The Shark of Worlds, The Great Wall is broken, Xochipactli is back


Ok, i made it. This version of Xochipactli is based on a power that can kill (with difficult) Thychen (The pinnacle of hubris! I present to you Thychen, the Supreme Being)

As you travel to the furthest reaches of the Pleroma, where the wall of reality separates your existence from the "void" a horrible feeling takes you. You stop abruptly, peering around with a sense of impending doom that makes your heart jump. You have never felt such fear since you ascended to Time Lord, and the renewal of this emotion after untold eons makes you fear for your life. You look around but you see nothing and even with your 10th Sense ability you see yourself traveling away calmly as if what is happening cannot be foreseen or observed. Suddenly a bump makes the wall next to you tremble and the shock wave throws you several light years away. As you recover you see a crack appear on the wall, then a second, a third, a hundred, a thousand and finally the wall crack as an immense snout passes through it. You remember seeing such a creature when you were still a mortal, a sea predator, a shark, but this is different: made of shadows and with red eyes that glow with greed and gluttony as it watches its new feast. His gaze falls on you and you perceive what the creature is thinking: "snack". You gather your cosmic powers to defend yourself and..... nothing, you find yourself floating in the void. You don't breathe?! You feel cold?! What?! Since you have ascended you have not needed these things anymore but now you are there, naked, stripped of your powers with the creature that taunts you with its gaze. As you perceive life abandoning you, the beast opens its jaws that could swallow an entire universe in one gulp and closes them on you. Then the dark.

Beyond Alignment (CE effectively) Xona-Titanic Poly-Existential outsider (chaotic, evil, extraexistential)

Init +∞/1.150.008 (always first); Senses all possible senses, cosmic consciousness (existance); Perception +∞/1.250.003

Aura chaotic, divine (16.001.600 ft., DC ∞/7.750.010), evil, twilight of the universe (16.001.600 ft., DC ∞/7.750.010)


AC ∞ (+1.100.000 circumstance, + 1.100.000 competence, +∞ Dex, +∞ deflection, +1.100.000 divine, +∞ dodge, +1.100.000 insight, +1.100.000 profane, +1.100.000 sacred, +∞ size, +25.000 natural, +∞ Devourer of All Creation) or 7.150.010, touch 6.750.010, flat-footed 7.050.010 (+1.100.000 circumstance, +1.100.000 competence, +50.000 Dex, +50.000 deflection, +1.100.000 divine, +50.000 dodge, +1.100.000 insight, +1.100.000 profane, +1.100.000 sacred, +400.000 natural)

hp ∞ or 660. (100.000d10.000+ x ten thousand x11

Fort +∞ (1.500.004), Ref +∞ (1.500.004), Will +∞ (1.500.004);

Defensive Abilities cosmic firmament, cosmic string, unreal (daylight); DR ∞/–; Immune Xochipactli is immune to all affects that require a save, alignment based effects, and is immune to all magical and natural effects; SR ∞/1.200.010, any spell which fails to penetrate Xochipactli spell resistance is reflected back upon the caster


Speed Folds Space

Melee bite touch +∞/1.550.000 (100.0000d10.0000+75.000/11-20 x11 x11 plus grab) (average, tail slap touch +∞/1.550.000 (100.0000d10.0000+50.000/16-20 x6 x6 plus crash of millions) (average 36.001.800.000)
Space/Reach: 198.070.406.300. ft./132.046.937.533.333.333.333.333.333.335 (existance with Transversal)

Special Attacks fast swallow, inhalation, profane the creation, swallow the universe, swallow whole


(Base 100,010) Str ∞, Dex ∞, Con ∞, Int ∞, Wis ∞, Cha

Base Atk +100.000; CMB +∞; CMD

Feats (Twilight of the Universe See Below) Anyfeat x∞, Automatic Metamagic Capacity x∞,

Skills All skills +∞

Languages All; telepathy existence

SQ labyrinthine innards, massive, maven, omnicompetenct, portfolios (double deicide)

Environment: In the Void outside the Existence

Organization: Unique

Challenge Rating: (official CR 200,000)

Treasure: No one

Special Abilities

Divine Abilities
(Devourer of the Universes See Below)

Cosmic Abilities
(Devourer of the Universes See Below)

Trascendental Abilities
(Devourer of the Universes See Below)

Omnific Abilities
(Devourer of the Universes See Below)

Metempiric Abilities
Devourer Toughness, Inexhaustible, Invincible Shield, Metaphysical, Metamerism, Supreme Gourmand, Supreme Hunter, Transcendental Nullification

Ultras Abilities
Devourers of the Universes, Omnilock, Outsider, Red Eyes on the Universe

Double Deicide Portfolio Traits

Domain Power: You may use Smite Immortal*.

Lunatic’s Atheism (Weakness): Competence penalty to on all rolls equal to double your divine rank for one month if you ever retreat the battlefield so long as a single enemy Immortal remains alive within your Divine Aura.

Anathema: Immortals target you above all others in combat.

Cosmic Imperfection (Destiny): Two soul objects in the universe can defeat Xochipactli cosmic string ability.

• Pernicious Ascendency (Su): You are healed by Divine Damage.

• Greater Scion of Godslaughter (Ex): You gain your two most powerful opponent’s in your Divine Aura Divine Bonus to Armor Class, Attacks, Damage, Saves, and Checks.

• Profane Ritual (Ex): All summoned allies cannot be Banished.

• Execration Ritual (Ex): All summoned allies maximize all die rolls if there is an Immortal within your Divine Aura.

• Antidivinity (Su): All Divine Damage you do is treated as Antidivine Damage, which deals no damage to entities not possessing Divine Rank but double damage to entities with a Divine Bonus (still penetrate and destroy all barriers).

• Vile Divinity (Su): All Antidivine Damage you do is considered Permanent Damage.

• Uncanny Divine Mastery (x2 HD) (Su): Assault your enemies with divine based attacks.

• Fundament of Sacrilege (Ex): You gain Regeneration equal to the total Divine Bonus of all foes in your Divine Aura.

• Font of Perdition (Ex): All Immortals within your Divine Aura take damage equal to the combined total of the Divine Bonus of all Immortals within your Divine Aura (including your own) every round.

• Nemesis (Su): You treat all Immortals as the Favored Enemy of a ranger equal to your HD, multiplying the bonus tenfold (+400.020).

• Divine Nullification (Su): All Immortals within your Divine Aura lose access to their Divine Abilities.

• Diabolism (Su): Divine Magic (and magic of Immortals) does not function in your Divine Aura.

• Devourer (Su): Immortals you slay are permanently destroyed as if slain in their Divine Realm.

• Omega (Su): All Immortals within your Divine Aura with divine rank lower than yours lose their Divine template (but still count as Immortal with their Divine Rank for your ability).

