More Words of Chaos?


Hey all, this is my first real post here. As the title says, I'm looking for more Words of Chaos, since I think they're really interesting, but I've never been great at coming up with unique powers.

To start with, a collection of all examples I could find:

Ath'Vae'Uio, the word for Life. The user can pronounce this word as a free action for control all life within its Divine Aura. It can bring dead people back to life (even from effects that normally erase from existence), it can instantly kill any living thing, destroy the undead and bring life or take it away to any corner of the universe. (Obly99)

Sin Ku Ry Ep Su: The power of universal eradication, Sin, deals an unspecified amount of damage to all things in existence with no save. Damage is based on how much damage the being affected has done in their entire life. Ku Ry Ep Su are seals put on the ability from the Supreme being, allowing only a single target to be affected every round, and only half of that target to be struck. Of course this could be applied to a planet, or other similar large surface of undivided matter, at which point all creatures on it's surface would gain a reflex save to avoid. It appears as a black lightning bolt striking the side of the affected being, followed by a lightless inky shadow seemingly stretching into infinity.

Sharn: The gesture of shattering a soul, Sharn creates a near two-dimensional pane of Akashic diamond, negates any defense the target may have, targets both their body and soul, connects the target's soul to the diamond pane indefinitely, and finally shatters the diamond and disperses it's atoms across the multiverse along with the target's body and soul. It appears as a pane of glass with the target's image inside (think phantom zone from Superman) floating above Reims open hand, it then shatters as the user closes his fist.

Oun: The power to walk between dimensions, time, and space. Oun shifts the being between universes, allows them to remain conscious of all things on their previous plane of existence, allows them to at stay hidden, untraceable, undetectable, and invulnerable to all forms of attack, it also allows them to pass through solid walls and planeshift at a whim. While in this form, the creature cannot affect anything in any way. The user makes no special motion with this ability and must only think the word.

Kros: The ability to stop time in all forms for a brief moment as you act normally, affects beings immune to temporal powers. Other beings can be brought into the temporal void with you with a thought. There is no limit to how long time can be stopped, however, while time is stopped beings cannot be affected by any form of attack or damage and regenerate all damage dealt as soon as it is applied, as are all objects, etc. Creatures brought with you can still be affected by attacks normally. The user makes no special motion for this ability, however must speak the word.

Blov Su Rek: The word of darkness allows darkness in any form of any size to be controlled by your any whim, effectively allowing you to control the darkness of the very multiverse itself. Su Rek are seals put on the ability from the Supreme Being making any change in any universe you do not currently inhabit to instantly return to it's previous state making such changes unnoticeable. This ability is passive, once spoke it's effect is constant and need not be spoke again. (All of the above are by Beefermatic)

Ain: This word can literally blow the minds out of things. It reduces their Int to 0, and kills them. N I C E M E M E

Bythos: Bythos grants omniscience (Gnosis), and with this the DM can rewind the entire fight and have the players do the same thing as they did, but Bythos can counter everything perfectly.

Ahg: This word weaves fate itself. This makes any action fail or succeed, not even the Supreme being can stop this.

Kith: This is the word of well, words. It deals an infinite amount of Divine Sonic damage, and bypasses immunities and resistances.

ZAHAMANTAS dis bad boyo summons hundreds of anything with scales, grants an armour bonus equal to the speaker's HD, and can be used to attempt to attract a Muhlatimic dragon (These five by Apepsnake)

Rensaisan: A blade forged from Words of Chaos themselves. The Lord of Swords is a weapon of unimaginable power, it deals 2 d1000 points of base damage, elemental damage of each type and force damage for every hit dice the wielder possesses, it has a base crit range of 15-20/ x3, allows the wielder to make additional iterative attacks for every 5 hit dice they possess without limits, is ever dancing, intelligent, enchanted and defending to a maximum of double the wielder’s hit dice, allows deflect arrow feats to be used with the blade, grants the wielder a bonus to initiative equal to 1/5th their hit dice total, Rensaisan allows it‘s enchantment bonus to be reduced and allocated into other enchantments as the user sees fit (for simplicity's sake it is left in it‘s standard form).

Ardeshir: The Akashic name for a warrior’s tenacity. An Ardeshir is at once a Word of Power, a Title, and a lifestyle choice. Only the most dedicated can truly decipher this word, and it‘s power is vast. It grants an additional 450 hp per hit dice, makes one utterly immune to fear, morale effects, poison, disease, surprise rounds, energy drain, ability damage, ability drain, quintessence drain (except on death), gives an aura effect that makes all creatures of 1/10th your hit dice fail all saves and checks, allows your critical hits to deal an amount of extra damage equal to d100 x 1/3rd their total hit dice, grants an additional Perfection bonus to AC equal to your Dexterity score, and attracts 1d6 students of great potential your way for every 10 hit dice you possess. It increases all saves by 1/5th your total hit dice and also increases your critical hit and threat range by two steps. The drawback however is that one must always remain true to their tenants, they must train for two hours each day perfecting their skill, they must have a single weapon that they must dedicate themselves fully to and they must use this weapon (off hand weapons are okay) and must never use magical equipment or any other form of protection.

Mirai: The name of Actoshen’s love, lost to time except for her name. Mirai gives the user focus unmatched, the capability of surviving the tests of time, and returns him to life regardless of the way in which he is killed or destroyed, the Supreme Being himself erased Actoshen from existence at one point and he returned from the very depths of entropy beyond words (albeit in a VERY long time). Mirai allows the user to strike true with one hit per round, allowing him to bypass armor class entirely and even strike beings otherwise removed from being able to be hit. This ability even circumvents Learned Opponent Immunity, immunity to manufactured or natural weapons, Thellemic Damage Induction, and similar powers. This ability like other Words of Chaos, cannot be abrogated.

Im: The Syllable of Violence and the name of the Time Lord aspect of Syno controlling it. Im incites war, reopens ancient feuds, and causes havoc, it also can suppress these feelings, or more malevolently, can be used to temporarily suppress such feelings and unleash a veritable tidal wave of violence at a later date. Im appears as a huge man with a beard of fire seemingly cast of pure orichalcum wielding a massive hammer.

Uhn: The Syllable of Lust, causes any who hear the syllable to become infatuated with whatever the user wishes, usually this is sexual, but can pertain to other effects as well. This can cause hated enemies to fall into each other’s arms, people to become infatuated with undead, golems to suddenly feel attachment or sexual desire or any other imaginable anathema effect Syno so desires, as he is not single faceted this can be used for good as well. This Syllable appears in Time Lord form as a beautiful woman with perfect hips and voluptuous breasts with a stern and general like demeanor and sparkling silver and gold hair.

Eff: The Syllable of Vainglory: This Syllable causes one to become utterly in love with themselves, and all they have done. This can be used to create confidence in a being but is usually used to cause the person some fall or to lead them to ever self-destructive behavior. This Syllable appears as a beautiful and thin man wearing skin tight plate mail seemingly made of purple silver, wearing make up, surrounded in vibrant and beautiful light, androgynous and utterly callous.

Haa: The Syllable of Pride, this causes all being that hear it to become full of their false divinity. This can make beings achieve great heights but makes them see their way as the will divine, placing their goals above all else. This Syllable appears as a golden statuesque man with flowing white kingly robes and hair and armor made of light.

Griin: The Syllable of Greed, this leads to obvious things such as theft and robbery but can literally turn being who might otherwise become divine into nothing but petty criminals, at it’s worst it can destroy whole universes making beings put profit above all else. This appears as a miserly old man made of pure orichalcum polished like a mirror, not unlike a Sadim, and sitting in a vast and floating planet sized ball of gold coins goblets and gems hundreds of feet long.

