 2d8, a critical threat range of 19-20, and a critical multiplier of x3. It is treated as an adamantine, lawful, and epic weapon for purposes of damage reduction.

Integrated Sword (Ex): A chaosbane's force swords are treated as natural weapons rather than manufactured weapons; a chaosbane cannot be disarmed.

Laser (Ex): The chaosbane can use a ray attack with a range of 250 ft. (no range increment) dealing 10d6 fire damage.

Spell-Mimic Technology (Ex): At will- dimension door, greater dispel magic, locate creature, true seeing; 3/day - wall of force. These are used exactly as if they were spell-like abilities (Caster Level 29th, Intelligence-based), except that they are extraordinary abilities.

Sufficiently Advanced Technology: The chaosbane's special abilities are all extraordinary abilities.

Virtual Size Category: The chaosbane is composed of high-tech alloys, granting it one Virtual Size Category.

Skills: The chaosbane's advanced sensors grant it a +8 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks.
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Welkin Template

A welkin is one of the greatest undead that currently exists outside the cosmic bindings of the sidereals, blood-hungry animated flesh infused with power from the dimension of entropy that grants it power beyond that of most immortals. A welkin resembles a withered version of its former self, with an aura of shadows clinging to it.

“Welkin” is a template that can be added to any character, vampire, mummy, nosferatu or hunefer, overlapping those templates rather than adding to them. Such a character has generally spent millennia as either a nosferatu or a hunefer before achieving welkin status, though it is conceivable that unusual cosmic phenomena or the intervention of a sidereal of entropy could transform a mere vampire or mummy – or even a living mortal – directly into a welkin.

It is suggested that the welkin template only be applied to creatures with at least 75 HD/levels but that is not an absolute.

Type Becomes undead if not already

HD A welkin has d20s for hit dice, and always has double maximum hit points.

Initiative Perfect Initiative

Speed Supersonic (6710 ft.), Fly (Perfect Maneuverability)

AC Natural Armor +60

Damage Recalculate for four additional virtual size categories … x4 damage. A welkin's natural weapon attacks deal permanent damage.

Special Attacks
Energy Drain (Su): Any creature struck by a welkin's natural weapon attack suffers five negative levels.

Rotting Aura (Su): 100 ft. + 10 ft./HD radius. All creatures within the aura suffer 1d6 Con drain (Fort negates, DC 10 + ½ HD + Cha mod) every round. If a creature has taken Con drain from this effect, it still suffers the effects every round even after it leaves the aura until a remove disease spell or equivalent effect is applied.

Create Spawn (Su): Creatures killed by the welkin's rotting aura rise as mummies (24 or fewer HD) or hunefers (25+ HD) 1d4 rounds later. Creatures killed by the welkin's energy drain rise as vampire spawn (4 or fewer HD), vampires (5-24 HD), or nosferatu (25+ HD) 1d4 rounds later.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will— empowered horrid wilting, unholy aura, weird; 3/day— greater ruin (epic spell).

Special Qualities
Abrogate (Su): A single opponent of the welkin within 100 ft. + 10 ft./HD has its greatest ability negated. This can be an ability score (reducing it to 10) or one of its other abilities (divine, cosmic etc.).

Damage Reduction (Ex): The welkin has damage reduction 50/-.

Energy Absorption/ Immunities (Ex): Welkin are healed by cold damage and are immune to cold, electricity, and sonic damage.

Fast Healing (Ex): Welkin have fast healing 50. A welkin will continue to heal even after being reduced to 0 hit points, even if disintegrated, unless it is coup de graced with an artifact weapon (skull crushed, head cut off or heart pierced) while it is at 0 hit points or below.

Half Damage (Su): Welkin take half damage from all attacks and effects.

Numinous (Su): The welkin radiates an antimagic field out to 100 ft. + 10 ft./HD (note that this does not affect artifacts or the spells/abilities of immortals)

Spell Resistance (Su): The welkin has spell resistance equal to its new CR + 11.

True Spawn of the Night (Su): The welkin can summon 1 greater unelemental.

