Things from my setting

Ok tonight I bring you a revisiting of my setting. User Beefermatic created Hyperboreans, powerful warriors who gained powers through spiritual growth (Enemies, Allies, and Ideas for Sidereals, Eternals, and above). His template is great and well done. For my setting I changed the cards on the table though: as the Elder Mythos / Helioeides of my setting are a separate and parallel system, so are the Hyperboreans from me. While in Beefermatic setting they are an expanding empire that assimilates various cultures, in my setting they are a terrorist group that does not even reach ten thousand members (of which only a hundred above 1000 HD). Their degree of power gain was even if not in some cases higher than that of normal deities. They are a brutal group who want to eliminate the gods to replace them, and they do so in the fastest and most brutal way possible. If this leads to the deaths of billions of innocent people (like killing a Time Lord by collapsing a universe with all its inhabitants) it doesn't matter to them in the least. The only thing is that a dirty deity is dead. Although they are so few (compared to an entire multiverse), they are extremely feared by the gods (for a more than fair reason since my template makes them god killer) and there have been many wars in the past with even Highlord coalitions to annihilate the empire of the Hyperboreans and exterminate them but without succeeding completely. It will greatly reduce the number and destroyed their empire, certain, but they never completely erased them. In fact, their story in my setting is very similar to that of the Sith from Star Wars: a group of dissidents with the current order of things that grows into a large empire that rules over multiple universes only to be crushed by multiple coalitions, to disperse into small groups that are difficult to trace.
Small clarification if you ever use it: DO NOT repeat DO NOT put a Hyperborean against your players if they are gods and he has more perfection bonus than them divine rank (especially if the Hyperborean is above 500 HD). The poor player will be slaughtered very badly with almost no chance of fighting back. Conversely, if your players are Hyperboreans expect that almost any Immortal will end up in the meat grinder and many fights will become useless. That said, the template is deliberately broken. It is actually an exterminator of gods. :)

Spike them
Poke them
Taunt and provoke them
Laugh and tease them
Mess with their heads
Score them
Gore them
Skin them and wear them
Burn them
Grill them
Rattle their bones
Bite them
Eat them
Torture and beat them
Maim them kill them
Cut of their heads
Slay them
Flay them
Kick them and roll them
Dance on their graves
Cos now they're dead!

Ode to the massacre of the immortals. Hyperborean Empire. Approximately ATW 23455

Hyperborean Code:
  • A battle of any kind is a battle regardless, I'll give my best.​
  • There is honor in a death in battle, but my companions would suffer, I can withdraw from a lost battle, but only after my companions have withdrawn.​
  • I will not accept to absorb Quintessence and become a "Divinity", they are cowards who have chosen the easy way to a false power that depends on others.​
  • Once an oath is made, my honor requires me to keep it, even if I can interpret it however I want if it is not formulated well.​

Hyperboreans template

Gained: Hyperborean is a template that can be applied to any being hereafter referred to as the "base creature". The creature's type and size remain unchanged, however it gains the "Augmented" subtype.

-Hit Dice: The base creature gain max Hit Points, at 30 HD their base Hit Dice become d20s, at 120 HD their Hit Dice change to d100s, at 200 HD and every 100 HD thereafter their hit point multiplier increases by +1 (ie: a being with 200 HD of Spiritual Strength would have x2 health, 300 HD would have x3, and so on..), at 480 HD their base HD increases to d1000s. At 1000 HD, their hit point Multiplier increases from +1 per 100 HD, to +10 per 100 HD (1000 HD being would have x100 hp) this is retroactive. At 2000 HD their hit point multiplier increases to +1/4 their total hit dice (2000 HD would have x500 hp). Finally at 10.000 HD their base HD increases to d10.000s.

-Senses: At 30 HD the base creature's senses increase x3. At 60 HD the sense multiplier increase to x10. At 120 HD the creature gains Cosmic Consciousness that extend to the borders of the current Layer they inhabit. At 160 HD this increase to the Plane they inhabit. At 240 HD this increase to the current Dimension they inhabit. At 480 HD this increase to the current Universe they inhabit. While outside an Universe (like in the Pleroma) the Cosmic Consciousness is limited to 50 billion lightyears in radius centered on the Hyperborean.

-Speed: At 30 HD the base creature's speed increases by x3. At 120 HD the speed multiplier increases to x10 and they gain standard Starflight with a speed of 3d20 days to reach any point in the Kosmos. At 480 HD they become Superluminal. At 2000 HD their Starflight increases to 1d3 minutes, on par with a Time Lord. At 10.000 HD they gain Space Folding.

