Things from my setting

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OK summing up the whole discussion:
1) Apepsnake has traumatized Beefer who now every time he sees "It Cannot Be Abrogated" has a reaction like Denzel Crocker of Fairly Oddparents. PS. This is the most important consideration of course.
2) We have confirmed that a First One party that does not behave like my players (i.e. charge head down and improvise on the spot after the bear trap placed in the middle of the path IN PLAIN SIGHT has closed in their face) and relying on that 100 to mental characteristics can face it and even defeat it if they make a good plan and strategy. Never fall into arrogance especially at high levels. Who knows if that little pixie isn't actually a dangerous anomaly that can consume dimensionis?
3) For the opening scene described you can get a glimpse here: this scene inspired me with its terrifying aspect

This monster can be dealt with but with difficulty. If you are a First One you can face it but you have to do a REALLY good preparation and strategy to be able to stop it since it is a span above you (I considered it in my setting as the manifestation of the Time Lord's fear, nightmares and paranoia when he has sundered himself to become a Demiurge) and also may seek alliances around the universe to fight him instead of sending soldiers or just yourself as you usually would for another opponent in a normal situation. The Nowhere King is very much on the edge between being a Sidereal and an Anomaly.
See that's what I was thinking too, it seemed far more like a legit Anomaly as all Abomination type beings have unique powers that are only quantifiable by the type of being they happen to be or force of nature they're spawned from

See that's what I was thinking too, it seemed far more like a legit Anomaly as all Abomination type beings have unique powers that are only quantifiable by the type of being they happen to be or force of nature they're spawned from
I know but I didn't put it as Anomaly for two reasons:
I created the Entity trait but for the Anomaly I still work it and it's not ready.
I wanted to insert it as an integral part of the reality of my universe, not as an external cyst but as an internal tumor.

I know but I didn't put it as Anomaly for two reasons:
I created the Entity trait but for the Anomaly I still work it and it's not ready.
I wanted to insert it as an integral part of the reality of my universe, not as an external cyst but as an internal tumor.
That's actually really badass, I'd love to see your Entity and Anomaly traits once they're finished.

That's actually really badass, I'd love to see your Entity and Anomaly traits once they're finished.
First I tried to do as for the Entities and do a simple upgrade but it doesn't work, they can't even remotely cope with the current stuff even to a simple Time Lord "Anomalies are extra-cosmic abominations, creatures otherwise superfluous to cosmic balance but possessed of power enough to give even a time lord pause ". The difference is just too overwhelming.


Anomalies are extra-cosmic abominations, creatures otherwise superfluous to cosmic balance but possessed of power enough to give even a time lord pause. While abominations are perversions of immortal portfolios and entities are corruptions of the dimensions, anomalies are twisted interpretations of infinite aspects of reality. Known anomalies include: the dead demiurge known as the Garganaut and the inconceivable Infinitaur, terminator of time lords. Though it is likely that other anomalies exist within the boundless parameters of the great rift.

Anomalies Traits

Hit Dice

Anomalies have at least 240 HD. If in any way they fall below this value, they become entities instead. They have d1000 for hit dice and they have maximum hit points per Hit Die. They have a x2 hit points multiplier. At 300 HD and every 100 HD thereafter their hit point multiplier increases by +1. At 1000 HD this increase to x1000. At 2000 HD and every 1000 HD thereafter their hit point multiplier increases by +1000.

Deflection Bonus (Ex)
Anomalies gain a deflection bonus to their armor class equal to their Charisma modifier.

Alter Reality (Su)
Once per round as a free action an anomaly can duplicate any spell of 9 + number of automatic metamagic capacity feats (CL=HD+Divine Bonus). This ability can also duplicate any epic spells of a DC equal to its spellcraft check +20. Other use of this ability are GM’s discretion.

Cosmic String (Ex)
Anomalies can only be permanently destroyed by a being of equal or better divine status. If an Anomalies is destroyed by a being of a lower divine status it simply rejuvenates instantly.

