From PF Cosmology, some deities



CE Macro-Titanic outsider (anomaly, chaotic, evil, extrauniversal, qlippoth)

Init +498; Senses blindsight, cosmic consciousness (universe), darkvision, low-light vision, see in darkness, true seeing, x-ray vision; Perception +386

Aura chaotic, divine (640.000 ft., DC 369), evil


AC 1.156, touch 296, flat-footed 1.060 (+48 anarchic, +95 deflection, +95 Dex, +48 divine, +860 natural, +48 profane, -48 size)

hp 550.080 (240d1000+35.040) x2; fast healing 5.760; regeneration 2.880 (Expression of Power [Effect], Omnific Might, or Transcendental Might)

Fort +412, Ref +361, Will +363;

Defensive Abilities cosmic string, energy absorption (electricity), energy reflection (sonic); DR 11.520/–; Immune An anomaly is unaffected by any magical or natural effects such as: ability damage, disease, natural elements (cold, drowning, fire, lava, lightning etc.), poison and so forth. They can still be affected by artifacts (epic magic items) and epic spells. Ability damage and drain, acid, cold, energy drain, fire, mind-affecting effects, petrification, poison, polymorphing, or any form-altering attack and death from massive damage; Terrestial/Stellar/Dimensional/Universal hazards, Pleroma space, Dead Magic zones; Resistance Multiversal hazards, acid 10, electricity 10, and fire 10; SR 288, any spell which fails to penetrate Rovagug spell resistance is reflected back upon the caster

Weakness mindless


Speed Superluminar and Starflight

Melee bite +475 (240d100+355 plus grab), 8 claws +475 (240d100+355)

Space 253.440 ft. (48 miles); Reach 155.630 ft. (29,475 miles)

Special Attacks alter reality, apocalypse breath weapon (see below), crush (Macro-Huge creatures, DC 533, 240d100+484), fast swallow, horrific appearance (DC 369, insanity), hurl foe (Macro-Gargantuan), mythic surge 48/day (+40d6), planetary assault, swallow whole (240d100 bludgeoning damage plus 240d100 acid damage, AC 440, 55.008 hp)

Spell-like Abilities (CL 288th, concentration +431)

Constant—mind blank

At will—contagion (DC 252), disintegrate (DC 256), earthquake, harm (DC 255), implosion (DC 258), inflict critical wounds (DC 253), inflict light wounds (DC 250), mass inflict light wounds (DC 254), shatter (DC 251)


Str 528, Dex 200, Con 302, Int –, Wis 200, Cha 200

Base Atk +240; CMB +691; CMD 891 (903 vs. trip)

Feats Greater Vital Strike, Improved Vital Strike, Iron Will, Muscle Reaction, Vital Strike;

Epic Feats Good Will;

Skills All skills 291 + ability modifier

Languages –; telepathy universe

SQ maven, omnicompetenct, portfolio (double destruction), predator of gods, predator of the multiverse, transcendental might, transcendental traits, universal mastery (transmortality), virtual size category +24

Special Abilities

Rovagug is mindless and all of its feats are converted in extra divine ability slots: 120 feats are converted in 20 extra divine slot.

Divine Abilities

• ApocryphaB (Ex): You are difficult to detect or scry.

• Enlarge Aura x4 (Su): You divine aura is doubled.

• Eternal Freedom (Ex): You are immune to spells and effects which impede movement.

• Goetic Blood (Su): Summoned monsters spring from your wounds.

• Multifaced (Ex): You gain six extra feats.

• Self Mastery (Ex): Your body parts can operate independently.

• True SeeingB (Ex): You have True Seeing.

• X-Ray VisionB (Ex): See through solid objects.

Cosmic Abilities

• Inner EyeB (Su): Always best die roll.

• Perfect Gravitic Wrath (Su): The effect causes gravity based damage.

• SlimpstreamB (Su): Unaffected by time effects or temporal travel.

Transcendental Abilities

• Transcendental Aura (Ex): The effect causes d100 divine damage per die.

