From PF Cosmology, some deities


With @Bootlebat's request, here you go.

CG medium fey (native)

Init +115 (always first); Senses darkvision 600 ft., divine senses (x10), low-light vision, see in darkness; Perception +129

Aura divine (DC 95, 1.100 ft.)


AC 174, touch 149, flat-footed 120 (+71 deflection, +44 Dex, +14 divine, +10 dodge, +25 natural)

hp 3.900 (100d20+1.900)

Fort +300, Ref +301, Will +298; -2 vs illusion

Defensive Abilities azata traits, danger sense (+1), divine luck 71/day (+10), evasion, swarm form 10/day (DC 53), uncanny dodge; DR 40/epic; Immune A greater deity is unaffected by natural effects such as: ability damage, disease, natural elements (cold, drowning, fire, lava, lightning etc.), poison and so forth. They can still be affected by magical cold, magical disease, magical fire etc.; cold, electricity, light effects, illusions, mind-affecting effects, petrification, sleep, spells and effects which impede movement, outer space environment, Terrestrial Hazards; Resistance cold 10, fire 10, Stellar Hazards; PR/SR 124


Speed 360 ft., fly 1.080 ft. (perfect); Greater Starflight (2d6 hours/days)

Melee falling stars +380/+380/+380/+380/+380 (66/17-20x9), falling stars +380/+380/+380/+380 (66/17-20x9) and 4 wings slap +131 (1d10+9) or 4 wings slap +136 (1d10+19)

Special Attacks debilitating injury, improved counterport (DC 105, 10d6), greater counterport (DC 105, 57d6), mythic power (14/day, surge +3d6), planar channel 74/day (DC 152, 57d6), sneak attack +3d6, starsong 20 rounds/day (DC 105; butterfly, fortune’s favor, guide my steps, sweet dreams, wanderer’s hymn)

Oracle Spells Known (CL 114th; concentration +199)

11th (1/day)

10th (2/day)

9th (21/day)—gate, mass heal, miracle, overwhelming presence (DC 105), true resurrection

8th (21/day)—discern location, divine vessel, greater spell immunity, nine lives, sacrament seal (DC 103)

7th (22/day)—bestow grace of the champion, bestow planar infusion III, control weather, greater scrying (DC 102), holy word (DC 102)

6th (22/day)—banishment (DC 102), blade barrier (DC 101), find the path, heal, mass planar adaption

5th (22/day)—atonement, break enchantment, breath of life, dispel evil, greater forbid action (101), overland flight*, plane shift (DC 100)

4th (23/day)—absolution, blessing of fervor, bountiful banquet, cure critical wounds, death ward, greater celestial healing, wandering star motes*

3rd (23/day)—borrow fortune, bestow curse (DC 98), disrupt silence, find fault, guiding star*, magic circle against evil, remove curse

2nd (23/day)—augury, burst of radiance (DC 97), communal protection from evil, conditional favor, consecrate, glitterdust (DC 98)*, lay of the lands, zone of truth (DC 98)

1st (23/day)—air bubble, celestial healing, clarion call, command (DC 97), cultural adaption, cure light wounds, detect evil, faerie fire*

0 (at will)—bleed (DC 95), create water, detect magic, detect poison, ghost sound (DC 95), guidance, light, mage hand, mending, read magic, resistance, stabilize, virtue

Mystery heavens

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 114th, concentration +199)

At will—astral projection, blink, commune, dream, dream council, dream travel, dream voyage, etherealness, expeditious retreat, fly, form of the alien dragon I/II/III, freedom of movement, geas/quest, greater dispel magic, greater teleport, hypnotic pattern (DC 97), interplanetary teleport, levitate, magic jar (DC 100), magic missile, major image (DC 98), meteor swarm (DC 103), microcosm (DC 104), phantasmal killer (DC 99), plane shift (DC 100), sending, shadow walk, sleep (DC 97), spider climb, tongues, wandering star motes





Str 48, Dex 54, Con 48, Int 50, Wis 48, Cha 152 (+71)

Base Atk +100; CMB +346; CMD 246

Feats Butterfly StingB, Charming Initiative, Combat Reflexes, Cosmic GateB, Clustered Shot, Deadly Aim, Dodge, Double Slice, Double Strike, Endurance, Eschew Materials, Far Shot, Greater Fortitude, Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Guided StarB, Improved Far Shot, Improved Initiative, Improved Mastery of Throwing, Improved Precise Shot, Improved Stellar WandererB, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Unarmored Specialist, Lady’s Luck GuidanceB, Lucid DreamerB, Mastery of Throwing, Mobility, Oracle Gift, Pinpoint Targeting, Point Blank Master (starknife), Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Quick Draw, Run, Selective Channel, Shot on the Run, Spell Focus (abjuration), Spell Focus (enchantment)B, Spell Penetration, Starry GraceB, Stellar WandererB, Total (Planar Purge), Two-Weapon Fighting, Unarmored Specialist, Weapon FinesseB, Weapon Focus (starknife), Weapon Specialization (starknife)

Metamagic Feats Consecrate Spell, Enlarge Spell, Extend Spell, Heightened Spell, Intensified Spell, Reach Spell, Widen Spell

Epic Metamagic Feats Greater Intensified Spell (+4, removes the maximum cap), Metamagic Freedom

Epic Feats Improved Dodge, Good Fortitude, Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting, Superior Initiative, Sure Shot

Skills All skills 117 + ability modifier

Languages Abyssal, Aboleth, Aklo, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Giant, Infernal, Sylvan, other 111; truespeech

SQ counterport, counter summon, dream link, efficient sleeper, eradication (+3), favored terrain (Abyss +10, Astral Plane +8, Dimension of Dreams +14, Ethereal Plane +6, Maelstrom +4, Outer Space +12), finesse training (starknife), integrated class feature (oracle (stargazer)) 10 (Stargazer – d20PFSRD), unchained rogue 5 (Unchained Rogue – d20PFSRD), horizon walker 10 (Horizon Walker – d20PFSRD), planes walker 10 (Planes Walker – d20PFSRD), sphere singer 10 (Sphere Singer - Prestige Classes - Archives of Nethys: Pathfinder RPG Database), spherewalker 5 (Spherewalker - Prestige Classes - Archives of Nethys: Pathfinder RPG Database)), landmark, longstrider, master of all lands, maven, might, no breath, oracle’s curse (waking dreamer), planar guide (favored enemy daemon +2, demon +2, devil +2, mythos +2), planar purge (200 HD), planar scourge, portfolio (dream, outer space, travel), revelation (heavens: awesome display, guiding star, star chart), rogue’s edge (survival), rogue talent (fast gateway, ninja trick [fast stealth]), star slinger, starknife mastery, tapestry traveler, terrain dominance (Abyss [cold iron], Astral Plane, Plane of Air), terrain mastery (Astral Plane, Ethereal Plane, Plane of Air, Plane [Abyss]), trapfinding, versatile performance (dance [acrobatics, fly], sing [bluff, sense motive]), virtual size category +2, wandering dream

Gears clothing of the galaxies (give the Lurking and Shadow Self Divine Ability and increase Starflight to Greater Starflight [as Cthulhu (B4)]), crow of dreams and stars (give the Legendary Charisma Cosmic Ability), 2 falling stars (+32 aberration dread, distant shot, evil outsider dread, nullifying, phase locking, speed, triple-throw, silver starknife of unerring accuracy; +72 total bonus)

Divine Abilities

• Abnormality (Extra Wings) (Ex): Grow extra two wings and two wing slaps attacks

• Adjuration (Su): Summon up to 200 hit die of creatures per day (no single creature can have CR higher than 64)

• Beautiful Mind (Ex): Cha as circumstance to attack rolls

• Beautiful Soul (Ex): Chas as circumstance to saving throw

• Celerity (Ex): Your speed is tripled for all movement types

• Chaotic Mind (Ex): Cha as anarchic to attack rolls

• Chaotic Soul (Ex): Chas as anarchic to saving throw

• Dimensional Ancestry (Azata) (Ex): You gain Azata traits

• Heavenly Mind (Ex): Cha as luck to attack rolls

• Heavenly Soul (Ex): Chas as luck to saving throw

• Lurking (Ex)B: You are difficult to detect

• Omnicompetent (Ex): All skills are class skills

• Perfect Initiative (Ex): Always First

• Polymorph (Su): You can polymorph at will

• Shadow Self (Su)B: Gain a permanent shadow duplicate

• Shapechange (Su): You can shapechange at will

Dream Portfolio Traits (Greater Deity)

Granted Power: Choose either Spell Focus (enchantment) or Spell Focus (illusion) as a bonus feat.

Dream-bound (Ex): Competence penalty (equal to your divine rank) on all die rolls if you have not slept, dreaming, for at least 1 hour in the past 24 hours

Fear the Dreamless (Ex): Suffer 50% extra damage from attacks by creatures that possess the mindless quality

• Shield of Dream (Su): You are immune to illusions and mind-affecting effects

• Scion of Dreams (Ex): Competence bonus to attack rolls damage rolls and armor class equal to your divine rank against any foe that has dreamed in the last 24 hours

• Children of Dream (Ex): Creatures you summon gain Luck bonus equal to your divine rank to all rolls

• Instrument of Dreams (Su): Immunities against your illusions and mind-affecting effects are only 50% effective

• Uncanny Withering (Wis.) Mastery (Su): Assault your enemies with wisdom draining attacks

• Heart of Dream (Ex): You gain regeneration equal to half your HD if there is a sleeping creature with an Intelligence score within your divine aura

Outer Space Portfolio Traits (Greater Deity)

Granted Power: You gain the No Breath and Starflight abilities (3d20 months/years) and immunity to the environment of the outer space

Hostile Environment (subterranean) (Ex): Competence penalty (equal to your divine rank) on all die rolls when underground

Negative Energy Vulnerability (Ex): Suffer 50% extra damage from Negative Energy attacks and spell

Darkest Vision (Ex): You gain the See in Darkness special ability

• Light Immunity (Su): You become immune to light based damage and attacks

• Scion of Stars (Ex): Competence bonus to attack rolls damage rolls and armor class equal to your divine rank when in starlight

• Improved Summoning (aliens) (Ex): Natural space creatures (like anunnaki, elder thing, shantak) summoned have 50% more HD

• Starflight (Su): Gains the Starflight ability of a Shantak (3d20 hours/day)

• Uncanny Black Hole Mastery (Su): Assault your enemies with gravity attacks

• Star Soul (Ex): You gain regeneration equal to ½ your HD when bathed in starlight or in outer space

Travel Portfolio Traits (Greater Deity)

Granted Power: Increase movement speed by 10 ft. Add survival to your list of cleric class skills.

Cold Vulnerability (Ex): Cold based spells and effects are 50% more effective on you

Hyperactive (Ex): Competence penalty (equal to your divine rank) on all die rolls if you stay in the same location for more than one day

• Temporal Resistance (Su): You are immune to spells and effects which impede movement

• Scion of Travel (Ex): Competence bonus to attack rolls damage rolls and armor class equal to your divine rank when you take your full movement that round

• Fleet of Foot (Ex): Creatures you summon have double their normal movement rate

• Embodiment of Travel (Su): Immunities only 50% effective against your temporal effects

• Uncanny Withering (Con.) Mastery (Su): Assault your enemies with constituion draining attacks

• Traveller’s Soul (Ex): You gain regeneration equal to half your HD when you take your full movement

Uncanny Black Hole Mastery

Creature that take damage must make a Reflex save, with the same DC of the version of the Effect or be moved to any square that is included in the area of effect. For effect form that are not area (Beam, Blood, Hand, and Strike) a failed Reflex allows the immortal to move the creature anywhere in its Divine Aura. The Reflex save is DC 105 for the form without DC (Beam, Hand, and Strike).

Beam (Ray) 100d8; 4.400 ft.

