Things from my setting


Inspired by Baldur's gate 3 and the template in Dragon magazine #288

Bhaalspawn (CR +2 or +3)
Bhaalspawn are the progeny of the late God of Murder, Bhaal, who was killed by Cyric during the Time of Troubles when all the gods were forced to walk as avatars upon the face of Faerun. Bhaal had foreseen his death. Knowing it was unavoidable, he planned for his resurrection: He would create a multitude of children in mortal beings across Faerun, all possessing a portion of his divine essence. On their deaths, that essence would return to its source and his resurrection would become possible.

As the various spawn of Bhaal reached maturity, the most powerful among them envisioned their own plans to steal the mantle that was their sire's. As the Bhaalspawn began murdering one another, it was the infamous hero Abdel Adrian who ended up defeating his most powerful siblings and ultimately deciding the fate of Bhaal's divine power. Rather than claiming it for himself, however, he gave up the essence and allowed it to be spread harmlessly across the multiverse. Bhaal would never be resurrected, and Abdel himself was now forever mortal.

Able to assume almost any mortal form he pleased, Bhaal did not limit himself to human consorts while spreading his essence across the face of Faerûn during the Time of Troubles. Indeed, some of the most powerful of the Bhaalspawn, those that fought Abdel Adrian in the final battles, were of exotic and varied races: Sendai was a drow elf, Yaga-Shura was a fire giant, and Abazigal a half-dragon.

The Children of Bhaal who possessed the majority of the dead god's essence have perished, but those few who remain can still derive a great deal of power from the divine blood that runs in their veins. This power grows as the Bhaalspawn grows in experience. At the same time, however, that power carries the dark taint of the Lord of Murder within it, and that taint, too, grows stronger with time.

It should be remembered that all Bhaalspawn, regardless of race, have a similar age dating from the Time of Troubles (1358 DR). For a modern-era campaign, this would be fine for a teenage human. Other races do not age or mature similarly and this should be taken into consideration.

Creating a Bhaalspawn

“Bhaalspawn” is an inherited template that can be added to any dragon, fey, humanoid, monstrous humanoid, or native outsider (referred to hereafter as the base creature). A Bhaalspawn uses the base creature’s stats and abilities except as noted here.

CR: HD 10 or less, as base creature +2; HD 11 or more, as base creature +3.

Alignment: Any, but usually evil.

Type: The creature’s type changes to outsider with the native and appropriate augmented subtype. Do not recalculate base attack bonuses, saves, or skill points.

Senses: A Bhaalspawn gains darkvision 60 ft.

Armor Class: Natural armor improves by +4.

Hit Dice: Change all of the base creature’s racial HD to d10s.

Defensive Abilities: A Bhaalspawn has DR 5/magic or silver (if HD 10 or less) or 10/good or silver (if HD 11 or more); resistance to cold 20, fire 20; fast healing 5 (if HD 10 or less) or 10 (if HD 11 or more); and SR 11+ HD.

Speed: Increase all the base creature’s speeds by +20 ft.

Attacks: The Bhaalspawn gains a slam attack if the base creature didn’t have one. Damage for the slam depends on the Bhaalspawn’s size (1d4 for a Medium Bhaalspawn).

Special Qualities: The Bhaalspawn retains all the base creature’s special qualities and gains those described here. The Bhaalspawn also gains a number of special qualities according to its Hit Dice (see the "Bhaalspawn Special Qualities Per Hit Die" table below). When a Bhaalspawn gains a special quality, it also gains a disadvantageous special quality from the "Bhaalspawn Penalties” list. A Bhaalspawn cannot have the same special quality (from either list) more than once.

Table: Bhaalspawn Special Qualities Per Hit Die

3 or less​

Bhaalspawn Advantages
  • Bull's Strength (Sp): The Bhaalspawn is under a constant bull’s strength spell-like abiltiy with a caster equal to its HD.
  • Cure Moderate Wounds (Sp): The Bhaalspawn can cast cure moderate wounds (self only) 3/day with a caster equal to its HD. At 11 HD this is upgraded to cure critical wounds (self only).
  • Darkness (Sp): The Bhaalspawn can cast darkness 3/day with a caster equal to its HD. At 11 HD this is upgraded to deeper darkness.
  • Death Knell (Sp): The Bhaalspawn can cast death knell 3/day with a caster equal to its HD.
  • Endurance (Ex): The Bhaalspawn gains Diehard and Endurance as a bonus feats.
  • Fear (Sp): The Bhaalspawn can cast fear 3/day with a caster equal to its HD. The Bhaalspawn must have at least 8 HD for selecting this ability.
  • Haunted (Su): Mindless undead perceive the Bhaalspawn as an undead creature and do not attack him unless the Bhaalspawn attacks them first or if the mindless undead are commanded by their controller to attack the Bhaalspawn.
  • Immortal Soul (Ex): The Bhaalspawn gains the timeless body ability of the monk and receives a bonus to saving throws to resist death effects equal ½ its HD.
  • Poison Blood (Ex): A number of times per day equal to its Constitution modifier (minimum 1), a Bhaalspawn that has taken at least one point of damage can coat a weapon with its own blood as a swift action, causing the blood to become deathblade poison (Fortitude DC 10 + ½ Bhaalspawn HD + its Constitution modifier). The Bhaalspawn cannot accidentally poison itself when applying blood to a weapon with this capacity. The Bhaalspawn must have at least 6 HD for selecting this ability.
  • Poison Immunity (Ex): The Bhaalspawn is immune to poison.
  • The Slayer (Su): As a standard action, the Bhaalspawn can transform into the Slayer, the murderous avatar of Bhaal. This work as monstrous physique IV for taking the form of the Slayer (see below) except the Bhaalspawn gains a +8 size bonus to Strength, a +6 natural armor bonus, bleed, blood rage, let the slaughter begin, relentless lung, and slay.
    The Bhaalspawn can remain in Slayer form for as long as it likes, but the Slayer form is physically draining. Each consecutive round the Bhaalspawn is in Slayer form after the first, it suffers 1 point of Constitution damage. The Bhaalspawn can dismiss Slayer form as a move action. This is a polymorph effect. The Bhaalspawn must have at least 20 HD for selecting this ability.
  • Unholy Blight/Holy Smite (Sp): Drawing on its own semidivine essence, the Bhaalspawn can cast unholy blight (if of evil alignment) or holy smite (if of good alignment) 1/day with a caster equal to its HD. If the bhaalspawn is neither good nor evil, it must choose which spell to cast when it takes this special quality. The Bhaalspawn must have at least 8 HD for selecting this ability.