Str +60, Dex +20, Int +20, Wis +20, Cha +40.

The welkin knows all skills and has maximum ranks in all skills.

+75 ECL/+50 CR. +50 ECL/+33 CR without increased equipment.

Welkin lack the traditional weaknesses of vampires (such as garlic, running water, and sunlight) and mummies (such as fire). A welkin can be permanently destroyed only by an artifact weapon (see Fast Healing).
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Garganaut Template

A garganaut is a mighty cosmic undead being, a blighted extrusion of the dimension of entropy. Whatever body it might once have possessed has faded into the non-being of Byss; it now manifests as an outline darker than darkness, a hole in reality visible even against the black of space. Contact, or even proximity, to a garganaut can kill a being or obviate its existence, pulling it into the unreality that exists within the garganaut's void-presence.

Any garganauts currently existing within the reality that is the demiurge's body are generally bound into slumber/imprisonment alongside the sidereals, but they can be woken/freed by cosmic cataclysms, and free garganauts could exist separated from this reality or in other realities.

If a new garganaut (not yet bound) arose from lesser undead, this would probably lead to an imprisonment attempt by a strike force of the most powerful immortals and angels, possibly aided by inevitables and intelligibles as well.

“Garganaut” is a template that can be added to any character, vampire, nosferatu, mummy, hunefer, welkin, lich, demilich, or akalich - overlapping those templates rather than adding to them. A garganaut has usually spent at least tens of thousands of years as a welkin or akalich, but very extreme circumstances (such as the direct intervention of the First One of Entropy) could potentially transform a lesser undead, or even a living mortal, directly into a garganaut.

A garganaut can also arise as divine progeny of sidereals (see Ascension p. 22) if the parents fail to provide the necessary quintessence; to build such an entity, apply the garganaut template to an outsider with 150 HD and 75 integrated class levels.

It is suggested that the garganaut template only be applied to creatures with at least 150 HD/levels but that is not an absolute.

Type Becomes undead if not already

HD A garganaut has d100s for hit dice, and always has x4 maximum hit points.

Initiative Perfect Initiative

Speed Supersonic (6710 ft.), Fly (Perfect Maneuverability) – if not already better

AC Natural Armor equal to HD if not already better. Deflection Bonus = Cha mod.

Damage Recalculate for six additional virtual size categories... x8 damage. A garganaut's natural weapon attacks deal permanent damage.

Special Attacks

Alter Reality (Su): The garganaut can use any spell of level 9 + the number of Automatic Metamagic Capacity feats it possesses or less, at will, with a DC of 20 + its Cha modifier.

Obviating Touch (Su): The touch of a garganaut can obviate the existence of other beings. Any creature struck by a garganaut's natural weapon attack permanently loses (garganaut’s HD/16) HD, annihilated as per Omega [Effect]. It must also make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + ½ Hit Dice + Cha mod) or be placed in suspended animation in a hidden demiplane within the garganaut; such creatures are ejected if the garganaut is permanently destroyed, and can then be freed from stasis with miracle or wish.

Lethal Aura (Su): 400 ft. + 40 ft./HD radius. Creatures within this aura are killed instantly (no save, as by power word kill) if they have 1000 hp or less. Other creatures suffer 2d6 Con drain (Fort negates, DC 10 + ½ HD + Cha mod) every round. If a creature has taken Con drain from this effect, it still suffers the effects every round even after it leaves the aura until a remove disease spell or equivalent effect is applied.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will— x4 empowered horrid wilting (80d6 or 80d8 damage); 3/day— greater ruin (epic spell).

Unmake (Su): A garganaut can unmake even the mightiest deities. To use this power, it selects any creature within one mile. The target is allowed a Fortitude save (DC 10 + ½ Hit Dice + Cha mod). On a successful save, the target suffers a number of negative levels equal to ¾ its HD. On a failed save, the target is erased from existence. This cannot overcome the Cosmic String of any being of Old One status or higher (see Cosmic Entity). Creatures of lesser rank which possess Slipstream are killed and disintegrated, but they are not erased from existence (e.g. immortals or elder ones with Slipstream killed outside their home plane will rejuvenate normally).

