The Shark of Worlds, The Great Wall is broken, Xochipactli is back

Can you post them (even if incomplete)?
Here's what little I have for the Aspect of Xochipactli:

Aspect of Xochipactli (Greater Deity)
Huge Outsider
Hit Dice: 80d20+ ( hp)
Initiative: +22 (Always first)
Speed: 120 ft.

Alignment: Chaotic neutral

Quintessence: 100,000,000

Divine Bonus: +16

Portfolio Traits: Disease Portfolio
*-16 competence penalty to Constitution
*50% effect from healing magic
*Immune to disease
*+16 competence bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls, armor class against opponents with a lower Constitution
*Vermin summoned within divine aura have 50% more HD
*Immunities only 50% effective vs. your diseases
*Uncanny Diseased Mastery
*Regeneration 40 as long as there are frightened creatures within divine aura

Portfolio Traits: Chaos Portfolio
*-16 competence penalty to all die rolls in a Lawful-aligned environment
*+50% damage from Law attacks and spells
*Immune to transmutation
*+16 competence bonus to all die rolls in a Chaotic-aligned environment
*Chaotic creatures summoned have 50% more HD
*Healing against your attacks 50% effective unless in Lawful-aligned environment
*Uncanny Anarchic Mastery
*Regeneration 40 in a Chaotic-aligned environment


After-the-fact notes:
1) I don't know why she's only Huge. Maybe Colossal (minimum size for a Stage I Demiurge), -1 category for Avatar, -1 more for Aspect?

2) Sorry it's very incomplete...
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Here's what little I have for the Aspect of Xochipactli:

Aspect of Xochipactli (Greater Deity)
Why the Aspect is a Greater Deity?
Aspects have 1/4 the immortal’s hit die (round fractions down), and are treated as if four divine status lower than the immortal.
As a First One Xochipactli would have as an Avatar an Elder One and as an Aspect an Intermediate Deity.

Why the Aspect is a Greater Deity?
Aspects have 1/4 the immortal’s hit die (round fractions down), and are treated as if four divine status lower than the immortal.
As a First One Xochipactli would have as an Avatar an Elder One and as an Aspect an Intermediate Deity.
A First One would, but Xochipactli is a Demiurge (Stage 1). So her Aspect is Greater Deity, and her Avatar, if it existed (IIRC I had her having one at least in the past), would be Old One level.

Cipactli is the First One.

(Yes, the names are much too similar & confusing. Sorry. I think .... trying to remember back 15 years ... that was intentional, with Cipactli kind of being the "primary fragment" of Xochipactli - retaining the most of the Demiurge's personality when it was split up .... that's probably why I built Xochipactli's name off Cipactli's. But it was still probably a bad decision.)

What size category would the real Xochipactli be? I'm guessing at least Zetta-titanic if she has entire galaxies inside her.
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What size category would the real Xochipactli be? I'm guessing at least Zetta-titanic if she has entire galaxies inside her.
Eh, I didn't mean "inside" in a normal 3-D sense. I was thinking more how a Demiurge or Time Lord 'is' an universe -- Xochipactli is a Demiurge, though an unusual one that's also an Anomaly.

So her manifestation might appear to have galaxies swirling within it/beneath her transcendental hide, but it's not necessarily larger than any other Demiurge manifestation (minimum Colossal size). In fact, I think I did have her as Colossal size and that's why the Aspect is listed as Huge (stepping down: Colossal manifestation, Gargantuan avatar, Huge aspect).

The original, ridiculous High-Lord-times-billions form? Who knows, that's kind of beyond what even Ascension stats can handle (there aren't enough abilities in the book...)

And here's an atempt to fill out the above (there may be errors, due to how long it's been since I seriously did stuff with 3.x)...

Aspect of Xochipactli - Greater Deity Equivalent (40 Integrated Barbarian Levels)

Huge Outsider (Chaos, Extraplanar)

Hit Dice:
80d20 + 2,080 (3,680 hp; 7,360 hp in realm)

Initiative: Always first (+22)

Speed: 120 ft.

Armor Class: 126 (-2 size, +14 Dex, +8 deflection, +80 natural, +16 divine), touch 46, flat-footed 112

Base Attack/Grapple: +80/+181

Attack: Bite +198 melee (8d8+77/17-20/x5)

Full Attack: Bite +198 melee (8d8+77/17-20/x5), tail +198 melee (8d6+77/17-20/x5)

Space/Reach: 15 ft./10 ft.

