The Shark of Worlds, The Great Wall is broken, Xochipactli is back

Zo-shee-pact-lee is how I pronounce it
That's more or less what I had in mind, but the name is a bit of a linguistic monstrosity. I was pretty young when I made it up; it's a mishmash of Xochiquetzal (Aztec goddess) and Cipactli (Mayan mythic crocodile), so it's a mix of Nahuatl and Maya, so who knows what the 'proper' pronunciation would be?

EDIT; apparently I was wrong here, Cipactli is Aztec too. Again, this was 15 years ago...
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That's more or less what I had in mind, but the name is a bit of a linguistic monstrosity. I was pretty young when I made it up; it's a mishmash of Xochiquetzal (Aztec goddess) and Cipactli (Mayan mythic crocodile), so it's a mix of Nahuatl and Maya, so who knows what the 'proper' pronunciation would be?
Welcome back after a long time Khisanth. Sorry I didn't ask your permission for Xochipactli but I wasn't able to contact you at the time.

Khisanth, just out of curiosity, what did you imagine she would look like? I always thought the "Shark of Worlds" part was supposed to be metaphorical, myself.

Basically like the 'World Turtle' image from various mythologies (or Discworld), except a crocodile instead of a turtle. With some Tarrasque mixed in.

In her ridiculous multi-High-Lord form, I think like a crocodile/Tarrasque form containing whole galaxies within it? This was 15 years ago or so...

IIRC (and I may not, given the time span) I think the concept came from the art for the Cipactli in that mid-2000s Dragon Magazine article with Mesoamerican mythology monsters. It looked like a super huge crocodile with dirt, trees, etc. on top of it - kind of like some of those "island fish" images, but a crocodile.

Yes, calling her "Shark of Worlds" was metaphorical, she wasn't literally in shark form.

(The whole "Great Wall is broken"/dead Supreme Being thing seems embarrassingly teenage-angst-y now, looking back on it...)

(The whole "Great Wall is broken"/dead Supreme Being thing seems embarrassingly teenage-angst-y now, looking back on it...)
Hey, have you seen where we are? We are literally on a forum where we create gods and even more terrifying entities. All of us here love to see monsters the size of damn planets/galaxies beating each other up. Don't be so quick to belittle the you of 15 years ago, his dreams, and his creations. I think I can speak for a good portion of the people who frequent this forum in saying that you have create wonderful things.

Yeah, it's just the "dead rudderless universe" aspect I find a bit embarrassing, not the power level.

I actually did find (in my notes from an older computer) stats for Cipactli the First One of the Material Plane (based on a ridiculously advanced Tarrasque) and partial stats for Xochipactli's Aspect (Greater Deity/Entity rank).

Yeah, it's just the "dead rudderless universe" aspect I find a bit embarrassing, not the power level.

I actually did find (in my notes from an older computer) stats for Cipactli the First One of the Material Plane (based on a ridiculously advanced Tarrasque) and partial stats for Xochipactli's Aspect (Greater Deity/Entity rank).
Can you post them (even if incomplete)?

Can you post them (even if incomplete)?
Sure! This is 14 or 15 years old, and I haven't rechecked most of the math, but here it is...


Colossal Outsider (Extraplanar)

Hit Dice: 240d100 x8 + 14400 (206400 hp)

Initiative: Always first (+48)

Speed: 6710 ft. (1342 squares)

Armor Class: 362 (-16 size, +40 Dex, +240 natural, +40 deflection, +48 divine), touch 122, flat-footed 322

Base Attack/Grapple: +240/+394

Attack: Bite +370 melee (80d10+30d100 /17-20/×5)

Full Attack: 3 bites +370 melee (80d10+60d100 + 90/17-20/×5) and 2 horns +370 melee (15d10+30d100 /17-20/x5) and 2 claws +370 melee (40d10+30d100 /17-20/x5) and tail slap +370 melee (40d10+30d100 /17-20/x5)

Space/Reach: 30 ft./20 ft.

Special Attacks: Alter reality, frightful presence, spell-like abilities

Special Qualities: Carapace, cosmic consciousness, cosmic firmament, cosmic string, damage reduction 140/-, grant spells, immortality, immunity to fire, poison, disease, energy drain, and ability damage, regeneration 120, scent, SR 298, transmortality, virtual size categories

Saves: Fort +230, Ref +210, Will +220

Abilities: Str 190, Dex 90, Con 131, Int 81, Wis 111, Cha 91

Skills: All skills +291+ability modifier (Maven + Omnicompetent)

Feats: Alertness, Awesome Blow, Blind-Fight, Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Dire Charge, Dodge, Great Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Attack (bite, claw), Iron Will, Power Attack

Epic Feats: Automatic Metamagic Capacity (x8), Blinding Speed, Dire Charge, Greater Power Attack, Power Attack Mastery, Superior Initiative,

Divine Abilities: Abnormality (x2), Carapace, Celerity, Divine Immensity (x5), Exoskeleton, Mercurial, Nescience, Quickness, Regeneration, Squamous, Super Charge, Superior Power Attack, Superior Critical, Superior Critical Multiplier, Telluric Effect

Cosmic Abilities: Divine Nescience, Perfect Draconic Breath, Perfect Gravitic Storm, Slipstream, Supersonic, Unearthly Power Attack

Transcendental Abilities: Greater Transcendental Strike, Trans-Attack Period

Cipactli resembles the Tarrasque, but has three heads. Cipactli is 110 feet long and 80 feet tall, and weighs 5.8 million tons.

