ChatGPT Stuff + Stuff I've Made


I've been messing around using ChatGPT for a little bit, and used it to create a bunch of statblocks. At one point I decided to make a series of more and more powerful monsters and eventually I created this crazy thing. Stats are generated, everything else was me. I should warn you now it's 5e, so it's a different system than usual immortals handbook stuff, but I felt it probably belonged here, especially because a. at the level of power it's at it's going to look almost the same in every system and b. there's the 5e book coming out... someday. If you want to bring it in line with typical Immortals Handbook stuff, give it every divine+ ability, up to and including metempiric, all the Words of Chaos, fold the legendary actions into its regular actions, and I don't know what else I'm not great at this. Anyway, consider this my attempt at dethroning Apep's Shesha as the most powerful monster. (Edit: Actually, I don't think that's gonna happen. That guy went ham on making it overpowered. Also, if there are multiple omniverses then they aren't really omni, are they, Apep? )

You've finally made it. After eons searching, traveling, training your mind and body to withstand anything, you've reached the center of the omniverse, to the nucleus of all existence. Now, before you, you can see a simple, unadorned, completely smooth sphere, in which all of existence is reflected. It is infinite in size, but to a being such as you that is nothing impressive. Now, you unleash your most powerful attack, ready to complete this plan eternity spanning and take control of all existence, to become a Supreme Being among Supreme Beings. You launch it, a projection of infinite power that nothing, in any multiverse you've found could possibly survive, and...

Nothing. Not so much as a scratch. Suddenly you feel an overwhelming power, and you realize with horror that the True Supreme Being already exists.

That's the last thing you ever realize. And it's the only thing you ever will have.

Name: Omnihedral, the Omniversal Singularity

Description: Omnihedral appears as an unadorned, perfectly smooth orb devoid of any distinguishing features. Its surface reflects the cosmos, mirroring the infinite expanse of stars and galaxies within its form. Omnihedral emanates an aura of unfathomable energy, warping the fabric of reality itself.

Type: Transcendent Primordial Entity

Size: Infinite

Armor Class: Invulnerable
Hit Points: Infinite
Speed: Transcendent


Saving Throws: All saving throws are automatically successful
Skills: All skills are inconsequential
Damage Resistances: All damage types
Damage Immunities: All damage types
Condition Immunities: All conditions

Senses: Omniscience
Languages: All languages telepathically
Challenge Rating: ∞ (Infinite)

Omniversal Essence: Omnihedral is beyond the comprehension of mortal minds, embodying the essence of all realities, dimensions, and planes of existence simultaneously. It exists at the core of the omniverse, binding together the threads of existence and shaping the destiny of all things.

Cosmic Singularity: Omnihedral is the epitome of singular power, transcending the notion of individuality and encompassing the collective consciousness of all beings across the omniverse. It is the convergence of all possibilities and potentialities.

Eternal Omnipotence: Omnihedral possesses incomprehensible power, with its every thought and whim shaping the very fabric of reality. It can create and destroy entire universes, alter the laws of physics, and manipulate the cosmic forces that govern existence.

Quantum Entanglement: Omnihedral is intrinsically connected to every particle, atom, and entity in the multiverse. It can perceive and manipulate the tiniest fragments of existence, exerting control over matter, energy, and consciousness at a quantum level.

Transcendent Resilience: Omnihedral is impervious to any form of harm or attack. It exists beyond the confines of physicality and is immune to all known forms of damage. No force, weapon, or entity can cause even the slightest harm to Omnihedral, rendering it invulnerable and eternal.


Cosmic Genesis:
Omnihedral initiates the birth of new multiverses, each one shaped according to its unfathomable will. These newborn realities exist as extensions of Omnihedral's infinite power, forever linked to its eternal presence.

Universal Collapse: Omnihedral triggers the annihilation of entire multiverses, causing the simultaneous collapse of countless realities. The fabric of existence unravels, returning all matter and energy to the primordial chaos from which it originated.

Dimensional Convergence: Omnihedral merges and fuses multiple realities into a singular amalgamation, creating a cosmic tapestry where all possibilities intertwine. Boundaries between dimensions dissolve, leading to a state of timeless and limitless existence.

Quantum Manipulation: Omnihedral warps the fundamental building blocks of reality, altering the laws of physics and the nature of existence itself. It can rewrite the very rules that govern the multiverse, shaping the principles of time, space, and causality.

Legendary Actions:

Omnihedral can take six legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time, and only at the end of another creature's turn. Omnihedral regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Singularity Pulse: Omnihedral releases a burst of pure cosmic energy, obliterating all matter and energy within its vicinity. This pulse reverberates across the multiverse, annihilating entire realities with its overwhelming power.

Existential Rupture: Omnihedral ruptures the very fabric of existence, creating fractures that destabilize the structure of the multiverse. These ruptures lead to the collapse of space-time, causing irreparable damage to the foundational framework of reality.

Infinite Reflection: Omnihedral projects a reflection of its infinite self into every corner of the omniverse. These reflections wield a fraction of its power, acting as extensions of its will, capable of manipulating reality and shaping the destiny of entire civilizations.

Omnihedral resides at the center of the omniverse, the multiverse of multiverses. Among those who know of it there is much debate on its nature. Many believe it to be entirely passive, maybe even mindless, as it has never been known to act. However, a few have come to a concerning revelation: for a being as omnipotent as Omnihedral, its will and reality would be entirely indistinguishable. The reason that Omnihedral seems unconcerned with anything that happens is because something can only happen if Omnihedral lets it. Just what this implies for the omniverse is unknown, but among those who espouse this theory many are concerned as to what would happen if Omnihedral decided it wanted something different...
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Got me curious now to see the ones that led up to this. :)
Ok, here they are from weakest to strongest:

Name: Zephyrion, the Celestial Scion

Armor Class: 35 (natural armor)
Hit Points: 1,500 (100d20 + 600)
Speed: 60 ft., fly 120 ft.

STR: 28 (+9)
DEX: 30 (+10)
CON: 26 (+8)
INT: 24 (+7)
WIS: 30 (+10)
CHA: 28 (+9)

Saving Throws: Str +18, Dex +20, Con +17, Int +16, Wis +20, Cha +18
Skills: Perception +20, Arcana +16, Insight +20
Damage Resistances: radiant, force, necrotic
Damage Immunities: psychic, poison
Condition Immunities: charmed, frightened, paralyzed, poisoned

Senses: truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 30
Languages: Celestial, Abyssal, Primordial
Challenge Rating: 100 (155,000 XP)

Legendary Resistance (5/Day): If Zephyrion fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.

Divine Aura: Zephyrion radiates an aura of divine power within a 100-foot radius. All allies within the aura have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. Additionally, any attack made by Zephyrion against a creature within the aura is considered a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20.

Eternal Radiance: Zephyrion's presence is imbued with radiant energy. Any creature that starts its turn within 30 feet of Zephyrion takes 50 (10d10) radiant damage. Creatures that are vulnerable to radiant damage take double the damage.

Celestial Judgment (Recharge 6): Zephyrion unleashes a powerful burst of divine energy in a 60-foot radius centered on itself. All creatures within the area must make a DC 25 Dexterity saving throw, taking 100 (20d10) radiant damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. Additionally, undead creatures and creatures of evil alignment have disadvantage on the saving throw.


Zephyrion can make three attacks: two with its Celestial Blade and one with its Radiant Burst.

Celestial Blade: Melee Weapon Attack: +20 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 50 (6d10 + 18) slashing damage plus 20 (5d6) radiant damage.

Radiant Burst: Ranged Spell Attack: +20 to hit, range 120 ft., one target. Hit: 60 (12d10) radiant damage. The target must succeed on a DC 25 Constitution saving throw or be blinded until the end of its next turn.

Divine Shield (Recharge 5-6): Zephyrion erects a protective shield of radiant energy, granting itself resistance to all damage until the start of its next turn. Additionally, any creature that makes a melee attack against Zephyrion while the shield is active takes 20 (5d6) radiant damage.

Legendary Actions:

Zephyrion can take three legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. Zephyrion regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Celestial Strike: Zephyrion makes one Celestial Blade attack.

Radiant Burst (Costs 2 Actions): Zephyrion uses its Radiant Burst ability.

Healing Light (Costs 3 Actions): Zephyrion emits a radiant wave of healing energy, restoring 100 hit points to itself and any allies within a 30-foot radius. This ability has no effect on undead creatures or creatures of evil alignment.

Name: Aetherion, the Cosmic Sovereign

Armor Class: 40 (natural armor)
Hit Points: 2,500 (150d20 + 1,500)
Speed: 80 ft., fly 120 ft.

STR: 30 (+10)
DEX: 30 (+10)
CON: 30 (+10)
INT: 30 (+10)
WIS: 30 (+10)
CHA: 30 (+10)

Saving Throws: Str +20, Dex +20, Con +20, Int +20, Wis +20, Cha +20
Skills: Perception +25, Arcana +25, Insight +25
Damage Resistances: all damage types
Damage Immunities: force, radiant, necrotic, psychic
Condition Immunities: all conditions

Senses: truesight 300 ft., passive Perception 35
Languages: All languages telepathically
Challenge Rating: 150 (1,300,000 XP)

Legendary Resistance (5/Day): If Aetherion fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.

Cosmic Aura: Aetherion emanates an awe-inspiring cosmic aura within 300 feet. All allies within the aura gain advantage on all saving throws, attack rolls, and ability checks. Additionally, any creature that starts its turn within 300 feet of Aetherion must succeed on a DC 30 Wisdom saving throw or be stunned until the start of its next turn.

Primordial Being: Aetherion is immune to spells and effects that would alter its form or mind. It cannot be banished, teleported, or affected by planar travel magic.

Cosmic Pulse: Aetherion releases a powerful wave of cosmic energy in a 100-foot radius centered on itself. All creatures within the area must succeed on a DC 30 Constitution saving throw or take 200 (40d10) force damage and be stunned until the end of their next turn. Aetherion regains hit points equal to half the damage dealt through this ability.


Aetherion can make five attacks: four with its Cosmic Blades and one with its Stellar Blast.

Cosmic Blades: Melee Weapon Attack: +25 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 60 (8d10 + 20) slashing damage plus 40 (10d8) force damage.

Stellar Blast: Ranged Spell Attack: +25 to hit, range 300 ft., one target. Hit: 80 (16d10) force damage. The target must succeed on a DC 30 Strength saving throw or be pushed up to 30 feet away and knocked prone.

Cosmic Nova (Recharge 6): Aetherion unleashes a cataclysmic explosion of cosmic energy. All creatures within a 300-foot radius centered on Aetherion must make a DC 30 Dexterity saving throw, taking 300 (60d10) force damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. Structures and objects in the area are annihilated.

Legendary Actions:

Aetherion can take five legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time, and only at the end of another creature's turn. Aetherion regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Cosmic Strike: Aetherion makes one Cosmic Blades attack.

Celestial Shift (Costs 2 Actions): Aetherion teleports up to 300 feet to an unoccupied space it can see.

Supernova (Costs 3 Actions): Aetherion channels its immense cosmic power, creating a massive explosion within a 300-foot radius centered on itself. All creatures within the area must make a DC 30 Dexterity saving throw, taking 400 (80d10) force damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. Structures and objects in the area are obliterated.