Space Folding (Ex)

The creature is able to fold space to instantly travel to any point in the universe at any time, this effectively makes the creature occupy all spaces for all positive benefits or effects, and not occupy any space that would be considered non beneficial. Essentially allowing the creature to target a foe without being able to be targeted itself. Only other creature with space-folding can target this creature.

-BaB: A Hyperborean has BaB equal to her HD, despite any class BaB or racial BaB.

-Spellcasting: A Hyperborean caster level, for all, is equal to her total Hit Die + Perfection Bonus unless is higher.

Armor Class
-Deflection and Insight: The base creature gains a Deflection bonus to their AC equal to their Charisma Modifier and an Insight bonus equal to their Wisdom Modifier.

-Perfection Bonus: They also gain a +1 Perfection bonus to their AC for every 5 HD.

-Cosmic String (Ex): A Hyperborean with 120 HD gains the Cosmic String Cosmic Ability as a bonus ability withouth the need to meet its prerequisite. A Hyperborean can be permanent killed everywhere (unlike Sidereals), but only by entities with divine rank or perfection bonus equal or higher than her perfection bonus. She reform instantly (like the Eternals) in the same spot if not killed by entities with divine rank or perfection bonus equal or higher than her perfection bonus.

-Natural Armor Bonus: The base creature gains an amount of Natural Armor bonus that varies depending on how naturally tough they are (this replace the base natural armor of the creature, if lessere). If the base creature has little or no natural armor normally, they gain 1/4th their HD in Nat AC. If the base being is naturally scaly or tough, they gain 1/2 their HD in Nat AC. If the base creature naturally has heavy armor plating or is incredibly tough to hurt, they gain Nat AC equal to their Hit Dice.

-Butcher of the gods (Ex): A Hyperborean of 2.000 HD gain immunity to Abrogate and Evil Eye unless generated by a Time Lord or equivalent.

Special Attacks:

-Aura: This work like the divine aura with the following difference: The aura is range close with HD 1-14, Medium with HD 15-84, Long with HD 85-244 and extreme with 245+ HD. The save DC is 10 + the hyperborean Charisma modifier + the perfection bonus.

-Integrated Class Features: The base creature gains class features equal to ½ her racial HD (for creature with only 1 racial HD, no Integrated Class Features).

-Spell Like Abilities: At 10th HD, they gain Limited Wish 1/day (CL= 10 + Hit Dice + perfection bonus), at 30 HD this improved to Wish 1/day, and at 120 HD this improved to Wish at-will. At 240 HD they gain Alter Reality as the Sidereals ability.

-Prana Blast (Su): Treated as an "Effect" power, the base creature begins to be able to manipulate it's own life force to assault it's foes. The base creature radiates an aura of bright light (color of your choice) that can be extinguished at will. Initially it deals 1d3 divine damage per HD of the base creature, though it does not destroy magic barriers, and dazzles targets that fail a DC 10 + ½ HD + their Perfection bonus save for 1 round, and manifests as a single Effect type power of the Hyperborean choosing (ray, blast, strike, touch, etc), every 10 HD he gains an additional attack form and it grows in strength as per the Effect list in the Ascension handbook (each power grows in strength as if it were selected one more time). At 30 HD, it is treated as an Uncanny Effect with the Hyperborean gaining access to all Effect type attack forms and dazzles targets for a number of rounds equal to the dice damage done and the -1 to attack rolls and sight based perception is replaced with a minus equal to the Hyperborean's Perfection modifier (and any Divine bonus they may also have) and also affects the armor class of an opponent reducing dodge and Dex based AC equal to the Perfection and Divine Bonus of the Hyperborean to a maximum of the opponent's total dodge and dex based armor bonus (Treat the range increment as if they were an equal leveled Deity and with a divine rank equal to its perfection bonus). At 60 HD the damage increase to d10's. At 120 HD the damage increase to d20's. At 480 HD the damage increase to d100's. At 1.000 HD the damage increase to d1000's. At 10.000 HD the damage increase to d10.000's.

-Terminus (Ex): A Hyperborean count her perfection bonus as divine rank for overcome the Cosmic String. A Hyperborean of 500 HD, ignore the Transmortality Trascendental ability of enemy if her perfection bonus is equal or greater than her opponent divine rank. When a Hyperborean kill a deity this counts as if it killed him in his native plane (godly realm) to make sure he really died.

