Alignment: CE
Domains: Chaos, Evil, Knowledge, Luck, Madness, Trickery
Subdomain: Corruption, Curse, Deception, Fate, Insanity, Memory, Truth, Whimsy
Favored Weapon: stick with a d20 at its end (treat as a wooden stack)
Holy Symbol: d20
Temples: Dungeons
CE Medium fey (chaotic, extradimensional)
Init +20;
Senses blindsight 120 ft., darkvision 120 ft., low-light vision, true seeing; Perception +56
Aura cloak of chaos (DC 40), divine (500 ft., DC 32), joke (500 ft., DC 52)
AC 49, touch 47, flat-footed 34 (+6 divine, +16 deflection, +14 Dex, +1 dodge, +2 natural)
hp 1.160 [2.320 in divine realm] (40d20+360); regeneration 30 (cold iron, epic and good)
Fort +32,
Ref +44,
Will +40; +4 vs. bardic performance, language–dependent, and sonic
Defensive Abilities blur, fortification 25%, freedom of movement;
DR 20/cold iron, epic and good;
Immune ability damage, ability drain, charm effects, compulsion effects, death effects, energy drain, mind-affecting, petrification, polymorph;
Resist acid 30, cold 30, fire 30;
SR 42
Speed 120 ft., fly 240 ft. (good)
Melee alpha stick +41/+41/+36/+31/+26 (1d4+12/19-20 plus warpwave)
Special Attacks alter reality (DC 32+spell level), bardic performance (Swift action; 58 round/day; DC 42; adoring fan, embarrassing satire, fascinate (7 people), frightening tune, incite unreliability, inspire greatness (6d10) (4 people), inspire heroics +12, mass suggestion, song of clumsiness, soothing performance, suggestion), circus of madness, gags
Spell-like Abilities (CL 46th, concentration +68)
Constant—blur, cloak of chaos (DC 40, self only), freedom of movement, haste, tongues, true seeing
At will—dimension door
3/day—quickened mass suggestion (DC 32)
1/day—summon fey (any CR 20 encounter, 9th level), summon The rabbit inside the hat (see below, 9th level)
Str 26,
Dex 38,
Con 28,
Int 30,
Wis 31,
Cha 46
Base Atk +20;
CMB +41 (+65 dirty trick);
CMD 75 (77 vs. dirty trick)
Feats Agile Maneuver, Dimensional Agility, Dimensional Assault, Dimensional Dervish, Dimensional Savant, Dirty Fighting Specialization, Dirty Trick Master, Greater Dirty Trick, Improved Critical (wooden stack), Improved Dirty TrickB, Lasting Performance, Maneuver Master (Dirty Trick) [use in place of attack], Quicken SLA (mass suggestion), Weapon Finess
Epic Feats Epic Inspiration x2, Haunting Music, Master of Maneuver (Dirty Trick) [use HD instead of BaB), Music of the Gods, Silent Music, Stellar Music
Skills All skills 49 + ability modifier; +10 Bluff, Disguise, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth skill checks
Languages Abyssal, Common, Celestial, Draconic, Infernal, 45 others, telepathy 300 ft., tongues
SQ dirty trickster, integrate class feature (Bard (Fey Prankster) 20 but no spellcasting), hammerspace, jack of all trade, maven, master of mischief 3/day, mischievous talent, no breath, versatile performance (Act; Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Sense Motive, Martial Performance (wooden stack))
Environment any
Organization unique
Treasure Variable
Special Abilities
Cosmic Abilities
• Counterattack (Su)
COUNTER ATTACK (Su) [Alpha unique ability]
A prank in retaliation.
Benefit: You can make one dirty trick combat maneuver against any opponent who successfully hit you. This combat maneuver happen after the attack of the foe hit you.
Chaos Portfolio Traits (Demi-Deity)
Hostile Environment (Lawful): -6 competence penalty on all die rolls while within a Lawful aligned environment.
Axiomatic Vulnerability(Ex): Suffer 50% extra damage from lawful aligned attacks and spells.
•Transmutation Immunity (Ex): You are immune to transmutation based attacks.
•Scion of Chaos (Ex): +6 competence bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls and armor class within a chaos aligned local,
•Improved Summoning (Chaos): Chaos aligned creatures summoned have 50% more HD.
•Taint of Chaos (Su): Healing 50% effect vs. your attacks except in lawful aligned locale.