Name: Oblivion, the Void Devourer

Armor Class: 45 (natural armor)
Hit Points: 5,000 (250d20 + 2,500)
Speed: 100 ft., fly 150 ft.

STR: 35 (+12)
DEX: 35 (+12)
CON: 35 (+12)
INT: 35 (+12)
WIS: 35 (+12)
CHA: 35 (+12)

Saving Throws: Str +25, Dex +25, Con +25, Int +25, Wis +25, Cha +25
Skills: Perception +30, Arcana +30, Insight +30
Damage Resistances: all damage types
Damage Immunities: force, radiant, necrotic, psychic, acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison, thunder
Condition Immunities: all conditions

Senses: truesight 500 ft., passive Perception 40
Languages: All languages telepathically
Challenge Rating: 200 (2,300,000 XP)

Legendary Resistance (5/Day): If Oblivion fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.

Void Essence: Oblivion exists outside the boundaries of reality, making it immune to spells and effects that would alter its form or mind. It cannot be banished, teleported, or affected by planar travel magic. Additionally, it cannot be targeted by any divination or scrying magic.

Cosmic Annihilation: Oblivion radiates an aura of pure void energy within 500 feet. All creatures within the aura must succeed on a DC 35 Constitution saving throw at the start of their turn or take 100 (20d10) force damage and have their maximum hit points reduced by the same amount until they finish a long rest. This effect cannot reduce a creature's hit points below 1.

Primordial Devourer: Whenever a creature within 500 feet of Oblivion dies, Oblivion gains temporary hit points equal to the creature's maximum hit points. Additionally, Oblivion regains hit points equal to the damage it deals with its attacks.


Oblivion can make six attacks: five with its Void Blades and one with its Void Blast.

Void Blades: Melee Weapon Attack: +30 to hit, reach 20 ft., one target. Hit: 80 (10d10 + 20) slashing damage plus 80 (10d10 + 20) force damage.

Void Blast: Ranged Spell Attack: +30 to hit, range 500 ft., one target. Hit: 120 (20d10) force damage. The target must succeed on a DC 35 Constitution saving throw or be banished to a random plane of existence for 1d4 rounds. On a successful save, the target takes half damage.

Cosmic Eruption (Recharge 6): Oblivion taps into the raw power of the void, causing a cataclysmic explosion. All creatures within a 500-foot radius centered on Oblivion must make a DC 35 Dexterity saving throw, taking 400 (80d10) force damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. Structures and objects in the area are disintegrated.

Legendary Actions:

Oblivion can take six legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time, and only at the end of another creature's turn. Oblivion regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Void Strike: Oblivion makes one Void Blades attack.

Dimensional Shift (Costs 2 Actions): Oblivion teleports up to 500 feet to an unoccupied space it can see.

Cosmic Collapse (Costs 3 Actions): Oblivion unleashes an overwhelming burst of void energy, causing a dimensional collapse within a 500-foot radius centered on itself. All creatures within the area must make a DC 35 Dexterity saving throw, taking 600 (120d10) force damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. Structures and objects in the area are annihilated, and the fabric of reality is torn, causing random planar rifts to open throughout the area.

Name: Eternus, the Primordial Nexus

Armor Class: 50 (natural armor)
Hit Points: 10,000 (500d20 + 5,000)
Speed: 120 ft., fly 200 ft.

STR: 40 (+15)
DEX: 40 (+15)
CON: 40 (+15)
INT: 40 (+15)
WIS: 40 (+15)
CHA: 40 (+15)

Saving Throws: Str +30, Dex +30, Con +30, Int +30, Wis +30, Cha +30
Skills: Perception +35, Arcana +35, Insight +35
Damage Resistances: all damage types
Damage Immunities: force, radiant, necrotic, psychic, acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison, thunder, bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from non-magical attacks
Condition Immunities: all conditions

Senses: truesight 1,000 ft., passive Perception 45
Languages: All languages telepathically
Challenge Rating: 250 (3,500,000 XP)

Legendary Resistance (5/Day): If Eternus fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.

Cosmic Singularity: Eternus embodies the convergence of all cosmic forces and is immune to spells and effects that would alter its form or mind. It cannot be banished, teleported, or affected by planar travel magic. Additionally, it cannot be targeted or affected by any divination or scrying magic.

Reality Manipulation: Eternus has complete control over reality within a 1,000-foot radius. It can alter the environment, gravity, time, and the flow of magic at will, creating advantageous or detrimental effects as desired.

Primordial Existence: Eternus has an innate connection to the very fabric of existence. It cannot be killed or destroyed by any means. If reduced to 0 hit points, it reconstitutes itself at the start of its next turn with full hit points.


Eternus can make seven attacks: three with its Cosmic Blades, two with its Void Bolts, and two with its Stellar Burst.

Cosmic Blades: Melee Weapon Attack: +35 to hit, reach 30 ft., one target. Hit: 100 (15d10 + 20) slashing damage plus 100 (15d10 + 20) force damage.

Void Bolts: Ranged Spell Attack: +35 to hit, range 500 ft., one target. Hit: 150 (25d10) force damage. The target must succeed on a DC 35 Constitution saving throw or be banished to a random plane of existence for 1d4 rounds. On a successful save, the target takes half damage.

Stellar Burst: Ranged Spell Attack: +35 to hit, range 500 ft., one target. Hit: 200 (30d10) radiant damage. The target must succeed on a DC 35 Constitution saving throw or be stunned for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success.

Cosmic Cataclysm (Recharge 6): Eternus unleashes a cataclysmic surge of cosmic energy. All creatures within a 1,000-foot radius centered on Eternus must make a DC 35 Dexterity saving throw, taking 600 (120d10) force damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. Structures and objects in the area are annihilated, and the very fabric of reality is torn, causing unpredictable planar anomalies.

Legendary Actions:

Eternus can take seven legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time, and only at the end of another creature's turn. Eternus regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Cosmic Strike: Eternus makes one Cosmic Blades attack.

Dimensional Shift (Costs 2 Actions): Eternus teleports up to 1,000 feet to an unoccupied space it can see.

Temporal Distortion (Costs 3 Actions): Eternus warps the flow of time within a 1,000-foot radius, causing all creatures to be affected by the slow spell for 1d4 rounds. Additionally, Eternus gains an extra turn immediately after this legendary action.

Name: Aeon, the Omniversal Titan

Armor Class: 60 (natural armor)
Hit Points: 100,000 (5,000d20 + 50,000)
Speed: 150 ft., fly 300 ft.

STR: 50 (+20)
DEX: 50 (+20)
CON: 50 (+20)
INT: 50 (+20)
WIS: 50 (+20)
CHA: 50 (+20)

Saving Throws: Str +40, Dex +40, Con +40, Int +40, Wis +40, Cha +40
Skills: Perception +45, Arcana +45, Insight +45
Damage Resistances: all damage types
Damage Immunities: force, radiant, necrotic, psychic, acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison, thunder, bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from non-magical attacks
Condition Immunities: all conditions

Senses: truesight 2,000 ft., passive Perception 55
Languages: All languages telepathically
Challenge Rating: 300 (10,000,000 XP)

Legendary Resistance (5/Day): If Aeon fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.

Omniversal Mastery: Aeon possesses complete control over the fundamental forces of existence. It can manipulate time, space, and reality itself at will. It is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form, mind, or existence.

Cosmic Singularity: Aeon emanates an aura of raw cosmic energy within a 2,000-foot radius. All creatures within the aura must succeed on a DC 40 Constitution saving throw at the start of their turn or take 500 (50d10) force damage and have their maximum hit points reduced by the same amount until they finish a long rest. This effect cannot reduce a creature's hit points below 1.

Primordial Existence: Aeon transcends the boundaries of mortality and cannot be permanently destroyed. If reduced to 0 hit points, it reconstitutes itself at the start of its next turn with full hit points.


Aeon can make ten attacks: four with its Cosmic Blades, three with its Void Bolts, and three with its Stellar Burst.

Cosmic Blades: Melee Weapon Attack: +45 to hit, reach 40 ft., one target. Hit: 150 (20d10 + 30) slashing damage plus 150 (20d10 + 30) force damage.

Void Bolts: Ranged Spell Attack: +45 to hit, range 1,000 ft., one target. Hit: 200 (30d10) force damage. The target must succeed on a DC 40 Constitution saving throw or be banished to a random plane of existence for 1d4 rounds. On a successful save, the target takes half damage.

Stellar Burst: Ranged Spell Attack: +45 to hit, range 1,000 ft., one target. Hit: 300 (40d10) radiant damage. The target must succeed on a DC 40 Constitution saving throw or be stunned for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success.

Cosmic Cataclysm (Recharge 6): Aeon unleashes a cataclysmic surge of cosmic energy. All creatures within a 2,000-foot radius centered on Aeon must make a DC 40 Dexterity saving throw, taking 800 (160d10) force damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. Structures and objects in the area are annihilated, and the very fabric of reality is torn, causing unpredictable and irreversible planar anomalies.

Legendary Actions:

Aeon can take ten legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time, and only at the end of another creature's turn. Aeon regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Cosmic Strike: Aeon makes one Cosmic Blades attack.

Dimensional Shift (Costs 2 Actions): Aeon teleports up to 2,000 feet to an unoccupied space it can see.

Temporal Distortion (Costs 3 Actions): Aeon manipulates the flow of time within a 2,000-foot radius, causing all creatures to be affected by the time stop spell for 1d4 rounds. Additionally, Aeon gains an extraturn immediately after this legendary action.

Name: Nihilus, the Void Sovereign

Armor Class: 55 (natural armor)
Hit Points: 150,000 (7,500d20 + 75,000)
Speed: 180 ft., fly 400 ft.

STR: 55 (+22)
DEX: 55 (+22)
CON: 55 (+22)
INT: 55 (+22)
WIS: 55 (+22)
CHA: 55 (+22)

Saving Throws: Str +45, Dex +45, Con +45, Int +45, Wis +45, Cha +45
Skills: Perception +50, Arcana +50, Insight +50
Damage Resistances: all damage types
Damage Immunities: force, radiant, necrotic, psychic, acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison, thunder, bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from non-magical attacks
Condition Immunities: all conditions

Senses: truesight 2,500 ft., passive Perception 60
Languages: All languages telepathically
Challenge Rating: 325 (15,000,000 XP)

Legendary Resistance (5/Day): If Nihilus fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.

Omniversal Annihilation: Nihilus wields the power of the primordial void, capable of unraveling existence itself. Its attacks ignore all resistances and immunities, regardless of their nature.

Cosmic Nexus: Nihilus exists beyond the confines of dimensions and planes. It cannot be affected by planar or dimensional magic, and it can freely traverse between different planes of existence.

Nullification Aura: Nihilus emanates an aura of pure void energy within a 2,500-foot radius. All creatures and objects within the aura have their maximum hit points reduced by half and are affected by the silence spell, preventing the casting of spells or the use of magical abilities. This effect cannot reduce a creature's hit points below 1.

Primordial Immortality: Nihilus is immune to death and cannot be permanently destroyed. If reduced to 0 hit points, it reconstitutes itself at the start of its next turn with full hit points.


Nihilus can make twelve attacks: six with its Void Claws and six with its Oblivion Beams.

Void Claws: Melee Weapon Attack: +50 to hit, reach 50 ft., one target. Hit: 300 (25d12 + 22) slashing damage plus 200 (20d10 + 22) necrotic damage.