*Smite Immortal (Su)
A number of time per day equal to his divine rank, a deicide can infuse his strikes with anathematic energies. As a swift action, the deicide chooses one target within sight to smite. If this target is an Immortal, the deicide gains a bonus to his Attack Rolls equal to his HD plus his opponent's Divine Rank**, deals extra damage or permanent damage (deicide choice) on his Damage Rolls equal to double his HD x his opponent's Divine Rank against the Immortal and attacks automatically bypass any DR the Immortal might possess. In addition, while smite immortal is in effect, the deicide gains an insight bonus equal to double his opponent's Divine Rank to his AC and saving throw against attacks and ability made by the target of the smite. If the deicide targets a creature that was not an Immortals, the smite is wasted with no effect. The smite immortal effect remains until the target of the smite is dead or the next time the deicide rests and regains his use of this ability. This ability count as smite for prerequisite of feat and ability (like the Perfect Smite Cosmic Ability). If the Immortal has at least 49 divine rank, the base smite immortal damage (before apply superior and perfect smiting) increase to his HD x his opponent's Divine Rank x 100.
** for calculate the divine rank of Immortal without divine rank like Cogent or Cometary Dragon, use his equivalent bonus to AC (ex: a Cogent a rank 16, while an Old Cometary Dragon a rank 44).

Crash of Millions (Su)
When Xochipactli strikes a creature with its tail slap, the overwhelming blow tears at the underlying structure of reality. The creatures must make a Reflex save DC ∞/7.800.010 or be expelled by the current existence in the void outside. Really few non-supreme being creatures return from that void. The save DC is Strength-based.

Devourer of All Creation (Ex)
Xochipactli is the devourer of 11 of the 12 Existences. It gains a Divine Bonus equal to its Hit Dice (100.000) multiplied by each existence devoured (11 x 100.000= 1.100.000) and a +∞ stacked 11 times (meaning it must be removed from him 11 times to finally affect Him) on Armor Class, Attack Rolls, Checks (Ability Checks, Caster Level Checks, Skill Checks), Difficulty Class (for any and all abilities), Initiative, Saving throws, and Spell Resistance. Xochipactli is immune to all affects that require a save, alignment based effects, and is immune to all magical and natural effects.

Devourer of the Universes (Ex)
Treated as having access and the capability to use all Feats, all Epic Feats, all Divine Abilities, all Cosmic Abilities, all Transcendent Abilities, and all Omnific Abilities as if it had individually chosen and earned each and every ability. This ability cannot be abrogated and each ability must be removed individually.

Devourer Toughness (Ex)
Xochipactli gains Infinite Damage Reduction, uses d10,000s for base hit dice, and gains a ten thousand x health multiplier. This ability can be abrogated but only the Infinite damage reduction can be removed.

Inexhaustible (Ex)
Xochipactli is considered to have Omnific Toughness, Indissoluble, and regenerates when slain as an immediate action (this does not consume the immediate action of Xochipactli in this round) and gets a free full-round of actions.

Inhalation (Ex)
As a standard action, Xochipactli can inhale the existence, affecting a 987108816369 Light Years cone. Xona-Gargantuan or smaller creatures and objects within this area of effect must each succeed at a DC DC ∞/7.800.010 Reflex save to avoid being drawn into Xochipactli’s maw and automatically swallowed whole. Because a standard universe is Xona-Medium, this ability can swallow it as well. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Invincible Shields (Su)
Xochipactli is surrounded in a personal defensive barrier akin to the Force Field ability, however it blocks all damage, and if somehow destroyed regenerates the following round.
Special: This ability counters 'Infinite Effect', and is undermined by 'Metempiric Effect' and ‘Expression of Infinite Power’.

Labyrinthine Innards (Su)
Creatures swallowed by Xochipactli find themselves separated from all other swallowed creatures in a twisting maze of passages within the monster’s digestive system. A swallowed creature can move freely through this shadow maze and takes no damage from being swallowed, but it can’t damage Xochipactli from within if it attempts to escape. Instead, swallowed creatures must find an exit via one of the monster’s hundred tear ducts by succeeding at a divine check (HD+divine rank) against a DC of 1.200.000 as a full-round action. Teleportation effects do not function inside of Xochipactli. Xochipactli Divine Aura extend inside its body. This ability cannot be abrogated.

Massive (Ex)
Because Xochipactli is so massive, it treats terrain features that form difficult terrain as normal terrain, though Xona features like universes still function as difficult terrain for the monster. A Xona-Gargantuan or smaller creature can move through squares occupied by Xochipactli and vice versa. Xochipactli gains a bonus for being on higher ground only if its entire space is on higher ground than that of its target. It is possible for a Xona-Gargantuan or smaller creature to climb Xochipactli—this requires a successful DC 7.800.010 Climb check, and a creature that climbs Xochipactli’s body provokes an attack of opportunity from the monster. This ability cannot be abrogated.

Metaphysical (Ex)
Xochipactli can never be destroyed.

Metamerism (Su)
If Xochipactli would be destroyed, instead it gains another manifestation.

Omnilock (Ex)
Xochipactli cannot loose Divine Ranks or Quintessence, nor can it be Erased from existence, nor have any HD destroyed or drained, is immune to Dead Magic Zone, nor does any effect that deletes a percentage of its HP effect him. This ability cannot be abrogated.

Outsider (Ex)
Xochipactli is an outsider of the current existence, a horror born in the void outside. Xochipactli is immune to any effect generated with the Words of Chaos, Might of God, Will of God (like the Ku Ry Ep Su or Su Rek, the seal), Veto, or the laws of the reality created by the Supreme Being. Xochipactli can effect the Supreme Being as if its the Omega. The abilities of Xochipactli cannot be copied (like with Supreme Mimic) because it is originated by outside of this reality. Xochipactli action cannot be determined with 8th, 9th or 10th eye and they show a future unfolding as if Xochipactli did not exist. This ability cannot be abrogated.

Poly-Existential (Ex)
The Xochipactli is a being that exists in multiple concepts and multiple timestreams all at once. It entirely controls it’s form, and it’s opponent’s perceptions of it at all times, allowing it to simultaneously exist as both something micro-diminutive for purposes of detecting it and attacking it and also Xonna-Titanic for purposes of grappling, damage, etc. it is treated as having an effectively infinite size bonus in both AC, Grapple, and Attack all at the same time without penalty

Profane the Creation (Su)
Can alter any aspect of existence as it sees fit with but a thought, these effects are permanent and considered fundamental to creation, nothing within existence can resist the alteration of reality as decided upon by Xochipactli. This replaces and stacks with the parameters of Alter Reality.

