Well, one of the most iconic DnD monster of the last years converted in PF1
False Hydra (Mature) CR 21
Night comes, a mother sings to her baby and waits for her family at their house in outskirts of town.
The son comes back with food and his sister.
The father comes back with freshly cut wood.
A mother sings to her baby. The father comes back with freshly cut wood, their son brings the food
A mother sings to her baby, the father comes back with some food
A mother sings to her baby, realizing she forgot to get wood and food from the market
A woman sings to a doll on her arms, sitting a bed too small for her, in a house too big for only one person...
An abandoned cabin in the outskirts of town, many say it's haunted and swear they hear someone singing from the woods, no one's ever been brave enough to go investigate, no one that they can remember.
shamefulaccount4892 comment (
Lullaby of the False Hydra)
CE Colossal aberration
Init +7;
Senses blindsight 120 ft., darkvision 120 ft., low-light vision, scent,
thoughtsense 60 ft.,
true seeing; Perception +40
Aura frightful presence (DC 28, 60 ft.)
AC 37, touch 10, flat-footed 34 (+5 deflection, +3 Dex, +27 natural, –8 size)
hp 403 (26d8+286) fast healing 10
Fort +21,
Ref +11,
Will +23; +8 against mind-affecting
Defensive Abilities all-around vision, awake, independent minds, intercept attack,
mind blank, multiple minds, regenerate head;
DR 10/epic and good;
Immune ability damage and drain, charm, deafness, death effects, disease, energy drain, poison, sleep, death from massive damage;
Resist sonic 30;
SR 32
Speed 1 ft., burrow 1 ft. (see almost immobile)
Melee 7 bite +31 (4d6+20 plus grab)
Space 30 ft.;
Reach 20 ft. (see extended neck)
Special Attacks breath weapon (50-ft. cone, DC 34, 12d10 sonic plus stun, 1d4 rounds), constrict (2d8+10), dismemberment, dominatingsong, fast swallow, mindsong, nevermore, strangle, swallow whole (6d8 acid, AC 23, hp 40)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 21th; concentration +26)
mind blank,
true seeing
enthrall (DC 17),
forgetful slumber (DC 19),
frozen note (DC 20),
hold person (DC 18),
malicious spite (DC 19),
mass charm person (DC 20),
mass suggestion (DC 21),
nixie’s lure (DC 19),
sleepwalking suggestion (DC 20),
song of discord (DC 20),
triggered suggestion (DC 19)
crime wave (DC 22),
curse of disgust (DC 20),
dominate person (DC 20),
feeblemind (DC 20),
greater dispel magic,
hold monster (DC 20),
mass charm monster (DC 23),
mass hold person (DC 22),
pessimism (DC 20),
pox of rumor (DC 22),
unconscious agenda (DC 21),
utter contempt (DC 21)
antipathy (DC 23),
dominate monster (DC 24),
insanity (DC 22),
life of crime (DC 23),
mass hold monster (DC 24),
phobia (DC 21),
sympathy (DC 23),
psychic crush V (DC 24),
symbol of sleep (DC 20),
wish (only to duplicate wizard spells)
Str 50,
Dex 16,
Con 29,
Int 23,
Wis 25,
Cha 20
Base Atk +19;
CMB +47 (+51 grapple);
CMD 65 (cannot be tripped)
Feats Ability Focus (mindsong), Alertness, Cornugon Smash, Greater Fortitude, Greater Vital Strike, Improved Initiative, Improved Vital Strike, Intimidating Prowess, Nightstalker, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Perform[sing]), Stealthy, Vital Strike
Skills Bluff +34, Diplomacy +34, Escape Artist +5, Intimidate +54, Knowledge (arcana) +35, Perception +40, Perform (sing) +45, Sense Motive +40, Stealth +20 (+38 in dim light or lower condition of light), Survival +36, Spellcraft +35;
Racial Modifiers +8 Perform (sing)
Languages Any language known by a creature it has devoured
SQ all-seeing attacks, extend neck, hydra-like heads, massive, mild assault, sound mimicry
All-Seeing Attacks (Ex)
A False Hydra can make 7 additional attacks of opportunity in a round, one for each head, although no more than a single attack for any given opportunity. Every head severed reduce the number of extra attacks of opportunity.