Bhaalspawn Disadvantages
  • Battle Recklessness (Ex): Whenever a bhaalspawn is reduced to less than ½ its maximum hit points, it becomes reckless in combat. Until the bhaalspawn recovers enough hit points to make its current hit point total greater than ½ its maximum, it receives –1 morale penalties to attack rolls and AC.
  • Bloodthirsty (Ex): The Bhaalspawn is so bloodthirsty it almost always attacks to kill, and it attacks as many foes as it can. The Bhaalspawn must make a Will saving throw (DC 20) to attempt an attack that causes nonlethal damage. Failure indicates that the Bhaalspawn attacks to cause normal damage instead. If the Bhaalspawn threatens more than one foe, it must succeed at a Will saving throw (DC 20). Failure indicates that, if the Bhaalspawn has multiple attacks, it must split those attacks among as many foes as possible.
  • Called To Hell (Ex): When brought to negative hit points, the Bhaalspawn instantly enters a deep comma and is rendered helpless (even if it has Diehard or similar abilities). The Bhaalspawn cannot regain consciousness until it has healed at least ½ its hit point total. At that point the call to life is stronger than the call to Hell.
  • Carnage (Ex): The Bhaalspawn must make a Will save (DC 20) to peacefully resolve a conflict that could be solved by force. Failure result in the Bhaalspawn attacking the opponents. The Bhaalspawn can make a new save at the start of every round for stop fighting.
  • Charisma Loss (Ex): When the Bhaalspawn gains this disadvantage, it immediately loses 2 points of Charisma.
  • Fiendish Blood (Ex): Bhaalspawn bleeds a thick, black ichor when wounded rather than normal blood. If bleeding, the Bhaalspawn can be detected and tracked by all outsiders with the evil or good subtype as though the outsider had the scent special quality.
  • Infernal Temper (Ex): The Bhaalspawn is forced to live with a rage that is always held just below the surface, ready to erupt at any moment. No matter the previous personality, once this flaw is taken the Bhaalspawn will become considerably more aggressive and hostile. When it is presented with frustration or humiliation, there is a chance it will enter a rage. If the Bhaalspawn fails any attack roll or skill check by more than 5 or is taunted, goaded, or humiliated in some manner (DM’s discretion), it must make a Will saving throw (DC 10 + the amount the attack/check was failed by, or 15 if taunted, goaded, or humiliated). Failure indicates that the Bhaalspawn has a loud, verbal outburst of anger and suffers a –2 morale penalty to all attack and skill checks until the Bhaalspawn succeeds at an attack or skill check by more than 5.
  • Lies (Ex): The Bhaalspawn must make a Will save (DC 20) when asked questions. Failure result in the Bhaalspawn attempt to mislead other creatures (even close friends) without speaking any word that is untrue. If it does not just withhold significant information, the Bhaalspawn will present it in a manner that someone could easily misinterpret the information. The DC increases by +4 if the creature or situation involves a creature whom it hates.
  • Murderer (Ex): The Bhaalspawn has an urge to kill that it finds harder and harder to resist, and this urge can only be quelled by the murder of an innocent, Once every 13 days, the Bhaalspawn must kill a sentient creature that would not normally have the attitude of hostile toward the Bhaalspawn. This NPC must have an Intelligence of 3 or more. If the Bhaalspawn does not murder an appropriate victim within 13 days of its last murder, the Bhaalspawn suffers 1 point of Wisdom damage each day until it murders someone. The Bhaalspawn cannot be reduced to less than 3 Wisdom by this damage. Upon murdering an appropriate victim, the Wisdom damage caused by this ability is immediately healed.
  • Narcissism (Ex): The Bhaalspawn enjoys adoration and fear, and must make a Will save (DC 15) whenever it is being adored or worshiped by lesser creatures. If the Bhaalspawn fails, it refuses to harm them, allow harm to come to them, or allow anyone to stop the adoration/worship. In addition, if a creature is frightened, panicked, or cowering, it will also refuse to harm it or allow harm to come to it so long as it is subject to the effect. The Bhaalspawn cannot have both this and the Wrathful disadvantage.
  • Nightmares (Su): The Bhaalspawn is plagued by debilitating nightmares. Each time the Bhaalspawn rests, it must make a Will saving throw (DC 15). Failure indicates the Bhaalspawn suffers one of the following effects (roll 1d4) until the Bhaalspawn rests again:
  1. –2 morale penalty to attack rolls.
  2. –1 morale penalty to all saving throws.
  3. The Bhaalspawn rest heals no damage.
  4. The Bhaalspawn has faced his personal demons and awakens unscathed.
  • Paranoia (Ex): The Bhaalspawn must make a Will save (DC 20) to trust anyone other than close friends. Failure result in the Bhaalspawn believe that what it heard was a lie.
  • Supernatural Infamy (Su): Sentient creatures that meet the Bhaalspawn for the first time always have an initial attitude no better than unfriendly. They automatically distrust and dislike the Bhaalspawn, having an eerie feeling that the Bhaalspawn is despicably evil and has dark intentions. Evil outsides that meet the Bhaalspawn for the first time instead have their starting attitude toward him improved by one step for the same reason.
  • Tainted With Evil (Ex): Regardless of it's true alignment, the Bhaalspawn is treated as an evil creature when adjudicating spells, spell-like effects, and supernatural abilities. Thus, it suffers damage from weapons with the holy special quality, spells that detect alignment reveal it as evil, and so on. If the Bhaalspawn is actually of evil alignment, it now suffers damage from holy water as if it were an evil outsider.
  • Tyrannical (Ex): The Bhaalspawn must make a Will save (DC 20) or attempt to take charge of any new situation or dominate any creature they first encounter. The DC increases by +4 if the creature or situation involves evil outsides.
  • Wisdom Loss (Ex): When the Bhaalspawn gains this disadvantage, it immediately loses 2 points of Wisdom.
  • Wrathful (Ex): The Bhaalspawn must make a Will save (DC 25) to resist hunting down a fleeing or escaped enemy, and to resist an opportunity to gain revenge. The Bhaalspawn cannot have both this and the Narcissism disadvantage.

Abilities: Str +4, Dex +4, Con +4, Int +4.

Feats: A Bhaalspawn gains Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, and Improved Initiative as bonus feats.

Skills: A Bhaalspawn receives a +8 racial bonus on Bluff, Intimidate, Perception, and Stealth checks. Bluff, Intimidate, Perception, and Stealth are always class skills for an Bhaalspawn.

The Slayer CR 20

LE Large outsider (evil, extraplanar, lawful)

Init +7; Senses blindsense 30 ft., darkvision 120 ft., lifesense 30 ft., low-light vision, scent, true seeing; Perception +35

Aura greater death knell aura (20 ft., DC 24), unholy aura (20 ft., DC 26)


AC 36, touch 20, flat-footed 33 (+8 deflection, +3 Dex, +16 natural, –1 size)

hp 372 (24d10+240)

Fort +28, Ref +21, Will +16

Defensive Abilities evasion, ferocity, freedom of movement, poisonous blood (deathblade poison, DC 32), uncanny dodge; DR 10/good and silver; Immune ability damage and drain, death effects, energy drain, fear, mind-affecting, petrification, poison; Resistance cold 30, fire 30; SR 31


Speed 40 ft., climb 30 ft.; air walk

Melee 4 claws +30 (1d10+7/19-20 plus bleed and trip)

Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.

Special Attacks angel of death, bleed (2d6), blood rage, death attack (DC 29), let the slaughter begin, pounce, quiet death, relentless lunge, rend (2 claws, 2d8+10), sneak attack +8d6, slay, true death, swift death

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 20th; concentration +28)

Constantair walk, freedom of movement, greater death knell aura (DC 24), true seeing, unholy aura (DC 26)

At willcharm monster (DC 22), death knell, deeper darkness, desecrate, dispel good, false alibi (DC 21), fear (DC 22), greater dispel magic, invisibility, malicious spite (DC 22), murderous command (DC 19) unholy blight (DC 22)

3/dayblasphemy (DC 25), cure critical wounds (self only), dimension door, greater invisibility, suffocation (DC 23), unhallow

1/dayblade barrier (DC 24), death clutch (DC 26), finger of death (DC 24)


Str 25, Dex 17, Con 31, Int 24, Wis 19, Cha 26

Base Atk +24; CMB +32; CMD 53

Feats Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Greater Vital Strike, Improved Critical (claws), Improved Initiative, Improved Vital Strike, Nightstalker, Power Attack, Sow Terror, Stand Still, Stealthy, Vital Strike

Skills Acrobatics +30, Bluff +35 (+43 for sound mimicry), Climb +42, Disable Device +30, Heal +28, Intimidate +35, Knowledge (planes, religion) +34, Perception +35, Sense Motive +35, Stealth +30 (+36 in dim light or lower light), Spellcraft +31, Survival +28

Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Infernal; telepathy 100 ft.

SQ lord of murder, hide in plain sight, monster in the night, sound mimicry

Environment Any

Organization Solitary

Treasure incidental

Let the Slaughter Begin (Su)
As a swift action, the Slayer can mark a creature within 60 ft. for death. Against that target the Slayer automatically confirm critical threats. The mark last until the Slayer is dead or it mark another creature.

Lord of Murder
The Slayer gains the angel of death, death attack, hide in plain sight, quiet death, true death, and swift death abilities of the assassin prestige class, using ½ its HD as its assassin level.

Relentless Lunge (Ex)
As a full-round action, the Slayer can leap to a free space of 10 ft. within 30 ft. of himself, automatically landing on its feet. This jump provoke attack of opportunity. Upon impact, the monster provoke a shock in the ground: all creatures standing within 30 ft. of the impact except the Slayer suffer 6d6 bludgeoning damage and are knocked prone. A DC 29 Reflex save half the damage and negate the prone. The save DC is Strength-based.