Special Attacks: Divine aura (900 ft.), rage 11/day, spell-like abilities

Special Qualities: DR 40/epic, divine bonus, divine senses, godly realm, grant spells, immortality, immunities, improved uncanny dodge, SR 106, trap sense +13

Saves: Fort +81, Ref +73, Will +65

Abilities: Str 165 (85 without Bindings of Might), Dex 39, Con 63, Int 44, Wis 22, Cha 32

Skills: All skills +99+ability modifier [Maven + Omnicompetent]

Feats: Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Improved Critical (bite, tail), Improved Natural Attack (bite, tail), Power Attack, Weapon Focus (bite, tail)

Epic Feats: Epic Prowess (x6), Greater Critical (bite, tail), Greater Critical Multiplier (bite, tail), Greater Power Attack, Power Attack Mastery, Improved Critical Multiplier (bite, tail), Mighty Rage, Ruinous Rage, Superior Initiative, Uncanny Power Attack

Divine Abilities: Carapace, Divine Immensity (x6), Exoskeleton, Nescience, Omnicompetent, Perfect Body, Perfect Initiative, Squamous, Superior Critical (bite, tail), Superior Power Attack, Threatening Critical (bite, tail), True Strike (bite, tail)

Cosmic Abilities (Esoteric): Slipstream, Unearthly Power Attack

ECL: 133 [I think... would be 160 with 2 more artifacts?]
Challenge Rating: 89 [I think... would be 107 with 2 more artifacts?]

Alignment: Chaotic neutral

Quintessence: 100,000,000


Xochipactli's Aspect resembles a smaller version of her higher self: a gigantic crocodile beneath whose semi-transparent, yet impenetrable, hide swirl stars and worlds and clusters of planes.

Spell-like Abilities: At will - commune, dream, etherealness, geas/quest, greater dispel magic, greater teleport, magic jar, sending, tongues; 16/day - wish. Caster Level 96th. The save DCs are Charisma-based (DC 21 + spell level).

Divine Immensity: Xochipactli’s Aspect can change size by up to six size categories.

At Gargantuan size, her base damage becomes: bite 10d10, tail 8d8

At Colossal, bite 15d10, tail 10d10

At Titanic, bite 20d10, tail 15d10

At Macro-fine, bite 30d10, tail 20d10

At Macro-diminutive, bite 40d10, tail 30d10

At Macro-tiny, bite 60d10, tail 40d10

Power Attack: Xochipactli’s Aspect power attacks at a 4:1 ratio and automatically power attacks for whatever amount of the attack roll exceeds AC.

Rage: 4,000 hp (8,000 hp in realm); Bite +202 melee (8d8+81/17-20/x5), tail +202 melee (8d6+81/17-20/x5)

Xochipactli’s Aspect gains +8 bonus to Strength and Constitution and a +4 morale bonus on Will saves when raging. She ignore the hardness of any object she strikes and doubles her Strength bonus for the purposes of any Strength check made to break an object with sudden force rather than by dealing normal damage.

Virtual Size Categories: Xochipactli’s Aspect gains 3 virtual size categories
from her Strength and so deals damage as a Titanic creature.

Portfolio Traits: Disease Portfolio
*-16 competence penalty to Constitution
*50% effect from healing magic
*Immune to disease
*+16 competence bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls, armor class against opponents with a lower Constitution
*Vermin summoned within divine aura have 50% more HD
*Immunities only 50% effective vs. your diseases
*Uncanny Diseased Mastery
*Regeneration 40 as long as there are frightened creatures within divine aura

Portfolio Traits: Chaos Portfolio
*-16 competence penalty to all die rolls in a Lawful-aligned environment
*+50% damage from Law attacks and spells
*Immune to transmutation
*+16 competence bonus to all die rolls in a Chaotic-aligned environment
*Chaotic creatures summoned have 50% more HD
*Healing against your attacks 50% effective unless in Lawful-aligned environment
*Uncanny Anarchic Mastery
*Regeneration 40 in a Chaotic-aligned environment

Bindings of Might: Acts as a Belt of Epic Strength +80
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I found another incomplete Sidereal in my notes, and tried to fill it out completely (again, this may have errors due to my loss of familiarity with 3.x - I've been playing/running 5e for almost a decade now).

This was a lot of work and math. Not sure I'm going to do anything else like this until the 5e IH comes out, which will hopefully be simpler.