Divine Aura (Su)
Anomalies have extreme divine aura (1.600 ft. + 160/HD). The anomaly can choose from the following effects each round as a free action. The saving throw to resist effects has a DC of 10 + the anomaly’s Charisma modifier + the anomaly’s divine rank.

  • Death: Those within the anomaly’s aura must make a Fortitude save or die. The anomaly can only slay up to a total of 100 hit points for each of its own hit die per round (although it can choose which targets suffer first).
  • Fear: Those within the anomaly’s aura must make a Will save or be panicked until they exit the divine aura and for a number of rounds thereafter equal to the anomaly HD.
  • Insanity: Those within the anomaly’s aura must make a Will save or become permanently insane.
  • Perfect Heroism: Allies within the anomaly’s aura gain a morale bonus on attack rolls, saves and skill checks equal to the anomaly divine bonus.

Divine Ability (Var.)
Anomalies have a number of divine ability slots equal to their divine bonus. They can select Divine, Cosmic, and Transcendental abilities. At 300 HD and every 100 HD thereafter, an anomaly can totally retrain its divine abilities knowed.

Divine Bonus (Ex)
Anomalies add a divine bonus equal to 1/5 their HD to: armor class; attack rolls; checks (ability checks, caster level checks, skill checks); difficulty class (for any special abilities, spell-like abilities, spells); initiative; saving throws and spell resistance. An anomaly’s natural attacks or any weapons it wields, are treated as epic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Cosmic Consciousness (Ex)
The senses of an anomaly extend to the borders the current universe it inhabit or to 50 billion light years while in the Pleroma.

Fast Healing (Ex)
Anomalies have fast healing equal to their total Hit Dice x divine bonus x hit point multiplier.

Immortality (Ex)
An anomaly does not age, requires no air to breathe, no food or drink to sustain itself, nor sleep.

Immunities (Ex)
An anomaly is unaffected by any magical or natural effects such as: ability damage, disease, natural elements (cold, drowning, fire, lava, lightning etc.), poison and so forth. They can still be affected by artifacts (epic magic items) and epic spells. Anomalies are immune to polymorphing, petrification, or any form-altering attack. They are not subject to energy drain, ability drain, or ability damage. They are immune to mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects), death from massive damage, and are immune to three of five energy types (specific to the anomaly). Anomalies are immune to Terrestial/Stellar/Dimensional/Universal Hazards and to the effect of the Pleroma space. Anomalies are immune to Dead Magic zones.

Maven (Ex)
Anomalies have maximum rank in all skills they know.

Mythic (Ex)
Anomalies have Mythic Power (x/day, Surge +y) and counts as a xth-rank Mythic creature. Anomalies can use any of them Alter Reality effects as the Mythic versions of those spells (if a Mythic version of that spell exists), expending Mythic Power as normal. They can also expend Mythic Power to use the augmented versions of these spells. X is equal to the divine rank of the anomaly and y is the corresponding surge.

Natural Armor (Ex)
Determine natural armor bonuses as follows:

  • Amorphous/fluid body: Natural armor = 1/6 HD + size bonuses only.
  • Skin/furred body: Natural armor = 1/4 HD + any bonuses for size.
  • Scaly skin/exoskeleton: Natural armor = 1/2 HD + any bonuses for size.
  • Carapace plated/mineral-like body: Natural Armor = HD + any bonuses for size.

Omnicompetent (Ex)
Anomalies know all skills.

Portfolio (Var.)
Anomalies gain two portfolio or one double portfolio as a First One.

Predator of Gods (Ex)
Anomalies ignore transmortality unless the immortal have a divine rank equal or higher than the anomaly in question. When an anomaly kill a deity this counts as if it killed him in his native plane (godly realm) to make sure he really died.

Predator of the Multiverse (Ex)
Anomalies are Resistant to Multiversal Hazards (Probability Crack, Logic Paradox, Anti-Maxim).