Omn: The Syllable of Hunger, this leads beings to addiction, to the point that over time they ruin themselves due to it. It can be used again, to help, but rarely. This appears as a naked, morbidly obese being the size of a supernova seemingly made of amorphous flaps of skin and fat, within the folds of flesh many millions of akishra live and strike out at those who get too close attempting to pull in anything they can feasibly grasp.

Rrrraagh: This Chaos syllable is a growl, when uttered it creates a flash of white light and crude letters of dark but rainbow energy seemingly scratched by unknown hands in thin air, it incites a wave of Chaos seals from it’s central point, placed upon it by The Supreme Being at the beginning of time to seal it’s power and check the ancient forces who once abused it's power. This Syllable would be a fully fledged word but it simply conveys a meaning vice a true concept. It can be used in a myriad of ways, from blocking an attack to blasting a foe with unbridles force. There is no save against this ability, the user needs only perceive you in some fashion, and those struck by the Chaos Syllable take 4,000d10,000 unblockable Metempiric Damage and it can block 4,000d10,000 damage when used defensively. This is a free action to use but the user cannot use other Chaos words when using this and it’s damage and other factors are not increased by other abilities such as Telluric Effect or Quantum Effect, though regularly used by Syno it is more of a last ditch effort and harrying ability for him, however his second Manifestation, “The Beast Within” Uses this ability each and every round, simply screaming in the Akashic tone at the top of his lungs.

Temeros: The Chaos Word of the Natural Order, Right through Might, Might of mind, might of body, might of will. This ability can make miraculous impossible battles possible if only because one being is too stubborn to quit. It allows the users constituent parts to be Fully fledged Time Lords, it allows, him to focus his true hatred and energy on any being he sees fit, and allows him to at DMs discretion fully recover from death, regain hp, strike impossible foes, explode into rages that may increase his stats tenfold, and do any other seemingly impossible feat, this however, is not certain, it is an akashic word of order though chaos and chaos never being controlled, an akashic word for uncertainty.

Tatauta: The Akashic word of power for work, Prevail or Endurance, blocks an infinite amount of damage and protects the entire cosmos, can be reupped as an immediate action if negated (as by Infinite Effect)

Galphshin: The Word of Valor grants a Circle of Protection effect against all alignments at a +5000 bonus, provides complete immunity to negative morale effects, charms, compulsions, mundane or magical and grants all allies within his Divine Aura +1,000,000 base temporary HP (multiplied by HP multipliers) and a +1000 Morale bonus on all rolls, saves, checks, DCs, attack, ac, skills, caster level and damage as if it were an additional Divine Bonus though coming from a different source thusly not being subject to abilities that effect or are effected by divine bonuses.

Reeheeri: The word of the hunt, and the power to chase those who walk between dimensions, time, and space and even into Aravoth, Akasha, and the greater reality itself. Thychen has imparted a great trust in Maximus, relying on his power like a watchdog to watch over his corpse until the time where he can recover. As such, Maximus can know if any being attempts to reach Thychen’s body or know any thing he chooses to focus on and can immediately intercept them. This extends without limits to all beings who’s motivations may even just be slightly against the Will Divine and extends to his own motivations as well allowing Maximus to root out any being, ignore any concealment, circumstance or cover bonuses to any attacks, abilities, saves, etc, and roll or check, this also allows Maximus to chase the Watchers of Reim, and reach anywhere in the multiverse immediately as if he were folding space. Maximus must only think the word.

Taiha: Word of Protection, Souls, and Resurgence, this Allows Maximus’ Cosmic String, Transmortality, and Immortality to be utterly undefeatable unless the Word of Chaos: Sharn is used against it. At which point the word must be spoken (or thought) again to reapply this effect. Otherwise even if destroyed he will return to life with full hp and a free full attack as an immediate action if destroyed and even beings such as Thychen Himself can’t fully destroy Maximus

Por Es Ry Hei: The word of neverending Light, Diaz’ signature attack and ability before his fall from grace, now bestowed upon the Celestial Charger Maximus. Por is the word for Light, Es Ry Hei are seals put on the ability by the Supreme Being allowing it’s power to utterly cancel out the machinations of Darkness and for Maximus to affect any being regardless of power ignoring Transilient affects on Saving Throws and Dominance powers of any level. As an attack, it creates a halo of light high above and around the enemy from which they cannot escape. The halo moves relative to the enemy’s position and allows no save. It then unleashes a potent blast of holy lightning bolts down unerringly upon the foe or foes and deals d10,000s of damage to them based on their HD as per Antimatter Effect, dissolving them as their bodies are literally turned to photons, this damage is multiplied based on the enemy’s Hit Point Multiplier. This damage revisits itself every round, dealing full damage every round forever until Judgement has been deemed meted out. This damage cancels out a single layer of infinite health or Unlimited Regeneration, and as such will bypass Infinite Constitution, Invincible Shields, Omnific Toughness, Indissoluble, or Transmortality. Por Es Ry Hei can be used to peel off multiple layers of defense but must be used one time for each layer of defense to be countered. Sin (SinKuRyEpSu) the word of Universal Eradication, or the Wuji Dragon’s Breath of Cleansing Light can be used to counter this effect. It also allows Light, all across Existence, in any form of any size to be controlled by your any whim, effectively allowing you to control the Light of the very multiverse itself. This ability is both active and passive, once spoke it's effect is constant and need not be spoke again, unless used as an attack. Maximus was in essense the effect of this word being spoken with the intention of placing it on a new being, he is assumed to always be controlling the Light around him to the extent of the current universe he inhabits.

Eoh: The Akashic word for a wish or more literally a dreaming and the Tree of Life which touches every plane and every realm of every being. Upgrades Alter Reality to allow nearly any effect. Much like Reim’s “Heart’s Desire” ability but limitless in potential and only limited by the need for others to roll saving throws against it’s effects, negating the effect if saved against, like an illusion made real. Depending on the necessity of the wish, the tone and pitch of the word shifts and alters sounding at times like different words all together.

Ser Ca Sem Bra: The name of the sealed Aspect of Destruction, the true Aspect of Flames, Ser Ca is all that’s needed to raise that divine monstrosity from his eternal sleep, Sem Bra are seals put on it by the Supreme Being lolling that being back to it’s slumber. Allows the use of an Expression of Power type effect that deals damage as if it were coming from a stage 18 Highlord but deals damage as per the Ultima Flare effect as Sercasembra rouses from it’s sleep momentarily. This is a cone, line, aura, touch, beam, blast or strike effect and cannot be used for immolation, or wrath (gaze) effects. It uses Rei’s attack roll and DC’s but Sercasembra’s damage. Additionally, this fire burns away 1 Omnific, Transcendental, Cosmic or Divine ability per round they remain on fire, these will always target layers of infinite health first then are picked at random and remain lost until a remove curse is cast upon the victim regardless of immunity. Sercasembra may be called upon as much as the user likes however consecutive rounds leaves the Destroyer awake and the longer he stays awake the more pressure he puts on the user, It will attempt to suggest the user open the gate and free him, the power deferential between the two is so vast that the moment the users defenses go down, Sercasembra will win the argument and invariably the user will release him, leading to his own destruction. As such he will generally only use this ability sparingly. Alternatively it can be used in conjunction with his Cosmic Key’s Sealing power making beings caught in that place trapped for 1 round with the destroyer before it lulls back to sleep. Significant damage on the destroyer will awaken it completely and it will fight to escape and kill any who are within reach so this tactic has potential for failure. This also grants Rei access to the coveted True Fire or Ultima Flare Domain, and grants him the Omnific Fire Effect Omnific Ability for free, allowing him to command and control any manner of fire as if it were normal flames and manipulate it as if it were a mix between shape stone and incendiary cloud. (All the above are by Beefermatic)

And, because it would hardly be fair to ask strangers to do work for me if I didn't pitch in, some I thought up:

Reschracht: The word of crippling. Creates a swirling dark blast of energy that twists and blackens whatever it hits, rendering it useless and dead. So, if it hits a limb, that limb and anything that requires it is unusable.

