The Supreme Being from my story: XAOΣ


XAOΣ, The Supreme Being
You finally made it past Kuvatchim into the sanctum of the Supreme Being. You see the back of a truly massive throne before you made of crimson stone and an obsidian edge. The throne turns to face you, and you see your target. 20 metal arms, 20 organic arms, 14 black angel wings, 8 bat wings, 2 phoenix wings, the head topped with body length hair as dark as the void.

"So, you've managed to make it. Well done." The being gives a small smile. You seize this chance to kill him and take the throne for yourself, rushing towards him. His smile instantly fades, and the blackest sword in existence springs from one of his hands. He points it at you before making the smallest of cutting gestures. You feel something hot bubble out of you before an unimaginably bright liquid enters your gaze. Your Quintessence! Your Divinity! But how!? You should be beyond such things!

"That was just rude." The being intones with the voice of over a thousand multiverses. "For your punishment, 1,870 millennia in the Abyss."

You feel the infinite weight of the Great Wall shunt you back out of Aravoth, the being still watching you even as he leaves your sight. Truly, he is the Supreme One.

The Supreme Being
Highlord Stage 1,870
Unsizable Poly-existential Outsider

Hit Dice: (
)*3,487,550,000 (
Armor Class:
Perfection, Deflection, Dodge, Anarchic, Axiomatic, Insight, Luck, Size, Sacred, Profane, Divine Bonus)

Initiative: Always first.
Speed: Folds Space

Attack Action:

Full Attack:

The Kilij

The Spear of Destiny

The Lumen Crossbow

Expression of Infinite Power

Special Qualities: DR
/-, SR
, Omnific Traits, Supreme Being Traits, Overwhelming Toughness, Space-Folding, Poly-Existential, Immunities, Omnicompetent, Eye of God

Abilities: All

Saves: Fort:

Skills: All


Epic Feats:

Divine Abilities:

Cosmic Abilities:

Transcendent Abilities:
Ultimate Shifter, Unreal Power, Irresistible Power, Transcendent Goetia, Multidimensional (x1,869), Amaranthine, Nullifying Spell, Ultimate Natural Attack (claws), Multiversal Natural Attack (claws), Ultimate Power Attack, Irresistible Spell, Unreal Spell, Ultimate Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Cosmic Nescience, Ultimate Runner, Supernova of Arrows, Quivering Aura,

Omnific Abilities: Singularity Body, Uncanny Akashic Mastery, Omniversal, Omnipersonal, Omnific Goetia, Reservoir of the Perfect Universe, Undimensional, Omnific Shields, Omnific Arsenal, Omnispective, Armageddon Spell,

Metempiric Abilities: (43/80) Uncanny Metempiric Kinetic Mastery. Uncanny Metempiric Omnielemental Mastery, Metempiric Fire, Metempiric Cold, Metempiric Acid, Metempiric Lightning, Metempiric Sonic, Metempiric Force, Metempiric Positive Energy, Metempiric Negative Energy, Nexus of the Spheres, Singularity Spell, Lord of Necessity, Invincible Shields, Inexhaustible, Might of God, Uncanny Metempiric Effect, Uncanny Infinite Effect, Metempiric Arsenal, Omni Eye, Omnific Nescience, Flesh Transcendence, Transcendental Nullification, Metempiric Goetia, Meta-omnific Arsenal, Overwhelming Toughness, Lock of Eternity, 40 Edicts of Enlightenment, Aimed Gaze, Phoenix Wings: Samsara of Eternal Change, 14 Fallen Wings: Oblivion, 8 wings of the Vampire God, Reservoir of the Perfect Multiverse

Ultra: Supreme Being Traits

Supreme being Traits: As the embodiment of EIGHT OMNIVERSES (inspired by Apepsnake), this affords him the following: +80 Metempiric Abilities, a x40 hp multiplier, Begone, Absolute Law, Master of Space-time and Lord of Creation.

Aimed Gaze: As a standard action gaze attack, the target must make a will save or be sent to a plane of the user's choice, being bound there for as long as the user wishes.

