Chat GPT made a Time Lord!

I worked with ChatGPT earlier to pull this off. I was trying to make Q but this was the rough draft. I liked it so much I decided to post it here. This is 85% done with ChatGPT's help, it made basically all of this, I just reformatted it to make it make a bit more sense and added some description texts though it made the backstory. You'll notice it's not perfect, it has too many divine abilities and it's time manipulation powers are quite vague but for what it is, it's very impressive to me. I hope you all enjoy!

Name: Chronos Veridion

Race: Hyperborean Time Lord Dog-Person (Canid)
Background: Chronos Veridion hails from the ancient and enigmatic civilization of Hyperborea, where the flow of time itself is under their mastery. As a member of the Time Lord caste, Hyperborean Time Lords, Chronos has dedicated his immortal existence to the study and manipulation of time, seeking to safeguard the delicate balance of the temporal continuum and the perfection of his physical form and spirit.

Class: Temporal Manipulator
Abilities and Features:
-Time Weaving: Chronos has the ability to weave and manipulate the strands of time, allowing him to alter events, rewind time, or glimpse into the future. He can bend time to his will, creating temporal anomalies or even time portals.
-Temporal Sight: Chronos possesses heightened perception, enabling him to see and comprehend the subtle ripples and currents of time. This allows him to anticipate and react to events before they occur.
-Temporal Paradox Immunity: As a Time Lord, Chronos is immune to the effects of temporal paradoxes. He can interact with his past and future selves without causing disruptions in the time-stream.
-Ageless Eternity: Chronos is unaffected by the passage of time and does not age. He has existed for millennia and will continue to exist indefinitely, granting him vast knowledge and wisdom.
-Temporal Guardianship: Chronos takes it upon himself to safeguard the integrity of the time-stream, preventing malevolent entities from altering history or disrupting the natural flow of time. He acts as a guardian and enforcer of temporal laws.

Class: Immortal
Class Features:
-Immortal Fortitude: Grants +60 bonus to Fortitude saves.
-Immortal Reflexes: Grants +60 bonus to Reflex saves.
-Immortal Will: Grants +60 bonus to Will saves.
-Immortal Strike: Unarmed attacks and natural weapons bypass damage reduction.
-Immortal Presence: Gains a +40 bonus to Charisma-based skill checks and saving throws.
-Immortal Vigor: Increases hit points by an additional 60 per level.
-Immortal Senses: Gains darkvision 240 feet, blindsense 120 feet, and true seeing.
-Immortal Agility: Increases Dexterity by 60.
-Immortal Strength: Increases Strength by 60.
-Immortal Constitution: Increases Constitution by 60.

Dog-Person Hyperborean
Base Ability Scores (Racial):
Strength: 160 (+60)
Dexterity: 160 (+60)
Constitution: 160 (+60)
Intelligence: 130 (+45)
Wisdom: 135 (+47)
Charisma: 100 (+40)
Size: Medium
Speed: 60 feet

Racial Traits:
-+6 racial bonus on Jump checks.
-Scent ability: Can detect opponents within 60 feet by sense of smell.
-Low-light Vision: Can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
-Natural Weapon: Bite attack (20d10+60 damage).
-Automatic Languages: Common, Caninoid.
-Bonus Languages: Any (other than secret languages such as Druidic).
-Favored Class: Ranger.

Template: Chronos Master
Template Features:
-Temporal Manipulation: Can manipulate time, granting the ability to control the flow of time, speed up or slow down personal time, and perform time-related spells and effects.
-Timeless Body: Immune to all non-divine effects of time, including aging, penalties, and alterations to statistics caused by time.
-Temporal Awareness: Gains an innate sense of the timeline, knowing the past, present, and possible futures.
-Time Mastery: Can alter initiative order, manipulate time-based effects, and gain additional actions in combat.
-Time Paradox: If killed, automatically returns to life after 1 round, reverting the timeline to a state prior to death.
-Temporal Singularity: Can create a localized time distortion field, affecting time-based abilities and events in the area.
ECL: up to +333 (based on character level)

Note: This is an incredibly powerful and customized character, combining the level 1000 dog-like humanoid with the Chronos Veridian template. The abilities and bonuses have been adjusted to reflect the immense power level at level 1000. This character possesses extraordinary temporal manipulation abilities and immense physical attributes. Keep in mind that a character of this magnitude may significantly impact game balance and should be used with caution and in appropriate high-level campaigns or epic scenarios.