Helidarx: The word of evolution, whatever it is used on will rapidly adapt into a superior form. What exactly this entails may vary, it may get smarter, stronger, faster, develop new abilities, or something entirely else too bizarre to guess.

Aherah: The word of entertainment, it can warp the environment in strange ways, turn people into toys, trap people in games or shows, or even change how the rules of the actual game work in the area. The main limitation is that it can't do anything that wouldn't make an interesting story. Also, some uses may allow saves to resist.

Iseeyou: The word of fourth wall breaking. Simply by knowing it, the user becomes aware of the fact they're in a game, and can see into the real world. This allows them to utilize out-of-universe knowledge and, if they can get away with it, cheat.

Chritem: Much like Sharn, more a gesture than a word. When used a glowing pictogram of a clock appears in front of the users appendage, and by turning their hand they may move the hand of the clock and therefore the timeline of the target. This allows the user to fast forward an enemy to their demise or rewind them to when they were a defenseless child, or to accelerate an ally/themselves to a stronger state or rewind them to before an injury.

And a sillier one:

Oblitatuk: Everything everywhere takes ∞d∞ x ∞^∞ damage. Not only does this immediately end the campaign, it also ends all the other campaigns you have active, because it's just that powerful.
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Hey all, this is my first real post here. As the title says, I'm looking for more Words of Chaos, since I think they're really interesting, but I've never been great at coming up with unique powers.

To start with, a collection of all examples I could find:

Ath'Vae'Uio, the word for Life. The user can pronounce this word as a free action for control all life within its Divine Aura. It can bring dead people back to life (even from effects that normally erase from existence), it can instantly kill any living thing, destroy the undead and bring life or take it away to any corner of the universe. A Will save negates this. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Sin Ku Ry Ep Su: The power of universal eradication, Sin, deals an unspecified amount of damage to all things in existence with no save. Damage is based on how much damage the being affected has done in their entire life. Ku Ry Ep Su are seals put on the ability from the Supreme being, allowing only a single target to be affected every round, and only half of that target to be struck. Of course this could be applied to a planet, or other similar large surface of undivided matter, at which point all creatures on it's surface would gain a reflex save to avoid. It appears as a black lightning bolt striking the side of the affected being, followed by a lightless inky shadow seemingly stretching into infinity.

Sharn: The gesture of shattering a soul, Sharn creates a near two-dimensional pane of Akashic diamond, negates any defense the target may have, targets both their body and soul, connects the target's soul to the diamond pane indefinitely, and finally shatters the diamond and disperses it's atoms across the multiverse along with the target's body and soul. It appears as a pane of glass with the target's image inside (think phantom zone from Superman) floating above Reims open hand, it then shatters as the user closes his fist.

Oun: The power to walk between dimensions, time, and space. Oun shifts the being between universes, allows them to remain conscious of all things on their previous plane of existence, allows them to at stay hidden, untraceable, undetectable, and invulnerable to all forms of attack, it also allows them to pass through solid walls and planeshift at a whim. While in this form, the creature cannot affect anything in any way. The user makes no special motion with this ability and must only think the word.

Kros: The ability to stop time in all forms for a brief moment as you act normally, affects beings immune to temporal powers. Other beings can be brought into the temporal void with you with a thought. There is no limit to how long time can be stopped, however, while time is stopped beings cannot be affected by any form of attack or damage and regenerate all damage dealt as soon as it is applied, as are all objects, etc. Creatures brought with you can still be affected by attacks normally. The user makes no special motion for this ability, however must speak the word.

Blov Su Rek: The word of darkness allows darkness in any form of any size to be controlled by your any whim, effectively allowing you to control the darkness of the very multiverse itself. Su Rek are seals put on the ability from the Supreme Being making any change in any universe you do not currently inhabit to instantly return to it's previous state making such changes unnoticeable. This ability is passive, once spoke it's effect is constant and need not be spoke again.

Ain: This word can literally blow the minds out of things. It reduces their Int to 0, and kills them. N I C E M E M E

Bythos: Bythos grants omniscience (Gnosis), and with this the DM can rewind the entire fight and have the players do the same thing as they did, but Bythos can counter everything perfectly.

Ahg: This word weaves fate itself. This makes any action fail or succeed, not even the Supreme being can stop this.

Kith: This is the word of well, words. It deals an infinite amount of Divine Sonic damage, and bypasses immunities and resistances.

Rensaisan: A blade forged from Words of Chaos themselves. The Lord of Swords is a weapon of unimaginable power, it deals 2 d1000 points of base damage, elemental damage of each type and force damage for every hit dice the wielder possesses, it has a base crit range of 15-20/ x3, allows the wielder to make additional iterative attacks for every 5 hit dice they possess without limits, is ever dancing, intelligent, enchanted and defending to a maximum of double the wielder’s hit dice, allows deflect arrow feats to be used with the blade, grants the wielder a bonus to initiative equal to 1/5th their hit dice total, Rensaisan allows it‘s enchantment bonus to be reduced and allocated into other enchantments as the user sees fit (for simplicity's sake it is left in it‘s standard form).

Ardeshir: The Akashic name for a warrior’s tenacity. An Ardeshir is at once a Word of Power, a Title, and a lifestyle choice. Only the most dedicated can truly decipher this word, and it‘s power is vast. It grants an additional 450 hp per hit dice, makes one utterly immune to fear, morale effects, poison, disease, surprise rounds, energy drain, ability damage, ability drain, quintessence drain (except on death), gives an aura effect that makes all creatures of 1/10th your hit dice fail all saves and checks, allows your critical hits to deal an amount of extra damage equal to d100 x 1/3rd their total hit dice, grants an additional Perfection bonus to AC equal to your Dexterity score, and attracts 1d6 students of great potential your way for every 10 hit dice you possess. It increases all saves by 1/5th your total hit dice and also increases your critical hit and threat range by two steps. The drawback however is that one must always remain true to their tenants, they must train for two hours each day perfecting their skill, they must have a single weapon that they must dedicate themselves fully to and they must use this weapon (off hand weapons are okay) and must never use magical equipment or any other form of protection.

Mirai: The name of Actoshen’s love, lost to time except for her name. Mirai gives the user focus unmatched, the capability of surviving the tests of time, and returns him to life regardless of the way in which he is killed or destroyed, the Supreme Being himself erased Actoshen from existence at one point and he returned from the very depths of entropy beyond words (albeit in a VERY long time). Mirai allows the user to strike true with one hit per round, allowing him to bypass armor class entirely and even strike beings otherwise removed from being able to be hit. This ability even circumvents Learned Opponent Immunity, immunity to manufactured or natural weapons, Thellemic Damage Induction, and similar powers. This ability like other Words of Chaos, cannot be abrogated.

Im: The Syllable of Violence and the name of the Time Lord aspect of Syno controlling it. Im incites war, reopens ancient feuds, and causes havoc, it also can suppress these feelings, or more malevolently, can be used to temporarily suppress such feelings and unleash a veritable tidal wave of violence at a later date. Im appears as a huge man with a beard of fire seemingly cast of pure orichalcum wielding a massive hammer.