Metempiric Fire/Cold/Acid/Lightning/Sonic/Force/Positive Energy/Negative Energy: These sets of abilities are relatively simple, they change the damage dice from whatever they were previously to d10,000's. Cosmetically, the substance changes to whatever the opponent fears the most (eg. if a time lord facing him was afraid of black holes, then Metempiric Fire would appear as black flames that consume and erase everything they touch.

Meta-omnific Arsenal: Due to his nature as the Supreme Being, XAOΣ is able to defy rules that others must follow. In this case, he is allowed to wield up to eight artifacts, should he so choose, unlike the standard four.

Lord of Necessity: Gains the Omega Template. A x10 multiplier for [effect] abilities, as well as the ability to erase laws, hit dice, levels, and divinity itself. Takes the form of a colorless mist that swallows the target.

Lock of Eternity: XAOΣ cannot lose his divine rank, Quintessence, hit dice, or levels, unless he allows it, or some unknown factor does the stealing.

40 Edicts of Enlightenment: As a standard action, the user may palm strike a number of opponents equal to the number of arms they have. Upon a successful hit, the target(s) are turned to "stone" and cannot do anything until the user releases them, or an appropriate epic dispel of sufficient spellcraft is used.

Phoenix Wings: Samsara of Eternal Change: Using his 2 Phoenix wings, engulfs the opponent, which can be multiple High Lords, burning their forms (along with every organism in their multiverse) and reincarnating each into a form of XAOΣ's choice. (eg. turning a Time Lord into a worm). The victim can make a will save to remember their past life and can repeat the save every 100 years.

14 Fallen Angel Wings: Oblivion: XAOΣ embraces up to 14 targets with his black angel wings. Each one must pass a Fortitude Save (rolled normally without Transilient Fortitude, Inner Eye, Omni Eye etc.) or be completely annihilated. Only XAOΣ can recreate them after this.

8 wings of the Vampire God: Using his bat wings, XAOΣ blocks the first 8 attacks that hit him. This functions similarly to Thelemic Damage Reduction, but blocks attacks that aren't Metempiric or made of Kuvatchim or Black Hole Matter.

Metempiric Abrogate: Negates any ability transcendent and below. Omnific abilities get a save as normal.

Omnipotent Transmutation: Can turn any object or creature into anything else with no saving throw.

Master of Fate: can choose any number on a die roll for himself, allies, or enemies.

Spatial Control: Can manipulate the size and dimensions of objects and creatures/opponents, growing them, shrinking them (adding/subtracting size categories), or turning them 2 dimensional with no save for as long as the user wishes.


The Spear of Destiny: This is a +829,440 Phasing Fading Endless Extension Neutronium Longspear
representing the golden radiance of XAOΣ.

The Kilij: A +829,440 Omega, tripping, Sundering, disarming, Transattack, powerful, fading, black-hole matter Great sword.

A/N: Will finish later today, feel free to post Metempiric Abilities or comments and questions. Wolfdragon out for now.
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XAOΣ, The Supreme Being
You finally made it past Kuvatchim into the sanctum of the Supreme Being. You see the back of a truly massive throne before you made of crimson stone and an obsidian edge. The throne turns to face you, and you see your target. 20 metal arms, 20 organic arms, 14 black angel wings, 8 bat wings, 2 phoenix wings, the head topped with body length hair as dark as the void.

"So, you've managed to make it. Well done." The being gives a small smile. You seize this chance to kill him and take the throne for yourself, rushing towards him. His smile instantly fades, and the blackest sword in existence springs from one of his hands. He points it at you before making the smallest of cutting gestures. You feel something hot bubble out of you before an unimaginably bright liquid enters your gaze. Your Quintessence! Your Divinity! But how!? You should be beyond such things!

"That was just rude." The being intones with the voice of over a thousand multiverses. "For your punishment, 1,870 millennia in the Abyss."

You feel the infinite weight of the Great Wall shunt you back out of Aravoth, the being still watching you even as he leaves your sight. Truly, he is the Supreme One.