Red Eyes on the Universe (Ex)
Xochipactli is the Hunger, It sees the Universe as as a banquet. It needs not roll for any action, all actions are considered successful natural ‘20’s. Any would be enemy finds all actions fail and any foreseeable negative consequence can and will happen regardless of how unlikely or absurd. This ability counter and is in turn negated by 11th Sense and Eye of God (the opponent must have both abilities and both are negated). This ability cannot be abrogated.

Space-Folding (Ex)
Xochipactli is able to fold space to instantly travel to any point in the universe at any time, this effectively makes Xochipactli occupy all spaces for all positive benefits or effects, and not occupy any space that would be considered non beneficial. Essentially allowing Xochipactli to target a foe without being able to be targeted itself. Only other creature with space-folding can target Xochipactli.

Supreme Gourmand (Ex)
Xochipactli gains all the ability (but not the weakness) of a devoured opponent.

Supreme Hunter (Ex)
Xochipactli can freely travel to destroyed existences, past timelines, future timelines, alternate existences, alternate timelines etc. It gains an infinite amount of attacks against any target, and can undermine any creature born from creation via Time including Slipstream and Transtemporal entities.

Swallow the Universe (Ex)
A single attack from Xochipactli’s bite can target all creatures in a square. Make one attack roll; any creature in the area whose AC is equal to or lower than the result takes damage from the bite. Xochipactli can attempt a combat maneuver check to grapple and immediately swallow all creatures it hits with this bite attack, making a single check and applying it against the CMD of all targets. If it grapples a creature of Xona-Gargantuan size or smaller, it does not gain the grappled condition and does not need to succeed at a grapple combat maneuver check to move while maintaining its grapple. Xochipactli can grapple any number of creatures of Xona-Gargantuan or smaller simultaneously. This ability cannot be abrogated.

Transcendental Nullification (Su)
Xochipactli nullify all opponent's Transcendental Abilities within his Divine Aura.

Twilight of the Universe (Su)
Wherever Xochipactli swims, the omen of the end follows it. An area of 16.001.600 ft. centered on Xochipactli the light level drop to supernatural darkness. It’s impossible to see in this darkness, regardless of the senses possessed, unless a creature make a divine check (HD+divine rank) against a DC of 1.200.000. When a creature make a successful check, he can see in this dark for 24 hours. Regardless of the check, all creatures in the area of darkness with the exception of Xochipactli take 10.000 negative levels. A Fortitude save DC ∞/7.800.010 negate the effect. Creatures immune to energy drain or Fortitude save take 2.000 in case of a failed save. All unattended-objects and structures (reality included) in the area take 1.000.000 damage that ignore hardness every round. The save DC is Charisma-based.


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Ok, i made it. This version of Xochipactli is based on a power that can kill (with difficult) Thychen (The pinnacle of hubris! I present to you Thychen, the Supreme Being)

As you travel to the furthest reaches of the Pleroma, where the wall of reality separates your existence from the "void" a horrible feeling takes you. You stop abruptly, peering around with a sense of impending doom that makes your heart jump. You have never felt such fear since you ascended to Time Lord, and the renewal of this emotion after untold eons makes you fear for your life. You look around but you see nothing and even with your 10th Sense ability you see yourself traveling away calmly as if what is happening cannot be foreseen or observed. Suddenly a bump makes the wall next to you tremble and the shock wave throws you several light years away. As you recover you see a crack appear on the wall, then a second, a third, a hundred, a thousand and finally the wall crack as an immense snout passes through it. You remember seeing such a creature when you were still a mortal, a sea predator, a shark, but this is different: made of shadows and with red eyes that glow with greed and gluttony as it watches its new feast. His gaze falls on you and you perceive what the creature is thinking: "snack". You gather your cosmic powers to defend yourself and..... nothing, you find yourself floating in the void. You don't breathe?! You feel cold?! What?! Since you have ascended you have not needed these things anymore but now you are there, naked, stripped of your powers with the creature that taunts you with its gaze. As you perceive life abandoning you, the beast opens its jaws that could swallow an entire universe in one gulp and closes them on you. Then the dark.

Beyond Alignment (CE effectively) Xona-Titanic Poly-Existential outsider (chaotic, evil, extraexistential)

Init +∞/1.150.008 (always first); Senses all possible senses, cosmic consciousness (existance); Perception +∞/1.250.003

Aura chaotic, divine (16.001.600 ft., DC ∞/7.750.010), evil, twilight of the universe (16.001.600 ft., DC ∞/7.750.010)


AC ∞ (+1.100.000 circumstance, + 1.100.000 competence, +∞ Dex, +∞ deflection, +1.100.000 divine, +∞ dodge, +1.100.000 insight, +1.100.000 profane, +1.100.000 sacred, +∞ size, +25.000 natural, +∞ Devourer of All Creation) or 7.150.010, touch 6.750.010, flat-footed 7.050.010 (+1.100.000 circumstance, +1.100.000 competence, +50.000 Dex, +50.000 deflection, +1.100.000 divine, +50.000 dodge, +1.100.000 insight, +1.100.000 profane, +1.100.000 sacred, +400.000 natural)

hp ∞ or 660. (100.000d10.000+ x ten thousand x11

Fort +∞ (1.500.004), Ref +∞ (1.500.004), Will +∞ (1.500.004);

Defensive Abilities cosmic firmament, cosmic string, unreal (daylight); DR ∞/–; Immune Xochipactli is immune to all affects that require a save, alignment based effects, and is immune to all magical and natural effects; SR ∞/1.200.010, any spell which fails to penetrate Xochipactli spell resistance is reflected back upon the caster


Speed Folds Space

Melee bite touch +∞/1.550.000 (100.0000d10.0000+75.000/11-20 x11 x11) (average, tail slap touch +∞/1.550.000 (100.0000d10.0000+50.000/16-20 x6 x6 plus crash of millions) (average 36.001.800.000)
Space/Reach: 198.070.406.300. ft./132.046.937.533.333.333.333.333.333.335

Special Attacks profane the creation


(Base 100,010) Str ∞, Dex ∞, Con ∞, Int ∞, Wis ∞, Cha

Base Atk +100.000; CMB +∞; CMD

Feats (Twilight of the Universe See Below) Anyfeat x∞, Automatic Metamagic Capacity x∞,

Skills All skills +∞

Languages All; telepathy existence

SQ maven, omnicompetenct, portfolios (double deicide)

Environment: In the Void outside the Existence

Organization: Unique

Challenge Rating: (official CR 200,000)

Treasure: No one

Special Abilities

Divine Abilities
(Devourer of the Universes See Below)

Cosmic Abilities
(Devourer of the Universes See Below)

Trascendental Abilities
(Devourer of the Universes See Below)

Metempiric Abilities
Devourer Toughness, Inexhaustible, Invincible Shield, Metaphysical, Metamerism, Supreme Gourmand, Supreme Hunter, Transcendental Nullification

Ultras Abilities
Devourers of the Universes, Omnilock, Outsider, Red Eyes on the Universe

Double Deicide Portfolio Traits

Domain Power: Once per day you may use Smite Immortal*.