Adei - Aspect of Hureila - Demideity Equivalent (15 Integrated Druid Levels)

Medium Outsider

Hit Dice: 30d20 + 300 (900 hp; 1,800 hp in realm)

Initiative: Always first (+8+Dex)

Speed: 90 ft.

Armor Class: 41 (+9 Dex, +9 deflection, +7 natural, +6 divine), touch 34, flat-footed 32

Base Attack/Grapple: +30/+46

Attack: Sickle of the Crescent Moon +60 (1d6+23 and 3d6 cold) or by spell or wild-shaped form

Full Attack: Sickle of the Crescent Moon +60/+55/+50/+45 (1d6+23 and 3d6 cold) or by spell or wild-shaped form

Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks: Divine aura (400 ft.), spells, spell-like abilities

Special Qualities: DR 15/epic, divine bonus, divine senses, godly realm, grant spells, immortality, immunities, SR 46

Saves: Fort +33, Ref +32, Will +47*

Abilities: Str 30, Dex 29, Con 30, Int 17, Wis 58 (28 without Necklace), Cha 29

Skills: Concentration +49, Handle Animal +48, Knowledge (nature) +42, Listen +63*, Spellcraft +42, Spot +63*, Survival +63*

Feats: Augment Summoning, Combat Casting, Improved Initiative, Eschew Materials, Extend Spell, Natural Spell, Spell Focus (conjuration)

Feats: Gargantuan Wild Shape, Colossal Wild Shape, Superior Initiative

Divine Abilities: Acid Immunity, Cold Absorption, Cold Immunity, Perfect Body, Perfect Initiative, Perfect Mind

Treasure: Four artifacts in lesser forms (Cloak of Moonlight, Necklace of the Waxing Moon, Ring of the Moon’s Shadow, Sickle of the Crescent Moon)

ECL: 60

Challenge Rating: 40

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral (Good tendencies)

Quintessence: 180,000 (100,000 base as Aspect + 80,000 gained later)


Spell-Like Abilities: At will - commune, dream, etherealness, geas/quest, greater dispel magic, greater teleport, magic jar, sending, tongues; 6/day - wish. Caster Level 36. The save DCs are Charisma-based.

Artifacts (4)

Adei’s artifacts are lesser aspects of the cosmic artifacts used by her greater self, Hureila.

Cloak of Moonlight: Cloak of resistance +18 that also triples Adei’s movement speed and illuminates her divine aura (400 ft. radius)

Necklace of the Waxing Moon: Periapt of epic wisdom +30

Sickle of the Waning Moon: Adamantine +13 wounding icy blast sickle

Ring of the Moon’s Shadow: This ring protects Adei from scrying and detection spells, and increases the die type of any damage-dealing or healing spell that uses d10s or smaller by one step (e.g. Fire Storm increases from 15d6 to 15d8, Cure Serious Wounds increases from 3d8+15 to 3d10+15).

Double Moon Portfolio:

Spell-like Abilities: Faerie fire, animal trance, darkvision, polymorph, baleful polymorph, permanent image, insanity, animal shapes, shapechange

Silver Vulnerability 100% extra damage from silver or mithral weapons

Transmutation Immunity

Nature of the Beast: +12 competence bonus to attack, damage, and AC in moonlight

Perfect Summoning (Beast): Animals/magical beasts summoned have 200% more HD

Perfect Embodiment of the Wild: Immunities against your transmutation effects are ineffective


Adei casts spells as a 15th-level druid (save DC 34+spell level*)

Creatures summoned by Adei’s spells have +4 to Strength and Constitution. Animals/magical beasts summoned also have 200% more HD [Augment Summoning + Double Moon Portfolio].

Adei absorbs cold damage and is immune to acid damage.

Wild Shape: Adei can wild shape 5/day into any animal of up to 15 HD from Tiny to Gargantuan size and maintain that form for up to 15 hours

*These numbers include use of Necklace of the Waxing Moon

Hureila - Elder One (60 Integrated Druid Levels)

Large Outsider

Hit Dice: 120d100 + 3,240 x4 (60,960 hp)

Initiative: Always first (+38)

Speed: 400 ft., fly 6710 ft. (perfect) with Cloak of Moonlight

Armor Class: 125 (-1 size, +32 Dex, +30 deflection, +30 natural, +24 divine), touch 95, flat-footed 93

Base Attack/Grapple: +120/+175

Attack: Sickle of the Waning Moon +247 (3d8+103 and 3d6 acid and 3d6 cold), or by wild-shape form or spell

Full Attack: Sickle of the Waning Moon +247/+242/+237/+232 (3d8+103 and 3d6 acid and 3d6 cold), or by wild-shape form or spell

Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.