Slay (Ex)
When the Slayer make a single claw attack as an attack action (like with the Greater Vital Strike feat or not using pounce after a charge) against a prone creature, if the attack hit, it is automatically a critical threat.
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An evolution of my godskin apostle, with abilities of from which I take inspiration from the noble of cyberzane.
Godskin Noble
You and your 50 Greater Deities hunting party have arrived. For hundreds of thousands of years there has not been a similar mass invasion of Sidereals: 10 Elder Ones and 3 Old Ones at once. The Pantheons could not give an answer on what happened except that horrible screams, of excruciating pain, rose from the now shattered prison. Something horrible and unspeakable had happened in that cursed place. You turn to your fellow skyfathers and earthmothers and with a common nod you rush into the prison. Of so many things that you could have expected, the chilling spectacle that unfolds before you would not have expected even in your most abominable nightmares. The floor is a lake of golden blood, the Sidereals, or what remains of them if they can be called such, are piled on top of each other in an unrecognizable mass of skinned and burned corpses. On the ceiling there is the painted face of a woman with hair color of a combination of ash and black and with her left eye closed while her right eye have a milky white pupil and iris, blind. In the center of the room, busy skinning alive with a sickle a screaming Elder One who paws and sobs desperately, a huge pale man wrapped in dozens of several heavy white leather rags that make him look extremely fat and awkward. He seems to be aware of your presence only now, as he raises a cold, malevolent look at your group. "More skins for the Gloam-Eyed Queen" he whispers as, with a quick swipe of his sickle, beheads the Elder One, ending its suffering. Terror twists your guts as you feel your divine powers abandon you, betray you, as you go back to being a mere mortal. The air fills with black flames and screams as you feel your skin twist and char. Your entire 50 Greater Deity hunting party, annihilated in a mere second. Your only thought that echoes again and again as your consciousness fades into the darkness of death is, "How? How can such an abominable creature exist?". Amazing, after seconds, minutes, hours, who can tell?, your conscience rekindles. You try to look around but you cannot move your head, only perceive what is happening around you even if you are strangely moving. A chorus of dozens of voices of tears, screams, curses surrounds you. You try to focus on what is happening around you, and to your dismay and horror, what you see in front of you is your skinned, burned corpse that you throw like a worthless thing into the pile of bodies that has grown enormously. The revelation of what happened hits you like a hammer as you cry out in despair. It is not you who are moving: it is the fat man. You have become one of the skins, your soul trapped in it, all the voices you hear are its other victims, trapped here with you. The nightmare will never end except with the liberation of death.

Beyond Alignment (LE) Large humanoid (augmented)

Init +58 (+578 against immortals/servitors) (always first); Senses cosmic consciousness (layer/planet), detect divine, detect immortal, stillsense, true seeing, x-ray vision; Perception +192 (+712 against immortals/servitors)

Aura divine (DC 62 [582 against immortals/servitors], 5,200 ft.)


AC 240, touch 190, flat-footed 208 (+28 deflection, +26 Dex, +6 dodge, +15 houndsman, +41 insight, +50 natural, +24 perfection, -1 size, +41 Wis) or

against immortals and divine servitors AC 760, touch 710, flat-footed 728 (+28 deflection, +26 Dex, +6 dodge, +520 favored enemy, +15 houndsman, +41 insight, +50 natural, +24 perfection, -1 size, +41 Wis)

hp 131,520 (65,760) (120d100+4.440) x4 x2 regeneration 120 (cosmic damage or cosmic might)

Fort +163, Ref +153, Will +170 or

against immortals and divine servitors Fort +683, Ref +673, Will +690

Defensive Abilities adaption, ageless, anathema cloak, antimagic resistance, cosmic string (1d10 minutes), disdain (DC 129, 649 vs. immortals/servitors), fierce stomp (DC 129, 649 vs. immortals/servitors), forgotten, godslayer, improved evasion, improved uncanny dodge (60th level), mettle (against immortals only), perfect survivor, see it before, sixth sense, uncanny dodge; DR 1.200/—; Immune ability damage and drain, charm effects, compulsion effects, death effects, disease, energy drain, exhaustion, fatigued, illusion effects, mind-affecting effects, nonlethal damage, paralysis, petrification, poison, sleep, unwilling polymorph effects, and death from massive damage, Terrestrial Hazards, Stellar Hazards; Resistance Dimensional Hazards; PR/SR 154 (674 vs. Immortals), any spell which fails to penetrate the Godskin Noble power/spell resistance is reflected back upon the caster


Speed 900 ft., burrow 450 ft. (maximum hardness 27), fly 900 ft. (perfect), relentless stride

Melee (already calculated Inner Eye) 2 greater skinner +261/+261/+261/+261 (+ 1 for speed) touch (48d20+123/16-20x6 x6) (without crit. 6.498; with crit. 38.988) or

against immortals and divine servitors 2 greater skinner +785/+785/+785/+785 (+ 1 for speed) touch (48d20+647/16-20x6 plus 4d6 x6) (without crit. 9.786; with crit. 57.996) or

against immortals with smite immortals active 2 greater skinner +905/+905/+905/+905 (+ 1 for speed) touch (+ DR) (48d20+647/16-20x6 plus 4d6 and 2.400/120.000*DR extra damage [eventually permanent] x6) (without crit. 9.786 plus 2.400/120.000*DR*6; with crit. 57.996 plus 2.400/120.000*DR*6*6)

Special Attacks apex predator, atheist paroxysm, black fire, black flames ritual, death attack (DC 97, 617 vs. immortals/servitors), favored enemy (immortals and divine servitors +520, Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, Stealth, and Survival), improved quarry (+4), master hunter (DC 625), mythic power (24/day, surge +8d6), smite immortals 40/day (bonus to attack: 120 + DR; extra damage [eventually permanent]: if 48 DR or less 2.400*divine rank; if 49+ 120.000*divine rank; insight bonus to AC and save equal to double DR), rolling (DC 129, 649 vs. immortals/servitors), sneak attack +30d6, unseated noble

Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 144th, concentration +196)

At will—antimagic field, destruction (DC 69, 589 vs. immortals/servitors), dimensional anchor, dismissal (DC 67, 587 vs. immortals/servitors), doom (DC 63, 583 vs. immortals/servitors), gate, nondetection, trap the soul (DC 70, 590 vs. immortals/servitors), undetectable alignment



Str 80, Dex 62, Con 84, Int 64, Wis 93, Cha 66

Base Atk +120; CMB +180; CMD 337 or

against immortals and divine servitors CMB +700; CMD 857

Feats AlertnessB, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Cornugon Smash, Dodge, Double Slice, Double Strike, Greater Fortitude, Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Greater Vital Strike, Greater Weapon Specialization (sickle), Greater Weapon Focus (sickle), Improved Initiative, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Vital Strike, Iron Will, Lunge, Mobility, Power Attack, Quick Draw, Run, Signature Skill (intimidate), Spring Attack, Two-Weapon Fighting, Vital Strike, Weapon Focus (sickle), Weapon Specialization (sickle), Whirlwind Attack

Houndsman Bonus Feats Dazzling Display, Dreadful Carnage, Enforcer, Gory Finish, Improved Critical (sickle), Intimidating Prowess, Martial Dominance, Shatter Defenses

Epic Feats Cats Fall, Death of EnemiesB, Epic Weapon Specialization (sickle), Epic Weapon Focus (sickle), Good Fortitude, Good Will, Greater Critical (sickle), Greater Critical Multiplier (sickle), Haleness, Hibernate, Improved Critical Multiplier (sickle), Improved Dodge, Incorruptible Body, Inedia, Insomnious, Killer InstinctB, Legendary TrackerB, Light Eradication, Mathesis, Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting, Pherenology, Plastic Soul, Sideway Stealing, Sixth Sense, Sky Walker, Subtle Body, Superior Initiative, Tenacious Body, Timely Dodge, Underwalker

Skills All skills 147 + ability modifier; Racial Modifiers +520 against immortals and divine servitors

Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Giant, Infernal, Pleromian, Sylvan, other 138

SQ AC bonus, adaptive learning, camouflage, combat style feat (menacing), harvest skin, hide in plain sight, hunting ground (+6, Knowledge (geography), Perception, Stealth, and Survival), integrated class feature (houndsman), maven, might, portfolio (deicide), swift tracker, terminus, track, virtual size category +4, wildspeak (animal, earth [30 ft x 30 ft.], elementals, fey, magical beast, monstrous humanoid, ooze, plant, vermin)

