Things from my setting

My revisited version of the Dread Emperor found on the Librim Eternia: Tome of Epic Prestige created by Realms of Chaos

Dread Emperor

Controlling vast armies of the undead, a dread emperor (or dread empress) is a master of necromancy. Rather than focusing on life force and its manipulation, however, a dread emperor has focused on the creation of its twisted mockery. Beyond the simple reanimation of the undead, a skilled dread emperor creates a true plague of undeath. Every creature his or her undead slay soon joins his forces and even those merely injured may find themselves turning in a matter of hours. Combining this plague with a mastery of strategy that dwarves most mortal tactitians, entire nations have been known to fall before dread emperors in mere weeks.


Hit Die: d6


To qualify to become a Dread Emperor, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.


Alignment: Any evil.

Feats: Command Undead, Craft Woundrous Item.

Skills: Knowledge (arcana) 23 ranks, Knowledge (religion) 23 ranks.

Spells: Ability to cast spells up to 9th-level, including at least 10 necromancy spells, including create greater undead.

Class Skills
The Dread Emperor's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Craft (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), and Use Magic Device (Cha).

Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Table: Dread Emperor
Base Attack
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Spells per day
Command Undead, Eyes of the Dark Lord, Overwhelming Swarm -1, Perfect Necromancer, Unending Legion​
+1 level of existing class​
Dark Tactician 1/encounter​
+1 level of existing class​
Bonus Feat​
+1 level of existing class​
Dread Lichdom, Emperor’s Plague 1d6​
+1 level of existing class​
Undying Avatar (1)​
+1 level of existing class​
Overwhelming Swarm -2​
+1 level of existing class​
Dark Tactician 2/encounter​
+1 level of existing class​
Bonus Feat​
+1 level of existing class​
Emperor’s Plague 2d6​
+1 level of existing class​
Undying Avatar (2)​
+1 level of existing class​

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Dread Emperor.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency
Dread Emperor do not gain proficiency with any additional weapons or armor.

At the indicated levels, a Dread Emperor gains new spells per day as if he had also gained a level in a spellcasting class to which he belonged before taking the prestige class. He does not, however, gain other benefits a character of that class would have gained, except for additional spells per day, spells known (if he is a spontaneous spellcaster), and an increased effective level of spellcasting. If the character had more than one spellcasting class before becoming a Dread Emperor, he must decide to which class he adds the new level for the purposes of determining spells per day.

Dread Emperor Epic Spellcasting
A dread emperor can develop and cast epic spells using the afflict, animate dead, armor, dispel, fortify, reflect, slay, and summon seeds as if he possess the Epic Spellcaster feat. If the dread emperor has the Epic Spellcaster feat, for the purpose of developing epic spells with these seeds (and only these seeds), costs in gold pieces are halved. The caster level of this epic spells is equal to his spellcasting caster level.

Command Undead (Su)
Dread emperor class levels stack with levels of all other classes that grant the ability to channel energy and for the command undead feat (like cleric, undead master archetype, necromancy arcane school, atc.) for the purpose of determining the character’s effective cleric level for channel. For example, a 20th-level cleric/5th-level dread emperor channel energy as a 25th-level cleric.

Eyes of the Dark Lord (Su)
The amount of control the dread emperor has over his undead increases every day. He can look through the senses of any undead he is currently controlling. The undead must be within a radius of 10 miles per caster level. Looking through the senses of an undead requires a full round action to start watching, and one swift to stop. While the dread emperor is in the undead’s mind, he leaves his own body in a sleep-like state. The dread emperor may look through the undead’s senses and he may use its mouth to speak, but no other actions may be taken.

Perfect Necromancer (Ex)
A Dread emperor can have any number of undead under his control, ignore the limit of HD he can create with a single casting of animate dead, and he is not limited by the total Hit Dice of those undead. A dread emperor ignore caster level prerequisites for create specific undead with the create undead and create greater undead spells. A dread emperor can create any undead with a CR up to 11 with create undead, and up to his caster level with create greater undead. The GM decides any extra specific components for each undead (ex: thirty bodies of people starved for a Gashadokuro). A dread emperor can create undead based on template (like vampire, lich, dread ghoul, etc.) only if the undead final CR is equal or lower than his caster level. If the creation of the undead require particular components (like the phylactery of a lich), that components must be provided during the casting as an additional material and/or focus component.

Overwhelming Swarm (Ex)
Though the undead that a dread emperor controls may individually be too weak to overcome foes, a dread emperor knows perfectly well how to batter the defenses of more powerful enemies by continually swarming them. Starting at 1st level, for every ten attacks made against a creature by undead controlled by a dread emperor (whether the attack succeeds or not), the target takes a stacking -1 penalty to its AC, Damage Reduction (if any), Fast Healing (if any), and regeneration (if any). None of these values can be reduced below 1. This penalty remains until the target has gone for an entire minute without being attacked by undead controlled by the dread emperor. At 6th level and every 5 levels afterwards, this penalty increases by -1.

Unending Legions (Su)
Dread emperors are best known for armies of the dead large enough to overwhelm entire nations and worlds. Any creature slain by an undead controlled by a dread emperor revives 1d4 rounds later as a zombie or skeleton as appropriate under the control of the dread emperor. Lastly, a dread emperor can touch a dead creature and animate it as a skeleton or zombie (based on the condition of the corpse), as if using animate dead at will. The dread emperor does not need to expend any material components when using this ability. He can expend a spell slot of at least 4th level when using this ability to animate the body as a different type of undead, as if using greater create undead. Undead created in this way are automatically under his control.

Dark Tactician (Ex)
As a ruler of a grand army, few know more about strategy than a dread emperor. Starting at 2nd level, a dread emperor can spend a full-round action to either heal any number of controlled undead within his line of sight up to full hit points. Alternatively, he can grant them a +10 bonus to attack rolls, Saving Throws, and AC for 1 round. As a final option, the dread emperor can grant these undead a full round of actions to take immediately and may control how undead affected spend this action. The dread emperor can use an ability from this list once per encounter at 2nd level and one additional time per encounter at 7th level and every 5 levels afterwards. A Dread Emperor can never target himself with this ability.

Bonus Feats
At 3rd level and every 5 levels afterwards, a dread emperor can select a single bonus feat from the following list: Atropal’s Aura*, Automaitc Metamagic Capacity, Debilitating Swarm*, Desecration Aura*, Debilitating Touch*, Epic Undead Leadership*, Extended Lifespan, Great Charisma, Great Intelligence, Great Wisdom, Legendary Commander, Life from the Lifeless*, Link Senses*, Metamagic Freedom, Multispell, Spell Knowledge, Threatening Presence*.
*see the end of the class

Dread Lichdom
When a dread emperor attains 4th level, he becomes a dread lich. He gains the Dread Lich template. A dread emperor need not pay any gold or time for his Phylactery; it is supplied by his necromantic prowess. A dread emperor whom was already undead upon attaining this level stands for a choice: he can retain his old undead race or template, or can change into a dread lich.

Emperor’s Plague (Su)
Starting at 4th level, all corporeal undead under the control of a dread emperor pass on a disease with their natural attacks known as emperor’s plague.

Emperor’s Plague: Natural Weapon—injury; save Fort DC 10 + ½ undead HD + its Charisma modifeir; onset 1 hour; frequency 1/hour; effect 1d6 Con damage, plus 1d6 points of Constitution damage at 9th level of the dread emperor PrC and every 5 PrC levels afterwards, this damage cannot be healed while the creature is infected; cure the disease is not naturally removed through any number of successful saving throws and can only be healed magically within the area of a consecrate or hallow spells.

Any creature who dies of emperor’s plague awakens 1d4 hours later as a zombie or skeleton as appropriate for the condition of the corpse under the control of the dread emperor unless the body is dismembered, destroyed, or buried in a holy ground (usually a ground under the consecrate or hallow spells).

Undying Avatar (Ex)
At 5th level, a dread emperor can spend 24 hours molding dead flesh into a perfect likeness of themselves. This avatar acts as a fast zombie of the dread emperor’s race with 20 HD, though it looks exactly like the dread emperor (DC 45 Heal or Perception check to realize its identity). Each undying avatar, though mindless, has its senses directly linked to that of the dread emperor at all times and can be controlled through the dread emperor’s thoughts at all time (even across planes of existence). A dread emperor can even cast his non-epic spells through an undying avatar, though doing so requires that the avatar spend actions casting the spell as normal (the casting of the spells can be disrupted as if the avatar is the caster). A dread emperor can only have one undying avatar at any given time at 5th level, plus one every 5 levels afterwards.


Atropal’s Aura [Epic]

You release dark energies that harm the living and heal the undead.
Prerequisites: Desecration Aura.
Benefits: You possess an aura out to 10 feet that grants all other living creatures one negative level for as long as they remain and that grants yourself and all undead within range fast healing 8. You may suppress or resume this aura as a standard action.
Special: You may select this feat multiple times, its effects stack (though the area of the aura does not increase).

Debilitating Swarm [Epic]
Given enough time, your undead horde can tire and wear out any opponent.
Prerequisites: Overwhelming Swarm -2.
Benefits: Your overwhelming swarm class feature also affects attack rolls, skill checks, and saving throws.

Debilitating Touch [Epic]
Your touch is filled with necromantic energies.
Prerequisites: Lich template.
Benefits: Your melee touch attack now deal 1d10 points of negative energy damage per 3 HD. Whenever you make a successful touch attack in this way (not on yourself), you may cast a non-epic necromancy spell with a range of touch as part of the same action, provoking no attacks of opportunity in the process.

Desecration Aura [Epic]
You release an aura of malign energies that empower the undead.
Prerequisites: Undead type.
Benefits: You gain an aura out to 20 feet that imitates the effects of a desecrate spell. For all purposes, you count as a shrine to an evil deity and thus double the effects of the spell.

Epic Undead Leadership [Epic]
You control greater undead than a normal necromancer.
Prerequisites: Undead Leadership.
Benefits: This functions as the epic leadership feat except as noted under the description of the undead leadership feat.
Special: This feat count as Epic Leadership for meet prerequisites.

Eternal Horde [Epic]
Your undead never stay down for too long before rising once more.
Prerequisites: Knowledge (religion) 40 ranks.
Benefits: Each night at midnight (or its rough equivalent), all undead you control on the same plane of existence as yourself that have perished within the past 24 hours are instantly restored to existence and to full health so long as you possess positive hit points. Effects that would prevent undead such as lich’s or ghosts from returning back to life function normally against this ability.

Life from the Lifeless [Epic]
You can draw life force from your undying minions to preserve your own existence.
Prerequisites: Ability to gain undead under your control.
Benefits: Whenever you would be damaged, as an immediate action you may transfer some or all of that damage to any number of undead you control within a 1-mile radius. You may not transfer more damage to an undead in this way than would be necessary to slay it.

Link Senses [Epic]
You can link your senses with those of the undead you have created.
Prerequisites: Dark Tactician 1/encounter.
Benefits: As a swift action, you can link your senses with a single undead you control on the same plane of existence for 1 round. You may use your own skills to observe the scene and can telepathically control the undead during this round but are limited to the senses of the undead.

Threatening Presence [Epic]
Others are often terrified by your presence on the battlefield.
Prerequisites: Epic Skill Focus (Intimidate).
Benefit: Enemies within 10 feet of you are shaken (no save). Whenever you make a successful attack, the target of the attack must make a Will save (DC your ranks in Intimidate) or become frightened for 1d4 rounds. This is a fear, mind-affecting effect.
Ah this is a cool ass class. I like it!

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A powerful vampiric template created combining the templates Dread Vampire and Mythic Vampire.

Antediluvian Vampire (CR +6)

The link between the dread vampire and the epic nosferatu, antediluvian vampires are terrifying lords of the night. Usually antediluvian vampires have at least 15 HD.

Creating an Antediluvian Vampire
“Antediluvian Vampire” is an acquired template that can be added to any living creature with an Intelligence score of 5 or higher and 5 or more HD (referred to hereafter as the base creature). A character that has been a dread vampire for 10,000 years can replace the dread vampire template with the antediluvian vampire template through a blood ritual that consume 300,000 gp of rare materials that require 24 hours to be brought to fruition. An antediluvian vampire uses the base creature’s stats and abilities except as noted here.

CR: As the base creature +6.

Alignment: Any evil.

Type: The creature’s type changes to undead with the appropriate augmented subtype. Do not recalculate base attack bonuses, saves, or skill points.

Senses: An antediluvian vampire gains blindsight +30 ft., scent, and the see in darkness special ability.

Armor Class: Natural armor improves by +12.

Hit Dice: Change all of the base creature’s racial HD to d8s.

Defensive Abilities: An antediluvian vampire has channel resistance +16; DR 10/epic, good and silver; immunity to cold; resistance to acid 30, electricity 30, sonic 30; and fast healing 10, in addition to all of the defensive abilities granted by the undead type. Antediluvian vampire also gain the dread rejuvenation and unholy ego abilities.

Dread Rejuvenation (Ex)
Antediluvian vampires are notoriously hard to destroy. If reduced to 0 hit points in combat, an antediluvian vampire assumes gaseous form (see below) and attempts to escape. It must reach its coffin home within 3 days or be utterly destroyed. (It can normally travel up to 9 miles in 1 hour.) Additional damage dealt to a vampire forced into gaseous form has no effect. Once at rest, the vampire is helpless. It regains 1 hit point after 1 hour, and then is no longer helpless and resumes healing at the rate of 10 hit points per round.

Even if an antediluvian vampire is killed, if its remains are bathed in the blood of a creature with the evil or good subtype, it returns to unlife within 1d4 minutes.

The method to permanently destroy an antediluvian vampire is unique to each vampire, and should be created specifically for each different antediluvian vampire by the GM (but they can also be permanently destroyed if they make a mistake in evaluating and try to generate a too powerful dread vampire, see create spawn).