Blast 50d8; 4.400 ft./275 ft. Standard action Ref 105/half

Blood 25d8; Melee automatic ability Ref DC 53/negate

Breath* 100d8; 275 ft. (cone) 1.100 ft. (line) Standard Ref 53/half

Hand 150d8; Melee Touch

Immolation 150d8; 1.100 ft. radius Free/Standard Ref 53/half

Storm 25d8; 1.100 ft. radius Standard/Free – Special Ref 105/half

Strike 25d8; Melee (bonus) Free -

Wrath (Gaze) 50d8; all creature in 275 ft. Will 105/negate

Uncanny Withering (Con.) Mastery

Beam (Ray) 10; 4.400 ft.

Blast 5; 4.400 ft./275 ft. Standard action Ref 105/half

Blood 2; Melee automatic ability Ref DC 53/negate

Breath* 10; 275 ft. (cone) 1.100 ft. (line) Standard Ref 53/half

Hand 15; Melee Touch

Immolation 15; 1.100 ft. radius Free/Standard Ref 53/half

Storm 2; 1.100 ft. radius Standard/Free – Special Ref 105/half

Strike 2; Melee (bonus) Free -

Wrath (Gaze) 5; all creature in 275 ft. Will 105/negate

Uncanny Withering (Wis.) Mastery

Beam (Ray) 10; 4.400 ft.

Blast 5; 4.400 ft./275 ft. Standard action Ref 105/half

Blood 2; Melee automatic ability Ref DC 53/negate

Breath* 10; 275 ft. (cone) 1.100 ft. (line) Standard Ref 53/half

Hand 15; Melee Touch

Immolation 15; 1.100 ft. radius Free/Standard Ref 53/half

Storm 2; 1.100 ft. radius Standard/Free – Special Ref 105/half

Strike 2; Melee (bonus) Free -

Wrath (Gaze) 5; all creature in 275 ft. Will 105/negate

Divine Traits (Greater Deity) (Ex)
As a greater deity, Desna gains a +12 divine bonus to: armor class; attack rolls; checks (ability checks, caster level checks, skill checks, etc.); difficulty class (for any special abilities, spell-like abilities, spells); initiative; saving throws and spell resistance. Desna’s natural attacks or any weapons she wields, are treated as epic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. A greater deity does not age, requires no air to breathe, no food or drink to sustain itself, nor sleep.

Mythic (Ex)
Desna has Mythic Power (14/day, surge +3d6) and counts as a 14th-rank Mythic creature. Desna can use any of her spell and spell-like abilities as the Mythic versions of those spells (if a Mythic version of that spell exists), expending Mythic Power as normal. She can also expend Mythic Power to use the augmented versions of these spell and spell-like abilities.

Might (Ex)
Desna deals d10's for base damage dice of all melee, natural weapon, and unarmed attacks with virtual size categories, and her damage dice cannot go below this dice but this cannot increase to more dice than her HD.

Starknife Mastery (Ex)
Desna mastery of the starknife is legendary. This give her Perfect Weapon Focus, Perfect Weapon Specialization, Superior Critical, and Superior Critical Multiplier Divine Abilities with the starknife.
Two things I am a bit confused about: How come she only has +14 divine bonus instead of +16? Also, How is her attack and saves so high?

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Today I'm bringing a reworked version of one of the most powerful creatures in the official Pathfinder setting, The Oliphaunt of Jandelay (Oliphaunt of Jandelay - PathfinderWiki) (Oliphaunt of Jandelay - Monsters - Archives of Nethys: Pathfinder RPG Database). when surely it's a more than a terrifying challenge for a 20th party with even some mythic grades, for an Epic party.... no. This versions yes though.

Oliphaunt of Jandelay

Jandelay, proof against the Maelstrom,

Jandelay, of green fields and faultless spires;

No sane soul born dares trespass fair Jandelay

For the Oliphaunt guards you always.”

CN Macro-Fine outsider (abomination, chaotic, extraplanar)

Init +45; Senses blindsight 500 ft., darkvision 60 ft., true seeing; Perception +69

Aura divine (DC 25, 125 ft.), dimensional lock (10 miles), weather sphere (10 miles)

AC 86, touch 38, flat-footed 78 (+40 deflection, +8 Dex, +48 natural, –20 size)

hp 2.320 (40d10+760)x2 fast healing 20; regeneration 35 (acid from an artifact or epic spell)

Fort +78, Ref +69, Will +67

Defensive Abilities ferocity, guardian of Jandelay, ward against command, recovery, wards of Jandelay; DR 20/cold iron and epic; Immune ability damage or drain, disease, energy drain, fire, paralysis, poison, polymorphing, petrification, or any form-altering attack, enchantment, illusionist and transmutation magic, death from massive damage; Resistance cold 20, Terrestrial Hazards; PR/SR 54


Speed 750 ft., air walk

Melee bite +90 (6d10+41/19–20 plus grab), 4 gores +91 (24d10+41/19–20), 2 slams +90 (6d10+41/19–20), trunk +88 (4d10+24 plus grab)

Space 500 ft., Reach 333 ft. (500 ft. for trunk)

Special Attacks constrict (4d10+57), devastation, fast swallow, hurl foe, mythic power (4/day, surge +1d8), ruinous tusks, swallow whole (8d10+41 damage, AC 34, 116 hp), trample (12d10+57, DC 67), trumpet (DC 53, 40d20 divine/sonic plus deaf and stun)

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 44th; concentration +59)

Constant—air walk, freedom, true seeing

3/day—limited wish, transmute rock to mud


Str 77, Dex 27, Con 49, Int 24, Wis 27, Cha 32

Base Atk +40; CMB +130 (+134 grapple or sunder); CMD 151 (153 vs. sunder, 155 vs. grapple or trip)

Feats Alertness, Cleave, Combat Expertise, Cornugon SmashB, Critical Focus, Great Cleave, Greater Sunder, Improved Critical (bite), Improved Critical (gore), Improved Critical (slam), Improved Sunder, Intimidating ProwessB, Lightning Reflexes, Muscle Reaction, Power Attack, Run, Signature Skill (intimidate), Staggering Critical, Stunning Critical, Weapon Focus (gore), Whirlwind AttackB

Epic Feats Epic Skill Focus (intimidate)B, Epic Skill Focus (perception), Good Reflexes, Sixth Sense

Skills Bluff +58, Climb +77, Diplomacy +55, Intimidate +101, Knowledge (arcana, religion, planes) +54, Knowledge (history) +51, Perception +69, Sense Motive +59, Spellcraft +54, Swim +77, Survival +56

Languages Celestial, Jandelayan; telepathy 1.000 ft.

SQ hold breath, magnitude, massive

Divine Abilities

• Adjuration (Su): Summon up to 80 hit die of creatures per day (no single creature can have CR higher than 24)

• Eternal Freedom (Su)B: You are immune to spells and effects which impede movement

• Invincibility (Ex): Fortitude save for negate damage

• Strong Mind (Ex): Str as insight to attack rolls

• Strong Soul (Ex): Str as insight to saving throw

• Uncanny Force Mastery x2 HD (Su)B: Assault your enemies with force based attacks

Double Destruction Portfolio Traits (Quasi-Deity)

Healing Resistance: You only gain 25% effect from healing effects and spells (already calculated)

Lemming’s Wisdom: You take a competence penalty to Wisdom (equal to double your divine rank) (already calculated)

• Disintegration Immunity (Su): You are immune to disintegration based spells and effects

• Moderate Eradication (Ex): 50% chance of scoring critical hit on targets immune to them

• Greater Scion of Destruction (Su): Competence bonus (equal to double your divine rank) on damage rolls (already calculated)

• Enraged Summoning: Creatures summoned by you gain damage bonus equal to double your divine rank

Uncanny Force Mastery (x2 HD)

Beam (Ray) 80d4; 3.600 ft.

Blast 40d4; 3.600 ft./225 ft. Standard action Ref 35/half

Blood 20d4; Melee automatic ability Ref DC 43/negate

Breath* 80d4; 225 ft. (cone) 900 ft. (line) Standard Ref 43/half

Hand 120d4; Melee Touch

Immolation 120d4; 125 ft. radius Free/Standard Ref 43/half

Storm 20d4; 125 ft. radius Standard/Free – Special Ref 35/half

Strike 20d4; Melee (bonus) Free -

Wrath (Gaze) 40d4; all creature in 225 ft. Will 35/negate

Devastation (Ex)
As a full-round action, the Oliphaunt can assault a structure, dealing 160d10+264 points of damage to the structure in that round.

Divine Traits (Abomination) (Ex)
As an abomination, the Oliphaunt gains a +4 divine bonus to: armor class; attack rolls; checks (ability checks, caster level checks, skill checks, etc.); difficulty class (for any special abilities, spell-like abilities, spells); initiative; saving throws and spell resistance. The Oliphaunt’s natural attacks or any weapons it wields, are treated as epic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. The Oliphaunt does not age and requires no food or drink to sustain itself.

Guardian of Jandelay (Su)
The Oliphaunt was created to live in Jandelay, and attempting to remove it from the place is almost impossible. The Oliphaunt can prevent a gate or similar effect from opening inside Jandelay’s borders unless the effect was created by an artifact or cast by a mythic character with a Divine Rank of at least of 4th. If brought outside Jandelay, the Oliphaunt attempts a Will saving throw each day to return. The DC is equal to the DC of the spell that transported it, or the DC that spell would have if it allowed a saving throw. The return of the Oliphaunt triggers a magical punishment on those that stole it, laying waste to people and land. Centered on the point from which the Oliphaunt just departed, the ward triggers a mass hold monster (DC 45) spell targeting all creatures in a 100-mile radius. Then, that area is affected by an earthquake and storm of vengeance (DC 45, the 10 rounds repeat themselves in a loop until the end of the duration) in that area that last 1 year. A wish or miracle spell that make a caster level check with a DC equal to the SR of the Oliphaunt can stop this magical punishment in advance, before the year is fully passed. While in Jandelay, the Oliphaunt’s dimensional lock aura extends to protect the entire realm. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Hurl Foe (Ex)
When the Oliphaunt damages a Colossal or smaller foe with one of its natural attacks, it can try to hurl the foe as part of that attack by attempting a combat maneuver check. On a successful check, the foe is knocked back 100 feet in a direction of the Oliphaunt choice and falls prone. The distance the foe is hurled increases by 5 feet for every 5 points by which the Oliphaunt check exceeds the foe’s CMD. If an obstacle stops the hurled creature before it travels the whole distance, the hurled foe and the obstacle struck each take 1d6 points of damage per 10 feet of distance remaining and the foe is knocked prone in the space adjacent to the obstacle.

Magnitude (Ex)
Because the Oliphaunt is so massive, it causes the ground to quake beneath its very feet with every step. Every time the Oliphaunt move on a solid terrain, it trigger an extraordinary earthquake effect. Unlike the normal spell, this effect has a range of 1 mile centered on the Oliphaunt (including underground) and the save DC for all the effects is 53 (instead of 15 or 20, but not for the Constitution check, it remain 15). The Oliphaunt is immune to its own earthquake effect. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Massive (Ex)
Because the Oliphaunt is so massive, uneven ground and other terrain features that form difficult terrain generally pose no significant hindrance to its movement, though areas of dense forest or massive settlements are considered difficult terrain to the Oliphaunt (GM’s discretion). A Colossal or smaller creature can move through any square occupied by the Oliphaunt, or vice-versa. The Oliphaunt can be flanked only by Colossal or larger foes. The OoJ gains a bonus for being on higher ground only if its entire space is on higher ground than that of its target. It’s possible for a Colossal or smaller creature to climb the Oliphaunt—this generally requires a successful DC equal to its CMD, and a Small or larger creature that climbs on the Oliphaunt body provokes an attack of opportunity from it.

