Things from my setting

Glad you liked it.
Is this modified from the writeup?
No, this is a modified version of the base class Athasian Dragon, from the I take only the description of the evolution based on level
1st: Physically, the newly formed dragon changes very little, save normally doubling its mass. You may retain its original height and simply gain bulk, may also in height, or may simply grow denser. Physical changes are uncontrollable and unpredictable. Though you retain humanoid characteristics, your face elongates slightly and your nostrils lengthen. Your spine becomes more pronounced, and rudimentary scales appear on the shoulders and back. Example: A human mass may increase up to 350 pounds.

2nd: At this point, your physical form changes still further increasing in both height and weight. Your face elongates further and the first hints of scales appear on your lengthened snout. Your spine becomes even more pronounced, and the stub of a tail appears. Your wicked claws can now be used as weapons. Example: A human’s weight may increase up to 450 pounds, and their height can be as tall as 10 foot.

3rd: You continue to grow in weight and height. All limbs lengthen drastically, including fingers and toes. Your neck also lengthens, lifting your now reptilian head and face far above its shoulders; all hair vanishes at this time. Example: A human’s weight may increase up to 650 pounds, and they may gain another foot in height.

4th: Your humanoid origins can now hardly be recognized, as your weight and height continue to increase. Scales now cover every part of your body but the underbelly and the underside of your limbs, strengthening your natural armor. The legs become strikingly inhuman, developing huge thighs and a hard-angled, bony calf and taloned foot. At this point, you may also hunch severely at shoulder and waist, and can move either upright or on all four limbs. Tour dragon’s jaws protrude remarkably giving you a devastating bite. Example: A human’s weight may increase up to 900 pounds, and they may be as long as 12 foot.

5th: Now fully the double your original height in length from snout to growing tail, your weight and length continue to increase, mostly due to your full-grown tail. Example: A human would be now fully 12 feet long and weigh around 1,600 pounds.

6th: By this time, your form is completely hunched but you can still stand erect at your full height at times. Both your scales and hind legs have strengthened significantly. Example: A human at this point would be a full 16 feet tall, as well as weighing 2,000 pounds.

7th: You continue to gain in weight and length. Example: A human at this point would be over 20 feet long, as well as weighing 4,000 pounds.

8th: You continue to increase in length and weight and wings sprout from your back. Example: A human at this point would be around 25 feet long, as well as weighing 10,000 pounds.

9th: Your weight and length continue to increase. Example: A human at this point would be around 30 feet long, as well as weighing 20,000 pounds.

10th: At this, your final stage of the metamorphosis, you leave your original form completely behind in favor of that of a pure dragon. Example: A human/dragon at this point would be around 40 feet long, as well as weighing 50,000 pounds

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Ah, I'd never seen that. The only 3.x version I'd seen was the one in the Legends of Athas pdf.
I had considered starting from the one from Legends of Athas for my version since it was well done but it was too based on the rules of the Dark Sun defilers to be able to be used in a normal setting without doing a very heavy rework and I didn't like the fact that at every level you need to cast an epic spell with extremely stringent components in order to advance to the next level. I understand the lore and all but I have to make a PrC that the players can also take without going crazy.

Makes sense. The original design from 2e was before the idea of Prestige Classes, and whIle it's listed as 21st-level through 30th-level dragon (or avangion) it's not really set up like ordinary class-level advancement: one level of dragon is way more powerful than one level of a regular class but requires way more hoops (10th-level spell with extreme preparation/component requirements and risk of death each time).

A wolf-like humanoid with silver fur dressed as an aristocrat looks at you with hostility.

LE Large fey

Init +24 (Always First); Senses darkvision 180 ft., divine senses (x3), low-light vision, scent, true seeing, x-ray; Perception +55

Aura divine (DC 27, 105 ft.), transhuman's pressure (DC 43, 120 ft.)


AC 93, touch 58, flat-footed 31 (+13 deflection, +16 Dex, +4 divine, +16 dodge, +35 natural, –1 size)

hp 1,792 (32d20+1,152); force field 200 (80 hp/round regenerate), regeneration 15 (cold iron and epic)

Fort +70, Ref +71, Will +67

Defensive Abilities ferocity, lungs of the planet, improved evasion, intercept attack, sixth sense, unstoppable; DR 30/–; Immune ability damage and drain, death effects, disease, energy drain, mind-affecting, poison, death from massive damage; Resist acid 30, cold 30, electricity 30, fire 30, Terrestrial Hazards; PR/SR 46


Speed 450 ft., relentless stride

Melee bite +92 (4d10+17), 2 claws +92 (6d10+17 plus bleed and grab)

against quarry bite +92 (4d10+17), 2 claws +92 (6d10+17/17-20x5 plus bleed and grab)

or torrent (charge only) claws +92/+92/+92/+87/+87/+82/+82/+77 (6d10+17/17-20x5 plus bleed and grab)

Ranged energy ray +91 touch (16d6+13) or energy sphere +91 touch (32d4/10d4)

Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.

Special Attacks apex predator, bleed (2d8), energy ray, energy sphere, master hunter, mythic power (4/day, surge +1d8), pounce, quarry, silver mane, smite 9/day (+14 to attack, +64 to damage), sneak attack +8d6, the fang's lineage, torrent

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 36th; concentration +53)

Constantfreedom of movement, true seeing

At-willanimal growth, air walk, animal messenger, call animal, commune, control weather (as a druid), dream, etherealness, find the path, foresight, geas/quest, greater dispel magic, greater magic fang, greater teleport, legendary proportion, magic jar (DC 32), sending, tongues



Str 44, Dex 42, Con 41, Int 41, Wis 35, Cha 36

Base Atk +32; CMB +79 (+83 grapple); CMD 109

Feats Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Spring AttackB, Toughness, Run

Epic Feats Epic Skill Focus (bluff), Epic Toughness, Great Smite, Improved Combat Reflexes, Improved Dodge, Improved Power Attack, Legendary Tracker, Sixth Sense, Superior Initiative

Skills Acrobatics +55, Appraise +51, Bluff +62, Climb +56, Craft +54, Diplomacy +52, Disable Device +55, Disguise +52, Escape Artist +55, Fly +53, Handle Animal +52, Heal +48, Knowledge (arcana, dungeoneering, engineering, history, nobility, planes, psionic, religion) +51, Knowledge (geography, local, nature) +54, Linguistics +51, Perception +55, Perform +52, Profession +51, Ride +55, Sense Motive +55, Sleight of Hand +55, Spellcraft +51, Stealth +51, Survival +48 (+64 follow tracks), Swim +56, Use Magic Device +52

Languages Aklo, Common, Draconic, Giant, Sylvan, Treant

SQ fae knight, maven, swift tracker, track, virtual size category +1,


Claws of the Great Hunt (already calculated in the sheet)

This amulet of the mighty fists +14 ghost touch, phase locking, speed allow the user unarmed strike and natural weapons to count as being made of 1/32,768th of orichalcum (x2 damage). It has also a unique power: once per day as a standard action, when worn, the user can select a single creature that he can identify in some way (like “the one who left these traces” or “the one who burned this village”). Against that creature, for the 24 hours following, he gains the benefit of the Telelocation Divine Ability. Because of its power higher than a standard artifact, Claws of the Great Hunt consume 2 artifact slot of Woodwose.