Create Spawn (Su): Creatures killed by a garganaut’s lethal aura rise as mummies (24 or fewer HD) or hunefers (25 HD or more). Creatures killed by a garganaut using any other means become vampire spawn (4 or fewer HD), vampires (5-24 HD), or nosferatu (25+ HD) unless they are arcane spellcasters, in which case they become wights (10 or fewer HD), liches (11-24 HD), or demiliches (25+ HD). Created undead rise 1 round after death.

Special Qualities

Abrogate (Su): A single opponent of the garganaut within 400 ft. + 40 ft./HD has its greatest ability negated. This can be an ability score (reducing it to 10) or one of its other abilities (divine, cosmic etc.).

Cosmic Entity (Ex) A garganaut qualifies as an elder one (divine rank 24) for overcoming the Cosmic String of other beings. It can purchase divine and cosmic abilities with its feat slots.

Cosmic String (Ex) A garganaut cannot be permanently destroyed by beings of less than elder one status (or equivalent – e.g. adamic dragons, other garganauts), though it can be imprisoned.

Damage Reduction (Ex/Su): The garganaut has damage reduction 60/-.

Energy Absorption/ Immunities (Ex): Garganaut are healed by cold damage and are immune to cold, electricity, fire, and sonic damage.

Fast Healing (Ex): Garganaut have fast healing 60.

Half Damage (Su): Garganaut take half damage from all sources

Numinous (Su): The garganaut radiates an antimagic field out to 400 ft. + 40 ft./HD (note that this does not affect artifacts or the spells/abilities of immortals)

Spell Resistance (Su): The garganaut has spell resistance equal to its new CR + 11.

True Spawn of the Night (Su): The garganaut can summon 2 elder unelementals.

Str +90, Dex +30, Int +30, Wis +30, Cha +60

The garganaut knows all skills and has maximum ranks in all skills.

ECL/CR ECL +150/CR +100; ECL +100/CR +67 without increased equipment




This sample garganaut is built as divine progeny, with 150 Outsider HD and 75 integrated levels (Fighter 45, Rogue 30).

Huge Undead
150d100 x4 (60,000 hp)
Initiative Perfect Initiative (+24)
Speed Supersonic (6710 ft.), fly 6710 ft. (perfect)
AC 211 (-2 size, +20 Dex, +150 natural, +33 deflection), touch 61, flat-footed 191
Base Attack/Grapple +150/+218
Attack Slam +210 melee (10d10+64/17-20 permanent damage plus obviating touch: 9 HD annihilation and stasis)
Full Attack 2 slams +210 melee (10d10+64/17-20 permanent damage plus obviating touch: 9 HD annihilation and stasis)
Special Attacks alter reality, create spawn, obviating touch, sneak attack +20d6, spell-like abilities, unmake
Special Qualities abrogate, cosmic string, DR 60/-, energy absorption/immunities, fast healing 60, half damage, improved evasion, improved uncanny dodge, numinous, SR 144, trapfinding, trap sense +10, true spawn of the night
Saves Fort +77, Ref +99, Will +99
Abilities Str 130 (+60), Dex 50 (+20), Con -, Int 42 (+16), Wis 50 (+20), Cha 76 (+33)
Skills All skills +153+ability modifier
Feats Great Fortitude, Greater Weapon Focus*, Greater Weapon Specialization*, Improved Critical (slam), Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Attack (slam), Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (slam), Weapon Specialization (slam)
Epic Feats Greater Critical, Greater Power Attack, Improved Sneak Attack (x5), Light Eradication*, Power Attack Mastery, Uncanny Power Attack
Divine Abilities Moderate Eradication*, Superior Critical*, Threatening Critical*
Cosmic Abilities Dominance

Alignment Chaotic evil
CR 133

*Bought with bonus feats from integrated class levels

Criticals: All critical threats are critical hits; the garganaut scores a critical hit on a natural 17-20 and has a 50% chance of ignoring immunity to critical hits

Dominance: Those with 50 HD or less automatically fail saves against the garganaut's abilities

Power Attack: The garganaut automatically power attacks for one and a half times the amount its attack roll exceeds the target’s AC (example: if its attack roll exceeds the AC by 30, it deals 45 additional damage). This cannot exceed 225 additional damage.