• TransmortalityB (Ex): Cannot be killed.

Destruction Double Portfolio Traits (First One)

Domain Power: You can smite 1/day without limit of alignement

Healing Resistance: You only gain 25% effect from healing effects and spells

Lemming’s Wisdom: -96 competence penalty to wisdom

Cosmic Imperfection (Healing): Two artifacts in the universe can defeat Rovagug cosmic string ability

• Disintegration Immunity (Ex): You are immune to disintegration based spells and effects

• Moderate Eradication (Ex): 50% chance of scoring critical hit on targets immune to them

• Greater Scion of Destruction (Ex): +96 competence bonus to damage

• Enraged Summoning (Su): Those summoned gain +96 damage bonus

• Perfect Embodiment of Destruction (Su): You totally ignore an opponent’s damage reduction

• Uncanny Force Mastery (x2 HD) (Su): Assault your enemies with force based attacks

• Improved Wounding (Su): For every hit you score, opponents suffer 96 damage every subsequent round until the wound is bandaged

• Anaretic (Su): Your sunder attempts disjoin items

• Heavy Eradication (Ex): You can score critical hits on any target immune to crits.

• Pariah of Healing (Su): Healing spells/effects cease to function in your divine realm

• Legendary Strength (Ex): Your strength is doubled

• Ultimate Weapon Specialization (Ex): You gain one attack for every 5 points of BAB

Uncanny Force Mastery (x2 HD) (Inner Eye and Greater Scion of Destruction already calculated)

Beam (Ray) 480d4 (2.016); 19.600 ft.

Blast 240d4 (1.056); 19.600 ft./1.225 ft. Standard action Ref 259/half

Blood 120d4 (576); Melee automatic ability Ref DC 310/negate

Breath* 480d4 (2.016); 1.225 ft. (cone) 4.900 ft. (line) Standard Ref 310/half

Hand 720d5 (2.976); Melee Touch

Immolation 720d5 (2.976); 640.000 ft. radius Free/Standard Ref 310/half

Storm 120d4 (576); 640.000 ft. radius Standard/Free – Special Ref 259/half

Strike 120d4 (576); Melee (bonus) Free -

Wrath (Gaze) 240d4 (1.056); all creature within 1.225 ft. – Will 259/negate

Gravitic Wrath (Inner Eye already calculated)

Wrath 4d3% (12%); all creature within 625 ft. radius – Will 259/negate

Transcendental Aura (Inner Eye and Greater Scion of Destruction already calculated)

Storm 15d100 (1.596); 640.000 ft. radius Standard/Free – Special Ref 259/half

Alter Reality (Su)
Once per round as a free action Rovagug can duplicate any spell of 9th-level or less. This ability can also duplicate any epic spells of a DC equal to 311 or less. Other use of this ability are GM’s discretion.

Apocalypse Breath Weapon (Su)
Rovagug breath weapon work like a Perfect Atomic Breath Effect (x2 HD). Despite this, it does not count as an effect and cannot be augmented with Quantum, Telluric [Effect] or similar abilities that enhance [Effect].

Breath (With Inner Eye)

• Blast: 960d4 (3.840) Force damage.

• Disintegration: Fortitude save DC 420 or suffer 960d6 (5.760) damage.

• Heat: 480d6 (2.880) fire damage.

• Radiation*: 80 point of Str, Con and Dex damage.

• Wind*: 4.800 ft. knocks back, 1d6 damage x 10 ft. knocks back (x2 if hit an object), a Reflex save DC 420 half the knocks back

; Cone of 100 miles or line of 1000 miles.

This is equivalent of a Transcendental Ability.

Divine Aura (Su)

Rovagug has extreme divine aura (1.600 ft. + 160/HD). Rovagug can choose from the following effects each round as a free action.

