From the Hebrew myth, here is the creator: Yahweh

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For the base idea I use the Yao created by Apepsnake (Just Things I've Made) but finishing it to the best of my abilities
As a Deity

The One True God
Alignment LE
Areas of Concern Domination, Leadership, tyranny
Domains Community, Destruction, Evil, Fire, Law, Glory, Nobility, Trickery, War
Subdomains Aristocracy (Nobility), Arson (Fire), Blood (War), Catastrophe (Destruction), Corruption (Evil), Deception (Trickery), Devil (Evil), Education (Community), Greed (Trickery), Hubris (Glory, Nobility), Judgment (Law), Leadership (Nobility), Legend (Glory), Legislation (Law)*, Rage (Destruction), Slavery (Law), Tyranny (Law)
*require Urban Acolyte trait
Favored Weapon Longsword
Symbol A cross
Sacred Animal(s) Snake (natural)
Sacred Color(s) Gold, Purple, White

Yahweh (Demiurge Stage I CR 665)

A towering robed creature roars in fury that seems... rather unlimited. Out of the constant sounds, you can make out few, but some, words "I AM the LORD thy GOD." It's snaking, well, snake heads jaws open and snap shut; while multiple pairs of flaming wings spread behind it. Massive claws like the feet of a bird shred the air itself into millions of ribbons. The heat is unbearible. "Burn in MINE Holy Fires, Ye heretical fiends!"

Beyond Alignment (LE effectively) Macro-Gargantuan outsider (angel, evil, extraplanar, fire, incorporeal, lawful)

Init +392 (always first); Senses clairaudience/clairvoyance, cosmic consciousness (universe), darkvision, see in darkness; Perception +712

Aura bright (4.900 ft., DC 469), divine (78.400 ft., DC 229), evil, lawful, protective (19.600 ft.)


AC cannot be hit 654, touch 654, flat-footed 344 (+155 Cha, +155 deflection, +155 Dex, +64 divine, +155 dodge, -40 size)

hp 1.108.800 (480d1000+74.400) x2 regeneration 2.400 (chaotic good artifacts/epic spells)

cannot fail Fort +461, Ref +379, Will +471;

Defensive Abilities angel traits (first choir), cosmic firmament, cosmic string, divine defense 59/day (240 minutes; +79), fire body, incorporeal, interdimensional, unreal (deeper darkness); DR 960/–; Immune A demiurge is unaffected by any magical or natural effects such as: ability damage, disease, natural elements (cold, drowning, fire, lava, lightning etc.), poison and so forth. They can still be affected by artifacts (epic magic items) and epic spells; ability damage or drain, acid, cold, disease, electricity, energy drain, fire, paralysis, petrification, poison, sleep, stunning and death from massive damage. Yahweh is immune to non-epic magic and all abjuration, conjuration, enchantment, illusion, necromantic and transmutation magic; SR 554, any spell which fails to penetrate Yahweh spell resistance is reflected back upon the caster

Weakness vulnerability to cold


Speed Superluminar

Melee bite touch +659 (480d100 positive energy and 480d100 divine fire), 12 wings touch +659 (360d100 positive energy and 360d100 divine fire) and 1 tail slap touch +659 (480d100 positive energy and 480d100 divine fire)
Space 12 miles; Reach 8 miles

Special Attacks alter reality, breath of god (DC 469 half; cone 78.400 ft.; 160d1000 divine fire; at-will), channel negative energy 158/day (DC 349; 120d6), evil eye, fiery visage, holy fervor 637 round/day (+8 Str and Cha, +4 Will), lord of flames, mythic surge 64/day (+64d6), scythe of evil 59/day (120 rounds), tyrannical strike 59/day, touch of evil 168/day (120 rounds), touch of law 168/day,

Spell-like Abilities (CL 544th, concentration +763)

At will—astral travel, etherealness, greater teleport, meteor swarm (DC 238), miracle, plane shift (DC 236), prismatic sphere (DC 238), shapechange

3/day—living fireball* (DC 239), rain of fire (DC 239)

1/day—summon angel

2/week—vengeful gaze of god (DC 239)

*As living lightning except fire instead of electrical damage.