Special Attacks: Alter reality, divine aura 5200 ft., spells

Special Qualities: Cosmic consciousness, cosmic firmament, cosmic string, DR 60/-, divine bonus, grant spells, immortality, immunities, SR 154/spell reflection, wild shape

Saves: Fort +163^, Ref +166^, Will +214*^

Abilities: Str 65, Dex 70, Con 65, Int 40, Wis 167 (47 without Necklace), Cha 70

Skills: All skills +147+ability modifier [Maven + Omnicompetent]

Feats: Augment Summoning, Combat Casting, Eschew Materials, Empower Spell, Extend Spell, Improved Initiative, Natural Spell, Quicken Spell, Silent Spell, Still Spell, Spell Focus (conjuration), Widen Spell

Epic Feats: Automatic Metamagic Capacity (x12), Colossal Wild Shape, Diminutive Wild Shape, Dragon Wild Shape, Epic Spellcasting, Fine Wild Shape, Gargantuan Wild Shape, Improved Combat Casting, Improved Elemental Wild Shape, Improved Summoning, Magical Beast Wild Shape, Metamagic Freedom, Plant Wild Shape, Supreme Initiative, Titanic Wild Shape, Venomous Wild Shape, Vermin Wild Shape

Divine Abilities: Acid Immunity, Animal Command, Animal Rulership, Celerity, Cold Absorption, Cold Immunity, Eternal Freedom, Inspire Wildshape, Learned Spell Immunity, Perfect Body, Perfect Initiative, Perfect Mind, Shapechange, [12]

Cosmic Abilities: Regenerating Hand, Time Dilation

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral (Good tendencies)

ECL: 240

Challenge Rating: 160

Quintessence: 1,000,000,000 (current/initially available if awakened); 1,001,000,000 (includes Quintessence invested in Aspect, Adei); 1,500,000,000 (before cosmic imprisonment)

Artifacts (4)

Cloak of Moonlight: This cloak is a cloak of resistance +50 which also allows Hureila to fly at supersonic speed (6710 ft., perfect maneuverability) and illuminates Hureila’s divine aura (5200-ft. radius). The cloak's fabric is woven with elder cosmic runes that illuminate when its power of supersonic flight is used.

Necklace of the Waxing Moon: This necklace is a periapt of wisdom +120

Ring of the Moon’s Shadow: This ring protects Hureila from scrying and detection spells; increases the die type of any of Hureila’s damage-dealing or healing spells to d20s; and quadruples any level-based caps for damage-dealing or healing spells (e.g. Fire Storm goes from 20d6 to 80d20, Cure Serious Wounds goes from 3d8+20 to 3d20+80).

Sickle of the Waning Moon: This fearsome blade is made from adamantine inlaid with an invisible trace of orichalcum (0.024%), giving it a base damage of 3d8 and requiring a minimum Strength of 55 to wield it. It is a +46 acidic blast echoing icy blast wounding sickle

Double Moon Portfolio:

Spell-like Abilities: Faerie fire, animal trance, darkvision, polymorph, baleful polymorph, permanent image, insanity, animal shapes, shapechange

Silver Vulnerability 100% extra damage from silver or mithral weapons

Transmutation Immunity

Nature of the Beast: +48 competence bonus to attack, damage, and AC in moonlight

Perfect Summoning (Beast): Animals/magical beasts summoned have 200% more HD

Perfect Embodiment of the Wild: Immunities against her transmutation effects are ineffective

Uncanny Withering [Wisdom] Mastery (x2 HD of effect)

Bark at the Moon: Regeneration 120 in moonlight

Master of the Wild: Automatically control all animals, magical beasts and shapechangers of a lower divine rank within her aura

Cosmic Imperfection (Sun): Two artifacts in the universe can defeat her cosmic string ability


Hureila casts spells as a 60th-level druid, can develop and cast epic spells, can cast spells metamagiced up to 21st-level, and can apply multiple instances of the same metamagic feat. Spell save DC = 112 + spell level*

Creatures summoned by Hureila’s spells have maximum hit points and +4 to Strength and Constitution. Animals/magical beasts summoned also have 200% more HD [Augment Summoning + Improved Summoning + Double Moon Portfolio].