  • Death: Those within Rovagug’s aura must make a Fortitude save or die. Rovagug can only slay up to a total of 100 hit points for each of its own hit die per round (although it can choose which targets suffer first).
  • Fear: Those within Rovagug’s aura must make a Will save or be panicked until they exit the divine aura and for 240 rounds thereafter.
  • Insanity: Those within Rovagug’s aura must make a Will save or become permanently insane.
  • Perfect Heroism: Allies within Rovagug’s aura gain a morale bonus on attack rolls, saves and skill checks equal 48.​

Divine Traits (Anomalies) (Ex)
Rovagug gains a +48 divine bonus to: armor class; attack rolls; checks (ability checks, caster level checks, skill checks, etc.); difficulty class (for any special abilities, spell-like abilities, spells); initiative; saving throws and spell resistance. Rovagug’s natural attacks or any weapons it wields, are treated as epic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. An anomaly does not age, requires no air to breathe, no food or drink to sustain itself, nor sleep.

Mythic (Ex)
Rovagug has Mythic Power (48/day, Surge +40d6) and counts as a 48th-rank Mythic creature. Rovagug can use any of its Alter Reality and spell-like abilities effect as the Mythic versions of those spells (if a Mythic version of that spell exists), expending Mythic Power as normal. Rovagug can also expend Mythic Power to use the augmented versions of these spells.

Planetary Assault (Ex)
With a minute of work that provoke attack of opportunity (only once per round), Rovagug can assault a structure of size between Mege-Fine and Giga-Medium (generally a planetoid or a planet), dealing 240d1000 points of damage to that structure. If the damage to the structure exceeds its hit points the structure is destroyed. For structures that are not destroyed with a single use of this ability, the damage caused by multiple uses of it is cumulative.

Predator of Gods (Ex)
Anomalies ignore transmortality unless the immortal have a divine rank equal or higher than the anomaly in question. When an anomaly kill a deity this counts as if it killed him in his native plane (godly realm) to make sure he really died.

Predator of the Multiverse (Ex)
Anomalies are Resistant to Multiversal Hazards (Probability Crack, Logic Paradox, Anti-Maxim).

Starflight (Su)
An anomaly can reach any destination in the Multiverse in 10d20 minutes (10 minutes with Inner Eye).

Swallow Whole (Ex)
If a creature that is swallowed whole by Rovagug manages to escape by cutting itself free, Rovagug’s body simply seals over the hole created so that other swallowed creatures must cut their own way out.

Transcendental Might (Ex)
Rovagug deals d100's for base damage dice of all melee, natural weapon, and unarmed attacks with virtual size categories, and its damage dice cannot go below this dice but this cannot increase to more dice than Rovagug HD.

Transcendental Traits
Anomalies gain two bonuses to: armor class; attack rolls; difficulty class (for any special abilities, spell-like abilities, spells); CMD; initiative and saving throws. The type of bonuses gained are different for each anomaly. Some gain a luck bonus and a sacred bonus; some gain foresight and insight bonuses, while others gain both a profane bonus and a gravitic mastery bonus. The value of this bonus is equal to the divine bonus of the anomaly. An anomaly cannot have both a profane and sacred bonuses or an anarchic and axiomatic bonuses from this ability at the same time unless it is Beyond Alignment. Anarchic and profane.

Small info: Rovagug is highly suboptimized compared to a standard Anomaly. I deliberately made it weaker because the Immortals faced and sealed it in history.
For the bonus of the anomaly: From my setting, First One of Entropy, The Nowhere King


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CE Macro-Titanic outsider (anomaly, chaotic, evil, extrauniversal, qlippoth)

Init +498; Senses blindsight, cosmic consciousness (universe), darkvision, low-light vision, see in darkness, true seeing, x-ray vision; Perception +386

Aura chaotic, divine (640.000 ft., DC 369), evil


AC 1.156, touch 296, flat-footed 1.060 (+48 anarchic, +95 deflection, +95 Dex, +48 divine, +860 natural, +48 profane, -48 size)

hp 550.080 (240d1000+35.040) x2; fast healing 5.760; regeneration 2.880 (Expression of Power [Effect], Omnific Might, or Transcendental Might)