Special Abilities:
-Ageless (Ex): The base creature at 15 HD takes no penalty to her physical ability scores from advanced age. If she is already taking such penalties, they are removed at this time. The base creature stop aging and gains immune to aging affect. An Hyperborean can live forever. They do not need to breathe, eat or sleep.

-Damage Reduction (Ex): The base creature gains DR/— equal to ½ its HD. At 30 HD this increases to equal its HD. At 120 HD DR is increased to 10xHD, and at 1000 HD to 1000xHD (1,000,000 at 1000 HD).

-Perfection (Ex): The base creature gains a Perfection Bonus equal to 1/5 his HD on AC, Attack Rolls, all Checks, DCs, Initiative, Saves, and SR. At 480 HD the Hyperborean gains a single ability between Elusion, Invincibility or Sophism based on their character concept as they learn to tap into the higher reality of true Perfection.

-Purity of Body (Ex): A Hyperborean is immune to disease and poison.

-God Hunter (Var): A Hyperborean of 20 HD gains the Deicide portfolio using her Perfection bonus as Divine Rank for calculate when they gain the powers but unlike the normal Deicide portfolio in which the bonus are obtained at minimum rank, the bonus are obtained at maximum rank (8 rank for Lesser Deity, 16 for Greater Deity, 48 for First One, etc.). At 500 HD this increase to double Deicide portfolio.

-Might (Ex): A Hyperborean of 60 HD deals d10's for base damage dice of all melee, ranged weapon, natural weapon, and unarmed attacks with virtual size categories, and their damage dice cannot go below this dice but they cannot deal more dice than their HD (Ie: a dagger wielded by a Hyperborean with 60 HD and 500 Str would deal 60d10 damage). An Hyperborean of 160 HD increase the d10's to d20's. An Hyperborean of 480 HD increase the d20's to d100's. An Hyperborean of 1000 HD increase the d100's to d1000's. An Hyperborean of 10.000 HD increase the d1000's to d10.000's.

-Mythic (Ex): A Hyperborean has Mythic Power (X/day, Surge +Y) and counts as a X-rank Mythic creature. A Hyperborean can use any of their spell and spell-like abilities as the Mythic versions of those spells (if a Mythic version of that spell exists), expending Mythic Power as normal. They can also expend Mythic Power to use the augmented versions of these spell and spell-like abilities. X his equal to the Perfection bonus of the Hyperborean and Y is the Surge suitable for the rank.

-Spell Resistance (Ex): Gain an SR equal to 10 + HD + Their Perfection Bonus. At 300 HD they become immune to non-epic spells (unless the Hyperborean want to suffer the effect).

-Adaption (Ex): At 30 HD the base creature's form has grown tough enough to survive the test of space and time. They gain resistance* to Terrestrial Hazards: Volcano High temperatures, Arctic Freezing Temperatures, Sea Trench Pressures, Lightning Storms, etc. At 80 HD they gain immunity to Terrestrial Hazards and resistance to Stellar Hazards: Surface of the Sun, Outer Space, Extreme Pressure Environments (Planetary/Stellar cores), Heavy Gravity, Cosmic Storms, etc. At 160 HD they gain immunity to Stellar Hazards and resistance to Dimensional Hazards: Black Holes, Worm Holes, Quasars, Gamma Rays, Time Storms, etc. At 480 HD they gain immunity to Dimensional Hazards and resistance to Universal Hazards: Big Bang (planck) effects, Tears in Reality, Cosmic Cysts, Star Plagues, Collapsing Space, etc and to the effects of the Pleroma Space. At 1000 HD they gain immunity to Universal Hazards, to the effects of the Pleroma Space and resistance to Multiversal Hazards: Probability Crack, Logic Paradox, Anti-Maxim, etc. At 10.000 HD they gain immunity to Multiversal Hazards.

*Resistance is different from immunity and the GM’s is the judge to how they are affected by a given phenomenon (to give an example, Sidereals are resistant but not immune to Dimensional Hazard: a black hole might be used to imprison a sidereal with the high EMF essentially functioning as dead-magic zones)..

-Antimagic Resistance (Ex): At 20 HD the Hyperborean gains immunity to antimagic effects (like antimagic field) and can freely cast spell, spell-like abilities and use supernatural abilities but non-epic items or magic (spells of 9th-level or below) even when used by an Hyperborean are affected by anti-magic.