Madness Portfolio Traits (Demi-Deity)
Lemming’s Wisdom (Ex): -6 competence penalty to wisdom.
•Shield of Madness (Ex): You are immune to mind-affecting effects.
•Scion of Secrets (Ex): +6 competence bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls and armor class against opponents with a lower Wis. score than you.
•Improved Summoning (Aberrations/Fey): Aberrations and Fey summoned have 50% more HD.
•Instrument of Madness (Su): Immunities against your mind-affecting attacks only 50% effective.
Alter Reality (Su)
Alpha is not bound to the normal reality and can rewrite it. Once per round, as a standard action, Alpha can duplicate the effect of any spell of a level equal to 9 or lower. Other use of this ability are GM’s discretion.
Bardic Performance
Song of Clumsiness (Su): A fey prankster can use this performance to cause enemies within 30 feet that can hear her to suffer seemingly random mishaps. Any enemy in this area that draws a weapon or retrieves an item from a backpack or similar container immediately drops it, and falls prone the first time it enters a square of difficult terrain during its turn. A creature can negate a specific effect with a successful Reflex saving throw (DC = 10 + half the fey prankster’s bard level + her Charisma modifier), but an enemy must attempt a separate save for each potential effect during the song of clumsiness (for example, if it draws multiple weapons). Song of clumsiness is an enchantment (compulsion), mind-affecting ability that relies on audible components.
Incite Unreliability (Su): A fey prankster can use her performance to manipulate a single target into fighting erratically or haphazardly, as though affected by lesser confusion. To be affected, the target must be within 30 feet and able to hear the fey prankster’s performance. The effect persists for as long as the target can hear the performance. A target that succeeds at a Will saving throw (DC = 10 + half the fey prankster’s bard level + her Charisma modifier) negates the effect and becomes immune to incite unreliability from the same fey prankster for 24 hours. Incite unreliability is an enchantment (compulsion), mind-affecting ability that relies on audible components.
Embarrassing Satire (Su): At 8th level, a fey prankster’s powerful satire raises painful blisters and ugly boils on the face of her target. The fey prankster selects one target within 30 feet to become sickened from the uncomfortable facial boils. The sickened effect continues for as long as the target is within 30 feet and the fey prankster continues the performance, though the boils remain for 1 day afterward. Embarrassing satire is a language-dependent, mind-affecting ability that relies on audible components.
Circus of Madness (Su)
Alpha can summon a big top tent as a swift action. The dimensions of the tent are up to Alpha but can be no larger than 80 ft. high x 100 ft. wide. This Tent will last for 1 full week before disappearing without a trace. The inside of this tent has ample food for an adventuring party, places to sleep, and a plethora of lions, bears, elephants, funhouse traps, pitfalls, mirror mazes, games, and crowds of people; the specifics are up to Alpha. The tend count as Alpha divine realm. All of these are illusions and considered mind-affecting affects, Alpha can at any given time alter the appearance of the illusory creatures inside giving the animals either red glowing eyes or turning them skeletal, and making the crowds translucent and iridescent. Alpha may direct the creatures in the circus in any way he sees fit and any damage done by illusory creatures is considered nonlethal and only does the base damage of the animal with no Strength modifier, all illusory animals have 1/50th Alpha's base hp but otherwise work exactly like animals of their type. The crowds may not attack but cheer gleefully when opponents are hit and boo or gasp when the illusory animals are struck. Attacks made on the crowd make any illusory person hit immediately disappear. Flaming rings and other funhouse traps do no damage and require a Will Save 52 to avoid being shaken for 2d6 rounds, a successful save negates this effect. Mirror mazes work exactly as the Maze spell at CL 40th. Pitfalls are added to the tent at creation and once placed cannot be moved, but can, however, be covered up, pitfalls do 4d6 nonlethal damage (DC 30 Reflex negates the trap) and puts enemies into a mirror maze. Alpha is considered to have no limit on how many gags he can do per day while inside the Tent of Horrors. The Circus of Madness has a hardness of 1 and 100 hp but is flammable and takes double damage from fire attacks. Alpha can have a maximum of 19 animals, 16 traps, and only one mirror maze. Creatures with True Seeing, or that are immune to mind-affecting effects see those as illusion and take ½ the damage from the animal and have +4 to the save against the trap and Intelligence check for exit the maze. To creatures without true seeing, or not immune to mind-affecting affects; things inside the Circus of Madness seem perfectly real; they can see, smell, hear, touch, and taste anything inside as if it were real. If all traps are discharged, and all illusory animals are killed, the tent begins to lose hp at a rate of 10 per round until it disappears without a trace.