Woodwose renounce 2 artifacts and integrate class features for quadruple his Divine Slots

Divine Abilities

• Adjuration (Su): Summon up to 64 hit die of creatures per day (no single creature can have CR higher than 20)

• Agile Soul (Ex): Dex as circumstance to saving throw

• Carapace (Ex): Natural Armor bonus equal to your hit die

• Celerity (Ex): All movements speed tripled

• Force Field (Su)B x4: You can generate a powerful shield to protect you from harm

• Divine Toughness (Ex): You use d20’s for HD

• Exoskeleton (Ex): Natural Armor bonus equal to ½ your hit die

• Invincibility (Ex): Fortitude save for negate damage

• Self Mastery (Ex): You can separate your individual appendages

• Seventh Sense (Ex): Reply a round

• Squamous (Ex): Natural Armor bonus equal to ¾ your hit die

• Strong Mind (Ex): Str as insight to attack rolls

• Strong Soul (Ex): Str as insight to saving throw

• Superior Power Attack (Ex): –1/+4

• Perfect Initiative (Ex): Always First

• Uncanny Dodge (Ex): Dex bonus as dodge to AC

• X-Ray Vision (Su): See through solid objects

Double Hunt Portfolio Traits (Quasi-Deity)

Domain Power: Woodwose gains the smite ability of the Houndsman class instead of an animal companion, using his HD as his Houndsman level.

Pig’s Splendor (Ex): Competence penalty to charisma equal to double your divine rank.

Hunter’s Death (Ex): Competence penalty to on all rolls equal to double your divine rank for one month if you ever retreat from a hunt.

• Hunt Ready (Ex): You can use armor or shields without penalty.

• Hunt Lord (Ex): You gain the Swift Tracker ability of the Ranger but you reduce the listed penalty by a value equal to your divine rank.

• Greater Scion of Hunt (Ex): +8 competence bonus on attack rolls.

• Sons of Hunts (Ex): Those summoned gain an attack bonus equal to double your divine rank.


Apex Predator (Ex)
Woodwose has reaches the top of the food chain. Whenever he attacks his quarry and misses with a roll that is not a natural 1, he hits his quarry, but the damage is halved.

Divine Traits (Quasi-Deity) (Ex)
As a quasi-deity, Woodwose gains a +4 divine bonus to: armor class; attack rolls; checks (ability checks, caster level checks, skill checks, etc.); difficulty class (for any special abilities, spell-like abilities, spells); initiative; saving throws and spell resistance. Woodwose’s natural attacks or any weapons he wields, are treated as epic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. A quasi-deity does not age, requires no air to breathe, no food or drink to sustain itself, nor sleep.

Energy Ray (Su)
Woodwose can launch an energy ray as a standard action against a creature or object within 120 ft. This ray deal 1d6 untyped damage per 2 HD of Woodwose plus his Charisma modifier. This ray deal full damage to objects and incorporeal creatures, is not subject to DR and ignore a value of hardness equal to Woodwose HD.

Energy Sphere (Su)
Woodwose can launch a small sphere made of energy as a standard action against a creature or object within 120 ft. The sphere is a splash weapon with no range increment that deal 1d4 untyped damage per HD of Woodwose on direct hit and 1d4 untyped damage per 3 HD of Woodwose on splash damage. Those caught in the splash damage can attempt a Reflex save DC 43 for half damage. This sphere deal full damage to objects and incorporeal creatures, is not subject to DR and ignore a value of hardness equal to Woodwose HD. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Fae Knight (Ex)
Woodwose gains all good saving throws and full BaB progression for his racial fey HD.

Lungs of the Planet (Ex)
Woodwose has a partial authority over the waste heat of the planet, giving him an incredible resistance. Woodwose increase his DR from 10/epic to 30/– and gains the Force Field Divine Ability as a bonus ability four times. Unlike the normal version, Woodwose force field regenerate a value equal ½ his HD + his Divine Rank every round multiplied for the number of times the ability is taken. Woodwose Force Field manifest as a heat mirage, as if hot air distorted the light around him.

Intercept Attacks (Ex)
Consuming an attack of opportunity, Woodwose can attempt a claw attack to prevent a hit by a melee or ranged attack. If the attack result exceeds the result from the attack against him, Woodwose is unaffected by the attack (as if the attack had missed).

Master Hunter (Ex)
Woodwose can, as a standard action, make a single attack against his quarry at his full attack bonus. If the attack hits, the target takes damage normally and must make a Fortitude save DC 39 or die. Woodwose can choose instead to deal an amount of nonlethal damage equal to the creature’s current hit points. A successful save negates this damage. Woodwose can use this ability at will, but not against the same creature more than once in a 24-hour period. The save DC is Wisdom-based.

Mythic (Ex)
Woodwose has Mythic Power (4/day, surge +1d8) and counts as a 4th-rank Mythic creature. Woodwose can use any of his spell and spell-like abilities as the Mythic versions of those spells (if a Mythic version of that spell exists), expending Mythic Power as normal. He can also expend Mythic Power to use the augmented versions of these spell and spell-like abilities.

Might (Ex)
Woodwose deals d10's for base damage dice of all melee, natural weapon, and unarmed attacks with virtual size categories, and his damage dice cannot go below this dice but this cannot increase to more dice than his HD.

Quarry (Ex)
Woodwose can, as a standard action, denote one target within his line of sight as his quarry. Whenever he is following the tracks of his quarry, Woodwose can take 10 on his Survival skill checks while moving at normal speed, without penalty. In addition, he gains the benefit of the Superior Critical and Superior Critical Multiplier Divine Abilities with his claws attacks made against his quarry, and all critical threats are automatically confirmed. Woodwose can have no more than 3 quarry at a time. He can dismiss this effect at any time as a free action, but he cannot select a new quarry for 24 hours. If Woodwose sees proof that his quarry is dead, he can select a new quarry after waiting 1 round.