Might (Ex)
The Oliphaunt deals d10's for base damage dice of all melee, natural weapon, and unarmed attacks with virtual size categories, and its damage dice cannot go below this dice but this cannot increase to more dice than its HD.

Mythic (Ex)
The Oliphaunt has Mythic Power (4/day, Surge +1d8) and counts as a 4th-rank Mythic creature. The Oliphaunt can use any of his spell-like abilities effect as the Mythic versions of those spells (if a Mythic version of that spell exists), expending Mythic Power as normal. It can also expend Mythic Power to use the augmented versions of these spells.

Recovery (Ex)
Once per day, if the Oliphaunt takes an amount of damage that would normally kill it by reducing its hit points to a negative amount equal to its Constitution score or less while its regeneration is deactivated, the damage instead heals the Oliphaunt of twice the amount of damage (if instead, the regeneration is deactivated while already at a negative amount equal to its Constitution score or less this report the Oliphaunt to 1 hp) and give him the benefit of an extraordinary deathless spell for 1 round. At this point, when the deathless effect is activated, the Oliphaunt automatically is plane shift back to Jandelay (this effect ignore the aura of dimensional lock of the Oliphaunt or non-mythic effects that block dimensional travel) and trigger the magical punishment under the guardian of Jandelay ability and the Immolation version of the [Effect]. If the Oliphaunt is under a mythic effect the barren dimensional travel, when this ability is triggered, it automatically make a caster level check to which add its Strength and Charisma modifier (1d20 + 88 in normal conditions) against a DC of 11 + caster level of the effect that barren dimensional travel. If the check fail, the plane shift effect does not activate and if the Oliphaunt die within 1 day, it does not activating the magical punishment.

Ruinous Tusks (Ex)
The Oliphaunt’s gore attacks are treated as made of 1/512th of orichalcum (already calculated the x4 to damage dice), overcome damage reduction and hardness less of 60 and any creature hit by one is affected by a targeted greater dispel magic spell (CL 44th).

Trumpet (Ex)
The Oliphaunt can issue a blast of sound through its trunk as a standard action, devastating the area. In a 500-ft. cone, all creatures and unattended objects (included structures) suffer 40d20 (1d20 per HD of the Oliphaunt) damage, half of which is sonic but the other half is divine, this damage ignore hardness less than 21 and inflict full damage to objects. A creature that suffer the damage is also permanently deafened and stunned for 1 minute. A Fortitude save DC 53 half the damage and reduce the stun to 1 round and the deafened to 1 minute. Once the Oliphaunt use trumpet, it can't trumpet again until 1d4 rounds later. Trumpet count as a breath weapon. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Ward against Command (Su)
Unlike a normal abomination, the Oliphaunt is not always immune to mind-affecting effects. The Oliphaunt is immune to any mind-affecting spell or effect unless the Oliphaunt has line of sight to the caster. Even then, all mind-affecting spells and effects gain the language-dependent descriptor. Magical means of translation such as tongues do not bypass this restriction.

Wards of Jandelay (Ex)
Ancient protective magic was bound into the essence of the Oliphaunt. The wards give it a +40 deflection bonus to AC, a x2 hp multiplier, a constant freedom effect and the Eternal Freedom Divine Ability as a bonus ability.

Weather Sphere (Su)
The Oliphaunt can continuously change the environment around it, as control weather with a 10-mile radius. The Oliphaunt can change the weather to that of any season, and the effects manifest 1 round thereafter. If the Oliphaunt creates stormy weather, it can call down one lightning bolt per round as a free action in this area against a target of him chosing, as if using an empowered maximized mythic call lightning storm (DC 45, 120 damage) but unlike the normal spell, half the damage is electricity while the other half is divine (instead of sonic). The save DC is Charisma-based.

Mythic Call Lightning Storm
Each lightning bolt’s damage increases to 5d10 points of damage (10d8 points outdoors in stormy weather). Half of this damage is electricity and half is sonic damage. Those that fail their saves are stunned and blinded for 1 round and dazzled and deafened for 1 minute thereafter. Those that succeed at their saving throws are dazzled and deafened for a number of rounds equal to half your mythic tier.


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Same speech of the Oliphaunt. The Tarrasque is a monster with a lot of history behind it, perhaps the most iconic of all D&D together with the Owlbear but as a creature it leaves…discussing. Already at the high levels (18-20) the Tarrasque is not a huge challenge, so much so that a flying character is enough and he dies badly. For the Epic levels.....the cover image of the EB already sums it up. To create this version I used the Pathfinder version as a basis, taking abilities from the mythic version (Tarrasque (CR 30/MR 10) - Spheres of Power Wiki), a 3pp version (Tarrasque (3.5e Monster) - Dungeons and Dragons Wiki), the hekatonkheires' (Titan, Hekatonkheires – d20PFSRD) planar jump and some abilities from the playable version of the Tarrasque (Tarrasque).

Epic Tarrasque

CE Macro-Fine magical beast (abomination)

Init +40; Senses blindsight 500 ft., darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent, vengeful eye; Perception +82

Aura frightful presence (1 mile, DC 51)

AC 85, touch 15, flat-footed 76 (+12 deflection, +3 Dex, +4 divine, +6 dodge, +70 natural, –20 size)

hp 1.400 (50d10+900); fast healing 25, regeneration 45 (cosmic damage or cosmic might)

Fort +78, Ref +63, Will +73

Defensive Abilities block attack, carapace, ferocity, impenetrable hide, legendary fortitude, mounting fury, recovery, sixth sense; DR 40/−; Immune ability damage and drain, acid, bleed, death effects, disease, energy drain, fear, fire, mind-affecting effects, paralysis, permanent wounds, polymorphing, petrification, poison, or any form-altering attack, enchantment, illusionist and transmutation magic, not subject to death from massive damage; Resistance Terrestrial Hazards; PR/SR 64


Speed 120 ft., burrow 60 ft. (maximum hardness 21), climb 90 ft., swim 90 ft.

Melee bite +92 (20d10+43/15–20×3 plus grab), 2 claws +92 (15d10+29/19–20), 2 gores +92 (10d10+29/19–20), tail slap +90 (10d10+14)

Ranged 6 spines +62 (10d10+29/×3)

Space 500 ft.; Reach 330 ft. (500 ft. with tail slap)

Special Attacks aerial assault, antimagic arsenal, crunch, devastation, eruption, earthquake (DC 68), fast swallow, fragmentation spines, hurl foe, mythic power (10/day, surge +1d12), pounce, powerful blow (bite), primal roar (DC 57), rush, spines, stomp (DC 68), swallow whole (20d10+29 plus 20d6 acid, AC 45, hp 140), thunderous trample (40d10+43, DC 68)

Str 68, Dex 16, Con 46, Int 3, Wis 32, Cha 34

Base Atk +50; CMB +132; CMD 114 (118 vs. trip)

Feats Alertness, Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Cornugon Smash, Furious Focus, Dodge, Great Cleave, Greater Vital Strike, Improved Critical (bite, claws, gore), Improved Initiative, Improved Vital Strike, Intimidating Prowess, Iron Will, Multiattack, Muscle Reaction, Power Attack, Run, Signature Skill (intimidate), Staggering Critical, Vital Strike

Epic Feats Good Will, Improved Dodge, Light EradicationB, Sixth Sense, UnderwalkerB

Skills Acrobatics +7 (+129 when jumping [+331 when jumping under rush]), Climb +37, Intimidate +65, Perception +82, Sense Motive +17, Swim +37; Racial Modifiers +20 Perception

Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Celestial, Infernal (cannot speak); telepathy 1.000 ft.

SQ cleaving attacks, hibernation, hold breath, massive, mythic, muscle reflexes, planar leap, powerful leaper, siege beast, spawn of the eater of gods, tenacious grapple, unstoppable force

Divine Abilities

• Eternal Freedom (Su): You are immune to spells and effects which impede movement

• Moderate Eradication (Ex): Reduce by 50% the chance of negating a critical hit

• Strong Mind (Ex): Str as insight to attack rolls

• Strong Soul (Ex): Str as insight to saving throw

Aerial Assault (Ex)
The tarrasque can charge at creatures in the air, or leap across obstacles as part of a charge. When making a charge attack, it can expend one use of its mythic power to include a single Acrobatics check made to jump, adding 150 feet to the height or distance it jumps. It can add an additional 150 feet to its jump for each use of mythic power it expends. It takes no falling damage from the height gained as part of this leap. If its attack hits, it deals an amount of additional damage equal to the falling damage appropriate for the height it reached with its leap (maximum 20d6 as usual). If the tarrasque successfully grapples a creature, it brings its target to the ground at the end of its jump. The grabbed creature takes an appropriate amount of falling damage for the height it was at when the tarrasque grappled it. When the tarrasque lands after an aerial assault, it can expend one additional use of its mythic power to crush any Colossal or smaller creatures that fit under its space (including a creature it grappled while leaping, but not one it has swallowed whole), dealing 20d10+43 points of damage. Creatures in the area must succeed on a DC 57 Reflex save or be pinned, automatically taking 20d10+43 points of damage during the next round if the tarrasque does not move off them. The tarrasque can maintain the pin as a move action but must succeed on a combat maneuver check as normal. Pinned foes take crushing damage each round if they don’t escape. It does not gain the grappled condition while maintaining this pin. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Antimagic Arsenal (Ex)
The tarrasque—and anything that comes out of it—seems to repel magical energies. As a full-round action, the tarrasque may unleash a massive roar of anti-magic spittle that coats all creatures in a 500 foot cone, replicating the effects of greater dispel magic and making dispel checks against all active effects within. Furthermore, the area of the cone is treated as an antimagic field for 1 round after its use (this antimagic does not impare the tarrasque itself.

This greater dispel magic effect is also applied to the targets of the tarrasque's successful melee attacks; if the tarrasque strikes a creature within a melee natural attack, that creature is the subject of a targeted greater dispel magic.

For both the cone and melee attack, the caster level is equal to the tarrasque’s HD plus divine bonus.

Block Attack (Ex)
When an opponent makes a melee attack against the tarrasque, it can expend a use of an attack of opportunity to attempt to parry that attack. The tarrasque makes an attack roll as if it was making an attack of opportunity; for each size category the attacking creature is larger than the tarrasque, the tarrasque takes a –2 penalty on this roll. If its result is greater than the attacking creature’s result, the creature’s attack automatically misses. The tarrasque must declare the use of this ability after the creature’s attack is announced, but before its attack roll is made. Upon performing a successful parry, the tarrasque can make a free melee attack against the creature whose attack it parried consuming another attack of opportunity, provided that creature is within its reach and it has at least one other attack of opportunity still available that round.

Carapace (Su)
The tarrasque’s scales deflect cones, lines, rays, and magic missile spells, rendering the tarrasque immune to such effects. There is a 50% chance a deflected effect reflects back in full force at the caster; otherwise it is simply negated.

Cleaving Attacks (Ex)
A single attack from the tarrasque’s natural weapons can target all creatures in a 60-foot square. Make one attack roll; any creature in the area whose AC is equal to or lower than the result takes damage from the attack. The tarrasque can attempt a combat maneuver check to grapple and immediately swallow all creatures it hits with its bite attack, making a single check and applying it against the CMD of all targets. If the tarrasque grapples a creature of Gargantuan size or smaller, it does not gain the grappled condition and does not need to succeed at a grapple combat maneuver check to move while maintaining its grapple. The tarrasque can grapple any number of creatures of Colossal size or smaller simultaneously.

Crunch (Ex)
Instead of swallowing its prey whole, the tarrasque can use its massive bite strength and numerous knife-like teeth to crush and tear its prey apart in its mouth. If the tarrasque successfully maintains a grapple with a creature in its mouth (not using its fast swallow ability), and chooses to deal damage to the creature (instead of pinning it or swallowing it whole), it deals damage as though it had confirmed a critical hit with its bite. Because this ability is not a true critical hit, creatures with Fortification or immunity to them are not immune to it.