Str –, Dex 320, Con 320, Int 320, Wis 340, Cha 320

Base Atk +480; CMB +739; CMD 1.214

Feats Battlefield Intuition, Improved Initiative;

Epic Feats Superior Initiative;

Metamagic Feats Aquatic Spell, Automatic Metamagic Capacity x40, Bouncing Spell, Contingent Spell, Continual Spell, Delayed Spell, Ectoplasmic Spell, Elemental Spell, Empower Spell, Enlarge Spell, Extended Spell, Greater Intensified Spell [E] (+4, removes the maximum cap), Heightened Spell, Intensified Spell, Lingering Spell, Maximize Spell, Metamagic Freedom [E], Persistent Spell, Reach Spell, Seeking Spell, Selective Spell, Tenacious Spell, Trap Spell, Widen Spell;

Skills All skills 547 + ability modifer

Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Infernal, other 630; telepathy universe

SQ dimensional mastery (evil eye, unreal), domains (evil, law [Tyranny]), integrate class feature (cleric (Enthusiast – d20PFSRD)), maven, omnicompetenct, portfolios (any two), transcendental might

Special Abilities
Yahweh renounces its 4 artifacts slot for quintuple its divine slot. Yahweh renounces 174 feats for 26 extra divine slot.

Divine Abilities
• Dominance (Su): Opponents with less that 1/3 your HD automatically fail their save against you.

• Quantum Effect (Su): You can incorporate fate into your effects.

• Standard Divine Storm (Su): You can create quintessence based effects.

• Standard Positive Energy Breath (Su): The effect deals d4 damage per die or more to undead.

• Standard Thieving Wrath (Su): The effect steals wealth from your opponents.

• Superior Initiative (Su): You go always first.

• X-Ray Vision (Ex): See through solid objects.

Cosmic Abilities
• Abrogate (Su): Nullify an opponent greatest ability.

• Slimpstream (Su): Unaffected by time effects or temporal travel.

• Standard Atomic Blast (Su): Attack your enemies with nuclear force.

Trascendental Abilities
• Greater Dominance (Su): Opponents with less that ½ your HD automatically fail their save against you.

• Perfect Defense (Ex): Cannot be hit.

• Sophism (Ex): Make a Will save for negate an assault.

• Standard Astro Beam (Su): You can create effects which can erase an opponent from reality.

• Standard Omega Blast (Su): You can create effects which permanently obliterate parts of the enemy.

• Transilient Fortitude (Ex): Cannot fail a Fortitude save.

• Transilient Reflex (Ex): Cannot fail a Reflex save.

• Transilient Will (Ex): Cannot fail a Will save. This ability does not stack with the Sophism ability.

• Transmortality (Ex): Cannot be killed.

Standard Astro Beam
Beam (Ray) 25% annihilated; 19.600 Standard action

Standard Atomic Blast (with Evil Eye and Quantum Effect already calculated)
• Blast: 480d4 (1.920) Force damage.
• Disintegration: Fortitude save DC 469 or suffer 480d6 (2.880) damage.
• Heat: 240d6 (1.440) fire damage.
• Radiation*: 40 point of Str, Con and Dex damage.
• Wind*: 2.400 ft. knocks back, 1d6 damage x 10 ft. knocks back (x2 if hit an object), the Reflex save half the knocks back
; 19.600/1.225 ft. Standard action Ref 239/half

Standard Divine Storm (with Evil Eye and Quantum Effect already calculated)
Storm 120d3 (369); 78.400 ft. radius Standard/Free – Special Ref 239/half

Standard Omega Blast (with Evil Eye and Quantum Effect already calculated)
Blast 240 HD annihilated; 19.600/1.225 ft. Standard action Ref 239/half

Standard Positive Energy Breath (with Evil Eye and Quantum Effect already calculated)
480d4 (1.920) positive energy, 480d8 to undead (3.840), 480d12 (5.760) to undead especially vulnerable to sunlight (such as spectres and vampires); 1.225 ft. (cone) 4.900 (line) Standard Ref 239/half

Standard Thieving Wrath (with Evil Eye and Quantum Effect already calculated)
The effect steals coins first, then gems, then art objects then magic items in that order.
240d1000 (240.000) gp; all creature in 1.225 ft. Will 239/negate

Yahweh's preferred form is that of a flaming, angelic reptilian humanoid with seven serpent's heads, complete with claws and wings made entirely of dancing curtains of flame. Its true form is a massive serpent made of light and flame with the mane of a lion and 12 wings.