Uhn: The Syllable of Lust, causes any who hear the syllable to become infatuated with whatever the user wishes, usually this is sexual, but can pertain to other effects as well. This can cause hated enemies to fall into each other’s arms, people to become infatuated with undead, golems to suddenly feel attachment or sexual desire or any other imaginable anathema effect Syno so desires, as he is not single faceted this can be used for good as well. This Syllable appears in Time Lord form as a beautiful woman with perfect hips and voluptuous breasts with a stern and general like demeanor and sparkling silver and gold hair.

Eff: The Syllable of Vainglory: This Syllable causes one to become utterly in love with themselves, and all they have done. This can be used to create confidence in a being but is usually used to cause the person some fall or to lead them to ever self-destructive behavior. This Syllable appears as a beautiful and thin man wearing skin tight plate mail seemingly made of purple silver, wearing make up, surrounded in vibrant and beautiful light, androgynous and utterly callous.

Haa: The Syllable of Pride, this causes all being that hear it to become full of their false divinity. This can make beings achieve great heights but makes them see their way as the will divine, placing their goals above all else. This Syllable appears as a golden statuesque man with flowing white kingly robes and hair and armor made of light.

Griin: The Syllable of Greed, this leads to obvious things such as theft and robbery but can literally turn being who might otherwise become divine into nothing but petty criminals, at it’s worst it can destroy whole universes making beings put profit above all else. This appears as a miserly old man made of pure orichalcum polished like a mirror, not unlike a Sadim, and sitting in a vast and floating planet sized ball of gold coins goblets and gems hundreds of feet long.

Omn: The Syllable of Hunger, this leads beings to addiction, to the point that over time they ruin themselves due to it. It can be used again, to help, but rarely. This appears as a naked, morbidly obese being the size of a supernova seemingly made of amorphous flaps of skin and fat, within the folds of flesh many millions of akishra live and strike out at those who get too close attempting to pull in anything they can feasibly grasp.

Rrrraagh: This Chaos syllable is a growl, when uttered it creates a flash of white light and crude letters of dark but rainbow energy seemingly scratched by unknown hands in thin air, it incites a wave of Chaos seals from it’s central point, placed upon it by The Supreme Being at the beginning of time to seal it’s power and check the ancient forces who once abused it's power. This Syllable would be a fully fledged word but it simply conveys a meaning vice a true concept. It can be used in a myriad of ways, from blocking an attack to blasting a foe with unbridles force. There is no save against this ability, the user needs only perceive you in some fashion, and those struck by the Chaos Syllable take 4,000d10,000 unblockable Metempiric Damage and it can block 4,000d10,000 damage when used defensively. This is a free action to use but the user cannot use other Chaos words when using this and it’s damage and other factors are not increased by other abilities such as Telluric Effect or Quantum Effect, though regularly used by Syno it is more of a last ditch effort and harrying ability for him, however his second Manifestation, “The Beast Within” Uses this ability each and every round, simply screaming in the Akashic tone at the top of his lungs.

Temeros: The Chaos Word of the Natural Order, Right through Might, Might of mind, might of body, might of will. This ability can make miraculous impossible battles possible if only because one being is too stubborn to quit. It allows the users constituent parts to be Fully fledged Time Lords, it allows, him to focus his true hatred and energy on any being he sees fit, and allows him to at DMs discretion fully recover from death, regain hp, strike impossible foes, explode into rages that may increase his stats tenfold, and do any other seemingly impossible feat, this however, is not certain, it is an akashic word of order though chaos and chaos never being controlled, an akashic word for uncertainty.

Tatauta: The Akashic word of power for work, Prevail or Endurance, blocks an infinite amount of damage and protects the entire cosmos, can be reupped as an immediate action if negated (as by Infinite Effect)

Galphshin: The Word of Valor grants a Circle of Protection effect against all alignments at a +5000 bonus, provides complete immunity to negative morale effects, charms, compulsions, mundane or magical and grants all allies within his Divine Aura +1,000,000 base temporary HP (multiplied by HP multipliers) and a +1000 Morale bonus on all rolls, saves, checks, DCs, attack, ac, skills, caster level and damage as if it were an additional Divine Bonus though coming from a different source thusly not being subject to abilities that effect or are effected by divine bonuses.

Reeheeri: The word of the hunt, and the power to chase those who walk between dimensions, time, and space and even into Aravoth, Akasha, and the greater reality itself. Thychen has imparted a great trust in Maximus, relying on his power like a watchdog to watch over his corpse until the time where he can recover. As such, Maximus can know if any being attempts to reach Thychen’s body or know any thing he chooses to focus on and can immediately intercept them. This extends without limits to all beings who’s motivations may even just be slightly against the Will Divine and extends to his own motivations as well allowing Maximus to root out any being, ignore any concealment, circumstance or cover bonuses to any attacks, abilities, saves, etc, and roll or check, this also allows Maximus to chase the Watchers of Reim, and reach anywhere in the multiverse immediately as if he were folding space. Maximus must only think the word.

Taiha: Word of Protection, Souls, and Resurgence, this Allows Maximus’ Cosmic String, Transmortality, and Immortality to be utterly undefeatable unless the Word of Chaos: Sharn is used against it. At which point the word must be spoken (or thought) again to reapply this effect. Otherwise even if destroyed he will return to life with full hp and a free full attack as an immediate action if destroyed and even beings such as Thychen Himself can’t fully destroy Maximus

Por Es Ry Hei: The word of neverending Light, Diaz’ signature attack and ability before his fall from grace, now bestowed upon the Celestial Charger Maximus. Por is the word for Light, Es Ry Hei are seals put on the ability by the Supreme Being allowing it’s power to utterly cancel out the machinations of Darkness and for Maximus to affect any being regardless of power ignoring Transilient affects on Saving Throws and Dominance powers of any level. As an attack, it creates a halo of light high above and around the enemy from which they cannot escape. The halo moves relative to the enemy’s position and allows no save. It then unleashes a potent blast of holy lightning bolts down unerringly upon the foe or foes and deals d10,000s of damage to them based on their HD as per Antimatter Effect, dissolving them as their bodies are literally turned to photons, this damage is multiplied based on the enemy’s Hit Point Multiplier. This damage revisits itself every round, dealing full damage every round forever until Judgement has been deemed meted out. This damage cancels out a single layer of infinite health or Unlimited Regeneration, and as such will bypass Infinite Constitution, Invincible Shields, Omnific Toughness, Indissoluble, or Transmortality. Por Es Ry Hei can be used to peel off multiple layers of defense but must be used one time for each layer of defense to be countered. Sin (SinKuRyEpSu) the word of Universal Eradication, or the Wuji Dragon’s Breath of Cleansing Light can be used to counter this effect. It also allows Light, all across Existence, in any form of any size to be controlled by your any whim, effectively allowing you to control the Light of the very multiverse itself. This ability is both active and passive, once spoke it's effect is constant and need not be spoke again, unless used as an attack. Maximus was in essense the effect of this word being spoken with the intention of placing it on a new being, he is assumed to always be controlling the Light around him to the extent of the current universe he inhabits.

Eoh: The Akashic word for a wish or more literally a dreaming and the Tree of Life which touches every plane and every realm of every being. Upgrades Alter Reality to allow nearly any effect. Much like Reim’s “Heart’s Desire” ability but limitless in potential and only limited by the need for others to roll saving throws against it’s effects, negating the effect if saved against, like an illusion made real. Depending on the necessity of the wish, the tone and pitch of the word shifts and alters sounding at times like different words all together.