Regeneration (Ex)
Anomalies have regeneration equal to their total Hit Dice x divine bonus. This regeneration will be negated by Expression of Power [Effect], Omnific Might, and Transcendental Might.

Resistances (Ex)
Anomalies have damage reduction /– equal to their HD x divine rank. At 1000 HD and higher this change to HD x hp multiplier. Anomalies resist detection, and are all treated as if affected by a mindblank spell of a caster level equal to the anomaly’s HD and have the Apocrypha divine ability as a bonus ability.

Rejected from Creation (Ex)
Anomalies are not part of creation and resist that power. At 1000 HD they gain immunity to Abrogate and Evil Eye unless generated by a Time Lord or equivalent.

Speed (Ex)
Anomalies have a base speed of Superluminar and have Starflight.

Spell Resistance/Spell Reflection (Ex)
Anomalies have spell resistance equal to 10 + HD + Divine Bonus. Any spell which fails to penetrate the anomaly’s spell resistance is reflected back upon the caster.

Starflight (Su)
An anomaly can reach any destination in the Multiverse in 10d20 minutes (10 minutes with Inner Eye).

Summon Creatures (Sp)
Anomalies can summon creatures associated with their godly progenitor, the Time Lords (like Neutronium Leviathan) or with their Portfolio (like Umbrals for Double Entropy Portfolio). Summoned creatures serve the anomaly without question. Summoned creatures automatically return whence they came after 1 hour, or sooner if slain. See specific anomaly entries for additional details on summoning.

Special Qualities (Ex)
All anomalies have the True Seeing and X-Ray Vision divine ability and the Inner Eye and Slipstream cosmic abilities. Anomalies have the blindsight extraordinary ability, low-light vision, darkvision and see in darkness. Anomalies can choose both nonepic and epic feats as part of their feat selection. Of the two type of energy the anomaly is not immune, one is absorbed by the anomaly and heal instead of damaging it and the other is reflected (as the Energy Absorption and Energy Reflection of the nehaschimic dragons).

Telepathy (Su)
Anomalies can communicate telepathically with any creature that has a language.

Transcendental Might (Ex)
Anomalies deals d100's for base damage dice of all melee, natural weapon, and unarmed attacks with virtual size categories, and their damage dice cannot go below this dice but this cannot increase to more dice than their HD (Ie: a dagger wielded by a medium anomaly with 600 HD and 1000 Str would deal 600d100 damage). At 1000 HD this increase to Omnific Might and d1000 instead of d100.

Transcendental Traits
Anomalies gain two bonuses to: armor class; attack rolls; difficulty class (for any special abilities, spell-like abilities, spells); CMD; initiative and saving throws. The type of bonuses gained are different for each anomaly. Some gain a luck bonus and a sacred bonus; some gain foresight and insight bonuses, while others gain both a profane bonus and a gravitic mastery bonus. The value of this bonus is equal to the divine bonus of the anomaly. An anomaly cannot have both a profane and sacred bonuses or an anarchic and axiomatic bonuses from this ability at the same time unless it is Beyond Alignment.

Unique Abilities
All anomalies have at least one unique abilities tied to their godly parent’s, or to their Portfolios. These abilities are on the same power level as the Transcendental abilities, but very rarely an anomaly is born with one of these abilities instead on par with an Omnific ability.

Universal Mastery (Var.)
All anomalies are hated and despised and very few of them can say that they know even for a short time the happiness or affection of another creature but for this very reason the universe gives them a gift.

Anomalies gain one of the following six abilities:

  • Evil Eye: You can manipulate the destiny of any beings within your divine aura. For instance you could choose to always gain the best dice rolls for you and your allies and bestow the worst on your enemies. Any being with the Inner Eye cosmic ability cannot have their destiny tampered with in this manner, however, they themselves would no longer always gain the best dice rolls (as per the benefits of the Inner Eye ability).