Alter Reality (Su): The garganaut can use any spell of 9th level or less, at will; spell save DC 53.

Obviating Touch (Su): 9 HD permanently annihilated; Fort save (DC 118) to avoid suspended animation.

Lethal Aura (Su): 6,400 ft. radius. Fort save DC 118

Unmake (Su): Fort save DC 118

Abrogate (Su): range 6,400 ft.

Numinous (Su): antimagic field radius 6,400 ft.
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The Emperor of Thirst (Nosferatu)
Formerly human male Fighter 64/Wizard 6
Medium Undead

Hit Dice: 70d20 (1400 hp)

Initiative: +43 (Always first)

Speed: 90 ft., fly supersonic (6710 ft.)

AC: 96 (+36 natural, +35 Dex, +15 deflection)

Attack: Claw +90 melee (6d10+28+ 3d10 repeating + energy drain) or Night's Fall +108 ranged (6d8+71 + 3d6 cold plus unholy power)

Full Attack: 2 claws +90 melee (6d10+28+ 3d10 repeating + energy drain) or Night's Fall +108 ranged (6d8+71 + 3d6 cold plus unholy power)

Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks: Aura of compulsion, children of the night, create spawn, diseased bite, energy drain, spells

Special Qualities: DR 50/epic and silver, fast healing 25, immunities, shadow form, shapechange, turn resistance +20

Saves: Fort +39, Ref +60, Will +30

Abilities: Str 50, Dex 80 (50 without Night's Claws), Con -, Int 24, Wis 21, Cha 40

Skills: All skills +73+ability modifier, except Craft [weaponsmithing] +82

Feats: Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Wand, Craft Wondrous Item, Dodge, Far Shot, Great Fortitude, Improved Critical (longbow), Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Mobility, Weapon Finesse (claw), Weapon Focus (claw, longbow), Greater Weapon Focus (claw, longbow), Greater Weapon Specialization (claw, longbow), Manyshot, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Improved Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Skill Focus (Craft [weaponsmithing]), Weapon Specialization (claw, longbow)

Epic Feats: Blinding Speed, Combat Archery, Distant Shot, Epic Prowess (x6), Epic Weapon Focus (claw, longbow), Epic Weapon Specialization (claw, longbow), Greater Critical (longbow), Improved Manyshot, Swarm of Arrows, Uncanny Accuracy

Divine Abilities: Greater Diseased Breath, Maven, Omnicompetent, Perfect Initiative, Quickness, Shadow Self

Environment: palace on a dead Material Plane world

ECL: 130

CR: 87

Treasure: Triple standard

Alignment: Lawful evil

Greater Diseased Breath: 11 points of Constitution damage, which then repeats 1/day until a remove disease spell (or similar magic) is cast on the target.

Quickness: The Emperor of Thirst is constantly hasted

Shadow Self:
The Emperor of Thirst has a permanent mirror image which fools even true seeing (unless used by a being with a divine rank). If destroyed, the image reappears at the beginning of the next round.

Aura of Compulsion (Su): Radius 700 ft.; all creatures within the aura with less than 70 HD/levels are affected by dominate monster (DC 60) when they first enter the aura. Creatures successfully making the save are not affected by the Emperor of Thirst's aura of compulsion for 24 hours. Affected creatures that leave the aura remain affected for 1 round.

Diseased Bite (Ex)*: If both claw attacks hit the same target the Emperor of Thirst bites and rends the target for an automatic 8d10+30 damage and 1d4 Constitution drain; the Emperor of Thirst heals 25 points of damage. The target also must make a Fortitude save (DC 60) each round or suffer one negative level. Any successful save ends the effect. The Emperor of Thirst can also bite a helpless target for the same effects.

