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Strahd's "RttToEE" - recruitment, 1 Arcane caster needed.


First Post
Land Outcast said:
Some suggestions (and help, for example, what are exactly the Bandit Kingdoms? Are they far away from Veluna?) would be appreciated given my poor knowledge of Greyhawk.

I don't have any of my books with me, but the Bandit Kingdoms are basically a collection of petty city-states. If I am not mistaken, they have been overrun by Iuz at the time of this adventure...

Here is a map you can view:


Actually, that is a BEFORE map. Here is the map for AFTER the Greyhawk Wars:


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Kafkonia said:
I'm aiming towards a Neanderthal barbarian -- that should be kosher, since Frostburn is accepted, right? Someone who has come to the more temperate climes due to his overwhelming curiosity, and who takes up the adventure for much the same reason.

I'll get a better write-up when I can get at my book this evening.

Sounds good, may I suggest Wegwiur (Wolf nomads) or Chakyik (Tiger nomads) as your home to the north.
But you should think about a very good reason why you left home to the temperate region and how they accepted you to this mission

Voadam said:
Two concepts are jumping out at me.

1 Spellthief agent of the circle. Someone excited at the chance to use his magical talents on an important mission for his distant mage master.

2 Velunese Rao cleric with healing and knowledge (knows about the flight of fiends, past temple actions, and such legendary celestial heroes as Sir Merrick Garland :) ).

I liked number 2 the most.

Land Outcast said:

Coming from the Bandit Kingdoms in search of more hospitable/profitable land, a fiendish-blooded swordman and duelist in exploration of his own ability. He keeps the ebon scales on the back of his hands covered by tight-wrapped bandages.

Some suggestions (and help, for example, what are exactly the Bandit Kingdoms? Are they far away from Veluna?) would be appreciated given my poor knowledge of Greyhawk.

I assume fiendish blooded swordman from the bandit kingdoms is tending to evil ...
hmmm ... and the kingdoms are quite far from this area, maybe you should take a look at the suggestion I wrought in the first post for a "needed" character.

Land Outcast

I was actually planning on a man who only trusted those he knew as worthy... actually it was because of Iuz's proximity that he left his homeland... (I was thinking, if the war wasn't too long ago, he might be escaping from war...)

but of course all this can be changed... into an elven swordman hailing from Highfolk maybe...


Miltiades inquisitor of Rao

Oeridian Human cleric 4
Deity Rao

Str 12
Dex 12
Con 14
Int 14
Wis 17
Cha 10

hp 33/33 (8+ 3d8+8 +4)
AC 20 (+9 armor +1 dex) Touch Flat 11, Footed 19
Init +1
BAB +3
Grapple +4

Attack +4 spear 1d8+1 x3 RI 20'

Feats: Spell Focus Conjuration, Augment Summoning, Improved Toughness

Diplomacy +7
Knowledge arcana +5
Knowledge dungeoneering +3
Knowledge history +9
Knowledge nature +3
Knowledge religion +9
Knowledge planes +9

Languages: Common, Celestial, Auran

Domains: Healing, Knowledge

Spontaneous casting 1 cure light, detect secret doors, 2 cure moderate, detect thoughts

Spells prepared 5, 4+1, 3+1 DC 13 + spell level
0 Cure Minor Wounds, Detect Magic, Create Water, Mending, Light
1 Cure light wounds, Bless, Comprehend Languages, Summon Monsters I X2
2 Cure Moderate Wounds, Hold Person, Spiritual Weapon, Summon Monster II

Full plate +1 2,650 gp
Cure light wounds wand 750 gp
Handy haversack 2,000 gp
Holy symbol 25 gp
Spear 2 gp
Food, water, sundry gear, 10 gp
Historical, demonological, and religious reference texts 15 gp
Everburning torch 110 gp
440 gp


A tall thin man, Miltiades has the thoughtful look of a scholar to him, though he has the bearing of one trained to wear the armor he does. Olive skinned with short cut black hair and dark brown eyes he is easily identified as an Oeridian.


Miltiades is a church loremaster, trained in history, demonology, and arcanology. He knows the past history of the Temple and was sent by the church in Veluna to investigate rumors that indicate the possibility of a return of the elemental cults.

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First Post
Korbryn Rivenshield, of the Dwurfolk of the Lortmils
Lawful Neutral Dwarf Male Fighter 4

Although still a young dwarf, Korbryn has seen his fare share of battles. Hailing from the southernmost portion of the Lortmils, Korbryn and his clan have had ample opportunity to prove their valor against humanoids and giants from the nearby Pomarj.

When the stories of Korbyrn’s battle prowess reached the ears of the dwarven kings, they summoned him to their halls to test for the honor of joining their personal guard. The tests consisted of a series of combat against other worthies, and a series of endurance tests as well. When the testing was completed, Korbryn found was offered the honor of serving, and dutifully took his place among the elite defenders of the dwarven kings.

When the call came for the dwarf lords to send a representative to Verbobonc, Korbyrn was quickly chosen from amongst the guard. While not a diplomat, Korbryn is a loyal, courageous dwarf who will speak plainly, and put the needs of the dwarves before his own personal concerns.

Korbryn is tall for a dwarf, at 4’ 5” in height. He is powerful of build, with a weight of about 190 pounds, most of it solid muscle. He has long blonde hair and a long blonde beard, both of which he wears braided with fine silver chain. His face is badly scarred down the left side, where an ogre’s club has mangled his visage. His voice is grating and always sounds hoarse.

The fighter is almost always found in his well-polished plate armor, and dresses in the leathers and wools favored by his people, in shades of reds and grays. While most dwarves are fond of wearing jewelry and precious metals, Korbryn disdains this practice. His clothes are generally worn and travel stained, but his armor and weapons are always clean and freshly oiled. He wears a collection of goblin and orc ears around his neck. In full battle gear, Korbryn is quite the sight to behold…wielding a sword that is larger than himself, and with enough weapons strapped to himself to outfit a troop of dwarves.