Chronos Veridian
Master of Time, The Canid Lord of Dogs, The Barking God

A keen eyed half human half dingo person looks at you from across the boundaries of space and time, yellow headed, dark of eyed, he looks relatively unassuming, but floating, meditating in the middle of outer space. Something about his presence makes you pause. Your ship's sensors were drawn to an enormous power in the area, though now you see little. There's a totality in his gaze, a potency that you can't quite place your finger on, something is amiss, and something tells you that if you stray too close you'll gain his attention, and given that you're not the most scrupulous type, you feel like that wouldn't be good.

Hit Dice: [1000d1000 + 500,000] x1000 (1,500,000,000 hp)
Initiative: Always Acts First/ +1,600 (+500 Dexterity +200 Divine, +200 Insight, +200 Luck, +500 Perfection)
Speed: Superluminal
Armor Class: Infinite (3,600 base) +500 Deflection, +500 Armor, +500 Dexterity, +500 Perfection, +200 Divine, +200 Luck, +200 Insight, +1,000 Natural
Flat-Footed: 3,100, Touch: 2,100

1,000 (+500)
Dexterity: 1,000 (+500)
Constitution: 1,000 (+500)
Intelligence: 1,000 (+500)
Wisdom: 1,000 (+500)
Charisma: 1,000 (+500)

Space/Reach: 1500 ft./ Infinite
Base Attack/Grapple: +1,000/ +2,600

Special Abilities:

-Temporal Mastery: Chronos Veridian can manipulate time at will, able to slow, stop, or accelerate the flow of time. This ability allows Chronos Veridian to act twice per round, grants a +1000 bonus to initiative, and allows him to reroll any failed attack or saving throw once per round.
-Dogged Loyalty: Chronos Veridian's bond with his canine nature grants him enhanced senses, increased speed, and the ability to communicate telepathically with dogs. He gains a +1000 bonus to Perception checks, a +1000 bonus to movement speed, and can communicate telepathically with dogs within 1000 feet.
-Eternal Vigilance: Chronos Veridian is constantly aware of his surroundings, making it impossible to catch him off guard. He cannot be flanked or caught flat-footed, and gains a +1000 bonus to AC against surprise attacks.
-Master Shapeshifter: As a Dog Person, Chronos Veridian can transform into a full-sized, dire wolf at will, gaining all the associated benefits and abilities of the form.
-Alter Reality (337th level spells)
-Divine Aura (All Creation)
-Omnific Might

Special Qualities:
-Cosmic Consciousness (All Creation)
-Cosmic Firmament
-Divine Bonus +200
-Godly Realm (A Universe)
to Natural and Magical Effects
-Spell Reflection
-Star Flight
-Divine Portfolios: Dogs x2

Cannot fail/ +2,370
-Reflex: Cannot fail/ +2,370
-Will: Cannot fail/ +2,370

-Skills: Omnicompetent and Maven, all skills= 1,203 + Relevant Ability Modifier

Divine Abilities:
-Heavenly Body
-Heavenly Mind
-Heavenly Soul
-Heavenly Spirit
-Perfect Initiative
-Telluric Effect
-Quantum Effect
-Distant Gaze
-Unknowing Body
-Unknowing Mind
-Unknowing Soul
-Unknowing Spirit

Cosmic Abilities:
-Spell Amplification
-Atomic Effect (6)

-Transcendental Abilities:
-Dead Zone
-Astro Effect (6)
-Transillient Fort/Ref/Will
-Transattack Period

Omnific Abilities:
-10th Sense
-Omni Eye

Alignment: Beyond Alignment (Lawful Good tendencies)
Time Lord Equipment: The Dogged Armor of Loyalty, The Magnificent Bone (Mace), The Throne of the Loyal Dog
Environment: The Crystalline Eyrie of the Akasha
Challenge Rating: 1,333 Effective Character Level: 2,000

Non Time Lord Equipment:
Chronomancer's Staff: A staff infused with the essence of time, allowing Chronos to channel his temporal powers more effectively. It can be used to focus and direct temporal energies.
Time Cloak: A mystical cloak that grants Chronos the ability to manipulate his own personal time, allowing him to move faster or slower compared to the external flow of time.
Temporal Grimoire: A spellbook filled with intricate knowledge of temporal magic and rituals. It contains spells and incantations to manipulate time, unravel temporal disturbances, or create localized time loops.