Unholy Ego (Su)
An antediluvian vampire gains a bonus equal to its Charisma bonus (if any) on all saving throws and as a deflection bonus to AC. This does not stack with similar abilities that add the Charisma as untyped bonus to saving throws like the unholy resilience of the antipaladin or the towering ego of the mesmerist.

Weaknesses: Unlike their lesser brethren, garlic, mirrors, holy symbols, invitation, or running water do not affect antediluvian vampires.

Reducing an antediluvian vampire’s hit points to 0 or fewer incapacitates it, but doesn’t always destroy it due its gaseous form ability. However, certain attacks can slay antediluvian vampires, at least temporarily (see dread rejuvenation above). An antediluvian vampire exposed to direct sunlight is staggered and takes 10 hit point of damage at the start of each round until it can get out of the light. While exposed to direct sunlight, the antediluvian vampire does not gain the benefits of fast healing.

Driving a blessed wooden stake through a helpless antediluvian vampire’s heart instantly slays it (this is a full-round action); any other wooden stake has no effect on the antediluvian vampire except for the weapon’s normal damage. If the blessed stake is removed from the antediluvian vampire, the antediluvian vampire comes back to life, unless the vampire’s head is severed, its body and head anointed with holy water, its body sanctified with a gentle repose spell, and its corpse buried in land under the effects of a hallow spell.

Speed: If the base creature has both a climb speed and a land speed, the lower of the two increases to match the higher. If it lacks one of those speeds, the antediluvian vampire gains the missing mode of movement at a speed equal to the other. If the base creature lacks both modes of movement, the antediluvian vampire gains both at a speed equal to one-half the base creature’s highest speed.

The antediluvian vampire also gains a fly speed equal to one-half the base creature’s highest speed if it cannot already fly. Its maneuverability class becomes perfect. Flight gained by application of this template is supernatural in nature.

Attacks: The antediluvian vampire gains two claw attacks and a bite if the base creature didn’t have any (1d4 points of damage for a Small vampire, 1d6 points of damage for a Medium one). The claws also gains bleed (1d6).

Special Attacks: The antediluvian vampire gains energy drain (2 levels, see negative energy focus). Saves DCs are Charisma-based unless otherwise specified.

Blood Drain (Ex)
An antediluvian vampire can suck blood from a grappled opponent; if the antediluvian vampire establishes or maintains a pin, it drains blood, dealing 1d8 points of Constitution damage. The antediluvian vampire heals 10 hit points or gains 10 temporary hit points for 24 hours hour (up to a maximum number of temporary hit points equal to its full normal hit points) each round it drains blood.

Blood Omen (Su)
A number of times per day equal to its Charisma modifier, but no more than once per minute, as a standard action that provoke attack of opportunity, an antediluvian vampire can drain blood from all creatures within 30 feet. Each creature must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw or be affected by the antediluvian vampire’s blood drain ability. The antediluvian vampire gains the normal benefits of all blood drained in this manner.

Children of the Eclipse (Su)
An antediluvian vampire can command the lesser creatures and undead of the world. Once per hour, an antediluvian vampire can call forth 1d6+1 rat swarms, 1d4+1 bat swarms, or 2d6 wolves as a standard action (if the base creature is not terrestrial, this power might summon other creatures of similar power). Once per day, the antediluvian vampire can use children of the eclipse to call forth 3d8 ghouls, 1d6 mohrgs, 2d6 shadows, or 1d6 wraiths. Summoned creatures arrive in 2d6 rounds and serve the antediluvian vampire for up to 1 hour.

Create Spawn (Su)
Antediluvian vampires can create spawn only if their victims are kept in coffin homes until they rise. A coffin home can be any container capable of accommodating the corpse. The container is often a coffin because ignorant family members of an antediluvian vampire’s victims often bury their lost loved ones in the traditional manner. When an antediluvian vampire wants to make a specific creature its spawn, however, it often places the body in a specifically designed receptacle, such as an iron box. If an antediluvian vampire’s or vampire’s coffin home is ever destroyed, the vampire cannot reform and is destroyed when it reaches 0 hit points.

Under these conditions, a creature slain by an antediluvian vampire’s blood drain or energy drain attack rises as a standard vampire (moroi) or vampire spawn (moroi if the creature has 5 or more HD, vampire spawn if less) 24 hours after death. If the antediluvian vampire want to generate more powerful spawns, it can take a number of permanent negative levels equal to the HD of the creature slay at the time of its death for returning it as a dread vampire instead of a normal vampire (this negative levels ignore any immunity or protection and cannot be removed in any way short of wish or miracle but go away at the rate of 1 per day). If the antediluvian vampire is slay by this negative levels (the creature has a number of HD equal or higher than the antediluvian vampire), the effect backfire as all the energy is drained by the antediluvian vampire, permanently destroying it (as for its unique method capable of overcome dread rejuvenation) and returning the slay creature as an antediluvian vampire instead of a dread vampire (without the need to be kept in a coffin home). The new antediluvian vampire automatically gains the control of all the spawn of the previous antediluvian vampire (as if it had created them).

A vampire, vampire spawn, or dread vampire created in this manner is under the command of its creator (as dominate monster) and remains so until either it or the creator is destroyed. A dread vampire that become an antediluvian vampire is automatically free. At any given time, an antediluvian vampire may have enslaved vampires, vampire spawns, or dread vampires totaling no more than ten times its own Hit Dice; spawn created that exceed this limit rise as free-willed vampires, vampire spawns, or dread vampires. A vampire or dread vampire enslaved to its creator may create and enslave spawn of its own; thus, a master antediluvian vampire can indirectly control a large number of lesser vampires. An antediluvian vampire may voluntarily free an enslaved vampire or dread vampire in order to enslave a new one, but once freed, the former spawn cannot be enslaved again.

Dominate (Su)
An antediluvian vampire can crush an opponent’s will as a standard action. Anyone the antediluvian vampire targets must succeed on a Will or fall instantly under its influence as though by a dominate monster spell (caster level equals antediluvian vampire’s character level). The ability has a range of 30 feet and is a mind-affecting effect.

Eclipse (Su)
An antediluvian vampire can once per day blot out the power of the sun in a 1-mile radius as a move action. In this area, for 1 hour, the light level is lowered by two steps. Bright light becomes dim light and normal light becomes darkness. Areas of dim light and darkness become supernaturally dark. Eclipse automatically dispel any light spell of spell level lower than 1/3 the antediluvian vampire HD.

Mist Shapes (Su)
An antediluvian vampire can summon and sculpt mist into realistic shapes as the major image spell (CL equal to the antediluvian vampire’s total Hit Dice). A shape created in this way lasts for as long as the antediluvian vampire can see and concentrate upon it. In areas of particularly dense mist, this ability functions as mirage arcana instead of major image (CL equal to the antediluvian vampire’s total Hit Dice).

Negative Energy Focus (Su)
An antediluvian vampire’s energy drain ability triggers once per successful melee attack with melee weapons or natural attacks, up to a maximum of once per round for every 4 HD the vampire has (minimum of 1, to a maximum of 10 at 40 HD).

Telekinesis (Su)
As a standard action, an antediluvian vampire can use telekinesis (CL equal to the antediluvian vampire’s total Hit Dice) without the maximum weight limit of 375 pounds at 15th level.

Spell-like Abilities:

true seeing, unseen servant;

3/daydarkness, dispel magic, fog cloud, haste;

1/dayastral projection, create greater undead, deeper darkness, destruction, dimension door, greater dispel magic, energy drain, overwhelming presence.

Caster level equals antediluvian vampire’s total Hit Dice. All DCs are Charisma-based.

Special Qualities: The antediluvian vampire retains all the base creature’s special qualities and gains those described here.

Change Shape (Su)
As a standard action, an antediluvian vampire can assume the shape of any kind of creature. This ability otherwise functions as shapechange, except that the antediluvian vampire does not adjust its ability scores and can remain in this form until it assumes another or until the next sunrise.

Gaseous Form (Su)
As a standard action, an antediluvian vampire can assume gaseous form at will (caster level equal to the antediluvian vampire’s total Hit Dice), but can remain gaseous indefinitely and has a fly speed of 40 feet with perfect maneuverability.

Hibernation (Ex)
An antediluvian vampire can enter a state of voluntary hibernation. While in hibernation, it can take no actions, is helpless, and its fast healing ability ceases to function. The antediluvian vampire also appears dead to most observers, though a successful Heal check DC 10 + antediluvian vampire HD + its Charisma modifier reveal its undead nature. Magical abilities, such as the deathwatch or detect undead spells, or magical senses like lifesense or spiritsense, automatically reveal the ruse. If it is jostled or damaged while hibernating, an antediluvian vampire can attempt a DC 35 Will save. If it succeeds, it awakens in 2d4 rounds. Otherwise, it takes 1d4 days to awaken from hibernation. An antediluvian vampire can set the length of its hibernation when it first enters this state, so that it can awaken after a set amount of time has passed. When awakening at a set time in this manner, the antediluvian vampire needs only 1d3 rounds to rouse itself, with no Will saving throw necessary.

Mastermind (Su)
An antediluvian vampire can see, hear, and speak through the body of a creature it has dominated or one of its spawn and can communicate telepathically with it. The antediluvian vampire can use this ability indefinitely on one creature at a time, as long as it and the creature under its control or spawn remain on the same plane. An antediluvian vampire using this ability can’t move, but is still aware of its surroundings and can end this ability as a free action.

See Through Blood (Su)
An antediluvian vampire, when use its blood drain attack, can see into a being’s past and learn his history. The target must make a Will save (DC 10 + ½ antediluvian vampire HD + its Charisma modifier) or have his entire history become known to the antediluvian vampire. The antediluvian vampire can attempt to discern an individual’s history any number of times, but each time the target successfully save against this ability, he gains, for a week, a cumulative +4 circumstance bonus on his next save against this ability. Each successful save reset the week duration. This is a mind-affecting affect but immunity against it instead give only a +8 racial bonus on the save.

Shadowless (Ex)
An antediluvian vampire casts no shadows and shows no reflection in a mirror.

Swarm Shape (Su)
As a standard action, an antediluvian vampire can change into a bat swarm, centipede swarm, rat swarm, or spider swarm. The antediluvian vampire gains the swarm attack and extraordinary special attacks of the swarm it has transformed into. While in swarm form, an antediluvian vampire can’t use its natural weapons or any of its special attacks. It retains all its other abilities, counts as an undead creature, and can use any of the swarm’s abilities and defenses. It can remain in swarm form until it assumes another form or until the next sunrise. This is a polymorph effect.

Tenuous Existence (Su)
An antediluvian vampire can pass through solid objects (like walls, doors, ceilings, and floors) using its fly speed as if they weren't there. If it end its inside a solid object, it takes 6d6 points of damage which ignore damage reduction and is shunted in the nearest open space.

Uncanny Climber (Su)
An antediluvian vampire can climb with its hands (or upper limbs) free and even walk about on the ceiling as if affected by a spider climb spell. In addition, it can use the accelerated climb action to cover any distance up to four times its climb speed, with each check allowing it to climb a distance equal to its climb speed. Climbing a distance equal to or less than its climb speed is a move-equivalent action.

Abilities: Str +12, Dex +8, Int +6, Wis +6, Cha +8. As an undead creature, an antediluvian vampire has no Constitution score.

Feats: An antediluvian vampire gains Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative, and Lightning Reflexes as bonus feats.

Skills: An antediluvian vampire receives a +12 racial bonus on Bluff, Perception, Sense Motive, and Stealth checks. Bluff, Perception, Sense Motive, and Stealth are always class skills for an antediluvian vampire.
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A powerful vampiric template created combining the templates Dread Vampire and Mythic Vampire.

Antediluvian Vampire (CR +6)

The link between the dread vampire and the epic nosferatu, antediluvian vampires are terrifying lords of the night. Usually antediluvian vampires have at least 15 HD.

Creating an Antediluvian Vampire
“Antediluvian Vampire” is an acquired template that can be added to any living creature with an Intelligence score of 5 or higher and 5 or more HD (referred to hereafter as the base creature). A character that has been a dread vampire for 10,000 years can replace the dread vampire template with the antediluvian vampire template through a blood ritual that consume 300,000 gp of rare materials that require 24 hours to be brought to fruition. An antediluvian vampire uses the base creature’s stats and abilities except as noted here.

CR: As the base creature +6.

Alignment: Any evil.

Type: The creature’s type changes to undead with the appropriate augmented subtype. Do not recalculate base attack bonuses, saves, or skill points.

Senses: A antediluvian vampire gains blindsight +30 ft., scent, and the see in darkness special ability.

Armor Class: Natural armor improves by +12.

Hit Dice: Change all of the base creature’s racial HD to d8s.

Defensive Abilities: An antediluvian vampire has channel resistance +16; DR 10/epic, good and silver; immunity to cold; resistance to acid 30, electricity 30, sonic 30; and fast healing 10, in addition to all of the defensive abilities granted by the undead type. Antediluvian vampire also gain the dread rejuvenation and unholy ego abilities.

Dread Rejuvenation (Ex)
Antediluvian vampires are notoriously hard to destroy. If reduced to 0 hit points in combat, an antediluvian vampire assumes gaseous form (see below) and attempts to escape. It must reach its coffin home within 3 days or be utterly destroyed. (It can normally travel up to 9 miles in 1 hour.) Additional damage dealt to a vampire forced into gaseous form has no effect. Once at rest, the vampire is helpless. It regains 1 hit point after 1 hour, and then is no longer helpless and resumes healing at the rate of 10 hit points per round.

Even if an antediluvian vampire is killed, if its remains are bathed in the blood of a creature with the evil or good subtype, it returns to unlife within 1d4 minutes.