Hureila absorbs cold damage and is immune to acid damage.

Hureila has double normal actions in each round (Time Dilation).

Wild Shape: Hureila can wildshape 11/day, assume any animal, dragon, elemental, magical beast, plant, or vermin form of up to 60 HD from Fine to Titanic size and maintain that form for up to 60 hours, and her attacks in wildshaped form carry a poison (Fortitude DC 124, 1d6 Int primary and secondary poison damage). Hureila’s allies within her divine aura (5200 ft. radius) can assume any form she can wild shape into.

Regenerating Hand: Hureila’s touch grants Fast Healing 600 for 24 rounds

Alter Reality: Hureila is part of the fabric of reality. Once per round as a free action she can duplicate any spell of up to 21st level. This ability can also duplicate any epic spells of up to DC 182.

*These numbers include use of Necklace of the Waxing Moon
^Includes use of Cloak of Moonlight

Hureila is the Sidereal of the Moon (yes, I know the Moon isn’t a plane – I was kind of going for this thing where the Material was a pocket in the Astral, with its sub-sidereals being celestial bodies instead of planar layers, I think because I connected the Astral [Plane] to “space” – so I was thinking space travel was kinda Astral travel). In her dormancy/imprisonment, her aspect - Adei - has become an independent being and functions as the deity of the moon for all practical purposes. Adei's realm is on the surface of the moon, which is currently otherwise lifeless. If Hureila were to be awakened/freed, it would flourish with life.

Hureila is a more positive or creative aspect of Chaos than the devouring Cipactli.

[I originally had her as Chaotic Good, but when filling this out, I noticed that the Moon Portfolio requires non-good alignment. Thus the Chaotic Neutral (good tendencies) rather than simply chaotic good.]

The Animal Command and Animal Rulership divine abilities and Regenerating [Effect] cosmic ability, which I posted back in 2010. were written up with her in mind.

The effects of the Ring of the Moon’s Shadow come from Belzamus' old Immortals Metamagic thread. Expanded to include healing spells.


Alignment, Quintessence, Saves, and HP fixed. One feat changed. There still may be math errors.
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This was a lot of work and math. Not sure I'm going to do anything else like this until the 5e IH comes out, which will hopefully be simpler.
LOL, I say this, and then I get bored and write up a full Demiurge...

Kadmon (The Eternal Warder)
Demiurge Stage I, Integrated Levels Cleric 20 / Fighter 20 / Sorcerer 120

Colossal Outsider

Hit Dice: 320d1000 x2 (640,000 hp)

Initiative: Perfect (+61)

Speed: Superluminal

AC: Perfect or 568 (-8 size, +57 Dex, +64 divine, +200 deflection, +100 natural, +141 shield), touch 327

Base Attack/Grapple: +320/+520

Attack*: Reality Sunder +706 melee touch (1,600d10+268 + 20d20 force / 15-20 / x5), or spell or Hand effect +540 melee touch, or spell or Beam effect +509 ranged touch

Full Attack*: Reality Sunder +706/+706/+706/+706 melee touch (1,600d10+268 + 20d20 force / 15-20 / x5), or spell or Hand effect +540 melee touch, or spell or Beam effect +509 ranged touch

Space/Reach: 60 ft./Infinite

Special Attacks: Alter reality, divine aura, portfolio abilities, spells, turn undead

Special Qualities: Cosmic consciousness, cosmic firmament, DR 180/-, divine bonus +64, grant spells, immortality, immunities, interdimensional (50%), SR 394/spell reflection

Saves: Fort Perfect or +376, Ref +287, Will +259

Abilities Str 250 (+120), Dex 124 (+57), Con -, Int 145 (+67), Wis 78 (+34), Cha 410 (+200) (Cha 170 [+80] without Strand of Stargems)

Skills All skills +387+ability modifier

Feats (20)
Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes, Craft Construct, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Wondrous Item, Empower/Extend/Enlarge/Widen Spell, Eschew Materials, Forge Ring, Greater Weapon Focus (longsword, ray), Greater Weapon Specialization (longsword), Power Attack, Weapon Focus (longsword, ray), Weapon Specialization (longsword), Whirlwind Attack