Alter Reality (Su): Duplicate epic spells of up to DC 326 or spells up to 17th level.

Frightful Presence (Su): Cipactli can inspire terror by charging or attacking. Affected creatures must succeed on a DC 228 Will save or become shaken, remaining in that condition as long as they remain within 60 feet of Cipactli. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Perfect Draconic Breath: 2500-ft. line, usable every 1d4 rounds, 240d8 each of acid, cold, electricity, fire, and sonic damage (avg. 1080 per energy type, 5400 total). DC 128 (Constitution-based) for half damage. Due to her Telluric Effect, if it affects the same target in subsequent rounds, the damage is doubled (then tripled, then quadrupled, etc.)

Perfect Gravitic Storm: When Cipactli activates her gravitic aura, everyone within her divine aura (10,000-ft. Radius) takes 4% of their maximum hit points as damage (DC 158, Strength-based, for half). Due to her Telluric Effect, if it affects the same target in subsequent rounds, the damage is doubled (then tripled, then quadrupled, etc.)


Carapace (Ex): Cipactli’s armorlike carapace is exceptionally tough and highly reflective, deflecting all rays, lines, cones, and even magic missile spells. There is a 30% chance of reflecting any such effect back at the caster; otherwise, it is merely negated. Check for reflection before rolling to overcome the creature’s spell resistance.

Divine Aura (Su): Radius 10,000 ft.

Divine Traits (Ex): Cipactli gains a +48 divine bonus to: armor class; attack rolls; checks (ability checks, caster level checks, skill checks, turning checks); difficulty class (for any special abilities, spell-like abilities, spells); initiative; saving throws and spell resistance.

Regeneration (Ex): No form of attack deals lethal damage to Cipactli.

Virtual Size Categories: Cipactli has 9 virtual size categories.


NOTES (15 years after the fact) -

1) I don't think the abilities are added up correctly. I think I see 20 Divine Abilities + 10 Cosmics + 4 Transcendentals = 20 + 60 + 144 = 224 Divine Abilities. And only 28 feats, I think... She has no artifacts, so IIRC she should have 240 divine abilities total (?) and 81 feats.

2) If she had her full ability complement, I think her CR should be 244 (20 base Tarrasque + 64 for 192 HD advancement at 1/3 HD + 160 for First One template).

3) I think her attack damage is calculated wrong. [Her bite should probably be 4d8 base Tarrasque + one step for Improved Natural Attack + 9 steps for VSCs, or 120d10. The 1d10 horns, 1d12 claws, and 3d8 tail don't show up on the Epic Bestiary table, but maybe 30d10 for horns, 40d10 for claws, and 80d10 for tail?]

4) I have no idea what was supposed to be going on with her Portfolios/Dimension. First One of the Prime Material Plane should have Double Luck (=Fate) Portfolio, and thus Inner/Evil Eye Dimensional Mastery, but I gave her Transmortality Dimensional Mastery [for Entropy] instead. I think this was intentional but I'm not sure what it would imply. So I'm not sure if she's meant to have Double Luck, Double Entropy, or Luck and Entropy Portfolios.

5) I was sure Cipactli had Iron (and Adamantine?) Body, but she's not written with it (nor its prerequisite, Ersatz). Huh. She's definitely supposed to be metal and/or rock/earth in appearance, rather than flesh. Maybe I didn't give her that because Ersatz would make her lose her Con bonus? I guess she could just be cosmetically made of e.g. stone/earth/metal (9 VSCs make her super-dense anyway) without the mechanical effects.

6) My notes, for some incomprehensible reason, say "Cipactli is 110 feet long and 80 feet tall, and it weighs about 420 tons." The SRD Tarrasque is 70 ft long / 50 ft tall / 130 tons; that's not a straightforward multiplier, and that weight is certainly wrong given that she has 9 VSCs [my notes actually say 8, but Str 190 for Colossal size should mean 9, if I'm reading the table correctly]. Perhaps I was uncertain that a 70 ft. long tarrasque would actually be Colossal rather than Gargantuan (length is supposed to exclude the tail...)

If 2 VSCs = x8 mass/density, then I think she should actually weigh 11,550 times the normal tarrasque, times about 3.87 at 110-ft. length (vs. 70-ft. length) from the square-cube law: final weight about 5,800,000 tons.

7) Draconic [Effect] is one I made up 15 years ago specifically for Cipactli. Here it is in the "custom divine abilities" thread:

8) Cipactli is an actual mythological figure, a crocodile-monster that the Earth was made out of by Tezcatlipoca and Quetzalcoatl in Aztec mythology.
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