Gears 2 greater skinner (+60 immortal dread, immortal servants dread, impact, phase locking sickle of speed made of 1/64th of orichalcum [x6 the base dice])

Organization: solitary or great mission (1 Noble plus 3d6 Apostle)

Godskin Noble renounce 18 feats for 3 divine abilities bonus

Divine Abilities

• Adjuration (Su): Summon up to 240 hit die of creatures per day (no single creature can have CR higher than 84)

• Celerity (Ex): x3 movement speed

• Goetic Blood (Su): Summoned monsters spring from your wounds

• Invincibility (Ex): Fortitude save for negate damage

• Multifaceted (Ex)B: Gain 6 extra feats

• Polymorph (Su): You can polymorph at will

• Shapechange (Su): You can shapechange at will

• Superior Critical (sickle) (Ex): Critical thread quadrupled

• Vampiric Effect (Su): The effect draws life from the target into the deity

• Unknowing Soul (Ex): Wis as insight to saving throw

Cosmic Abilities

• Abrogate (Su): You negate an enemies single greatest ability

• Apostasy (Su): You are beyond alignment

• Inner Eye (Ex)B: You always gain the best dice rolls in any given situation

• Slipstream (Su): You are unaffected by temporal disturbances

Divine Abilities (stolen with Godskin)

• Divine Sneak Attack (Ex): Half your sneak attack damage is treated as divine damage

• Eternal Freedom (Ex): You are immune to spells and effects which impede movement

• Lurking (Ex): You are difficult to detect

• Multifaceted (Ex): Gain 6 extra feats (Two-weapon. Improved, Greater, Perfect, Double Slice, Double Strike).

• Perfect Initiative (Ex): Always first

• Perfect Weapon Focus (sickle) (Ex): Always use maximum BaB for iterative attacks

• Quantum Effect (Su): Effects are augmented or reduced

• Seventh Sense (Ex): You can replay a number of rounds per day equal to your divine rank

• Superior Critical Multiplier (sickle) (Ex): Critical multiplier increased

• Superior Smiting (Su): Smite damage x4

• Telelocation (Su): You automatically know the location of any unshielded thing

• True Seeing (Su): You have True Seeing

• Self Mastery (Ex): You can separate your individual appendages (arms, legs, head, hands, feet, etc.), thus making you immune to death from decapitation (such as from a vorpal weapon) or dismemberment

• X-Ray Vision (Su): See through solid objects

Cosmic Abilities (stolen with Godskin)

• Cogency (Su): All attacks are smite

• Perfect Critical (sickle): Critical threat quintupled

• Perfect Critical Multiplier (sickle): Critical multiplier increased

• Unearthly Weapon Focus (sickle) (Ex): Touch attack to hit

• Unearthly Weapon Specialization (sickle) (Ex): Base damage multiplied for the weapon critical multiplied

Deicide Portfolio Traits (Elder One)

Granted Power: Once per day per divine rank you may use Smite Immortal.

*Smite Immortal (Su)

A number of time per day equal to his divine rank, a deicide can infuse his strikes with anathematic energies. As a swift action, the deicide chooses one target within sight to smite. If this target is an Immortal, the deicide gains a bonus to his Attack Rolls equal to his HD plus his opponent's Divine Rank**, deals extra damage or permanent damage (deicide choice) on his Damage Rolls equal to double his HD x his opponent's Divine Rank against the Immortal and attacks automatically bypass any DR the Immortal might possess. In addition, while smite immortal is in effect, the deicide gains an insight bonus equal to double his opponent's Divine Rank to his AC and saving throw against attacks and ability made by the target of the smite. If the deicide targets a creature that was not an Immortals, the smite is wasted with no effect. The smite immortal effect remains until the target of the smite is dead or the next time the deicide rests and regains his use of this ability. This ability count as smite for prerequisite of feat and ability (like the Perfect Smite Cosmic Ability). If the Immortal has at least 49 divine rank, the base smite immortal damage (before apply superior and perfect smiting) increase to his HD x his opponent's Divine Rank x 100.

** for calculate the divine rank of Immortal without divine rank like Cogent or Cometary Dragon, use his equivalent bonus to AC (ex: a Cogent a rank 16, while an Old Cometary Dragon a rank 44).

Obsessed (Ex): Competence penalty to on all rolls equal to your divine rank for one month if you ever retreat the battlefield so long as a single enemy Immortal remains alive within your Divine Aura

Notoriety (Ex): You become infamous across the pantheon, becoming a target for assassinations attempts by powerful divine servants or adventuring parties

• Pernicious Armor (Su): You are immune to Divine Damage

• Scion of Godslaughter (Ex): You gain your most powerful opponent’s in your Divine Aura Divine Bonus to Armor Class, Attacks, Damage, Saves, and Checks

• Profane Ritual (Ex): All summoned allies cannot be Banished

• Antidivinity (Su): All Divine Damage you do is treated as Antidivine Damage, which deals no damage to entities not possessing Divine Rank but double damage to entities with a Divine Bonus (still penetrate and destroy all barriers)

• Uncanny Divine Mastery (Su): Assault your enemies with divine based attacks.

• Fundament of Sacrilege (Ex): You gain Regeneration equal to the total Divine Bonus of all foes in your Divine Aura.

• Nemesis (Su): You treat all Immortals as the Favored Enemy of a ranger equal to your HD, multiplying the bonus tenfold (+520).

Uncanny Black Flame Mastery (x2 HD) (Inner Eye and Quantum Effect already calculated)

Beam (Ray) 240d20 (19.200); 10.000 ft.

Blast 120d20 (9.600); 10.000 ft./625 ft. Standard action Ref 592/half

Blood 60d20 (4.800); Melee automatic ability Ref DC 601/negate

Breath* 240d20 (19.200); 625 ft. (cone) 2.500 ft. (line) Standard Ref 601/half

Hand 360d20 (28.800); Melee Touch

Immolation 360d20 (28.800); 5.200 ft. radius Free/Standard Ref 601/half

Storm 60d20 (4.800); 5.200 ft. radius Standard/Free – Special Ref 592/half

Strike 60d20 (4.800); Melee (bonus) Free -

Wrath (Gaze) 120d20 (9.600); all creature in 625 ft. Will 592/negate

Uncanny Divine Mastery (Inner Eye and Quantum Effect already calculated)

Beam (Ray) 120d3 (1.440); 5.200 ft.

Blast 60d3 (720); 5.200 ft./325 ft. Standard action Ref 592/half

Blood 30d3 (360); Melee automatic ability Ref DC 601/negate

Breath* 120d3 (1.440); 325 ft. (cone) 1.300 ft. (line) Standard Ref 601/half

Hand 180d3 (2.160); Melee Touch

Immolation 180d3 (2.160); 5.200 ft. radius Free/Standard Ref 601/half

Storm 30d3 (360); 5.200 ft. radius Standard/Free – Special Ref 592/half

Strike 30d3 (360); Melee (bonus) Free -

Wrath (Gaze) 60d3 (720); all creature in 325 ft. Will 592/negate

Alter Reality (Su)
Once per round as a free action the Godskin Noble can duplicate any spell of 9th-level or less. This ability can also duplicate any epic spells of DC 194 or less. Other use of this ability are GM’s discretion.

Anathema Cloak (Ex)
The blasphemous act that the Godskin Noble performed by dressing in the skin of the gods make it a void upon the divine matrix that underlies the Multiverse. As long the Godskin Noble has at least 1 Godskin (see below), if an Immortal or divine servitor attempts to scry on it, the attempt fails. If the Godskin Noble would appear in a scrying attempt on something else (example: he is in the vicinity of another character being scryed upon) then he is not included in the scrying attempt. The Godskin Noble cannot be detected by special sense of Immortals: unusual forms of sensory perception of Immortals such as blindsight, greensight, tremorsense, etc. cannot automatically foil the Godskin Noble use of Stealth; Immortals must make a Perception check as normal to detect the Godskin Noble when he make use of the Stealth skill. This ability even foils indirect detection (such as an Immortal using detect magic to search for magical items while the Godskin Noble is using Stealth or detect [alignment]) in the manner described above. The Godskin Noble can hide himself from view without anything to actually hide behind but this works only against the Immortals (ex: the Godskin Noble can use Stealth for hide in a bare corridor, without places to hide, and an Intermediate Deity that passes from there must roll a Perception check against his Stealth check while a mortal notices he automatically). The Godskin Noble is unpredictable and fate cannot bind it: Precognition, Telelocation, Seventh Sense, Eighth Sense, Ninth Sense and Tenth Sense cannot see into the Godslayer future and they stop working in whatever situation it is involved.