Relentless Stride (Ex)
Woodwose can move more effectively in different environments. When he succeeds on a Climb check, he may move his full speed without penalty, or he may move half his speed while continuing to use a shield. Woodwose may also move his full speed when he succeeds on a Swim check, and he may move through any sort of terrain at his normal speed (even if magical manipulated to impede motion) and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment, and is not affected by tripping effects caused by slick or icy surfaces, magical or otherwise.

Finally, Woodwose has an incredible lightness to his step. Provided he starts his turn on normal ground, he can move on any surface as if it were the ground, like walls and ceilings. Woodwose falls if his movement ends or he falls prone. As a swift action, he may make a Climb skill check to use a hand to cling to the surface he has walked on this way. He can also walk across water without sinking or taking damage but sinks normally if he stops his movement or falls prone. He cannot begin his movement on water.

Silver Mane (Su)
As a standard action, Woodwose can force a creature who is capable of seeing him to make a Will save DC 43 or be charmed as for a charm monster spell (CL equal to the HD of Woodwose plus his Divine Rank) by him. Being successful fill Woodwose with pride, giving him a +5 moral bonus to AC and Damage Reduction as long an opponent that has at least ½ his HD (16) is charmed by this effect.

Swift Tracker (Ex)
Woodwose can move at his normal speed while using Survival to follow tracks without taking the normal –5 penalty. Woodwose takes only a –5 penalty (instead of the normal –20) when moving at up to twice normal speed while tracking.

The Fang's Lineage (Ex)
As a full-round action, Woodwose can make an Intimidate check to demoralize all foes who can see him. Creatures made shaken by this effect also suffer a –6 penalty to AC as long they are shaken. As long an opponent that has at least ½ his HD (16) is shaken by this effect, Woodwose increase the critical threat off all his natural weapons by +1 (this is applied after keen, Improved Critical, Superior Critical and similar abilities.

Torrent (Ex)
As a full-round action, Woodwose can make a special charge against his quarry. Unlike a normal charge, instead of making the normal full-attack with bite and 2 claws, Woodwose can make a flurry of blows as a monk of 20th, using only his claws in place of unarmed strike (remember that Claws of the Great Hunt has the speed enhancement), all the attacks must be made against his quarry, they cannot be done on other characters. While using torren, Woodwose can forgo his first claw attack to make a Bluff check to feint the opponent. If he successfully feint, that opponent is denied his Dexterity bonus to AC until the end of Woodwose turn.

Transhuman's Pressure (Ex)
This work as frightful presence, except that creatures with less HD than Woodwose that fail their save are frightened instead of shaken (they are still panicked if they have 4 or less HD). For every opponent that has at least ½ his HD (16) that is frightened by this ability, Woodwose gains a cumulative +2 damage rolls with his natural weapons.

Unstoppable (Ex)
Whenever Woodwose fails a saving throw against any mind-affecting, paralysis, petrification, polymorph, or immobilizing effect (including binding and temporal stasis but not including imprisonment), he can attempt a new saving throw at the end of his turn to remove the effect. Doing so takes no action. Woodwose can attempt a new save to end t he effect as often as he wishes, but can attempt to remove only one such effect per round.

As a Deity


Archduke of Exhaust Heat, Lord of Oxford, Sword of the Fairy Kingdom, Sword of the Fairy Queen

Alignment LE

Areas of Concern Hunt, Loyalty, Protection

Domains Animal, Evil, Law, Nobility (up to 7th level spells)

Subdomains Aristocracy, Fur, Hubris, Judgment, Loyalty, Leadership, Legislation, Tyranny

Favored Weapon Claws (unarmed strike for creatures without claws)

Symbol Wolf/Wolfhound with a silver fur

Sacred Animal(s) Wolf/Wolfhound with a silver fur

Sacred Color(s) Silver

Unique Summon Rules
  • Summon Monster I: Wolfhound with a silver fur (same statistics as a Common Dog)
  • Summon Monster II: Wolf with a silver fur
  • Summon Monster III: Worg with a silver fur
  • Summon Monster IV: Dire Wolf or Hell Hound with a silver fur
  • Summon Monster V: Winter Wolf (LE) with a silver fur
  • Summon Monster VII: Nessian Hell Hound with a silver fur


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A template based on the concept of the Genius Loci as a spirit of the Land and with some abilities taken from the Genius Loci template of ProfessorZik-Chil based on Van Kleiss, a villaing present in Generator Rex that is basically a Genius Loci.

Genius Loci (CR +8)
A Genius Loci is a god in the making. Or at least, that's typically how they think of themselves. Sometimes, when a powerful creature dies, his consciousness becomes inexplicably embedded into the soil around him. Over the course of months or years, this consciousness exerts enough willpower to force the enviroment to bend to his will, eventually allowing him to create a "wood puppet" of a sort, resembling his former self, which he can use to interact with the world. Genius Loci appear just as they did in life, although their features are often hardened and feral, with the predatory look of wolves. They often embrace finery and decadence and may assume the guise of nobility.

Creating a Genius Loci
“Genius Loci” is an acquired template that can be added to any living creature with 10 or more HD (referred to hereafter as the base creature). A Genius Loci uses the base creature’s stats and abilities except as noted here.

CR: Same as the base creature +8.

Alignment: Any, but usually evil.

Type: The creature’s type changes to plant (augmented). Do not recalculate class Hit Dice, BAB, or saves.

Senses: A Genius Loci gains darkvision 60 ft., greensight 60 ft., low-light vision, and sense the land.

Greensight (Ex)
A Genius Loci can see through thick plant matter as though it were transparent, with a range of 60 feet. Leaves, vines, greenery, and undergrowth offer no concealment to a Genius Loci’s sight, though solid wood still blocks its line of sight.

Sense the Land (Su)
As long as it is within its territory (either merged with it or in its physical form, see bound with the land), a Genius Loci can observe the world (with all its senses) from any point within its territory as if it were at that point. While merged with its territory, it can observe all points simultaneously in this way.

Armor Class: Natural armor improves by +8 and gains land insight.

Land Insight (Ex)
When in its territory, the land whisper to the Genius Loci and grant him an insight bonus to its AC equal to its Wisdom bonus (minimum +0) and the uncanny dodge and improved uncanny dodge abilities using its HD as its Barbarian level.

Hit Dice: Change all racial Hit Dice to d8s. Class Hit Dice are unaffected. A Genius Loci has always maximum hit points per HD.

Defensive Abilities: A Genius Loci gains DR 15/epic and slashing, Spell Resistance 17 + HD, and fast healing 10. It also gains immunity to electricity and resistance 30 to sonic, in addition to all the defensive abilities granted by the plant type other than immunity to mind-affecting effects. If the Genius Loci has immunity to fire (even from a subtype), he lose that immunity and instead gains resistance 30 to fire. A Genius Loci does not age, is immune to aging effects, requires no air to breathe, nor food or drink to sustain itself. A Genius Loci gains the following abilities:

Fast Healing (Ex)
Unlike a normal fast healing, if a Genius Loci loses a limb, it regrows in 1d4+4 hours. It will regrow in 1 minute if the severed member is held against the stump. This “regeneration” only functions in the Genius Loci's territory.