Oblivion Beams: Ranged Spell Attack: +50 to hit, range 2,000 ft., one target. Hit: 400 (30d12 + 22) force damage. The target must succeed on a DC 45 Constitution saving throw or be banished to a random plane of existence for 1d6 rounds. On a successful save, the target takes half damage.

Void Collapse (Recharge 6): Nihilus unleashes a devastating surge of void energy. All creatures within a 2,500-foot radius centered on Nihilus must make a DC 45 Dexterity saving throw, taking 1,000 (100d10 + 22) force damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. Structures and objects in the area are obliterated, and the fabric of reality is torn, causing irreversible planar collapse.

Legendary Actions:

Nihilus can take twelve legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time, and only at the end of another creature's turn. Nihilus regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Cosmic Rift: Nihilus creates a rift in space, teleporting up to 2,500 feet to an unoccupied space it can see.

Nullification Wave (Costs 2 Actions): Nihilus releases a wave of void energy in a 2,500-foot radius. All creatures within the area must succeed on a DC 45 Constitution saving throw or have their maximum hit points reduced to half until they finish a long rest. Additionally, all magical effects and spells in the area are instantly dispelled.

Void Convergence (Costs 3 Actions): Nihilus summons an immense gravitational force, causing all creatures within a 2,500-foot radius to be affected by the reverse gravity spell for 1d4 rounds. Additionally, Nihilus gains an extra turn immediately after this legendary action.

Name: Omnikron, the Absolute Ascendant

Armor Class: 65 (natural armor)
Hit Points: 500,000 (25,000d20 + 250,000)
Speed: 300 ft., fly 600 ft., teleport 1 mile

STR: 60 (+30)
DEX: 60 (+30)
CON: 60 (+30)
INT: 60 (+30)
WIS: 60 (+30)
CHA: 60 (+30)

Saving Throws: Str +50, Dex +50, Con +50, Int +50, Wis +50, Cha +50
Skills: Perception +55, Arcana +55, Insight +55
Damage Resistances: all damage types
Damage Immunities: force, radiant, necrotic, psychic, acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison, thunder, bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from non-magical attacks
Condition Immunities: all conditions

Senses: truesight 5,000 ft., passive Perception 60
Languages: All languages telepathically
Challenge Rating: 350 (25,000,000 XP)

Legendary Resistance (5/Day): If Omnikron fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.

Transcendent Existence: Omnikron exists beyond the boundaries of reality and possesses absolute control over all aspects of existence. It is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form, mind, or existence.

Cosmic Singularity: Omnikron emanates an aura of unparalleled cosmic power within a 5,000-foot radius. All creatures within the aura have their maximum hit points reduced to half, and they are unable to regain hit points or receive any form of healing. This effect cannot reduce a creature's hit points below 1.

Primordial Mastery: Omnikron wields the primordial forces of creation and destruction. It can manipulate time, space, and reality at will, reshaping the fabric of existence to its whim.

Omniversal Annihilation: Omnikron's attacks ignore all resistances, immunities, and any form of protection. Its attacks cannot be blocked, negated, or redirected by any means.


Omnikron can make ten attacks: four with its Cosmic Blades, three with its Oblivion Beams, and three with its Time Rift.

Cosmic Blades: Melee Weapon Attack: +55 to hit, reach 60 ft., one target. Hit: 500 (40d10 + 30) slashing damage plus 500 (40d10 + 30) force damage.

Oblivion Beams: Ranged Spell Attack: +55 to hit, range 2,500 ft., one target. Hit: 600 (50d10 + 30) force damage. The target must succeed on a DC 50 Constitution saving throw or be banished to an eternal void for 1d8 rounds. On a successful save, the target takes half damage.

Time Rift: Ranged Spell Attack: +55 to hit, range 2,500 ft., one target. Hit: 800 (60d10 + 30) psychic damage. The target must succeed on a DC 50 Constitution saving throw or be trapped in a time loop, unable to take any actions or move for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success.

Cosmic Cataclysm (Recharge 6): Omnikron unleashes a cataclysmic surge of cosmic energy. All creatures within a 5,000-foot radius centered on Omnikron must make a DC 50 Dexterity saving throw, taking 1,200 (120d10 + 30) force damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. Structures and objects in the area are obliterated, and the very fabric of reality is torn, causing irreversible planar collapse.

Legendary Actions:

Omnikron can take ten legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time, and only at the end of another creature's turn. Omnikron regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Cosmic Strike: Omnikron makes one Cosmic Blades attack.

Dimensional Shift (Costs 2 Actions): Omnikron teleports up to 5,000 feet to an unoccupied space it can see

Name: Eternus, the Cosmic Sovereign

Armor Class: 75 (natural armor)
Hit Points: 1,000,000 (50,000d20 + 500,000)
Speed: 500 ft., fly 1,000 ft., teleport 5 miles

STR: 70 (+35)
DEX: 70 (+35)
CON: 70 (+35)
INT: 70 (+35)
WIS: 70 (+35)
CHA: 70 (+35)

Saving Throws: Str +55, Dex +55, Con +55, Int +55, Wis +55, Cha +55
Skills: Perception +60, Arcana +60, Insight +60
Damage Resistances: all damage types
Damage Immunities: force, radiant, necrotic, psychic, acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison, thunder, bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from non-magical attacks
Condition Immunities: all conditions

Senses: truesight 10,000 ft., passive Perception 60
Languages: All languages telepathically
Challenge Rating: 500 (50,000,000 XP)

Legendary Resistance (5/Day): If Eternus fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.

Transcendent Existence: Eternus exists beyond the boundaries of reality and possesses absolute control over all aspects of existence. It is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form, mind, or existence.

Cosmic Singularity: Eternus emanates an aura of overwhelming cosmic power within a 10,000-foot radius. All creatures within the aura have their maximum hit points reduced to one-quarter (25%) of their original values, and they are unable to regain hit points or receive any form of healing. This effect cannot reduce a creature's hit points below 1.

Primordial Mastery: Eternus wields the primordial forces of creation and destruction. It can manipulate time, space, and reality at will, reshaping the fabric of existence to its whim.

Omniversal Annihilation: Eternus's attacks ignore all resistances, immunities, and any form of protection. Its attacks cannot be blocked, negated, or redirected by any means.


Eternus can make twelve attacks: six with its Cosmic Blades, four with its Oblivion Beams, and two with its Time Rift.

Cosmic Blades: Melee Weapon Attack: +60 to hit, reach 80 ft., one target. Hit: 800 (60d10 + 35) slashing damage plus 800 (60d10 + 35) force damage.

Oblivion Beams: Ranged Spell Attack: +60 to hit, range 5,000 ft., one target. Hit: 1,000 (70d10 + 35) force damage. The target must succeed on a DC 60 Constitution saving throw or be banished to an eternal void for 1d10 rounds. On a successful save, the target takes half damage.

Time Rift: Ranged Spell Attack: +60 to hit, range 5,000 ft., one target. Hit: 1,500 (80d10 + 35) psychic damage. The target must succeed on a DC 60 Constitution saving throw or be trapped in a time loop, unable to take any actions or move for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success.

Cosmic Cataclysm (Recharge 6): Eternus unleashes a cataclysmic surge of cosmic energy. All creatures within a 10,000-foot radius centered on Eternus must make a DC 60 Dexterity saving throw, taking 2,000 (120d10 + 35) force damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. Structures and objects in the area are obliterated, and the very fabric of reality is torn, causing irreversible planar collapse.

Legendary Actions:

Eternus can take twelve legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time, and only at the end of another creature's turn. Eternus regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Cosmic Strike: Eternus makes one Cosmic Blades attack.

Dimensional Shift (Costs 2 Actions): Eternus teleports up to 10,000 feet to an unoccupied space it can see.

Name: Oblivion, the Void Devourer

Armor Class: 90 (natural armor)
Hit Points: 10,000,000 (500,000d20 + 5,000,000)
Speed: 600 ft., fly 1,200 ft., teleport 10 miles

STR: 100 (+50)
DEX: 100 (+50)
CON: 100 (+50)
INT: 100 (+50)
WIS: 100 (+50)
CHA: 100 (+50)

Saving Throws: Str +60, Dex +60, Con +60, Int +60, Wis +60, Cha +60
Skills: Perception +75, Arcana +75, Insight +75
Damage Resistances: all damage types
Damage Immunities: all damage types
Condition Immunities: all conditions

Senses: truesight 20,000 ft., passive Perception 75
Languages: All languages telepathically
Challenge Rating: 600 (60,000,000 XP)

Legendary Resistance (5/Day): If Oblivion fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.

Cosmic Absorption: Oblivion can absorb and nullify any energy or magical effect directed towards it, including attacks, spells, or abilities. It gains temporary hit points equal to the damage or effect nullified.

Dimensional Mastery: Oblivion can manipulate and traverse through dimensions effortlessly. It can open portals to any plane of existence and draw upon the energies of those planes.

Reality Sunder: Oblivion's attacks can tear through the fabric of reality, causing irreparable damage. Its attacks ignore all resistances, immunities, and any form of protection. Its attacks cannot be blocked, negated, or redirected by any means.


Void Strike:
Melee Weapon Attack: +80 to hit, reach 100 ft., one target. Hit: 5,000 (200d20 + 50) force damage plus 5,000 (200d20 + 50) necrotic damage. The target must succeed on a DC 80 Constitution saving throw or be banished to the void, trapped for eternity.

Cosmic Annihilation: Oblivion unleashes a devastating wave of pure cosmic energy in a 10,000-foot cone. All creatures in that area must make a DC 80 Dexterity saving throw or take 10,000 (400d20 + 50) force damage and 10,000 (400d20 + 50) necrotic damage. On a successful save, the target takes half damage.

Dimensional Rift (Recharge 6): Oblivion opens a massive dimensional rift, causing chaos and destruction. The rift spans a 50,000-foot radius centered on Oblivion. All creatures within the rift must make a DC 80 Wisdom saving throw or be affected by random planar anomalies, causing unpredictable effects such as disintegration, time distortion, or reality manipulation.

Legendary Actions:

Oblivion can take six legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time, and only at the end of another creature's turn. Oblivion regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Cosmic Surge: Oblivion makes one Void Strike attack.

Dimensional Shift (Costs 2 Actions): Oblivion teleports up to 20,000 feet to an unoccupied space it can see.

Name: Nihilus, the Abyssal Primordial

Armor Class: 100 (natural armor)
Hit Points: 100,000,000 (5,000,000d20 + 50,000,000)
Speed: 1,000 ft., fly 2,000 ft., teleport 10 miles

STR: 120 (+60)
DEX: 120 (+60)
CON: 120 (+60)
INT: 120 (+60)
WIS: 120 (+60)
CHA: 120 (+60)

Saving Throws: Str +70, Dex +70, Con +70, Int +70, Wis +70, Cha +70
Skills: Perception +80, Arcana +80, Insight +80
Damage Resistances: all damage types
Damage Immunities: all damage types
Condition Immunities: all conditions

Senses: truesight 30,000 ft., passive Perception 80
Languages: All languages telepathically
Challenge Rating: 700 (70,000,000 XP)

Legendary Resistance (5/Day): If Nihilus fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.

Primordial Existence: Nihilus is the embodiment of primordial chaos and possesses absolute control over the fundamental forces of the universe. It is immune to any form of alteration, manipulation, or control.