Atheist Paroxysm (Su)
A Godskin Noble can emit an inhibitive sphere of apostasic energy as a move action, which it can maintain for a number of minutes per day equal to his perfection bonus level. The duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be spent in 1-minute increments. This zone extends to the same range of its divine aura. This ability nullifies divine traits for Immortals with divine rank equal or minor of the perfection bonus of the Godskin Noble. Basically this ability nullifies the divine template in its entirety (the creature continues to be considered an Immortal for the various class abilities such as Smite Immortal or taking the antidivine damage). Regardless of whether the immortal has his template denied, this ability negate Divine and Cosmic Abilities as the Divine Nullification Transcendental Ability and Cosmic Nullification Omnific Ability against Immortals.

Black Fire (Su)
A Godskin Noble, because of its focused training and hatred against the Immortals, instead of gaining the Prana [Effect] like a normal Hyperborean, gains the Black Flame [Effect] with HD x2. This work with the same progression of the Prane Blast ability of a normal Hyperborean but instead work like a Fire [Effect] with the following difference: instead of fire damage it inflict an equivalent antidivine damage (this count as fire damage only in the instance that the immortal has vulnerability to fire for multiply the damage). If an immortal fail the saving throw against the relative version of the [Effect] (or automatically for effects or version of effects without saving thorow), he catch fire and suffer 80d20 (1,600 with Inner Eye)) antidivine damage (1d20 every 3 HD of the Godskin Noble) every round at the start of its round for a number of rounds equal to the DR of the immortal. Multiple failed saves against the [Effect] only reset the duration of the burn, doesn’t stack the damage. A burning immortal can attempt a Reflex save DC 618 (already calculated the +520 to DC) as a full-round action for stopping the burning in advances. Dropping and rolling on the ground grants a +4 bonus on this save. A wish or miracle spells can stop the burning in advance but they must make a caster level check against the PR/SR of the Godskin Noble (if the caster is an immortal, the DC increase as normal). The fast healing and regeneration (if any) of the immortal, while on fire by this ability, automatically stop function. Its difficult heal damage while the black fire consume him: any attempt to heal a creature while on fire by this ability must succeed on a caster level check against the PR/SR of the Godskin Noble (if the caster is an immortal, the DC increase as normal) or the effect (like channel energy) or spell does not function. Success indicates the healing works normally. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Black Flames Ritual (Su)
As a full-round action, a Godskin Noble focus its hands on the floor, creating a circle of black flames with a circle of 120 ft. radius centered on itself and 1,200 ft. high (1 ft. x HD of the Godskin Noble for radius and 10 ft. x HD for height) that last for a number of rounds equal to its Perfection Bonus. This circle inflict 120d20 antidivine damage (1d20 per HD of the Godskin Noble) to all creature in the area every round. A creature that take the damage must make a Reflex save DC 618 or catch on fire as for the Black Fire [Effect]. The Godskin Noble can use this ability a number of times per day equal to its Charisma modifier (28 for a typical Godskin Noble). A Godskin Noble can only have one black flames ritual active at a time, if a new one is created while a previous one is still active, the older one immediately ceases (this does not extinguish the black fire on an already burning creature). This flames block vision beyond 5 ft. for all creatures with the exception of Godskins. Creatures with the ability to see through flames (like the Jotnar Múspellsheimr) or with the Fire Portfolio can make a check (HD+DR) against a DC equal to the PR/SR of the Godskin Noble (if the creature is an immortal, the DC increase as normal) as a free action at the start of his turn for see in the black flames until the start of his next turn. True seeing does not help against this effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Cosmic Might (Ex)
A Godskin Noble deals d20's for base damage dice of all melee, natural weapon, and unarmed attacks with virtual size categories, and its damage dice cannot go below this dice but this cannot increase to more dice than its HD.

Detect Divine (Su)
This work like a constant detect evil but instead of the detecting evil creatures detect creatures that obtain powers from a deity and divine artifacts or objects (like clerics or paladins [equivalent aura power of a detect evil used on an evil cleric]). Because of its focused training against the Immortals, a Godskin Noble add its favored bonus to caster level checks to detect creatures warden (like with the nondetection spells). This power is not interfered by anything that interfere with the detection of alignment because it not detect the alignment.

Detect Immortal (Su)
This work like a constant detect evil but instead of the detecting evil creatures detect creatures with divine rank (aura power: disciple-demi-deity: feint, lesser-greater deity: moderate, elder one-first one: strong, demiurge+: overwhelming). Because of its focused training against the Immortals, a Godskin Noble add its favored bonus to caster level checks to detect creatures warden (like with the nondetection spells). This power is not interfered by anything that interfere with the detection of alignment because it not detect the alignment.

Disdain (Ex)
The Godskin Noble despises the unworthy who dare to approach him. As an immediate action, when a creature enter within 10 ft. of the Godskin Noble or make a melee attack against him in this radius, the Godskin Noble can thrust out with his belly with mocking disdain. All creatures within 10 ft. of him with the exception of other Godskins must make a Reflex save DC 129 (649 vs. immortals/servitors) or be pushed back 15 ft. and knocked prone. If the action that trigger disdain is an attack, if the creature fail the save, the attack roll is automatically negated. After using this ability the Godskin Noble must wait 1d6+2 rounds before using it again. The save DC is Strength-based.

Fierce Stomp (Ex)
The Godskin Noble bristles with anger after being hit by a melee attack and, as an immediate action slam is right foot down twice, sending out a shock wave in a 360-foot cone (3-foot cone per HD). All creatures in the area with the exception of other Godskins take 120d100 (1d100 per HD; 12,000 with Inner Eye) damage and are knocked prone. A Reflex save DC DC 129 (649 vs. immortals/servitors) half the damage and negate the prone. After using this ability the Godskin Noble must wait 1d6+2 rounds before using it again. The save DC is Strength-based.

Forgotten (Ex)
A Godskin Noble, because of its training in the Dead Magic zones, its immune to their effects.

Godslayer (Ex)
A Godskin Noble, because of its focused training against the Immortals gains mettle against effects of Immortals, gains always a saving throw against [Effects] (as if trying to get out of the Storm [aura] area). If the [Effect] has no saving throw, like Ray or Hand, the Godskin Noble can make a Fortitude save DC 20 + Cha modifier of the Immortal + DR of the Immortal for negate it.

Godskin (Ex)
A Godskin Noble, as the name intended, wear garments made of the skins of skinned Immortals. When the Godskin Noble wear this garments
  • its favored enemy apply it even to its PR/SR against spells and abilities from immortals and divine servitors, to the DC of spell and ability against them, to check (skill, ability, caster level etc.) against them and initiative when there is an immortals or divine servitors among the enemies​
  • multiply x10 the damage of its Smite Immortal (as for the Perfect Smiting cosmic ability)​
  • gains another x2 hp multiplier​
  • gains anathema cloak​
  • gains one of the divine or cosmic ability of the skinned immortal as a bonus ability (it does not need to respect it prerequisites)​
  • gains immunity to ability damage and drain, charm effects, compulsion effects, death effects, disease, energy drain, exhaustion, fatigued, illusion effects, mind-affecting effects, nonlethal damage, paralysis, petrification, poison, sleep, unwilling polymorph effects, and death from massive damage​
While a Godskin Noble wear this garments, its immune to sunder attempts made against them (but see below) and is immune to the Asport Divine Ability but only its garments. All this bonus are already calculated in the above sheet. The skins that compose the Godskin can be individually sundered but only by a true worshiper of the original Immortal to which the skin belonged (eg. if the Godskin has 4 skins (S1, S2, S3, S4), a true worshiper of the Immortal that originated the S1 can sunder the S1 but not the S2, S3 or S4). A skin has hardness equal to the DR and hp equal to the HD of the Immortal to which the skin belonged. When a skin is destroyed or is detected for create the Skin Pupper (see below), the Godskin Noble lose the Divine or Cosmic Ability granted by that specific skin. If the last skin that compose the Godskin is destroyed or is detected for create the Skin Pupper, the Godskin Noble lose all the benefits of the Godskin ability until the skin return (for the Skin Puppet) or create a new skin with Harvest Skin (if destroyed). This ability cannot be directly abrogated and each ability (single immunity, hp multiplier, specific skin power, atc.) must be removed individually.