Immune to Magical Control (Ex)
A Genius Loci is immune to nearly all forms of mind control, including all charm monster, command plants, control plants, suggestion, and dominate monster spells. It is similarly immune to magic jar and possession attempts.

Confusion and other mind-affecting effects that don’t allow another creature to control a Genius Loci directly work normally. Rare effects that allow a creature to manipulate the exact effects of confusion on a creature provide one of the few ways to magically control a Genius Loci, essentially pushing it in a particular direction. Other methods, particularly those tied to strange and powerful artifacts, may work normally (GM’s discretion).

Weaknesses: Genius Loci can only thrive inside their territory. For every minute that Genius Loci is not in their home territory, they lose 1d6 hit points. This damage can only be healed using Sap the Life while the Genius Loci is outside its territory (or normally if the Genius Loci return inside). They also gains vulnerability to fire.

Melee: A Genius Loci gains a slam attack, if the base creature didn’t have one, that deals damage based on its size, but as if it were one size category larger than its actual size (1d4 points of damage for a Small Genius Loci, 1d6 points of damage for a Medium one). A Genius Loci natural attacks and attacks made with the wooden longsword of Shape Limb are treated as epic and magic weapons.

Special Attacks: A Genius Loci gains several special attacks. Its save DCs are equal to 10 + ½ the Genius Loci’s Hit Dice + the Genius Loci’s Con modifier unless otherwise noted.

Animate Plants (Su)
When inside its territory, a Genius Loci can animate and control up to five plants within 180 ft. at will. It takes 1 full round for a plant to uproot itself, after which it moves at a speed of 30 feet and fights as an animated objects of the appropriate size except that it gains the plant type, vulnerability to fire, and its Constitution score is equal to 10 +4 for every size above medium (10 for medium and small plants). The plant cannot gain stone, metal or other CP based on a material type. The plant cannot gain construction flaws. If the plant terminates the animation, moves out of range, leave the territory, or is incapacitated, it immediately takes root wherever it is and returns to its normal state.

Corrupt Genome (Ex)
The Genius Loci may chose to infect a living organic creature with spores as a melee touch attack that provoke attack of opportunity. The victim must make a Fortitude save to resist the effect. Whether or not the target’s saving throw is successful, it cannot be the target of this ability again for 1 day. Failure results in the unfortunate victim acquiring the mutant template (B5) with the following differences:
  • The template impart an additional –6 penalty to Intelligence (to a minimum of 1).​
  • The creature must impart the penalties to two ability scores to the mental scores and the bonus to two ability scores to the physical scores.​
  • The creature can also select the Breath Weapon and Venomous Bite mutations of the Mutant Goblin template as mutation options.​
The victim (now called an Evolved for simplicity) gains also the three following abilities:
  • Genetic Instability (Ex): An Evolved suffers from genetic instability. The Evolved suffers a –3 penalty to all saves versus gaining additional deformities or mutations, –1 for every HD it has (see spontaneous mutation).​
  • Horrific Transformation (Ex): An Evolved appears as a grotesque, tentacled mass, insectoid monstrosity, or another appropriately gruesome form, as determined by the GM. Despite the alien appearance, its abilities remain unchanged.​
  • Spontaneous Mutation (Ex): The first time each day that an Evolved is knocked down to 0 or fewer hit points, it must make a Fortitude save DC 15. Failure indicates that it gains an additional deformity or mutation (50% chance each).​
This ability may be used on a normal plant (not a plant creature), in which case it duplicates the effects of an awaken spell except that it gains vulnerability to fire, its Constitution score is equal to 10 +4 for every size above medium (10 for medium and small plants) and gains the mutant template as above. The remove disease spell and similar effects will reverse the effects as if the template or awaken was a disease (caster level equal to the Genius Loci HD). This is a disease effect that ignore immunity against disease of creatures with lesser HD of the Genius Loci.

Entrap (Ex)
Any creature struck with the Genius Loci slam or Sap the Life attack is infected with spores that immediately grow into a tangle of vines covering the target’s body, acting like the entrap special attack with permanent duration, hardness 5 and two hit points per the Genius Loci’s HD. The vines can be killed with any effect that kills plants and are vulnerable to fire damage (fire damage also ignore their hardness). A successful Fortitude save negate the spore infestation. This ability ignore the immunity against Fortitude save of the construct and undead types.

Dominate (Su)
A Genius Loci can crush an opponent’s will as a standard action. Anyone the Genius Loci targets must succeed at a Will save DC 10 + ½ the Genius Loci’s Hit Dice + the Genius Loci’s Cha modifier or fall instantly under the Genius Loci’s influence, as though by a dominate monster spell (caster level equal to the Genius Loci’s HD). This ability has a range of 30 feet. After succeeding, a creature become immune to that Genius Loci’s dominate for 24 hours. Creatures of the natural world with Intelligence 2 or less or mutated by the Genius Loci Corrupt Genome attack automatically fail their save. This dominate ignore the immunity against mind-affecting of the mindless trait. A Genius Loci can only use this attack when both him and the opponent are in its territory. If a dominate creature leave the territory, he is automatically free from the effect.

Sap the Life (Su)
A Genius Loci can make a melee touch attack against a corporeal living or undead creature as a standard action. If the attack hit, the opponent suffer 1d6 untyped damage per 2 HD of the Genius Loci (minimum 1d6) that ignore DR and hardness. A Genius Loci heal damage on itself equal to ½ the damage inflicted (minimum 1). Any creature reduced to 0 or fewer hit points by this attack is entirely disintegrated, leaving behind only a trace of fine dust (as for disintegrate). A disintegrated creature’s equipment is unaffected.

Spell-Like Abilities: A Genius Loci in its territory (or in locations were it has transported a sufficient enough soil from his home territory) gains the following spell-like abilities. CL equals the creature’s HD (or the CL of the base creature’s spell-like abilities, whichever is higher). When within 5 feet of a tree he has awakened, he may use the entangle as if he were in his home territory.

At willarboreal grasp*, arboreal hammer, animate plants, barkskin, command plants, control weather (as a druid, alter the weather of the entire territory instead of the usual range and area), diminish plants, entangle, plant growth, plant shape III, plant voice, repel wood, sickening entanglement, spike growth, spore burst, tree shape, wall of thorns, warp wood, wilderness soldiers, wood shape

3/dayantiplant shell, control plants, siege of trees, summon plant**, tree stride, shambler

1/daygreater siege of trees, green caress, grove of respite, transport via plants

*Arboreal Grasp (Sp)

As crushing hand except it is a conjuration (creation) and it’s not made of force but of wood: the hand is vulnerable to fire damage (disintegrate and dispel magic destroy it as normal).