Personality: Chronos is calm, composed, and has a profound sense of responsibility towards the preservation of the time continuum. He possesses a deep understanding of the intricate nature of time and the potential consequences of tampering with it. Chronos is patient and methodical, always thinking several steps ahead and weighing the potential outcomes of his actions.

Backstory: Chronos was chosen at a young age to join the ranks of the Hyperborean Time Lords, undergoing rigorous training and initiation into the mysteries of time manipulation. A natural immortal, born from Highlord parents in the infinite realm of Aravoth, he has witnessed countless eons pass, traversing through various eras and observing the rise and fall of civilizations. Chronos now acts as a custodian of time, using his powers to maintain the delicate balance between past, present, and future while fighting alongside the Hyperboreans, he plans to use his powers to lead them to a more harmonious path.

The Time Lords are considered to be gods by most beings, representing the highest point of perfection and power. They have dominion over all knowledge, history, and power within their Cosmos. Few things can stand against their might, with only a select few beings and forces capable of stalling or defeating them under specific circumstances. The Hyperboreans are considered to be the strongest mortals in existence, Chronos wishes to combine these forces into a single invincible union.

Beefer's Note: Since ChatGPT didn't give stats for it's attack rolls, expression of power, or Time Lord Artifacts beyond just names, I'd simply use the base Time Lord found here as a substitute as I think it just copied and pasted from the data I gave it in a lot of instances:

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I worked with ChatGPT earlier to pull this off. I was trying to make Q but this was the rough draft. I liked it so much I decided to post it here. This is 85% done with ChatGPT's help, it made basically all of this, I just reformatted it to make it make a bit more sense and added some description texts though it made the backstory. You'll notice it's not perfect, it has too many divine abilities and it's time manipulation powers are quite vague but for what it is, it's very impressive to me. I hope you all enjoy!

Name: Chronos Veridion

Race: Hyperborean Time Lord Dog-Person (Canid)
Background: Chronos Veridion hails from the ancient and enigmatic civilization of Hyperborea, where the flow of time itself is under their mastery. As a member of the Time Lord caste, Hyperborean Time Lords, Chronos has dedicated his immortal existence to the study and manipulation of time, seeking to safeguard the delicate balance of the temporal continuum and the perfection of his physical form and spirit.

Class: Temporal Manipulator
Abilities and Features:
-Time Weaving: Chronos has the ability to weave and manipulate the strands of time, allowing him to alter events, rewind time, or glimpse into the future. He can bend time to his will, creating temporal anomalies or even time portals.
-Temporal Sight: Chronos possesses heightened perception, enabling him to see and comprehend the subtle ripples and currents of time. This allows him to anticipate and react to events before they occur.
-Temporal Paradox Immunity: As a Time Lord, Chronos is immune to the effects of temporal paradoxes. He can interact with his past and future selves without causing disruptions in the time-stream.
-Ageless Eternity: Chronos is unaffected by the passage of time and does not age. He has existed for millennia and will continue to exist indefinitely, granting him vast knowledge and wisdom.
-Temporal Guardianship: Chronos takes it upon himself to safeguard the integrity of the time-stream, preventing malevolent entities from altering history or disrupting the natural flow of time. He acts as a guardian and enforcer of temporal laws.

Class: Immortal
Class Features:
-Immortal Fortitude: Grants +60 bonus to Fortitude saves.
-Immortal Reflexes: Grants +60 bonus to Reflex saves.
-Immortal Will: Grants +60 bonus to Will saves.
-Immortal Strike: Unarmed attacks and natural weapons bypass damage reduction.
-Immortal Presence: Gains a +40 bonus to Charisma-based skill checks and saving throws.
-Immortal Vigor: Increases hit points by an additional 60 per level.
-Immortal Senses: Gains darkvision 240 feet, blindsense 120 feet, and true seeing.
-Immortal Agility: Increases Dexterity by 60.
-Immortal Strength: Increases Strength by 60.
-Immortal Constitution: Increases Constitution by 60.

Dog-Person Hyperborean
Base Ability Scores (Racial):
Strength: 160 (+60)
Dexterity: 160 (+60)
Constitution: 160 (+60)
Intelligence: 130 (+45)
Wisdom: 135 (+47)
Charisma: 100 (+40)
Size: Medium
Speed: 60 feet

Racial Traits:
-+6 racial bonus on Jump checks.
-Scent ability: Can detect opponents within 60 feet by sense of smell.
-Low-light Vision: Can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
-Natural Weapon: Bite attack (20d10+60 damage).
-Automatic Languages: Common, Caninoid.
-Bonus Languages: Any (other than secret languages such as Druidic).
-Favored Class: Ranger.