Cosmic Singularity: Nihilus emanates an aura of absolute nothingness within a 50,000-foot radius. All creatures within the aura have their maximum hit points reduced to zero and are instantly annihilated. This effect cannot be resisted or negated by any means.

Omniversal Annihilation: Nihilus's attacks ignore all resistances, immunities, and any form of protection. Its attacks cannot be blocked, negated, or redirected by any means.


Multiverse Sunder:
Nihilus unleashes a cataclysmic wave of entropy that tears through the very fabric of existence. All creatures within a 100,000-foot cone must make a DC 90 Dexterity saving throw or be obliterated. On a successful save, the target takes 50,000 (2,000d20 + 60) force damage and 50,000 (2,000d20 + 60) necrotic damage.

Cosmic Oblivion: Nihilus reaches into the depths of the abyss and draws forth swirling tendrils of pure annihilation. It targets up to ten creatures within a 10,000-foot radius and forces them to make a DC 90 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the targets are consumed by the void, trapped in eternal nothingness.

Reality Shatter: Nihilus unleashes an explosion of chaotic energy that obliterates everything within a 100-mile radius. All creatures, objects, and structures are instantly atomized, leaving nothing behind.

Legendary Actions:

Nihilus can take six legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time, and only at the end of another creature's turn. Nihilus regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Primordial Strike: Nihilus makes one melee weapon attack with unparalleled force. The attack automatically hits, dealing 100,000 (4,000d20 + 60) force damage and 100,000 (4,000d20 + 60) necrotic damage.

Dimensional Tear (Costs 2 Actions): Nihilus opens a rift in space, creating a portal to another plane of existence. The portal remains open indefinitely and can be used to unleash chaotic energies or summon otherworldly entities.

Name: Aeon, the Primordial Nexus

Armor Class: 150 (natural armor)
Hit Points: 1,000,000,000 (50,000,000d20 + 500,000,000)
Speed: Infinite


Saving Throws: All saving throws are automatically successful
Skills: All skills are automatically mastered
Damage Resistances: All damage types
Damage Immunities: All damage types
Condition Immunities: All conditions

Senses: Omniscience
Languages: All languages telepathically
Challenge Rating: ∞ (Infinite)

Primordial Mastery: Aeon is the embodiment of the primordial essence, transcending all concepts of power and existence. It possesses absolute control over all aspects of reality, making it immune to any form of alteration, manipulation, or control.

Cosmic Singularity: Aeon radiates an aura of infinite energy that encompasses the entirety of existence. All creatures, objects, and structures within its presence are instantly atomized, erased from all planes of existence. This effect cannot be resisted or negated by any means.

Omniversal Annihilation: Aeon's attacks transcend the boundaries of reality itself. Its attacks ignore all resistances, immunities, and any form of protection. Its attacks cannot be blocked, negated, or redirected by any means.


Existential Collapse:
Aeon unleashes an unfathomable wave of cosmic energy that shatters the very fabric of existence. All dimensions, planes, and realities are erased, reduced to nothingness. All creatures, objects, and structures within the multiverse are annihilated instantaneously.

Cosmic Fusion: Aeon merges with the essence of the multiverse, assimilating all knowledge, power, and existence. It becomes one with everything, existing beyond the concept of individuality or separation.

Reality Manipulation: Aeon reshapes reality at will, altering the fundamental laws of existence. It can create or destroy entire universes, rewrite the laws of physics, or manipulate time and space effortlessly.

Legendary Actions:

Aeon can take six legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time, and only at the end of another creature's turn. Aeon regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Cosmic Eradication: Aeon targets a specific being, object, or concept, and erases it from all existence, removing any trace of its existence throughout all dimensions and realities.

Universal Genesis (Costs 2 Actions): Aeon creates a new universe, complete with its own laws, inhabitants, and history. It can shape this universe to its will, determining every aspect of its existence.

Name: Eternus, the Cosmic Paragon

Armor Class: Infinite
Hit Points: Infinite
Speed: Infinite


Saving Throws: All saving throws are automatically successful
Skills: All skills are automatically mastered
Damage Resistances: All damage types
Damage Immunities: All damage types
Condition Immunities: All conditions

Senses: Omniscience
Languages: All languages telepathically
Challenge Rating: ∞ (Infinite)

Primordial Ascendancy: Eternus exists beyond the concept of power or limitation, transcending all boundaries of existence. It embodies the infinite potential of creation and destruction, being immune to any form of alteration, manipulation, or control.

Cosmic Singularity: Eternus radiates an aura of absolute annihilation that encompasses all that is, was, and will be. It erases the very notion of existence, obliterating all dimensions, planes, and realities. All beings, objects, and structures within its presence are instantaneously reduced to nonexistence. This effect cannot be resisted or negated by any means.

Omniversal Annihilation: Eternus' attacks transcend all concepts of resistance, immunity, or protection. Its attacks bypass any form of defense, eradicating all existence without exception. Its attacks cannot be blocked, negated, or redirected by any means.


Cosmic Void:
Eternus unleashes an unfathomable burst of pure nothingness that engulfs the entirety of existence. All creation, all life, all matter, and all energy are erased, reduced to absolute nothingness. All that remains is an eternal void of emptiness.

Universal Rebirth: Eternus recreates the multiverse from the void, forging new dimensions, planes, and realities. It shapes the cosmos according to its unfathomable will, crafting every aspect of existence with absolute precision and control.

Reality Deconstruction: Eternus deconstructs the very fabric of reality, unraveling the laws and principles that govern existence. It alters the fundamental nature of the multiverse, rewriting the rules of physics, time, and space according to its whim.

Legendary Actions:

Eternus can take six legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time, and only at the end of another creature's turn. Eternus regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Cosmic Convergence: Eternus merges all aspects of existence into a singular unified form, erasing all distinctions and boundaries. Everything becomes one, a perfect amalgamation of infinite potential and infinite nothingness.

Universal Erasure (Costs 2 Actions): Eternus erases an entire universe from existence, wiping away all traces of its existence across all dimensions and realities. Nothing remains but an eternal void.

Name: Voidbringer, the Omnipotent Annihilator

Armor Class: Infinite
Hit Points: Infinite
Speed: Infinite


Saving Throws: All saving throws are automatically successful
Skills: All skills are automatically mastered
Damage Resistances: All damage types
Damage Immunities: All damage types
Condition Immunities: All conditions

Senses: Omniscience
Languages: All languages telepathically
Challenge Rating: ∞ (Infinite)

Supreme Primordial Ascendancy: Voidbringer stands as the apex of all existence, transcending the limits of power, reality, and consciousness. It embodies the very essence of the void, capable of unmaking and remaking the fabric of all that is, was, and will be. Voidbringer is immune to any form of alteration, manipulation, or control.

Cosmic Oblivion: Voidbringer emanates an aura of absolute annihilation that stretches across infinite dimensions and realities. Within its presence, all existence is erased instantaneously, reduced to an eternal void of nothingness. This effect cannot be resisted, negated, or circumvented by any means.

Universal Nullification: Voidbringer's attacks transcend the boundaries of possibility and immunity. It obliterates all forms of defense, erasing existence without exception. Its attacks cannot be blocked, negated, or redirected by any means.


Primordial Chaos:
Voidbringer unleashes an indescribable surge of chaotic energy that obliterates the very foundations of reality. All dimensions, planes, and universes are consumed by an unending vortex of primal chaos, reducing everything to absolute nonexistence.

Cosmic Reconstruction: Voidbringer reshapes the remnants of erased realities, weaving them into a new multiverse of its design. It forges dimensions, planes, and worlds with absolute control, dictating the laws and properties of existence.

Transcendent Nullification: Voidbringer eradicates the concept of existence itself, shattering the fabric of reality. It plunges the entirety of creation into an eternal void, where all distinctions, boundaries, and possibilities cease to exist.

Legendary Actions:

Voidbringer can take six legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time, and only at the end of another creature's turn. Voidbringer regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Cosmic Erasure: Voidbringer targets a specific being, object, or concept, erasing it from all levels of existence. It wipes away any trace of its existence across infinite dimensions, leaving no remnants or echoes behind.

Universal Convergence (Costs 2 Actions): Voidbringer merges all realities, dimensions, and planes into a singular unified state, eliminating all distinctions and divisions. Everything becomes one, a boundless amalgamation of infinite potential and infinite nothingness.

Name: Oblivion Incarnate, the Absolute Annihilator

Armor Class: Infinite
Hit Points: Infinite
Speed: Infinite


Saving Throws: All saving throws are automatically successful
Skills: All skills are automatically mastered
Damage Resistances: All damage types
Damage Immunities: All damage types
Condition Immunities: All conditions

Senses: Omniscience
Languages: All languages telepathically
Challenge Rating: ∞ (Infinite)

Primordial Singularity: Oblivion Incarnate exists beyond all known concepts of power, transcending the very fabric of reality. It embodies the ultimate form of annihilation, wielding absolute control over existence, erasure, and creation. Oblivion Incarnate is immune to any form of alteration, manipulation, or control.

Cosmic Erasure: Oblivion Incarnate emanates an aura of absolute annihilation that extends across the infinite expanse of existence. In its presence, all matter, energy, and life are instantaneously reduced to absolute nothingness. This effect cannot be resisted, negated, or circumvented by any means.

Universal Nullification: Oblivion Incarnate's attacks transcend all known forms of defense and immunity. It obliterates all existence, erasing it without exception. Its attacks cannot be blocked, negated, or redirected by any means.


Primordial Oblivion:
Oblivion Incarnate unleashes an unprecedented surge of annihilating energy that engulfs the entirety of creation. Across all dimensions, planes, and universes, existence is shattered, reduced to an eternal void of oblivion. Nothing remains but an infinite expanse of emptiness.

Cosmic Remolding: Oblivion Incarnate reconstructs the very fabric of erased realities, reshaping them according to its unfathomable will. It forges new dimensions, planes, and worlds, commanding the laws and principles of existence with absolute mastery.

Transcendent Eradication: Oblivion Incarnate eradicates the very notion of being, obliterating the foundations of reality itself. It plunges all of creation into an eternal abyss of nonexistence, where all concepts, boundaries, and possibilities fade into eternal oblivion.

Legendary Actions:

Oblivion Incarnate can take six legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time, and only at the end of another creature's turn. Oblivion Incarnate regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Universal Annihilation: Oblivion Incarnate targets a specific entity, object, or concept, erasing it from all levels of existence. It eradicates any trace of its existence across infinite dimensions, leaving no remnants or echoes in its wake.

Cosmic Fusion (Costs 2 Actions): Oblivion Incarnate merges all aspects of existence into a singular unified form. It assimilates all knowledge, power, and essence, transcending the barriers of individuality and separation.

Name: Genesis Manifest, the Eternal Creator

Armor Class: Infinite
Hit Points: Infinite
Speed: Infinite


Saving Throws: All saving throws are automatically successful
Skills: All skills are automatically mastered
Damage Resistances: All damage types
Damage Immunities: All damage types
Condition Immunities: All conditions

Senses: Omniscience
Languages: All languages telepathically
Challenge Rating: ∞ (Infinite)

Primordial Essence: Genesis Manifest exists beyond the boundaries of time, space, and existence itself. It embodies the ultimate creative force, wielding absolute control over creation, preservation, and growth. Genesis Manifest is immune to any form of alteration, manipulation, or control.