**Summon Plants (Sp)
Three times per day as a swift action, a Genius Loci can summon any combination of plant creatures whose total combined CR are its HDs or lower. This otherwise works like the summon universal monster rule with a 100% chance of success and counts as a 9th-level spell effect.

Special Qualities: A Genius Loci gains the following.

Aura of Wild Growth (Ex)
A Genius Loci’s presence makes local vegetation more vibrant but more wild as well. When a Genius Loci is inside its territory, plants within its territory grow twice as fast and produce more the normal yield of crops, as affected by the enrichment version of the plant growth spell. All terrains outside civilization bounders withing its territory are affected by the overgrowth version of the plant growth spell (usually resulting in dense forest). This is considered a natural effect (not enchanted or magically manipulated) by Woodland Stride and similar abilities.

Bound to the Land (Ex)
The Genius Loci is really an extension of the land that it was created from, where the actual consciousness of the creature is still located. As such, while inside the bounds of its "territory", the Genius Loci can absorb the energy from the ground itself to revitalize him. If it spends one hour concentrating in contact with the soil, it is refreshed as if he had rested 8 hours. He can still only restore its class feature (including spells) only once per day. It may use this ability continuously. The Genius Loci's territory has a radius of 10 miles x HD of the creature (including underground and into the sky).

Empathy Towards Denizens (Ex)
A Genius Loci gains a druid’s wild empathy ability, save that it works only on creatures with Intelligence of 3 or less inside its territory or any creature affected by its Corrupt Genome attack (in this case even outside its territory and regardless their Intelligence). A Genius Loci consider its HD as its druid level for this ability. Vermins are normally mindless, but this empathic communication imparts upon them a modicum of implanted intelligence, allowing the Genius Loci to train them and use them as guardians (though it does not grant them skills or feats). Creatures with Intelligence of 3 or less of the natural world, with ties to nature (DM’s discretion), or mutated by its Corrupt Genome attack have a starting attitude of friendly toward the Genius Loci. A Genius Loci can speak with any creatures affected by its Corrupt Genome attack or communicate with them as if it spoke their language if they don’t have one. Empathy towards denizens treats swarms of natural creatures as if they were one creature possessing a single mind. The Genius Loci can thus use this ability to influence and direct the actions of those swarms.

Floral Bounty (Su)
A Genius Loci gain Cultivate Magic Plants as a bonus feat except that cultivating a magical plant only takes it 1 day per 1,000 gp in the base price rather than 1 week per 1,000 gp in the base price. When it create a magic plant, a Genius Loci make the same choices that it would normally make when casting the spell. Whoever consumes the fruit of the magic plant is the target of the spell. In addition any fruit or clipping harvested from a magical plant the Genius Loci cultivated remains potent for 1 week per HD of the Genius Loci before losing its magical properties rather than 1 day and can be kept potent by using magic such as gentle repose and similar effects. If the Genius Loci does not has access to a spell required for create a magic plant (like fireball for a Fireapple Tree), it can expend one use of a non at-will spell-like ability (consuming one of its use for that day) with a spell level equal or higher of the required spell, this count as using the appropriate spell for craft the magic plants.

Green Thumb (Su)
As a standard action, a Genius Loci may cause a single, living, non magical plant that it touch to grow and flower as though it had grown to its peak maturity in ideal conditions. This ability has no effect on creatures of the plant type.

Manipulate Terrain (Su)
A Genius Loci can help any number of creatures travel within its territory when it is inside of it. Creatures aided in this way receive a +10 bonus on Survival checks and do not suffer reductions to overland movement from terrain or lack of a highway or other roadway, regardless of the presence of roads or the type of terrain they actually travel through. Alternatively, a Genius Loci can make terrain more difficult for any number of creatures to travel through, imparting a -10 penalty on all Survival checks and causing overland movement to be reduced to one-tenth its normal speed (minimum of 5 ft.) A Genius Loci can affect as many creatures as it wishes with this ability, selecting whether it aids or impedes travel for each, as long as it can notice the creature (like with its sense the land) and the creature is within its territory. A Genius Loci may use this ability while merged with its territory.

Merge with Land (Ex)
If reduced to 0 hit points or slay while in its territory, the Genius Loci automatically merges with the land around him. It gains a burrow speed of 200 ft., and is completely intangible, though it cannot leave the confines of its territory until it has reformed a body. It cannot be harmed by any means while in this state. While forced in this state, the Genius Loci cannot use any ability, even purely mental ones (like spell-like abilities, silent still spells or psychic spells) with the exception of its telepathy. After an hour, it regains 1 hit point and its fast healing resume working. A Genius Loci forced by damage or death to merge with the land can be permanently slay while in this state with a wish spell or a direct divine intervention (the very powerful request version of the miracle spell worth 25,000 gp). The Genius Loci may assume this form at will when in its home territory (it can do so whenever it wants, or just when forced to) and when it willing chose to do so, it can take purely mental actions (like spell-like abilities, silent still spells or psychic spells). It may remain in this form indefinitely. If the Genius Loci is slay outside of its territory, it is completely destroyed. A destroyed Genius Loci can only be restored to life with a carefully worded wish spell, a true resurrection spell, or a direct divine intervention.

Nature Source (Ex/Sp)
A Genius Loci can grant divine spells to those who follows its cause, allowing them to select him as their deity for the purposes of determining their spells and domains. This does not require any specific action on the Genius Loci behalf. The Genius Loci grant access to these Animal, Earth, and Plant domains and the Decay and Growth subdomains as if it was a deity. In addition, while inside its territory, a Genius Loci can cast spells from domains or subdomains it grant. Each day as a spell-like ability with caster level equal to its HD, it can cast one spell of each level selecting from those available to him from its domains and subdomains.

One with Nature (Ex)
A Genius Loci is respected or even feared by the plants and mutants. No creature with the plant type, that is plant-like with an Intelligence of 2 or lower, or is mutated by its Corrupt Genome attack willingly attacks a Genius Loci unless magically compelled to or if the Genius Loci attacks it first. A Genius Loci can attempt to demoralize creatures in the appropriate category as a swift action, making an Intimidate check. This ability works even if they are normally immune to the effect.

Pass for the Old Self (Ex)
A Genius Loci automatically succeed at passing as its old creature type without the need to succeeding at a Disguise check. Divination magic (like detect animals or plants) or a Heal check DC 20 made as a full-round action while adjacent to the Genius Loci reveal its true nature as a plant. The Heal check provoke attack of opportunity.