Almost Immobile (Ex)
A False Hydra has only 1 ft. of movement for land and burrow speed, reduced mechanically to 0 ft. in combat. Despite this, the monster is not immobilized or paralyzed and suffer no one of the penalty of a creature with 0 speed. A False Hydra cannot use 5-ft. step, charge, run, or withdraw actions, nor abilities that require movement (like the Spring Attack feat).
Awake (Ex)
When a False Hydra sleep, at least one of its head is always awake.
Breath Weapon (Su)
A False Hydra can start its breath weapon from the position of one of his heads, not only from its space. Also, if a creature fail his saving throw against the breath weapon of the False Hydra, he is also stunned for 1 round.
Dismemberment (Ex)
A False Hydra, when chooses to conduct a grapple with just its head, never takes the –20 to the combat maneuver. If two or more heads grab the same creature, they each tug and pull on the creature’s body, ripping it asunder as they fight over its meat. Each time one of its heads successfully grabs a creature that is already grabbed by another head, the two heads make opposed Strength checks. The winner continues to grapple the target, while the loser ceases grappling the grabbed creature, and either way, the target suffers damage equal to two times the False Hydra’s Strength modifier (40 for a standard False Hydra). If either head rolls a natural 20 on its Strength check, the target suffers damage equal to three times the False Hydra’s Strength modifier, instead (60 for a standard False Hydra).
Dominatingsong (Su)
When a False Hydra reach its ultimate stage, can start sings a melody as a standard action which is heard by anyone within 5 miles of the head that sings. A False Hydra that obtain dominatingsong lose its mindsong, mild assault, and nevermore qualities as no longer intends to hide (their are present in the sheet for simplicity for DM’s that want a False Hydra that it's still using its powers to hide), lost memories are not restored. Only one head needs to sing and having additional heads join the song provide no benefits (except possibly extend the range). Creatures hearing the song fall automatically under the monster control as for a
dominate monster spell as long they can hear the monster singing. Creatures with a number of HD equal or higher then the HD of the False Hydra –11 (15 for a standard False Hydra) are immune to the dominatingsong attack of the monster. The False Hydra can continue to sing the song for as long as it wants without using actions, but must stop singing if it makes a bite attack with all its heads, is muted, or is incapable to take actions that round (like it’s dazed or stunned). The False Hydra dominatingsong is supernaturally powerful, and penetrate the effect of any spell of 6th level or lower that creates silence. Unlike a normal
dominate monster, any subject forced to take actions against its nature do not receive a saving throw for break free. This effect does not work on people who are deaf. A False Hydra is immune to the dominatingsong of another False Hydra. This is a compulsion, mind-affecting, sonic effect.
Extended Neck (Ex)
The False Hydra's heads have a sickeningly long neck. Each head can extend up to 3,000 feet from it's body. A head can recoil into it's body or shoot out up to the full range as a move action. The heads movement can provoke an attack of opportunity and all parts of the head and neck can be targeted if extended. A head extended from the body has a reach of 10 ft. while the neck has a space of 10 ft. x the actual distance from the body. When a head is extended, the senses of the monster also extend from it and can be used as a point of origin from its spell-like abilities. For the purpose of moving from its underground chamber, the heads have a burrow speed of 30 ft. The False Hydra can burrow with all its head as a move action, slowing extending them. Unlike normal, the heads burrow speed allow them to burrow through rock.
Hydra-like Heads (Ex)
A False Hydra has seven heads, which can be sundered. Any attack against a False Hydra that is not an attempt to sever a head affects the body, including area attacks or attacks that cause piercing or bludgeoning damage. To sever a head, an opponent must make a sunder attempt with a slashing weapon targeting a head. A head is considered a separate weapon with hardness 8 and 26 hit points. Severing a head deals 26 damage to the False Hydra. It can’t use a bite attack with a severed head, but takes no other penalties. If the False Hydra remain with only one head, the monster lose all-around vision, independent minds and multiple minds. The False Hydra’s last head cannot be severed in this fashion, although it may be severed by other means (such as by using a vorpal weapon).
