Nowhere King
You almost succeeded. After all these millennia of searching you have found the lost treasure of the Demiurge. Now you will show that musty God-King of your Pantheon that you were right, that you always had. And he said that he had a horrible feeling about this and that you had to give up on the project. Old coward. You left in secret because he did not approve and now, when you will bring the treasure in the presence of the other gods, they will be forced to recognize your success and abilities. Advance to the sphere suspended in the air. It can fit in your palm easily. You see runes carved into the sphere in some forgotten language but you decide to ignore them, glory awaits you! You inject quintessence in the object and for a moment nothing happens. For a moment you fear that you have failed but to your relief you see it begins to open up. In that instant everything goes wrong. From within you feel malicious intent like you've never heard before. And the power, oh the power. You have no hands perceived such a powerful entity and for an instant you are reminded of the stories that Eriknul, the oldest among the gods, told you of when the World was young and entities known as Sidereals walked free. These thoughts stop, however, when a black slime coming out of the sphere covers the whole room. The pain is excruciating: as if you were dissolving yourself into nothingness. As you wriggle a song begins to echo around the room:
"Hush now, hide, all you little ones;
Rush now, into the middle of nowhere;
Singing and laughter will die;
Dreamless sleep, follows the Nowhere King;
When its kingdom comes, darkness is nigh;
Quiet, crawl to the in-between silent;
Secretive feeling of fearsome;
Hatred that reaches the skies;
You will bring joy to the Nowhere King;
When its sees the light leaving your eyes".
The slime begins to concentrate all in one place, dragging you with it. In front of your face, in the center of the pool you see an elk skull emerging. It rises, dragging the mud behind it to form a slimy and horrible body. It lowers its head and you know that despite empty eye sockets, it is watching you. Damn, everyone will have sensed that energy and will be rushing here. You just have to buy enough time and hold out until they arrive. You try to gather your divine powers, but you do not perceive anything. Your powers have abandoned you. Grinning, the skull lowers to whisper to you singing:
"Why have you come here;
If not to free me?
Then why disturb me?
'Cause now you're stuck here, you see;
I can't allow this;
I don't want existence;
In the universe;
I'm finished with you, so...;
Hush now;
And die, little one;
Rush now;
Into the middle of nowhere;
Where the singing and laughter;
Have died"
It opens its jaws, closing them on you. You expect to reform in your palace. But only the dark and empty Cold Below awaits you. With your last glimmer of thought you now understand the meaning of the runes on the sphere. It was used to seal, to contain, to trap. It was a prison. And you opened it. May the Supreme Being have mercy of your soul for the horror you have unleashed on the universe.
Beyond Alignment (NE effectively) Gargantuan undead (augmented, entropy, evil, extraplanar)
Init +180 (always first); Senses cosmic consciousness (dimension), darkvision, lifesense, see in darkness; Perception +429
Aura divine (13.200 ft., DC 409), evil
AC cannot be hit 659, touch 489, flat-footed 575 (+255 deflection, +42 Dex, +48 divine, +42 dodge, +48 luck, +48 insight, +170 natural, -4 size)
hp 908.800 (320d100+81.600) x8 regeneration 2.560 (good artifacts/epic spells)
Fort +804, Ref +589, Will +601;
Defensive Abilities cosmic firmament, cosmic string, entropic skin, interdimensional; DR 2.560/–; Immune A First One is unaffected by any magical or natural effects such as: ability damage, disease, natural elements (cold, drowning, fire, lava, lightning etc.), poison and so forth. They can still be affected by artifacts (epic magic items) and epic spells; ooze traits, undead traits; Resistance cold 320; SR 378, any spell which fails to penetrate the Nowhere King spell resistance is reflected back upon the caster
Speed fly 10.000 ft. (perfect; see Reality phase)
Melee bite +783 (60d20+82), gore +783 (120d20+123), 6 hoof touch +781 (20d20+41) and slam touch +783 (40d20+82 plus grab)
Space 20 ft.; Reach 20 ft. (13.200 ft. with Unearthly Reach)
Special Attacks abrogate, alter reality, breath weapon (DC 569 half; cone 13.200 ft.; 320d100 permanent damage; 1d4 rounds), channel negative energy 258/day (DC 569; 160d6), herald of the destruction, mythic surge 48/day (+40d6), powerful charge (240d20+123), swallow whole (160d100 permanent damage, AC 95, 90.880 hp)