Plantspeech (Su)
A Genius Loci can speak with any plant, plant-type creature, or creature akin to a plant (even non-creature plants) or communicate with them as if it spoke their language if they don’t have one. With non-creature plants, this operates as the spell speak with plants, and most plants greet it with an attitude of friendly or helpful. This innate connection allows the Genius Loci to use Empathy Toward Denizens with plants or plant creatures regardless of their Intelligence.

Shape Limb (Ex)
A Genius Loci may choose to transform an arm into a wooden sword. It does so by touching the arm to the ground as a full-round action. The new sword takes the place of the limb, dealing damage as a longsword. The Genius Loci may use its Sap the Life ability through the sword on a successful hit once per round. The Genius Loci may also use this ability to make attacks with the longsword and combat maneuver at three times its normal range (if using Sunder, the damage is dealt using the wooden longsword), though fine manipulation is impossible with that hand until it reverts to normal. The Genius Loci can revert the sword into a normal arm as a standard action.

Telepathy (Su)
A Genius Loci can communicate telepathically with any creature within its territory that it can pinpoint (like with its sense the land). In addition, a Genius Loci can use this ability to communicate with any animal, magical beast, or vermin.

Verdant Stride (Ex)
A Genius Loci can pass through natural vegetation of any type without leaving a trace, ignores vegetation-based difficult terrain both mundane and magical and it cannot be tracked in such environment. A Genius Loci may selectively ignore any plant-based effects it created.

Ability Scores: Str +6, Dex +2, Con +8, Int +4, Wis +6, Cha +4.

Skills: A Genius Loci gains a +8 racial bonus on Heal, Knowledge (nature), Perception, Sense Motive, and Stealth checks. A Genius Loci always treats Heal, Knowledge (nature), Perception, Sense Motive, and Stealth as class skills. Otherwise, skills are the same as the base creature.

Feats: A Genius Loci gains Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Greater Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Persuasive, and Toughness as bonus feats.
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A template based on the concept of the Genius Loci as a spirit of the Land and with some abilities taken from the Genius Loci template of ProfessorZik-Chil based on Van Kleiss, a villaing present in Generator Rex that is basically a Genius Loci.

Genius Loci (CR +8)
A Genius Loci is a god in the making. Or at least, that's typically how they think of themselves. Sometimes, when a powerful creature dies, his consciousness becomes inexplicably embedded into the soil around him. Over the course of months or years, this consciousness exerts enough willpower to force the enviroment to bend to his will, eventually allowing him to create a "wood puppet" of a sort, resembling his former self, which he can use to interact with the world. Genius Loci appear just as they did in life, although their features are often hardened and feral, with the predatory look of wolves. They often embrace finery and decadence and may assume the guise of nobility.

Creating a Genius Loci
“Genius Loci” is an acquired template that can be added to any living creature with 10 or more HD (referred to hereafter as the base creature). A Genius Loci uses the base creature’s stats and abilities except as noted here.

CR: Same as the base creature +8.

Alignment: Any, but usually evil.

Type: The creature’s type changes to plant (augmented). Do not recalculate class Hit Dice, BAB, or saves.

Senses: A Genius Loci gains darkvision 60 ft., greensight 60 ft., low-light vision, and sense the land.

Greensight (Ex)
A Genius Loci can see through thick plant matter as though it were transparent, with a range of 60 feet. Leaves, vines, greenery, and undergrowth offer no concealment to a Genius Loci’s sight, though solid wood still blocks its line of sight.

Sense the Land (Su)
As long as it is within its territory (either merged with it or in its physical form, see bound with the land), a Genius Loci can observe the world (with all its senses) from any point within its territory as if it were at that point. While merged with its territory, it can observe all points simultaneously in this way.

Armor Class: Natural armor improves by +8 and gains land insight.

Land Insight (Ex)
When in its territory, the land whisper to the Genius Loci and grant him an insight bonus to its AC equal to its Wisdom bonus (minimum +0) and the uncanny dodge and improved uncanny dodge abilities using its HD as its Barbarian level.

Hit Dice: Change all racial Hit Dice to d8s. Class Hit Dice are unaffected. A Genius Loci has always maximum hit points per HD.

Defensive Abilities: A Genius Loci gains DR 15/epic and slashing, Spell Resistance 17 + HD, and fast healing 10. It also gains immunity to electricity and resistance 30 to sonic, in addition to all the defensive abilities granted by the plant type other than immunity to mind-affecting effects. If the Genius Loci has immunity to fire (even from a subtype), he lose that immunity and instead gains resistance 30 to fire. A Genius Loci does not age, is immune to aging effects, requires no air to breathe, nor food or drink to sustain itself. A Genius Loci gains the following abilities:

Fast Healing (Ex)
Unlike a normal fast healing, if a Genius Loci loses a limb, it regrows in 1d4+4 hours. It will regrow in 1 minute if the severed member is held against the stump. This “regeneration” only functions in the Genius Loci's territory.

Immune to Magical Control (Ex)
A Genius Loci is immune to nearly all forms of mind control, including all charm monster, command plants, control plants, suggestion, and dominate monster spells. It is similarly immune to magic jar and possession attempts.

Confusion and other mind-affecting effects that don’t allow another creature to control a Genius Loci directly work normally. Rare effects that allow a creature to manipulate the exact effects of confusion on a creature provide one of the few ways to magically control a Genius Loci, essentially pushing it in a particular direction. Other methods, particularly those tied to strange and powerful artifacts, may work normally (GM’s discretion).

Weaknesses: Genius Loci can only thrive inside their territory. For every minute that Genius Loci is not in their home territory, they lose 1d6 hit points. This damage can only be healed using Sap the Life while the Genius Loci is outside its territory (or normally if the Genius Loci return inside). They also gains vulnerability to fire.

Melee: A Genius Loci gains a slam attack, if the base creature didn’t have one, that deals damage based on its size, but as if it were one size category larger than its actual size (1d4 points of damage for a Small Genius Loci, 1d6 points of damage for a Medium one). A Genius Loci natural attacks and attacks made with the wooden longsword of Shape Limb are treated as epic and magic weapons.

Special Attacks: A Genius Loci gains several special attacks. Its save DCs are equal to 10 + ½ the Genius Loci’s Hit Dice + the Genius Loci’s Con modifier unless otherwise noted.

Animate Plants (Su)
When inside its territory, a Genius Loci can animate and control up to five plants within 180 360 at will. It takes 1 full round for a plant to uproot itself, after which it moves at a speed of 30 feet and fights as an animated objects of the appropriate size except that it gains the plant type, vulnerability to fire, and its Constitution score is equal to 10 +4 for every size above medium (10 for medium and small plants). The plant cannot gain stone, metal or other CP based on a material type. The plant cannot gain construction flaws. If the plant terminates the animation, moves out of range, leave the territory, or is incapacitated, it immediately takes root wherever it is and returns to its normal state.