Immunities: The Emperor of Thirst is immune to cold and electricity.

Shadow Form (Sp): The Emperor of Thirst can assume shadow form at will. This is identical to the gaseous form spell (caster level 70th) except that it also bestows incorporeality.

Shapechange (Sp): The Emperor of Thirst can shapechange (as the spell, caster level 70th) at will.

Spells: 6th-level wizard, spells per day 4/3/3/2. Typical spells: 0 - detect magic, mage hand, message, mending; 1st - magic weapon, sleep, summon monster I; 2nd - bull's strength, cat's grace, command undead; 3rd - keen edge, lightning bolt.

*folded in the base vampire's Blood Drain


Night's Fall
This ancient bow, made from the bones of a titan and carved with terrible sigils, is a +28 distant shot, ghost touch, unerring accuracy, unholy power longbow.

Night's Claws These gloves are gloves of epic dexterity +30 that increase the Emperor of Thirst's claw base damage to 8d10. In addition, whenever the Emperor hits with a claw attack the opponent suffers 3d10 divine damage each round for 12 rounds.

Cape of Swirling Darkness This cape grants the wearer the ability to cancel out his opponent's greatest power, as the Abrogate cosmic ability. It also gives him the ability to fly at supersonic speed (6710 ft.)

Quiver of Arrow Creation This quiver creates super-dense arrows, shards of darkness, that deal x6 base damage from density (6d8 for a Medium longbow).The arrows count as all possible special materials, as well as cursed, epic, evil, and lawful, for piercing damage reduction.

The quiver can also grant the arrows any one applicable magic weapon special ability up to +8 market price value (currently set to Icy Blast), which can be changed freely, as an Anyfeat.

The arrows disappear at the end of the round.
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The Emperor of Thirst (continued)

Retinue, Servants, & Forces

Tassa Tath, lich 40th-level wizard (necromancer): Tassa Tath was originally a mortal who mastered necromancy, achieved lichdom, and then sought broader horizons - and fell into the Emperor's net. She is now his court wizard.

Items: cloak of epic resistance +22, headband of epic intellect +22, ring of universal energy immunity, staff of necromancy

Agents of Final Shadow: The agents of final shadow are powerful lawful evil characters who have become vampires and fallen under the Emperor's shadow. Their curse is that they must feed twice as much as a common vampire; half the blood and life energy they take is siphoned off by the Emperor. In exchange, they are empowered with greater resilience (fast healing 10, turn resistance +8).

They are either commanders in his great legions of conquest (usually fighters of 21st level or higher) or spies and assassins (rogues or rogue/assassins of 21+ total levels).

Khat, vampire 40th-level fighter, agent of final shadow: Khat is the greatest of the agents of final shadow: the Emperor’s second-in-command in martial matters, the commander of his armies of conquest when the Emperor is in his palace. Millennia ago, Khat ruled as a conqueror king on a distant Material Plane world - then was overthrown. He sought power in dark places, making a deal with the Emperor of Thirst, and returned to slay his usurpers as a vampire – leaving everyone in the palace as bloodless, lifeless husks.

Items: +9 unholy power longsword; +11 fire warding, negating small shield; belt of epic strength +22; mantle of epic spell resistance SR 50

Ula-Thar, demilich 50th-level sorcerer: Commander of the Emperor of Thirst's Cohort Arcane, currently engaged in the conquest of an entire planet, Ula-Thar is only loyal to the Emperor out of fear. He seeks a way to transcend even demilichdom – a power that would let him stand equal to his current master.

Cohort Arcane: Under the command of Ula-Thar: 100 liches of level 16-25

Claws of Ice: A deadly strike force composed of six advanced winterwights, each 40 HD and 10th-level blackguards.

Palace Guard: The Emperor of Thirst's palace guard consists of 4 advanced winterwights (Large size, 50 HD) and 12 advanced mohrgs (Large size, 30 HD) as personal honor guards, 2 liches (25th-level wizards) for arcane protection, and 200 wights with magical bows to man the walls.