Harvest Skin (Su)
A Godskin Noble is able to ritually harvest the skins of immortals of Hero-Deity or above status, which it can use in a variety of ways. Taking a creature’s skin in this way requires 10 minutes and access to a dagger, sickle or similar light weapon capable of dealing slashing damage. The Godskin Noble must succeed on a DC 15 + HD of the Immortal, Craft (leather) check, or the skin is ruined. The skinned creature must not have been dead for more than 1 hour per HD the Godskin Noble possesses, or the attempt automatically fails. If the creature is alive, it must be either helpless or willing, and skinning it in this way automatically kill the creature, but grants the Godskin Noble a +20 bonus on the Craft (leather) check. A skin harvested in this way can be added by the Godskin Noble to its garments as a full-round action that provoke AoO (see Godskin). An Immortal skinned has automatically its soul trapped inside the skin (as for the Soul Stealer Divine Ability) and will suffer forever or until the skin is destroyed.

Integrated Class Feature (Ex)
A Godskin Noble, because of its focused training against the Immortals, modifies some abilities of the Houndsman for better work against them. Its favored enemy only work against immortals and divine servitors (class that obtain powers from a divine, outsider at direct service of Immortals, etc.) and apply at it the bonus of Nemesis. It replace the normal smite of the Houndsman with Smite Immortal if the Deicide Portfolio, using its full HD for calculate the damage. A Godskin Noble does not gain the Hunter Bond and spellcasting class feature of the Houndsman, instead gains Death of Enemies (Immortals) (the DC for Death of Enemy is 10 + ½ the HD of the Godskin Noble + its Wisdom modifier + 520 of favored enemy [DC 655]), Killer Instinct and Legendary Tracker Epic Feats as a bonus feats.

Mythic (Ex)
A Godskin Noble has Mythic Power (24/day, surge +8d6) and counts as a 24th-rank Mythic creature. A Godskin Noble can use any of its Alter Reality and spell-like abilities as the Mythic versions of those spells (if a Mythic version of that spell exists), expending Mythic Power as normal. It can also expend Mythic Power to use the augmented versions of these spells.

Rolling (Ex)
A Godskin Noble, as a swift action can start rolling. While rolling, the Godskin Noble cannot take any action with the exception of moving. During the rolling, the Godskin Noble movement does not provoke AoO and ignore difficult terrain. During the rolling, the Godskin Noble can attempt to overrun any creature of any size category. This works just like the overrun combat maneuver, but the rolling Godskin Noble does not need to make a check, it merely has to move over opponents in its path. Targets of a rolling take 240d100 damage (2d100 per HD of the Godskin Noble) and are stunned for 1 round and knocked prone. Targets of a rolling can make an attack of opportunity, but at a –4 penalty. If the targets forgo the attack of opportunity, they can attempt to avoid the rolling Godskin Noble and receive a Reflex save DC 129 (649 vs. immortals/servitors) to take half damage and negate the stun and prone. A rolling Godskin Noble can only deal rolling damage to each target once per round, no matter how many times its movement takes it over a target creature. Rolling last for 1d4+1 rounds (the Godskin Noble can terminate it in advance as a free action) and the Godskin Noble must wait 1d6+2 rounds for use it again after stop rolling. The save DC is Strength-based.

Skin Puppet (Su)
A Godskin Noble can detect one of its skin to create a horrible parody of the original immortal to which the skin belonged. As a standard action, the Godskin Noble can detect one of the skin of Godskin for create a construct made of the skin and filled with hay. The construct use all the statistics of the base Immortal with the following difference:
  • the creature type change to construct and gains the construct traits​
  • It appears where the Godskin Noble designate (within 10 ft. of him) and acts immediately, on its turn​
  • the Skin Puppet acts on the same initiative as the Godskin Noble and obeys its orders to the best of its ability (including suicide orders), trying to protect it to the best of its abilities​
  • alignment change to match the Godskin Noble​
  • the creature lose one of the Portfolio (if use the rules under the Choosing Portfolios of the IH, the creature maintain the Portfolio given by the universe because it's how others perceive you [your skin])​
  • the creature gains vulnerability to fire and lose any immunity or resistance to fire it my possess, even if originated by a Portfolio​
  • the Skin Puppet must remain within 10 ft. x perfection bonus of the Godskin Noble or automatically revert back into a skin and reappears as a part of the Godskin​
A Godskin Noble can only have one Skin Puppet active at a time, if it create a second, the first is automatically revert back into a skin and reappears as a part of the Godskin. If the Skin Puppet is destroyed, two things can happen:
  • if destroyed by a generic creature, the Skin Puppet revert back into a skin and reappears as a part of the Godskin. The Godskin Noble cannot create a new Skin Puppet from this skin for 1 day x DR of the of the original immortal to which the skin belonged.​
  • if destroyed by a true worshiper of the original Immortal to which the skin belonged, the skin is permanently destroyed, the soul of the Immortal is released and can finally rest in peace.​
Unseated Noble (Ex)
As a full-round action that provoke opportunity, the Godskin Noble crosses his arms and floats upward 15 ft., slamming down and releasing a shockwave that hits within 180 ft. radius. Anyone caught within, with the exception of other Godskins, must make a Reflex save DC DC 129 (649 vs. immortals/servitors) or be knocked prone, catch on fire as for the Black Fire [Effect] (only Immortals risk catch on fire as usual) and stunned for 24 rounds (same Perfection bonus of the Godskin Noble). After using this ability, the Godskin Noble must wait 1d6+2 rounds before using it again. The save DC is Strength-based.


The Rite Publishing have converted (in non-epic form and as an alternative versione of the Thalassic Behemot) the Gibborim of @Upper_Krust in their 101 Variant Monsters.



The Rite Publishing have converted (in non-epic form and as an alternative versione of the Thalassic Behemot) the Gibborim of @Upper_Krust in their 101 Variant Monsters.

View attachment 367101
View attachment 367100

Very cool. Will pick up a copy of the pdf later (hopefully also on drive thru save me signing up to another site). Good to see the 'old girl'* still getting some respect. I appreciate the love Rite Publishing guys (if you ever read this).

*The Bestiary I mean.



Human Paragon Wizard (Netherese Arcanist) 41/Archmage 10

CN Medium humanoid (human, mythic)
Init +123M; Senses aura sight, blindsense 60 ft., darkvision 120 ft., enchantment sight, low-light vision x2, read magic, speechreader’s sight, true seeing; Perception +97
Aura paragon presence (120 ft., DC 86, less than 20 HD, 41 damage)

AC 165, touch 135, flat-footed 139 (+35 armor, +26 deflection, +26 Dex, +43 insight, +30 luck, +23 natural)
hp 3,679 (41d20+2,899) fast healing 50
Fort +105, Ref +105, Will +112
Defensive Abilities hard to kill, immortal, mythic saving throws, recuperation, unstoppable; DR 75/cursed and epic; Immune cold, fire; Resistance Terrestrial Hazard; PR/SR 81 (86 vs. arcane spells)


Speed 90 ft.