-Divine Power: The base creature gains 1 Divine Ability for every 5 HD it has (Treat the range increment as if they were an equal leveled Deity and with a divine rank equal to its perfection bonus) and every time they gains a HD/level they can change feats with divine abilities with a ratio of 6:1.

-Multifaceted: At 30 HD a Hyperborean is considered to have effectively mastered mortal and epic techniques and gains Mutifaceted as a bonus Divine Ability.

-Cosmic Power: Once the base creature has used Spiritual Strength for 120 HD, they gain a single Cosmic Ability of their choice and every time they gains a HD/level they can change divine abilities with cosmic abilities with a ratio of 6:1.

-Transcendent Power: At 480 HD, they gain a single Transcendental Ability of their choice and every time they gains a HD/level they can change divine abilities with cosmic abilities or transcendental abilities with a ratio of 36:6:1.

-Omnific Power: At 2000 HD, they gain a single Omnific Power of their choice and every time they gains a HD/level they can change divine abilities with omnific abilities with a ratio of 200:1.

-Metempiric Power: At 10.000 HD, they gain a single Metempiric Power of their choice and every time they gains a HD/level they can change divine abilities with metempiric abilities with a ratio of 2000:1.

-Saves: The base creature adds it's Perfection bonus to all Saving Throws.

-Abilities: Add +2 to all ability scores for every 5 HD the base creature possesses.

-Skills: The base creature gains it's Perfection bonus to all Skills
Oh snap! I like it! Thanks for the shout out brother!

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I precede the question that someone will ask me: ATW stands for After Time War, a colossal war waged at the beginning of the Multiverse in which Time Lord and High Lord battled for the throne of the Supreme Being not knowing that it was already occupied. It was a devastating war in which the power of time travel was abused: entire universes were annihilated even before they existed by an enimy Eternal that decided to eliminate a rival before it became a problem. Think of it as a Cosmic War but with the Eternals and Supernals in place of the Sidereals, in a titanic orgy of blood, destruction and Omnific powers. It was stopped by the Supreme Being of my setting just before the Multiverse collapsed on itself: putting those who decided to bow down in line and annihilating or sealing anyone who did not. Since then there have been very heavy laws and limits on time travel in my setting: anyone who dares to use Transtemporal without the permission of the Supreme Being or its representative is hunted by trained teams of Anomalies to be eliminated. But some mortals survived the war themselves, and they remembered the contempt, arrogance, thirst for power and ignorance of the gods: the ancestors of the Hyperboreans, who never forgot the wickedness of the Immortals.
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I precede the question that someone will ask me: ATW stands for After Time War, a colossal war waged at the beginning of the Multiverse in which Time Lord and High Lord battled for the throne of the Supreme Being not knowing that it was already occupied. It was a devastating war in which the power of time travel was abused: entire universes were annihilated even before they existed by an enimy Eternal that decided to eliminate a rival before it became a problem. Think of it as a Cosmic War but with the Eternals and Supernals in place of the Sidereals, in a titanic orgy of blood, destruction and Omnific powers. It was stopped by the Supreme Being of my setting just before the Multiverse collapsed on itself: putting those who decided to bow down in line and annihilating or sealing anyone who did not. Since then there have been very heavy laws and limits on time travel in my setting: anyone who dares to use Transtemporal without the permission of the Supreme Being or its representative is hunted by trained teams of Anomalies to be eliminated. But some mortals survived the war themselves, and they remembered the contempt, arrogance, thirst for power and ignorance of the gods: the ancestors of the Hyperboreans, who never forgot the wickedness of the Immortals.
Wow that's intense man, that's a hell of a storyline. Do the Hyperboreans of your campaign plan on usurping the Supreme Being?