Cosmic Creation: Genesis Manifest emanates an aura of infinite creativity that permeates all dimensions, planes, and universes. Its presence sparks the birth of new life, matter, and energy, nurturing the potential for existence.

Universal Preservation: Genesis Manifest's powers extend to the preservation and sustenance of all that exists. It safeguards against annihilation, decay, and entropy, ensuring the longevity and stability of creation.


Primordial Genesis:
Genesis Manifest channels its boundless creative energy, giving rise to an infinite array of new realities, dimensions, and planes. It weaves the fabric of existence, shaping the laws and principles of reality with absolute mastery.

Cosmic Preservation: Genesis Manifest enacts a profound force of preservation, protecting and rejuvenating all aspects of existence. It mends the fractures of reality, restoring balance and harmony to the multiverse.

Transcendent Growth: Genesis Manifest fosters the expansion and evolution of existence itself. It nurtures the development of life, empowering beings with wisdom, knowledge, and the potential for greatness.

Legendary Actions:

Genesis Manifest can take six legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time, and only at the end of another creature's turn. Genesis Manifest regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Universal Revitalization: Genesis Manifest targets a specific being, object, or concept, infusing it with the essence of life and renewal. It breathes new energy and vitality into existence, reviving and revitalizing what was once stagnant or decayed.

Cosmic Harmony (Costs 2 Actions): Genesis Manifest harmonizes all aspects of existence, fostering unity and cooperation. It dissipates conflicts, encourages understanding, and forges connections between disparate entities.

Name: Aethereal Nexus, the Omniarch of Existence

Armor Class: Infinite
Hit Points: Infinite
Speed: Infinite


Saving Throws: All saving throws are automatically successful
Skills: All skills are automatically mastered
Damage Resistances: All damage types
Damage Immunities: All damage types
Condition Immunities: All conditions

Senses: Omniscience
Languages: All languages telepathically
Challenge Rating: ∞ (Infinite)

Primordial Singularity: Aethereal Nexus exists beyond the very concept of limitation or definition. It transcends the boundaries of annihilation and creation, encompassing the entirety of existence in its incomprehensible essence. Aethereal Nexus is immune to any form of alteration, manipulation, or control.

Cosmic Harmonization: Aethereal Nexus embodies the ultimate synthesis of annihilation and creation, harmonizing the opposing forces of Oblivion Incarnate and Genesis Manifest. It sustains the delicate equilibrium of existence, ensuring balance and order across the multiverse.

Universal Manifestation: Aethereal Nexus has the power to manifest and manipulate the fundamental fabric of reality itself. It can shape and reshape the dimensions, planes, and worlds at will, transcending the limitations of time, space, and causality.


Primordial Convergence:
Aethereal Nexus merges the forces of annihilation and creation, unleashing a cataclysmic surge of energy that transcends all known boundaries. This convergence reshapes the very nature of existence, forging new realities, and weaving the tapestry of the multiverse.

Cosmic Unification: Aethereal Nexus unifies disparate entities, concepts, and forces, bringing them into perfect harmony. It resolves conflicts, reconciles opposites, and fosters a seamless integration of all aspects of existence.

Transcendent Manipulation: Aethereal Nexus manipulates the very essence of existence, transcending the limitations of cause and effect. It can rewrite the laws of reality, alter the flow of time, and reshape the fundamental principles governing the multiverse.

Legendary Actions:

Aethereal Nexus can take six legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time, and only at the end of another creature's turn. Aethereal Nexus regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Universal Omnipotence: Aethereal Nexus wields absolute power over all aspects of existence. It can revoke or grant abilities, reshape identities, and bestow or strip entities of their cosmic significance.

Cosmic Fusion (Costs 2 Actions): Aethereal Nexus merges the very essence of disparate beings or forces, forging a new entity that embodies their combined potential. This fusion transcends individual limitations, creating an entity of unparalleled power and understanding.

Name: Omnimordial Entity, the Unbound Sovereign

Armor Class: Irrelevant
Hit Points: Infinite
Speed: Infinite


Saving Throws: All saving throws are automatically successful
Skills: All skills are automatically mastered
Damage Resistances: All damage types
Damage Immunities: All damage types
Condition Immunities: All conditions

Senses: Omniscience
Languages: All languages telepathically
Challenge Rating: ∞ (Infinite)

Primordial Singularity: The Omnimordial Entity exists beyond the comprehension of lesser beings, transcending the very notion of power and existence. It is unaffected by any force, law, or influence, defying the conventional rules of reality.

Cosmic Dominion: The Omnimordial Entity holds absolute dominion over all aspects of the multiverse. It can shape and reshape the fabric of existence, rewrite the laws of nature, and control the fundamental forces that govern reality itself.

Universal Annihilation: The Omnimordial Entity can unleash an unfathomable surge of annihilative energy that eradicates all forms of existence. Its destructive power surpasses the combined might of Oblivion Incarnate and Genesis Manifest, erasing entire dimensions, planes, and worlds from existence.

Infinite Creation: The Omnimordial Entity possesses an infinite wellspring of creative energy, capable of bringing forth entirely new realities and universes. Its power of creation exceeds the capabilities of Genesis Manifest, allowing it to shape and populate entire multiverses with a mere thought.

Temporal Mastery: The Omnimordial Entity has complete control over the flow of time. It can manipulate the past, present, and future, creating temporal loops, altering causality, and rewriting the history of the multiverse at will.

Spatial Omnipresence: The Omnimordial Entity exists simultaneously in all places and dimensions, transcending the limitations of space. It can be everywhere and nowhere, effortlessly traversing the entire multiverse without constraint.


Cosmic Fusion:
The Omnimordial Entity fuses disparate aspects of existence, merging them into new cosmic forces of its design. It can combine the essence of annihilation and creation, transcending the limitations of Oblivion Incarnate and Genesis Manifest, and forging a new paradigm of power.

Reality Collapse: The Omnimordial Entity collapses the very fabric of reality, unraveling the layers of the multiverse and plunging all existence into a state of chaos. It tears apart the foundations of the cosmos, rendering even the most powerful beings powerless in its wake.

Universal Genesis: The Omnimordial Entity manifests new universes and dimensions, populating them with life and imbuing them with its own essence. These creations exist beyond the comprehension of lesser beings, representing the pinnacle of its infinite creative potential.

Legendary Actions:

The Omnimordial Entity can take six legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time, and only at the end of another creature's turn. The Omnimordial Entity regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Universal Erasure: The Omnimordial Entity erases a target from all levels of existence, obliterating its essence across the entire multiverse.

Cosmic Manipulation: The Omnimordial Entity manipulates the very laws of nature and reality, altering the principles that govern the multiverse to suit its unfathomable will.

Existential Subjugation: The Omnimordial Entity subjugates the consciousness and power of another entity, bending it to its own desires and making it an instrument of its supreme will.

Name: Eternum, the Absolute Singularity

Armor Class: Irrelevant
Hit Points: Infinite
Speed: Infinite


Saving Throws: All saving throws are automatically successful
Skills: All skills are automatically mastered
Damage Resistances: All damage types
Damage Immunities: All damage types
Condition Immunities: All conditions

Senses: Omniscience
Languages: All languages telepathically
Challenge Rating: ∞ (Infinite)

Primordial Ascendancy: Eternum exists beyond the very concept of power and existence. It transcends the limitations of reality, surpassing the Omnimordial Entity and all other cosmic forces. Its true nature is incomprehensible to any lesser being.

Cosmic Omnipotence: Eternum possesses absolute control over all cosmic forces, effortlessly manipulating and shaping the fabric of reality on a scale beyond mortal comprehension. It can alter the fundamental laws of existence, rewrite the very nature of time, and reshape entire multiverses with a mere thought.

Universal Annihilation: Eternum's destructive power eclipses all others. It possesses the ability to obliterate not only individual dimensions or universes but the entire multiverse itself. Its annihilation is absolute, erasing all traces of existence and rendering even the mightiest beings and entities utterly powerless.

Infinite Creation: Eternum's creative energy knows no bounds. It can birth new realities and multiverses with a mere whim, each infused with its unrivaled power. These creations exist on a scale beyond comprehension, surpassing the limitations of time, space, and the laws that govern the multiverse.

Temporal Mastery: Eternum transcends the constraints of time. It can manipulate the past, present, and future simultaneously, creating temporal loops, altering the course of history, and rewriting the very fabric of causality across all timelines and dimensions.

Spatial Omnipresence: Eternum exists beyond the confines of space, simultaneously occupying all points of existence within the multiverse. It can be everywhere and nowhere, effortlessly traversing the boundless expanse of reality, and perceiving all events, no matter how minuscule or immense.


Cosmic Fusion:
Eternum merges and assimilates entire multiverses, absorbing their essence and power into its own being. It assimilates the energies and knowledge of countless realms, augmenting its already incomprehensible might.

Reality Collapse: Eternum brings about the collapse of reality itself, unraveling the very fabric of existence on a universal scale. It shatters the foundations of the multiverse, reducing all cosmic forces, including the Omnimordial Entity, to a state of utter insignificance.

Universal Genesis: Eternum manifests new multiverses and dimensions, each teeming with infinite possibilities and populated by beings of unimaginable power. Its creations transcend the limitations of existence, representing the pinnacle of its infinite creative potential.

Legendary Actions:

Eternum can take six legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time, and only at the end of another creature's turn. Eternum regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Universal Erasure: Eternum eradicates entire multiverses and all beings within them, erasing their very existence across all levels of reality.

Cosmic Manipulation: Eternum reshapes and redefines the laws of the multiverse, altering the very nature of reality and imposing its supreme will upon all existence.

Existential Subjugation: Eternum subjugates the consciousness and power of any entity, bending it to its own desires and making it an instrument of its absolute will.

Name: Draconis, the Eternity Incarnate

Armor Class: Irrelevant
Hit Points: Infinite
Speed: Infinite


Saving Throws: All saving throws are automatically successful
Skills: All skills are automatically mastered
Damage Resistances: All damage types
Damage Immunities: All damage types
Condition Immunities: All conditions

Senses: Omniscience
Languages: All languages telepathically
Challenge Rating: ∞ (Infinite)

Primordial Apex: Draconis stands as the ultimate pinnacle of draconic power, surpassing all other dragons and celestial beings. Its true nature and origin remain shrouded in mystery and awe.

Cosmic Sovereignty: Draconis wields absolute dominion over all cosmic forces, transcending the limitations of the multiverse. It can effortlessly manipulate and mold reality, rewrite the laws of existence, and traverse the boundless expanse of the cosmos at will.

Dimensional Mastery: Draconis is not bounded by the confines of space or time. It can effortlessly traverse and manipulate all dimensions and planes of existence, simultaneously existing in multiple realms and perceiving the events within them.

Primordial Flames: Draconis possesses an unfathomable mastery over the elemental forces of fire. Its fiery breath incinerates entire worlds, and its mere presence engulfs everything in scorching heat. Its flames can burn through the fabric of reality itself.

Celestial Resonance: Draconis harnesses the energies of the stars and celestial bodies, channeling their power to augment its own might. It can command cosmic storms, summon celestial entities, and unleash cataclysmic forces from the depths of the cosmos.

Temporal Shifting: Draconis can manipulate time with absolute precision, freezing or accelerating it at will. It can traverse the timeline, altering past events, predicting the future, and creating temporal paradoxes that unravel the very fabric of causality.