Lunatic’s Atheism (Weakness): Competence penalty to on all rolls equal to double your divine rank for one month if you ever retreat the battlefield so long as a single enemy Immortal remains alive within your Divine Aura.

Anathema: Immortals target you above all others in combat.

Cosmic Imperfection (Destiny): Two soul objects in the universe can defeat Xochipactli cosmic string ability.

• Pernicious Ascendency (Su): You are healed by Divine Damage.

• Greater Scion of Godslaughter (Ex): You gain your two most powerful opponent’s in your Divine Aura Divine Bonus to Armor Class, Attacks, Damage, Saves, and Checks.

• Profane Ritual (Ex): All summoned allies cannot be Banished.

• Execration Ritual (Ex): All summoned allies maximize all die rolls if there is an Immortal within your Divine Aura.

• Antidivinity (Su): All Divine Damage you do is treated as Antidivine Damage, which deals no damage to entities not possessing Divine Rank but double damage to entities with a Divine Bonus (still penetrate and destroy all barriers).

• Vile Divinity (Su): All Antidivine Damage you do is considered Permanent Damage.

• Uncanny Divine Mastery (x2 HD) (Su): Assault your enemies with divine based attacks.

• Fundament of Sacrilege (Ex): You gain Regeneration equal to the total Divine Bonus of all foes in your Divine Aura.

• Nemesis (Su): You treat all Immortals as the Favored Enemy of a ranger equal to your HD, multiplying the bonus tenfold (+400.020).

• Divine Nullification (Su): All Immortals within your Divine Aura lose access to their Divine Abilities.

• Diabolism (Su): Divine Magic (and magic of Immortals) does not function in your Divine Aura.

• Devourer (Su): Immortals you slay are permanently destroyed as if slain in their Divine Realm.

• Omega (Su): All Immortals within your Divine Realm with divine rank lower than yours lose their Divine template (but still count as Immortal with their Divine Rank for your ability).

*Smite Immortal (Su)
Once per day, a deicide can infuse his strikes with anathematic energies. As a swift action, the deicide chooses one target within sight to smite. If this target is an Immortal, the deicide gains a bonus to his Attack Rolls equal to his HD plus his opponent's Divine Rank**, deals extra damage or permanent damage (deicide choice) on his Damage Rolls equal to double his HD x his opponent's Divine Rank against any Immortal and attacks automatically bypass any DR the Immortal might possess. In addition, while smite immortal is in effect, the deicide gains an insight bonus equal to double his opponent's Divine Rank to his AC and saving throw against attacks and ability made by the target of the smite. If the deicide targets a creature that was not an Immortals, the smite is wasted with no effect. The smite immortal effect remains until the target of the smite is dead or the next time the deicide rests and regains his use of this ability. This ability count as smite for prerequisite of feat and ability (like the Perfect Smite Cosmic Ability). If the Immortal has at least 49 divine rank, the base smite immortal damage (before apply superior and perfect smiting) increase to his HD x his opponent's Divine Rank x 100.
** for calculate the divine rank of Immortal without divine rank like Cogent or Cometary Dragon, use his equivalent bonus to AC (ex: a Cogent a rank 16, while an Old Cometary Dragon a rank 44).

Crash of Millions (Su)
When Xochipactli strikes a creature with its tail slap, the overwhelming blow tears at the underlying structure of reality. The creatures must make a Reflex save DC ∞/7.800.010 or be expelled by the current existence in the void outside. Really few non-supreme being creatures return from that void. The save DC is Strength-based.

Devourer of All Creation (Ex)
Xochipactli is the devourer of 11 of the 12 Existences. It gains a Divine Bonus equal to its Hit Dice (100.000) multiplied by each existence devoured (11 x 100.000= 1.100.000) and a +∞ stacked 11 times (meaning it must be removed from him 11 times to finally affect Him) on Armor Class, Attack Rolls, Checks (Ability Checks, Caster Level Checks, Skill Checks), Difficulty Class (for any and all abilities), Initiative, Saving throws, and Spell Resistance. Xochipactli is immune to all affects that require a save, alignment based effects, and is immune to all magical and natural effects.

Devourer of the Universes (Ex)
Treated as having access and the capability to use all Feats, all Epic Feats, all Divine Abilities, all Cosmic Abilities, all Transcendent Abilities, and all Omnific Abilities as if it had individually chosen and earned each and every ability. This ability cannot be abrogated and each ability must be removed individually.

Devourer Toughness (Ex)
Xochipactli gains Infinite Damage Reduction, uses d10,000s for base hit dice, and gains a ten thousand x health multiplier. This ability can be abrogated but only the Infinite damage reduction can be removed.

Inexhaustible (Ex)
Xochipactli is considered to have Omnific Toughness, Indissoluble, and regenerates when slain as an immediate action (this does not consume the immediate action of Xochipactli in this round) and gets a free full-round of actions.

Invincible Shields (Su)
Xochipactli is surrounded in a personal defensive barrier akin to the Force Field ability, however it blocks all damage, and if somehow destroyed regenerates the following round.
Special: This ability counters 'Infinite Effect', and is undermined by 'Metempiric Effect' and ‘Expression of Infinite Power’.

Metaphysical (Ex)
Xochipactli can never be destroyed.

Metamerism (Su)
If Xochipactli would be destroyed, instead it gains another manifestation.

Omnilock (Ex)
Xochipactli cannot loose Divine Ranks or Quintessence, nor can it be Erased from existence, nor have any HD destroyed or drained, is immune to Dead Magic Zone, nor does any effect that deletes a percentage of its HP effect him. This ability cannot be abrogated.

Outsider (Ex)
Xochipactli is an outsider of the current existence, a horror born in the void outside. Xochipactli is immune to any effect generated with the Words of Chaos, Might of God, Will of God (like the Ku Ry Ep Su or Su Rek, the seal), Veto, or the laws of the reality created by the Supreme Being. Xochipactli can effect the Supreme Being as if its the Omega. The abilities of Xochipactli cannot be copied (like with Supreme Mimic) because it is originated by outside of this reality. Xochipactli action cannot be determined with 8th, 9th or 10th eye and they show a future unfolding as if Xochipactli did not exist. This ability cannot be abrogated.