Independent Minds (Ex)
Each of a False Hydra’s heads counts as a separate creature for the purposes of mind-affecting spells and effects. If False Hydra fails a Will save against a mind-affecting spell or effect, only one of its heads, chosen by the False Hydra, is affected. For an effect that imposes penalties, this effect applies to attacks and other abilities from the chosen head as appropriate to the effect. If the head is paralyzed (as per
hold monster), it cannot make attacks, sing the mindsong, or use its breath weapon with that head. If the head comes under another creature’s control (as per
dominate monster, for example), the head will act according to the controller’s wishes (for ordering of using the breath weapon, the character need to control the body, see below). If the head becomes confused, the False Hydra affected head is subject to the confusion effect at the beginning of its turn; a result of “attack nearest creature” causes the head to attack another of the False Hydra heads. Mind-affecting effects that apply to more than half of the False Hydra heads also affect its body (for example, a caster that successfully used
dominate monster on more than half of the False Hydra heads, the body would obey her commands as well, though any remaining unaffected heads would still act normally).
Intercept Attacks (Ex)
For each head that has not made an attack, a False Hydra can attempt a melee attack to prevent a hit by a melee or ranged attack. If the attack result exceeds the result from the attack against it, the False Hydra is unaffected by the attack (as if the attack had missed).
Massive (Ex)
Because a False Hydra is so massive, uneven ground and other terrain features that form difficult terrain generally pose no significant hindrance to its movement, though areas of dense forest or settlements are considered difficult terrain to the monster (GM’s discretion). A Huge or smaller creature can move through any square occupied by a False Hydra, or vice-versa. A False Hydra gains a bonus for being on higher ground only if its entire space is on higher ground than that of its target. It’s possible for a Huge or smaller creature to climb the False Hydra—this generally requires a successful DC equal to its CMD, and a Small or larger creature that climbs on the monster body provokes an attack of opportunity from him.
Mild Assault (Su)
Creatures with a number of HD less then the HD of the False Hydra –11 (15 for a standard False Hydra) that attempts a save against any of a monster’s abilities while under its mindsong is unaware that he has done so unless obvious visual evidence is present. Creatures with a number of HD less then the HD of the False Hydra –11 (15 for a standard False Hydra) that are attacked by the monster while under its mindsong break free from the effect as long the battle last (any lost memory is not restored), but as soon as they can no longer perceive the monster (with the exception of the omnipresent mindsong) they become vulnerable again to the effect of mindsong, forgetting about the monster and battle. They notice any injuries caused by the False Hydra, but their mind justifies them in the most desperate ways, from a falling chimney to a thug that stab them and then ran away.
Mindsong (Su)
The False Hydra can start sings a harrowing melody as a standard action which is heard by anyone within 5 miles of the head that sings. Only one head needs to sing and having additional heads join the song provide no benefits (except possibly extend the range). Creatures hearing the song gain gaps in their memory that they have no recollection of. Any creature that can hear this song is incapable of noticing the song while he hears it. If a person enters a room with a false hydra, the song may cause the person to forget the hydra was there. This is commonly used to cause people who are close to victims of the hydra to forget that person existed. The False Hydra can continue to sing the song for as long as it wants without using actions, but must stop singing if it makes a bite attack with all its heads, is muted, or is incapable to take actions that round (like it’s dazed or stunned). The False Hydra mindsong is supernaturally powerful, and penetrate the effect of any spell of 6th level or lower that creates silence.
This song does not alter reality, only perception. A woman who lost her husband may find it confusing to find men's clothes in her house as she recalls no husband. A shopkeep will forget why there are two names above the store's door. Farmhands will wonder why someone hasn't harvested their section of field. People will notice that no one has lit the street lanterns these last few nights. Churches will find themselves without a pastor. By and large, these gaps close themselves up. The wife will forget about the clothes as soon as she stops looking at them. Or she will conveniently remember how her brother left them there the last time he visited. Or she will, on some level, recognize the wrongness implicit in the clothes, and throw them away one moonless night.
