D&D General Strahd Castle Ravenloft in 3d glory!

EN World member shoak1 created this awesome 3D model of Castle Ravenloft -- "Just about to start my Ravenloft campaign, and here is the castle I built to use. It's a playable surface, room numbers are shown with white tags for reference (1 square=1 inch=5 feet). I had to keep it to half height to preserve building materials, so its only 160' tall sans dungeon levels, 32" tall."

EN World member shoak1 created this awesome 3D model of Castle Ravenloft -- "Just about to start my Ravenloft campaign, and here is the castle I built to use. It's a playable surface, room numbers are shown with white tags for reference (1 square=1 inch=5 feet). I had to keep it to half height to preserve building materials, so its only 160' tall sans dungeon levels, 32" tall."

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chapel, K15

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main floor, map 3

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court of the count, 2nd story, map 4

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Rooms of weeping, 3rd floor, map 5
(maps 6-10 are in towers and playable surfaces/decorated, but I didn't take pics of them

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Larders of ill omen, dungeon level 1, map 11

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Bottom floor dungeon/catacombs, map 12​

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Absolutely amazing stuff.
I had to keep it to half height to preserve building materials, so its only 160' tall sans dungeon levels, 32" tall.
Which, incidentally, keeps it in line with the realistic sizes of castles. Castle Ravenloft is comically tall with ridiculously high ceilings and walls. It's twice the height of any castle in the real world.


did you compare the furnishings in each room with the room descriptions, I think I did a pretty good job w/the decor....I even have a 3d pipe organ in K10


Used mostly Terraclips, some Terraworks download-print-tape stuff, some plastic/ceramic props, some images I printed out on color printer, misc.stuff from toys/games.

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