Devastation (Ex)
As a full-round action, the tarrasque can assault a structure, dealing 240d10+516 points of damage to the structure in that round (this damage is already increased by siege beast).

Earthquake (Ex)
The tarrasque's might is such that it can crack the earth itself simply by stomping its feet as a standard action. This works as an extraordinary earthquake spell with a range of 1 mile centered on the tarrasque (including underground) and the save DC for all the effects is 68 (instead of 15 or 20, but not for the Constitution check, it remain 15). The tarrasque is immune to its own earthquake effect. After using this ability the tarrasque must wait 1 minute before using it again. The save DC is Strength-based.

Eruption (Ex)
Even the land itself screams at the tarrasque's coming. As a full-round action every 10 minutes, the tarrasque can roar while slamming the ground, making the earth start to tremble. 1d4+1 rounds later, a torrent of lava erupts on a place within view of the tarrasque of its choice. It’s a cylinder with a radius of 250 ft. (5 ft. per HD) reaching 5.000 ft. high (100 ft. per HD). Creatures inside the cylinder get a Reflex save DC 57 to get out of the area on time once it explodes. Anyone left inside the cylinder is treated as immersed in lava. The tarrasque is completely immune to the eruption. The eruption lasts for 5 minutes (1 round per HD). The save DC is Constitution-based.

Fragmentation Spines (Su)
When the tarrasque attacks with its spines, a spine that hits a target’s touch AC explodes in a 10-foot-radius burst of chitinous shards dealing 10d8 points of piercing damage (DC 57 Reflex half). Creatures failing their save are impaled by the jagged spine-shards, taking 10d4 points of bleed damage and are also entangled until all barbed spine fragments are removed. Removing the fragments requires a successful DC 22 Strength check or a DC 57 Heal check (one check required for each failed save), and each check deals the creature 6d6 points of damage whether or not the check succeeds. This fragmentation burst is in addition to the damage dealt to a target by a spine that hits its normal AC. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Frightful Presence (Ex)
As the normal ability, but creatures failing the save by 5 or more are panicked instead of shaken for the same duration. Even opponents immune to fear can be affected by this ability, but they gain a +4 bonus on the save.

Divine Traits (Abomination) (Ex)
As an abomination, the tarrasque gains a +4 divine bonus to: armor class; attack rolls; checks (ability checks, caster level checks, skill checks, etc.); difficulty class (for any special abilities, spell-like abilities, spells); initiative; saving throws and spell resistance. The tarrasque’s natural attacks or any weapons it wields, are treated as epic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. The tarrasque does not age and requires no food or drink to sustain itself but unlike a normal abomination, the tarrasque has a compulsion to binge eat whatever is in front of them.

Grant Spells
The tarrasque can grant spells of 7th level or less. It grant access to the domains of Chaos, Destruction, and Strength and to the subdomains of Catastrophe, Ferocity, and Rage.

Hibernation (Ex)
The tarrasque can sleep for years, decades, or even centuries and do not need to eat or breathe during these periods of dormancy, though it breathe normally and eat ravenously and almost constantly once it’s been awakened. If the tarrasque is forced into an environment where it cannot breathe and would suffocate or remain below a number of hit points equal to the negative of its Constitution modifier for more than 1 minute, it goes into involuntary hibernation until conditions are right for it to reawaken (or one thousand years if the cause is damage).
A tarrasque can enter a state of hibernation voluntarily; doing so takes 1 minute. While in hibernation, it can take no actions but does not need to breath and is not helpless, is only flat-footed and can make Perception check with -10 penalty for notice the presence of creatures within 60 ft. A tarrasque can remain in hibernation for as long as it wishes. While in hibernation, the tarrasque’s damage reduction improves to 100/− and it gains immunity to any spell or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance as well as all divination effects. If it is jostled or damaged while hibernating, a tarrasque can attempt a DC 90 Will save. If it succeeds, it awakens in 2d4 rounds. Otherwise, it takes 1d4 days to awaken from hibernation. A tarrasque can set the length of his hibernation when it first enters this state (but only if enter it voluntarily), so that it can awaken after a set amount of time has passed. When awakening at a set time in this manner, the tarrasque needs only 1d3 rounds to rouse itself, with no Will saving throw necessary.

Hurl Foe (Ex)
When the tarrasque damages a Colossal or smaller foe with one of its natural attacks, it can try to hurl the foe as part of that attack by attempting a combat maneuver check. On a successful check, the foe is knocked back 30 feet in a direction of the tarrasque’s choice and falls prone. The distance the foe is hurled increases by 10 feet for every 5 points by which the tarrasque’s check exceeds the foe’s CMD. If an obstacle stops the hurled creature before it travels the whole distance, the hurled foe and the obstacle struck each take 1d8 points of damage per 10 feet of distance remaining and the foe is knocked prone in the space adjacent to the obstacle.

Impenetrable Hide (Ex)
The tarrasque’s damage reduction is DR 40/− from 19/epic and good, and weapons or effects that would normally overcome its damage reduction no longer do so, including effects such as a mythic champion’s fleet charge, the paladin smite evil ability or a mythic trickster’s surprise strike. Its damage reduction applies even against spells, supernatural abilities, and other magical effects that deal bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. When a critical hit is confirmed against the tarrasque, it can expend one use of its mythic power as an immediate action to make a sunder combat maneuver against its attacker’s weapon. If the weapon gains the broken condition, the critical hit is negated and the attack deals normal damage. If the weapon is destroyed, the attack deals no damage.

Legendary Fortitude (Ex)
If the tarrasque makes a Fortitude saving throw against an attack that has a reduced effect on a successful save, it instead avoids the effect entirely. If the tarrasque is helpless, it does not gain the benefit of this ability.

Massive (Ex)
Because the tarrasque is so massive, uneven ground and other terrain features that form difficult terrain generally pose no significant hindrance to its movement, though areas of dense forest or massive settlements are considered difficult terrain to it (GM’s discretion). A Colossal or smaller creature can move through any square occupied by the tarrasque, or vice-versa. The tarrasque can be flanked only by Colossal or larger foes. The tarrasque gains a bonus for being on higher ground only if its entire space is on higher ground than that of its target. It’s possible for a Colossal or smaller creature to climb the tarrasque—this generally requires a successful DC equal to its CMD, and a Small or larger creature that climbs on the tarrasque body provokes an attack of opportunity from it.

Might (Ex)
The tarrasque deals d10's for base damage dice of all melee, natural weapon, and unarmed attacks with virtual size categories, and its damage dice cannot go below this dice but this cannot increase to more dice than its HD.

Mounting Fury (Ex)
When the tarrasque takes damage in combat, on its next turn it can fly into a rage as a free action. It gains a +4 morale bonus to attack and damage rolls and takes a -2 penalty to AC. While raging, the tarrasque is immune to fatigue, and it can end any of the following conditions affecting it by expending one use of mythic power: exhausted, nauseated, sickened, staggered, stunned. This does not require an action. If a critical hit is confirmed against a raging tarrasque (even if it negates the critical hit with its impenetrable hide), its bonuses to attack and damage rolls increase by 4 and its regeneration increases by 10 as long as it is raging (up to a maximum of five times). It also can negate one of the above conditions without spending a use of mythic power when a critical hit is confirmed against it, even if the effect is inflicted by the critical hit. The tarrasque’s rage lasts as long as the battle or for 1 minute, whichever is shorter, but it can extend this duration by 1 minute by expending one use of its mythic power.

Muscle Reflexes (Ex)
Unlike normal, the tarrasque obtains a number of additional attacks of opportunity per round from Combat Reflexes equal to its Strength modifier, instead of using its Dexterity.

Mythic (Ex)
The tarrasque has Mythic Power (10/day, Surge +1d12) and counts as a 10th-rank Mythic creature. The tarrasque, instead of being able to spend mythic power for use the mythic version of spells or spell-like ability, like a normal abomination, when it expends mythic power to add a Surge die to an attack roll, it also adds a Surge die to that attack’s damage roll. This is not an action and does not require him to expend any additional uses of Mythic Power to use this ability.

Planar Leap (Su)
The tarrasque traverses the planes by physically smashing through planar boundaries and crashing devastatingly into the target plane itself. Once per year, as a full-round action, the tarrasque can, as part of a jump, plane shift to any other plane (as per the spell of the same name) or teleport to another planet (as for the interplanetary teleport spell). It can only bring itself when it travels in this manner. Unlike a normal plane shift or interplanetary teleport spell, the tarrasque does not need to know the destination and can chose to randomize the destination (this ability will always bring the tarrasque to a biomass rich world or plane). When the tarrasque reaches its destination plane or planet, it falls from the sky and crashes to the ground, creating a devastating explosion of thunder and fire. Any creature and object within 1 mile of the point where the tarrasque lands (including the monster itself) takes 20d8 points of bludgeoning damage, 20d8 points of divine damage, 20d8 points of fire damage and 20d8 points of sonic damage (Reflex DC 57 for half). In addition, the tarrasque can enter personal extradimensional spaces like rope trick and mage's magnificent mansion. Even if the entrance is too small for the tarrasque to fit it can tear it open untill it's large enough simply by moving through it. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Powerful Leaper (Ex)
The tarrasque uses its Strength to modify Acrobatics checks made to jump, is always considered having a running start when trying an Acrobatics check made for jump, does not have a maximum vertical reach and has a +60 racial bonus on Acrobatics checks made to jump.

Primal Roar (Su)
The tarrasque can roar with such strength it creates waves of impact that bring down everything above him. As a standard action, the tarrasque can roar, affecting all creatures in a range of 5 miles (the tarrasque may reduce this radius if it wishes). The primal roar extends to the ethereal plane itself affecting ethereal creatures. Flying creatures (and objects like airships and flying islands) must make a Reflex save DC 57 modifier or be mercilessly brought down to near the ground stopping 10 foot above it. Creatures may try to fly higher again after landing but they'll be brought down again at the beginning of their next turn while the roar lasts. This affects even the tarrasque himself of he somehow was flying. The primal roar keeps echoing and every creature affected suffers the same effects for 1 round per tarrasque Con modifier after it roars. Each round on its turn, subject creatures may attempt a new saving throw to end the effect. This is a full-round action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. If the tarrasque is in an area where there is no discernible “ground” like the elemental plane of water or most of the ethereal plane then creatures fall towards the tarrasque itself slamming on it's hard body but without dealing it damage. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Recovery (Ex)
Whenever the tarrasque fails a saving throw against any non-harmless, non-instantaneous effect, it can attempt a new saving throw at the end of its turn to remove the effect. Doing so takes no action. The tarrasque can attempt a new save to end the effect as often as it wishes, but can attempt to remove only one such effect per round. Once per year, if the tarrasque takes an amount of damage that would normally kill it by reducing its hit points to a negative amount equal to its Constitution score while the regeneration its stoped, the damage instead heals the tarrasque of twice the amount of damage—but this healing leaves the monster disoriented and demoralized. At this point, the tarrasque automatically activate its planar leap ability in its turn even if the year of recharge is not yet passed but the destination (including if its a plane or planet) is randomized (contrary to the normal, this use only takes it to a place that is not hostile to life, not rich in biomass), the tarrasque does not take the damage of the impact in this case and automatically enter hibernation for one thousand years.

Regeneration (Ex)
No form of attack of mortals and deity can suppress the tarrasque’s regeneration—it regenerates even if disintegrated or slain by a death effect. If the tarrasque fails a save against an effect that would kill it instantly, it rises from death 3 rounds later with 1 hit point if no further damage is inflicted upon its remains. It can be banished or otherwise transported as a means to save a region, but the only true method to truly kill it, is to use pure cosmic energy like from cosmic damage or cosmic might.

Rush (Ex)
Once per minute, for 1 round, the tarrasque’s land and swim speeds increases to 400 feet, and its Acrobatics bonus on checks made to jump increases to +150.