Spell-like Abilities (CL 378th, concentration +681)
Constant—true seeing, x-ray vision (as the divine ability)
At will—anti-life shell (DC 415), enervation, entropic shield, invisibility, slow (DC 412), wail of the banshee (DC 418), waves of exhaustion, waves of fatigue
Str 175, Dex 95, Con –, Int 117, Wis 119, Cha 520
Base Atk +320; CMB +791; CMD 899
Feats Alertness, Charismatic Initiative, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Greater Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Attack (bite), Improved Natural Attack (gore), Improved Natural Attack (hoof), Improved Natural Attack (slam), Mobility, Multiattack, Muscle Reaction, Run, Spring Attack;
Epic Feats Good Fortitude, Improved Dodge, Light Eradication, Sixth Sense, Superior Initiative;
Metamagic Feats Aquatic Spell, Automatic Metamagic Capacity x21, Bouncing Spell, Contingent Spell, Continual Spell, Delayed Spell, Ectoplasmic Spell, Elemental Spell, Empower Spell, Enlarge Spell, Extended Spell, Greater Intensified Spell [E] (+4, removes the maximum cap), Heightened Spell, Intensified Spell, Lingering Spell, Maximize Spell, Metamagic Freedom [E], Persistent Spell, Reach Spell, Seeking Spell, Selective Spell, Tenacious Spell, Trap Spell, Widen Spell;
Skills All skills 371 + ability modifier
Languages Celestial, Draconic, Old Tongue, other 376; telepathy dimension
SQ cosmic might, dimensional mastery (evil eye), maven, omnicompetenct, portfolio (double entropy), see-through skin, superior compression, virtual size category +9
Special Abilities
The Nowhere King renounces its 4 artifacts slot and integrated class feature for sextuple its divine slot. Nowhere King renounces 96 feats for 16 extra divine slot.
Divine Abilities
• Eternal Freedom (Ex): You are immune to spells and effects which impede movement.
• Greater Aura (Su): Can use sleep, pain or greater heroism effects with your aura.
• Goetic Blood (Su): Summoned monsters spring from your wounds.
• Heavenly Body (Ex): Divine Rank as luck to AC.
• Heavenly Mind (Ex): Cha as luck to attack rolls.
• Heavenly Soul (Ex): Cha as luck to saving throw.
• Heavenly Spirit (Ex): Divine Rank as luck to DC.
• Moderate Eradication (Ex): 50% chance of overcoming critical hit immunity.
• Mutability (Ex): You gain the ooze traits.
• Quantum Effect (Su): You can incorporate fate into your effects.
• Perfect Aura (Su): Can use insanity, death, perfect heroism effects with your aura.
• Self Mastery (Ex): Your body parts can operate independently.
• Seventh Sense (Ex): You can replay rounds.
• Strong Body (Ex): Divine Rank as insight to AC.
• Strong Mind (Ex): Str as insight to attack rolls.
• Strong Soul (Ex): Str as insight to saving throw.
• Strong Spirit (Ex): Divine Rank as insight to DC.
• Superior Aura (Su): Can use stunning, weakness or superior heroism effects with your aura.
• Superior Initiative (Ex): You go always first.
• Sure-Minded (Ex): Cannot be feinted.
• Uncanny Dodge (Ex): You can use your Dexterity modifier as your dodge bonus.
• Undeath (Ex): You gain the undead traits.
Cosmic Abilities
• Apostasy (Ex): You are beyond alignment.
• Cosmic Serpent (Su): You can change the alignment of other with a touch (Will 569 negate).
• Dominance (Su): Opponents with less that 1/3 your HD automatically fail their save against you.
• Eighth Sense (Ex): You exist one minute in the future.
• Legendary [Charisma] (Ex): You ability score is doubled.
• Nullification (Su): You negate all the opponent feats.
• Numinous (Su): Anti-magic aura that does not impede your own magic.
• Oblique Strike (Su): Injure one opponent by attacking another within your aura.
• Slimpstream (Su): Unaffected by time effects or temporal travel.
• Uncanny Annihilating MasteryB (Ex): The effect causes permanent hit point damage.
• Unearthly Effect (Ex): All Effect powers ranges are increased to the range of your divine aura. Lines, gaze and ray effect powers have a range equal to line of sight.
• Unearthly Reach (Ex): Reach equal to divine aura.
Trascendental Abilities
• Dead Zone (Su): You can create a zone of dead-magic that does not impede you.
• Divine Nullification (Su): You negate all an opponent divine abilities.
• Perfect Defense (Ex): Cannot be hit.
• Sophism (Ex): Make a Will save for negate an assault.
• Transmortality (Ex): Cannot be killed.
• Transgenic (Ex): You become immune to whatever subsequently destroyed your manifestation.
Entropy Double Portfolio Traits (First One)
Domain Power: You cast necromancy spells at +1 caster level.