Poly-Existential (Ex)
The Xochipactli is a being that exists in multiple concepts and multiple timestreams all at once. It entirely controls it’s form, and it’s opponent’s perceptions of it at all times, allowing it to simultaneously exist as both something micro-diminutive for purposes of detecting it and attacking it and also Xonna-Titanic for purposes of grappling, damage, etc. it is treated as having an effectively infinite size bonus in both AC, Grapple, and Attack all at the same time without penalty

Profane the Creation (Su)
Can alter any aspect of existence as it sees fit with but a thought, these effects are permanent and considered fundamental to creation, nothing within existence can resist the alteration of reality as decided upon by Xochipactli. This replaces and stacks with the parameters of Alter Reality.

Red Eyes on the Universe (Ex)
Xochipactli is the Hunger, It sees the Universe as as a banquet. It needs not roll for any action, all actions are considered successful natural ‘20’s. Any would be enemy finds all actions fail and any foreseeable negative consequence can and will happen regardless of how unlikely or absurd. This ability counter and is in turn negated by 11th Sense and Eye of God (the opponent must have both abilities and both are negated). This ability cannot be abrogated.

Space-Folding (Ex)
Xochipactli is able to fold space to instantly travel to any point in the universe at any time, this effectively makes Xochipactli occupy all spaces for all positive benefits or effects, and not occupy any space that would be considered non beneficial. Essentially allowing Xochipactli to target a foe without being able to be targeted itself. Only other creature with space-folding can target Xochipactli.

Supreme Gourmand (Ex)
Xochipactli gains all the ability (but not the weakness) of a devoured opponent.

Supreme Hunter (Ex)
Xochipactli can freely travel to destroyed existences, past timelines, future timelines, alternate existences, alternate timelines etc. It gains an infinite amount of attacks against any target, and can undermine any creature born from creation via Time including Slipstream and Transtemporal entities.

Transcendental Nullification (Su)
Xochipactli nullify all opponent's Transcendental Abilities within his Divine Aura.

Twilight of the Universe (Su)
Wherever Xochipactli swims, the omen of the end follows it. An area of 16.001.600 ft. centered on Xochipactli the light level drop to supernatural darkness. It’s impossible to see in this darkness, regardless of the senses possessed, unless a creature make a divine check (HD+divine rank) against a DC of 1.200.000. When a creature make a successful check, he can see in this dark for 24 hours. Regardless of the check, all creatures in the area of darkness with the exception of Xochipactli take 10.000 negative levels. A Fortitude save DC ∞/7.800.010 negate the effect. Creatures immune to energy drain or Fortitude save take 2.000 in case of a failed save. All unattended-objects and structures (reality included) in the area take 1.000.000 damage that ignore hardness every round. The save DC is Charisma-based.
That's legitimately rad af

Ok, i made it. This version of Xochipactli is based on a power that can kill (with difficult) Thychen (The pinnacle of hubris! I present to you Thychen, the Supreme Being)

As you travel to the furthest reaches of the Pleroma, where the wall of reality separates your existence from the "void" a horrible feeling takes you. You stop abruptly, peering around with a sense of impending doom that makes your heart jump. You have never felt such fear since you ascended to Time Lord, and the renewal of this emotion after untold eons makes you fear for your life. You look around but you see nothing and even with your 10th Sense ability you see yourself traveling away calmly as if what is happening cannot be foreseen or observed. Suddenly a bump makes the wall next to you tremble and the shock wave throws you several light years away. As you recover you see a crack appear on the wall, then a second, a third, a hundred, a thousand and finally the wall crack as an immense snout passes through it. You remember seeing such a creature when you were still a mortal, a sea predator, a shark, but this is different: made of shadows and with red eyes that glow with greed and gluttony as it watches its new feast. His gaze falls on you and you perceive what the creature is thinking: "snack". You gather your cosmic powers to defend yourself and..... nothing, you find yourself floating in the void. You don't breathe?! You feel cold?! What?! Since you have ascended you have not needed these things anymore but now you are there, naked, stripped of your powers with the creature that taunts you with its gaze. As you perceive life abandoning you, the beast opens its jaws that could swallow an entire universe in one gulp and closes them on you. Then the dark.

Beyond Alignment (CE effectively) Xona-Titanic Poly-Existential outsider (chaotic, evil, extraexistential)

Init +∞/1.150.008 (always first); Senses all possible senses, cosmic consciousness (existance); Perception +∞/1.250.003

Aura chaotic, divine (16.001.600 ft., DC ∞/7.750.010), evil, twilight of the universe (16.001.600 ft., DC ∞/7.750.010)


AC ∞ (+1.100.000 circumstance, + 1.100.000 competence, +∞ Dex, +∞ deflection, +1.100.000 divine, +∞ dodge, +1.100.000 insight, +1.100.000 profane, +1.100.000 sacred, +∞ size, +25.000 natural, +∞ Devourer of All Creation) or 7.150.010, touch 6.750.010, flat-footed 7.050.010 (+1.100.000 circumstance, +1.100.000 competence, +50.000 Dex, +50.000 deflection, +1.100.000 divine, +50.000 dodge, +1.100.000 insight, +1.100.000 profane, +1.100.000 sacred, +400.000 natural)

hp ∞ or 660. (100.000d10.000+ x ten thousand x11

Fort +∞ (1.500.004), Ref +∞ (1.500.004), Will +∞ (1.500.004);

Defensive Abilities cosmic firmament, cosmic string, unreal (daylight); DR ∞/–; Immune Xochipactli is immune to all affects that require a save, alignment based effects, and is immune to all magical and natural effects; SR ∞/1.200.010, any spell which fails to penetrate Xochipactli spell resistance is reflected back upon the caster


Speed Folds Space

Melee bite touch +∞/1.550.000 (100.0000d10.0000+75.000/11-20 x11 x11 plus grab) (average, tail slap touch +∞/1.550.000 (100.0000d10.0000+50.000/16-20 x6 x6 plus crash of millions) (average 36.001.800.000)
Space/Reach: 198.070.406.300. ft./132.046.937.533.333.333.333.333.333.335

Special Attacks fast swallow, inhalation, profane the creation, swallow the universe, swallow whole


(Base 100,010) Str ∞, Dex ∞, Con ∞, Int ∞, Wis ∞, Cha

Base Atk +100.000; CMB +∞; CMD

Feats (Twilight of the Universe See Below) Anyfeat x∞, Automatic Metamagic Capacity x∞,

Skills All skills +∞

Languages All; telepathy existence

SQ labyrinthine innards, massive, maven, omnicompetenct, portfolios (double deicide)

Environment: In the Void outside the Existence

Organization: Unique

Challenge Rating: (official CR 200,000)

Treasure: No one

Special Abilities

Divine Abilities
(Devourer of the Universes See Below)

Cosmic Abilities
(Devourer of the Universes See Below)

Trascendental Abilities
(Devourer of the Universes See Below)

Metempiric Abilities
Devourer Toughness, Inexhaustible, Invincible Shield, Metaphysical, Metamerism, Supreme Gourmand, Supreme Hunter, Transcendental Nullification

Ultras Abilities
Devourers of the Universes, Omnilock, Outsider, Red Eyes on the Universe

Double Deicide Portfolio Traits

Domain Power: Once per day you may use Smite Immortal*.