Siege Beast (Ex)
The tarrasque receives a +20 racial bonus on combat maneuver checks to overrun and Strength checks to break or destroy objects. In addition, the natural weapons of a tarrasque ignore all forms of damage reduction and hardness less than 100 and deals double damage to objects.

Spawn of the Eater of Gods (Ex)
The tarrasque is the mightiest of the child of Rovagug, an Anomaly. It gains immunity to all direct offensive Divine Abilities (like most [Effect] or thing like Third Eye) used by an immortal of Greater Deity or lesser status (not other creatures like Hyperboreans) and can freely use his Planar Leap ability to enter any divine realm (assuming it know that realm or has used vengeful eye on its immortal in the last ten thousand years), even if the deity can normally barren planar travel to its realm. The tarrasque also can destroy an artifact such by simply swallowing it (if its a bound artifact or soul object, it reform as normal in 1d4 rounds).

Spines (Ex)
The tarrasque can loose a volley of six spear-like spines from its body as a standard action with a toss of its head or a lash of its tail. Make an attack roll for each spine—all targets must be within 90 feet of each other. The spines have a range increment of 600 ft.

Stomp (Ex)
As a standard action, the tarrasque may slam the ground it stands, creating a shockwave that makes the ground tremble, twist and crack forming dangerous spikes in a cone of 1 mile. Creatures that fail a Reflex save DC 68 must end their movement and gain the entangled condition. Entangled creatures can attempt to break free as a move action, making a Strength or Escape Artist check DC 68. The entire area of effect become difficult terrain (the tarrasque ignore it with massive). The save DC is Strength-based.

Swallow Whole (Ex)
The tarrasque can swallow multiple creatures, up to the maximum that fit in its space. Also, if a creature that is swallowed whole by the tarrasque manages to escape by cutting itself free, the monster’s muscles simply seals over the hole created so that other swallowed creatures must cut their own way out.

Tenacious Grapple (Ex)
The tarrasque’s grab ability ignore freedom of movement spell and similar ability or power that prevent grapple checks or automatically succeeds any combat maneuver checks and Escape Artist checks made to escape a grapple or a pin (like Eternal Freedom). Instead the effect give +8 circumstance bonus (or equal to the creature Divine Rank, whichever is higher) on CMD agaist the grapple or combat maneuver/ Escape Artist checks for escape the grapple.

Thunderous Trample (Ex)
The tarrasque gains the trample special attack. If it expends one use of its mythic power when using the charge action, including when using its aerial assault, it can trample all creatures in the path of its charge. When it does so, any creature failing (or forgoing) its Reflex save against the tarrasque’s trample is knocked prone.

Unstoppable Force (Ex)
So great is its bulk and strength that the tarrasque can break through or push aside objects in its path without even slowing down. While running, charging, or using trample, the tarrasque can make up to 29 Strength checks to break objects or obstacles in its path as a free action (1 per point of Strength modifier, but only one for a specific object or obstacle). For every 10 feet it has moved so far that round, the tarrasque gains a +1 bonus on this check. If it fails, its movement stops short at the obstacle, and both it and the object suffer 60d10+174 points of bludgeoning damage as it slams headlong into the obstacle (already calculated the increase damage to objects from siege beast). If it succeeds, the object is destroyed, and the tarrasque can continue its movement, as though the obstacle had never been there. Also, the tarrasque's natural weapons ignore all DR that can be bypassed by something. DR/– is only half as effective, and the tarrasque's natural weapons benefit from a permanent ghost touch effect.

Vengeful Eye (Ex)
When a creature attacks the tarrasque or uses a teleportation effect within 1 mile, the tarrasque instantly becomes aware of that creature’s location and for 1 hour it is always aware of the direction and distance to that creature and can see its attacker as if it had unlimited-range blindsight. The tarrasque’s vengeful eye ignores illusions and concealment and is not fooled by polymorph effects or other disguises. As long as the tarrasque has line of sight to a creature that has attacked it, any teleportation effect used by that creature fails unless it succeeds on a caster level check (using its Hit Dice as its caster level for supernatural abilities) against the tarrasque’s spell resistance.


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Same speech of the Oliphaunt. The Tarrasque is a monster with a lot of history behind it, perhaps the most iconic of all D&D together with the Owlbear but as a creature it leaves…discussing. Already at the high levels (18-20) the Tarrasque is not a huge challenge, so much so that a flying character is enough and he dies badly. For the Epic levels.....the cover image of the EB already sums it up. To create this version I used the Pathfinder version as a basis, taking abilities from the mythic version (Tarrasque (CR 30/MR 10) - Spheres of Power Wiki), a 3pp version (Tarrasque (3.5e Monster) - Dungeons and Dragons Wiki), the hekatonkheires' (Titan, Hekatonkheires – d20PFSRD) planar jump and some abilities from the playable version of the Tarrasque (Tarrasque).

Epic Tarrasque

CE Macro-Fine magical beast (abomination)

Init +40; Senses blindsight 500 ft., darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent, vengeful eye; Perception +72

Aura frightful presence (1 mile, DC 51)

AC 85, touch 15, flat-footed 76 (+12 deflection, +3 Dex, +4 divine, +6 dodge, +70 natural, –20 size)

hp 1.400 (50d10+900); fast healing 25, regeneration 45 (cosmic damage or cosmic might)

Fort +78, Ref +63, Will +73

Defensive Abilities block attack, carapace, ferocity, impenetrable hide, legendary fortitude, mounting fury, recovery, sixth sense; DR 40/−; Immune ability damage and drain, acid, bleed, death effects, disease, energy drain, fear, fire, mind-affecting effects, paralysis, permanent wounds, polymorphing, petrification, poison, or any form-altering attack, enchantment, illusionist and transmutation magic, not subject to death from massive damage; Resistance Terrestrial Hazards; SR 64


Speed 120 ft., burrow 60 ft. (maximum hardness 21), climb 90 ft., swim 90 ft.

Melee bite +92 (20d10+43/15–20×3 plus grab), 2 claws +92 (15d10+29/19–20), 2 gores +92 (10d10+29/19–20), tail slap +90 (10d10+14)

Ranged 6 spines +62 (10d8+29/×3)

Space 500 ft.; Reach 333 ft. (500 ft. with tail slap)

Special Attacks aerial assault, antimagic arsenal, crunch, devastation, eruption, earthquake (DC 68), fast swallow, fragmentation spines, hurl foe, mythic power (10/day, surge +1d12), pounce, powerful blow (bite), primal roar (DC 57), rush, spines, stomp (DC 68), swallow whole (20d10+29 plus 20d6 acid, AC 45, hp 140), thunderous trample (40d10+43, DC 68),

Str 68, Dex 16, Con 46, Int 3, Wis 32, Cha 34

Base Atk +50; CMB +132; CMD 114 (118 vs. trip)

Feats Alertness, Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Cornugon Smash, Furious Focus, Dodge, Great Cleave, Greater Vital Strike, Improved Critical (bite, claws, gore), Improved Initiative, Improved Vital Strike, Intimidating Prowess, Iron Will, Multiattack, Muscle Reaction, Power Attack, Run, Signature Skill (intimidate), Staggering Critical, Vital Strike

Epic Feats Good Will, Improved Dodge, Light EradicationB, Sixth Sense, UnderwalkerB

Skills Acrobatics +7 (+129 when jumping [+331 when jumping under rush]), Climb +37, Intimidate +65, Perception +72, Sense Motive +17, Swim +37; Racial Modifiers +20 Perception

Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Celestial, Infernal (cannot speak); telepathy 1.000 ft.

SQ cleaving attacks, hibernation, hold breath, massive, mythic, muscle reflexes, planar leap, powerful leaper, siege beast, spawn of the eater of gods, tenacious grapple, unstoppable force

Divine Abilities

• Eternal Freedom (Su): You are immune to spells and effects which impede movement

• Moderate Eradication (Ex): Reduce by 50% the chance of negating a critical hit

• Strong Mind (Ex): Str as insight to attack rolls

• Strong Soul (Ex): Str as insight to saving throw

Aerial Assault (Ex)
The tarrasque can charge at creatures in the air, or leap across obstacles as part of a charge. When making a charge attack, it can expend one use of its mythic power to include a single Acrobatics check made to jump, adding 150 feet to the height or distance it jumps. It can add an additional 150 feet to its jump for each use of mythic power it expends. It takes no falling damage from the height gained as part of this leap. If its attack hits, it deals an amount of additional damage equal to the falling damage appropriate for the height it reached with its leap (maximum 20d6 as usual). If the tarrasque successfully grapples a creature, it brings its target to the ground at the end of its jump. The grabbed creature takes an appropriate amount of falling damage for the height it was at when the tarrasque grappled it. When the tarrasque lands after an aerial assault, it can expend one additional use of its mythic power to crush any Colossal or smaller creatures that fit under its space (including a creature it grappled while leaping, but not one it has swallowed whole), dealing 20d10+43 points of damage. Creatures in the area must succeed on a DC 57 Reflex save or be pinned, automatically taking 20d10+43 points of damage during the next round if the tarrasque does not move off them. The tarrasque can maintain the pin as a move action but must succeed on a combat maneuver check as normal. Pinned foes take crushing damage each round if they don’t escape. It does not gain the grappled condition while maintaining this pin. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Antimagic Arsenal (Ex)
The tarrasque—and anything that comes out of it—seems to repel magical energies. As a full-round action, the tarrasque may unleash a massive roar of anti-magic spittle that coats all creatures in a 500 foot cone, replicating the effects of greater dispel magic and making dispel checks against all active effects within. Furthermore, the area of the cone is treated as an antimagic field for 1 round after its use (this antimagic does not impare the tarrasque itself.

This greater dispel magic effect is also applied to the targets of the tarrasque's successful melee attacks; if the tarrasque strikes a creature within a melee natural attack, that creature is the subject of a targeted greater dispel magic.

For both the cone and melee attack, the caster level is equal to the tarrasque’s HD plus divine bonus.

Block Attack (Ex)
When an opponent makes a melee attack against the tarrasque, it can expend a use of an attack of opportunity to attempt to parry that attack. The tarrasque makes an attack roll as if it was making an attack of opportunity; for each size category the attacking creature is larger than the tarrasque, the tarrasque takes a –2 penalty on this roll. If its result is greater than the attacking creature’s result, the creature’s attack automatically misses. The tarrasque must declare the use of this ability after the creature’s attack is announced, but before its attack roll is made. Upon performing a successful parry, the tarrasque can make a free melee attack against the creature whose attack it parried consuming another attack of opportunity, provided that creature is within its reach and it has at least one other attack of opportunity still available that round.

Carapace (Su)
The tarrasque’s scales deflect cones, lines, rays, and magic missile spells, rendering the tarrasque immune to such effects. There is a 50% chance a deflected effect reflects back in full force at the caster; otherwise it is simply negated.

Cleaving Attacks (Ex)
A single attack from the tarrasque’s natural weapons can target all creatures in a 60-foot square. Make one attack roll; any creature in the area whose AC is equal to or lower than the result takes damage from the attack. The tarrasque can attempt a combat maneuver check to grapple and immediately swallow all creatures it hits with its bite attack, making a single check and applying it against the CMD of all targets. If the tarrasque grapples a creature of Gargantuan size or smaller, it does not gain the grappled condition and does not need to succeed at a grapple combat maneuver check to move while maintaining its grapple. The tarrasque can grapple any number of creatures of Colossal size or smaller simultaneously.

Crunch (Ex)
Instead of swallowing its prey whole, the tarrasque can use its massive bite strength and numerous knife-like teeth to crush and tear its prey apart in its mouth. If the tarrasque successfully maintains a grapple with a creature in its mouth (not using its fast swallow ability), and chooses to deal damage to the creature (instead of pinning it or swallowing it whole), it deals damage as though it had confirmed a critical hit with its bite. Because this ability is not a true critical hit, creatures with Fortification or immunity to them are not immune to it.