Alter Reality (Su)
Once per round as a free action Yahweh can duplicate any spell of 49th-level or less. This ability can also duplicate any epic spells of a DC equal to 702 or less. Other use of this ability are GM’s discretion.

Bright Aura (Su)
Yahweh cannot even be seen because of the immense about of heat and photons he ejects from his form. Any creature within a radius of 4.900 ft., is blinded and affected as if by a symbol of death and a symbol of weakness, however there is no hit point limit for these effects. All targets must make a Fortitude save DC 469 every round they are within the area to avoid the effect.

Divine Traits (Demiurge Stage I) (Ex)
As a demiurge stage I, Yahweh gains a +64 divine bonus to: armor class; attack rolls; checks (ability checks, caster level checks, skill checks, etc.); difficulty class (for any special abilities, spell-like abilities, spells); initiative; saving throws and spell resistance. Yahweh’s natural attacks or any weapons it wields, are treated as epic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. A demiurge stage I does not age, requires no air to breathe, no food or drink to sustain itself, nor sleep.

Fire Body (Su)
Anyone touched by, or touching Yahweh suffers divine fire damage equal to the base dice of the attack. Yahweh can chose to not inflict the positive damage of its natural attack (mainly against living targets, to avoid healing them).

Immunity to Magic (Ex)
Yahweh is immune to all spells, spell-like abilities and supernatural effects except as follows:

A dispel evil spell deals 1 point of damage per spell level. (do not work for Unreal unless originated by a creature/source of another universe)

Holy smite affects him normally. (do not work for Unreal unless originated by a creature/source of another universe)

A deeper darkness spell, instead of the normal effect, affects Yahweh as a shatter spell affects a crystalline creature, but deals only half normal damage.

Interdimensional (Ex)
A demiurge exists just as much in the space between dimensions. When targeted with an attack or spell, the demiurge has a base 50% chance of avoiding the attack.

Lord of Flames (Su)
Once per day, as a standard action, Yahweh can wrap a shroud of fire around a single opponent. This attack deals divine fire damage equal to Yahweh’ own full hit point total (no save) and has a range of 4.900 ft.

Mythic (Ex)
Yahweh has Mythic Power (64/day, Surge +64d6) and counts as a 64th-rank Mythic creature. Yahweh can use any of its Alter Reality and spell-like abilities effect as the Mythic versions of those spells (if a Mythic version of that spell exists), expending Mythic Power as normal. Yahweh can also expend Mythic Power to use the augmented versions of these spells.

Protective Aura (Su)
This aura acts as an octuple strength magic circle against evil (+16 deflection and +16 resistance bonuses) and an anti-magic field (that doesn’t impede Yahweh magic) for anyone within its area of effect. Both effects have a radius of 19.600 ft. (caster level 544th). This aura can be dispelled (by epic magic), but Yahweh can create it again as a free action on its next turn.

Ray of False Redemption (Su)
Yahweh can deliver a ranged touch attack with a range of 78.400 feet. Targets struck by this beam have their alignment changed to lawful evil and they start to worship Yahweh as their only true god. There is no save for this ability, however, those beyond morality, such as beings with the apostasy power are immune. The worship part is a charm, compulsion, mind-affecting affect.