Epic Feats (23)
Automatic Metamagic Capacity x13,
Craft Epic Arms and Armor, Craft Epic Wondrous Item, Efficient Item Creation (Craft Construct), Epic Spellcasting, Epic Weapon Focus (longsword, ray), Epic Weapon Specialization (longsword), Greater Critical (longsword), Metamagic Freedom, Sixth Sense, Uncanny Power Attack

Total Feats = 43. 80 feat slots from HD + 11 fighter bonus feats - 43 = 48 free feat slots = 8 extra Divine Abilities (72 total)

Divine Abilities (12)
Adamantine Body, Apport, Nescience, Perfect Initiative, Perfect Weapon Focus, Superior Combat Casting, Superior Critical Multiplier (longsword), Superior Power Attack, Sure-handed, Threatening Critical (longsword), Uncanny Weapon Focus, Uncanny Weapon Specialization

Cosmic Abilities (4 = 24 Divine Abilities)
Abrogate, Divine Nescience, Dominance, Unearthly Weapon Specialization

Transcendental Abilities (1 = 36 Divine Abilities)

Dimensional Masteries (Transcendental)
Transmortality, Unreal

Environment imprisoned, or anywhere within Reality
ECL 640
CR 429
Quintessence 1.5 trillion (3 billion committed to two Aspects)
Treasure 4 artifacts (Bracers of Surpassing Resilience, Domain Wall, Reality Sunder, Strand of Stargems)
Alignment Lawful Neutral

*Force Strike currently active

Portfolios – Changeable, currently Law & War

Law Portfolio:
-64 competence penalty on all dice rolls in chaotic environment
50% extra damage from chaotic/anarchic attacks and effects
immune to transmutation
+64 competence bonus on attack, damage, and AC in lawful-aligned environment
Lawful aligned creatures summoned have 50% more HD
Healing has 50% effect vs. Kadmon’s attacks except in chaos aligned locale
Uncanny Axiomatic Mastery
Gain regeneration 160 within lawful aligned locale
Lawful creatures of lower divine rank cannot harm Kadmon
Chaos spells/effects do not function in Kadmon’s divine realm

War Portfolio:
-64 to wisdom (already applied)
-64 on all die rolls for one week if Kadmon ever retreats from battle
Use armor or shields without penalty
+64 competence bonus on attack rolls (already applied)
Summoned creatures gain +64 to attack rolls
Ignore armor bonuses from armor/shields (but not enhancement bonuses)
Uncanny Force Mastery
Regeneration 160 when in combat
Unearthly Weapon Focus: All attacks are touch attacks
Peace domain spells/effects do not function in Kadmon’s divine realm

Alter Reality: Up to 28th-level spells or Epic spells DC 474. Spells replicated have no level cap and use d20s for damage or healing (e.g. Fireball 384d20)

Criticals: Multiplies base damage by critical multiplier (currently x5, x25 for actual critical hits, with longsword); All critical threats are automatically critical hits (No need to roll to confirm)

Divine Aura: 24 1/2 miles

Power Attack: Automatically power attacks for amount the attack roll exceeds AC, at a 2 to 1 ratio

Spells: Sorcerer, Caster Level 384th (320 HD + 64 Divine Bonus), Spell save DC 274+Spell Level (154+spell level without Strand of Stargems); x19 Automatic Metamagic Capacity
Cleric, Caster Level 384th (320 HD + 64 Divine Bonus), Spell save DC 118+Spell Level; x19 Automatic Metamagic Capacity
Spellcasting requires no concentration/cannot be interrupted (as if spell-like abilities)
With Strand of Stargems: Spells have no level cap; spells use d20s for damage or healing (e.g. Fireball 384d20; Cure Serious Wounds 3d20+384)

Virtual Size Categories: 13 virtual size categories from Str 250 (Deals damage as Mega-Diminutive; with Uncanny Weapon Specialization, longsword base damage 320d10)

[Effect] Abilities:

Uncanny Force Mastery* -
Beam 80d20, 13,200 ft range, ranged touch +575
Blast 40d20, 13,200 ft range (825 ft. radius burst, only affects enemies), Reflex DC 84 + Cha half
Blood 20d20, when struck in melee, Reflex DC 84 + Con negates
Breath 80d20, cone 825 ft., only affects enemies, Reflex DC 84 + Con half
Hand 120d20, melee touch +480
Immolation 120d20, only affects enemies, Reflex DC 84 + Con half
Storm 20d20/round, 24 1/2 mile radius, only affects enemies, Reflex DC 84 + Cha half if moving out of area
Strike 20d20, adds to melee attack
Wrath 40d20, gaze range 825 ft., Will DC 84 + Cha negates