Devastation (Ex)
As a full-round action, the tarrasque can assault a structure, dealing 240d10+516 points of damage to the structure in that round (this damage is already increased by siege beast).

Earthquake (Ex)
The tarrasque's might is such that it can crack the earth itself simply by stomping its feet as a standard action. This works as an extraordinary earthquake spell with a range of 1 mile centered on the tarrasque (including underground) and the save DC for all the effects is 68 (instead of 15 or 20, but not for the Constitution check, it remain 15). The tarrasque is immune to its own earthquake effect. After using this ability the tarrasque must wait 1 minute before using it again. The save DC is Strength-based.

Eruption (Ex)
Even the land itself screams at the tarrasque's coming. As a full-round action every 10 minutes, the tarrasque can roar while slamming the ground, making the earth start to tremble. 1d4+1 rounds later, a torrent of lava erupts on a place within view of the tarrasque of its choice. It’s a cylinder with a radius of 250 ft. (5 ft. per HD) reaching 5.000 ft. high (100 ft. per HD). Creatures inside the cylinder get a Reflex save DC 57 to get out of the area on time once it explodes. Anyone left inside the cylinder is treated as immersed in lava. The tarrasque is completely immune to the eruption. The eruption lasts for 5 minutes (1 round per HD). The save DC is Constitution-based.

Fragmentation Spines (Su)
When the tarrasque attacks with its spines, a spine that hits a target’s touch AC explodes in a 10-foot-radius burst of chitinous shards dealing 10d8 points of piercing damage (DC 57 Reflex half). Creatures failing their save are impaled by the jagged spine-shards, taking 10d4 points of bleed damage and are also entangled until all barbed spine fragments are removed. Removing the fragments requires a successful DC 22 Strength check or a DC 57 Heal check (one check required for each failed save), and each check deals the creature 6d6 points of damage whether or not the check succeeds. This fragmentation burst is in addition to the damage dealt to a target by a spine that hits its normal AC. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Frightful Presence (Ex)
As the normal ability, but creatures failing the save by 5 or more are panicked instead of shaken for the same duration. Even opponents immune to fear can be affected by this ability, but they gain a +4 bonus on the save.

Divine Traits (Abomination) (Ex)
As an abomination, the tarrasque gains a +4 divine bonus to: armor class; attack rolls; checks (ability checks, caster level checks, skill checks, etc.); difficulty class (for any special abilities, spell-like abilities, spells); initiative; saving throws and spell resistance. The tarrasque’s natural attacks or any weapons it wields, are treated as epic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. The tarrasque does not age and requires no food or drink to sustain itself but unlike a normal abomination, the tarrasque has a compulsion to binge eat whatever is in front of them.

Grant Spells
The tarrasque can grant spells of 7th level or less. It grant access to the domains of Chaos, Destruction, and Strength and to the subdomains of Catastrophe, Ferocity, and Rage.

Hibernation (Ex)
The tarrasque can sleep for years, decades, or even centuries and do not need to eat or breathe during these periods of dormancy, though it breathe normally and eat ravenously and almost constantly once it’s been awakened. If the tarrasque is forced into an environment where it cannot breathe and would suffocate or remain below a number of hit points equal to the negative of its Constitution modifier for more than 1 minute, it goes into involuntary hibernation until conditions are right for it to reawaken (or one thousand years if the cause is damage).
A tarrasque can enter a state of hibernation voluntarily; doing so takes 1 minute. While in hibernation, it can take no actions but does not need to breath and is not helpless, is only flat-footed and can make Perception check with -10 penalty for notice the presence of creatures within 60 ft. A tarrasque can remain in hibernation for as long as it wishes. While in hibernation, the tarrasque’s damage reduction improves to 100/− and it gains immunity to any spell or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance as well as all divination effects. If it is jostled or damaged while hibernating, a tarrasque can attempt a DC 90 Will save. If it succeeds, it awakens in 2d4 rounds. Otherwise, it takes 1d4 days to awaken from hibernation. A tarrasque can set the length of his hibernation when it first enters this state (but only if enter it voluntarily), so that it can awaken after a set amount of time has passed. When awakening at a set time in this manner, the tarrasque needs only 1d3 rounds to rouse itself, with no Will saving throw necessary.

Hurl Foe (Ex)
When the tarrasque damages a Colossal or smaller foe with one of its natural attacks, it can try to hurl the foe as part of that attack by attempting a combat maneuver check. On a successful check, the foe is knocked back 30 feet in a direction of the tarrasque’s choice and falls prone. The distance the foe is hurled increases by 10 feet for every 5 points by which the tarrasque’s check exceeds the foe’s CMD. If an obstacle stops the hurled creature before it travels the whole distance, the hurled foe and the obstacle struck each take 1d8 points of damage per 10 feet of distance remaining and the foe is knocked prone in the space adjacent to the obstacle.

Impenetrable Hide (Ex)
The tarrasque’s damage reduction is DR 40/− from 19/epic and good, and weapons or effects that would normally overcome its damage reduction no longer do so, including effects such as a mythic champion’s fleet charge, the paladin smite evil ability or a mythic trickster’s surprise strike. Its damage reduction applies even against spells, supernatural abilities, and other magical effects that deal bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. When a critical hit is confirmed against the tarrasque, it can expend one use of its mythic power as an immediate action to make a sunder combat maneuver against its attacker’s weapon. If the weapon gains the broken condition, the critical hit is negated and the attack deals normal damage. If the weapon is destroyed, the attack deals no damage.

Legendary Fortitude (Ex)
If the tarrasque makes a Fortitude saving throw against an attack that has a reduced effect on a successful save, it instead avoids the effect entirely. If the tarrasque is helpless, it does not gain the benefit of this ability.

Massive (Ex)
Because the tarrasque is so massive, uneven ground and other terrain features that form difficult terrain generally pose no significant hindrance to its movement, though areas of dense forest or massive settlements are considered difficult terrain to it (GM’s discretion). A Colossal or smaller creature can move through any square occupied by the tarrasque, or vice-versa. The tarrasque can be flanked only by Colossal or larger foes. The tarrasque gains a bonus for being on higher ground only if its entire space is on higher ground than that of its target. It’s possible for a Colossal or smaller creature to climb the tarrasque—this generally requires a successful DC equal to its CMD, and a Small or larger creature that climbs on the tarrasque body provokes an attack of opportunity from it.

Might (Ex)
The tarrasque deals d10's for base damage dice of all melee, natural weapon, and unarmed attacks with virtual size categories, and its damage dice cannot go below this dice but this cannot increase to more dice than its HD.

Mounting Fury (Ex)
When the tarrasque takes damage in combat, on its next turn it can fly into a rage as a free action. It gains a +4 morale bonus to attack and damage rolls and takes a -2 penalty to AC. While raging, the tarrasque is immune to fatigue, and it can end any of the following conditions affecting it by expending one use of mythic power: exhausted, nauseated, sickened, staggered, stunned. This does not require an action. If a critical hit is confirmed against a raging tarrasque (even if it negates the critical hit with its impenetrable hide), its bonuses to attack and damage rolls increase by 4 and its regeneration increases by 10 as long as it is raging (up to a maximum of five times). It also can negate one of the above conditions without spending a use of mythic power when a critical hit is confirmed against it, even if the effect is inflicted by the critical hit. The tarrasque’s rage lasts as long as the battle or for 1 minute, whichever is shorter, but it can extend this duration by 1 minute by expending one use of its mythic power.

Muscle Reflexes (Ex)
Unlike normal, the tarrasque obtains a number of additional attacks of opportunity per round from Combat Reflexes equal to its Strength modifier, instead of using its Dexterity.

Mythic (Ex)
The tarrasque has Mythic Power (10/day, Surge +1d12) and counts as a 10th-rank Mythic creature. The tarrasque, instead of being able to spend mythic power for use the mythic version of spells or spell-like ability, like a normal abomination, when it expends mythic power to add a Surge die to an attack roll, it also adds a Surge die to that attack’s damage roll. This is not an action and does not require him to expend any additional uses of Mythic Power to use this ability.

Planar Leap (Su)
The tarrasque traverses the planes by physically smashing through planar boundaries and crashing devastatingly into the target plane itself. Once per year, as a full-round action, the tarrasque can, as part of a jump, plane shift to any other plane (as per the spell of the same name) or teleport to another planet (as for the interplanetary teleport spell). It can only bring itself when it travels in this manner. Unlike a normal plane shift or interplanetary teleport spell, the tarrasque does not need to know the destination and can chose to randomize the destination (this ability will always bring the tarrasque to a biomass rich world or plane). When the tarrasque reaches its destination plane or planet, it falls from the sky and crashes to the ground, creating a devastating explosion of thunder and fire. Any creature and object within 1 mile of the point where the tarrasque lands (including the monster itself) takes 20d8 points of bludgeoning damage, 20d8 points of divine damage, 20d8 points of fire damage and 20d8 points of sonic damage (Reflex DC 57 for half). In addition, the tarrasque can enter personal extradimensional spaces like rope trick and mage's magnificent mansion. Even if the entrance is too small for the tarrasque to fit it can tear it open untill it's large enough simply by moving through it. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Powerful Leaper (Ex)
The tarrasque uses its Strength to modify Acrobatics checks made to jump, is always considered having a running start when trying an Acrobatics check made for jump, does not have a maximum vertical reach and has a +60 racial bonus on Acrobatics checks made to jump.

Primal Roar (Su)
The tarrasque can roar with such strength it creates waves of impact that bring down everything above him. As a standard action, the tarrasque can roar, affecting all creatures in a range of 5 miles (the tarrasque may reduce this radius if it wishes). The primal roar extends to the ethereal plane itself affecting ethereal creatures. Flying creatures (and objects like airships and flying islands) must make a Reflex save DC 57 modifier or be mercilessly brought down to near the ground stopping 10 foot above it. Creatures may try to fly higher again after landing but they'll be brought down again at the beginning of their next turn while the roar lasts. This affects even the tarrasque himself of he somehow was flying. The primal roar keeps echoing and every creature affected suffers the same effects for 1 round per tarrasque Con modifier after it roars. Each round on its turn, subject creatures may attempt a new saving throw to end the effect. This is a full-round action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. If the tarrasque is in an area where there is no discernible “ground” like the elemental plane of water or most of the ethereal plane then creatures fall towards the tarrasque itself slamming on it's hard body but whitout dealing it damage. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Recovery (Ex)
Whenever the tarrasque fails a saving throw against any non-harmless, non-instantaneous effect, it can attempt a new saving throw at the end of its turn to remove the effect. Doing so takes no action. The tarrasque can attempt a new save to end the effect as often as it wishes, but can attempt to remove only one such effect per round. Once per year, if the tarrasque takes an amount of damage that would normally kill it by reducing its hit points to a negative amount equal to its Constitution score while the regeneration its stoped, the damage instead heals the tarrasque of twice the amount of damage—but this healing leaves the monster disoriented and demoralized. At this point, the tarrasque automatically activate its planar leap ability in its turn even if the year of recharge is not yet passed but the destination (including if its a plane or planet) is randomized (contrary to the normal, this use only takes it to a place that is not hostile to life, not rich in biomass), the tarrasque does not take the damage of the impact in this case and automatically enter hibernation for one thousand years.

Regeneration (Ex)
No form of attack of mortals and deity can suppress the tarrasque’s regeneration—it regenerates even if disintegrated or slain by a death effect. If the tarrasque fails a save against an effect that would kill it instantly, it rises from death 3 rounds later with 1 hit point if no further damage is inflicted upon its remains. It can be banished or otherwise transported as a means to save a region, but the only true method to truly kill it, is to use pure cosmic energy like from cosmic damage or cosmic might.