The method to permanently destroy an antediluvian vampire is unique to each vampire, and should be created specifically for each different antediluvian vampire by the GM (but they can also be permanently destroyed if they make a mistake in evaluating and try to generate a too powerful dread vampire, see create spawn).

Unholy Ego (Su)
An antediluvian vampire gains a bonus equal to its Charisma bonus (if any) on all saving throws and as a deflection bonus to AC. This does not stack with similar abilities that add the Charisma as untyped bonus to saving throws like the unholy resilience of the antipaladin or the towering ego of the mesmerist.

Weaknesses: Unlike their lesser brethren, garlic, mirrors, holy symbols, invitation, or running water do not affect antediluvian vampires.

Reducing an antediluvian vampire’s hit points to 0 or fewer incapacitates it, but doesn’t always destroy it due its gaseous form ability. However, certain attacks can slay antediluvian vampires, at least temporarily (see dread rejuvenation above). An antediluvian vampire exposed to direct sunlight is staggered and takes 10 hit point of damage at the start of each round until it can get out of the light. While exposed to direct sunlight, the antediluvian vampire does not gain the benefits of fast healing.

Driving a blessed wooden stake through a helpless antediluvian vampire’s heart instantly slays it (this is a full-round action); any other wooden stake has no effect on the antediluvian vampire except for the weapon’s normal damage. If the blessed stake is removed from the antediluvian vampire, the antediluvian vampire comes back to life, unless the vampire’s head is severed, its body and head anointed with holy water, its body sanctified with a gentle repose spell, and its corpse buried in land under the effects of a hallow spell.

Speed: If the base creature has both a climb speed and a land speed, the lower of the two increases to match the higher. If it lacks one of those speeds, the antediluvian vampire gains the missing mode of movement at a speed equal to the other. If the base creature lacks both modes of movement, the antediluvian vampire gains both at a speed equal to one-half the base creature’s highest speed.

The antediluvian vampire also gains a fly speed equal to one-half the base creature’s highest speed if it cannot already fly. Its maneuverability class becomes perfect. Flight gained by application of this template is supernatural in nature.

Attacks: The antediluvian vampire gains two claw attacks and a bite if the base creature didn’t have any (1d4 points of damage for a Small vampire, 1d6 points of damage for a Medium one). The claws also gains bleed (1d6).

Special Attacks: The antediluvian vampire gains energy drain (2 levels, see negative energy focus). Saves DCs are Charisma-based unless otherwise specified.

Blood Drain (Ex)
An antediluvian vampire can suck blood from a grappled opponent; if the antediluvian vampire establishes or maintains a pin, it drains blood, dealing 1d8 points of Constitution damage. The antediluvian vampire heals 10 hit points or gains 10 temporary hit points for 24 hours hour (up to a maximum number of temporary hit points equal to its full normal hit points) each round it drains blood.

Blood Omen (Su)
A number of times per day equal to its Charisma modifier, but no more than once per minute, as a standard action that provoke attack of opportunity, an antediluvian vampire can drain blood from all creatures within 30 feet. Each creature must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw or be affected by the antediluvian vampire’s blood drain ability. The antediluvian vampire gains the normal benefits of all blood drained in this manner.

Children of the Eclipse (Su)
An antediluvian vampire can command the lesser creatures and undead of the world. Once per hour, an antediluvian vampire can call forth 1d6+1 rat swarms, 1d4+1 bat swarms, or 2d6 wolves as a standard action (if the base creature is not terrestrial, this power might summon other creatures of similar power). Once per day, the antediluvian vampire can use children of the eclipse to call forth 3d8 ghouls, 1d6 mohrgs, 2d6 shadows, or 1d6 wraiths. Summoned creatures arrive in 2d6 rounds and serve the antediluvian vampire for up to 1 hour.

Create Spawn (Su)
Antediluvian vampires can create spawn only if their victims are kept in coffin homes until they rise. A coffin home can be any container capable of accommodating the corpse. The container is often a coffin because ignorant family members of an antediluvian vampire’s victims often bury their lost loved ones in the traditional manner. When an antediluvian vampire wants to make a specific creature its spawn, however, it often places the body in a specifically designed receptacle, such as an iron box. If an antediluvian vampire’s or vampire’s coffin home is ever destroyed, the vampire cannot reform and is destroyed when it reaches 0 hit points.

Under these conditions, a creature slain by an antediluvian vampire’s blood drain or energy drain attack rises as a standard vampire (moroi) or vampire spawn (moroi if the creature has 5 or more HD, vampire spawn if less) 24 hours after death. If the antediluvian vampire want to generate more powerful spawns, it can take a number of permanent negative levels equal to the HD of the creature slay at the time of its death for returning it as a dread vampire instead of a normal vampire (this negative levels ignore any immunity or protection and cannot be removed in any way short of wish or miracle but go away at the rate of 1 per day). If the antediluvian vampire is slay by this negative levels (the creature has a number of HD equal or higher than the antediluvian vampire), the effect backfire as all the energy is drained by the antediluvian vampire, permanently destroying it (as for its unique method capable of overcome dread rejuvenation) and returning the slay creature as an antediluvian vampire instead of a dread vampire (without the need to be kept in a coffin home). The new antediluvian vampire automatically gains the control of all the spawn of the previous antediluvian vampire (as if it had created them).

A vampire, vampire spawn, or dread vampire created in this manner is under the command of its creator (as dominate monster) and remains so until either it or the creator is destroyed. A dread vampire that become an antediluvian vampire is automatically free. At any given time, an antediluvian vampire may have enslaved vampires, vampire spawns, or dread vampires totaling no more than ten times its own Hit Dice; spawn created that exceed this limit rise as free-willed vampires, vampire spawns, or dread vampires. A vampire or dread vampire enslaved to its creator may create and enslave spawn of its own; thus, a master antediluvian vampire can indirectly control a large number of lesser vampires. An antediluvian vampire may voluntarily free an enslaved vampire or dread vampire in order to enslave a new one, but once freed, the former spawn cannot be enslaved again.

Dominate (Su)
An antediluvian vampire can crush an opponent’s will as a standard action. Anyone the antediluvian vampire targets must succeed on a Will or fall instantly under its influence as though by a dominate monster spell (caster level equals antediluvian vampire’s character level). The ability has a range of 30 feet and is a mind-affecting effect.

Eclipse (Su)
An antediluvian vampire can once per day blot out the power of the sun in a 1-mile radius as a move action. In this area, for 1 hour, the light level is lowered by two steps. Bright light becomes dim light and normal light becomes darkness. Areas of dim light and darkness become supernaturally dark. Eclipse automatically dispel any light spell of spell level lower than 1/3 the antediluvian vampire HD.

Mist Shapes (Su)
An antediluvian vampire can summon and sculpt mist into realistic shapes as the major image spell (CL equal to the antediluvian vampire’s total Hit Dice). A shape created in this way lasts for as long as the antediluvian vampire can see and concentrate upon it. In areas of particularly dense mist, this ability functions as mirage arcana instead of major image (CL equal to the antediluvian vampire’s total Hit Dice).

Negative Energy Focus (Su)
An antediluvian vampire’s energy drain ability triggers once per successful melee attack with melee weapons or natural attacks, up to a maximum of once per round for every 2 HD the vampire has (minimum of 1, to a maximum of 10 at 20 HD).

Telekinesis (Su)
As a standard action, an antediluvian vampire can use telekinesis (CL equal to the antediluvian vampire’s total Hit Dice) without the maximum weight limit of 375 pounds at 15th level.

Spell-like Abilities:

true seeing, unseen servant;

3/daydarkness, dispel magic, fog cloud, haste;

1/dayastral projection, create greater undead, deeper darkness, destruction, dimension door, greater dispel magic, energy drain, overwhelming presence.

Caster level equals antediluvian vampire’s total Hit Dice. All DCs are Charisma-based.

Special Qualities: The antediluvian vampire retains all the base creature’s special qualities and gains those described here.

Change Shape (Su)
As a standard action, an antediluvian vampire can assume the shape of any kind of creature. This ability otherwise functions as shapechange, except that the antediluvian vampire does not adjust its ability scores and can remain in this form until it assumes another or until the next sunrise.

Gaseous Form (Su)
As a standard action, an antediluvian vampire can assume gaseous form at will (caster level equal to the antediluvian vampire’s total Hit Dice), but can remain gaseous indefinitely and has a fly speed of 40 feet with perfect maneuverability.

Hibernation (Ex)
An antediluvian vampire can enter a state of voluntary hibernation. While in hibernation, it can take no actions, is helpless, and its fast healing ability ceases to function. The antediluvian vampire also appears dead to most observers, though a successful Heal check DC 10 + antediluvian vampire HD + its Charisma modifier reveal its undead nature. Magical abilities, such as the deathwatch or detect undead spells, or magical senses like lifesense or spiritsense, automatically reveal the ruse. If it is jostled or damaged while hibernating, an antediluvian vampire can attempt a DC 35 Will save. If it succeeds, it awakens in 2d4 rounds. Otherwise, it takes 1d4 days to awaken from hibernation. An antediluvian vampire can set the length of its hibernation when it first enters this state, so that it can awaken after a set amount of time has passed. When awakening at a set time in this manner, the antediluvian vampire needs only 1d3 rounds to rouse itself, with no Will saving throw necessary.

Mastermind (Su)
An antediluvian vampire can see, hear, and speak through the body of a creature it has dominated or one of its spawn and can communicate telepathically with it. The antediluvian vampire can use this ability indefinitely on one creature at a time, as long as it and the creature under its control or spawn remain on the same plane. An antediluvian vampire using this ability can’t move, but is still aware of its surroundings and can end this ability as a free action.

Shadowless (Ex)
An antediluvian vampire casts no shadows and shows no reflection in a mirror.

Swarm Shape (Su)
As a standard action, an antediluvian vampire can change into a bat swarm, centipede swarm, rat swarm, or spider swarm. The antediluvian vampire gains the swarm attack and extraordinary special attacks of the swarm it has transformed into. While in swarm form, an antediluvian vampire can’t use its natural weapons or any of its special attacks. It retains all its other abilities, counts as an undead creature, and can use any of the swarm’s abilities and defenses. It can remain in swarm form until it assumes another form or until the next sunrise. This is a polymorph effect.

Tenuous Existence (Su)
An antediluvian vampire can pass through solid objects (like walls, doors, ceilings, and floors) using its fly speed as if they weren't there. If it end its movement its movement inside a solid object, it takes 6d6 points of damage which ignore damage reduction and is shunted to the free space.

Uncanny Climber (Su)
An antediluvian vampire can climb with its hands (or upper limbs) free and even walk about on the ceiling as if affected by a spider climb spell. In addition, it can use the accelerated climb action to cover any distance up to four times its climb speed, with each check allowing it to climb a distance equal to its climb speed. Climbing a distance equal to or less than its climb speed is a move-equivalent action.

Abilities: Str +12, Dex +8, Int +6, Wis +6, Cha +8. As an undead creature, an antediluvian vampire has no Constitution score.

Feats: An antediluvian vampire gains Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative, and Lightning Reflexes as bonus feats.

Skills: An antediluvian vampire receives a +12 racial bonus on Bluff, Perception, Sense Motive, and Stealth checks. Bluff, Perception, Sense Motive, and Stealth are always class skills for an antediluvian vampire.
Loving all the undeath, and I'd certainly love to see more.

Oda Nobunaga (Maou) [Fate]

Raid Boss Gestalt Female Human Legendary Gunslinger (Anthem Gunner) 20/Legendary Samurai (Yumi Sniper) 5 - Herald of Babylon 20/ Daimyo 5

CN Medium humanoid (human)

Init +23; Senses aura sight, enchantment sight, read magic, see invisibility, speechreader’s sight, true seeing; Perception +70

Aura banner (60 ft., +2 morale vs. fear and +1 morale on charge attack), lord’s command (30 ft., +7 moral to AC, attacks, and saving throws), lord’s tactics (30 ft., while in fight ignore difficult terrains and +10 enhancement bonus to speeds)


AC 83, touch 73, flat-footed 63 (+8 armor, +10 Cha, +10 deflection, +9 Dex, +11 dodge, +5 herald, +10 insight, +10 natural)

hp 1,350 (25d10+200)x3 regeneration 10 (epic)

Fort +46, Ref +47, Will +48

Defensive Abilities deflector, ego of the king, evasion, freedom of movement, heavenly soul, I was expecting you, immune to magical control, improved evasion, improved uncanny dodge (20th level), last to fall, resolve (determined, resolute, unstoppable), sheathe block (+2), this isn’t over yet, too epic to die, uncanny dodge war-forged strategy; DR 10/epic; Immune ability damage and drain, fire, disease, energy drain, fear, unwilling polymorph, petrification, poison, or any form-altering attack. Raid Boss are not subject to death from massive damage; Resistance all elements 30; PR/SR 46


Speed 90 ft., fly 60 ft. (average; from wings of flying)

Melee +5 heartseeker keen speed katana +49/+49/+44/+39/+34 (2d6+14/15-20)

Ranged +5 flaming burst speed oda rifle +50/+50/+45/+40/+35 (2d10+28/[12-20x3 or 18-20x7] plus 1d6 fire), or Huge +5 phase locking speed oda rifle +50/+50/+45/+40/+35 (6d10+28/12-20x3 or 18-20x7), or TWF Huge +5 phase locking speed oda rifle +48/+48/+43/+38/+33 (6d10+28/12-20x3 or 18-20x7), Huge +5 phase locking speed oda rifle +48/+43/+38/+33 (6d10+28/12-20x3 or 18-20x7)