  • Transcorporeal: You cannot be physically injured by any matter native to your native universe (with the exception of one artifact). If you are born in the Pleroma, you must select a universe of your choice for this ability.

  • Transfinite: You can add the inherant power of your opponent to that of your own. You can choose any opponent within your divine aura and further increase your divine bonus and ability scores by an amount equivalent to the benefit given by their divinity template.

  • Transmortality: You are truly immortal and cannot be permanently destroyed, even by beings of a higher divine status (except by one specific individual).

  • Transtemporal: You can travel freely in time. Any being with the Slipstream cosmic ability cannot be undermined by time travel. However, a transtemporal being still gains triple actions against such opponents simultaneously acting from the immediate past, present and future.

  • Unreal: You cannot be affected by magic from your universe (with the exception of one spell/ritual). If you are born in the Pleroma, you must select a universe of your choice for this ability.

Ability Score
Anomalies have at least 200 in all ability score at the creation (after the adjustment for Portfolio and virtual size). This does not prevent it from being reduced through external sources (like Withering [Effect] if overcome the immunity to ability drain).

Anomalies speak Draconic, Pleromian (the Common of the Pleroma) and other languages suited to the single anomaly.


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Anomalies are extra-cosmic abominations, creatures otherwise superfluous to cosmic balance but possessed of power enough to give even a time lord pause. While abominations are perversions of immortal portfolios and entities are corruptions of the dimensions, anomalies are twisted interpretations of infinite aspects of reality. Known anomalies include: the dead demiurge known as the Garganaut and the inconceivable Infinitaur, terminator of time lords. Though it is likely that other anomalies exist within the boundless parameters of the great rift.

Anomalies Traits

Hit Dice

Anomalies have at least 240 HD. If in any way they fall below this value, they become entities instead. They have d1000 for hit dice and they have maximum hit points per Hit Die. They have a x2 hit points multiplier. At 300 HD and every 100 HD thereafter their hit point multiplier increases by +1. At 1000 HD this increase to x1000. At 2000 HD and every 1000 HD thereafter their hit point multiplier increases by +1000.

Alter Reality (Su)
Once per round as a free action an anomaly can duplicate any spell of 9 + number of automatic metamagic capacity feats (CL=HD+Divine Bonus). This ability can also duplicate any epic spells of a DC equal to its spellcraft check +20. Other use of this ability are GM’s discretion.

Cosmic String (Ex)
Anomalies can only be permanently destroyed by a being of equal or better divine status. If an Anomalies is destroyed by a being of a lower divine status it simply rejuvenates instantly.

Divine Aura (Su)
Anomalies have extreme divine aura (1.600 ft. + 160/HD). The anomaly can choose from the following effects each round as a free action. The saving throw to resist effects has a DC of 10 + the anomaly’s Charisma modifier + the anomaly’s divine rank.

  • Death: Those within the anomaly’s aura must make a Fortitude save or die. The anomaly can only slay up to a total of 100 hit points for each of its own hit die per round (although it can choose which targets suffer first).
  • Fear: Those within the anomaly’s aura must make a Will save or be panicked until they exit the divine aura and for a number of rounds thereafter equal to the anomaly HD.
  • Insanity: Those within the anomaly’s aura must make a Will save or become permanently insane.
  • Perfect Heroism: Allies within the anomaly’s aura gain a morale bonus on attack rolls, saves and skill checks equal to the anomaly divine bonus.

Divine Ability (Var.)
Anomalies have a number of divine ability slots equal to their divine bonus. They can select Divine, Cosmic, and Transcendental abilities. At 300 HD and every 100 HD thereafter, an anomaly can totally retrain its divine abilities knowed.

Divine Bonus (Ex)
Anomalies add a divine bonus equal to 1/5 their HD to: armor class; attack rolls; checks (ability checks, caster level checks, skill checks); difficulty class (for any special abilities, spell-like abilities, spells); initiative; saving throws and spell resistance.