Rush (Ex)
Once per minute, for 1 round, the tarrasque’s land and swim speeds increases to 400 feet, and its Acrobatics bonus on checks made to jump increases to +150.

Siege Beast (Ex)
The tarrasque receives a +20 racial bonus on combat maneuver checks to overrun and Strength checks to break or destroy objects. In addition, the natural weapons of a tarrasque ignore all forms of damage reduction and hardness less than 100 and deals double damage to objects.

Spawn of the Eater of Gods (Ex)
The tarrasque is the mightiest of the child of Rovagug, an Anomaly. It gains immunity to all direct offensive Divine Abilities (like most [Effect] or thing like Third Eye) used by an immortal of Greater Deity or lesser status (not other creatures like Hyperboreans) and can freely use his Planar Leap ability to enter any divine realm (assuming it know that realm or has used vengeful eye on its immortal in the last ten thousand years), even if the deity can normally barren planar travel to its realm. The tarrasque also can destroy an artifact such by simply swallowing it (if its a bound artifact or soul object, it reform as normal in 1d4 rounds).

Spines (Ex)
The tarrasque can loose a volley of six spear-like spines from its body as a standard action with a toss of its head or a lash of its tail. Make an attack roll for each spine—all targets must be within 90 feet of each other. The spines have a range increment of 600 ft.

Stomp (Ex)
As a standard action, the tarrasque may slam the ground it stands, creating a shockwave that makes the ground tremble, twist and crack forming dangerous spikes in a cone of 1 mile. Creatures that fail a Reflex save DC 68 must end their movement and gain the entangled condition. Entangled creatures can attempt to break free as a move action, making a Strength or Escape Artist check DC 68. The entire area of effect become difficult terrain (the tarrasque ignore it with massive). The save DC is Strength-based.

Swallow Whole (Ex)
The tarrasque can swallow multiple creatures, up to the maximum that fit in its space. Also, if a creature that is swallowed whole by the tarrasque manages to escape by cutting itself free, the monster’s muscles simply seals over the hole created so that other swallowed creatures must cut their own way out.

Tenacious Grapple (Ex)
The tarrasque’s grab ability ignore freedom of movement spell and similar ability or power that prevent grapple checks or automatically succeeds any combat maneuver checks and Escape Artist checks made to escape a grapple or a pin (like Eternal Freedom). Instead the effect give +8 circumstance bonus (or equal to the creature Divine Rank, whichever is higher) on CMD agaist the grapple or combat maneuver/ Escape Artist checks for escape the grapple.

Thunderous Trample (Ex)
The tarrasque gains the trample special attack. If it expends one use of its mythic power when using the charge action, including when using its aerial assault, it can trample all creatures in the path of its charge. When it does so, any creature failing (or forgoing) its Reflex save against the tarrasque’s trample is knocked prone.

Unstoppable Force (Ex)
So great is its bulk and strength that the tarrasque can break through or push aside objects in its path without even slowing down. While running, charging, or using trample, the tarrasque can make up to 29 Strength checks to break objects or obstacles in its path as a free action (1 per point of Strength modifier, but only one for a specific object or obstacle). For every 10 feet it has moved so far that round, the tarrasque gains a +1 bonus on this check. If it fails, its movement stops short at the obstacle, and both it and the object suffer 60d10+174 points of bludgeoning damage as it slams headlong into the obstacle (already calculated the increase damage to objects from siege beast). If it succeeds, the object is destroyed, and the tarrasque can continue its movement, as though the obstacle had never been there. Also, the tarrasque's natural weapons ignore all DR that can be bypassed by something. DR/– is only half as effective, and the tarrasque's natural weapons benefit from a permanent ghost touch effect.

Vengeful Eye (Ex)
When a creature attacks the tarrasque or uses a teleportation effect within 1 mile, the tarrasque instantly becomes aware of that creature’s location and for 1 hour it is always aware of the direction and distance to that creature and can see its attacker as if it had unlimited-range blindsight. The tarrasque’s vengeful eye ignores illusions and concealment and is not fooled by polymorph effects or other disguises. As long as the tarrasque has line of sight to a creature that has attacked it, any teleportation effect used by that creature fails unless it succeeds on a caster level check (using its Hit Dice as its caster level for supernatural abilities) against the tarrasque’s spell resistance.
Nice that's an intense version of the tarrasque. I like it.


Kothogaz, Dance Of Disharmony

CE Colossal magical beast (abomination)

Init +12; Senses blindsight 500 ft., darkvision 60 ft., echolocation 40 ft., low-light vision, scent, tremorsense 120 ft., true seeing; Perception +37

Aura frightful presence (DC 38, 120 ft.), noxious aura (DC 41, 120 ft.), tympanic heartbeat (DC 38, 120 ft.)

AC 53, touch 29, flat-footed 43 (+13 deflection, +4 Dex, +4 divine, +6 dodge, +24 natural, -8 size)

hp 616 (22d10+396) fast healing 10, regeneration 10 (cosmic damage or cosmic might)

Fort +35, Ref +21, Will +28

Defensive Abilities freedom of movement, nondetection, sixth sense; DR 10/epic and good; Immune ability damage and drain, acid, death effects, disease, energy drain, mind-affecting, petrification, poison, sonic, enchantment, illusion and transmutation magic, death from massive damage; Resistance cold 20, fire 20, Terrestrial Hazards; PR/SR 36

Speed 90 ft., fly 60 ft. (clumsy), swim 60 ft.

Melee bite +40 (12d10+22 plus 10d8 sonic, disease and grab), 2 claws +40 (8d10+22 plus 6d6 acid)

Ranged 3 bezoar +22 (6d10+22 plus disease; range increment 100 feet)

Space 30 ft.; Reach 30 ft.

Special Attacks fast swallow, disease (many-eyed blight), disharmonic door, mythic power (4/day, surge +1d8), pox the land (DC 38), suppurating passage (DC 41), swallow whole (8d10+22 damage plus 6d8 sonic and disease, 32 AC, 61 hp), trample (12d10+33, DC 47)

Spell-like Abilities (CL 26th, concentration +43)

Constantecholocation, freedom of movement, nondetection, true seeing

At-willblast barrier (DC 30), ear-piercing scream (DC 28), sympathetic vibration (DC 33), shatter (DC 29), shout (DC 31), song of discord (DC 32), sonic form, sonic scream (DC 29), sonic thrust, wall of sound

3/daygreater shout (DC 35), greater song of discord (DC 35), ki shout (DC 34)

1/dayirresistible dance (DC 35), power word kill, power word stun, summon (level 9, 1d6 CE melody on the wind [https://thecreaturecodex] 100%), wail of the banshee (DC 36), wish (replicate sorcerer/wizard spell of 8th level or less only)

Str 54, Dex 18, Con 46, Int 3, Wis 28, Cha 36

Base Atk +22; CMB +56; CMD 89

Feats Combat ReflexesB, Cornugon Smash, Dodge, Greater Vital Strike, Improved Initiative, Improved Vital Strike, Intimidating Prowess, Iron Will, Power Attack, Vital Strike

Epic Feats Good Will, Improved Dodge, Sixth SenseB

Skills Intimidate +40, Perception +37

Languages Abyssal, Auran, Celestial, Infernal (cannot speak); telepathy 1.000 ft.

SQ compression, hibernation, no breath, siege beast

Disease (Ex)
Many-Eyed Blight: Bezoar, bite, pox the land, suppurating passage, swallow whole—injury; save Fort DC 41; onset immediate; frequency 1/day; effect sickened for 1 day. At third and after failed save, you become confused (as for the insanity spell) and blinded as long you are infected with this disease. This conditions can be removed as normal but they return with a successive failed save. If you die while infected with this disease, at the next new moon, your body splits, and you become a penanggalen under Kothogaz's control; cure 3 consecutive saves. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Disharmonic Door (Su)
As a standard action that does not provoke attack of opportunity, Kothogaz disappears, then bursts as a cacophonous sound from the throat of a creature within 240 feet capable of making sounds. Kothogaz appears within 30 ft. of the creature and makes a free claw attack against it. The attack deals an additional 4d8 sonic damage. This is a conjuration (teleport) effect and a creature under effects that barren dimensional travel (like dimensional anchor or dimensional lock) cannot be selected with this ability. As usual, if Kothogaz is under effects that barren dimensional travel (like dimensional anchor or dimensional lock) cannot use this ability.

Divine Traits (Abomination) (Ex)
As an abomination, Kothogaz gains a +4 divine bonus to: armor class; attack rolls; checks (ability checks, caster level checks, skill checks, etc.); difficulty class (for any special abilities, spell-like abilities, spells); initiative; saving throws and spell resistance. Kothogaz’s natural attacks or any weapons it wields, are treated as epic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. Kothogaz does not age and requires no food or drink to sustain itself.

Grant Spells
Kothogaz can grant up to 7th-level spells. This does not require any specific action on the Kothogaz behalf. It grant access to the domains of Chaos, Destruction, and Evil and to the subdomains of Catastrophe, Entropy, and Plague.

Hibernation (Ex)
Kothogaz can sleep for years, decades, or even centuries and do not need to eat or breathe during these periods of dormancy, though it breathe normally and eat ravenously and almost constantly once it’s been awakened. If Kothogaz is forced into an environment where it cannot breathe and would suffocate or remain below a number of hit points equal to the negative of its Constitution modifier for more than 1 minute, it goes into involuntary hibernation until conditions are right for it to reawaken (or one thousand years if the cause is damage).
Kothogaz can enter a state of hibernation voluntarily; doing so takes 1 minute. While in hibernation, it can take no actions but does not need to breath and is not helpless, is only flat-footed and can make Perception check with –10 penalty for notice the presence of creatures within 60 ft. Kothogaz can remain in hibernation for as long as it wishes. While in hibernation, Kothogaz’s damage reduction improves to 100/− and it gains immunity to any spell or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance as well as all divination effects. If it is jostled or damaged while hibernating, Kothogaz can attempt a DC 40 Will save. If it succeeds, it awakens in 2d4 rounds. Otherwise, it takes 1d4 days to awaken from hibernation. Kothogaz can set the length of its hibernation when it first enters this state (but only if enter it voluntarily), so that it can awaken after a set amount of time has passed. When awakening at a set time in this manner, Kothogaz needs only 1d3 rounds to rouse itself, with no Will saving throw necessary.

Might (Ex)
Kothogaz deals d10's for base damage dice of all melee, natural weapon, and unarmed attacks with virtual size categories, and its damage dice cannot go below this dice but this cannot increase to more dice than its HD.

Mythic (Ex)
Kothogaz has Mythic Power (4/day, Surge +1d8) and counts as a 4th-rank Mythic creature. Kothogaz can use any of his spell-like abilities effect as the Mythic versions of those spells (if a Mythic version of that spell exists), expending Mythic Power as normal. It can also expend Mythic Power to use the augmented versions of these spells.

Noxious Aura (Ex)
A creature that enters or begins its turn within 120 ft. of Kothogaz must succeed at a Fortitude save DC 41 or be nauseated as long it remain in the aura and for 1d4 rounds thereafter. Succeed at the saving throw render only sickened for 1d4 rounds. Once a creature succeed the save, it become immune to noxious aura for 24 hours. This is a disease effect and the save DC is Constitution-based.

Pox the Land (Su)
As a standard action that does not provoke attack of opportunity, Kothogaz can raise a pustule from the ground within 120 feet, which erupts in a 10-foot radius, 200-foot-high cylinder of cloying filth. Creatures in the area take 6d10 bludgeoning damage and become entangled by the filth (they are not anchored or tethered) for 1 minute. A Reflex save DC 38 half the damage and negate the entangle. On a failure, they also can't fly for 1 round (1 minute and exposition to many-eyed blight if failing the save by 5 or more); flying creatures fall to the ground and take appropriate fall damage. Five rations of strong alcohol or universal solvent dissolves the filth. After using this ability, Kothogaz must wait 1 minute before using it again. This is a poison effect and the save DC is Charisma-based.