Special Attacks celestial chain, celestial prison 13/day, gate (200 weapons, 200 ft. range), deeds (DC 40; anti-magic shot [1 grit], bleeding wounds [1-2 grit], concealing concert, dead’s man trigger [2 grit], deadly duet, gunslinger’s reflexes [at least 1 grit], interrogating shot [1 grit], magic bullet [2 grit], quick clear [1 grit move, at least 1 grit standard], revivifying theme [3 grit], slinger’s luck [2 grit], speedloader [at least 1 grit], strengthening sonata [1 grit], stunning shot [1 grit {0 once per round}], succor symphony [1 grit, 20 hp cure], violent verse [1 grit, or constant for Oda], utility shot [1 grit, blast lock, shoot unattended object, trap springer]), gate of babylon 10/day with 1 hour between use (40d6, DC 40, an area around herself of 200 ft. wide, 300 ft. in height; 40d6, DC 40, a line in front of her of 200 ft. long, 100 ft. wide, 100 ft. in height; 60d6, DC 40, single creature within 300 ft.), giant shooter, grit/spirit 10/day, iaijutsu strike, iaijutsu techniques (DC 40, death slash, dispelling slash, limb-cutting slash, soul slash, utility slash), kiai art’s (soul rending shout), lords summon, lords will 7/day, mythic power (10/day, surge +1d12), protect the weak, song of strife (1/grit for 10 rounds; +5 morale on attack rolls), whirlwind attack


Str 22, Dex 28, Con 26, Int 24, Wis 24, Cha 30

Base Atk +25; CMB +41 (+45 for celestial chain); CMD 96

Feats Alertness, Dodge, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (katana), Firearm Mastery, Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Greater Weapon Specialization (oda rifle), GunsmithingB, Improved Critical (oda rifle), Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Leadership (score 48, 50 for followers), Legendary Leader (Dexterity), Signature Deed (stunning shot), Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (oda rifle), Weapon Specialization (oda rifle);

Daimyo Bonus Feats Daisho Expertise, Quick Draw, Rapid Reload (oda rifle);

Herald Bonus Feats Clustered Shots, Combat Reflexes, Cut from the Air, Deadly Aim, Improved Precise Shot, Pinpoint Targeting, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Smash from the Air, Spellcut

Epic Feats Epic Leadership, Improved Critical Multiplier (oda rifle), Improved Dodge, Greater Critical (oda rifle), Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting

Skills Acrobatics +47, Autohypnosis +22, Climb +44, Craft (alchemy) +21, Bluff +56, Diplomacy +56, Intimidate +56, Knowledge (arcana, dungeoneering, engineering, geography, history, local, martial, nature, nobility, planes, psionic, religion) +21, Perception +70, Perform (oratory) +48, Ride +24, Sense Motive +60, Spellcraft +53, Stealth +55, Survival +45, Swim +44, Use Magic Device +56; +8 bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Stealth, and Use Magic Device, and +18 bonus on Perception

Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Giant, Infernal, Sylvan; comprehend languages, tongues

SQ adaptive learning, ancestral armor, anthem’s style (Diplomacy, Intimidate, Perception, Sense Motive), archer’s iaijutsu, archer’s technique, blazing initiative (2), boss, boss body, combat grit (4 temporary), dragon defense, eagle eyes, firearms mastery, glorious resolve, gunsmith, gun training, gun masteries (aquatic slinger, close quarter gunner, critical gunner x2, local legend x3 [renown, great renown, incredible renown], lucky ricochet, professional killer), harmonious resolve, increase range, king's treasury, like a boss, mythic, named retainers (7 people), nimble (+5 competence to initiative and dodge to AC), one of a kind, one with the armor, opulence, scripted even (a fire envelops the battlefield, isolating Oda and her direct opponents from the rest of the army), singer’s quirk (Perception, Sense Motive), speedy song, the red mist of war, the great empire, try to keep up with me, true grit (magic bullet, stunning shot), warrior’s grace (safe house), weapon bound (unlimited; usually Huge +5 phase locking speed oda rifle)

Gears headband of mental perfection +6 (climb, survival, swim), belt of physical perfection +6, cloak of resistance +5, ring of freedom of movement, amulet of natural armor +5, bracers of armor +8, ring of elemental command (fire), truesight goggles, major ring of spell storing (endure elements, wish), boots of teleportation, gauntlets of the weaponmaster, halo of menace, otherwordly kimono (raging fire instead of cherry blossoms), amulet of the planes, wings of flying, spectral shroud, +5 heartseeker keen speed katana, +5 flaming burst speed oda rifle

Firearms Mastery (Ex)
Oda Nobunaga can only bound firearms and siege weapons similar to “firearms” (like cannons) with her weapon bound but count her bound siege weapons as firearms for all effects (like her gunslinger class features) and consider her Legendary Samurai level 20 for her Iaijutsu Techniques class feature.

Grant Spells
Oda Nobunaga can grant spells of 7th level or less. She grant access to the domains of Chaos, Glory, and War and to the subdomains of Heroism, Legend, Riot, and Tactics.

Heavenly Soul (Ex)
Oda Nobunaga add your Charisma modifier as a luck bonus to her saving throws.

Inherent Bonuses (Ex)
Oda Nobunaga has used manuals to gain a +5 inherent bonus to all of her ability scores.

Might (Ex)
Oda Nobunaga deals d10's for base damage dice of all randed, natural weapon, and unarmed attacks with virtual size categories, and her damage dice cannot go below this dice but this cannot increase to more dice than her HD.

Mythic (Ex)
Oda Nobunaga has Mythic Power (10/day, surge +1d12) and counts as a 10th-rank Mythic creature. When Oda Nobunaga expends mythic power to add a Surge die to an attack roll, she also adds a Surge die to that attack’s damage roll. This is not an action and does not require her to expend any additional uses of Mythic Power to use this ability.

Opulence (Ex)
Oda Nobunaga obtains an additional neck and ring magic item slot.

Permanent Spells
Through the use of permanency, Oda Nobunaga is constantly under the effect of the following spells: aura sight, comprehend languages, enchantment sight, read magic, see invisibility, speechreader’s sight, and tongues.

The Great Empire (Ex)
Oda Nobunaga multiply the number of followers of each level that she can lead by 10. Thus, a Leadership score of 50 would allow her to lead 20,000 1st-level followers, 2,000 2nd level followers, 1,000 3rd level followers, 500 4th level followers, 250 5th level followers, 130 6th level followers, 70 7th level followers, 30 8th level followers, 20 9th level followers, and 10 10th level followers. This has no effect on cohorts. This does not stack with the Legendary Commander epic feat.

The Red Mist of War
Every time that a class feature of the herald of babylon say that the color is gold, for Oda Nobunaga the color is crimson.

Oda Rifle (Advanced Firearm, based on remington 700 of d20 modern)

15,000 gp Weight 8 lbs.

Damage 2d8 (small), 2d10 (medium) Critical x4 Type bludgeoning and piercing

Range Increment 80 ft. (projectile) Capacity 5

Misfire 1/AP 7

Category ranged Proficiency exotic

Weapon Group firearms

Art of xphlln


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An immortal undead template. Inspired by the Cernunnos fight in Fate/Grand Order and this post in giantitp for a dead deity template for the system of Deities and Demigods

Dead God

When a god die, usually its power dissipates, returning to the universe, and its soul goes to the Primordial Chaos, with its body occasionally animating as Hunefer. In the case of totally apocalyptic events, capable of shaking the very foundations of the Universe, in rare cases the souls of dead deities are thrown back into the world, where due to the distortion of reality they reabsorb the Quintessence necessary to restore their power and manifest themselves. The ordeal to which they are subjected does not allow them to return to life as they were before however, manifesting instead as undead know as “Dead God” with powers linked to death and with a burning hatred for the world that has moved on without them.

Regardless of the deceased god’s original alignment or nature, all dead gods are beings of sublime wickedness fueled by bitter anger. The memory of being killed and cast into the void leaves dead gods utterly and cruelly insane.

Those who believe encountering a dead god will be a chance to reconnect with a deceased divine patron are in for a rude awakening. Without exception, dead gods detest any who once worshiped them. Unable to come to terms with the fact that they were defeated, they blame the incompetence or faithlessness of their former worshipers for their deaths. Dead gods also hate the servants of other deities, though with less fervor than they feel toward their own former followers.

To a dead god, all worshipers are false and deserve to be punished for their lack of loyalty and devotion.

At the same time, dead gods long for mortals’ worship. Truly, that is a dead god’s greatest wish—to once again be venerated, offered sacrifices, and loved and feared above all else in the world. Dead gods cannot grant spells like a normal deity, and so must rely on their own terrible powers and fearsome demeanor to cow and bully others into worshiping them. Their cults rarely last long, for the dead god is an easily angered and fickle deity.

Avatar and aspects generated by the dead god before its death, are not under its control and usually oppose the undead horror which it has become.

Creating a Dead God

“Dead God” is an acquired template that can be added to any Immortal that has been a Demi-Deity or higher type and who subsequently died. A Dead God uses the base creature’s stats and abilities except as noted here.

Alignment: Any evil.

Type: The creature’s type changes to undead (augmented). Do not recalculate its base attack bonus, saves, or skill ranks. If the creature was a construct (like for the Ersazt Divine Ability), it also gains the Half-Construct subtype. If the base creature originally had the good subtype, it is replaced with the evil subtype. A dead god never has the extraplanar subtype (see godly realm).

HD: A dead god increase its base hp (see profane aura) and one who is not a Sidereal or higher gains a x2 hp multiplier (they already have their hp multiplier).

Aura: A dead god gains the following ability.

Profane Aura (Su)
A dead god constantly exudes an aura of intense evil and negative energy inside its divine aura. This aura functions as the spell desecrate and uses the dead god’s body as an altar of sorts to double the effects granted. The dead god constantly gains the benefits of this effect (including the bonus hit points). In addition, this miasma of fell energies hinders the channeling of positive energy. Any creature that attempts to summon positive energy in this area—such as through a cleric’s channel energy ability, a paladin’s lay on hands, or any spell with the healing subtype—must make a concentration check with a DC equal to 10 + ½ the dead god’s Hit Dice + the dead god’s Charisma modifier. If the character fails, the effect is expended but does not function.

Any mortals killed inside the divine aura of the dead god automatically become an undead under the command of the dead god. The dead god can choose the type of undead, however, the undead create cannot have more than double the HD of the creature killed. Additionally it’s Challenge Rating cannot be greater than 1/3rd the dead god HD. The dead god can have any number of undead under its control with this ability.

If multiple dead gods aura overlap, the one with highest divine rank is the one to generate and control the undead. If the dead gods have the same divine rank, they make a Charisma check every round, the winner is the one to generate and control the undead spawned in that round.

Senses: A dead god gains blindsight 30 ft. and spiritsense 60 ft. (they are increase with divine senses as usual).

Armor Class: A dead god gains a profane bonus equal to its Charisma modifier to armor class (see Profane Awakening).

Spell Like Abilities: A dead god gain the following spell-like abilities (CL=HD + DR).

3/daycrown of vermin [E], eclipse [E], momento mori [E].

Defensive Abilities: A dead god, in addition to the immunities granted by its undead traits and defensive abilities of the base creature, gains the following defensive ability.

Channel Resistance (Ex)
A dead god increase its channel resistance to equal its HD.

Damage Reduction (Ex)
A dead god increase any DR from the divine template to /–.

Profane Awakening (Su)
A dead god gains a profane bonus equal to his Charisma bonus (if any) to AC and on all saving throws.

Fast Healing (Ex)
A dead god gain fast healing 50 or increase any fast healing of 30, whichever give a higher result.

Rejuvenation (Su)
Unless the dead god is slay by a creature of equal or greater status, it reform at full strength in a secure secluded place of the universe in 1d10 days. Like Cosmic String, this ability is overcome by specific artifacts (the number is decided by the Portfolio of the dead god; eg. every Single Portfolio give one while every Double give two). If the dead god has the Cosmic String cosmic ability, this ability is not gained.

Melee Attack: A dead god has a touch attack that it can use once per round as a natural weapon. A dead god fighting without weapons uses its natural weapons (if it has any) in addition to its touch attack (which is treated as a primary natural weapon that replaces one claw or slam attack, if the creature has any). A dead god armed with a weapon uses its weapons normally, and can use its touch attack as a secondary natural weapon.

Damage: A dead god’s touch attack uses negative energy to deal 1d8 points of damage per 2 HD of the deity + its Charisma modifier. As negative energy, this damage can be used to heal undead creatures. A dead god can take a full-round action to infuse itself with this energy, healing damage as if it had used its touch attack against itself.

Special Attacks: A dead god has all of the base creature’s special attacks. It also has the following special attacks.

Touch of Death (Su)
A dead god can target a single creature within its divine aura as a standard action. The creature suffer 10 damage per (HD of the dead god plus its divine rank). A successful Fortitude save DC 10 + ½ the dead god’s Hit Dice + the dead god’s Charisma modifier reduce this damage to 1d6 per 2 HD of the dead god. This is a necromantic, death effect.

Touch of the Dead God (Su)
A dead god can touch the corpse of a dead immortal of at least Demi-Deity status for grant it the Dead God template. The new undead is not under the control of the original dead god, nor benefit of abilities that augment the HD of undead created. This ability cannot be used on Hunefer (they are not a corpse) or if the soul of the dead immortal is destroyed or sealed.

Special Qualities
A dead god has all of the base creature’s special qualities. It also has the special qualities listed below.

Sundered Link (Ex)
A dead god lose the ability to grant spells or to tap quintessence from worshipers. A dead god can be returned to life (removing this template) only with a true resurrection spell used by an Immortal with at least a status 3 higher than the dead god (a Greater Deity for restore a Demi-Deity and so on...) or a creature with an equivalent power (eg. an Hyperborean with a Perfection bonus of 13 or higher for restore a Demi-Deity). Used in this way the true resurrection spell has a reach of touch. The dead god gains a Will save against the DC of the spell for negate and SR apply.