Splendrous Visage (Su)
In addition to its protective aura, those who gaze upon Yahweh’s majestic brilliance may be destroyed utterly. Anyone within a 78.400 ft. radius of Yahweh is instantly obliterated unless they currently have 120 Hit Dice or more. There is no saving throw for this affect. Yahweh can block this effect by using four of its wings to cloak itself, each wing used in this manner reduces the effect by 30 Hit Dice. For each wing used to cloak itself, Yahweh lost one wing attack.

Summon Angel (Sp)
Once per day Yahweh can summon 6 seraphim or 24 cherubim.

Transcendental Might (Ex)
Yahweh deals d100's for base damage dice of all melee, natural weapon, and unarmed attacks with virtual size categories, and its damage dice cannot go below this dice but this cannot increase to more dice than Yahweh HD.


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OK . . . Yahweh is one of the names of God for both Christians and Jews TODAY. Right now. To put game stats to the concept, especially as an evil deity, is pretty disrespectful.
Based on the Old Testament God is not good even by mistake. It is a vengeful and punishing god. For the rest I created it simply because I thought that possibly interested people could come in handy. For the rest I'm sure that if I had created the stats for Brahma or Khali no one would have made a fuss even if they are currently worshiped. I am a Catholic Christian, born into a Christian family and raised according to Christian values but I have no problem saying that what I have created is a fictional entity, with powers of fiction, which does not represent minimally the god I have learned to worship and respect. What I have created is a fictional entity that rests on foundations of ethics and morals of 3000 years ago and which is not reflected in our time in the slightest. The God of the Old Testament is a ruthless god but because the world of the time WAS cruel and merciless. For a Jew of the time, such a god at the time seemed good and right but in the eyes of us 21st century people, according to our morality, according to our ethics, he is surely evil. This has nothing to do with the God of the new testament, created according to different morals and ethics, but this is another matter.
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Dire Bare

I thought that too, initially, then realized there is currently a survivor thread about Nordic gods...
Now that's a good discussion . . . is it okay to game-ify the Nordic deities worshiped by some today, but not okay to game-ify the Christian/Jewish God? A discussion that would be hard to have and follow the rules here on ENWorld.

There are some differences, however. While everyone has their own opinions, their own lines they don't want crossed, traditionally Christians and Jews don't appreciate their religion being trivialized like @Obly99 is doing here with Yahweh.

The Nordic deities have a history of being seen as "myths" and stories, and the neo-pagan Norse revival is a relatively recent phenomenon. Most Norse neo-pagans, at least that I've met, don't have a problem with their deities being used in fantasy stories or games. Possibly because they have a different relationship with their deities than Christians and Jews do with theirs. However, I'm not a follower of Asatru (Norse neo-paganism), nor am I a Christian (although, raised Catholic).

But there is a reason why WotC hasn't published an updated "Deities & Demigods" with D&D versions of world mythological figures. I'm glad they stayed away from that minefield.

Using real-world religion in your stories and/or games isn't inherently wrong . . . . but it's easy to cross the line into something disrespectful, even without that being the intent.

Dire Bare

Based on the Old Testament God is not good even by mistake. It is a vengeful and punishing god. For the rest I created it simply because I thought that possibly interested people could come in handy. For the rest I'm sure that if I had created the stats for Brahma or Khali no one would have made a fuss even if they are currently worshiped. I am a Catholic Christian, born into a Christian family and raised according to Christian values but I have no problem saying that what I have created is a fictional entity, with powers of fiction, which does not represent minimally the god I have learned to worship and respect. What I have created is a fictional entity that rests on foundations of ethics and morals of 3000 years ago and which is not reflected in our time in the slightest. The God of the Old Testament is a ruthless god but because the world of the time WAS cruel and merciless. For a Jew of the time, such a god at the time seemed good and right but in the eyes of us 21st century people, according to our morality, according to our ethics, he is surely evil. This has nothing to do with the God of the new testament, created according to different morals and ethics, but this is another matter.
Again, really?!?!

Yahweh is certainly a mythic figure that predates both Christianity and Judaism and is fascinating to read and study about.

But the fact remains you've created an "evil" game version of a figure worshipped TODAY. Right now. I assume it was not your intent, but this is incredibly disrespectful.

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