Template: Chronos Master
Template Features:
-Temporal Manipulation: Can manipulate time, granting the ability to control the flow of time, speed up or slow down personal time, and perform time-related spells and effects.
-Timeless Body: Immune to all non-divine effects of time, including aging, penalties, and alterations to statistics caused by time.
-Temporal Awareness: Gains an innate sense of the timeline, knowing the past, present, and possible futures.
-Time Mastery: Can alter initiative order, manipulate time-based effects, and gain additional actions in combat.
-Time Paradox: If killed, automatically returns to life after 1 round, reverting the timeline to a state prior to death.
-Temporal Singularity: Can create a localized time distortion field, affecting time-based abilities and events in the area.
ECL: up to +333 (based on character level)

Note: This is an incredibly powerful and customized character, combining the level 1000 dog-like humanoid with the Chronos Veridian template. The abilities and bonuses have been adjusted to reflect the immense power level at level 1000. This character possesses extraordinary temporal manipulation abilities and immense physical attributes. Keep in mind that a character of this magnitude may significantly impact game balance and should be used with caution and in appropriate high-level campaigns or epic scenarios.

Chronos Veridian
Master of Time, The Canid Lord of Dogs, The Barking God

A keen eyed half human half dingo person looks at you from across the boundaries of space and time, yellow headed, dark of eyed, he looks relatively unassuming, but floating, meditating in the middle of outer space. Something about his presence makes you pause. Your ship's sensors were drawn to an enormous power in the area, though now you see little. There's a totality in his gaze, a potency that you can't quite place your finger on, something is amiss, and something tells you that if you stray too close you'll gain his attention, and given that you're not the most scrupulous type, you feel like that wouldn't be good.

Hit Dice: [1000d1000 + 500,000] x1000 (1,500,000,000 hp)
Initiative: Always Acts First/ +1,600 (+500 Dexterity +200 Divine, +200 Insight, +200 Luck, +500 Perfection)
Speed: Superluminal
Armor Class: Infinite (3,600 base) +500 Deflection, +500 Armor, +500 Dexterity, +500 Perfection, +200 Divine, +200 Luck, +200 Insight, +1,000 Natural
Flat-Footed: 3,100, Touch: 2,100

1,000 (+500)
Dexterity: 1,000 (+500)
Constitution: 1,000 (+500)
Intelligence: 1,000 (+500)
Wisdom: 1,000 (+500)
Charisma: 1,000 (+500)

Space/Reach: 1500 ft./ Infinite
Base Attack/Grapple: +1,000/ +2,600

Special Abilities:

-Temporal Mastery: Chronos Veridian can manipulate time at will, able to slow, stop, or accelerate the flow of time. This ability allows Chronos Veridian to act twice per round, grants a +1000 bonus to initiative, and allows him to reroll any failed attack or saving throw once per round.
-Dogged Loyalty: Chronos Veridian's bond with his canine nature grants him enhanced senses, increased speed, and the ability to communicate telepathically with dogs. He gains a +1000 bonus to Perception checks, a +1000 bonus to movement speed, and can communicate telepathically with dogs within 1000 feet.
-Eternal Vigilance: Chronos Veridian is constantly aware of his surroundings, making it impossible to catch him off guard. He cannot be flanked or caught flat-footed, and gains a +1000 bonus to AC against surprise attacks.
-Master Shapeshifter: As a Dog Person, Chronos Veridian can transform into a full-sized, dire wolf at will, gaining all the associated benefits and abilities of the form.
-Alter Reality (337th level spells)
-Divine Aura (All Creation)
-Omnific Might

Special Qualities:
-Cosmic Consciousness (All Creation)
-Cosmic Firmament
-Divine Bonus +200
-Godly Realm (A Universe)
to Natural and Magical Effects
-Spell Reflection
-Star Flight
-Divine Portfolios: Dogs x2