Wow that's intense man, that's a hell of a storyline. Do the Hyperboreans of your campaign plan on usurping the Supreme Being?
Yes, they see the system as corrupt at its root: the base itself must be destroyed to build something new. The secret itself is that their origin was organized by the Supreme Being himself who, seeing the fallacy of the deities, decided to prepare the ground for mortals. Mortals, when they no longer need the gods to be protected, then he will leave his throne without batting an eye for the mortal who will have to lead the Multiverse into a new era. For now he is keeping an eye on some less violent and peaceful groups of hyperboreans to see if the right one is among them. The last emperor and first Hyperborean (the equivalent of Ultimate in my setting) instead is in Akasha to meditate and train after his assault against the Supreme Beign during the fall of the empire failed miserably. The Supreme Being, not considering him a threat, lets him wander around the library until he bothers no one. If no one worthy of mortals appears, he will instead leave the throne to his daughter (for now a simple First One, sooner or later I will put her on the site.
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A bit of info on my setting (which unfortunately I am not very proud of): let's take the cat out of the bag, I am the Supreme Being and the Supreme Being is me, approx. Let's clarify: I created my setting years ago when I was still quite new to the game and I took everything in the manual as gold standard (what I said in this post would never have crossed my mind then [Really really big barely divine star snake?]).
There is no Supreme Being Template. The supreme being is merely an extension of the Games Master and as such requires no stats.
I interpreted this writing at the time as the Supreme Being is the PC of the Game Master. What cemented the fact was that I tried to have my players meet one of the Aspect of the Supreme Being to see how they would react. If he didn't like it, then I would have avoided putting it back in the future and probably would have created a separate Supreme Being like Tychen for Beefermatic. My players liked it. Since then it has been more or less official. The Supreme Being itself does not exist, its various aspects exist which are fragments of personality and concepts (read my PCs from past campaigns, with each aspect they represent linked to their personality, history and powers) and with the players like Omega. I can literally control everything in my story ... except them. That bunch of madmen who are trying to dig new definitions of the Chaotic alignment (mainly Chaotic Random, Chaotic Chaotic, or Chaotic Stupid) more than once have totally derailed any plan for me. They met Alpha (CE Aspect of Arrogance, Chaos, Madness and Pride), Lisk (CG Aspect of Good, Death and Regret), and Pandora (NG Aspect of Hope).
The fact that I favor Hyperboreans is partly due to the manual as well.
The End Times, is known by many names: the Apocalypse, Armageddon, the Day of Reckoning, Doomsday, the End of Days, Ragnarok. But all ultimately prophesise a war that will herald the death of the gods and the ascension of mankind. In a way it could also be seen as a metaphor for when mortals no longer need gods, with their 'ascension' more a case of them guiding their own destiny. Immortals of course, take steps to delay their eventual doom and prolong their existence. But at best they can only postpone the inevitable, not avoid it.

In fact I would favor them even without them as I see the divinity as failures from the base having to depend on other creatures and sources (the quintessence) and as soon as they take them off you go down like a sack of potatoes. True power only works when it is truly yours. Then comes the fact that 99% of them are bloodthirsty psychopaths which makes me evaluate whether to give way to a Supreme Being not me, I should perhaps leave it to Gea, the daughter of the Lisk Aspect (she is a First One with Double Death/Earth/Good/Life Portfolios). Below the image i use for Aravoth (the Akashic Library) for roll20.


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A bit of info on my setting (which unfortunately I am not very proud of): let's take the cat out of the bag, I am the Supreme Being and the Supreme Being is me, approx. Let's clarify: I created my setting years ago when I was still quite new to the game and I took everything in the manual as gold standard (what I said in this post would never have crossed my mind then [Really really big barely divine star snake?]).
There is no Supreme Being Template. The supreme being is merely an extension of the Games Master and as such requires no stats.
I interpreted this writing at the time as the Supreme Being is the PC of the Game Master. What cemented the fact was that I tried to have my players meet one of the Aspect of the Supreme Being to see how they would react. If he didn't like it, then I would have avoided putting it back in the future and probably would have created a separate Supreme Being like Tychen for Beefermatic. My players liked it. Since then it has been more or less official. The Supreme Being itself does not exist, its various aspects exist which are fragments of personality and concepts (read my PCs from past campaigns, with each aspect they represent linked to their personality, history and powers) and with the players like Omega. I can literally control everything in my story ... except them. That bunch of madmen who are trying to dig new definitions of the Chaotic alignment (mainly Chaotic Random, Chaotic Chaotic, or Chaotic Stupid) more than once have totally derailed any plan for me. They met Alpha (CE Aspect of Arrogance, Chaos, Madness and Pride), Lisk (CG Aspect of Good, Magic, Death and Regret), and Pandora (NG Aspect of Hope).
The fact that I favor Hyperboreans is partly due to the manual as well.
The End Times, is known by many names: the Apocalypse, Armageddon, the Day of Reckoning, Doomsday, the End of Days, Ragnarok. But all ultimately prophesise a war that will herald the death of the gods and the ascension of mankind. In a way it could also be seen as a metaphor for when mortals no longer need gods, with their 'ascension' more a case of them guiding their own destiny. Immortals of course, take steps to delay their eventual doom and prolong their existence. But at best they can only postpone the inevitable, not avoid it.