All save DCs are equal to 52.
Confetti Blast (Su): As a standard action, Alpha can shoot a confetti popper at a foe with a range of 5 ft. If the hit is successful it is treated exactly as a Flare spell, dazzling the target for 1 round with no save. Alpha can use his hammerspace ability to produce the requisite confetti popper.
Creepy Grin (Sp): As a standard action, Alpha can use Slow as a spell-like ability, with a caster level of 40th. This is a mind-affecting fear effect.
Discarded Banana Peel (Ex): As an immediate action, Alpha can throw a banana peel at a single creature that is moving from one square to another, under its own power and while touching the ground. Alpha makes a ranged touch attack against the target, with a range increment of 10 ft. If the attack hits, the enemy falls prone and ends their move. Alpha can use his hammerspace ability to produce the requisite banana peel.
Exploding Cigar (Su): As an immediate action, Alpha can stop an enemy within 5 ft. from attacking and offer them an exploding cigar. The target makes a Sense Motive check against Alpha Bluff check. If Alpha win the target immediately ends his turn and at the start of Alpha next turn he take 5d6 damage (half bludgeoning/half fire). If Alpha lose he become the target of the attack and is considered flat-footed. Alpha can use his hammerspace ability to produce the requisite explosive cigar.
Fake Magic (Su): Alpha can pretend to cast a spell by spending one turn concentrating. At the start of his next turn he cast a spell that lets out a loud bang and a sheet of paper comes out of his hand that says "BANG!". All enemies who have a line of sight make a Sense Motive check against Alpha Bluff check. Those who fail the check no longer see Alpha as a threat and will pay attention else wear while those who succeed are left uninfected.
Jack in the Box (Su): As a standard action, Alpha can create a cleverly disguised jack in the box that lasts for 40 minutes. The box is nearly invisible, taking on the general characteristics of whatever is around it. Creatures must make a Perception check DC 35 to avoid it's effect. When enemies come within 5 ft. of the box it springs out and confuses enemies as per the spell Lesser Confusion with no save. Alpha can use his hammerspace ability to produce the requisite jack in the box.
Pie Toss (Ex): As a standard action, Alpha can throw a cream pie at a single creature with discernable eyes. Alpha makes a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 10 ft. If the attack hits, the enemy is rendered blind until it takes a standard action to wipe off the cream. Alpha can use his hammerspace ability to produce the requisite cream pie.
Seltzer Splash (Su): As a standard action, Alpha can shoot seltzer water at a single creature within 10 ft. with a ranged touch attack from a lapel flower at Alpha's behest, dealing 6d6 acid damage and dazzling it for 16 rounds. The acid damage deals ½ it's initial damage on the following round for 1 round. Alpha can use his hammerspace ability to produce the requisite seltzer water.
Squeaky Hammer (Su): Alpha must declare that he is using this ability before he makes his attack roll (thus, a failed attack roll ruins the attempt). Alpha can confuse a foe damaged by his squeaky hammer for 16 rounds. A successful Fortitude save negates. Alpha can use his hammerspace ability to produce the requisite squeaky hammer. A squeaky hammer is identical to a warhammer, except that it deals nonlethal damage. Unlike most nonlethal weapons, the wielder of a squeaky hammer take a -4 penalty on attack rolls in order to deal lethal damage.
Unicycle Ride (Ex): Alpha can use a move action to mount a unicycle and either juggle clubs or hold a quarterstaff for balance. He can maintain this for 16 rounds. After this period of time, Alpha must make an acrobatic check each round, DC 10 for the first check, with the DC increasing by 2 each round. Failure means that Alpha falls off and end up prone. While riding his unicycle like this, he can make flurries of blows with a quarterstaff or thrown clubs as a monk of 20th level. Dismounting is a free action. Alpha can use his hammerspace ability to produce the requisite unicycle, club, or quarterstaff, with a separate use of hammerspace to produce each item.
Hammerspace (Su)
As a free action 16 times per round, Alpha may magically produce items for his other abilities, as specified in the descriptions of the individual abilities. This ability can be used even when it isn't Alpha's turn.