*should really be 80d4 / 160d4 / 320d4 / 480d4, but converted to d20s (4d4 to 1d20)

Uncanny Axiomatic Mastery (affects chaotic only) -
Beam 320d8, 13,200 ft range, ranged touch +575
Blast 160d8, 13,200 ft range (825 ft. radius burst, only affects enemies), Reflex DC 84 + Cha half
Blood 80d8, when struck in melee, Reflex DC 84 + Con negates
Breath 320d8, cone 825 ft., only affects enemies, Reflex DC 84 + Con half
Hand 480d8, melee touch +480
Immolation 480d8, only affects enemies, Reflex DC 84 + Con half
Storm 80d8/round, 24 1/2 mile radius, only affects enemies, Reflex DC 84 + Cha half if moving out of area
Strike 80d8, adds to melee attack
Wrath 160d8, gaze range 825 ft., Will DC 84 + Cha negates

Other Ability Notes:
Abrogate greatest ability of opponent within divine aura (24 1/2 miles)

Cannot be killed - Transmortal (unless quintessence reduced below First One level or Constitution reduced below 130)

Cannot be flat-footed

Cannot be disarmed / Can summon his equipment from any distance

Creatures less than 106 HD automatically fail saves against Kadmon's abilities or spells

Immune to all magic from his (Xochipactli's) universe - except one spell


Domain Wall
– This shield is made from a space-time defect (a literal domain wall). It is 25 feet in diameter.
Grants Perfect Defense (Transcendental Ability) - Kadmon cannot be hit by normal attack rolls (Ultimate Weapon Focus cancels this out, Oblique Strike or "echoing" magic weapon property get around it); if this is canceled or Abrogated, acts as +140 small shield

Reality Sunder – This sword was forged in the 8th dimension and is composed of no substance known in the lower dimensions; it appears like diamond that glitters with white light, but is far denser and impossibly tough. It is 60 feet long (48-foot blade length).
It is a Colossal Echoing +160 Longsword that disjoins anything sundered (as Anaretic cosmic ability).
If this sword were to be wielded by someone without Uncanny Weapon Specialization, its density would be that of orichalcum.

Strand of Stargems – This necklace consists of diamonds formed from white dwarf star crust, strung on a cosmic string. They glow with an intense light - that of their former stars, magically sustained.
It grants the following powers:
+240 Charisma (as cloak of epic charisma); Spells have no level cap; spells use d20s for damage or healing (this also boosts spells replicated by Alter Reality)

Bracers of Surpassing Resilience -
These bracers are made from crystallized time trapped in ether, shadow, and astral stuff. When Kadmon wears these bracers, he cannot fail Fortitude saves, and he is immune to time-based effects (cannot be undermined by time travel as Slipstream, cannot be subject to Temporal Stasis or Time Stop)

Kadmon, at his normal size, is a 90-foot-tall humanoid of human-like if heroic and muscular proportions appearing to be cast from solid adamantine.

Warrior and craftsman, Kadmon is not the usual sort of demiurge, if a word like "usual" can be applied to transcendental-level beings. He is instead a kind of Time Lord avatar, but one produced by several time lords working in coordination.

Kadmon was created as the Eternal Warder - the guardian of the higher dimensions against Xochipactli's reality, but intended to work from within the lower dimensions of that reality. His existence was woven into the dimensions and planes of Xochipactli's remnant at the deepest level, making him effectively a second demiurge of that reality. His task is to maintain an eternal watch over the planes and worlds spawned from the Demiurge that was the transcosmic Anomaly Xochipactli, ever-vigilant against either any sign of Xochipactli's awakening/re-coalescence or any locally developed mortal, immortal, or sidereal potentially able to breach the lower dimensions and emerge into the higher dimensions.

Kadmon is not imprisoned and is not, strictly speaking, dormant. However, his cosmic consciousness is fully devoted to his eternal watch - his manifestation is 'at rest' in a secret demiplane of his own, an out-pocket of the Lawful extreme of the Spirit dimension, guarded by a pair of orichalcum sentinels. A great many inevitables report to him in some way, though they do not know this (nor do their actual masters) - an Aspect of Kadmon has taken the form of a very powerful inevitable. A number of angels also form part of his intelligence network.
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