Ordinary Forces: The Emperor of Thirst has 500 normal legions and 10 elite legions.

Each normal legion is composed of 6,000 skeletons and 60 wights and commanded by a vampire of 8th-12th level (if deployed in an area where living prey is available) or a mohrg (otherwise).

Each elite legion is composed of 1,000 wights and 100 mohrgs and is commanded by an agent of final shadow vampire fighter of 21st+ level.

Other Allies

Zarkylax: Advanced (25 HD) pit fiend - Ambassador of the Nine Hells in the Emperor's court

The Emperor's Realm

His home planet is a dead and desolate world, with a thin atmosphere, due to a terrible war of epic magic. Much of the planet’s surface is either briny, lifeless, shrunken oceans or immense salt flats covering the former continental shelves. The majority of the rest is ruined landscapes created in the war - massive craters, rock melted to glass, shattered mountains - 'inhabited' only by a scattering of restless undead spirits (wraiths, spectres, ghosts, etc.) haunting the sites of their sudden deaths or wandering in bands across the desolation.

However, in the heartland of the “victorious” empire of that final war, an undead mockery of its prior civilization functions. This deathly society is made up of tens of millions of skeletons and zombies, hundreds of thousands of wights, and tens of thousands of mohrgs and mummies. A comparatively few liches oversee all the rest, forming the highest level of government below the Emperor's true inner circle (individuals like Tassa Tath and Khat). The entire structure is a precisely organized, mechanical-like empire of absolute obedience, all ruled by the Emperor's decree.

Much of this activity is directed to the Emperor's conquests - not merely the undead forming the legions themselves, but those working to mine ore and smelt it, forge swords and armor, mine coal for the smelters and forges, shape petrified wood and twisted bone into awful siege engines, and so on.

But there is far more. Skeletons dig for clay and bake bricks, quarry and cut stone; skeleton horses pull wagons filled with these products; zombie laborers build under the command of wight overseers, who report on the progress of the work to lich ministers maintaining records on tens of thousands of projects in progress; millions of skeletons labor to fill craters and smooth broken rock under their own wight and mohrg overseers - all in service of the Emperor, to transform the world into a pristine image of how it once was, but with life replaced by undeath.

Currently, he is attempting the conquest of another Material Plane world - he has firmly established control of several hundred thousand square miles (a large number of former petty kingdoms and tribal domains) but is now facing a desperate alliance of two formerly hostile, continent-scale empires wielding powerful magic (including epic spells) and several smaller kingdoms and city-states on their peripheries. This seems likely to escalate into another world-threatening war, as the local deities are likely to soon intervene on a colossal scale.

The agents of final shadow also operate on a dozen other worlds and planes, spying, gathering magic, and sending life energy and blood back to their master.
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Titanic Outsider (Native)

Hit Dice: 150d100+7050 (22,050 hp)
Initiative: +31 (always first)
Speed: 250 ft., fly 750 ft. (average)
Armor Class: 194 (+7 Dex, +150 natural, -16 size, +16 anarchic, +27 deflection), touch 44, flat-footed 187
Base Attack/Grapple: +150/+241
Attack: Bite +220 melee (20d10+63 and 20d10 divine fire - see storm of bites) or claw +220 melee (15d10+63 and 15d10 divine fire/17-20/x4)
Full Attack: Bite +220 melee (20d10+63 and 20d10 divine fire - see storm of bites), 2 claws +220 melee (15d10+63 and 15d10 divine fire/17-20/x4), stomp +218 melee (30d10+27 and 30d10 divine fire/18-20)
Space/Reach: 150 ft./200 ft.
Special Attacks: Breath weapon, cosmic fire, rage, spell-like abilities, storm of bites
Special Qualities: Anarchic might, cosmic entity (cosmic string, slipstream), DR 50/-, fire absorption, fast healing 100, improved uncanny dodge
Saves: Fort +140, Ref +100, Will +99
Abilities: Str 120, Dex 24, Con 105, Int 20, Wis 23, Cha 64
Skills: All skills +169+ability modifier
Feats: Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Great Cleave, Greater Weapon Focus (bite, claw, stomp), Greater Weapon Specialization (claw), Improved Critical (claw), Improved Critical Multiplier (claw), Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Attack (bite, claw, stomp), Power Attack, Weapon Focus (bite, claw, stomp), Weapon Specialization (claw)
Epic Feats: Dire Charge, Epic Prowess x11, Epic Weapon Focus (bite, claw, stomp), Epic Weapon Specialization (claw), Greater Critical (claw), Greater Critical Multiplier (claw), Greater Power Attack, Power Attack Mastery, Superior Initiative, Uncanny Power Attack, Vigorous Rage x2
Divine Abilities [from feats]: Perfect Initiative, Superior Critical (claw), Superior Critical Multiplier (claw)