Lunatic’s Atheism (Weakness): Competence penalty to on all rolls equal to double your divine rank for one month if you ever retreat the battlefield so long as a single enemy Immortal remains alive within your Divine Aura.

Anathema: Immortals target you above all others in combat.

Cosmic Imperfection (Destiny): Two soul objects in the universe can defeat Xochipactli cosmic string ability.

• Pernicious Ascendency (Su): You are healed by Divine Damage.

• Greater Scion of Godslaughter (Ex): You gain your two most powerful opponent’s in your Divine Aura Divine Bonus to Armor Class, Attacks, Damage, Saves, and Checks.

• Profane Ritual (Ex): All summoned allies cannot be Banished.

• Execration Ritual (Ex): All summoned allies maximize all die rolls if there is an Immortal within your Divine Aura.

• Antidivinity (Su): All Divine Damage you do is treated as Antidivine Damage, which deals no damage to entities not possessing Divine Rank but double damage to entities with a Divine Bonus (still penetrate and destroy all barriers).

• Vile Divinity (Su): All Antidivine Damage you do is considered Permanent Damage.

• Uncanny Divine Mastery (x2 HD) (Su): Assault your enemies with divine based attacks.

• Fundament of Sacrilege (Ex): You gain Regeneration equal to the total Divine Bonus of all foes in your Divine Aura.

• Nemesis (Su): You treat all Immortals as the Favored Enemy of a ranger equal to your HD, multiplying the bonus tenfold (+400.020).

• Divine Nullification (Su): All Immortals within your Divine Aura lose access to their Divine Abilities.

• Diabolism (Su): Divine Magic (and magic of Immortals) does not function in your Divine Aura.

• Devourer (Su): Immortals you slay are permanently destroyed as if slain in their Divine Realm.

• Omega (Su): All Immortals within your Divine Aura with divine rank lower than yours lose their Divine template (but still count as Immortal with their Divine Rank for your ability).

*Smite Immortal (Su)
Once per day, a deicide can infuse his strikes with anathematic energies. As a swift action, the deicide chooses one target within sight to smite. If this target is an Immortal, the deicide gains a bonus to his Attack Rolls equal to his HD plus his opponent's Divine Rank**, deals extra damage or permanent damage (deicide choice) on his Damage Rolls equal to double his HD x his opponent's Divine Rank against any Immortal and attacks automatically bypass any DR the Immortal might possess. In addition, while smite immortal is in effect, the deicide gains an insight bonus equal to double his opponent's Divine Rank to his AC and saving throw against attacks and ability made by the target of the smite. If the deicide targets a creature that was not an Immortals, the smite is wasted with no effect. The smite immortal effect remains until the target of the smite is dead or the next time the deicide rests and regains his use of this ability. This ability count as smite for prerequisite of feat and ability (like the Perfect Smite Cosmic Ability). If the Immortal has at least 49 divine rank, the base smite immortal damage (before apply superior and perfect smiting) increase to his HD x his opponent's Divine Rank x 100.
** for calculate the divine rank of Immortal without divine rank like Cogent or Cometary Dragon, use his equivalent bonus to AC (ex: a Cogent a rank 16, while an Old Cometary Dragon a rank 44).

Crash of Millions (Su)
When Xochipactli strikes a creature with its tail slap, the overwhelming blow tears at the underlying structure of reality. The creatures must make a Reflex save DC ∞/7.800.010 or be expelled by the current existence in the void outside. Really few non-supreme being creatures return from that void. The save DC is Strength-based.

Devourer of All Creation (Ex)
Xochipactli is the devourer of 11 of the 12 Existences. It gains a Divine Bonus equal to its Hit Dice (100.000) multiplied by each existence devoured (11 x 100.000= 1.100.000) and a +∞ stacked 11 times (meaning it must be removed from him 11 times to finally affect Him) on Armor Class, Attack Rolls, Checks (Ability Checks, Caster Level Checks, Skill Checks), Difficulty Class (for any and all abilities), Initiative, Saving throws, and Spell Resistance. Xochipactli is immune to all affects that require a save, alignment based effects, and is immune to all magical and natural effects.

Devourer of the Universes (Ex)
Treated as having access and the capability to use all Feats, all Epic Feats, all Divine Abilities, all Cosmic Abilities, all Transcendent Abilities, and all Omnific Abilities as if it had individually chosen and earned each and every ability. This ability cannot be abrogated and each ability must be removed individually.

Devourer Toughness (Ex)
Xochipactli gains Infinite Damage Reduction, uses d10,000s for base hit dice, and gains a ten thousand x health multiplier. This ability can be abrogated but only the Infinite damage reduction can be removed.

Inexhaustible (Ex)
Xochipactli is considered to have Omnific Toughness, Indissoluble, and regenerates when slain as an immediate action (this does not consume the immediate action of Xochipactli in this round) and gets a free full-round of actions.

Inhalation (Ex)
As a standard action, Xochipactli can inhale the existence, affecting a 987108816369 Light Years cone. Xona-Gargantuan or smaller creatures and objects within this area of effect must each succeed at a DC DC ∞/7.800.010 Reflex save to avoid being drawn into Xochipactli’s maw and automatically swallowed whole. Because a standard universe is Xona-Medium, this ability can swallow it as well. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Invincible Shields (Su)
Xochipactli is surrounded in a personal defensive barrier akin to the Force Field ability, however it blocks all damage, and if somehow destroyed regenerates the following round.
Special: This ability counters 'Infinite Effect', and is undermined by 'Metempiric Effect' and ‘Expression of Infinite Power’.

Labyrinthine Innards (Su)
Creatures swallowed by Xochipactli find themselves separated from all other swallowed creatures in a twisting maze of passages within the monster’s digestive system. A swallowed creature can move freely through this shadow maze and takes no damage from being swallowed, but it can’t damage Xochipactli from within if it attempts to escape. Instead, swallowed creatures must find an exit via one of the monster’s hundred tear ducts by succeeding at a divine check (HD+divine rank) against a DC of 1.200.000 as a full-round action. Teleportation effects do not function inside of Xochipactli. Xochipactli Divine Aura extend inside its body. This ability cannot be abrogated.