The Supreme Being
Highlord Stage 1,870
Unsizable Poly-existential Outsider

Hit Dice: (
1,868,154d10,000+View attachment 251360)*3,487,550,000 (View attachment 251361hp)
Armor Class: View attachment 251362 (View attachment 251363 Perfection, Deflection, Dodge, Anarchic, Axiomatic, Insight, Luck, Size, Sacred, Profane, Divine Bonus)

Initiative: Always first.
Speed: Folds Space

Attack Action:

Full Attack:

The Kilij

The Spear of Destiny

The Lumen Crossbow

Expression of Infinite Power

Special Qualities: DR View attachment 251368/-, SR View attachment 251369, Omnific Traits, Supreme Being Traits, Overwhelming Toughness, Space-Folding, Poly-Existential, Immunities, Omnicompetent, Eye of God

Abilities: All View attachment 251370
Saves: Fort: View attachment 251371 Ref: View attachment 251372 Will: View attachment 251373
Skills: All View attachment 251374


Epic Feats:

Divine Abilities:

Cosmic Abilities:

Transcendent Abilities:

Omnific Abilities:
Singularity Body, Uncanny Akashic Mastery, Omniversal, Omnipersonal, Omnific Goetia, Reservoir of the Perfect Universe, Undimensional, Omnific Shields, Omnific Arsenal, Omnispective, Armageddon Spell,

Metempiric Abilities: Supreme Being Traits, Omega, Words of Chaos, Uncanny Metempiric Kinetic Mastery. Uncanny Metempiric Omnielemental Mastery, Metempiric Fire, Metempiric Cold, Metempiric Acid, Metempiric Lightning, Metempiric Sonic, Metempiric Force, Metempiric Positive Energy, Metempiric Negative Energy, Nexus of the Spheres, Singularity Spell, Lord of Necessity, Invincible Shields, Inexhaustible, Might of God, Void Annihilation, Aspect of Time, Disrupt, Universal Disrupt, Existential Disrupt, Uncanny Metempiric Effect, Uncanny Infinite Effect, Metempiric Arsenal, Omni Eye/Eye of God, Omnific Nescience, Flesh Transcendence, Transcendental Nullification, Metempiric Goetia, Meta-omnific Arsenal, Overwhelming Toughness,

Ultra Abilities: Omnilock

A/N: Will finish later today, feel free to post Metempiric Abilities or comments and questions. Wolfdragon out for now.
This is cool, but I'm honestly a little irked you seem to have just lifted Thychen's ability list to the point of having "Aspect of Time" which is quite literally his thing as he separated his power into the Aspects, and "Words of Chaos" which I had made for my own setting, and Disrupt which was his signature ability, those are all literally unique abilities I made for Thychen specifically.

It'd be like if I just gave Thychen Obly's Xochipactli's unique powers. It seems, cheap, repetitive, and honestly just make your own stuff, you know?

I like the concept, it's cool, the opening intro is awesome, but at stage 1,870, it's pretty much impossible for any player to ever reach that level so it's just sort of a wall, which I mean it's a supreme being, sure, but shouldn't it be accessible at some point at least? Like, what's the point in a setting like this if the PCs can't ever reach that high?
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@Beefermatic My apologies. I didn't intend to infringe on your work. Your design is, simply put, very well done. I removed the Disrupt chain, as well as Aspect of Time and the Words of Chaos. If any of you have suggestions for custom abilities based on the flavor, let me know.
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@Beefermatic My apologies. I didn't intend to infringe on your work. Your design is, simply put, very well done. I removed the Disrupt chain, as well as Aspect of Time and the Words of Chaos. If any of you have suggestions for custom abilities based on the flavor, let me know.
No you're fine man, I honestly shouldn't have been so stingy in the first place. Just remake the abilities in the way you see fit. Or make abilities that suit what you envision your GOD able to do. That's what I did. He's basically a limitless being, the far end of the spectrum if you will.

I thought his flowing black hair and twenty sets of wings were super bad ass. Make abilities based on what those wings are and can do, you mentioned phoenix wings, why does he have those and what can they do? His into attack of tossing a fu-cker in Hell stripped of their power for 1,870 millennia, explain how that works and make it one of his abilities. Really the sky's the limit man.

Apology accepted, and I'm sorry too. I could have been more tactful about that. Thanks Wolf.

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