• Sloth’s Grace: Competence penalty to dexterity equal to double your divine rank
• Temporal Vulnerability: Temporal spells and effects are 100% more effective on you
• Cosmic Imperfection (Time): Two artifacts in the universe can defeat the Nowhere King cosmic string ability
• Necromantic Immunity (Ex): You are immune to necromantic attacks and spells
• Cold Resistance (Ex): You gain cold resistance equal to your HD
• Greater Scion of the Void (Ex): +96 competence bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls and armor class while in a vacuum
• Improved Banishing (Su): Undead created/summoned have 50% more HD
• Perfect Banishing (Su): Summoned creatures in your divine aura automatically banished
• Perfect Embodiment of Entropy (Su): Immunities ineffective against your necromantic effects
• Uncanny Negative Energy Mastery (x2 HD) (Su): Assault your enemies with negative energy based attacks
• Void Soul (Su): Gain regeneration equal to your HD within a vacuum
• Nebulous (Su): 50% chance to avoid any attack or spell (stacks with incorporeality)
• Lord of Death (Su): Dominate any undead of a lower divine rank within your divine aura/realm
• Abrogate (Su): Nullify an opponent’s greatest ability (or ability score)
• Interdimensional (Su): 75% chance to avoid any attack or spell (stacks with incorporeality)
Uncanny Annihilating Mastery (x2 HD) (Evil Eye and Quantum Effect already calculated)
Beam (Ray) 640d6 (15.360); dimension
Blast 320d6 (7.680); 26.000 ft./1.625 ft. Standard action Ref 419/half
Blood 160d6 (3.840); Melee automatic ability Ref DC 419/negate
Breath* 640d6 (15.360); 1.625 ft. (cone) dimension (line) Standard Ref 419/half
Hand 960d6 (23.040); Melee Touch
Immolation 960d6 (23.040); 13.200 ft. radius Free/Standard Ref 419/half
Storm 160d6 (3.840); 13.200 ft. radius Standard/Free – Special Ref 419/half
Strike 160d6 (3.840); Melee (bonus) Free -
Wrath (Gaze) 320d6 (7.680); all creature within the dimension Will 419/negate
Uncanny Negative Energy Mastery (x2 HD) (Evil Eye and Quantum Effect already calculated)
Beam (Ray) 426 negative levels; dimension
Blast 213 negative levels; 26.000 ft./1.625 ft. Standard action Ref 419/half
Blood 106 negative levels; Melee automatic ability Ref DC 419/negate
Breath* 426 negative levels; 1.625 ft. (cone) dimension (line) Standard Ref 419/half
Hand 640 negative levels; Melee Touch
Immolation 640 negative levels; 13.200 ft. radius Free/Standard Ref 419/half
Storm 106 negative levels; 13.200 ft. radius Standard/Free – Special Ref 419/half
Strike 106 negative levels; Melee (bonus) Free -
Wrath (Gaze) 213 negative levels; all creature within the dimension 1.625 ft. Will 419/negate
Alter Reality (Su)
Once per round as a free action Nowhere King can duplicate any spell of 30th-level or less. This ability can also duplicate any epic spells of a DC equal to 444 or less. Other use of this ability are GM’s discretion.
Breath Weapon (Su)
If a creature fail the Reflex save of the Nowhere King, in addition to taking full damage, the entropic slime sticks to him and begins to erase him from reality. For 48 rounds, each round, he takes 48d20 permanent damage. A wish spell whose caster make a caster level check of 378 can stop the effect early.
Cosmic Might (Ex)
The Nowhere King deals d20's for base damage dice of all melee, natural weapon, and unarmed attacks with virtual size categories, and its damage dice cannot go below this dice but this cannot increase to more dice than Nowhere King HD.
Divine Traits (First One) (Ex)
As a First One, the Nowhere King gains a +48 divine bonus to: armor class; attack rolls; checks (ability checks, caster level checks, skill checks, etc.); difficulty class (for any special abilities, spell-like abilities, spells); initiative; saving throws and spell resistance. Nowhere King’s natural attacks or any weapons it wields, are treated as epic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. A First One does not age, requires no air to breathe, no food or drink to sustain itself, nor sleep.
Entropic Goo (Ex)
The Nowhere King grab and swallow whole abilities ignore freedom of movement and similar effects if generated by creatures of Old One or lesser grade.