Cannot fail/ +2,370
-Reflex: Cannot fail/ +2,370
-Will: Cannot fail/ +2,370

-Skills: Omnicompetent and Maven, all skills= 1,203 + Relevant Ability Modifier

Divine Abilities:
-Heavenly Body
-Heavenly Mind
-Heavenly Soul
-Heavenly Spirit
-Perfect Initiative
-Telluric Effect
-Quantum Effect
-Distant Gaze
-Unknowing Body
-Unknowing Mind
-Unknowing Soul
-Unknowing Spirit

Cosmic Abilities:
-Spell Amplification
-Atomic Effect (6)

-Transcendental Abilities:
-Dead Zone
-Astro Effect (6)
-Transillient Fort/Ref/Will
-Transattack Period

Omnific Abilities:
-10th Sense
-Omni Eye

Alignment: Beyond Alignment (Lawful Good tendencies)
Time Lord Equipment: The Dogged Armor of Loyalty, The Magnificent Bone (Mace), The Throne of the Loyal Dog
Environment: The Crystalline Eyrie of the Akasha
Challenge Rating: 1,333 Effective Character Level: 2,000

Non Time Lord Equipment:
Chronomancer's Staff: A staff infused with the essence of time, allowing Chronos to channel his temporal powers more effectively. It can be used to focus and direct temporal energies.
Time Cloak: A mystical cloak that grants Chronos the ability to manipulate his own personal time, allowing him to move faster or slower compared to the external flow of time.
Temporal Grimoire: A spellbook filled with intricate knowledge of temporal magic and rituals. It contains spells and incantations to manipulate time, unravel temporal disturbances, or create localized time loops.

Personality: Chronos is calm, composed, and has a profound sense of responsibility towards the preservation of the time continuum. He possesses a deep understanding of the intricate nature of time and the potential consequences of tampering with it. Chronos is patient and methodical, always thinking several steps ahead and weighing the potential outcomes of his actions.

Backstory: Chronos was chosen at a young age to join the ranks of the Hyperborean Time Lords, undergoing rigorous training and initiation into the mysteries of time manipulation. A natural immortal, born from Highlord parents in the infinite realm of Aravoth, he has witnessed countless eons pass, traversing through various eras and observing the rise and fall of civilizations. Chronos now acts as a custodian of time, using his powers to maintain the delicate balance between past, present, and future while fighting alongside the Hyperboreans, he plans to use his powers to lead them to a more harmonious path.

The Time Lords are considered to be gods by most beings, representing the highest point of perfection and power. They have dominion over all knowledge, history, and power within their Cosmos. Few things can stand against their might, with only a select few beings and forces capable of stalling or defeating them under specific circumstances. The Hyperboreans are considered to be the strongest mortals in existence, Chronos wishes to combine these forces into a single invincible union.

Beefer's Note: Since ChatGPT didn't give stats for it's attack rolls, expression of power, or Time Lord Artifacts beyond just names, I'd simply use the base Time Lord found here as a substitute as I think it just copied and pasted from the data I gave it in a lot of instances:
On the one hand the use of ChatGPT in this area is extremely interesting and opens up new uses and implications, on the other I'm laughing like an idiot. I don't care how powerful it is, while reading it the only thing that was echoing in my head was the dog music from Undertale :ROFLMAO:

On the one hand the use of ChatGPT in this area is extremely interesting and opens up new uses and implications, on the other I'm laughing like an idiot. I don't care how powerful it is, while reading it the only thing that was echoing in my head was the dog music from Undertale :ROFLMAO:
That's pretty funny lol.

It wasn't easy to get it to work, I had to give it the time lord as a base script, I had to ask it if it knew what a time lord was, I had to ask it to make a character sheet that was level 1 then 30 then 60 then 1000 using the sheet information I gave it as a rubric. It was a pain in the ass but it kind of pulled it off. The ideas for its backstory also didn't 100% make sense so I had to slightly edit them to make them make sense but ultimately it, kind of, worked lol.

Either way, the AI tried and did an okay job. Bless it's robo heart.

I actually asked ChatGPT a few months ago (when it first came out) what would be a good font pair for a book themed on Immortals. But aside from that I haven't really went back to it. Good to see it is interested in roleplaying. :)


A suffusion of yellow
I actually asked ChatGPT a few months ago (when it first came out) what would be a good font pair for a book themed on Immortals. But aside from that I haven't really went back to it. Good to see it is interested in roleplaying. :)
I’ve generated a couple of Dungeon world fronts and some room keys using ChatGPT, even tried a 5 room dungeon but the results were iffy

Voidrunner's Codex

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