Quiet and taciturn, Korbryn rarely speaks. He prefers to let his actions speak for themselves. He is gruff and ill tempered, and is brutally honest, whether those listening to his words will like them or not.

Korbryn is not a smith or a miner, as are most of his kin. He is a warrior, first and foremost. He was trained to fight and defend his people, and he sees that as his only duty. Anyone that he deems a threat to the dwarves of the Lortmils will find Korbryn to be a most implacable foe. He is practical and methodical, and fully confident in his fighting prowess. Although a disciplined and honorable warrior, he is not above using dirty tricks to carry the day…

Dwarf male, age 68
Alingment: Lawful Neutral

Str: 18 (+4) (13 points, +1 level)
Dex: 12 (+1) (4 points)
Con: 18 (+4) (10 points, +2 race)
Int: 10 (+0) (2 points)
Wis: 12 (+1) (4 points)
Cha: 07 (-2) (1 point, -2 race)

Fighter, level 4
Experience: 6000
Hit Points: 42 (10 + 5 + 6 + 5 + 16 con)

Armor Class: 21 (10 base + 9 armor + 1 dex + 1 dodge feat) or 23 w/shield
Touch AC: 12
Flat-footed AC: 20 or 22 w/shield
ACP: -5 or –7 w/shield

Initiative: +1
Base Speed: 20 feet

Fort +8 (+4 base, +4 con)
Ref +2 (+1 base, +1 dex)
Wil +2 (+1 base, +1 wis)

BAB: +4
+10 attack, greatsword +1 (2d6 + 9)
+8 attack, dwarven waraxe (1d10 + 4)
+8 attack, warhammer (1d8 + 4)
+6 attack, composite masterwork longbow (1d8 + 4)

Feats: Weapon Focus (greatsword), Power Attack, Cleave, Dodge, Weapon Specialization (greatsword),

Appraise +0/+2 (0 ranks, +0 int/+2 stone/metal items)
Balance +1 (0 ranks, +1 dex)
Bluff -2 (0 ranks, -2 cha)
Climb +6 (2 ranks, +4 str)
Concentration +4 (0 ranks, +4 con)
Diplomacy -2 (0 ranks, -2 cha)
Disguise -2 (0 ranks, -2 cha)
Escape Artist +1 (0 ranks, +1 dex)
Forgery +0 (0 ranks, +0 int)
Gather Information -2 (0 ranks, -2 cha)
Handle Animal -2 (0 ranks, -2 cha)
Heal +1 (0 ranks, +1 wis)
Hide +1 (0 ranks, +1 dex)
Intimidate +2 (4 ranks, -2 cha)
Jump +6 (2 ranks, +4 str)
Listen +2 (1 rank, +1 wis)
Move Silently +1 (0 ranks, +1 dex)
Ride +1 (0 ranks, +1 dex)
Search +0 (0 ranks, +0 int)
Sense Motive +1 (0 ranks, +1 wis)
Spot +2 (1 rank, +1 wis)
Survival +1 (0 ranks, +1 wis)
Swim +6 (2 ranks, +4 str)
Use Rope +1 (0 ranks, +1 dex)

Languages: Common, Dwarven

Racial Features: Move at full speed, even in heavy armor or while carrying heavy load; Darkvision 60’; Stonecutting bonuses; Weapon familiarity (dwarven waraxe and dwarven urgrosh); Stability (+4 vrs. attempts to bullrush or trip); +2 save bonus vrs. poison; +2 save bonus vrs. spells and spell-like effects; +1 attack bonus vrs. orcs and goblinoids; +4 dodge bonus to AC vrs. giants; +2 on appraise checks concerning stone or metal items; +2 on craft checks when working with stone or metal;

Full Plate +1 2650 gp 50 lb
Armor Spikes 50 gp -----
Heavy Steel Shield 20 gp 15 lb

Greatsword +1 2350 gp 8 lb
Dwarven waraxe 30 gp 8 lb
Warhammer 12 gp 5 lb
Dagger 2 gp 1 lb
Comp. Longbow (+4 str, mw) 800 gp 3 lb
40 arrows, cold iron 4 gp 6 lb
20 arrows, silver 21 gp 3 lb

Explorer’s Outfit 10 gp 8 lb
Backpack 2 gp 2 lb
Beltpouch 1 gp ½ lb
Bedroll 1 sp 5 lb
Chalk, 2 pieces 2 cp -----
Crowbar 2 gp 5 lb
Flint & Steel 1 gp -----
Grappling Hook 1 gp 4 lb
4 pitons 2 sp 2 lb
Rations, trail 7 days 35 sp 7 lb
Rope, silk 50’ 10 gp 5 lb
2 sacks (empty) 2 sp 1 lb
Waterskin 1 gp 4 lbs
3 flasks of alchemists fire 60 gp 3 lbs
5 tindertwigs 5 gp -----
1 smokestick 20 gp -----

Pps: 2
Gps: 30
Sps: 27
Cps: 28

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Land Outcast

Probably Elven Fighter 4...

Could we consider a fighter variant?

No Armor Proficiency (Heavy)
No Armor Proficiency (Medium)
No Shield Proficiency (Tower)
No Shield Proficiency
d8 Hit Die
Tumble & Bluff as class skills
"Sneak" Attack +1d6 at levels 3,6,9,12,15,18

or would it be stretching it too far?
(Yes, I am conscious you listed the available sources... sorry for causing too much of a headache, first the fiendish ascendance guy, and now this...)
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Voidrunner's Codex

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