Environment: Any
Challenge Rating: 100*
Treasure: None
Alignment: Chaotic evil

*CR is a very rough estimate

This gigantic figure stands so high that the trees rise only to his knees. Instead of a head, he has a hundred bristling snakes, and vast wings spread from his shoulders. His hands and feet are armed with terrible claws.

Typhon stands about 220 feet tall and weighs about 100,000 tons.

Birthed of power older than Olympus to slay the usurper gods, Typhon is the son of Gaea and physical manifestation of the raw might of volcanoes, rage, and chaos.


Typhon Power Attacks at a 3:2 ratio and automatically Power Attacks for the amount of the attack roll that exceeds the AC. His natural weapons are considered epic, chaotic, and evil.

Breath Weapon (Su): Typhon's heads can all breathe cosmic flame simultaneously: 400-ft. cone or 1600-ft. line, 75d100 (avg. 3787) damage, Reflex DC 148 half. Half of this damage is fire damage and half is divine damage.

Cosmic Fire (Su): Typhon is empowered with the cosmic power of flame. Anyone struck by one of his natural weapons suffers divine fire damage equal to the base damage of the attack. Half of this damage is electricity damage and half is divine damage. This damage is multiplied on a critical hit.

Rage (Ex): Typhon can rage at will. In a rage, he gains a +10 bonus to Strength and Constitution (and an additional 750 hit points) and a +4 morale bonus to Will saves, but suffers a -2 penalty to AC.

While raging: hp 22,800; grapple +246; bite +225 melee (20d10+68 and 20d10 divine fire), 2 claws +225 melee (15d10+68 and 15d10 divine fire/17-20/x4), stomp +223 melee (30d10+27 and 30d10 divine fire); Fort +145, Will +103; Str 125, Con 110.

Spell-Like Abilities: Always active – true seeing. At will – greater dispel magic, widened wall of fire. 1/day – rain of fire (epic spell).

Storm of Bites (Ex): Whenever Typhon makes a bite attack (either as an attack action or as part of a full attack), he may choose to apply it against all creatures within reach (any creature with an AC lower than the attack roll takes bite damage). However, when he uses it in this way, the bite cannot make a critical hit (a natural 20 is still an automatic hit, but damage is not multiplied).

Anarchic Might (Ex): Typhon is a cosmic force of chaotic wrath, birthed to slay the gods. He gains a +16 anarchic bonus on armor class; attack rolls; checks (ability checks, caster level checks, skill checks, turning checks); difficulty class (for any special abilities, spell-like abilities, spells); initiative; saving throws and spell resistance.

Cosmic Entity: Typhon is an entity, a sidereal abomination (born of Gaea). As such, he gains the following benefits:
Cosmic String: Typhon can only be permanently destroyed by a being of equal or greater stature to himself (greater deity or higher). Otherwise he will rejuvenate within 1d10 rounds.
Energy Absorption (Fire) (Ex): Typhon is healed rather than damaged by fire.
Slipstream: Typhon cannot be undermined by time travel.

Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): Typhon cannot be flanked except by a rogue of 79th level or greater.

Voidrunner's Codex

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