Void (Ex)
A dead god is a void in the matrix of the universe. In any form the dead god does not leave any tracks, and leaves no trace of its passing, making it impossible to track. All divination spells that happen to be affecting the area it's in will show nothing but an empty spot. A dead god is immune to all divination spell and effects. Unusual forms of sensory perception (like blindsight, tremorsense) do not work for detect it. This ability does not foils indirect detection (such as using detect magic to search for magical items on the dead god).

Saving Throws: A dead god gains a profane bonus equal to its Charisma modifier to saving throws (see Profane Awakening).

Class Abilities
If the dead god new alignment or type result in no longer respecting the prerequisites of some abilities, they are changed with some others suitable for his new role (DM discretion, eg. the dead god which was originally LG and with paladin levels, instead of paladin, can be now an antipaladin of the Tyrant archetype [for its LE alignment]). This happen automatically at the time of generation and does not require time or resource for retraining.

Divine Abilities
A dead god must replace all the divine and higher abilities that require to be Good to their evil equivalent, if possible (like Sacred Lord with Profane Lord). If the evil-equivalent does not exist, it can select in their place any ability of the same level (divine, cosmic, etc.) of which it meets the prerequisites.

The Adjuration divine ability used by a dead god can only be used for summon undead creatures.

Godly Realm
A dead god godly realms is not restored when it return, so it cannot benefit from stay inside it. Because of this, the dead god does not have a “native plane” and can be slay anywhere (but see rejuvenation). A dead god is always considered to be on its home plane, regardless of what plane it finds itself upon. It never gains the extraplanar subtype.

A dead god lose one of its Portfolios (if use the rules under the Choosing Portfolios of the IH, the creature maintain the Portfolio given by the universe) and in its place gains the Death Portfolio.
  • If the Portfolio replaced was a Double Portfolio or the Portfolio that remains is Death, the dead god gains the Double Death Portfolio instead.​
  • If the creature has the Good Portfolio, it has priority to be removed above any other.​
  • If the creature has only one Portfolio (that is not Good), it is not lost, and instead gains the Death Portfolio (if Dearth was the only known Portfolio, it gains the Double Death Portfolio instead).​
  • If the creature has only the Good Portfolio, it is replaced by the Evil Portfolio and also gains the Death Portfolio.​

Ability Scores: As an undead creature, a dead god has no Constitution score. If the dead god former Constitution score was higher than its Charisma score, the new undead Charisma score is increased to be equal to its former Constitution score.

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My revisited version of the Legend Stalker found on the Librim Eternia: Tome of Epic Prestige created by Realms of Chaos

Legend Stalker

The world is filled with living legends; monsters whispered in bedtime stories and foes vanquished in the greatest of epics. Almost every adventurer faces off against a few such creatures. For some, however, the fight is simply intoxicating. Living for the rush of the battle and the greater prestige it brings, beings called Legend Stalkers spend years tracking down the strongest and most dangerous of monsters to slay or train for their own use. Though the world is filled with living legends, Legend Stalkers seek to stand above them all.


Hit Die: d10


To qualify to become a Legend Stalker, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.


Base Attack Bonus: +20.

Skills: Knowledge (any 3 that give knowledge of creatures type) 20 ranks and Survival 20 ranks.

Special: Must have single defeated a creature with more HD than yourself.

Class Skills

The Legend Stalker 's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Acrobatics (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int), Knowledge (geography) (Int), Knowledge (local) (Int), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), Stealth (Dex), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str).

Skill Ranks per Level: 6 + Int modifier.

Table: Legend Stalker
Base Attack
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Spells per day
Fell Greatest Foe +5/+5d6, Hunter Epic Spellcasting, Myth Hunter​
Grizzly Trophies 1/day​
+1 level of existing class​
Bonus Feat​
+1 level of existing class​
Emulate Legend (1)​
+1 level of existing class​
Tame Beast of Legend (1)​
+1 level of existing class​
Fell Greatest Foe +10/+10d6​
Grizzly Trophies 2/day​
+1 level of existing class​
Bonus Feat​
+1 level of existing class​
Emulate Legend (2)​
+1 level of existing class​
Tame Beast of Legend (2)​

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Legend Stalker.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency
Legend Stalker gain proficiency with all simple and martial weapons, light armor, medium armor, and shields (except tower shields).

At the indicated levels, a legend stalker gains new spells per day as if he had also gained a level in a spellcasting class to which he belonged before taking the prestige class. He does not, however, gain other benefits a character of that class would have gained, except for additional spells per day, spells known (if he is a spontaneous spellcaster), and an increased effective level of spellcasting. If the character had more than one spellcasting class before becoming a legend stalker, he must decide to which class he adds the new level for the purposes of determining spells per day.

Hunter Epic Spellcasting
A legend stalker can develop and cast epic spells using the conceal, destroy, energy, dispel, reveal, slay, and transport seeds as if he possess the Epic Spellcaster feat. If the legend stalker has the Epic Spellcaster feat, for the purpose of developing epic spells with these seeds (and only these seeds), costs in gold pieces are halved. The caster level of this epic spells is equal to his spellcasting caster level or his character level if the legend hunter does not cast spells.

Fell Greatest Foe (Ex)
Starting at 1st level, a legend stalker is most at home fighting against the greatest and largest of foes that the world has to offer. When attacking the largest enemy he can sense or the enemy with the highest HD that he can sense, a legend stalker gains a +5 bonus to the attack roll and deals +5d6 damage with a successful attack. At 6th level and every 5 levels afterwards, increase the attack bonus by +5 and the damage by +5d6.

Myth Hunter (Su)
A legend stalker has a particular awareness in regards to powerful creatures, allowing him or her to find creatures worthy of fighting. At all times, a legend stalker knows the direction to the creature with the most HD within a 1-mile/level radius. This sense doesn’t reveal how powerful that creature is (or the distance to it) and is blocked by mind blank.

Grizzly Trophies (Ex)
Starting at 2nd level, a legend stalker can collect small trophies from any number of creatures he fights, drawing from them courage and confidence to help him in battle (trophies collected before 2nd level may be used for this purpose as well but only trophies from creatures he has personally helped to kill grant any benefit). Claiming a trophy requires a full-round action and provokes attacks of opportunity. A trophy type is attuned to the list of favored enemy of the ranger. In case a creature fall into multiple categories of favored enemy, the legend stalker chose to which one allocate the trophy. Once per day, a legend stalker can cause an attack made against him to fail or automatically succeed on a saving throw if the attack or effect comes from a creature of a type that the legend stalker possesses a trophy for. At 7th level and every 5 levels afterwards, the legend stalker may use this ability an additional time per day.

Bonus Feats
At 3rd level and every 5 levels afterwards, a legend stalker gains a single Combat feat of which he meets the prerequisites.

Emulate Legend (Ex/Su)
Starting at 4th level, a legend stalker can begin emulating the powers of creatures he fights. At the end of any encounter, once per day, a legend stalker may select a single enemy and select an extraordinary or supernatural ability that the enemy possessed. The legend stalker gains that ability, using his own HD and ability modifiers to determine the power of the ability (like saving throw, rounds, etc.) where necessary. If that ability relies on biology that the legend stalker doesn’t possess or alters another ability that he doesn’t possess, he doesn’t gain any benefit from that ability. At any given time, the legend stalker may only possess one ability in this way and selecting a new one replaces the old one. Abilities from class features can’t be emulated, but ability intrinsic of the monster who emulate class features can be emulated (like the rage of a Rageborn gnoll). Spellcasting can never be selected. You cannot emulate the abilities of a creature with more HD than 40 + (2 x class level). At 9th level and every 5 levels afterwards, the legend stalker may emulate an additional extraordinary or supernatural ability at a given time.

Tame Beast of Legend (Ex)
Starting at 5th level, a legend stalker can break the fighting spirit of most beasts, taming them and using them to achieve greater prestige and fight greater foes. The first time each day that a specific creatures is knocked unconscious by the legend stalker using nonlethal damage, that creature must make a Will save (DC 10 + ½ character level + his Charisma modifier) or bow down to the legend stalker’s might, serving the legend stalker to the best of their abilities. This ability is a compulsion, mind-affecting effect that ignore the immunity of the mindless trait. Every day an affected creature can repeat the save. Only creatures with HD up to 40 + (class level x 2) can be affected by this ability. You can only control one creature at a time at 5th level and can control one additional creature at 10th level and every 5 levels afterwards.


Disturbing Trophies [Combat, Epic]

Others may think they see piece of themselves among your assembly of trophies.
Prerequisites: Grizzly Trophies 2/day, Epic Skill Focus (Intimidate), Unnerving Trophies
Benefits: So long as you keep one or more of your trophies visible, anyone who shares a type (see the favored enemy list of the ranger) with at least one of them refuses to attack you or willingly approach within 5 feet unless it succeeds on a Will save (10 + ½ character level + his Charisma modifier). This is a fear, mind-affecting effect.

Draw it Out [Combat, Epic]
You know better than most that good fights often end too quickly and can take steps to prevent that.
Prerequisites: Fell Greatest Foe +5/+5d6
Benefits: Whenever you make a successful attack against a target using your fell greatest foe class feature, you may sacrifice some or all of the extra die of damage to draw out the fight. For each dice of damage sacrificed in this way, the target gains a +1 bonus to saves against fear effects, a -2 penalty to attack rolls made against you, and a -1 penalty to all other attack rolls for 1 round. Furthermore, an affected creature must make a Will save (DC 10 + ½ character level + his Charisma modifier + number of sacrificed die) to willingly retreat from battle (whether by mundane or magical means). The save can be repeated once per round.

Emulate Spell-Like Ability [Epic]
You can embrace the more magical powers of those you emulate.
Prerequisites: Emulate Legend (1)
Benefits: You may copy a spell-like ability instead of an extraordinary or supernatural ability using your emulate legend class feature. You use your Charisma modifier to determine the save DC when needed and you use your character level as caster level. You copy the spell-like ability with the same frequency as the creature you emulated them from. At any given time, you can only emulate one spell-like ability in this way.

Euphoria of Challenge [Combat, Epic]
In the midst of a difficult fight, you fight at a level you could otherwise never reach.
Prerequisites: Fell Greatest Foe +20/+20d6
Benefits: Whenever you fight a creature with HD equal to at least twice your own or fight one with HD equal to at least your own alone, you add the attack bonus from your fell greatest foe class feature to saving throws against that creature’s spells and effects, to your AC, against its attack rolls, to opposed skill checks made against that creature, and to your speed in feet when moving towards it.

Lord of the Horde [Epic]
You control far more than the small managerie of creatures most legend hunters obtain.
Prerequisites: Tame Beast of Legend (4)
Benefits: Creatures with HD equal to or less than ½ of your class level don’t count towards the maximum number of creatures you can control through your Tame Beast of Legend class feature.

Teller of Tales [Combat, Epic]
Though you know much about monsters from experience, you know even more from stories.
Prerequisites: Myth Hunter, Knowledge (any 2 that give knowledge of creatures type) 24 ranks
Benefits: For the purpose of making knowledge checks to recognize and learn about creatures, you may treat your ranks in the appropriate knowledge skill as equaling your BaB if they would otherwise be lower.

Topple Behemoth [Combat, Epic]
You have fought enough gigantic creatures to know how to use your size to your advantage.
Prerequisites: Fell Greatest Foe +10/+10d6
Benefits: For each size category larger than you a creature is, your fell greatest foe class feature grants you an additional +1 bonus to the attack roll and +1d6 damage. Against you, large and larger creatures double their size penalty to AC and attack rolls. Furthermore, you may grapple creatures of up your size plus 3 and creatures of large size and larger treat their size bonus to CMB check made for grapple as a penalty instead. When grappling creatures 2 or more size categories larger than yourself, however, you cannot pin them and they can make a normal move action each round, moving you as well.

Unnerving Trophies [Combat, Epic]
Simply carrying around your trophies is enough to make some people uneasy.
Prerequisites: Grizzly Trophies 1/day, Intimidate 23 ranks
Benefits: So long as you keep one or more of your trophies visible, anyone who shares a type (see the favored enemy list of the ranger) with at least one of them is shaken. If you would otherwise demoralize such a creature with Intimidate, it acts as if frightened for 1d4 rounds. This is a fear, mind-affecting effect.

Wondrous Trophies [Combat, Epic]
You can use your trophies almost as figurines of wondrous power.
Prerequisites: Grizzly Trophies 3/day
Benefits: Once per day, you may spend a standard action to use one of your trophies from a creature with HD up to 40 + (class level x 2) as a figurine of wondrous power, calling forth the original creature to serve you until the end of the encounter. If the creature is destroyed, it returns to its previous form and can’t be used again for 1 week.

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For this I take some abilities from the Void Lord and Boon of the 8 Deities of @Beefermatic.

Prophet of Akasha

A Prophet of Akasha is a creature favored by the Supreme Being, to whom it lends its powers and protection, making him its voice.

Creating a Prophet of Akasha

“Prophet of Akasha” is an acquired template that can be added to any creature that is not the Omega. A Prophet of Akasha uses the base creature’s stats and abilities except as noted here.

Type: The creature’s gains the akasha subtype.

HD: A prophet of Akasha has maximum hit points per HD, use d10,000 for every HD and gains a x10,000 hp multiplier.

Speed: A prophet of Akasha gains Superluminar x24 [134,906,606,088 ft. or 26,981,321,217 squares] and Starflight (1d3 minutes).

Aura: A prophet of Akasha gains divine aura with a range equal to the universe (or 50 billion light-years while outside a universe).

Senses: A prophet of Akasha gains cosmic consciousness with a range equal to the universe (or 50 billion light-years while outside a universe).