Regeneration (Ex)
No form of attack of mortals and deity can suppress Kothogaz’s regeneration—it regenerates even if disintegrated or slain by a death effect. If Kothogaz fails a save against an effect that would kill it instantly, it rises from death 3 rounds later with 1 hit point if no further damage is inflicted upon its remains. It can be banished or otherwise transported as a means to save a region, but the only true method to truly kill it, is to use pure cosmic energy like from cosmic damage or cosmic might.

Siege Beast (Ex)
Kothogaz receives a +20 racial bonus on combat maneuver checks to overrun and Strength checks to break or destroy objects. In addition, the natural weapons of Kothogaz ignore all forms of damage reduction and hardness less than 100 and deals double damage to objects.

Suppurating Passage (Ex)
The earth festers in Kothogaz's wake. When Kothogaz uses its trample special attack while on the ground, squares through which Kothogaz passes become difficult terrain until the start of its next turn for all creatures other than itself, and all creatures that enters or begins their turn in those squares must succeed at a Reflex save DC 41 or take 8d8 acid damage (if they fail the save by 5 or more they take double acid damage and are also exposed to many-eyed blight).

Swallow Whole (Ex)
Kothogaz can swallow multiple creatures, up to the maximum that fit in its space. Also, if a creature that is swallowed whole by Kothogaz manages to escape by cutting itself free, the monster’s muscles simply seals over the hole created so that other swallowed creatures must cut their own way out.

Tympanic Heartbeat (Ex)
Kothogaz's heartbeat booms like a deity's drum. A creature that enters or begins its turn within 120 ft. of Kothogaz must attempt a Will save DC 38. On a failure, its next action must be a move action to move at least half its speed away from Kothogaz. A creature that succeed by 10 or more the save is temporarily immune to tympanic heartbeat for 1 minute. Kothogaz's heartbeat is powerful, and penetrate the effect of any spell of 6th level or lower that creates silence. This is a compulsion, mind-affecting, sonic effect and the save DC is Charisma-based.


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Kothogaz, Dance Of Disharmony

CE Colossal magical beast (abomination)

Init +12; Senses blindsight 500 ft., darkvision 60 ft., echolocation 40 ft., low-light vision, scent, tremorsense 120 ft., true seeing; Perception +37

Aura frightful presence (DC 38, 120 ft.), noxious aura (DC 41, 120 ft.), tympanic heartbeat (DC 38, 120 ft.)

AC 53, touch 29, flat-footed 43 (+13 deflection, +4 Dex, +4 divine, +6 dodge, +24 natural, -8 size)

hp 616 (22d10+396) fast healing 10, regeneration 10 (cosmic damage or cosmic might)

Fort +35, Ref +21, Will +28

Defensive Abilities freedom of movement, nondetection, sixth sense; DR 10/epic and good; Immune ability damage and drain, acid, death effects, disease, energy drain, mind-affecting, petrification, poison, sonic, enchantment, illusion and transmutation magic, death from massive damage; Resistance cold 20, fire 20, Terrestrial Hazards; PR/SR 36

Speed 90 ft., fly 60 ft. (clumsy), swim 60 ft.

Melee bite +40 (12d10+22 plus 10d8 sonic, disease and grab), 2 claws +40 (8d10+22 plus 6d6 acid)

Ranged 3 bezoar +22 (6d10+22 plus disease; range increment 100 feet)

Space 30 ft.; Reach 30 ft.

Special Attacks fast swallow, disease (many-eyed blight), disharmonic door, mythic power (4/day, surge +1d8), pox the land (DC 38), suppurating passage (DC 41), swallow whole (8d10+22 damage plus 6d8 sonic and disease, 32 AC, 61 hp), trample (12d10+33, DC 47)

Spell-like Abilities (CL 26th, concentration +43)

Constantecholocation, freedom of movement, nondetection, true seeing

At-willblast barrier (DC 30), ear-piercing scream (DC 28), sympathetic vibration (DC 33), shatter (DC 29), shout (DC 31), song of discord (DC 32), sonic form, sonic scream (DC 29), sonic thrust, wall of sound

3/daygreater shout (DC 35), greater song of discord (DC 35), ki shout (DC 34)

1/dayirresistible dance (DC 35), power word kill, power word stun, summon (level 9, 1d6 CE melody on the wind [https://thecreaturecodex] 100%), wail of the banshee (DC 36), wish (replicate sorcerer/wizard spell of 8th level or less only)

Str 54, Dex 18, Con 46, Int 3, Wis 28, Cha 36

Base Atk +22; CMB +56; CMD 89

Feats Combat ReflexesB, Cornugon Smash, Dodge, Greater Vital Strike, Improved Initiative, Improved Vital Strike, Intimidating Prowess, Iron Will, Power Attack, Vital Strike

Epic Feats Good Will, Improved Dodge, Sixth SenseB

Skills Intimidate +40, Perception +37

Languages Abyssal, Auran, Celestial, Infernal (cannot speak); telepathy 1.000 ft.

SQ compression, hibernation, no breath, siege beast

Disease (Ex)
Many-Eyed Blight: Bezoar, bite, pox the land, suppurating passage, swallow whole—injury; save Fort DC 41; onset immediate; frequency 1/day; effect sickened for 1 day. At third and after failed save, you become confused (as for the insanity spell) and blinded as long you are infected with this disease. This conditions can be removed as normal but they return with a successive failed save. If you die while infected with this disease, at the next new moon, your body splits, and you become a penanggalen under Kothogaz's control; cure 3 consecutive saves. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Disharmonic Door (Su)
As a standard action that does not provoke attack of opportunity, Kothogaz disappears, then bursts as a cacophonous sound from the throat of a creature within 240 feet capable of making sounds. Kothogaz appears within 30 ft. of the creature and makes a free claw attack against it. The attack deals an additional 4d8 sonic damage. This is a conjuration (teleport) effect and a creature under effects that barren dimensional travel (like dimensional anchor or dimensional lock) cannot be selected with this ability. As usual, if Kothogaz is under effects that barren dimensional travel (like dimensional anchor or dimensional lock) cannot use this ability.

Divine Traits (Abomination) (Ex)
As an abomination, Kothogaz gains a +4 divine bonus to: armor class; attack rolls; checks (ability checks, caster level checks, skill checks, etc.); difficulty class (for any special abilities, spell-like abilities, spells); initiative; saving throws and spell resistance. Kothogaz’s natural attacks or any weapons it wields, are treated as epic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. Kothogaz does not age and requires no food or drink to sustain itself.

Grant Spells
Kothogaz can grant up to 7th-level spells. This does not require any specific action on the Kothogaz behalf. It grant access to the domains of Chaos, Destruction, and Evil and to the subdomains of Catastrophe, Entropy, and Plague.

Hibernation (Ex)
Kothogaz can sleep for years, decades, or even centuries and do not need to eat or breathe during these periods of dormancy, though it breathe normally and eat ravenously and almost constantly once it’s been awakened. If Kothogaz is forced into an environment where it cannot breathe and would suffocate or remain below a number of hit points equal to the negative of its Constitution modifier for more than 1 minute, it goes into involuntary hibernation until conditions are right for it to reawaken (or one thousand years if the cause is damage).
Kothogaz can enter a state of hibernation voluntarily; doing so takes 1 minute. While in hibernation, it can take no actions but does not need to breath and is not helpless, is only flat-footed and can make Perception check with –10 penalty for notice the presence of creatures within 60 ft. Kothogaz can remain in hibernation for as long as it wishes. While in hibernation, Kothogaz’s damage reduction improves to 100/− and it gains immunity to any spell or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance as well as all divination effects. If it is jostled or damaged while hibernating, Kothogaz can attempt a DC 40 Will save. If it succeeds, it awakens in 2d4 rounds. Otherwise, it takes 1d4 days to awaken from hibernation. Kothogaz can set the length of its hibernation when it first enters this state (but only if enter it voluntarily), so that it can awaken after a set amount of time has passed. When awakening at a set time in this manner, Kothogaz needs only 1d3 rounds to rouse itself, with no Will saving throw necessary.

Might (Ex)
Kothogaz deals d10's for base damage dice of all melee, natural weapon, and unarmed attacks with virtual size categories, and its damage dice cannot go below this dice but this cannot increase to more dice than its HD.

Mythic (Ex)
Kothogaz has Mythic Power (4/day, Surge +1d8) and counts as a 4th-rank Mythic creature. Kothogaz can use any of his spell-like abilities effect as the Mythic versions of those spells (if a Mythic version of that spell exists), expending Mythic Power as normal. It can also expend Mythic Power to use the augmented versions of these spells.

Noxious Aura (Ex)
A creature that enters or begins its turn within 120 ft. of Kothogaz must succeed at a Fortitude save DC 41 or be nauseated as long it remain in the aura and for 1d4 rounds thereafter. Succeed at the saving throw render only sickened for 1d4 rounds. Once a creature succeed the save, it become immune to noxious aura for 24 hours. This is a disease effect and the save DC is Constitution-based.

Pox the Land (Su)
As a standard action that does not provoke attack of opportunity, Kothogaz can raise a pustule from the ground within 120 feet, which erupts in a 10-foot radius, 200-foot-high cylinder of cloying filth. Creatures in the area take 6d10 bludgeoning damage and become entangled by the filth (they are not anchored or tethered) for 1 minute. A Reflex save DC 38 half the damage and negate the entangle. On a failure, they also can't fly for 1 round (1 minute and exposition to many-eyed blight if failing the save by 5 or more); flying creatures fall to the ground and take appropriate fall damage. Five rations of strong alcohol or universal solvent dissolves the filth. After using this ability, Kothogaz must wait 1 minute before using it again. This is a poison effect and the save DC is Charisma-based.

Regeneration (Ex)
No form of attack of mortals and deity can suppress Kothogaz’s regeneration—it regenerates even if disintegrated or slain by a death effect. If Kothogaz fails a save against an effect that would kill it instantly, it rises from death 3 rounds later with 1 hit point if no further damage is inflicted upon its remains. It can be banished or otherwise transported as a means to save a region, but the only true method to truly kill it, is to use pure cosmic energy like from cosmic damage or cosmic might.

Siege Beast (Ex)
Kothogaz receives a +20 racial bonus on combat maneuver checks to overrun and Strength checks to break or destroy objects. In addition, the natural weapons of Kothogaz ignore all forms of damage reduction and hardness less than 100 and deals double damage to objects.

Suppurating Passage (Ex)
The earth festers in Kothogaz's wake. When Kothogaz uses its trample special attack while on the ground, squares through which Kothogaz passes become difficult terrain until the start of its next turn for all creatures other than itself, and all creatures that enters or begins their turn in those squares must succeed at a Reflex save DC 41 or take 8d8 acid damage (if they fail the save by 5 or more they take double acid damage and are also exposed to many-eyed blight).

Swallow Whole (Ex)
Kothogaz can swallow multiple creatures, up to the maximum that fit in its space. Also, if a creature that is swallowed whole by Kothogaz manages to escape by cutting itself free, the monster’s muscles simply seals over the hole created so that other swallowed creatures must cut their own way out.

Tympanic Heartbeat (Ex)
Kothogaz's heartbeat booms like a deity's drum. A creature that enters or begins its turn within 120 ft. of Kothogaz must attempt a Will save DC 38. On a failure, its next action must be a move action to move at least half its speed away from Kothogaz. A creature that succeed by 10 or more the save is temporarily immune to tympanic heartbeat for 1 minute. Kothogaz's heartbeat is powerful, and penetrate the effect of any spell of 6th level or lower that creates silence. This is a compulsion, mind-affecting, sonic effect and the save DC is Charisma-based.
This is pretty cool. What a nasty monster. I'll probably throw this in my current lower level campaign when they get a little stronger. Good job!

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