Massive (Ex)
Because Xochipactli is so massive, it treats terrain features that form difficult terrain as normal terrain, though Xona features like universes still function as difficult terrain for the monster. A Xona-Gargantuan or smaller creature can move through squares occupied by Xochipactli and vice versa. Xochipactli gains a bonus for being on higher ground only if its entire space is on higher ground than that of its target. It is possible for a Xona-Gargantuan or smaller creature to climb Xochipactli—this requires a successful DC 7.800.010 Climb check, and a creature that climbs Xochipactli’s body provokes an attack of opportunity from the monster. This ability cannot be abrogated.

Metaphysical (Ex)
Xochipactli can never be destroyed.

Metamerism (Su)
If Xochipactli would be destroyed, instead it gains another manifestation.

Omnilock (Ex)
Xochipactli cannot loose Divine Ranks or Quintessence, nor can it be Erased from existence, nor have any HD destroyed or drained, is immune to Dead Magic Zone, nor does any effect that deletes a percentage of its HP effect him. This ability cannot be abrogated.

Outsider (Ex)
Xochipactli is an outsider of the current existence, a horror born in the void outside. Xochipactli is immune to any effect generated with the Words of Chaos, Might of God, Will of God (like the Ku Ry Ep Su or Su Rek, the seal), Veto, or the laws of the reality created by the Supreme Being. Xochipactli can effect the Supreme Being as if its the Omega. The abilities of Xochipactli cannot be copied (like with Supreme Mimic) because it is originated by outside of this reality. Xochipactli action cannot be determined with 8th, 9th or 10th eye and they show a future unfolding as if Xochipactli did not exist. This ability cannot be abrogated.

Poly-Existential (Ex)
The Xochipactli is a being that exists in multiple concepts and multiple timestreams all at once. It entirely controls it’s form, and it’s opponent’s perceptions of it at all times, allowing it to simultaneously exist as both something micro-diminutive for purposes of detecting it and attacking it and also Xonna-Titanic for purposes of grappling, damage, etc. it is treated as having an effectively infinite size bonus in both AC, Grapple, and Attack all at the same time without penalty

Profane the Creation (Su)
Can alter any aspect of existence as it sees fit with but a thought, these effects are permanent and considered fundamental to creation, nothing within existence can resist the alteration of reality as decided upon by Xochipactli. This replaces and stacks with the parameters of Alter Reality.

Red Eyes on the Universe (Ex)
Xochipactli is the Hunger, It sees the Universe as as a banquet. It needs not roll for any action, all actions are considered successful natural ‘20’s. Any would be enemy finds all actions fail and any foreseeable negative consequence can and will happen regardless of how unlikely or absurd. This ability counter and is in turn negated by 11th Sense and Eye of God (the opponent must have both abilities and both are negated). This ability cannot be abrogated.

Space-Folding (Ex)
Xochipactli is able to fold space to instantly travel to any point in the universe at any time, this effectively makes Xochipactli occupy all spaces for all positive benefits or effects, and not occupy any space that would be considered non beneficial. Essentially allowing Xochipactli to target a foe without being able to be targeted itself. Only other creature with space-folding can target Xochipactli.

Supreme Gourmand (Ex)
Xochipactli gains all the ability (but not the weakness) of a devoured opponent.

Supreme Hunter (Ex)
Xochipactli can freely travel to destroyed existences, past timelines, future timelines, alternate existences, alternate timelines etc. It gains an infinite amount of attacks against any target, and can undermine any creature born from creation via Time including Slipstream and Transtemporal entities.

Swallow the Universe (Ex)
A single attack from Xochipactli’s bite can target all creatures in a square. Make one attack roll; any creature in the area whose AC is equal to or lower than the result takes damage from the bite. Xochipactli can attempt a combat maneuver check to grapple and immediately swallow all creatures it hits with this bite attack, making a single check and applying it against the CMD of all targets. If it grapples a creature of Xona-Gargantuan size or smaller, it does not gain the grappled condition and does not need to succeed at a grapple combat maneuver check to move while maintaining its grapple. Xochipactli can grapple any number of creatures of Xona-Gargantuan or smaller simultaneously. This ability cannot be abrogated.

Transcendental Nullification (Su)
Xochipactli nullify all opponent's Transcendental Abilities within his Divine Aura.

Twilight of the Universe (Su)
Wherever Xochipactli swims, the omen of the end follows it. An area of 16.001.600 ft. centered on Xochipactli the light level drop to supernatural darkness. It’s impossible to see in this darkness, regardless of the senses possessed, unless a creature make a divine check (HD+divine rank) against a DC of 1.200.000. When a creature make a successful check, he can see in this dark for 24 hours. Regardless of the check, all creatures in the area of darkness with the exception of Xochipactli take 10.000 negative levels. A Fortitude save DC ∞/7.800.010 negate the effect. Creatures immune to energy drain or Fortitude save take 2.000 in case of a failed save. All unattended-objects and structures (reality included) in the area take 1.000.000 damage that ignore hardness every round. The save DC is Charisma-based.
The only thing I don't like about this is the ability that makes all Words of Chaos not affect him. Those are from my campaign setting and supposed to be words from the Akasha, and Thychen was supposed to have driven Xochipactli (called Xenopactli when I first wrote about it years ago) off.

Veto as well, that's a Mulahat ability given to Thychen and I make it to all Supreme Beings within their own Creation to be able to counter other Supreme Being level threats. The Mulahat are supposed to be like Omniversal Referees, negating that doesn't really make sense..

Those abilities should counter his Outsider ability, just being able to negate Supreme Being level abilities without a counter is dumb, imo. If the two powers cancel each other out, sure I can get behind that, however you gave him a multitude of abilities that have no counter and can't be negated.. Moreover him being able to just negate an entire existence, or alter it in any way he sees fit, without a save even, unless this is just talking about his own existence of course, I think is silly, like how does that work?

It seems like the most fun aspects of a battle between two beings calling themselves God gets negated like this without even any fanfare. Unless I'm assuming of course.

You could have a whole Divine to Pleromic campaign setting situated around the concept of reality attempting to be rewritten and the Supreme Being needing help to face a Multiversal level threat, but in one single swipe that gets taken off the table because he gets to do whatever he wants to whomever he pleases without any way to circumvent it, even for an all powerful being? Idk. It's your creation but. Come on.

The Mulahat are already existing outside Thychen's creation, they're Extramultiversal beings as well, being not born of Creation but from the greater hyper-reality that houses Akasha, Aravoth if you will, so by proxy of that, they should also be able to affect him. Theoretically.

The rest of his abilities make it a sporting fight, he's physically more powerful than Thychen, and has more devastating basic capabilities, but Thychen has far stronger overall capabilities, besides broken ones, and a full regalia of items, some of which are pretty terrifying.

