I will make him an Intermediate Deity DR 12 with my revisited darkness and your pain portfolio and the chain Divine Abilities (
Custom divine abilities, portfolios, etc.). At some point him and Asmodeus are sure.
A few others might be useful.
Creative Effect (Su)
Your [Effect] Ability manifests objects.
Prerequisites:[Effect] ability.
Benefit:Your [Effect] ability can manifest objects of your choosing as per true creation. 1/2 its damage is B/P/S. If chains are created, they can be used w/dancing chains, etc. Up to 1 object can be created per die of damage. Your [Effect] ability has reach = its range.
Special:If you have Missile Effect, you can auto-create infinite ammo/bolts/arrows for projectile weapons. Add., if doing so, you never need reload, and your projectile weapon(s) never jam(s).
The damage inflicted remains determined by your [Effect](s).
(i.e. an 80HD greater deity's Creative Uncanny Fire Shots (((each)))
inflict 20d6 damage (i.e. 10d6 P damage + 10d6 Fire damage.) and do Not (((ever))) harm his allies (((unless he desires otherwise))).)
Missile Effect (Su)
Prerequisites:Any [Effect] Strike ability.
Benefit:As "Strike", except it applies to ranged weapons (shot, etc.; can combine w/energy weapons normally) or, if used w/o ranged weapons, its range = Long (400 ft. (+40 ft. per HD/L)) & it can emit from any part of your body.
All such attacks count as lines/rays and can be used w/Pan-, etc. versal, etc.; Unearthly Reach, etc.; and any/all similar abilities normally, if appropriate.
Last updates on the following:
Dancing Chains (Su)
Your divine aura manifests corporeal chains that attack and move, according to your whims, as per a dancing chains spell.

ivine Aura, Self-mastery.
Benefit:Your divine aura manifests corporeal chains that attack and move, according to your whims, as per a dancing chains spell. These chains are indestructible.
Special:This ability works in conjunction with Dancing Raiment, Mask of Darkness, and Raiment of Darkness. However, each attacking appendage you make with this ability subtracts one attacking appendage from your Dancing Raiment ability and vice versa. Thus limiting your attacking appendages (chains and/or raiment) to the original total dictated by the dancing chains spell.
Mask of Darkness (Su)
Your divine aura either manifests, or manifests as, a mask that only you can remove.

ivination Immunity, Divine Aura, Obscurity, Self-hypnosis, Self-mastery.
Benefit:Your divine aura either manifests, or manifests as, a mask of darkness. This mask is impenetrable to all forms of discernment or divination, effectively concealing you identity. This mask also renders it's wearer impervious to all gaze attacks and effects, as well as all attacks and effects reliant upon hearing, scent, sight, and taste. This mask cannot be destroyed or removed (exc. by you; even by a being of higher divine rank) and is never a hindrance to you. This mask resembles any form of mask desired. Donning or removing this mask is a free action.
Special:This ability stacks w/Dancing Chains, Dancing Raiment, and Raiment of Darkness.
- Raiment of Darkness (Su)
Your divine aura manifests as an intangible raiment of darkness that moves according to your whims.

ivination Immunity, Divine Aura, Mask of Darkness, Obscurity, Self-hypnosis, Self-mastery.
Benefit:As Mask of Darkness plus your divine aura either manifests, or manifests as, a raiment of darkness that moves according to your whims. Your divine aura acquires the additional effects of your Divination Immunity, Obscurity, and Self-hypnosis abilities. This effect benefits all of your allies. It also provides a +20 equipment bonus to all Disguise and Stealth checks for both you and your allies. This raiment resembles any form of clothing ensemble desired.
Special:This ability stacks w/Dancing Chains and Mask of Darkness.
- Dancing Raiment (Su)
Your Raiment of Darkness can now attack and move, according to your whims, in a manner similar to ghost touch chains controlled by a dancing chains spell.

ancing Chains, Divination Immunity, Divine Aura, Mask of Darkness, Obscurity, Raiment of Darkness, Self-hypnosis, Self-mastery.
Benefit:Your Raiment of Darkness can now attack and move, according to your whims, in a manner similar to ghost touch chains controlled by a dancing chains spell. These appendages are indestructible.
Special:This ability works in conjunction with Dancing Chains, Mask of Darkness, and Raiment of Darkness. However, each attacking appendage you make with this ability subtracts one attacking chain from your Dancing Chains ability and vice versa. Thus limiting your attacking appendages (chains and/or raiment) to the original total dictated by the dancing chains spell.
Obscurity (Ex/Su)
You are unknown and unknowable.
Prerequisites:Wis 40, Divination Immunity, Trackless Step (or Scorned By Nature (see Mega Feats vII)).
Benefit:You are immune to Bardic Knowledge, Lore, Mathesis (epic), Phrenology (epic), Psychometry (cosmic), skill checks (info-based (ex. Knowledge, etc.)) and similar non divinatory info gathering abilities, etc. Any/all info about you fades (no save), fails to be obtained (no save), or is forgotten (no save). Nothing can prevent said info from failing to be obtained, even Psychometry (cosmic) fails. However; miracle, reality revision, or wish; or immunity to mind-affecting effects can prevent said info from fading or being forgotten and such info can be shared normally.
[School] Immunity (Ex)
Benefit:You are immune to one school of magic as well as psionic, psychic, spell-like, psi-like, spell-like, and supernatural equivalents. Your own function normally. If you choose Divination Immunity, you're also immune to Malifiecus (epic) and similar divinatory abilities, etc. You are not, however, immune to Bardic Knowledge, Lore, Mathesis (epic), Phrenology (epic), Psychometry (cosmic), or similar nondivinatory abilities, etc..
Warp (Su)
Warp space to better attack/affect target (creature, etc.).

ex 40.
Benefit:You can attack/affect any/all targets you would normally be able to attack/affect were it not for your/their size/obstacles (inc. (your-/their-) self, etc.)/orientation (facing, etc.). This negates all your opponent(s) benefits from cover and their size modifier to AC as well as all your penalties for your size modifier to Attack and CMD.
You must still, however, be possessed of sufficient Strength, if not size, to do so. If your Strength is insufficient for the task(s) at hand, you remain incapable of accomplishing said task(s). (i.e. you must have sufficient Strength to affect the target('s/s') weight.)
Special:This ability; when combined w/ghost touch, Etheric Vision, or the equivalent of either; could conceivably permit the lifting of the sky, rerouting of rivers, etc.; much like Hercules was famous for; if one were possessed of sufficient Strength.
This ability stacks with Panversal, etc..
Whispersoul (Su)
Prerequisites:Sonic Immunity, Move Silently 40 ranks.
Benefit:You can perform any action silently, as if affected by a personal silence spell. This functions continuously
(selective (Immediate nonaction)), never hindering you, should you desire to create or hear/sense sound. Add., it extends to the immediate effects of your actions as well. (i.e. if you cast fireball, your targets don't sizzle. They just scream.)
Notes:These are probably in a crap format as they're just some of my shorthand notes, but they're mostly straightforward. I have dozens more minor, but useful abilities written up. Some are nasty if combined properly, but not overpowered if you aren't munchkining things.