Ser Ca Sem Bra: The name of the sealed Aspect of Destruction, the true Aspect of Flames, Ser Ca is all that’s needed to raise that divine monstrosity from his eternal sleep, Sem Bra are seals put on it by the Supreme Being lolling that being back to it’s slumber. Allows the use of an Expression of Power type effect that deals damage as if it were coming from a stage 18 Highlord but deals damage as per the Ultima Flare effect as Sercasembra rouses from it’s sleep momentarily. This is a cone, line, aura, touch, beam, blast or strike effect and cannot be used for immolation, or wrath (gaze) effects. It uses Rei’s attack roll and DC’s but Sercasembra’s damage. Additionally, this fire burns away 1 Omnific, Transcendental, Cosmic or Divine ability per round they remain on fire, these will always target layers of infinite health first then are picked at random and remain lost until a remove curse is cast upon the victim regardless of immunity. Sercasembra may be called upon as much as the user likes however consecutive rounds leaves the Destroyer awake and the longer he stays awake the more pressure he puts on the user, It will attempt to suggest the user open the gate and free him, the power deferential between the two is so vast that the moment the users defenses go down, Sercasembra will win the argument and invariably the user will release him, leading to his own destruction. As such he will generally only use this ability sparingly. Alternatively it can be used in conjunction with his Cosmic Key’s Sealing power making beings caught in that place trapped for 1 round with the destroyer before it lulls back to sleep. Significant damage on the destroyer will awaken it completely and it will fight to escape and kill any who are within reach so this tactic has potential for failure. This also grants Rei access to the coveted True Fire or Ultima Flare Domain, and grants him the Omnific Fire Effect Omnific Ability for free, allowing him to command and control any manner of fire as if it were normal flames and manipulate it as if it were a mix between shape stone and incendiary cloud.

And, because it would hardly be fair to ask strangers to do work for me if I didn't pitch in, some I thought up:

Reschracht: The word of mummification, essentially. Creates a swirling dark blast of energy that twists and blackens whatever it hits, rendering it useless and dead. So, if it hits a limb, that limb and anything that requires it is unusable. Dex save to avoid.

Helidarx: The word of evolution, whatever it is used on will rapidly adapt into a superior form. What exactly this entails may vary, it may get smarter, stronger, faster, develop new abilities, or something entirely else too bizarre to guess.

Aherah: The word of entertainment, it can warp the environment in strange ways, turn people into toys, trap people in games or shows, or even change how the rules of the actual game work in the area. The main limitation is that it can't do anything that wouldn't make an interesting story. Also, some uses may allow saves to resist.

Iseeyou: The word of fourth wall breaking. Simply by knowing it, the user becomes aware of the fact they're in a game, and can see into the real world. This allows them to utilize out-of-universe knowledge and, if they can get away with it, cheat.

Chritem: Much like Sharn, more a gesture than a word. When used a glowing pictogram of a clock appears in front of the users appendage, and by turning their hand they may move the hand of the clock and therefore the timeline of the target. This allows the user to fast forward an enemy to their demise or rewind them to when they were a defenseless child, or to accelerate an ally/themselves to a stronger state or rewind them to before an injury.

And a sillier one:

Oblitatuk: Everything everywhere takes ∞d∞ x ∞^∞ damage. Not only does this immediately end the campaign, it also ends all the other campaigns you have active, because it's just that powerful.
Mirai...could she be reincarnated/resurrected? If so, what would the effects of that be? Would she cause reality to destabilize, or would she simply just exist?


Ath'Vae'Uio, the word for Life. The user can pronounce this word as a free action for control all life within its Divine Aura. It can bring dead people back to life (even from effects that normally erase from existence), it can instantly kill any living thing, destroy the undead and bring life or take it away to any corner of the universe. A Will save negates this. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Only note as the creator of Ath'Vae'Uio. It doesn't give normally a Will for negate. I give only a Will for negate because the creature in question (Things from my setting) was a fragment of a fragmente of the Supreme Being.


Mirai...could she be reincarnated/resurrected? If so, what would the effects of that be? Would she cause reality to destabilize, or would she simply just exist?
You'd have to ask Beefermatic that, he's the creator of that one. I only created the handful at the end. I'll list their creators.
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Hey all, this is my first real post here. As the title says, I'm looking for more Words of Chaos, since I think they're really interesting, but I've never been great at coming up with unique powers.

To start with, a collection of all examples I could find:

Ath'Vae'Uio, the word for Life. The user can pronounce this word as a free action for control all life within its Divine Aura. It can bring dead people back to life (even from effects that normally erase from existence), it can instantly kill any living thing, destroy the undead and bring life or take it away to any corner of the universe. (Obly99)

Sin Ku Ry Ep Su: The power of universal eradication, Sin, deals an unspecified amount of damage to all things in existence with no save. Damage is based on how much damage the being affected has done in their entire life. Ku Ry Ep Su are seals put on the ability from the Supreme being, allowing only a single target to be affected every round, and only half of that target to be struck. Of course this could be applied to a planet, or other similar large surface of undivided matter, at which point all creatures on it's surface would gain a reflex save to avoid. It appears as a black lightning bolt striking the side of the affected being, followed by a lightless inky shadow seemingly stretching into infinity.

Sharn: The gesture of shattering a soul, Sharn creates a near two-dimensional pane of Akashic diamond, negates any defense the target may have, targets both their body and soul, connects the target's soul to the diamond pane indefinitely, and finally shatters the diamond and disperses it's atoms across the multiverse along with the target's body and soul. It appears as a pane of glass with the target's image inside (think phantom zone from Superman) floating above Reims open hand, it then shatters as the user closes his fist.

Oun: The power to walk between dimensions, time, and space. Oun shifts the being between universes, allows them to remain conscious of all things on their previous plane of existence, allows them to at stay hidden, untraceable, undetectable, and invulnerable to all forms of attack, it also allows them to pass through solid walls and planeshift at a whim. While in this form, the creature cannot affect anything in any way. The user makes no special motion with this ability and must only think the word.

Kros: The ability to stop time in all forms for a brief moment as you act normally, affects beings immune to temporal powers. Other beings can be brought into the temporal void with you with a thought. There is no limit to how long time can be stopped, however, while time is stopped beings cannot be affected by any form of attack or damage and regenerate all damage dealt as soon as it is applied, as are all objects, etc. Creatures brought with you can still be affected by attacks normally. The user makes no special motion for this ability, however must speak the word.

Blov Su Rek: The word of darkness allows darkness in any form of any size to be controlled by your any whim, effectively allowing you to control the darkness of the very multiverse itself. Su Rek are seals put on the ability from the Supreme Being making any change in any universe you do not currently inhabit to instantly return to it's previous state making such changes unnoticeable. This ability is passive, once spoke it's effect is constant and need not be spoke again. (All of the above are by Beefermatic)

Ain: This word can literally blow the minds out of things. It reduces their Int to 0, and kills them. N I C E M E M E

Bythos: Bythos grants omniscience (Gnosis), and with this the DM can rewind the entire fight and have the players do the same thing as they did, but Bythos can counter everything perfectly.

Ahg: This word weaves fate itself. This makes any action fail or succeed, not even the Supreme being can stop this.