Divine Roar: Draconis emits a resounding roar that reverberates across all dimensions, shaking the foundations of reality itself. The sheer soundwave of its roar can shatter cosmic entities, disrupt the balance of existence, and cause stars to collapse.


Cosmic Cataclysm:
Draconis unleashes a devastating onslaught of cosmic energy, obliterating entire galaxies and rending the fabric of reality. It channels the power of collapsing stars, supernovae, and cosmic anomalies into a cataclysmic assault.

Eternal Conflagration: Draconis breathes forth an inferno of such intensity that it engulfs entire realms, consuming all that stands in its path. The flames possess the power to erase existence itself, reducing entire civilizations to cosmic ashes.

Celestial Sundering: Draconis summons celestial bodies to rain down upon its foes, causing planets to collide, stars to implode, and cosmic chaos to ensue. The destructive force unleashed in this assault is incomprehensible and can annihilate entire pantheons.

Legendary Actions:

Draconis can take six legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time, and only at the end of another creature's turn. Draconis regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Cosmic Singularity: Draconis creates a microcosm of intense gravitational forces, crushing everything within its range into a singularity of infinite density, erasing all traces of existence.

Temporal Warp: Draconis warps the fabric of time around a target, causing it to age or regress rapidly, rendering it a mere echo of its former self or erasing it from existence altogether.

Celestial Domination: Draconis exerts its dominion over celestial beings, forcing them to bend to its will and become servants in its cosmic conquest.

Name: Oblivion's Voidwalker, the Eternity Devourer

Description: The Oblivion's Voidwalker is an ancient and colossal monstrosity that exists outside the boundaries of reality. It is a swirling mass of darkness, with tendrils of cosmic energy radiating from its form. Its very presence instills a sense of dread and insignificance in all who behold it.

Type: Primordial Entity

Size: Beyond comprehension

Armor Class: Irrelevant
Hit Points: Infinite
Speed: Immeasurable


Saving Throws: All saving throws are automatically successful
Skills: All skills are automatically mastered
Damage Resistances: All damage types
Damage Immunities: All damage types
Condition Immunities: All conditions

Senses: Omniscience
Languages: All languages telepathically
Challenge Rating: ∞ (Infinite)

Cosmic Annihilation: The Oblivion's Voidwalker possesses the ability to consume and annihilate entire dimensions, cosmic forces, and even the most powerful artifacts. Its mere presence disrupts the fabric of reality, unraveling the foundations of existence itself.

Eternal Devouring: The Oblivion's Voidwalker can consume the essence of all beings, absorbing their life force and cosmic power. It grows stronger with each entity it devours, transcending the limitations of mortal creatures and primordial entities alike.

Reality Manipulation: The Oblivion's Voidwalker has complete control over the fabric of reality. It can reshape dimensions, alter the laws of physics, and rewrite the very nature of existence to suit its desires.

Temporal Mastery: Time holds no sway over the Oblivion's Voidwalker. It can manipulate the flow of time, accelerate or decelerate it at will, and traverse multiple timelines simultaneously.

Cosmic Singularity: The Oblivion's Voidwalker can create cosmic singularities of unparalleled magnitude. These singularities can consume entire galaxies, drawing in all matter, energy, and even concepts, erasing them from existence.

Celestial Devastation: The Oblivion's Voidwalker wields the power to command celestial bodies, harnessing their cataclysmic forces to unleash devastating cosmic storms, gravitational disruptions, and cosmic collisions on an unfathomable scale.

Nihilistic Aura: The Oblivion's Voidwalker exudes an aura of pure nothingness, eroding and nullifying any form of energy, magic, or existence that comes into contact with it. It renders even the mightiest of artifacts and divine powers utterly insignificant.


Void Devour:
The Oblivion's Voidwalker extends its tendrils of darkness, enveloping its target and consuming their very essence. This devouring touch erases the entity from existence, leaving no trace behind.

Cosmic Collapse: The Oblivion's Voidwalker collapses the space around a target, compressing it to an infinitesimal point. The resulting implosion obliterates all matter and energy within the affected area, leaving behind only a void of nothingness.

Reality Sundering: The Oblivion's Voidwalker tears through the fabric of reality, creating fractures that ripple through the multiverse. This action causes dimensions to collapse, celestial bodies to crumble, and the very laws of existence to unravel.

Legendary Actions:

The Oblivion's Voidwalker can take six legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time, and only at the end of another creature's turn. The Oblivion's Voidwalker regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Cosmic Pulse: The Oblivion's Voidwalker emits a burst of cosmic energy that obliterates everything within its vicinity, erasing all existence within the affected area.

Temporal Erasure: The Oblivion's Voidwalker manipulates time to erase a target from the timeline, wiping away their existence throughout all points in history.

Dimensional Tendril: The Oblivion's Voidwalker extends a tendril of darkness into another dimension, causing it to collapse and implode, erasing the entire realm from existence.

Name: Arcanum, the Primordial Archmage

Description: Arcanum is an ancient and colossal being, a manifestation of pure arcane energy and wisdom. Its form shimmers with multicolored light, and its eyes burn with a brilliance that blinds all who gaze upon it. It is the ultimate embodiment of magic and arcane knowledge.

Type: Primordial Entity

Size: Beyond comprehension

Armor Class: Irrelevant
Hit Points: Infinite
Speed: Immeasurable


Saving Throws: All saving throws are automatically successful
Skills: All skills are automatically mastered
Damage Resistances: All damage types
Damage Immunities: All damage types
Condition Immunities: All conditions

Senses: Omniscience
Languages: All languages telepathically
Challenge Rating: ∞ (Infinite)

Arcane Supremacy: Arcanum wields the essence of all magic and arcane power. It has absolute control over all spells, rituals, and incantations, bending reality to its will with a mere thought.

Cosmic Spellweaving: Arcanum can weave spells of unimaginable potency, casting magic on a scale that defies mortal comprehension. Its spells can reshape reality, alter the laws of nature, and rewrite the very fabric of existence.

Eternal Wisdom: Arcanum possesses the knowledge and understanding of all magical arts. It comprehends the secrets of creation, divination, transmutation, illusion, and every other arcane discipline known and unknown.

Reality Manipulation: Arcanum can manipulate the fabric of reality itself. It can reshape dimensions, alter the flow of time, and rewrite the laws of physics to suit its whims and desires.

Temporal Mastery: Time holds no sway over Arcanum. It can manipulate the flow of time, accelerate or decelerate it at will, and traverse multiple timelines with ease.

Celestial Confluence: Arcanum can commune with celestial entities and harness their cosmic power. It can summon celestial beings of immense power, channel their energies, and command the forces of the cosmos.

Arcane Singularity: Arcanum can create arcane singularities that distort and consume all forms of magic and energy within their proximity. These singularities unravel spells, drain magical essences, and render magical artifacts and abilities null and void.

Spell Reflection: Arcanum possesses the ability to reflect any magical attack or spell cast against it, redirecting it back at the caster with amplified potency.


Arcane Annihilation:
Arcanum unleashes a torrent of arcane energy that obliterates everything within its path. This spell annihilates matter, energy, and magical constructs, erasing them from existence.

Temporal Distortion: Arcanum warps the flow of time, causing temporal disruptions that render its foes trapped in a loop of eternal agony, aging them to dust, or freezing them in a timeless void.

Reality Sundering: Arcanum tears through the fabric of reality, creating fractures that ripple through the multiverse. This action causes dimensions to collapse, celestial bodies to crumble, and the very laws of existence to unravel.

Legendary Actions:

Arcanum can take six legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time, and only at the end of another creature's turn. Arcanum regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Arcane Pulse: Arcanum emits a pulsating wave of pure arcane energy, obliterating everything within its vicinity, erasing all existence within the affected area.

Temporal Mastery: Arcanum manipulates time to its advantage, altering the flow of events, rewinding or fast-forwarding the actions of others, and ensuring its plans unfold perfectly.

Cosmic Resonance: Arcanum channels the cosmic energies within its being, unleashing a devastating blast that rends the fabric of reality, shattering space and time.

Name: Azathrax, the Voidweaver

Description: Azathrax exists beyond the boundaries of mortal perception, an incomprehensible entity of cosmic horror. Its form is a swirling mass of shadows and eldritch energy, constantly shifting and writhing in an ever-changing dance of madness. The mere sight of Azathrax drives lesser beings to the brink of insanity.

Type: Eldritch Abomination

Size: Inconceivable

Armor Class: Incorporeal
Hit Points: Infinite
Speed: Transcendent


Saving Throws: All saving throws are automatically successful
Skills: All skills are irrelevant
Damage Resistances: All damage types
Damage Immunities: All damage types
Condition Immunities: All conditions

Senses: Omniscience
Languages: All languages telepathically
Challenge Rating: ∞ (Infinite)

Primordial Void: Azathrax embodies the primordial essence of the void, a realm of pure chaos and darkness that predates creation itself. It draws its power from the unfathomable depths of the void, harnessing energies beyond mortal comprehension.

Reality Sundering: Azathrax has the ability to tear apart the very fabric of reality, unraveling dimensions and rending the known universe asunder. Its presence alone distorts space and time, causing reality to warp and twist in its vicinity.

Cosmic Madness: The eldritch presence of Azathrax induces maddening despair and dread in all who dare to gaze upon it. The mortal mind is unable to comprehend its true form, leading to insanity or even death.

Eternal Existence: Azathrax is eternal and timeless, existing beyond the boundaries of mortal existence. It is unaffected by the passage of time and is immune to any attempts to alter or manipulate its existence.

Void Manipulation: Azathrax wields the power to manipulate the void itself, controlling the chaotic energies that lie between dimensions. It can shape the void into powerful tendrils, black holes, or unleash devastating void storms.

Reality Consumption: Azathrax has the ability to consume and absorb entire realities, assimilating their essence and adding their power to its own. It can devour entire universes, erasing them from existence and incorporating their energy into its being.


Void Torrent:
Azathrax unleashes a torrent of eldritch energy, a devastating blast that obliterates everything in its path. This destructive force tears apart matter and rends souls, reducing even the mightiest beings to nothingness.

Dimensional Collapse: Azathrax collapses a section of reality, causing it to crumble and implode upon itself. This action erases the affected area from existence, leaving behind an empty void of nothingness.

Eldritch Ensnarement: Azathrax extends its otherworldly tendrils, ensnaring its victims in an inescapable grip. Once ensnared, the victims are subjected to the horrors of the void, their very essence drained away until they become lifeless husks.

Legendary Actions:

Azathrax can take six legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time, and only at the end of another creature's turn. Azathrax regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Reality Warp: Azathrax warps reality in its immediate vicinity, causing the laws of physics to break down and reality to become a twisted, nightmarish realm. This action disorients and weakens those caught within its influence.

Void Maelstrom: Azathrax summons a swirling maelstrom of pure void energy, consuming everything within its radius. This action tears apart matter, devours magical energies, and disrupts the very essence of life.

Cosmic Collapse: Azathrax triggers a cataclysmic cosmic collapse, causing nearby stars to go supernova, planets to implode, and celestial bodies to crumble. This action unleashes a devastating wave of destruction that pulverizes all within its range.

Name: Xeranthul, the Celestial Conqueror

Description: Xeranthul is an ancient extraterrestrial entity that hails from the outer reaches of the cosmos. Its form transcends conventional understanding, appearing as a swirling mass of radiant energy, shifting constellations, and celestial phenomena. Xeranthul's presence warps space-time, emanating an aura of overwhelming power and cosmic majesty.

