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Rhun said:
With that, he stands and moves toward the counter. Stepping up next to the stout dwarf at the counter, Korbryn attempts to start a conversation. "It does me heart good to see another of the stout folk here in this village. I've seen few enough of our kin since leaving the majesty of the mountain halls..."

Hail you.
replies the dwarf to Korbryn and raise his wooden mug.
Tragge Liftsilver is me name, it's been ages since me legs felt the rocks of my homeland in the west, and me ears heard the drums of our kin in the Halls of the Kings.
me been over here for a long time, Stone mason I am and building is me job.

he nods towards the window in the direction of the keep.

Common room – 5 silver per night, dozen bunks.
One of the common room are filled with merchants, the other room is occuipied by the ugly Halfling and the brute that is dining on the counter, In this room those of you who wants common romms find a spot to sleep.
1 Private room is for two (two seperate rooms)– 3 gold per night, soft bed, quilted blanket, a desk with chair, pitcher of water and a bowl for washing up.


First Post
Korbryn offers his hand in greeting to the stout dwarf. "And I be Korbryn Rivenshield, of the dwurfolk of the Lortmils. I noted yon keep when entering Hommlet...but tell me, Tragge, why would a community such as this need such a fortress?"

Rhun said:
Korbryn offers his hand in greeting to the stout dwarf. "And I be Korbryn Rivenshield, of the dwurfolk of the Lortmils. I noted yon keep when entering Hommlet...but tell me, Tragge, why would a community such as this need such a fortress?"

This are home to Burne and Rufus, they are well respected and powerful adventurers who settled down in this area about fifteen years ago, they fought the humanoids that settles around those hills and protected theit town, now, they don't get involved in adventures anymore and consider the village as their home.
They essentially run the town since the old village elder passed away, leadership unofficially passed to them by default.
As for the keep, they started to build it before the rising of the Second Temple, I, Tragge, built the keep.

He smiles and takes a swig.


First Post
"And a fine keep it is, I am sure. It was me pleasure speaking to ye, Tragge. Perhaps we will chat again, later." Korbryn offers Tragge a nod of farewell, and moves back toward his companions.

Go Home I said or I'll tell your mamas what are you doin!
You hear a shout from the outside, the kids gather the fat pig and leave the area, a bulky human enters the inn with a big smile, he is bald and owns a rounded potbelly, he wears a chain shirt and sword hangs loosely from his belt.
Good afternoon madam and Mrs. Vesta.
he says and lowers his rounded hat.
A cup of your finest whiskey, Maridosen.
He says to the barkeeper and looks around, he taps on Tragge's shoulder and the dwarf's moans back, he looks at the human brute and sighs.
Well, well
He says and approach.
Good afternoon champs, Elmo is my name and I'm the law around here. I see many weapons and armor beneath those cloths, I hope you mean no harm strangers and you are peaceful folk, what are your business around here ?

The human on the counter turns around and stares.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
The Kid's hands a blur, and the dagger is gone, disappearing somewhere in his loose clothing. "No trouble, Master Elmo. Just entertaining myself while the master is doing his business. Name is Thandis, a simple guard and traveller. Come, play a game of cards or something to help pass the time."


Miltiades rises with a serene smile as he pulls back his cloak to reveal the symbol of his church. "Peace be upon you good sir. I am Miltiades, a cleric and historian of the church of Rao, newly come to town with my companions. There were reports of bandits and humanoids on the road and we prepared accordingly. I assure you we mean no harm to the good inhabitants of your village. In fact I came here to record some of the storied lore of its past triumphs. If you have time to spare a humble traveller I would offer you a dinner at my table here. I would appreciate learning what you can tell me of Hommellet and the people within I should speak to."

Elmo grabs a chair from the nearest table and takes a sit
Forgive me for prejudging you, armored strangers like yourself brought some bad memories from the past, luckily, the old town on Nulb is a ghost town since the temple fall.
He says and take his drink from Vesta that smiles and returns to her duties.
Bandits you say, Yeah, I have heard either about Bandits, Hobgoblins, they dwell in the remains of the old temple, where I Elmo, was one of the heroes who destroyed the foul place.
He takes a sip from the goblet
But I'm not concerned, the abandoned place it far away from here and a couple of Hobgoblin bandits is not something to worry about … yet.


Miltiades will chat with Elmo about Hommlette and the past temple, remaining polite, friendly, and interested. He will ask if there is anyone Elmo would recommend he speak to in addition or see for himself. Miltiades will ask if he can drop in on Elmo later to continue the chat. The priest will not bring up his true mission in public however, waiting for when he has an opportunity to speak to Elmo in private.

Voidrunner's Codex

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