Corrupt Genome (Ex)
The Genius Loci may chose to infect a living organic creature with spores as a melee touch attack that provoke attack of opportunity. The victim must make a Fortitude save to resist the effect. Whether or not the target’s saving throw is successful, it cannot be the target of this ability again for 1 day. Failure results in the unfortunate victim acquiring the mutant template (B5) with the following differences:
  • The template impart an additional –6 penalty to Intelligence (to a minimum of 1).​
  • The creature must impart the penalties to two ability scores to the mental scores and the bonus to two ability scores to the physical scores.​
  • The creature can also select the Breath Weapon and Venomous Bite mutations of the Mutant Goblin template as mutation options.​
The victim (now called an Evolved for simplicity) gains also the three following abilities:
  • Genetic Instability (Ex): An Evolved suffers from genetic instability. The Evolved suffers a –3 penalty to all saves versus gaining additional deformities or mutations, –1 for every HD it has (see spontaneous mutation).​
  • Horrific Transformation (Ex): An Evolved appears as a grotesque, tentacled mass, insectoid monstrosity, or another appropriately gruesome form, as determined by the GM. Despite the alien appearance, its abilities remain unchanged.​
  • Spontaneous Mutation (Ex): The first time each day that an Evolved is knocked down to 0 or fewer hit points, it must make a Fortitude save DC 15. Failure indicates that it gains an additional deformity or mutation (50% chance each).​
This ability may be used on a normal plant (not a plant creature), in which case it duplicates the effects of an awaken spell except that it gains vulnerability to fire, its Constitution score is equal to 10 +4 for every size above medium (10 for medium and small plants) and gains the mutant template as above. The remove disease spell and similar effects will reverse the effects as if the template or awaken was a disease (caster level equal to the Genius Loci HD). This is a disease effect that ignore immunity against disease of creatures with lesser HD of the Genius Loci.

Entrap (Ex)
Any creature struck with the Genius Loci slam or Sap the Life attack is infected with spores that immediately grow into a tangle of vines covering the target’s body, acting like the entrap special attack with permanent duration, hardness 5 and two hit points per the Genius Loci’s HD. The vines can be killed with any effect that kills plants and are vulnerable to fire damage (fire damage also ignore their hardness). A successful Fortitude save negate the spore infestation. This ability ignore the immunity against Fortitude save of the construct and undead types.

Dominate (Su)
A Genius Loci can crush an opponent’s will as a standard action. Anyone the Genius Loci targets must succeed at a Will save DC 10 + ½ the Genius Loci’s Hit Dice + the Genius Loci’s Cha modifier or fall instantly under the Genius Loci’s influence, as though by a dominate monster spell (caster level equal to the Genius Loci’s HD). This ability has a range of 30 feet. After succeeding, a creature become immune to that Genius Loci’s dominate for 24 hours. Creatures of the natural world with Intelligence 2 or less or mutated by the Genius Loci Corrupt Genome attack automatically fail their save. This dominate ignore the immunity against mind-affecting of the mindless trait. A Genius Loci can only use this attack when both him and the opponent are in its territory. If a dominate creature leave the territory, he is automatically free from the effect.

Sap the Life (Su)
A Genius Loci can make a melee touch attack against a corporeal living or undead creature as a standard action. If the attack hit, the opponent suffer 1d6 untyped damage per 2 HD of the Genius Loci (minimum 1d6) that ignore DR and hardness. A Genius Loci heal damage on itself equal to ½ the damage inflicted (minimum 1). Any creature reduced to 0 or fewer hit points by this attack is entirely disintegrated, leaving behind only a trace of fine dust (as for disintegrate). A disintegrated creature’s equipment is unaffected.

Spell-Like Abilities: A Genius Loci in its territory (or in locations were it has transported a sufficient enough soil from his home territory) gains the following spell-like abilities. CL equals the creature’s HD (or the CL of the base creature’s spell-like abilities, whichever is higher). When within 5 feet of a tree he has awakened, he may use the entangle as if he were in his home territory.

At willarboreal grasp*, arboreal hammer, animate plants, barkskin, command plants, control weather (as a druid, alter the weather of the entire territory instead of the usual range and area), diminish plants, entangle, plant growth, plant shape III, plant voice, repel wood, sickening entanglement, spike growth, spore burst, tree shape, wall of thorns, warp wood, wilderness soldiers, wood shape

3/dayantiplant shell, control plants, siege of trees, summon plant**, tree stride, shambler

1/daygreater siege of trees, green caress, grove of respite, transport via plants

*Arboreal Grasp (Sp)

As crushing hand except it is a conjuration (creation) and it’s not made of force but of wood: the hand is vulnerable to fire damage (disintegrate and dispel magic destroy it as normal).

**Summon Plants (Sp)
Three times per day as a swift action, a Genius Loci can summon any combination of plant creatures whose total combined CR are its HDs or lower. This otherwise works like the summon universal monster rule with a 100% chance of success and counts as a 9th-level spell effect.

Special Qualities: A Genius Loci gains the following.

Aura of Wild Growth (Ex)
A Genius Loci’s presence makes local vegetation more vibrant but more wild as well. When a Genius Loci is inside its territory, plants within its territory grow twice as fast and produce more the normal yield of crops, as affected by the enrichment version of the plant growth spell. All terrains outside civilization bounders withing its territory are affected by the overgrowth version of the plant growth spell (usually resulting in dense forest). This is considered a natural effect (not enchanted or magically manipulated) by Woodland Stride and similar abilities.

Bound to the Land (Ex)
The Genius Loci is really an extension of the land that it was created from, where the actual consciousness of the creature is still located. As such, while inside the bounds of its "territory", the Genius Loci can absorb the energy from the ground itself to revitalize him. If it spends one hour concentrating in contact with the soil, it is refreshed as if he had rested 8 hours. He can still only restore its class feature (including spells) only once per day. It may use this ability continuously. The Genius Loci's territory has a radius of 10 miles x HD of the creature (including underground and into the sky).