Cosmic Consciousness (Ex)
The senses of an anomaly extend to the borders the current universe it inhabit or to 50 billion light years while in the Pleroma.

Fast Healing (Ex)
Anomalies have fast healing equal to their total Hit Dice x divine bonus x hit point multiplier.

Immortality (Ex)
An anomaly does not age, requires no air to breathe, no food or drink to sustain itself, nor sleep.

Immunities (Ex)
Anomalies are immune to polymorphing, petrification, or any form-altering attack. They are not subject to energy drain, ability drain, or ability damage. They are immune to mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects), death from massive damage, and are immune to three of five energy types (specific to the anomaly). Anomalies are immune to Terrestial/Stellar/Dimensional/Universal Hazards and to the effect of the Pleroma space. Anomalies are immune to Dead Magic zones.

Maven (Ex)
Anomalies have maximum rank in all skills they know.

Mythic (Ex)
Anomalies have Mythic Power (x/day, Surge +y) and counts as a xth-rank Mythic creature. Anomalies can use any of them Alter Reality effects as the Mythic versions of those spells (if a Mythic version of that spell exists), expending Mythic Power as normal. They can also expend Mythic Power to use the augmented versions of these spells. X is equal to the divine rank of the anomaly and y is the corresponding surge.

Natural Armor (Ex)
Determine natural armor bonuses as follows:

  • Amorphous/fluid body: Natural armor = 1/6 HD + size bonuses only.
  • Skin/furred body: Natural armor = 1/4 HD + any bonuses for size.
  • Scaly skin/exoskeleton: Natural armor = 1/2 HD + any bonuses for size.
  • Carapace plated/mineral-like body: Natural Armor = HD + any bonuses for size.

Omnicompetent (Ex)
Anomalies know all skills.

Portfolio (Var.)
Anomalies gain two portfolio or one double portfolio as a First One.

Predator of Gods (Ex)
Anomalies ignore transmortality unless the immortal have a divine rank equal or higher than the anomaly in question. When an anomaly kill a deity this counts as if it killed him in his native plane (godly realm) to make sure he really died.

Predator of the Multiverse (Ex)
Anomalies are Resistant to Multiversal Hazards (Probability Crack, Logic Paradox, Anti-Maxim).

Regeneration (Ex)
Anomalies have regeneration equal to their total Hit Dice x divine bonus. This regeneration will be negated by Expression of Power [Effect], Omnific Might, and Transcendental Might.

Resistances (Ex)
Anomalies have damage reduction /– equal to their HD x divine rank. At 1000 HD and higher this change to HD x hp multiplier. Anomalies resist detection, and are all treated as if affected by a mindblank spell of a caster level equal to the anomaly’s HD and have the Apocrypha divine ability as a bonus ability.

Rejected from Creation (Ex)
Anomalies are not part of creation and resist that power. They are immune to Abrogate and Evil Eye unless generated by a Time Lord or equivalent.

Speed (Ex)
Anomalies have a base speed of Superluminar and have Starflight with 2d6 minutes.

Spell Resistance/Spell Reflection (Ex)
Anomalies have spell resistance equal to 10 + HD + Divine Bonus. Any spell which fails to penetrate the anomaly’s spell resistance is reflected back upon the caster.

Summon Creatures (Sp)
Anomalies can summon creatures associated with their godly progenitor, the Time Lords (like Neutronium Leviathan) or with their Portfolio (like Umbrals for Double Entropy Portfolio). Summoned creatures serve the anomaly without question. Summoned creatures automatically return whence they came after 1 hour, or sooner if slain. See specific anomaly entries for additional details on summoning.

Special Qualities (Ex)
All anomalies have the True Seeing and X-Ray Vision divine ability and the Inner Eye and Slipstream cosmic abilities. Anomalies have the blindsight extraordinary ability, low-light vision, darkvision and see in darkness. Anomalies can choose both nonepic and epic feats as part of their feat selection. Of the two type of energy the anomaly is not immune, one is absorbed by the anomaly and heal instead of damaging it and the other is reflected (as the Energy Absorption and Energy Reflection of the nehaschimic dragons).