In fact I would favor them even without them as I see the divinity as failures from the base having to depend on other creatures and sources (the quintessence) and as soon as they take them off you go down like a sack of potatoes. True power only works when it is truly yours. Then comes the fact that 99% of them are bloodthirsty psychopaths which makes me evaluate whether to give way to a Supreme Being not me, I should perhaps leave it to Gea, the daughter of the Lisk Aspect (she is a First One with Double Death/Earth/Good/Life Portfolios). Below the image i use for Aravoth (the Akashic Library) for roll20.
That's pretty bad ass man. I like that. I, for myself, always try to take me the DM out of the mix in terms of being The Supreme Being, but I like the way you have that set-up, that sounds cool.

If you're the Supreme Being though, should Aravoth not simply be like a Google search bar and your house? Lol jk 😜.

All jokes aside i do kind of subscribe to your description of immortality just postponing the inevitable. Even for timelords, one batshit highlord, one full on attack by Hyperborea or one passing chomp from Xochipactl is all it'll take to end you permanently.


If you're the Supreme Being though, should Aravoth not simply be like a Google search bar and your house? Lol jk 😜.
Aravoth is my computer archive ;)
All jokes aside i do kind of subscribe to your description of immortality just postponing the inevitable. Even for timelords, one batshit highlord, one full on attack by Hyperborea or one passing chomp from Xochipactl is all it'll take to end you permanently.
Moral of the story, there is always a bigger fish than before. My players have already encountered two entities above "me". At the end of time (in the truest sense of the word, they traveled into the future at the end of time), when nothing exists anymore, neither universe, nor Aravoth, nor Supreme Being, in an infinite dark plain, they found Pandora who looked after a small hearth of hope while above she loomed Gleypir, a Taiji dragon (Great x50 - Great Wyrm plus unique abilities which are an automatic end of the setting making it more of an environment/event than a real monster) who had obliterated the universe with the demise of the Supreme Being. A small metaphor of my hope that even if I die I hope that someone picks up my work and doesn't leave my creations forgotten (I'm melodramatic sometimes). The other they have yet to meet is Death. Not the death aspect, but Death with a capital D. Another metaphor that even if I also control everything inside the setting, and for now I have harnessed it and control it, it is older than me and I too will be reaped in the end.


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Aravoth is my computer archive ;)

Moral of the story, there is always a bigger fish than before. My players have already encountered two entities above "me". At the end of time (in the truest sense of the word, they traveled into the future at the end of time), when nothing exists anymore, neither universe, nor Aravoth, nor Supreme Being, in an infinite dark plain, they found Pandora who looked after a small hearth of hope while above she loomed Gleypir, a Taiji dragon (Great x50 - Great Wyrm plus unique abilities which are an automatic end of the setting making it more of an environment/event than a real monster) who had obliterated the universe with the demise of the Supreme Being. A small metaphor of my hope that even if I die I hope that someone picks up my work and doesn't leave my creations forgotten (I'm melodramatic sometimes). The other they have yet to meet is Death. Not the death aspect, but Death with a capital D. Another metaphor that even if I also control everything inside the setting, and for now I have harnessed it and control it, it is older than me and I too will be reaped in the end.
I love that taiji dragon picture btw

Aravoth is my computer archive ;)

Moral of the story, there is always a bigger fish than before. My players have already encountered two entities above "me". At the end of time (in the truest sense of the word, they traveled into the future at the end of time), when nothing exists anymore, neither universe, nor Aravoth, nor Supreme Being, in an infinite dark plain, they found Pandora who looked after a small hearth of hope while above she loomed Gleypir, a Taiji dragon (Great x50 - Great Wyrm plus unique abilities which are an automatic end of the setting making it more of an environment/event than a real monster) who had obliterated the universe with the demise of the Supreme Being. A small metaphor of my hope that even if I die I hope that someone picks up my work and doesn't leave my creations forgotten (I'm melodramatic sometimes). The other they have yet to meet is Death. Not the death aspect, but Death with a capital D. Another metaphor that even if I also control everything inside the setting, and for now I have harnessed it and control it, it is older than me and I too will be reaped in the end.
I dont necessarily think you're being overdramatic, these are important questions to ask and if you're intellectualizing these deep philosophical concepts like God, infinity, life, and death, statting them out even, you inevitably will start asking yourself some tough questions or come to some deep answers, if you're a thinking man at least. 🤔

Voidrunner's Codex

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