Armor Class: A prophet of Akasha gains a natural armor bonus equal to his HD, a deflection bonus equal to its Charisma modifier to armor class and other bonus (see Boon of the Universe).

Defensive Abilities: A prophet of Akasha is immune to Terrestial/Stellar/Dimensional/Universal Hazards, to the effect of the Pleroma space, and gains Resistant to Multiversal Hazards. He also gains PR/SR 10 + HD + Divine Bonus and the following defensive abilities.

Herald of Aravoth (Ex)
A prophet of Akasha is immune to anything (damage, spells, effects, conditions, etc., ANYTHING) that is not originated by Aravoth or by a creature with the akasha subtype. Abilities that normally allow to ignore/overcome immunities (like Embodiment of or Perfect Embodiment of abilities of the Portfolio) do not allow a creature to overcome Herald of Aravoth. Even if the Omega ignore this ability, it cannot be abrogated by him.

Eternal (Ex)
As a herald of the Supreme Being, the prophet is immune to Abrogate, Nullification, Divine Nullification, Cosmic Nullification, Transcendental Nullification, Omnific Nullification, Dominance, Greater Dominance, and Superior Dominance and he and his object cannot be selected with Learned [X] Immunity. Evil Eye cannot control the result of the roll of the prophet, but can stop him from take the best result. Even if the Omega ignore this, this ability cannot be abrogated by him.

Inexhaustible (Ex)
As a herald of the Supreme Being, the prophet is considered to have the Omnific Toughness and Indissoluble Omnific Abilities.

Omnilock (Ex)
As a herald of the Supreme Being, the prophet cannot loose Divine Ranks or Quintessence, nor can he be Erased from existence, nor have any HD destroyed or drained, nor does any effect that deletes a percentage of his HP effect him. Things written on the sheet of the prophet cannot be copied or stolen (like from the Cozen, Cosmic Superimposition or Mime Ability). This ability cannot be abrogated, even by the Omega.

Transmortality (Ex)
As a herald of the Supreme Being, the prophet is truly immortal and cannot be permanently destroyed, even by beings of a higher divine status (except by the Omega). Even if the Omega ignore this, this ability cannot be abrogated by him.

Voice of Akasha (Ex)
All beings view the prophet of Akasha as the ‘Messiah’ as per the ability. He can also teleport (as for a plane-shift spell) to Aravoth as a move action or alternately from Aravoth to another Multiverse.


Omega Vulnerability (Ex)

As a herald of the Supreme Being, the prophet is vulnerable to the Omega. The Omega automatically ignore Eternal, Herald of Aravoth, Voice of Akasha, and PR/SR of the prophet. The Omega is immune to the Akashic Annihilation, Chain Aeon, Evil Eye, and Words of Chaos of the prophet unless it want to suffer them. But, even if the Omega can damage and affect a prophet, he can still only be affected by artifacts (epic magic items) and epic spells.

Special Attacks: A prophet of Akasha has all of the base creature’s special attacks. It also has the following special attacks.

Alter Creation (Su)
A prophet of Akasha can alter any aspect of existence as he sees fit with but a thought, these effects are permanent and considered fundamental to creation, nothing within existence can resist the alteration of reality as decided upon by the prophet. This replaces and stacks with the parameters of Alter Reality.

Chain Aeon (Su)
A prophet of Akasha can punish an Eternal for breaking the Laws of Reality. As a full-round action, the prophet can separate the connection between Time and Space of a Time Lord (or High Lord) within his divine aura without save, creating a Nova Elemental (d1,000’s Quintessence Elemental) and a Sundered Time Lord, ending that Universe until the Sundered can either complete some penance or is annihilated or left to it’s fate.

Evil Eye (Su)
A prophet of Akasha can manipulate the destiny of any beings within his divine aura. For instance he could choose to always gain the best dice rolls for him and his allies and bestow the worst on his enemies. Any being with the Inner Eye cosmic ability cannot have their destiny tampered with in this manner, however, they themselves would no longer always gain the best dice rolls (as per the benefits of the Inner Eye ability).

Lesser Expression of Infinite Power (Su)
As a standard action, a prophet of Akasha can select a creature or object within his Divine Aura. The target suffer ∞ damage which ignore and destroys any barrier (as for Metempirc Effect), and annihilates all HD and all Divine Ranks (as Akashic Effect) of an effected creature. This attack is not subject to Sophism, Nebulous or other such abilities. A successful Fortitude save DC 10 + ½ the prophet HD + his Charisma modifier + any bonus reduce the ∞ damato to a number of d10,000 equal to the prophet of Akasha HD and negate the annihilation of HD and Divine Ranks.

Akashic Annihilation (Ex)
As a standard action, a prophet of Akasha taps into 11th dimensional energy and annihilates a single entity (mind body and soul), place or object with a save to save each aspect of the self (Fort for Body, Will for Mind; because a soul is more resistant, the creature can make two Will save for the Soul, and it’s only destroyed if both are failed). The save DC is 10 + ½ the prophet HD + his Charisma modifier + any bonus.

Words of Chaos (Ex)
A prophet of Akasha can read the mythic words of the Akashic Library, and able to generate many affects that can bend or break the Laws of Reality, regardless of complexity or simplicity no matter how small or how large. This ability can be used in any way the DM sees fit except to undermine the Supreme Being or Aravoth as his power comes from him. A prophet of Akasha can only tap into and hold within his mind 3 Words from the Akashic Library. All Chaos Words used are absolute and require no save and all are considered free actions.

Special Qualities
A prophet of Akasha has all of the base creature’s special qualities. It also has the special qualities listed below.

Boon of Akasha (Ex)
Automatically all 'Soul, Mind, Body, Spirit' abilities (Agile (Dex, circumstance), Amaranthine (Cos, circumstance), Beautiful (Cha, circumstance), Chaotic (Cha, anarchic), Cunning (Int, circumstance), Heavenly (Cha, luck), Intellectual (Int, competence), Lawful (Wis, axiomatic), Profane (Wis, profane), Sacred (Wis, sacred), Strong (Str, insight), Unknowing (Wis, insight)), and also has his respective ability modifier added as an additional layer of deflection bonus to armor class. All 'Soul, Mind, Body, Spirit' abilities bonus stack even if normally not (like Unknowing and Strong, both give an insight bonus). Their characteristics bonus also apply to checks, caster level, SR and initiative. This ability cannot be directly abrogated, every part must be abrogate separately by the Omega.

Consult the Archive (Su)
A prophet of Akasha can consult the archive of Akasha as a full-round action when he needs information. It always give the truth, also giving the various other possibilities that happened in other timelines. The Supreme Being can chose to block this capacity or alter the information (the prophet does not notice if the information has been altered).

Consult the Master (Ex)
A prophet of Akasha always has a telepathic link with the Supreme Being, regardless of where he is.

Divine Slots
A prophet of Akasha gains a number of divine ability slots equal to his Divine Rank (see divine traits). He can select Metempiric and below abilities and automatically ignore any prerequisites when selecting them. Once per day, a prophet of Akasha can change the selected abilities as a full-round action.

Divine Traits
As a herald of the Supreme Being, the prophet gains a +2,000 divine bonus to: armor class; attack rolls; checks (ability checks, caster level checks, skill checks, etc.); difficulty class (for any special abilities, spell-like abilities, spells); initiative; saving throws and spell resistance. The prophet’s natural attacks or any weapons he wields, are treated as epic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. Caster level for Alter Creation, spell-like abilities, and spellcasting (including integrated levels) is always equal to the prophet total HD + Divine Rank (plus the bonus of Boon of Akasha), unless the normal caster level is higher. A prophet of Akasha does not age, requires no air to breathe, no food or drink to sustain itself, nor sleep. As the Supreme Being does not have a numerable Quintessence, it can change the value of the divine bonus of its prophet at-will, but usually 2,000 is a sufficient number to keep him safe.

Integrated Class Features (Var.)
A prophet of Akasha with racial HD gains class features of any class equal to ½ his racial HD (rounded down, minimum 0). A prophet of Akasha with both racial HD and class levels does not count his class levels for the purposes of determining these integrated class features, only his racial HD.

Maven (Ex)
A prophet of Akasha has maximum rank in all skills he know.

Might of Akasha (Ex)
Any action done by a prophet of Akasha is permanent and cannot be undone by any will other than the Omega or a creature with the akasha subtype. Any damage dealt by the prophet is absolute and can never be recovered unless the prophet of Akasha (or other such beings) decides to undo the damage.

Mythic (Ex)
A prophet of Akasha has Mythic Power (x/day, Surge +y) and counts as a xth-rank Mythic creature. A prophet of Akasha can use any of his Alter Reality effects as the Mythic versions of those spells (if a Mythic version of that spell exists), expending Mythic Power as normal. He can also expend Mythic Power to use the augmented versions of these spells. X is equal to the divine rank of the prophet and y is the corresponding surge.

Omnicompetent (Ex)
A prophet of Akasha know all skills.

Omnific Might (Ex)
A prophet of Akasha deals d1,000's for base damage dice of all melee, natural weapon, and unarmed attacks with virtual size categories, and his damage dice cannot go below this dice but this cannot increase to more dice than the prophet HD.

Portfolios (Var.)
Each prophet gains 2 portfolios or one double protfolio, however, he can change these as a free action.

Transtemporal (Su)
A prophet of Akasha can travel freely in time. Any being with the Slipstream cosmic ability cannot be undermined by time travel. However, a transtemporal being still gains triple actions against such opponents simultaneously acting from the immediate past, present and future.


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Well, one of the most iconic DnD monster of the last years converted in PF1 originated from this post

False Hydra (Mature) CR 21

Night comes, a mother sings to her baby and waits for her family at their house in outskirts of town.

The son comes back with food and his sister.

The father comes back with freshly cut wood.

A mother sings to her baby. The father comes back with freshly cut wood, their son brings the food

A mother sings to her baby, the father comes back with some food

A mother sings to her baby, realizing she forgot to get wood and food from the market

A woman sings to a doll on her arms, sitting a bed too small for her, in a house too big for only one person...


An abandoned cabin in the outskirts of town, many say it's haunted and swear they hear someone singing from the woods, no one's ever been brave enough to go investigate, no one that they can remember.
shamefulaccount4892 comment
(Lullaby of the False Hydra)

CE Colossal aberration

Init +7; Senses blindsight 120 ft., darkvision 120 ft., low-light vision, scent, thoughtsense 60 ft., true seeing; Perception +40

Aura frightful presence (DC 28, 60 ft.)


AC 37, touch 10, flat-footed 34 (+5 deflection, +3 Dex, +27 natural, –8 size)

hp 403 (26d8+286) fast healing 10

Fort +21, Ref +11, Will +23; +8 against mind-affecting

Defensive Abilities all-around vision, awake, independent minds, intercept attack, mind blank, multiple minds, regenerate head; DR 10/epic and good; Immune ability damage and drain, charm, deafness, death effects, disease, energy drain, poison, sleep, death from massive damage; Resist sonic 30; SR 32


Speed 1 ft., burrow 1 ft. (see almost immobile)

Melee 7 bite +31 (4d6+20 plus grab)

Space 30 ft.; Reach 20 ft. (see extended neck)

Special Attacks breath weapon (50-ft. cone, DC 34, 12d10 sonic plus stun, 1d4 rounds), constrict (2d8+10), dismemberment, dominatingsong, fast swallow, mindsong, nevermore, strangle, swallow whole (6d8 acid, AC 23, hp 40)

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 21th; concentration +26)

Constantmind blank, thoughtsense, true seeing

At-willenthrall (DC 17), forgetful slumber (DC 19), frozen note (DC 20), hold person (DC 18), malicious spite (DC 19), mass charm person (DC 20), mass suggestion (DC 21), nixie’s lure (DC 19), sleepwalking suggestion (DC 20), song of discord (DC 20), triggered suggestion (DC 19)

3/daycrime wave (DC 22), curse of disgust (DC 20), dominate person (DC 20), feeblemind (DC 20), greater dispel magic, hold monster (DC 20), mass charm monster (DC 23), mass hold person (DC 22), pessimism (DC 20), pox of rumor (DC 22), unconscious agenda (DC 21), utter contempt (DC 21)

1/dayantipathy (DC 23), dominate monster (DC 24), insanity (DC 22), life of crime (DC 23), mass hold monster (DC 24), phobia (DC 21), sympathy (DC 23), psychic crush V (DC 24), symbol of sleep (DC 20), wish (only to duplicate wizard spells)


Str 50, Dex 16, Con 29, Int 23, Wis 25, Cha 20

Base Atk +19; CMB +47 (+51 grapple); CMD 65 (cannot be tripped)

Feats Ability Focus (mindsong), Alertness, Cornugon Smash, Greater Fortitude, Greater Vital Strike, Improved Initiative, Improved Vital Strike, Intimidating Prowess, Nightstalker, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Perform[sing]), Stealthy, Vital Strike

Skills Bluff +34, Diplomacy +34, Escape Artist +5, Intimidate +54, Knowledge (arcana) +35, Perception +40, Perform (sing) +45, Sense Motive +40, Stealth +20 (+38 in dim light or lower condition of light), Survival +36, Spellcraft +35; Racial Modifiers +8 Perform (sing)

Languages Any language known by a creature it has devoured

SQ all-seeing attacks, extend neck, hydra-like heads, massive, mild assault, sound mimicry


All-Seeing Attacks (Ex)
A False Hydra can make 7 additional attacks of opportunity in a round, one for each head, although no more than a single attack for any given opportunity. Every head severed reduce the number of extra attacks of opportunity.

Almost Immobile (Ex)
A False Hydra has only 1 ft. of movement for land and burrow speed, reduced mechanically to 0 ft. in combat. Despite this, the monster is not immobilized or paralyzed and suffer no one of the penalty of a creature with 0 speed. A False Hydra cannot use 5-ft. step, charge, run, or withdraw actions, nor abilities that require movement (like the Spring Attack feat).