Joke (Su)
Alpha mere presence can spark a party. Wherever he walks his musical theme ( com/watch?v=_zCiYBhs0Uw) accompanies him. Anyone within 500 feet who fails a DC 52 Will save loses any immunity to mind-affecting effects, charm effects, and compulsion effects, and start dance like for an irresistible dance spell as they laughs uncontrollably. A creature affected by a mind-affecting effect while within this aura remains affected even after leaving Alpha’s Joke aura. Creatures that fail their save are effect until they are no longer within the aura and for 1d4+1 rounds thereafter. Creatures that succeed at this saving throw are immune to this ability for 24 hours. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Dirty Fighting Specialist (Combat)
You know how to fight dirty, and aren’t afraid to do so.
Prerequisite: Greater Dirty Trick.
Benefit: You can reduce the length of the dirty trick’s effects in order to increase their severity: for every 2 rounds by which you reduce the duration of the effect, you can impose an additional condition on the target. All conditions added in this way are removed by a single standard action.
This decision must be made when the dirty trick combat maneuver is performed, after rolling to determine the duration of the effect. It cannot be made later. If this would reduce the duration to less than 1 round, you cannot use this ability.
Additionally, whenever you successfully perform a dirty trick combat maneuver, if the result of your combat maneuver check exceeded the target’s CMD by 5 or more, you may choose to inflict one of the following conditions, instead of the normal options: confused or fatigued
blinded, confused (if 5 or more), dazzled (dazed), deafened, entangled (pinned), fatigued (if 5 or more, exhausted), shaken (frightened), or sickened (nauseated).
Alpha stick is a +5 anarchic wooden stack that deal bludgeoning damage instead of piercing and deliver a warpwave effect on a succes sful hit.
The target can resist the warpwave’s effects with a DC 36 Fortitude save (40 with a critical hit).
See Table below for a list of possible effects caused by a warpwave.
Table: Warpwave Effects
d20Warpwave effect
1 Target takes 2 Strength damage.
2 Target takes 2 Dexterity damage.
3 Target takes 2 Constitution damage.
4 Target takes 2 Intelligence damage.
5 Target takes 2 Wisdom damage.
6 Target takes 2 Charisma damage.
7 Target gains 1 negative level.
8 Target is blinded or deafened for 1d4 rounds.
9 Target is confused for 1d4 rounds.
10 Target is entangled by filaments of energy for 1d4 rounds.
11 Target becomes fatigued (or exhausted if already fatigued).
12 Target becomes nauseated for 1d4 rounds.
13 Target is stunned for 1d4 rounds.
14 Target is sickened for 1d4 rounds.
15 Target is staggered for 1d4 rounds.
16 Target gains 4d6 temporary hit points.
17 Target is affected by a heal spell (CL = 20).
18 Target is turned to stone.
19 Target is affected by baleful polymorph (CL = 20).
20 Portions of target’s body burst with energy of a random type (choose between acid, cold, electricity, or fire), dealing 4d6 points of damage of the appropriate type to the target.
The Rabbit inside the Hat CR 20 “All wizards have a rabbit inside their top hat, don't they?”
Daikaiju Rabbit
N Colossal magical beast (kaiju)
Init +26;
Senses darkvision 600 ft., low-light vision; Perception +41
AC 44, touch 8, flat-footed 38 (+5 Dex, +1 dodge, +36 natural, -8 size)
hp 656 (32d10+480) fast healing 30
Fort +33,
Ref +23,
Will +16
Defensive Abilities ferocity, recovery;
DR 20/epic;
Immune ability damage, ability drain, death effects, disease, energy drain, and fear;
Resist acid 30, cold 30, electricity 30, negative energy 30, sonic 30
Speed 350 ft.
Melee bite +42 (8d6+25)
Special Attack crush (6d6+25, DC 41), earthquake, ferocity, hurl foe, trample (8d6+25, DC 43)
Space 50 ft.;
Reach 50 ft.
Str 44,
Dex 20,
Con 40,
Int 3,
Wis 22,
Cha 15
Base Atk +32;
CMB +57;
CMD 73
Feats Acrobatic Steps, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Greater Spring Attack, Greater Vital Strike, Improved Initiative, Improved Spring Attack, Improved Vital Strike, Mobility, Nimble Moves, Power Attack, Run, Spring Attack, Vicious Spring Attack, Vital Strike, Weapon Focus (bite)
Skills +5 Acrobatics (+133 when jumping), Perception +41
SQ massive
Earthquake (Ex)
As a standard action a daikaiju can generate an earthquake centered on itself, as a 30th level caster.