Empathy Towards Denizens (Ex)
A Genius Loci gains a druid’s wild empathy ability, save that it works only on creatures with Intelligence of 3 or less inside its territory or any creature affected by its Corrupt Genome attack (in this case even outside its territory and regardless their Intelligence). A Genius Loci consider its HD as its druid level for this ability. Vermins are normally mindless, but this empathic communication imparts upon them a modicum of implanted intelligence, allowing the Genius Loci to train them and use them as guardians (though it does not grant them skills or feats). Creatures with Intelligence of 3 or less of the natural world, with ties to nature (DM’s discretion), or mutated by its Corrupt Genome attack have a starting attitude of friendly toward the Genius Loci. A Genius Loci can speak with any creatures affected by its Corrupt Genome attack or communicate with them as if it spoke their language if they don’t have one. Empathy towards denizens treats swarms of natural creatures as if they were one creature possessing a single mind. The Genius Loci can thus use this ability to influence and direct the actions of those swarms.

Floral Bounty (Su)
A Genius Loci gain Cultivate Magic Plants as a bonus feat except that cultivating a magical plant only takes it 1 day per 1,000 gp in the base price rather than 1 week per 1,000 gp in the base price. When it create a magic plant, a Genius Loci make the same choices that it would normally make when casting the spell. Whoever consumes the fruit of the magic plant is the target of the spell. In addition any fruit or clipping harvested from a magical plant the Genius Loci cultivated remains potent for 1 week per HD of the Genius Loci before losing its magical properties rather than 1 day and can be kept potent by using magic such as gentle repose and similar effects. If the Genius Loci does not has access to a spell required for create a magic plant (like fireball for a Fireapple Tree), it can expend one use of a non at-will spell-like ability (consuming one of its use for that day) with a spell level equal or higher of the required spell, this count as using the appropriate spell for craft the magic plants.

Green Thumb (Su)
As a standard action, a Genius Loci may cause a single, living, non magical plant that it touch to grow and flower as though it had grown to its peak maturity in ideal conditions. This ability has no effect on creatures of the plant type.

Manipulate Terrain (Su)
A Genius Loci can help any number of creatures travel within its territory when it is inside of it. Creatures aided in this way receive a +10 bonus on Survival checks and do not suffer reductions to overland movement from terrain or lack of a highway or other roadway, regardless of the presence of roads or the type of terrain they actually travel through. Alternatively, a Genius Loci can make terrain more difficult for any number of creatures to travel through, imparting a -10 penalty on all Survival checks and causing overland movement to be reduced to one-tenth its normal speed (minimum of 5 ft.) A Genius Loci can affect as many creatures as it wishes with this ability, selecting whether it aids or impedes travel for each, as long as it can notice the creature (like with its sense the land) and the creature is within its territory. A Genius Loci may use this ability while merged with its territory.

Merge with Land (Ex)
If reduced to 0 hit points or slay while in its territory, the Genius Loci automatically merges with the land around him. It gains a burrow speed of 200 ft., and is completely intangible, though it cannot leave the confines of its territory until it has reformed a body. It cannot be harmed by any means while in this state. While forced in this state, the Genius Loci cannot use any ability, even purely mental ones (like spell-like abilities, silent still spells or psychic spells) with the exception of its telepathy. After an hour, it regains 1 hit point and its fast healing resume working. A Genius Loci forced by damage or death to merge with the land can be permanently slay while in this state with a wish spell or a direct divine intervention (the very powerful request version of the miracle spell worth 25,000 gp). The Genius Loci may assume this form at will when in its home territory (it can do so whenever it wants, or just when forced to) and when it willing chose to do so, it can take purely mental actions (like spell-like abilities, silent still spells or psychic spells). It may remain in this form indefinitely. If the Genius Loci is slay outside of its territory, it is completely destroyed. A destroyed Genius Loci can only be restored to life with a carefully worded wish spell, a true resurrection spell, or a direct divine intervention.

Nature Source (Ex/Sp)
A Genius Loci can grant divine spells to those who follows its cause, allowing them to select him as their deity for the purposes of determining their spells and domains. This does not require any specific action on the Genius Loci behalf. The Genius Loci grant access to these Animal, Earth, and Plant domains and the Decay and Growth subdomains as if it was a deity. In addition, while inside its territory, a Genius Loci can cast spells from domains or subdomains it grant. Each day as a spell-like ability with caster level equal to its HD, it can cast one spell of each level selecting from those available to him from its domains and subdomains.

One with Nature (Ex)
A Genius Loci is respected or even feared by the plants and mutants. No creature with the plant type, that is plant-like with an Intelligence of 2 or lower, or is mutated by its Corrupt Genome attack willingly attacks a Genius Loci unless magically compelled to or if the Genius Loci attacks it first. A Genius Loci can attempt to demoralize creatures in the appropriate category as a swift action, making an Intimidate check. This ability works even if they are normally immune to the effect.

Pass for the Old Self (Ex)
A Genius Loci automatically succeed at passing as its old creature type without the need to succeeding at a Disguise check. Divination magic (like detect animals or plants) or a Heal check DC 20 made as a full-round action while adjacent to the Genius Loci reveal its true nature as a plant. The Heal check provoke attack of opportunity.

Plantspeech (Su)
A Genius Loci can speak with any plant, plant-type creature, or creature akin to a plant (even non-creature plants) or communicate with them as if it spoke their language if they don’t have one. With non-creature plants, this operates as the spell speak with plants, and most plants greet it with an attitude of friendly or helpful. This innate connection allows the Genius Loci to use Empathy Toward Denizens with plants or plant creatures regardless of their Intelligence.

Shape Limb (Ex)
A Genius Loci may choose to transform an arm into a wooden sword. It does so by touching the arm to the ground as a full-round action. The new sword takes the place of the limb, dealing damage as a longsword. The Genius Loci may use its Sap the Life ability through the sword on a successful hit once per round. The Genius Loci may also use this ability to make attacks with the longsword and combat maneuver at three times its normal range (if using Sunder, the damage is dealt using the wooden longsword), though fine manipulation is impossible with that hand until it reverts to normal. The Genius Loci can revert the sword into a normal arm as a standard action.

Telepathy (Su)
A Genius Loci can communicate telepathically with any creature within its territory that it can pinpoint (like with its sense the land). In addition, a Genius Loci can use this ability to communicate with any animal, magical beast, or vermin.

Verdant Stride (Ex)
A Genius Loci can pass through natural vegetation of any type without leaving a trace, ignores vegetation-based difficult terrain both mundane and magical and it cannot be tracked in such environment. A Genius Loci may selectively ignore any plant-based effects it created.

Ability Scores: Str +6, Dex +2, Con +8, Int +4, Wis +6, Cha +4.

Skills: A Genius Loci gains a +8 racial bonus on Heal, Knowledge (nature), Perception, Sense Motive, and Stealth checks. A Genius Loci always treats Heal, Knowledge (nature), Perception, Sense Motive, and Stealth as class skills. Otherwise, skills are the same as the base creature.

Feats: A Genius Loci gains Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Greater Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Persuasive, and Toughness as bonus feats.
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