Awake (Ex)
When a False Hydra sleep, at least one of its head is always awake.

Breath Weapon (Su)
A False Hydra can start its breath weapon from the position of one of his heads, not only from its space. Also, if a creature fail his saving throw against the breath weapon of the False Hydra, he is also stunned for 1 round.

Dismemberment (Ex)
A False Hydra, when chooses to conduct a grapple with just its head, never takes the –20 to the combat maneuver. If two or more heads grab the same creature, they each tug and pull on the creature’s body, ripping it asunder as they fight over its meat. Each time one of its heads successfully grabs a creature that is already grabbed by another head, the two heads make opposed Strength checks. The winner continues to grapple the target, while the loser ceases grappling the grabbed creature, and either way, the target suffers damage equal to two times the False Hydra’s Strength modifier (40 for a standard False Hydra). If either head rolls a natural 20 on its Strength check, the target suffers damage equal to three times the False Hydra’s Strength modifier, instead (60 for a standard False Hydra).

Dominatingsong (Su)
When a False Hydra reach its ultimate stage, can start sings a melody as a standard action which is heard by anyone within 5 miles of the head that sings. A False Hydra that obtain dominatingsong lose its mindsong, mild assault, and nevermore qualities as no longer intends to hide (their are present in the sheet for simplicity for DM’s that want a False Hydra that it's still using its powers to hide), lost memories are not restored. Only one head needs to sing and having additional heads join the song provide no benefits (except possibly extend the range). Creatures hearing the song fall automatically under the monster control as for a dominate monster spell as long they can hear the monster singing. Creatures with a number of HD equal or higher then the HD of the False Hydra –11 (15 for a standard False Hydra) are immune to the dominatingsong attack of the monster. The False Hydra can continue to sing the song for as long as it wants without using actions, but must stop singing if it makes a bite attack with all its heads, is muted, or is incapable to take actions that round (like it’s dazed or stunned). The False Hydra dominatingsong is supernaturally powerful, and penetrate the effect of any spell of 6th level or lower that creates silence. Unlike a normal dominate monster, any subject forced to take actions against its nature do not receive a saving throw for break free. This effect does not work on people who are deaf. A False Hydra is immune to the dominatingsong of another False Hydra. This is a compulsion, mind-affecting, sonic effect.

Extended Neck (Ex)
The False Hydra's heads have a sickeningly long neck. Each head can extend up to 3,000 feet from it's body. A head can recoil into it's body or shoot out up to the full range as a move action. The heads movement can provoke an attack of opportunity and all parts of the head and neck can be targeted if extended. A head extended from the body has a reach of 10 ft. while the neck has a space of 10 ft. x the actual distance from the body. When a head is extended, the senses of the monster also extend from it and can be used as a point of origin from its spell-like abilities. For the purpose of moving from its underground chamber, the heads have a burrow speed of 30 ft. The False Hydra can burrow with all its head as a move action, slowing extending them. Unlike normal, the heads burrow speed allow them to burrow through rock.

Hydra-like Heads (Ex)
A False Hydra has seven heads, which can be sundered. Any attack against a False Hydra that is not an attempt to sever a head affects the body, including area attacks or attacks that cause piercing or bludgeoning damage. To sever a head, an opponent must make a sunder attempt with a slashing weapon targeting a head. A head is considered a separate weapon with hardness 8 and 26 hit points. Severing a head deals 26 damage to the False Hydra. It can’t use a bite attack with a severed head, but takes no other penalties. If the False Hydra remain with only one head, the monster lose all-around vision, independent minds and multiple minds. The False Hydra’s last head cannot be severed in this fashion, although it may be severed by other means (such as by using a vorpal weapon).

Independent Minds (Ex)
Each of a False Hydra’s heads counts as a separate creature for the purposes of mind-affecting spells and effects. If False Hydra fails a Will save against a mind-affecting spell or effect, only one of its heads, chosen by the False Hydra, is affected. For an effect that imposes penalties, this effect applies to attacks and other abilities from the chosen head as appropriate to the effect. If the head is paralyzed (as per hold monster), it cannot make attacks, sing the mindsong, or use its breath weapon with that head. If the head comes under another creature’s control (as per dominate monster, for example), the head will act according to the controller’s wishes (for ordering of using the breath weapon, the character need to control the body, see below). If the head becomes confused, the False Hydra affected head is subject to the confusion effect at the beginning of its turn; a result of “attack nearest creature” causes the head to attack another of the False Hydra heads. Mind-affecting effects that apply to more than half of the False Hydra heads also affect its body (for example, a caster that successfully used dominate monster on more than half of the False Hydra heads, the body would obey her commands as well, though any remaining unaffected heads would still act normally).

Intercept Attacks (Ex)
For each head that has not made an attack, a False Hydra can attempt a melee attack to prevent a hit by a melee or ranged attack. If the attack result exceeds the result from the attack against it, the False Hydra is unaffected by the attack (as if the attack had missed).

Massive (Ex)
Because a False Hydra is so massive, uneven ground and other terrain features that form difficult terrain generally pose no significant hindrance to its movement, though areas of dense forest or settlements are considered difficult terrain to the monster (GM’s discretion). A Huge or smaller creature can move through any square occupied by a False Hydra, or vice-versa. A False Hydra gains a bonus for being on higher ground only if its entire space is on higher ground than that of its target. A False Hydra can only be flanked by foes who are at least no more than two sizes smaller than him. It’s possible for a Huge or smaller creature to climb the False Hydra—this generally requires a successful DC equal to its CMD, and a Small or larger creature that climbs on the monster body provokes an attack of opportunity from him.

Mild Assault (Su)
Creatures with a number of HD less then the HD of the False Hydra –11 (15 for a standard False Hydra) that attempts a save against any of a monster’s abilities while under its mindsong is unaware that he has done so unless obvious visual evidence is present. Creatures with a number of HD less then the HD of the False Hydra –11 (15 for a standard False Hydra) that are attacked by the monster while under its mindsong break free from the effect as long the battle last (any lost memory is not restored), but as soon as they can no longer perceive the monster (with the exception of the omnipresent mindsong) they become vulnerable again to the effect of mindsong, forgetting about the monster and battle. They notice any injuries caused by the False Hydra, but their mind justifies them in the most desperate ways, from a falling chimney to a thug that stab them and then ran away.

Mindsong (Su)
The False Hydra can start sings a harrowing melody as a standard action which is heard by anyone within 5 miles of the head that sings. Only one head needs to sing and having additional heads join the song provide no benefits (except possibly extend the range). Creatures hearing the song gain gaps in their memory that they have no recollection of. Any creature that can hear this song is incapable of noticing the song while he hears it. If a person enters a room with a false hydra, the song may cause the person to forget the hydra was there. This is commonly used to cause people who are close to victims of the hydra to forget that person existed. The False Hydra can continue to sing the song for as long as it wants without using actions, but must stop singing if it makes a bite attack with all its heads, is muted, or is incapable to take actions that round (like it’s dazed or stunned). The False Hydra mindsong is supernaturally powerful, and penetrate the effect of any spell of 6th level or lower that creates silence.

This song does not alter reality, only perception. A woman who lost her husband may find it confusing to find men's clothes in her house as she recalls no husband. A shopkeep will forget why there are two names above the store's door. Farmhands will wonder why someone hasn't harvested their section of field. People will notice that no one has lit the street lanterns these last few nights. Churches will find themselves without a pastor. By and large, these gaps close themselves up. The wife will forget about the clothes as soon as she stops looking at them. Or she will conveniently remember how her brother left them there the last time he visited. Or she will, on some level, recognize the wrongness implicit in the clothes, and throw them away one moonless night.

This effect does not work on people who are deaf, immune to mind-affecting, or are focused on the item the gap is intended to replace. For example, the women above may witness the hydra eating her husband, and recall all of it during the event, but forget the second she looks away. A creature immune to mind-affecting who is not deaf hears the song normally. A creature that acquire immunity to mind-affecting (like from a spell) remembers everything that happened while under the effect of the song, all inconsistencies, and hear the song.

As people are victims to the mindsong, they risk gaining multiple personality disorder. If a victim gains multiple personality disorder, the left half of the mind separates from the right. The victim does not notice this, however the left half cannot hear, thus is immune to the mindsong (but it can see). It may try to notify the victim of the hydra, but it only controls half the body. It does not control speech. This may appear as the left hand inserting text into a note the victim is writing, or scratch letters into their chest as they sleep. Since the right brain is still impacted by the mindsong, they may never notice the letter, however the scars on their chest are harder to blank out of their mind.

Creatures with at least a number of HD equal to the HD of the False Hydra –11 (15 for a standard False Hydra) can make a Will save DC 30 for resist the effect of the song when exposed to it. Once a creature succeed the save, he cannot suffer the effect of the mindsong of the same False Hydra for 24 hours, remembers everything that happened while under the effect of the song, all inconsistencies, and hear the song. If the save is failed, even if the creature exist the area of the song and re-enter it, he automatically fail the save against for 24 hours (but can still break free, see below). After 24 hours, if re-exposed to the song, if he fail the save, he forgot all again, until he succeed again the save.

Creatures with at least a number of HD equal to the HD of the False Hydra –11 (15 for a standard False Hydra) that suffer a direct non-harmless effect or an attack of the False Hydra automatically break free of the song as if they have succeeded a save.

Creatures with bardic performance can use Countersong to counter mindsong as if it’s a magic attack, but only creatures with at least a number of HD equal to the HD of the False Hydra –11 (15 for a standard False Hydra) can benefit from this ability.

A False Hydra is immune to its own mindsong or the mindsong of another False Hydra.

If the False Hydra dies, the lost memories are not restored.

This is a mind-affecting, sonic effect and the save DC is Charisma-based.

Multiple Minds (Ex)
A False Hydra has seven different minds that are in constant communication with each other. The resulting jumble of tangled thoughts, whenever a False Hydra must make a Will save, it can roll the saving throw twice and take the better of the two results as its actual saving throw.

Nevermore (Su)
When the False Hydra slay a creature, all other characters that know the victim are automatically subject to the monster mindsong ability, even if the False Hydra is not singing or outside the usual 5 miles.

A victim slay by the False Hydra is difficult to find or contact, as the monster's essence combined with his: all divination effects used for gather information on him fail as if he’s under a constant mind blank effect and all effects used for contact the soul (like call spirit, speak with dead, or speak with soul) automatically fail. If the victim is returned to life, all this effects are automatically terminated.

Creatures with at least a number of HD equal to the HD of the False Hydra –11 (15 for a standard False Hydra) get a save for negate (and creatures that already have succeeded in the last 24 hours against the monster mindsong are still immune), and a creature that succeed the save (or is in that moment immune because has succeeded a save) know that someone (or something) has tried to tamper in their memory of the victim (but they do not automatically know what cause it). A deaf creature is immune to this effect, as well a character immune to mind-affecting effects but they don't notice anything and don't receive an "alarm" as if they had succeeded on a saving throw.

Regenerate Head (Ex)
If one of the False Hydra’s heads is destroyed, it regrows in 1d4 rounds. To prevent new heads from growing, at least 30 points of fire damage must be dealt to the stump before it reappears. Area attacks can affect stumps and the body simultaneously.

Swallow Whole (Ex)
A False Hydra can swallow multiple creatures, up to the maximum that fit in its space. Also, if a creature that is swallowed whole by the False Hydra manages to escape by cutting itself free, the monster’s muscles simply seals over the hole created so that other swallowed creatures must cut their own way out.


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Well, one of the most iconic DnD monster of the last years converted in PF1

False Hydra (Mature) CR 21

Night comes, a mother sings to her baby and waits for her family at their house in outskirts of town.

The son comes back with food and his sister.

The father comes back with freshly cut wood.

A mother sings to her baby. The father comes back with freshly cut wood, their son brings the food

A mother sings to her baby, the father comes back with some food

A mother sings to her baby, realizing she forgot to get wood and food from the market

A woman sings to a doll on her arms, sitting a bed too small for her, in a house too big for only one person...


An abandoned cabin in the outskirts of town, many say it's haunted and swear they hear someone singing from the woods, no one's ever been brave enough to go investigate, no one that they can remember.
shamefulaccount4892 comment
(Lullaby of the False Hydra)

CE Colossal aberration

Init +7; Senses blindsight 120 ft., darkvision 120 ft., low-light vision, scent, thoughtsense 60 ft., true seeing; Perception +40

Aura frightful presence (DC 28, 60 ft.)