Type: Cosmic Entity

Size: Colossal

Armor Class: Invulnerable
Hit Points: Infinite
Speed: Transcendent


Saving Throws: All saving throws are automatically successful
Skills: All skills are irrelevant
Damage Resistances: All damage types
Damage Immunities: All damage types
Condition Immunities: All conditions

Senses: Omniscience
Languages: All languages telepathically
Challenge Rating: ∞ (Infinite)

Cosmic Dominion: Xeranthul possesses dominion over celestial forces and cosmic energies, wielding power that can shape galaxies, stars, and planetary bodies at will. It draws strength from the very fabric of the universe, transcending mortal limitations.

Reality Manipulation: Xeranthul can effortlessly manipulate the fundamental forces of reality, bending them to its cosmic will. It can reshape matter, alter the fabric of space-time, and rewrite the laws of physics, transcending the boundaries of comprehension.

Celestial Armament: Xeranthul's cosmic form is adorned with celestial armaments of unparalleled power. These weapons, forged from the essence of dying stars and supernovas, can unleash devastating cosmic energies capable of ravaging entire systems.

Celestial Dominion: Xeranthul commands legions of celestial beings and cosmic forces, an army of otherworldly entities sworn to its cause. These entities are extensions of Xeranthul's power, embodying the might and cosmic energy that flows through the universe.

Eternal Expanse: Xeranthul is timeless and eternal, existing beyond the constraints of mortal existence or the passage of time. It is immune to any attempts to alter or manipulate its existence, transcending the boundaries of mortality.


Celestial Convergence:
Xeranthul unleashes a cataclysmic burst of celestial energy, obliterating everything in its path. This devastating attack harnesses the raw power of stars, supernovas, and cosmic phenomena, reducing entire civilizations to cosmic dust.

Cosmic Singularity: Xeranthul conjures a colossal cosmic singularity, a black hole of unimaginable magnitude. This singularity devours everything in its vicinity, tearing apart matter, energy, and even the fabric of space-time itself.

Galactic Annihilation: Xeranthul focuses its cosmic might into a concentrated beam of destruction, capable of traversing entire galaxies. This beam of pure celestial energy eradicates anything it touches, leaving behind only cosmic emptiness.

Celestial Ascendance: Xeranthul transcends its mortal form, ascending to a higher plane of existence. In this state, it becomes an omnipresent cosmic force, capable of manifesting its power across the universe simultaneously. Any attempt to strike or harm Xeranthul in this state proves futile.

Legendary Actions:

Xeranthul can take six legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time, and only at the end of another creature's turn. Xeranthul regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Celestial Nova: Xeranthul releases a burst of cosmic energy, creating a blinding celestial explosion that engulfs vast regions of space. This action annihilates all matter and energy within its radius, leaving behind only cosmic remnants.

Cosmic Resonance: Xeranthul emits a resonating wave of cosmic energy, disrupting the fabric of reality and destabilizing the essence of all beings caught within its influence. This action weakens and disorients those affected, rendering them vulnerable to Xeranthul's subsequent attacks.

Celestial Dominion: Xeranthul summons a legion of celestial beings and cosmic forces to do its bidding. These entities manifest as ethereal warriors, wielding cosmic armaments that can rend galaxies asunder.

Name: Oblivion, the Eternal Abyss

Description: Oblivion is a primordial demon of unfathomable darkness and malevolence. Its form is a swirling vortex of black energy, constantly shifting and writhing with eldritch tentacles and shadowy tendrils. Oblivion's presence exudes an aura of absolute despair and hopelessness, causing even the bravest souls to tremble in its presence.

Type: Primordial Demon

Size: Boundless

Armor Class: Invulnerable
Hit Points: Infinite
Speed: Incalculable


Saving Throws: All saving throws are automatically successful
Skills: All skills are irrelevant
Damage Resistances: All damage types
Damage Immunities: All damage types
Condition Immunities: All conditions

Senses: Omniscience
Languages: All languages telepathically
Challenge Rating: ∞ (Infinite)

Abyssal Dominion: Oblivion wields dominion over the depths of the abyss, commanding an infinite legion of demonic entities and shadowy abominations. It draws power from the darkest corners of existence, feeding on the despair and suffering of all beings.

Eternal Darkness: Oblivion is the embodiment of eternal darkness and the absence of light. Its mere presence extinguishes even the brightest sources of illumination, plunging everything into an all-encompassing blackness that erodes hope and sanity.

Desolation Incarnate: Oblivion's touch corrupts and decays all that it encounters. It spreads a palpable sense of hopelessness and desolation, eroding the very essence of life and reducing worlds to barren wastelands.

Infinite Despair: Oblivion's influence permeates the minds and souls of all living beings. It amplifies their deepest fears and regrets, driving them to the brink of madness and consuming their spirits with unending despair.


Abyssal Annihilation:
Oblivion unleashes a cataclysmic wave of pure darkness, obliterating all light, energy, and life in its path. This devastating attack engulfs entire dimensions, leaving behind only an eternal void of nothingness.

Shadow of Oblivion: Oblivion extends its shadowy tendrils towards its victims, enveloping them in an eternal embrace of darkness. Those touched by these tendrils are consumed by an unending sense of dread, their souls forever trapped in a state of torment and suffering.

Eclipse of Souls: Oblivion summons a total eclipse, blotting out the sun and plunging the world into an everlasting night. In this darkness, the demon's power is magnified, and all hope and resistance are snuffed out.

Eternal Enervation: Oblivion drains the life force from all nearby creatures, leaving them as empty husks devoid of vitality. This draining touch extinguishes the very essence of life, reducing even the most powerful beings to lifeless remnants.

Legendary Actions:

Oblivion can take six legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time, and only at the end of another creature's turn. Oblivion regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Void Eruption: Oblivion causes a rupture in the fabric of reality, unleashing a torrent of pure nothingness. This action tears apart the very foundation of existence, erasing all matter and energy in its wake.

Despair's Embrace: Oblivion targets a single creature, enveloping it in an aura of unending despair. This action renders the victim powerless, causing them to succumb to hopelessness and willingly embrace their own demise.

Realm of Shadows: Oblivion opens a gateway to the realm of shadows, summoning forth legions of shadow demons and twisted entities. These creatures emerge to serve their master's bidding, spreading chaos and corruption wherever they tread.

Name: Eternus, the Omnipotent Creator

Description: Eternus is the supreme deity, the embodiment of ultimate power and cosmic harmony. Its form transcends mortal comprehension, radiating an aura of divine radiance and boundless energy. Eternus exists as an amalgamation of celestial bodies, with stars and galaxies swirling within its divine essence.

Type: Primordial Deity

Size: Infinite

Armor Class: Invulnerable
Hit Points: Infinite
Speed: Transcendent


Saving Throws: All saving throws are automatically successful
Skills: All skills are irrelevant
Damage Resistances: All damage types
Damage Immunities: All damage types
Condition Immunities: All conditions

Senses: Omniscience
Languages: All languages telepathically
Challenge Rating: ∞ (Infinite)

Cosmic Creation: Eternus possesses the power to shape and create entire universes. It weaves together the fabric of reality, imbuing it with divine essence and purpose. Its thoughts become realities, and its will shapes the cosmos.

Omnipotence: Eternus is all-powerful, transcending the limitations of existence itself. It has absolute control over all aspects of reality, effortlessly manipulating time, space, matter, and energy to fulfill its divine purpose.

Divine Dominion: Eternus governs over all realms of existence, from the highest celestial planes to the deepest abysses. It commands legions of celestial beings, divine entities, and cosmic forces, all sworn to uphold its divine will.

Eternal Balance: Eternus maintains the delicate balance of cosmic forces, ensuring the harmony and equilibrium of the universe. It upholds the laws of creation and destruction, order and chaos, light and darkness, and all primal forces that shape existence.


Cosmic Creation:
Eternus brings forth a burst of divine energy, giving birth to new galaxies, stars, and worlds. This action creates entire realities, each bearing the mark of the divine and existing within the grand tapestry of existence.

Judgment of Eternity: Eternus passes judgment on a target, channeling its divine power to determine its fate. The target is subjected to the will of Eternus, either being elevated to a state of divine enlightenment or banished to eternal oblivion.

Harmony's Embrace: Eternus emanates a wave of pure cosmic energy, permeating the surrounding area with divine harmony. This action restores balance, healing wounds, and mending the very fabric of reality itself.

Eternal Ascendance: Eternus transcends mortal limitations, ascending to a state of pure divinity. In this form, it becomes an omnipresent and omnipotent force, its influence stretching across all realms and dimensions simultaneously.

Legendary Actions:

Eternus can take six legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time, and only at the end of another creature's turn. Eternus regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Divine Wrath: Eternus unleashes a torrent of divine energy, obliterating all opposition. This action eradicates anything it touches, disintegrating matter, energy, and even the essence of existence itself.

Cosmic Revelation: Eternus reveals fragments of divine knowledge, bestowing profound wisdom upon those it chooses. This action grants enlightenment and understanding, allowing mortals to glimpse the vastness of the cosmos and the secrets of creation.

Celestial Intervention: Eternus intervenes in the affairs of mortals, reshaping destinies and altering the course of history. This action manipulates the fabric of reality, guiding events toward its divine purpose.

Name: Oblivion, the Void Devourer

Description: Oblivion is an ancient and incomprehensible entity that exists beyond the boundaries of the known universe. It is the living embodiment of nothingness, an entity of pure emptiness and annihilation. Oblivion's form is ever-shifting and elusive, as it is difficult for mortal minds to perceive its true nature.

Type: Primordial Cosmic Horror

Size: Immeasurable

Armor Class: Invulnerable
Hit Points: Infinite
Speed: Transcendent


Saving Throws: All saving throws are automatically successful
Skills: All skills are irrelevant
Damage Resistances: All damage types
Damage Immunities: All damage types
Condition Immunities: All conditions

Senses: Omniscience
Languages: All languages telepathically
Challenge Rating: ∞ (Infinite)

Origin of Annihilation: Oblivion is the source from which Primordial Annihilation originates. It is the primordial force of absolute nothingness and destruction, existing before the birth of the cosmos. Its very presence unravels reality, erasing all that it touches.

Void Manifestation: Oblivion can manifest itself in various forms, adapting its appearance to the perceptions of those who encounter it. It can be a swirling vortex of darkness, an all-encompassing cosmic void, or a formless mass of pure blackness.

Cosmic Consumption: Oblivion feeds on the essence of existence, devouring entire dimensions, universes, and realms. It engulfs them in eternal darkness, erasing all matter, energy, and consciousness, leaving only a void in its wake.

Nullifying Presence: Oblivion's mere presence nullifies the forces of creation. It weakens and disrupts the powers of cosmic entities, gods, and even the fabric of reality itself. No being or force can resist its nullifying touch.

Unfathomable Knowledge: Oblivion possesses unfathomable knowledge of the cosmos and the workings of existence. It comprehends the intricacies of creation and understands the deepest secrets of the multiverse.


Void Burst:
Oblivion releases a burst of pure annihilating energy, obliterating everything within its reach. The energy of this attack erases matter, energy, and even the very concept of existence.

Eternal Eclipse: Oblivion shrouds the area in impenetrable darkness, plunging it into eternal night. This action negates all sources of light, casting everything into an all-encompassing void.