Entropic Skin (Ex)
Any creature or object touching the Nowhere King’s seething membrane of pure entropy, including striking the monster with a melee natural weapon, unarmed strike, or melee touch attack, takes damage as Blood effect of the Uncanny Annihilating Mastery. Manufactured weapons that strike the Nowhere King take this damage as well, and the hardness of objects is halved against this. Anyone grappling with the Nowhere King suffers double the permanent damage (7.680). The Nowhere King destroy non-magical matter with a touch. Magical items must make a Fortitude save DC 569 each time they touch, or are touched by the Nowhere King, or be destroyed. This ability can even permanently destroy artifacts (even bonded artifacts) and soul objects if the object fail a Will save DC 569 as well (after the Fortitude save). The save DC is Charisma-based.
Entropy (subtype)
A creature with the entropy subtype can move without risk within the dimension of entropy and is immune to permanent damage. All natural attacks the creature make are touch attack. All natural attacks the creature make deal permanent damage instead of usual type (all natural weapons of the Nowhere King deal permanent damage with the exception of the bite and gore which do not go touch).
Herald of the End (Ex)
The Nowhere King was brought into existence by the creation of the universe, but was the living embodiment of the void, the perfect nothing that existed before it was born. The emptiness that it originally reflected had itself been erased at the start of time, and it longed to return to the ancient calm of nonexistence. The Nowhere King gains Uncanny Annihilating Mastery (x2 HD) as a bonus ability. Creature killed by the Nowhere King are destroyed in body (the remains are annihilated), mind and soul and cannot return to life or be resurrected by any means by a creature with lesser grade of a First One. This ignore rejuvenation and all abilities that automatically return to life or restore a creature (like the gaseous form of a vampire, the phylactery of a lich or the necessity to be killed in the Home plane for Immortals, but a contingency True Resurrection work if its casted by a First One and if overcome the Dead Magic zone, like for a First One caster with the Double Magic Portfolio). The Nowhere King can select Transcendental abilities as normal abilities. This ability cannot be abrogated.
Mythic (Ex)
The Nowhere King has Mythic Power (48/day, Surge +40d6) and counts as a 48th-rank Mythic creature. The Nowhere King can use any of its Alter Reality and spell-like abilities effect as the Mythic versions of those spells (if a Mythic version of that spell exists), expending Mythic Power as normal. The Nowhere King can also expend Mythic Power to use the augmented versions of these spells.
Reality Phase (Su)
The Nowhere King do not fly; rather it’s not subject to gravity in the same way other creatures are. This allow the Nowhere King to move in any direction through any medium, disintegrating solid matter in its path (see entropic skin).
See-Through Skin (Ex)
Because so much of the Nowhere King’s body is transparent, a creature swallowed whole by it has line of sight to creatures outside the Nowhere King, and creatures outside the Nowhere King can see any creatures that were swallowed whole.
Superior Compression (Ex)
The Nowhere King can move through an area as small as 1/32 its space without squeezing or 1/64 its space when squeezing.
Swallow Whole (Ex)
If the Nowhere King manage to grapple a creature, it can put the grappled creature in its mouth as a free action and attempt another grapple combat maneuver check (as though attempting to pin the opponent). If it succeed, it swallow the opponent as for the swallow whole special ability. If a creature that is swallowed whole by the Nowhere King manages to escape by cutting itself free, the Nowhere King’s gelatinous body simply seals over the hole created so that other swallowed creatures must cut their own way out.
As a Deity
Nowhere King
First One of Entropy, Consumer of the Universe
Alignment NE
Areas of Concern Destruction of the reality, Emptiness, Nothingness
Domains Darkness, Death, Destruction, Evil, Knowledge, Madness, Repose, Ruins
Subdomains Catastrophe (Destruction), Cannibalism (Evil), Daemon (Evil), Hatred (Destruction), Isolation (Void), Loss (Darkness), Memory (Knowledge), Murder (Death), Nightmare (Madness)
Favored Weapon Scythe
Symbol An elk skull on top of a black slime
Sacred Animal(s) Unelemental
Sacred Color(s) Vantablack
And this is my first unique creation, which is not taken from some mythology or converted from another work. The Nowhere King is a horror that wants only one thing: to erase the universe and return everything to the primal void. He was imprisoned by a coalition of First One at the dawn of time, even before the outbreak of the Cosmic War, and erased from history to prevent anyone from looking for him. The seal was hidden in the most remote corner of the Universe so that no one could ever, even if they wanted to, free him. But with the passage of time and the various planar upheavals the dungeon in which he is trapped is no longer in the most isolated corner of the world, the defenses have eroded and the guardians broken or dead. Now even a simple demi-deity could enter in search of treasures and without wanting, free it. Or just to free him, since with the weakening of the seal his mind has freed itself and has begun to send dreams of treasures to greedy people and of apocalypse to insane cults to attract them to free him. The gods have yet to notice this but cults of preachers announcing the end of the world are multiplying everywhere.
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