AC 37, touch 10, flat-footed 34 (+5 deflection, +3 Dex, +27 natural, –8 size)

hp 403 (26d8+286) fast healing 10

Fort +21, Ref +11, Will +23; +8 against mind-affecting

Defensive Abilities all-around vision, awake, independent minds, intercept attack, mind blank, multiple minds, regenerate head; DR 10/epic and good; Immune ability damage and drain, charm, deafness, death effects, disease, energy drain, poison, sleep, death from massive damage; Resist sonic 30; SR 32


Speed 1 ft., burrow 1 ft. (see almost immobile)

Melee 7 bite +31 (4d6+20 plus grab)

Space 30 ft.; Reach 20 ft. (see extended neck)

Special Attacks breath weapon (50-ft. cone, DC 34, 12d10 sonic plus stun, 1d4 rounds), constrict (2d8+10), dismemberment, dominatingsong, fast swallow, mindsong, nevermore, strangle, swallow whole (6d8 acid, AC 23, hp 40)

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 21th; concentration +26)

Constantmind blank, thoughtsense, true seeing

At-willenthrall (DC 17), forgetful slumber (DC 19), frozen note (DC 20), hold person (DC 18), malicious spite (DC 19), mass charm person (DC 20), mass suggestion (DC 21), nixie’s lure (DC 19), sleepwalking suggestion (DC 20), song of discord (DC 20), triggered suggestion (DC 19)

3/daycrime wave (DC 22), curse of disgust (DC 20), dominate person (DC 20), feeblemind (DC 20), greater dispel magic, hold monster (DC 20), mass charm monster (DC 23), mass hold person (DC 22), pessimism (DC 20), pox of rumor (DC 22), unconscious agenda (DC 21), utter contempt (DC 21)

1/dayantipathy (DC 23), dominate monster (DC 24), insanity (DC 22), life of crime (DC 23), mass hold monster (DC 24), phobia (DC 21), sympathy (DC 23), psychic crush V (DC 24), symbol of sleep (DC 20), wish (only to duplicate wizard spells)


Str 50, Dex 16, Con 29, Int 23, Wis 25, Cha 20

Base Atk +19; CMB +47 (+51 grapple); CMD 65 (cannot be tripped)

Feats Ability Focus (mindsong), Alertness, Cornugon Smash, Greater Fortitude, Greater Vital Strike, Improved Initiative, Improved Vital Strike, Intimidating Prowess, Nightstalker, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Perform[sing]), Stealthy, Vital Strike

Skills Bluff +34, Diplomacy +34, Escape Artist +5, Intimidate +54, Knowledge (arcana) +35, Perception +40, Perform (sing) +45, Sense Motive +40, Stealth +20 (+38 in dim light or lower condition of light), Survival +36, Spellcraft +35; Racial Modifiers +8 Perform (sing)

Languages Any language known by a creature it has devoured

SQ all-seeing attacks, extend neck, hydra-like heads, massive, mild assault, sound mimicry


All-Seeing Attacks (Ex)
A False Hydra can make 7 additional attacks of opportunity in a round, one for each head, although no more than a single attack for any given opportunity. Every head severed reduce the number of extra attacks of opportunity.

Almost Immobile (Ex)
A False Hydra has only 1 ft. of movement for land and burrow speed, reduced mechanically to 0 ft. in combat. Despite this, the monster is not immobilized or paralyzed and suffer no one of the penalty of a creature with 0 speed. A False Hydra cannot use 5-ft. step, charge, run, or withdraw actions, nor abilities that require movement (like the Spring Attack feat).

Awake (Ex)
When a False Hydra sleep, at least one of its head is always awake.

Breath Weapon (Su)
A False Hydra can start its breath weapon from the position of one of his heads, not only from its space. Also, if a creature fail his saving throw against the breath weapon of the False Hydra, he is also stunned for 1 round.

Dismemberment (Ex)
A False Hydra, when chooses to conduct a grapple with just its head, never takes the –20 to the combat maneuver. If two or more heads grab the same creature, they each tug and pull on the creature’s body, ripping it asunder as they fight over its meat. Each time one of its heads successfully grabs a creature that is already grabbed by another head, the two heads make opposed Strength checks. The winner continues to grapple the target, while the loser ceases grappling the grabbed creature, and either way, the target suffers damage equal to two times the False Hydra’s Strength modifier (40 for a standard False Hydra). If either head rolls a natural 20 on its Strength check, the target suffers damage equal to three times the False Hydra’s Strength modifier, instead (60 for a standard False Hydra).

Dominatingsong (Su)
When a False Hydra reach its ultimate stage, can start sings a melody as a standard action which is heard by anyone within 5 miles of the head that sings. A False Hydra that obtain dominatingsong lose its mindsong, mild assault, and nevermore qualities as no longer intends to hide (their are present in the sheet for simplicity for DM’s that want a False Hydra that it's still using its powers to hide), lost memories are not restored. Only one head needs to sing and having additional heads join the song provide no benefits (except possibly extend the range). Creatures hearing the song fall automatically under the monster control as for a dominate monster spell as long they can hear the monster singing. Creatures with a number of HD equal or higher then the HD of the False Hydra –11 (15 for a standard False Hydra) are immune to the dominatingsong attack of the monster. The False Hydra can continue to sing the song for as long as it wants without using actions, but must stop singing if it makes a bite attack with all its heads, is muted, or is incapable to take actions that round (like it’s dazed or stunned). The False Hydra dominatingsong is supernaturally powerful, and penetrate the effect of any spell of 6th level or lower that creates silence. Unlike a normal dominate monster, any subject forced to take actions against its nature do not receive a saving throw for break free. This effect does not work on people who are deaf. A False Hydra is immune to the dominatingsong of another False Hydra. This is a compulsion, mind-affecting, sonic effect.

Extended Neck (Ex)
The False Hydra's heads have a sickeningly long neck. Each head can extend up to 3,000 feet from it's body. A head can recoil into it's body or shoot out up to the full range as a move action. The heads movement can provoke an attack of opportunity and all parts of the head and neck can be targeted if extended. A head extended from the body has a reach of 10 ft. while the neck has a space of 10 ft. x the actual distance from the body. When a head is extended, the senses of the monster also extend from it and can be used as a point of origin from its spell-like abilities. For the purpose of moving from its underground chamber, the heads have a burrow speed of 30 ft. The False Hydra can burrow with all its head as a move action, slowing extending them. Unlike normal, the heads burrow speed allow them to burrow through rock.

Hydra-like Heads (Ex)
A False Hydra has seven heads, which can be sundered. Any attack against a False Hydra that is not an attempt to sever a head affects the body, including area attacks or attacks that cause piercing or bludgeoning damage. To sever a head, an opponent must make a sunder attempt with a slashing weapon targeting a head. A head is considered a separate weapon with hardness 8 and 26 hit points. Severing a head deals 26 damage to the False Hydra. It can’t use a bite attack with a severed head, but takes no other penalties. If the False Hydra remain with only one head, the monster lose all-around vision, independent minds and multiple minds. The False Hydra’s last head cannot be severed in this fashion, although it may be severed by other means (such as by using a vorpal weapon).

Independent Minds (Ex)
Each of a False Hydra’s heads counts as a separate creature for the purposes of mind-affecting spells and effects. If False Hydra fails a Will save against a mind-affecting spell or effect, only one of its heads, chosen by the False Hydra, is affected. For an effect that imposes penalties, this effect applies to attacks and other abilities from the chosen head as appropriate to the effect. If the head is paralyzed (as per hold monster), it cannot make attacks, sing the mindsong, or use its breath weapon with that head. If the head comes under another creature’s control (as per dominate monster, for example), the head will act according to the controller’s wishes (for ordering of using the breath weapon, the character need to control the body, see below). If the head becomes confused, the False Hydra affected head is subject to the confusion effect at the beginning of its turn; a result of “attack nearest creature” causes the head to attack another of the False Hydra heads. Mind-affecting effects that apply to more than half of the False Hydra heads also affect its body (for example, a caster that successfully used dominate monster on more than half of the False Hydra heads, the body would obey her commands as well, though any remaining unaffected heads would still act normally).

Intercept Attacks (Ex)
For each head that has not made an attack, a False Hydra can attempt a melee attack to prevent a hit by a melee or ranged attack. If the attack result exceeds the result from the attack against it, the False Hydra is unaffected by the attack (as if the attack had missed).

Massive (Ex)
Because a False Hydra is so massive, uneven ground and other terrain features that form difficult terrain generally pose no significant hindrance to its movement, though areas of dense forest or settlements are considered difficult terrain to the monster (GM’s discretion). A Huge or smaller creature can move through any square occupied by a False Hydra, or vice-versa. A False Hydra gains a bonus for being on higher ground only if its entire space is on higher ground than that of its target. It’s possible for a Huge or smaller creature to climb the False Hydra—this generally requires a successful DC equal to its CMD, and a Small or larger creature that climbs on the monster body provokes an attack of opportunity from him.

Mild Assault (Su)
Creatures with a number of HD less then the HD of the False Hydra –11 (15 for a standard False Hydra) that attempts a save against any of a monster’s abilities while under its mindsong is unaware that he has done so unless obvious visual evidence is present. Creatures with a number of HD less then the HD of the False Hydra –11 (15 for a standard False Hydra) that are attacked by the monster while under its mindsong break free from the effect as long the battle last (any lost memory is not restored), but as soon as they can no longer perceive the monster (with the exception of the omnipresent mindsong) they become vulnerable again to the effect of mindsong, forgetting about the monster and battle. They notice any injuries caused by the False Hydra, but their mind justifies them in the most desperate ways, from a falling chimney to a thug that stab them and then ran away.

Mindsong (Su)
The False Hydra can start sings a harrowing melody as a standard action which is heard by anyone within 5 miles of the head that sings. Only one head needs to sing and having additional heads join the song provide no benefits (except possibly extend the range). Creatures hearing the song gain gaps in their memory that they have no recollection of. Any creature that can hear this song is incapable of noticing the song while he hears it. If a person enters a room with a false hydra, the song may cause the person to forget the hydra was there. This is commonly used to cause people who are close to victims of the hydra to forget that person existed. The False Hydra can continue to sing the song for as long as it wants without using actions, but must stop singing if it makes a bite attack with all its heads, is muted, or is incapable to take actions that round (like it’s dazed or stunned). The False Hydra mindsong is supernaturally powerful, and penetrate the effect of any spell of 6th level or lower that creates silence.

This song does not alter reality, only perception. A woman who lost her husband may find it confusing to find men's clothes in her house as she recalls no husband. A shopkeep will forget why there are two names above the store's door. Farmhands will wonder why someone hasn't harvested their section of field. People will notice that no one has lit the street lanterns these last few nights. Churches will find themselves without a pastor. By and large, these gaps close themselves up. The wife will forget about the clothes as soon as she stops looking at them. Or she will conveniently remember how her brother left them there the last time he visited. Or she will, on some level, recognize the wrongness implicit in the clothes, and throw them away one moonless night.

This effect does not work on people who are deaf, immune to mind-affecting, or are focused on the item the gap is intended to replace. For example, the women above may witness the hydra eating her husband, and recall all of it during the event, but forget the second she looks away. A creature immune to mind-affecting who is not deaf hears the song normally. A creature that acquire immunity to mind-affecting (like from a spell) remembers everything that happened while under the effect of the song, all inconsistencies, and hear the song.

As people are victims to the mindsong, they risk gaining multiple personality disorder. If a victim gains multiple personality disorder, the left half of the mind separates from the right. The victim does not notice this, however the left half cannot hear, thus is immune to the mindsong (but it can see). It may try to notify the victim of the hydra, but it only controls half the body. It does not control speech. This may appear as the left hand inserting text into a note the victim is writing, or scratch letters into their chest as they sleep. Since the right brain is still impacted by the mindsong, they may never notice the letter, however the scars on their chest are harder to blank out of their mind.

Creatures with at least a number of HD equal to the HD of the False Hydra –11 (15 for a standard False Hydra) can make a Will save DC 30 for resist the effect of the song when exposed to it. Once a creature succeed the save, he cannot suffer the effect of the mindsong of the same False Hydra for 24 hours, remembers everything that happened while under the effect of the song, all inconsistencies, and hear the song. If the save is failed, even if the creature exist the area of the song and re-enter it, he automatically fail the save against for 24 hours (but can still break free, see below). After 24 hours, if re-exposed to the song, if he fail the save, he forgot all again, until he succeed again the save.

Creatures with at least a number of HD equal to the HD of the False Hydra –11 (15 for a standard False Hydra) that suffer a direct non-harmless effect or an attack of the False Hydra automatically break free of the song as if they have succeeded a save.

Creatures with bardic performance can use Countersong to counter mindsong as if it’s a magic attack, but only creatures with at least a number of HD equal to the HD of the False Hydra –11 (15 for a standard False Hydra) can benefit from this ability.

A False Hydra is immune to its own mindsong or the mindsong of another False Hydra.

If the False Hydra dies, the lost memories are not restored.

This is a mind-affecting, sonic effect and the save DC is Charisma-based.

Multiple Minds (Ex)
A False Hydra has seven different minds that are in constant communication with each other. The resulting jumble of tangled thoughts, whenever a False Hydra must make a Will save, it can roll the saving throw twice and take the better of the two results as its actual saving throw.

Nevermore (Su)
When the False Hydra slay a creature, all other characters that know the victim are automatically subject to the monster mindsong ability, even if the False Hydra is not singing or outside the usual 5 miles.

A victim slay by the False Hydra is difficult to find or contact, as the monster's essence combined with his: all divination effects used for gather information on him fail as if he’s under a constant mind blank effect and all effects used for contact the soul (like call spirit, speak with dead, or speak with soul) automatically fail. If the victim is returned to life, all this effects are automatically terminated.

Creatures with at least a number of HD equal to the HD of the False Hydra –11 (15 for a standard False Hydra) get a save for negate (and creatures that already have succeeded in the last 24 hours against the monster mindsong are still immune), and a creature that succeed the save (or is in that moment immune because has succeeded a save) know that someone (or something) has tried to tamper in their memory of the victim (but they do not automatically know what cause it). A deaf creature is immune to this effect, as well a character immune to mind-affecting effects but they don't notice anything and don't receive an "alarm" as if they had succeeded on a saving throw.

Regenerate Head (Ex)
If one of the False Hydra’s heads is destroyed, it regrows in 1d4 rounds. To prevent new heads from growing, at least 30 points of fire damage must be dealt to the stump before it reappears. Area attacks can affect stumps and the body simultaneously.

Swallow Whole (Ex)
A False Hydra can swallow multiple creatures, up to the maximum that fit in its space. Also, if a creature that is swallowed whole by the False Hydra manages to escape by cutting itself free, the monster’s muscles simply seals over the hole created so that other swallowed creatures must cut their own way out.
Ah bro, you rock, I'm literally making a storyline with one of these in it already, lol, how serendipitous. Good enemy btw, scary af.

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