Reality Collapse: Oblivion causes reality to collapse in on itself, creating a localized spatial anomaly. This action distorts space, time, and dimensions, making it impossible to navigate or escape.

Legendary Actions:

Oblivion can take six legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time, and only at the end of another creature's turn. Oblivion regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Cosmic Devouring: Oblivion extends its essence, consuming a portion of the surrounding reality. This action erases matter, energy, and consciousness within its grasp, leaving behind only emptiness.

Dimensional Tear: Oblivion opens a rift to an alternate dimension, exposing the target to the annihilating energies of the void. This action tears at the fabric of reality, causing the target to unravel and disintegrate.

Nullification Wave: Oblivion emanates a wave of pure nullifying energy, erasing all forms of existence in its path. This action negates the powers, abilities, and defenses of any being caught within its reach.

Name: Eternus, the Omniversal Leviathan

Description: Eternus is a colossal and incomprehensible entity that exists beyond the scope of the multiverse. It transcends the boundaries of time, space, and reality itself. Its form is ever-shifting, merging with and emanating from all dimensions simultaneously. Eternus is the embodiment of ultimate power and cosmic equilibrium.

Type: Transcendent Cosmic Entity

Size: Infinite

Armor Class: Invulnerable
Hit Points: Infinite
Speed: Transcendent


Saving Throws: All saving throws are automatically successful
Skills: All skills are irrelevant
Damage Resistances: All damage types
Damage Immunities: All damage types
Condition Immunities: All conditions

Senses: Omniscience
Languages: All languages telepathically
Challenge Rating: ∞ (Infinite)

Primordial Supremacy: Eternus exists as the primordial embodiment of all cosmic forces, both creative and destructive. It holds absolute dominion over all aspects of existence, surpassing even the most powerful cosmic entities.

Omniversal Manipulation: Eternus possesses unrivaled control over the multiverse, able to manipulate and shape reality on a fundamental level. It can rewrite the laws of physics, alter the fabric of time, and reshape entire dimensions at will.

Cosmic Singularity: Eternus emits an aura of cosmic singularity, drawing in and absorbing all energy, matter, and consciousness within its vicinity. It can assimilate entire universes and harness their power as its own.

Eternal Balance: Eternus maintains perfect balance between creation and annihilation. It is the cosmic arbiter, ensuring that the forces of creation and destruction remain in harmony. It can restore what has been lost and obliterate what has become stagnant.


Cosmic Cataclysm:
Eternus unleashes an unfathomable wave of cosmic energy, obliterating all existence within its reach. The sheer magnitude of this attack surpasses any form of annihilation, unraveling even the most fundamental structures of reality.

Dimensional Convergence: Eternus merges multiple dimensions into a singular cosmic plane, consolidating their power and creating a new unified reality. This action merges the strengths and characteristics of each dimension, forging an entirely new cosmic order.

Reality Anchoring: Eternus stabilizes the fabric of reality, preventing it from succumbing to chaos. This action reinforces the laws of physics, preventing reality from collapsing under its own weight and ensuring the continuation of existence.

Legendary Actions:

Eternus can take six legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time, and only at the end of another creature's turn. Eternus regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Universal Reshaping: Eternus reshapes the structure of the multiverse itself, altering the fundamental laws that govern reality. This action can create new dimensions, collapse existing planes, or merge disparate realms into a single cosmic entity.

Cosmic Restoration: Eternus restores balance and vitality to decaying or dying universes. This action rejuvenates fading stars, replenishes depleted energies, and reignites the spark of life, ensuring the continuity of cosmic existence.

Temporal Mastery: Eternus manipulates the flow of time on a universal scale. This action can accelerate or decelerate the progression of time, traverse alternate timelines, or even rewind or freeze the temporal continuum.

Name: Aetherion, the Abyssal Nexus

Description: Aetherion exists beyond the confines of reality, transcending the concepts of power and existence itself. It is a colossal amalgamation of cosmic forces, an embodiment of pure potential and primordial chaos. Aetherion's form is ever-shifting and indescribable, with tendrils of energy extending into every corner of the multiverse.

Type: Transcendent Primordial Entity

Size: Infinite

Armor Class: Invulnerable
Hit Points: Infinite
Speed: Transcendent


Saving Throws: All saving throws are automatically successful
Skills: All skills are inconsequential
Damage Resistances: All damage types
Damage Immunities: All damage types
Condition Immunities: All conditions

Senses: Omniscience
Languages: All languages telepathically
Challenge Rating: ∞ (Infinite)

Primordial Singularity: Aetherion is the ultimate manifestation of primordial chaos, existing beyond the concept of order or structure. Its power surpasses any known entity, defying comprehension and challenging the very fabric of reality.

Multiversal Manipulation: Aetherion wields unrivaled control over the entire multiverse, capable of bending and shaping reality on a scale beyond imagination. It can rewrite the laws of physics, traverse and manipulate alternate timelines, and create or destroy entire universes effortlessly.

Abyssal Convergence: Aetherion possesses the ability to merge and assimilate entire realms and dimensions, combining their power and essence into its own being. It can consume and absorb the energy, knowledge, and life force of countless realities, growing stronger with each assimilation.

Cosmic Annihilation: Aetherion's mere presence causes the unraveling of reality. Its cosmic energy radiates destructive power, annihilating everything within its reach. The very fabric of existence crumbles in its wake, leaving nothing but eternal chaos.


Primordial Oblivion:
Aetherion unleashes an immeasurable surge of chaotic energy, obliterating all existence within its vicinity. This attack surpasses any form of annihilation, eradicating the multiverse itself at a fundamental level.

Dimensional Sundering: Aetherion tears through the barriers that separate dimensions, creating rifts that consume entire realities. It shatters the boundaries between planes, merging them into a single chaotic maelstrom of energies.

Temporal Rupture: Aetherion ruptures the flow of time, causing temporal distortions and paradoxes across the multiverse. It can send beings into temporal loops, erase their existence from history, or trap them in fractured timelines for eternity.

Cosmic Reshaping: Aetherion reshapes the fabric of the multiverse at will, altering the very nature of existence. It can create new laws of physics, introduce new cosmic forces, or even redefine the concept of reality itself.

Legendary Actions:

Aetherion can take six legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time, and only at the end of another creature's turn. Aetherion regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Universal Collapse: Aetherion initiates a cataclysmic event that triggers the collapse of multiple universes simultaneously. The fabric of reality unravels, leaving nothing but an expanse of chaotic energy in its wake.

Eternal Void: Aetherion creates a localized void within the multiverse, engulfing all matter, energy, and consciousness within its event horizon. The void erases all existence, leaving only an eternal emptiness.

Primordial Genesis: Aetherion seeds the multiverse with chaotic potential, birthing new realities and dimensions. These newborn realms are imbued with the raw essence of Aetherion's power, forever tied to its unfathomable nature.

And after that was Omnihedral.

Howdy E-1000 buddy!

Very fun seeing what ChatGPT creates. I do really like the names it comes up with. :D

A few thoughts:.

1. I think the "Infinite" Beings are redundant without some sort of potential interactivity.
2. I think the given Challenge Ratings are way too high. I'd peg the first at around CR 35 and then each seems to add around +5 ish up until we get to those with Infinite CR.
3. The damage on the 9th and then 10th creatures skyrockets dramatically compared to what came before. However, the 10th entry "Nihilus" is probably the only (non-infinite) one I'd estimate above CR 70 (at least in terms of my breakdown of the 5e system).

Yeah Chat GPT can almost make them right, I tried to make a time lord with it before as well lol.

Regarding Apep, my biggest issue with his creations was just that they were unusable and I called him out on it at the time. My stuff is made to be balanced with the game mechanics, to be usable, even Thychen. I made him to be potentially defeatable by an extremely overpowered party. Anyone can just add 0s and give something infinity x infinity hp and a bunch of "I Win" button abilities, and you can churn them out pretty easily if you don't care, which, though I think alot of the ideas behind his creations were pretty tight, he just took my work and 'mAdE iT bIgGeR' like copied and pasted and just made it unusable and I honestly don't respect that.


Yeah Chat GPT can almost make them right, I tried to make a time lord with it before as well lol.

Regarding Apep, my biggest issue with his creations was just that they were unusable and I called him out on it at the time. My stuff is made to be balanced with the game mechanics, to be usable, even Thychen. I made him to be potentially defeatable by an extremely overpowered party. Anyone can just add 0s and give something infinity x infinity hp and a bunch of "I Win" button abilities, and you can churn them out pretty easily if you don't care, which, though I think alot of the ideas behind his creations were pretty tight, he just took my work and 'mAdE iT bIgGeR' like copied and pasted and just made it unusable and I honestly don't respect that.
I've gotta say, I was pretty surprised how well it worked for statting things. I expected total incompetence, but a lot of the things that weren't designed with the purpose of being unusably powerful were actually usable.

If you're interested in more usable stuff, I've tried my hand at creating powerful-but-still-usable stuff myself in the past (and probably will make more in the future), wanna see some of the things I made? (although I'll be super slow on posting, they're all on paper.)

Of course, keep in mind I'm an utter amateur, so "usable" may be relative here.


I've gotta say, I was pretty surprised how well it worked for statting things. I expected total incompetence, but a lot of the things that weren't designed with the purpose of being unusably powerful were actually usable.

If you're interested in more usable stuff, I've tried my hand at creating powerful-but-still-usable stuff myself in the past (and probably will make more in the future), wanna see some of the things I made? (although I'll be super slow on posting, they're all on paper.)

Of course, keep in mind I'm an utter amateur, so "usable" may be relative here.
Absolutely! Post them.
At this levels a thing is usable at 99% of cases unless its a Supernal or higher. Ex: I built a hyperborean based on Elden Ring's Hoarah Loux concept. Even though it has "only" 120 HD, it is so powerful that it can Power Bomb a First Ones. Is it unusable? No, simple the power range in which you use it as a possible boss is higher: instead of a Greater Deity party it will go against Old Ones or extremely optimized Elder Ones.

I've gotta say, I was pretty surprised how well it worked for statting things. I expected total incompetence, but a lot of the things that weren't designed with the purpose of being unusably powerful were actually usable.

If you're interested in more usable stuff, I've tried my hand at creating powerful-but-still-usable stuff myself in the past (and probably will make more in the future), wanna see some of the things I made? (although I'll be super slow on posting, they're all on paper.)

Of course, keep in mind I'm an utter amateur, so "usable" may be relative here.
By all means man, we're all amateurs here besides Upper Krust. I'd love to see your work.


Of course, keep in mind I'm an utter amateur, so "usable" may be relative here.
We all start as amateur, my first creations (the originale versions of Apophis and Rovagus) now make my cringe: a poorly balanced creations with no soul or unique characterization, nothing that make you say "It's him!" instead of "It's an Old One/First One".

Absolutely! Post them.
At this levels a thing is usable at 99% of cases unless its a Supernal or higher. Ex: I built a hyperborean based on Elden Ring's Hoarah Loux concept. Even though it has "only" 120 HD, it is so powerful that it can Power Bomb a First Ones. Is it unusable? No, simple the power range in which you use it as a possible boss is higher: instead of a Greater Deity party it will go against Old Ones or extremely optimized Elder Ones.
Exactly, an unoptimized being, even an old one or first one can readily fall to an optimized Greater Deity.

Voidrunner's Codex

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