This effect does not work on people who are deaf, immune to mind-affecting, or are focused on the item the gap is intended to replace. For example, the women above may witness the hydra eating her husband, and recall all of it during the event, but forget the second she looks away. A creature immune to mind-affecting who is not deaf hears the song normally. A creature that acquire immunity to mind-affecting (like from a spell) remembers everything that happened while under the effect of the song, all inconsistencies, and hear the song.
As people are victims to the mindsong, they risk gaining multiple personality disorder. If a victim gains multiple personality disorder, the left half of the mind separates from the right. The victim does not notice this, however the left half cannot hear, thus is immune to the mindsong (but it can see). It may try to notify the victim of the hydra, but it only controls half the body. It does not control speech. This may appear as the left hand inserting text into a note the victim is writing, or scratch letters into their chest as they sleep. Since the right brain is still impacted by the mindsong, they may never notice the letter, however the scars on their chest are harder to blank out of their mind.
Creatures with at least a number of HD equal to the HD of the False Hydra –11 (15 for a standard False Hydra) can make a Will save DC 30 for resist the effect of the song when exposed to it. Once a creature succeed the save, he cannot suffer the effect of the mindsong of the same False Hydra for 24 hours, remembers everything that happened while under the effect of the song, all inconsistencies, and hear the song. If the save is failed, even if the creature exist the area of the song and re-enter it, he automatically fail the save against for 24 hours (but can still break free, see below). After 24 hours, if re-exposed to the song, if he fail the save, he forgot all again, until he succeed again the save.
Creatures with at least a number of HD equal to the HD of the False Hydra –11 (15 for a standard False Hydra) that suffer a direct non-harmless effect or an attack of the False Hydra automatically break free of the song as if they have succeeded a save.
Creatures with bardic performance can use Countersong to counter mindsong as if it’s a magic attack, but only creatures with at least a number of HD equal to the HD of the False Hydra –11 (15 for a standard False Hydra) can benefit from this ability.
A False Hydra is immune to its own mindsong or the mindsong of another False Hydra.
If the False Hydra dies, the lost memories are not restored.
This is a mind-affecting, sonic effect and the save DC is Charisma-based.
Multiple Minds (Ex)
A False Hydra has seven different minds that are in constant communication with each other. The resulting jumble of tangled thoughts, whenever a False Hydra must make a Will save, it can roll the saving throw twice and take the better of the two results as its actual saving throw.
Nevermore (Su)
When the False Hydra slay a creature, all other characters that know the victim are automatically subject to the monster mindsong ability, even if the False Hydra is not singing or outside the usual 5 miles.
A victim slay by the False Hydra is difficult to find or contact, as the monster's essence combined with his: all divination effects used for gather information on him fail as if he’s under a constant
mind blank effect and all effects used for contact the soul (like
call spirit,
speak with dead, or
speak with soul) automatically fail. If the victim is returned to life, all this effects are automatically terminated.
Creatures with at least a number of HD equal to the HD of the False Hydra –11 (15 for a standard False Hydra) get a save for negate (and creatures that already have succeeded in the last 24 hours against the monster mindsong are still immune), and a creature that succeed the save (or is in that moment immune because has succeeded a save) know that someone (or something) has tried to tamper in their memory of the victim (but they do not automatically know what cause it). A deaf creature is immune to this effect, as well a character immune to mind-affecting effects but they don't notice anything and don't receive an "alarm" as if they had succeeded on a saving throw.
Regenerate Head (Ex)
If one of the False Hydra’s heads is destroyed, it regrows in 1d4 rounds. To prevent new heads from growing, at least 30 points of fire damage must be dealt to the stump before it reappears. Area attacks can affect stumps and the body simultaneously.
Swallow Whole (Ex)
A False Hydra can swallow multiple creatures, up to the maximum that fit in its space. Also, if a creature that is swallowed whole by the False Hydra manages to escape by cutting itself free, the monster’s muscles simply seals over the hole created so that other swallowed creatures must cut their own way out.