Kith: This is the word of well, words. It deals an infinite amount of Divine Sonic damage, and bypasses immunities and resistances. (These four by Apepsnake)

Rensaisan: A blade forged from Words of Chaos themselves. The Lord of Swords is a weapon of unimaginable power, it deals 2 d1000 points of base damage, elemental damage of each type and force damage for every hit dice the wielder possesses, it has a base crit range of 15-20/ x3, allows the wielder to make additional iterative attacks for every 5 hit dice they possess without limits, is ever dancing, intelligent, enchanted and defending to a maximum of double the wielder’s hit dice, allows deflect arrow feats to be used with the blade, grants the wielder a bonus to initiative equal to 1/5th their hit dice total, Rensaisan allows it‘s enchantment bonus to be reduced and allocated into other enchantments as the user sees fit (for simplicity's sake it is left in it‘s standard form).

Ardeshir: The Akashic name for a warrior’s tenacity. An Ardeshir is at once a Word of Power, a Title, and a lifestyle choice. Only the most dedicated can truly decipher this word, and it‘s power is vast. It grants an additional 450 hp per hit dice, makes one utterly immune to fear, morale effects, poison, disease, surprise rounds, energy drain, ability damage, ability drain, quintessence drain (except on death), gives an aura effect that makes all creatures of 1/10th your hit dice fail all saves and checks, allows your critical hits to deal an amount of extra damage equal to d100 x 1/3rd their total hit dice, grants an additional Perfection bonus to AC equal to your Dexterity score, and attracts 1d6 students of great potential your way for every 10 hit dice you possess. It increases all saves by 1/5th your total hit dice and also increases your critical hit and threat range by two steps. The drawback however is that one must always remain true to their tenants, they must train for two hours each day perfecting their skill, they must have a single weapon that they must dedicate themselves fully to and they must use this weapon (off hand weapons are okay) and must never use magical equipment or any other form of protection.

Mirai: The name of Actoshen’s love, lost to time except for her name. Mirai gives the user focus unmatched, the capability of surviving the tests of time, and returns him to life regardless of the way in which he is killed or destroyed, the Supreme Being himself erased Actoshen from existence at one point and he returned from the very depths of entropy beyond words (albeit in a VERY long time). Mirai allows the user to strike true with one hit per round, allowing him to bypass armor class entirely and even strike beings otherwise removed from being able to be hit. This ability even circumvents Learned Opponent Immunity, immunity to manufactured or natural weapons, Thellemic Damage Induction, and similar powers. This ability like other Words of Chaos, cannot be abrogated.

Im: The Syllable of Violence and the name of the Time Lord aspect of Syno controlling it. Im incites war, reopens ancient feuds, and causes havoc, it also can suppress these feelings, or more malevolently, can be used to temporarily suppress such feelings and unleash a veritable tidal wave of violence at a later date. Im appears as a huge man with a beard of fire seemingly cast of pure orichalcum wielding a massive hammer.

Uhn: The Syllable of Lust, causes any who hear the syllable to become infatuated with whatever the user wishes, usually this is sexual, but can pertain to other effects as well. This can cause hated enemies to fall into each other’s arms, people to become infatuated with undead, golems to suddenly feel attachment or sexual desire or any other imaginable anathema effect Syno so desires, as he is not single faceted this can be used for good as well. This Syllable appears in Time Lord form as a beautiful woman with perfect hips and voluptuous breasts with a stern and general like demeanor and sparkling silver and gold hair.

Eff: The Syllable of Vainglory: This Syllable causes one to become utterly in love with themselves, and all they have done. This can be used to create confidence in a being but is usually used to cause the person some fall or to lead them to ever self-destructive behavior. This Syllable appears as a beautiful and thin man wearing skin tight plate mail seemingly made of purple silver, wearing make up, surrounded in vibrant and beautiful light, androgynous and utterly callous.

Haa: The Syllable of Pride, this causes all being that hear it to become full of their false divinity. This can make beings achieve great heights but makes them see their way as the will divine, placing their goals above all else. This Syllable appears as a golden statuesque man with flowing white kingly robes and hair and armor made of light.

Griin: The Syllable of Greed, this leads to obvious things such as theft and robbery but can literally turn being who might otherwise become divine into nothing but petty criminals, at it’s worst it can destroy whole universes making beings put profit above all else. This appears as a miserly old man made of pure orichalcum polished like a mirror, not unlike a Sadim, and sitting in a vast and floating planet sized ball of gold coins goblets and gems hundreds of feet long.

Omn: The Syllable of Hunger, this leads beings to addiction, to the point that over time they ruin themselves due to it. It can be used again, to help, but rarely. This appears as a naked, morbidly obese being the size of a supernova seemingly made of amorphous flaps of skin and fat, within the folds of flesh many millions of akishra live and strike out at those who get too close attempting to pull in anything they can feasibly grasp.

Rrrraagh: This Chaos syllable is a growl, when uttered it creates a flash of white light and crude letters of dark but rainbow energy seemingly scratched by unknown hands in thin air, it incites a wave of Chaos seals from it’s central point, placed upon it by The Supreme Being at the beginning of time to seal it’s power and check the ancient forces who once abused it's power. This Syllable would be a fully fledged word but it simply conveys a meaning vice a true concept. It can be used in a myriad of ways, from blocking an attack to blasting a foe with unbridles force. There is no save against this ability, the user needs only perceive you in some fashion, and those struck by the Chaos Syllable take 4,000d10,000 unblockable Metempiric Damage and it can block 4,000d10,000 damage when used defensively. This is a free action to use but the user cannot use other Chaos words when using this and it’s damage and other factors are not increased by other abilities such as Telluric Effect or Quantum Effect, though regularly used by Syno it is more of a last ditch effort and harrying ability for him, however his second Manifestation, “The Beast Within” Uses this ability each and every round, simply screaming in the Akashic tone at the top of his lungs.

Temeros: The Chaos Word of the Natural Order, Right through Might, Might of mind, might of body, might of will. This ability can make miraculous impossible battles possible if only because one being is too stubborn to quit. It allows the users constituent parts to be Fully fledged Time Lords, it allows, him to focus his true hatred and energy on any being he sees fit, and allows him to at DMs discretion fully recover from death, regain hp, strike impossible foes, explode into rages that may increase his stats tenfold, and do any other seemingly impossible feat, this however, is not certain, it is an akashic word of order though chaos and chaos never being controlled, an akashic word for uncertainty.

Tatauta: The Akashic word of power for work, Prevail or Endurance, blocks an infinite amount of damage and protects the entire cosmos, can be reupped as an immediate action if negated (as by Infinite Effect)

Galphshin: The Word of Valor grants a Circle of Protection effect against all alignments at a +5000 bonus, provides complete immunity to negative morale effects, charms, compulsions, mundane or magical and grants all allies within his Divine Aura +1,000,000 base temporary HP (multiplied by HP multipliers) and a +1000 Morale bonus on all rolls, saves, checks, DCs, attack, ac, skills, caster level and damage as if it were an additional Divine Bonus though coming from a different source thusly not being subject to abilities that effect or are effected by divine bonuses.

Reeheeri: The word of the hunt, and the power to chase those who walk between dimensions, time, and space and even into Aravoth, Akasha, and the greater reality itself. Thychen has imparted a great trust in Maximus, relying on his power like a watchdog to watch over his corpse until the time where he can recover. As such, Maximus can know if any being attempts to reach Thychen’s body or know any thing he chooses to focus on and can immediately intercept them. This extends without limits to all beings who’s motivations may even just be slightly against the Will Divine and extends to his own motivations as well allowing Maximus to root out any being, ignore any concealment, circumstance or cover bonuses to any attacks, abilities, saves, etc, and roll or check, this also allows Maximus to chase the Watchers of Reim, and reach anywhere in the multiverse immediately as if he were folding space. Maximus must only think the word.