Fort +412, Ref +361, Will +363;

Defensive Abilities cosmic string, energy absorption (electricity), energy reflection (sonic); DR 11.520/–; Immune An anomaly is unaffected by any magical or natural effects such as: ability damage, disease, natural elements (cold, drowning, fire, lava, lightning etc.), poison and so forth. They can still be affected by artifacts (epic magic items) and epic spells. Ability damage and drain, acid, cold, energy drain, fire, mind-affecting effects, petrification, poison, polymorphing, or any form-altering attack and death from massive damage; Terrestial/Stellar/Dimensional/Universal hazards, Pleroma space, Dead Magic zones; Resistance Multiversal hazards, acid 10, electricity 10, and fire 10; SR 288, any spell which fails to penetrate Rovagug spell resistance is reflected back upon the caster

Weakness mindless


Speed Superluminar and Starflight

Melee bite +475 (240d100+355 plus grab), 8 claws +475 (240d100+355)

Space 253.440 ft. (48 miles); Reach 155.630 ft. (29,475 miles)

Special Attacks alter reality, apocalypse breath weapon (see below), crush (Macro-Huge creatures, DC 533, 240d100+484), fast swallow, horrific appearance (DC 369, insanity), hurl foe (Macro-Gargantuan), mythic surge 48/day (+40d6), planetary assault, swallow whole (240d100 bludgeoning damage plus 240d100 acid damage, AC 440, 55.008 hp)

Spell-like Abilities (CL 288th, concentration +431)

Constant—mind blank

At will—contagion (DC 252), disintegrate (DC 256), earthquake, harm (DC 255), implosion (DC 258), inflict critical wounds (DC 253), inflict light wounds (DC 250), mass inflict light wounds (DC 254), shatter (DC 251)


Str 528, Dex 200, Con 302, Int –, Wis 200, Cha 200

Base Atk +240; CMB +691; CMD 891 (903 vs. trip)

Feats Greater Vital Strike, Improved Vital Strike, Iron Will, Muscle Reaction, Vital Strike;

Epic Feats Good Will;

Skills All skills 291 + ability modifier

Languages –; telepathy dimension

SQ maven, omnicompetenct, portfolio (double destruction), predator of gods, predator of the multiverse, transcendental might, universal mastery (transmortality), virtual size category +24

Special Abilities

Rovagug is mindless and all of its feats are converted in extra divine ability slots: 120 feats are converted in 20 extra divine slot.

Divine Abilities

• ApocryphaB (Ex): You are difficult to detect or scry.

• Enlarge Aura x4 (Su): You divine aura is doubled.

• Eternal Freedom (Ex): You are immune to spells and effects which impede movement.

• Goetic Blood (Su): Summoned monsters spring from your wounds.

• Multifaced (Ex): You gain six extra feats.

• Self Mastery (Ex): Your body parts can operate independently.

• True SeeingB (Ex): You have True Seeing.

• X-Ray VisionB (Ex): See through solid objects.

Cosmic Abilities

• Inner EyeB (Su): Always best die roll.

• Perfect Gravitic Wrath (Su): The effect causes gravity based damage.

• SlimpstreamB (Su): Unaffected by time effects or temporal travel.

Transcendental Abilities

• Transcendental Aura (Ex): The effect causes d100 divine damage per die.

• TransmortalityB (Ex): Cannot be killed.