Telepathy (Su)
Anomalies can communicate telepathically with any creature that has a language.

Transcendental Might (Ex)
Anomalies deals d100's for base damage dice of all melee, natural weapon, and unarmed attacks with virtual size categories, and their damage dice cannot go below this dice but this cannot increase to more dice than their HD (Ie: a dagger wielded by a medium anomaly with 600 HD and 1000 Str would deal 1000d100 damage). At 1000 HD this increase to Omnific Might and d1000 instead of d100.

Transcendental Traits
Anomalies gain two bonuses to: armor class; attack rolls; checks (ability checks, caster level checks, skill checks, etc.); difficulty class (for any special abilities, spell-like abilities, spells); initiative and saving throws. The type of bonuses gained are different for each anomaly. Some gain a luck bonus and a sacred bonus; some gain foresight and insight bonuses, while others gain both a profane bonus and a gravitic mastery bonus. The value of this bonus is equal to the divine bonus of the anomaly. An anomaly cannot have both a profane and sacred bonuses or an anarchic and axiomatic bonuses from this ability at the same time unless it is Beyond Alignment.

Unique Abilities
All anomalies have at least one unique abilities tied to their godly parent’s, or to their Portfolios. These abilities are on the same power level as the Transcendental abilities, but very rarely an anomaly is born with one of these abilities instead on par with an Omnific ability.

Universal Mastery (Var.)
All anomalies are hated and despised and very few of them can say that they know even for a short time the happiness or affection of another creature but for this very reason the universe gives them a gift.

Anomalies gain one of the following six abilities:

  • Evil Eye: You can manipulate the destiny of any beings within your divine aura. For instance you could choose to always gain the best dice rolls for you and your allies and bestow the worst on your enemies. Any being with the Inner Eye cosmic ability cannot have their destiny tampered with in this manner, however, they themselves would no longer always gain the best dice rolls (as per the benefits of the Inner Eye ability).

  • Transcorporeal: You cannot be physically injured by any matter native to your native universe (with the exception of one artifact). If you are born in the Pleroma, you must select a universe of your choice for this ability.

  • Transfinite: You can add the inherant power of your opponent to that of your own. You can choose any opponent within your divine aura and further increase your divine bonus and ability scores by an amount equivalent to the benefit given by their divinity template.

  • Transmortality: You are truly immortal and cannot be permanently destroyed, even by beings of a higher divine status (except by one specific individual).

  • Transtemporal: You can travel freely in time. Any being with the Slipstream cosmic ability cannot be undermined by time travel. However, a transtemporal being still gains triple actions against such opponents simultaneously acting from the immediate past, present and future.

  • Unreal: You cannot be affected by magic from your universe (with the exception of one spell/ritual). If you are born in the Pleroma, you must select a universe of your choice for this ability.

Ability Score
Anomalies have at least 200 in all ability score at the creation (after the adjustment for Portfolio and virtual size). This does not prevent it from being reduced through external sources (like Withering [Effect] if overcome the immunity to ability drain).

Anomalies speak Draconic, Pleromian (the Common of the Pleroma) and other languages suited to the single
This is really cool! I think it's super freaking strong but really awesome and makes sense for an anomaly.

The only thing I'd alter is make their Rejected By Creation power only make them immune to Abrogate at a thousand HD.

Also 2d6 minutes for starflight is like 5 times faster than a Time Lord who's only at 3d20 minutes which was supposed to be astronomically faster than anything else, which I believe was at 3d20 days, I can't help but feel that makes no sense. Makes me want to go back and alter the time lord, I dont think a freaking Anomaly should be faster than a time lord any more than I think an abomination should be faster than a Greater Deity.

Otherwise I think it's bad ass. Seems great honestly. 👍
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