Taiha: Word of Protection, Souls, and Resurgence, this Allows Maximus’ Cosmic String, Transmortality, and Immortality to be utterly undefeatable unless the Word of Chaos: Sharn is used against it. At which point the word must be spoken (or thought) again to reapply this effect. Otherwise even if destroyed he will return to life with full hp and a free full attack as an immediate action if destroyed and even beings such as Thychen Himself can’t fully destroy Maximus

Por Es Ry Hei: The word of neverending Light, Diaz’ signature attack and ability before his fall from grace, now bestowed upon the Celestial Charger Maximus. Por is the word for Light, Es Ry Hei are seals put on the ability by the Supreme Being allowing it’s power to utterly cancel out the machinations of Darkness and for Maximus to affect any being regardless of power ignoring Transilient affects on Saving Throws and Dominance powers of any level. As an attack, it creates a halo of light high above and around the enemy from which they cannot escape. The halo moves relative to the enemy’s position and allows no save. It then unleashes a potent blast of holy lightning bolts down unerringly upon the foe or foes and deals d10,000s of damage to them based on their HD as per Antimatter Effect, dissolving them as their bodies are literally turned to photons, this damage is multiplied based on the enemy’s Hit Point Multiplier. This damage revisits itself every round, dealing full damage every round forever until Judgement has been deemed meted out. This damage cancels out a single layer of infinite health or Unlimited Regeneration, and as such will bypass Infinite Constitution, Invincible Shields, Omnific Toughness, Indissoluble, or Transmortality. Por Es Ry Hei can be used to peel off multiple layers of defense but must be used one time for each layer of defense to be countered. Sin (SinKuRyEpSu) the word of Universal Eradication, or the Wuji Dragon’s Breath of Cleansing Light can be used to counter this effect. It also allows Light, all across Existence, in any form of any size to be controlled by your any whim, effectively allowing you to control the Light of the very multiverse itself. This ability is both active and passive, once spoke it's effect is constant and need not be spoke again, unless used as an attack. Maximus was in essense the effect of this word being spoken with the intention of placing it on a new being, he is assumed to always be controlling the Light around him to the extent of the current universe he inhabits.

Eoh: The Akashic word for a wish or more literally a dreaming and the Tree of Life which touches every plane and every realm of every being. Upgrades Alter Reality to allow nearly any effect. Much like Reim’s “Heart’s Desire” ability but limitless in potential and only limited by the need for others to roll saving throws against it’s effects, negating the effect if saved against, like an illusion made real. Depending on the necessity of the wish, the tone and pitch of the word shifts and alters sounding at times like different words all together.

Ser Ca Sem Bra: The name of the sealed Aspect of Destruction, the true Aspect of Flames, Ser Ca is all that’s needed to raise that divine monstrosity from his eternal sleep, Sem Bra are seals put on it by the Supreme Being lolling that being back to it’s slumber. Allows the use of an Expression of Power type effect that deals damage as if it were coming from a stage 18 Highlord but deals damage as per the Ultima Flare effect as Sercasembra rouses from it’s sleep momentarily. This is a cone, line, aura, touch, beam, blast or strike effect and cannot be used for immolation, or wrath (gaze) effects. It uses Rei’s attack roll and DC’s but Sercasembra’s damage. Additionally, this fire burns away 1 Omnific, Transcendental, Cosmic or Divine ability per round they remain on fire, these will always target layers of infinite health first then are picked at random and remain lost until a remove curse is cast upon the victim regardless of immunity. Sercasembra may be called upon as much as the user likes however consecutive rounds leaves the Destroyer awake and the longer he stays awake the more pressure he puts on the user, It will attempt to suggest the user open the gate and free him, the power deferential between the two is so vast that the moment the users defenses go down, Sercasembra will win the argument and invariably the user will release him, leading to his own destruction. As such he will generally only use this ability sparingly. Alternatively it can be used in conjunction with his Cosmic Key’s Sealing power making beings caught in that place trapped for 1 round with the destroyer before it lulls back to sleep. Significant damage on the destroyer will awaken it completely and it will fight to escape and kill any who are within reach so this tactic has potential for failure. This also grants Rei access to the coveted True Fire or Ultima Flare Domain, and grants him the Omnific Fire Effect Omnific Ability for free, allowing him to command and control any manner of fire as if it were normal flames and manipulate it as if it were a mix between shape stone and incendiary cloud. (All the above are by Beefermatic)

And, because it would hardly be fair to ask strangers to do work for me if I didn't pitch in, some I thought up:

Reschracht: The word of crippling. Creates a swirling dark blast of energy that twists and blackens whatever it hits, rendering it useless and dead. So, if it hits a limb, that limb and anything that requires it is unusable.

Helidarx: The word of evolution, whatever it is used on will rapidly adapt into a superior form. What exactly this entails may vary, it may get smarter, stronger, faster, develop new abilities, or something entirely else too bizarre to guess.

Aherah: The word of entertainment, it can warp the environment in strange ways, turn people into toys, trap people in games or shows, or even change how the rules of the actual game work in the area. The main limitation is that it can't do anything that wouldn't make an interesting story. Also, some uses may allow saves to resist.

Iseeyou: The word of fourth wall breaking. Simply by knowing it, the user becomes aware of the fact they're in a game, and can see into the real world. This allows them to utilize out-of-universe knowledge and, if they can get away with it, cheat.

Chritem: Much like Sharn, more a gesture than a word. When used a glowing pictogram of a clock appears in front of the users appendage, and by turning their hand they may move the hand of the clock and therefore the timeline of the target. This allows the user to fast forward an enemy to their demise or rewind them to when they were a defenseless child, or to accelerate an ally/themselves to a stronger state or rewind them to before an injury.

And a sillier one:

Oblitatuk: Everything everywhere takes ∞d∞ x ∞^∞ damage. Not only does this immediately end the campaign, it also ends all the other campaigns you have active, because it's just that powerful.
Nice to have all of them in one place. Each Aspect has an amount of Words of Chaos equivalent to their highlord rank, so Par, who is the Aspect of Water and Healing, has 4 words associated with her.

Generally, words of Chaos cannot be learned by PCs they're like balancing tools to make beings the PCs won't just be able to abrogate or infinite stat their way out of, but moreover they represent the Supreme Being’s total control over all aspects of reality and his sharing of that power, a single word from the vast Akashic Libraries, with a being for a specific purpose.

That's why, generally speaking besides Actoshen, Solarius and Rei all the Aspects are just that aspects, like divine aspects like what a basic deity can create, parts of Thychen given sentience, life, and modus but for a specific reason. So just random words for no reason can make sense as the Library has more written in it than can be defined, they'd just be very rare or very improbable that PCs would ever access them. The Void Lords have access to the Chaos Language, Thychen has access to it, but generally only the Aspects besides them have access to it, and with them it's only a couple words at a time.

There are, however, also Glitch Aspects which are like unintended Aspects created by Thychen’s subconscious, fears, doubts, or worries. The Glitch Aspects are

Dural Aspect of Stone
Gon Aspect of Breakage
Crystarra Aspect of Crystallization
Jarren Aspect of Pain
Tyr Aspect of Entropy
*Katarov Aspect of Oblivion

*Katarov is technically a part of the Akashic, the Root of the Akashic Library, creator of all creations in this world it is known as Gamma Aspect of the Earth, and allows itself to be subservient in some way to Thychen as it wishes to experience Thychen’s reality. Once though, long ago, Thychen and Gamma "fought" Gamma allowed itself to be subject to emotion, Spirit and the physical world to some degree and Thychen attempted to arrest control over Gamma by separating its emotions, soul and physical body. It's emotions became Actoshen, it's body remained seemingly unchanged, and it's soul became a solar system sized dragon growing ever larger that looked like a sandstorm absorbing and Disintegrating everything it contacted, this is Katarov.