Destruction Double Portfolio Traits (First One)

Domain Power: You can smite 1/day without limit of alignement

Healing Resistance: You only gain 25% effect from healing effects and spells

Lemming’s Wisdom: -96 competence penalty to wisdom

Cosmic Imperfection (Healing): Two artifacts in the universe can defeat Rovagug cosmic string ability

• Disintegration Immunity (Ex): You are immune to disintegration based spells and effects

• Moderate Eradication (Ex): 50% chance of scoring critical hit on targets immune to them

• Greater Scion of Destruction (Ex): +96 competence bonus to damage

• Enraged Summoning (Su): Those summoned gain +96 damage bonus

• Perfect Embodiment of Destruction (Su): You totally ignore an opponent’s damage reduction

• Uncanny Force Mastery (x2 HD) (Su): Assault your enemies with force based attacks

• Improved Wounding (Su): For every hit you score, opponents suffer 96 damage every subsequent round until the wound is bandaged

• Anaretic (Su): Your sunder attempts disjoin items

• Heavy Eradication (Ex): You can score critical hits on any target immune to crits.

• Pariah of Healing (Su): Healing spells/effects cease to function in your divine realm

• Legendary Strength (Ex): Your strength is doubled

• Ultimate Weapon Specialization (Ex): You gain one attack for every 5 points of BAB

Uncanny Force Mastery (x2 HD) (Inner Eye and Greater Scion of Destruction already calculated)

Beam (Ray) 480d4 (2.016); 19.600 ft.

Blast 240d4 (1.056); 19.600 ft./1.225 ft. Standard action Ref 259/half

Blood 120d4 (576); Melee automatic ability Ref DC 310/negate

Breath* 480d4 (2.016); 1.225 ft. (cone) 4.900 ft. (line) Standard Ref 310/half

Hand 720d5 (2.976); Melee Touch

Immolation 720d5 (2.976); 640.000 ft. radius Free/Standard Ref 310/half

Storm 120d4 (576); 640.000 ft. radius Standard/Free – Special Ref 259/half

Strike 120d4 (576); Melee (bonus) Free -

Wrath (Gaze) 240d4 (1.056); all creature within 1.225 ft. – Will 259/negate

Gravitic Wrath (Inner Eye already calculated)

Wrath 4d3% (12%); all creature within 625 ft. radius – Will 259/negate

Transcendental Aura (Inner Eye and Greater Scion of Destruction already calculated)

Storm 15d100 (1.596); 640.000 ft. radius Standard/Free – Special Ref 259/half

Alter Reality (Su)
Once per round as a free action Rovagug can duplicate any spell of 9th-level or less. This ability can also duplicate any epic spells of a DC equal to 311 or less. Other use of this ability are GM’s discretion.

Apocalypse Breath Weapon (Su)
Rovagug breath weapon work like a Perfect Atomic Breath Effect (x2 HD). Despite this, it does not count as an effect and cannot be augmented with Quantum, Telluric [Effect] or similar abilities that enhance [Effect].

Breath (With Inner Eye)

• Blast: 960d4 (3.840) Force damage.

• Disintegration: Fortitude save DC 420 or suffer 960d6 (5.760) damage.

• Heat: 480d6 (2.880) fire damage.

• Radiation*: 80 point of Str, Con and Dex damage.

• Wind*: 4.800 ft. knocks back, 1d6 damage x 10 ft. knocks back (x2 if hit an object), a Reflex save DC 420 half the knocks back

; Cone of 100 miles or line of 1000 miles.

This is equivalent of a Transcendental Ability.

Divine Aura (Su)

Rovagug has extreme divine aura (1.600 ft. + 160/HD). Rovagug can choose from the following effects each round as a free action.

  • Death: Those within Rovagug’s aura must make a Fortitude save or die. Rovagug can only slay up to a total of 100 hit points for each of its own hit die per round (although it can choose which targets suffer first).
  • Fear: Those within Rovagug’s aura must make a Will save or be panicked until they exit the divine aura and for 240 rounds thereafter.
  • Insanity: Those within Rovagug’s aura must make a Will save or become permanently insane.
  • Perfect Heroism: Allies within Rovagug’s aura gain a morale bonus on attack rolls, saves and skill checks equal 48.​

Divine Traits (Anomalies) (Ex)
Rovagug gains a +48 divine bonus to: armor class; attack rolls; checks (ability checks, caster level checks, skill checks, etc.); difficulty class (for any special abilities, spell-like abilities, spells); initiative; saving throws and spell resistance. Rovagug’s natural attacks or any weapons it wields, are treated as epic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. An anomaly does not age, requires no air to breathe, no food or drink to sustain itself, nor sleep.

