Story Hours Index (Authors, add your own):


Title: Daikessoshen
Author: Davies
Number of Threads: 1

Type: Superheroes/Martial Arts
System: Mutants and Masterminds, 3rd Edition
Setting: A World Less Magical

Started: 20 September 2021
Status: Completed
Average Installment Length: Verbose
Average Frequency of Installments: Twice Daily, weekdays only.

Available for Download? No
Style: 3rd person narrative prose, with 1st person narrative as an introduction, plus game mechanics.

Overview: Martial arts tournament in a superhero world.
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Title: Ghourmand Vale
Author: Richards

Number of Threads: 1
Type: Fantasy
System: D&D 3.5
Setting: A modified Greyhawk campaign (the same game world as "Wing Three" and "The Kordovian Adventurers Guild")

Started: June 2022
Status: Ongoing
Average Installment Length: Varies - somewhat lengthy, as I write up each entire adventure as one post, but the adventures themselves are fairly short
Average Frequency of Installments: We try to play every Wednesday and I try to have each installment up within the next few days
Available for Download? No
Style: 3rd person narrative prose

Overview: The four PCs are fledgling adventurers, each with a personal reason to leave Greyhawk City and hire on as a worker on a wagon train making the 19-day trek to a boomtown in Ghourmand Vale.

Read more: Ghourmand Vale



How inconvenient
Title: An Adventure in Five Acts
Author: ilgatto

Number of Threads: 1
Type: Fantasy (Early to Late Medieval Europe-ish)
System: AD&D 2E
Setting: Homebrew (The Forest, Moftah Pilastru)

Started: 4 December 2022
Status: Completed 25 February 2023
Average Installment Length: Short to Long
Average Frequency of Installments: n/a

Available for Download?: Yes (pdf, 9.9 MB, #BM#LINKS). Readers are advised that some naughty words edited out for the thread are still in this pdf and that, on occasion, its text may differ from that in the thread for various reasons
Style: Third person narrative prose (emphasis on one PC), with occasional winks to the underlying mechanics (and then some)

Overview: Attending the annual Fortnight as usual, a group of young nobillions are eagerly looking forward to woo the assembled eligible damsels when things suddenly go very, very pear-shaped indeed and they find themselves swept away in events of Forest-shaking caliber

Reader Comment: "What's with the prose? I don't like prose." (the DM)

Special: The story is based on the notes two players made during the various sessions and tries to stick as closely as possible to what actually happened, as it happened.
Please note that the author is not a native speaker and that one cannot proofread one's own work (see 7., in the el-remmen guide). Therefore, despite diligent efforts to the contrary, the story may still contain certain mistakes and perhaps weird turns of phrase, for which he humbly begs forgiveness.
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Title: The Raven's Portal
Author: __catherine__
Number of Threads: 1

Type: Fantasy (Portal Fantasy)
System: D&D 3.5e + some homebrew elements
Setting: Homebrew (Cataclysm of the Malachite Moon)

Started: 04 August 2023
Status: Ongoing
Average Installment Length: Medium (but, uhm, we'll see)
Average Frequency of Installments: Weekly (post-game updates on weekends)

Available for Download? No
Style: 3rd person narrative prose, with occasional notes on underlying mechanics

Overview: Six gamers are reincarnated into a fantasy setting.


Title: Mongoose Traveller Tale in the Third Imperium

Number of Threads: 1
Type: Sci-Fi
System: Mongoose Traveller Second Edition
Setting: The Third Imperium and adjacent.
Started: 2023
Status: Ongoing
Average Instalment Length: Medium
Average Frequency of Instalments: When I can, hopefully a few times a week. I have notes to write up...
Available for Download? No
Style: First person narrative, derived from the Diary of Polybius Comnenus

Overview: Official campaign material set in the Spinward Marches just before the Fourth Frontier war.

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