That said, adding abilities in that can't be countered or only seem to exist to counter Thychen seems pedantic and 'I win button'ish. I'd probably make the two beings powers largely negate one another's abilities appropriately. Will of God counters Outsider, Universal Disrupt counters Profane the Existence etc

I don't think a being who's power is supposed to be at Supreme Being power should just be able to auto defeat any other attack form or any other Supreme Being without some kind of counter ability, otherwise, especially at these levels it becomes lopsided and it makes Xochipactli unable to be used in a high campaign setting if, regardless of powers you may have, nothing works.

Otherwise as I said, I love this post, I think it's awesome. It's apparent you tried to make abilities that counter and negate Thychen's most devastating powers which is great, the only way to truly take him down is via negation, but auto everything negation plus inability to counter and added Omega makes it a little hard to use.

I may go in and outline a few other abilities on Thychen's sheet, not add anything just outline abilities he already has, as his abilities are largely assumed, moreover i should really put his damage potential down vice just infinity signs.

He's a truly worthy and terrifying Omega and a frightening opponent, even for God.
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The only thing I don't like about this is the ability that makes all Words of Chaos not affect him. Those are from my campaign setting and supposed to be words from the Akasha, and Thychen was supposed to have driven Xochipactli (called Xenopactli when I first wrote about it years ago) off.
I understand the problem, I based myself on a sentence "The Second time was when Xenopactli, a strange and horrible being once attempted to take the Throne from Thychen's grasp and actually managed to succeed in many Timelines, Thychen was forced to call upon his heavenly host and ultimately had to warp in an infinite amount of himselves to defeat the beast."
I was based on the assumption that Xochipactli had won in almost all the Timelines because Thychen in his arrogance did not intervene immediately AND with allies. In its abilities it is not written but Xochipactli is based on a concept similar to the avalanche effect: the more he devours the stronger he becomes.
To represent the concept I take the Demiurge: a Stage I Demiurge decides to reabsorb his universe, it can be faced by 3-4 First One or 7-10 Old One. It absorbs all the First One, goes to Stage II and the game is over: with three or more stage of differene, unless the Abrogate abuse (which with a little strategy it manages to avoid) it will be always able to consume all the Sidereals and return to Time Lord.
Xochipactli is based on the same principle: the version I created is one of the other Timelines, it has consumed 11 out of 12 existence and is about to knock on Thychen's door for the final snack. I considered that Thychen, in the canonical Timeline, intervened immediately, with even reinforcements, before the beast consumed everything like a vacuum cleaner. This version I created is the swan song of a dying universe before the creature devours itself and starts a new cycle (The Great Wall is Broken [Immortal NPCs]). Just come into existence is far fewer powerfull and resistant (say around 20,000 HD and no Devourer of All Creation and immunity to Words of Chaos)
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You know, I originally wrote that
I understand the problem, I based myself on a sentence "The Second time was when Xenopactli, a strange and horrible being once attempted to take the Throne from Thychen's grasp and actually managed to succeed in many Timelines, Thychen was forced to call upon his heavenly host and ultimately had to warp in an infinite amount of himselves to defeat the beast."
I was based on the assumption that Xochipactli had won in almost all the Timelines because Thychen in his arrogance did not intervene immediately AND with allies. In its abilities it is not written but Xochipactli is based on a concept similar to the avalanche effect: the more he devours the stronger he becomes.
To represent the concept I take the Demiurge: a Stage I Demiurge decides to reabsorb his universe, it can be faced by 3-4 First One or 7-10 Old One. It absorbs all the First One, goes to Stage II and the game is over: with three or more stage of differene, unless the Abrogate abuse (which with a little strategy it manages to avoid) it will be always able to consume all the Sidereals and return to Time Lord.
Xochipactli is based on the same principle: the version I created is one of the other Timelines, it has consumed 11 out of 12 existence and is about to knock on Thychen's door for the final snack. I considered that Thychen, in the canonical Timeline, intervened immediately, with even reinforcements, before the beast consumed everything like a vacuum cleaner. This version I created is the swan song of a dying universe before the creature devours itself and starts a new cycle (The Great Wall is Broken [Immortal NPCs]). Just come into existence is far fewer powerfull and resistant (say around 20,000 HD and no Devourer of All Creation and immunity to Words of Chaos)
No you're right, Thychen did lose, 1 on 1 and canonically even had the help of two other Supreme Beings, Atlas, the Paladin like Warrior God, and Tarrah the Warrior Queen and Thychen's consort, so given that it was three on one, and the Lipika intervened and Thychen STILL almost lost, I suppose thats a fair point of view.

I was just looking at the two side by side and was stumped at that part. Like how could anything, even something like Apepsnake's Bythos, get around that if it can't be abrogated and circumvents Supreme Being level capabilities?

Nonetheless I love this, and appreciate the response. I have a character called Deimos who I've mentioned a couple times who did something similar, he was the canonical Omega, or I should say there are multiple Omegas, most just never become powerful enough to truly challenge for the throne, I can't help but notice many similarities between your Xochipactli and my Deimos, they both shattered creation and both defeated Thychen both have insane powers that make no sense but exist none the less. Deimos finished the job however, beat Thychen nearly to death, broke his arms and then nearly tore them off before Thychen, dying and horribly maimed, was forced to vacate the throne and flee Creation, leaving The Ram Headed Throne empty, and the realm, rudderless a without a captain, to slow entropic annihilation.

I think I am going to use your Xochipactli as Deimos' form he fought Thychen in, and I think I will make it so Deimos is actually in some way shred of Xochipactli’s power, or related to him in some way, his daughter after all, the Goddess Tyr, the being who's power allows demigods to fight on par with demiurges, gains her power from the Taiji Dragon, so Deimos I think should be a thread pulled from that ancient cloth from so long ago reborn in this reality, an ancient fear still harbored in the back of Thychen's mind...
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You know, I originally wrote that

No you're right, Thychen did lose, 1 on 1 and canonically even had the help of two other Supreme Beings, Atlas, the Paladin like Warrior God, and Tarrah the Warrior Queen and Thychen's consort, so given that it was three on one, and the Lipika intervened and Thychen STILL almost lost, I suppose thats a fair point of view.
You have already posted the Lipike, you have stated Atlas, Tarrah and Deimos?

One thing I'd really like to see stated is Tyr with her ability to inflate the quintessece.
Most these beings are not crazy powerful in and of themselves, Tyr is only level 60 or 80 base. I'll get the other 8 Deities, Tyr, Solus, and the Emperor down, and Thychen's daughter Eva, the Aspect of Impossibility down on here eventually.


Most these beings are not crazy powerful in and of themselves, Tyr is only level 60 or 80 base. I'll get the other 8 Deities, Tyr, Solus, and the Emperor down, and Thychen's daughter Eva, the Aspect of Impossibility down on here eventually.
Post that if you can.

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