Mythic (Ex)
Rovagug has Mythic Power (48/day, Surge +40d6) and counts as a 48th-rank Mythic creature. Rovagug can use any of its Alter Reality and spell-like abilities effect as the Mythic versions of those spells (if a Mythic version of that spell exists), expending Mythic Power as normal. Rovagug King can also expend Mythic Power to use the augmented versions of these spells.

Planetary Assault (Ex)
With a minute of work that provoke attack of opportunity (only once per round), Rovagug can assault a structure of size between Mege-Fine and Giga-Medium (generally a planetoid or a planet), dealing 240d1000 points of damage to that structure. If the damage to the structure exceeds its hit points the structure is destroyed. For structures that are not destroyed with a single use of this ability, the damage caused by multiple uses of it is cumulative.

Predator of Gods (Ex)
Anomalies ignore transmortality unless the immortal have a divine rank equal or higher than the anomaly in question. When an anomaly kill a deity this counts as if it killed him in his native plane (godly realm) to make sure he really died.

Predator of the Multiverse (Ex)
Anomalies are Resistant to Multiversal Hazards (Probability Crack, Logic Paradox, Anti-Maxim).

Starflight (Su)
An anomaly can reach any destination in the Multiverse in 10d20 minutes (10 minutes with Inner Eye).

Swallow Whole (Ex)
If a creature that is swallowed whole by Rovagug manages to escape by cutting itself free, Rovagug’s body simply seals over the hole created so that other swallowed creatures must cut their own way out.

Transcendental Might (Ex)
Rovagug deals d100's for base damage dice of all melee, natural weapon, and unarmed attacks with virtual size categories, and its damage dice cannot go below this dice but this cannot increase to more dice than Rovagug HD.
Nice! This is a scary scary mfer!

I have a question I've been asking myself for a while: Since you've done multiple cosmic campaigns, what did you use to create the anomalies?
I used the base idea of them as presented in the book, Sidereal level abilities with powerful unique abilites, but I made something called a Pleromic Phenomenon which was like my version of the Anomaly you presented, which is basically what you put here but a little stronger. Same kind of deal but each had the power of a Time Lord or even possibly higher as they can gain power like Time Lords can, but lack the Divine Equipment of a Time Lord and gain instead of the 6 basic Transcendental Abilities a Time Lord gets (Transtemportal, Unreal, Evil Eye, Transmortal etc) they get 6 abilities of their choice or even a single Omnific Power.

Basically they were Pleromic nightmares made by dreaming Ultrals, Sleeping Ancient precursors of the Time Lords or other types of madness inducing ideas.


I was gonna ask why he was so powerful, but I guess it makes sense considering it took all the other Pathfinder gods working together to beat him, and even then they could only imprison him.


I was gonna ask why he was so powerful, but I guess it makes sense considering it took all the other Pathfinder gods working together to beat him, and even then they could only imprison him.
But it's actually very powerful in a relative way. I specifically tried not to give it powerful abilities and the damage it does (with the exception of natural attacks) is quite contained. Its AC is more than 75% natural only, so when you go touch it is very little.


But it's actually very powerful in a relative way. I specifically tried not to give it powerful abilities and the damage it does (with the exception of natural attacks) is quite contained. Its AC is more than 75% natural only, so when you go touch it is very little.
Ah, didn't notice that. I'm guessing he has transmortality as a bonus ability to explain why the gods didn't just kill him?


Ah, didn't notice that. I'm guessing he has transmortality as a bonus ability to explain why the gods didn't just kill him?
Yes and no. Yes because you never know who could have Abrogate as an esoteric ability to remove regeneration and cosmic string and no because it was the only universal mastery ability with the exception of Transfinite which did not make it impossible for an army of Immortals to face.

Voidrunner's Codex

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