Melee +6 impact quarterstaff of speed +82/+82/+77/+72/+67 (1d8+29)

Special Attacks force of will, mythic power (21/day, surge +1d12), true netherese battle curse (–11; DC 83 + arcs spend)

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 71th; concentration +127)

At willlimited wish

Wizard Spells Know (CL 71th; concentration +143; arcs 793/day; save DC (if any) 87 + spell level or 83 + spell level if universal)

Epic Spells per day: (4) +137 Spellcraft for cast epic spells

Epic Spells Know: crown of vermin (DC 97), eclipse, let go of me, living lightning (DC 97), lord of nightmares, nailed to the sky (DC 97), rain of fire, safe time, time duplicate


12thkarsus’s avatar

11thlegendary wish

10thlefeber’s weave mythal, proctiv’s move mountain, tolodine’s killing wind (DC 97)

9th—all spells of the wizard spell list

8th—all spells of the wizard spell list

7th—all spells of the wizard spell list

6th—all spells of the wizard spell list

5th—all spells of the wizard spell list

4th—all spells of the wizard spell list

3rd—all spells of the wizard spell list

2nd—all spells of the wizard spell list

1st—all spells of the wizard spell list

0 (at will)—all spells of the wizard spell list
Str 56, Dex 62, Con 62, Int 97, Wis 62, Cha 62
Base Atk +20; CMB +73; CMD 178
Feats Extra Path Ability (component freedom)M, Greater Spell Focus (mentalism, invention, variation), Greater Spell Penetration, Improved InitiativeM, Presence of Mind, Spell Focus (mentalism, invention, variation)M, Spell Penetration
Metamagic Feats Ectoplasmic Spell, Enlarge Spell, Extend Spell, Intensified Spell, Reach Spell, Selective Spell, Silent Spell, Still Spell, Widen Spell
Epic Metamagic Feats Automatic Metamagic Capacity, Greater Intensified Spell (+4, removes the maximum cap), Metamagic Freedom, Unbound Spell
Epic Feats Epic Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Superior Initiative
Wizard Bonus Feats Empower Spell, Epic Spellcasting, Heightened Spell, Maximize Spell, Quicken Spell, Scribe Scroll
Skills All skills 71 (74 if class skill) + ability modifier
Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Celestial, Elven, Draconic, Giant, Infernal, Loross, Netherese, plus other 75; comprehend languages and tongues
SQ amazing initiative, arcane bond (major ring of spell storing), arcane discovery (fast study, practiced piercer +23, time stunner 7 rounds/day), archmage arcana (arcane surge), craftsman of myths, epic spellcasting, eternal study, field specialization (major: mentalism; lord of illusion, mental overlord 41/day, peer beyond the veil; invention: prince of creation, living artifice, transdimensional emperor; variator: master of many forms, arcane dictator, monarch of undeath), forceful presence, fortuity, inherent bonuses, legendary craftsman, legendary hero, magnum opus, maven, mythic abilities (channel power, component freedom, display of intelligence, eldritch reciprocation, flexible school [invention, variation], harmonious mage [variation], infectious spell, mirror dodge, perfect preparation, sanctum), mythic magic, true archmage

Gears crown of karsus (major artifact, headband of mental superiority +10 plus road of epic rulership; already calculated the bonus to Spellcraft), braces of Karsus (braces of epic armor +35), major ring of spell storing (lefeber’s weave mythal), belt of physical perfection +6, cloak of epic resistance +23, eyes of the dragon, winged boots, gauntlets of the weaponmaster, amulet of epic natural armor +23, gate key

Forceful Presence (Ex)
Karsus adds his Intelligence modifier as an insight bonus to his Armor Class and on all of his saving throws. In addition, Karsus uses his Intelligence score as well as his Constitution score when calculating hit points.

Fortuity (Ex)
The paragon adds a +30 luck bonus to: armor class; attack rolls; checks (ability checks, caster level checks, manifester level checks, skill checks, etc.); damage rolls; difficulty class (for any powers, psi-like abilities, special abilities, spell-like abilities, spells); initiative; power resistance; saving throws; spell resistance; channel resistance (if applicable) and caster/manifestion/initiator levels to all Spells, Spell Like Abilities, Psionic Manifestations, or Maneuvers Abilities (Tome of Battle and Path of War).

Inherent Bonuses (Ex)
Karsus has used wish spells to gain a +5 inherent bonus to all of his ability scores and a legendary wish spell for grants himself a +6 inherent bonus to Intelligence.

Mythic Magic (Ex)
Karsus can use any of his spell and spell-like abilities as the Mythic versions of those spells (if a Mythic version of that spell exists), expending Mythic Power as normal. He can also expend Mythic Power to use the augmented versions of these spell and spell-like abilities.

Permanent Spells
Through the use of permanency, Karsus is constantly under the effect of the following spells: aura sight, comprehend languages, enchantment sight, read magic, speechreader’s sight, tongues, and true seeing.


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Template Wendigo with some abilities from the Mythic version of the Legendary Games

Wendigo (CR +3)

"Wendigo" is an acquired template that can be applied to a corporeal, living creature with an intelligence score of 5 or more that has committed an act of cannibalism. A wendigo uses all the base creature's statistics, except as noted below.

CR: As base creature +3.

Alignment: Usually chaotic evil. A creature turned into a wendigo is corrupted by the depraved acts it is forced to commit and by the foul energies of its curse.

Type: The creature's type changes to outsider with the augmented, cold, and native subtypes. Do not recalculate class Hit Dice, BAB, or saves.

Senses: A wendigo gains blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 60 ft., scent, and snow vision.

Snow Vision (Ex)
A wendigo can see perfectly well in stormy and snowy conditions, including in blizzards, regardless of whether they are natural or supernatural (like a sleet storm spell), and does not take penalties on Perception checks when in snowy or blizzard conditions, as well as concealment due to ice or snow.

Armor Class: Natural armor improves by +6 (if HD 5 or less), +8 (if HD 6 to 10), +10 (if HD 11+).

Hit Dice: Change all racial Hit Dice to d10s. Class Hit Dice are unaffected.

Defensive Abilities: A wendigo gains DR 5/cold iron or magic (if HD 5 or less), 10/cold iron (if HD 6 to 10), or 15/cold iron and magic (if HD 11+), immunity to cold and fear, regeneration 5 (fire) (if HD 5 or less), 10 (fire) (if HD 6 to 10), or 15 (fire) (if HD 11+), SR 11 + its HD, and the following.

Fallen Fetish (Su)
Once per day, when a wendigo would be hit with a melee or ranged attack, it can use the withdraw action (see elusive below) as an immediate action, taking no damage from the attack and making a Stealth check as described in the ability. Meanwhile, it replaces itself at its former location with a quasi-real illusory duplicate that collapses and seemingly dies, crumbling into drifting snow and a scorched and blackened animal skull (Will disbelief) that persists for 1 minute and then likewise crumbles into snow. The first time that any creature touches or closely examines the skull it unleashes a screeching howl that functions as a shatter spell (CL equal to the wendigo HD, DC 10 + ½ wendigo’s HD + wendigo’s Cha modifier).

Weakness: The wendigo gains vulnerability to fire.

Speed: The creature lose the base land speed and unless the base creature flies better, the wendigo gains a supernatural fly speed 120 ft. (perfect).

Melee: The wendigo gains a bite attack with the grab ability and two claws attacks. Damage depends on its size.

Special Attacks: A wendigo retains all special attacks of its base form and gains the following. Save DCs are equal to 10 + ½ wendigo’s HD + wendigo’s Cha modifier unless otherwise noted.

Cannibal Compulsion (Su)
Once per day, as a swift action, a wendigo can curse a creature within 30 feet that is suffering from wendigo psychosis with an unquenchable physical and spiritual hunger for the flesh of its own kind for 1 minute (Will negates). On a failed Will save, the target can discern the presence of creatures of its own type as if it had the scent special quality and is compelled to attack the nearest such creature with bite attacks, to the exclusion of all other forms of attack. If it lacks a bite attack, its bite is considered an unarmed strike (provoking attacks of opportunity if it does not possess Improved Unarmed Strike) that inflicts slashing damage. The cursed creature gains the grab special attack with its bite against creatures of its own type. Its savage gnawing and tearing bites deal 1 point of Constitution bleed on a successful grapple check against a pinned creature. Each time the target kills a creature of its type, it receives a new saving throw to end the cannibal compulsion; however, the target is left sickened for 1 hour by the horror of the experience. This is a compulsion, curse, mind-affecting effect.

Dream Haunting (Su)
When a wendigo uses its nightmare spell-like ability, the victim is also exposed to Wendigo Psychosis.

Howl (Ex)
Three times per day as a standard action, a wendigo can emit a forlorn howl that can be heard up to a mile away. Any who hear the howl must make a Will save to avoid becoming shaken for an hour. Creatures within 120 feet become panicked for 1d4+4 rounds, and those within 30 feet cower with fear for 1d4 rounds. At 16 HD, creatures that fail their save are also exposed to Wendigo Psychosis. This is a fear, mind-affecting effect.