There are a couple other Glitch Aspects I'm not remembering off the top of my head, I'll try to remember and post the basic idea here.

All the Glitch Aspects have Words of Chaos associated with them as well, all of them can use those words just as if Thychen granted it to them. The main difference between them and true aspects is that Thychen keeps these ones sealed away as best he can and their powers tend to have Akashic Seals placed upon them limiting their capabilities significantly.

Last note, and I'm really not trying to be an a$$hole here as I really do like a lot of their work, but I try to actually balance my stuff to make it usable in super high level games by DMs, so I wouldn't really put much stock into Apep's work, at least not regarding Words of Chaos. They made some cool stuff, but the majority of it really can't be used at all. Even Thychen is "supposed" to be accessible by a party should they get high enough level, like your party should, theoretically with enough powers be able to beat him, hes designed like that specifically to make him actually usable. Most of Apep's stuff was just numerical masterbation and a plethora of unblockable, undodgable, uncounterable "I Win" powers, so I don't really count any of their works that were just taken off the back of my works without permission. Just putting that out there. 😒
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Nice to have all of them in one place. Each Aspect has an amount of Words of Chaos equivalent to their highlord rank, so Par, who is the Aspect of Water and Healing, has 4 words associated with her.

Generally, words of Chaos cannot be learned by PCs they're like balancing tools to make beings the PCs won't just be able to abrogate or infinite stat their way out of, but moreover they represent the Supreme Being’s total control over all aspects of reality and his sharing of that power, a single word from the vast Akashic Libraries, with a being for a specific purpose.

That's why, generally speaking besides Actoshen, Solarius and Rei all the Aspects are just that aspects, like divine aspects like what a basic deity can create, parts of Thychen given sentience, life, and modus but for a specific reason. So just random words for no reason cab make sense as the Library has more written in it than can be defined. The Void Lords have access to the Chaos Language, Thychen has access to it, but generally only the Aspects besides them have access to it, and with them it's only a couple words at a time.

There are also Glitch Aspects which are like unintended Aspects created by Thychen’s subconscious, fears, doubts, or worries. The Glitch Aspects are

Dural Aspect of Stone
Gon Aspect of Breakage
Crystarra Aspect of Crystallization
Jarren Aspect of Pain
Tyr Aspect of Entropy
*Katarov Aspect of Oblivion

*Katarov is technically a part of the Akashic, the Root of the Akashic Library, creator of all creations in this world it is known as Gamma Aspect of the Earth, and allows itself to be subservient in some way to Thychen as it wishes to experience Thychen’s reality. Once though, long ago, Thychen and Gamma "fought" Gamma allowed itself to be subject to emotion, Spirit and the physical world to some degree and Thychen attempted to arrest control over Gamma by separating its emotions, soul and physical body. It's emotions became Actoshen, it's body remained seemingly unchanged, and it's soul became a solar system sized dragon growing ever larger that looked like a sandstorm absorbing and Disintegrating everything it contacted, this is Katarov.

There are a couple other Glitch Aspects I'm not remembering off the top of my head, I'll try to remember and post the basic idea here.

All the Glitch Aspects have Words of Chaos associated with them as well, all of them can use those words just as if Thychen granted it to them. The main difference between them and true aspects is that Thychen keeps these ones sealed away as best he can and their powers tend to have Akashic Seals placed upon them limiting their capabilities significantly.

Last note, I try to actually balance my stuff to make it usable in super high level games by DMs, so I wouldn't really put much stock into Apep's work. They made some cool stuff, but the majority of it really can't be used at all. Even Thychen is "supposed" to be accessible by a party should they get high enough level, like your party should, theoretically with enough powers be able to beat him, hes designed like that specifically to make him actually usable. Most of Apep's stuff was just numerical masterbation and a plethora of unblockable, undodgable, uncounterable "I Win" powers, so I don't really count any of their works that were just taken off the back of my works without permission. Just putting that out there. 😒
Alright, thanks for the explanation. I really like the glitch aspects, because they sound really interesting. I'm a big fan of the various aspects you made, they're really cool and I'd like to see more of them eventually. (To be clear I'm not saying you have to make more, I just like them and can't really think of a better way to phrase "I'd like to see more someday")

And yeah, I noticed a lot of Apep's stuff was just sticking "I win" buttons on. Still, I do think some of his stuff was interesting enough to try using someday.

Speaking of, hoping my Words were up to your standards lol.
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Alright, thanks for the explanation. I really like the glitch aspects, because they sound really interesting. I'm a big fan of the various aspects you made, they're really cool and I'd like to see more of them eventually. (To be clear I'm not saying you have to make more, I just like them and can't really think of a better way to phrase "I'd like to see more someday")
You're welcome!
And yeah, I noticed a lot of Apep's stuff was just sticking "I win" buttons on. Still, I do think some of his stuff was interesting enough to try using someday.

Speaking of, hoping my Words were up to your standards lol.
They seem pretty cool honestly. Interesting. I'll give my impression on each below.
Reschracht: The word of crippling. Creates a swirling dark blast of energy that twists and blackens whatever it hits, rendering it useless and dead. So, if it hits a limb, that limb and anything that requires it is unusable.
This is probably my favorite, a nasty word of Chaos for sure.
Helidarx: The word of evolution, whatever it is used on will rapidly adapt into a superior form. What exactly this entails may vary, it may get smarter, stronger, faster, develop new abilities, or something entirely else too bizarre to guess.
This is very cool too, I like the idea.
Aherah: The word of entertainment, it can warp the environment in strange ways, turn people into toys, trap people in games or shows, or even change how the rules of the actual game work in the area. The main limitation is that it can't do anything that wouldn't make an interesting story. Also, some uses may allow saves to resist.
Interesting, it's a little open ended, but an interesting concept. Makes me think a little obliquely.
Iseeyou: The word of fourth wall breaking. Simply by knowing it, the user becomes aware of the fact they're in a game, and can see into the real world. This allows them to utilize out-of-universe knowledge and, if they can get away with it, cheat.
This is alright, a little tongue in cheek, I think it's a little too, I'm not sure the word, on the nose I suppose and a little too strong, but it seems cool.
Chritem: Much like Sharn, more a gesture than a word. When used a glowing pictogram of a clock appears in front of the users appendage, and by turning their hand they may move the hand of the clock and therefore the timeline of the target. This allows the user to fast forward an enemy to their demise or rewind them to when they were a defenseless child, or to accelerate an ally/themselves to a stronger state or rewind them to before an injury.
I like this one, the clock symbolism is awesome.
And a sillier one:

Oblitatuk: Everything everywhere takes ∞d∞ x ∞^∞ damage. Not only does this immediately end the campaign, it also ends all the other campaigns you have active, because it's just that powerful
Lol obviously this is overpowered as fuxk


New Word I came up with:

Yoraasth: The word of authority. Through it the user may make any demand and force it to be obeyed. This applies to sentient beings, obviously, but it can also command natural forces. It cannot make a thing do something it is unable to do, but otherwise its hold is absolute.


Another one:

Ivernast: The word of inversion. Allows the user to make any value (ability scores, damage, to-hit, etc. At the DMs discretion changes to stats may be temporary) become the difference between it and the next highest power of 100. (So 100, 10000, 1000000, 100000000 and so on.) This allows them to make the mightiest attacks fall flat or make comparatively weak attacks mighty. The DM may choose to allow other possible effects, such as changing alignments/personality traits, flipping things between states of matter, or even turning matter into antimatter and vice versa.
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