Hungry Cold (Su)
A wendigo bite and claws attacks deals additional cold damage equal to 1d6 per 4 HD (minimum 1d6).

Maddening Whispers (Su)
Once per day, a wendigo may choose a victim within range of its telepathy to target with disturbing "whispers" or violent, flashing images of grotesque violence and cannibalism that only the victim can see and hear. These may include "warnings" that the victim's companions will turn on her, or that she must kill the others in order to survive. Images may include decomposing bodies of loved ones, or depict acts of violence against the victim's companions. The victim must make a Will save or take 1d4 Wisdom damage.

Rend (Ex)
If the wendigo hits with two claw attacks in 1 round against the damage target, it can cause tremendous damage by latching onto the opponent’s body and tearing flesh. This attack deals an additional amount of damage, but no more than once per round. The additional damage is equal to the damage caused by the wendigo claw attack plus 1-1/2 times the wendigo’s Strength bonus. Also, this attack deals 1d6 cold damage per 3 HD of the wendigo plus 1d4 Charisma damage.

Wendigo Psychosis (Su)
Curse—Nightmare or wind walk (and Howl at 16+ HD); save Will DC 10 + ½ wendigo’s HD + wendigo’s Cha; onset 1 minute; frequency 1/day; effect 1d4 Wis drain (minimum Wis 1); cure 3 consecutive saves.
When a victim’s Wisdom reaches 1, he seeks an individual of his race to kill and devour. After completing this act, the afflicted individual takes off at a run, and in 1d4 rounds sprints up into the sky at such a speed that his feet burn away into jagged stumps. The transformation into a wendigo takes 2d6 minutes as the victim wind walks across the sky. Once the transformation is complete, only miracle or wish can remove this template. Once the transformation is completed the wendigo psychosis is removed from the creature and all Wisdom damage and drain caused by the curse and maddening whisperer is automatically cured.

Wind Walk (Sp)
If the wendigo pins a grappled foe, it can attempt to wind walk with the target by using its spell-like ability as a part of successfully pin the enemy—it automatically succeeds on all concentration checks made to use wind walk. If the victim fails to resist the spell, the wendigo hurtles into the sky with him. Each round, a victim can make a new save at the same DC to turn solid again, but at this point he falls if he cannot fly. Eventually, the wendigo strands the victim in some rural area, usually miles from where it began. A creature that wind walks with a wendigo is exposed to wendigo psychosis every round unless the wendigo decide otherwise.

Spell-like Abilities: A wendigo may use nightmare 1/day and wind walk at will. A more powerful wendigo possesses additional abilities as noted on the table below.
Unless otherwise indicated, the ability is usable 1/day, using the wendigo’s HD as the caster level.
Spell-Like Abilities
Ghost sound and quench at will​
Chill metal 3/day, fog cloud 3/day​
Gust of wind 3/day, sleet storm 3/day, wind wall
Confusion 3/day, river of wind, suggestion 3/day​
Commune with nature, ice storm 3/day​
Control winds 3/day, wind wall 3/day​
Control weather (as a druid), river of wind 3/day, wall of ice 3/day​
Control weather (as a druid) 3/day, insanity
Control winds at will, wind wall at will​
Wail of the banshee, whirlwind, winds of vengeance

Special Qualities: If the base creature have the water subtype or is aquatic, the wendigo gain the amphibious special qualities. A wendigo retains all special qualities of the base creature, gains no breath, sound mimicry, and gains the following.

Elusive (Ex)
A wendigo is the stuff of legends, but despite countless attempts to hunt them, they are rarely encountered unless they wish it. When using the withdraw action, the wendigo can move up to its run speed without leaving any trace of its passing and can make a Stealth check with a +20 circumstance bonus as part of this withdraw action, even with no cover or concealment or while directly observed. In addition, except when in combat, the wendigo is considered to be under the effects of a nondetection spell (CL equal to wendigo HD).

Stormcloak (Ex)
A wendigo ignore the effects of wind on movement, and is immune to winds caused by spells or supernatural effects unless it chooses to be affected by them.

Abilities: A wendigo gains a +6 bonus to two ability scores of its choice, +4 bonus to other two ability scores of its choice, and +2 to the other two.

Feat: A wendigo gain Deceitful, Endurance, Flyby Attack, Improved Initiative and Toughness as a bonus feats.

Skills: Same as base creature, except the wendigo gains a +8 racial bonus to Bluff, Fly, Stealth and Survival checks. The wendigo also gains Bluff, Fly, Stealth and Survival as a class skills.

Languages: A wendigo retains the languages it knew as a mortal and gains telepathy with a range of 1 mile.

Though wendigos are most often encountered in the northern climes of the world, these horrors of desperation and hunger can be found in virtually any area of desolation where starvation leads folk to partake in the taboo act of cannibalism.

Bucca Wendigo (+2 CR)
The wilds of the surface are not the only places where travelers can become trapped and resort to their bestial natures to survive. Legends tell of the spirits of lost explorers or trapped miners who haunt deep mine shafts and tunnels and tap the walls to herald collapses and other catastrophes. These wendigos lose the stormcloak ability and gain the earth subtype.

They gain a burrow speed of 20 feet and tremorsense 60 feet, their darkvision improved to 120 ft., their rend ability does Dexterity damage instead of Charisma damage, and their damage reduction is changed to 5/adamantine or magic (if HD 5 or less), 10/adamantine (if HD 6 to 10), or 15/adamantine and magic (if HD 11+), and replace the following spell-like ability:

Soften earth and stone in place of gust of wind.

Stone call in place of sleet storm.

Melt into stone in place of wind wall.

Earth glide in place of river of wind.

Move earth in place of control winds.

Greater bind earth in place of control weather.

Wall of stone in place of wall of ice.

Earthquake in place of whirlwind.

It also gains the following spell-like abilities
Spell-Like Abilities
Spike stones 3/day​
Transmute mud to rock 3/day, transmute rock to mud 3/day​
Passwall 3/day​

Dust Wendigo (+2 CR)
In the desert, where water is as rare as food, unwary or unfortunate travelers may find themselves raking the hot sands for anything that can pass for edible. It is during these scorching days and freezing nights in the vast desert that dust wendigos inhabit creatures that succumb to wendigo psychosis. These foolhardy, jackal-headed beasts combine the ravenous savagery of wendigos with the stinging, wind-blown sand of desert wastelands, and plague the dreams of desert nomads and even resident jann or other genie-kin.

These wendigo lose their cold subtype, instead gaining the fire and air subtypes (losing immunity to cold and vulnerability to fire for immunity to fire and vulnerability to cold). In addition, their regeneration is halted by cold damage instead of fire damage, they deal fire damage with their bite and claw attacks and rend instead of cold damage (hungry cold is renamed hungry desert), and replace the following spell-like ability:

Heat metal in place of chill metal.

Cup of dust in place of sleet storm.

Volcanic storm in place of ice storm.

Wall of fire in place of wall of ice.

It also gains the following spell-like abilities
Spell-Like Abilities
Shifting sand 3/day​
Sirocco 3/day, shifting sand at will​
Dust form 3/day​
Horrid wilting, sunburst
Sea of dust

A dust wendigo replace snow vision with desert vision.

Desert Vision (Ex)
A dust wendigo is immune to the blinding and dazzling effect of the desert and to the damage of natural sandstorm. It can also see perfectly well in sandstorms, regardless of whether they are natural or supernatural (like a scouring winds spell), and does not take penalties on Perception checks when in sandstorm conditions, as well as concealment due to sand.

Void Wendigo (+1 CR)
In the vast expanses of inky blackness between the stars, the area known as the Dark Tapestry, there wait immeasurably patient wendigos of dark origins, inhabiting the bodies of cannibalistic victims of interstellar travel gone awry. Void wendigos float in a stony stasis awaiting the rare traveler to happen upon them and inspire them to wake from their frozen sleep to once again feed and spread madness.

Void wendigos possess lifesense 60 feet and gain the following spell-like abilities:
Spell-Like Abilities
Statue 3/day​
Greater teleport 3/day, statue at will​
Greater teleport at will​

A void wendigo replace snow vision with see in darkness.


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