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Strange New Worlds trailer

Dire Bare

No worries. I was wondering about the Talos IV incident in the original series pilot, that later became a TOS 2 episode for Spock's trial, but it seems that the Talos incident has already been discussed in Discovery, so should be in the past for the new series. As i don't watch Discovery, I was unaware of that.
The events of "The Cage" (the original, unaired TOS pilot) take place before Discovery, and are referenced heavily in Discovery Season 2 when Pike takes command of the USS Discovery. Pike is given visions of his future as seen in "The Menagerie" from TOS, where Spock is on trial for taking Pike to Talos IV.

EDIT: To be more clear, both ST: Discovery and ST: Strange New Worlds take place between the events of "The Cage" and "The Menagerie".
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Deluxe Unhuman
He has visions of his future in an episode of Discovery, so he knows what's going to happen to him in the end.

(I'm assuming you know his fate from TOS?)
One of many moments that sold me on Anson Mount's Pike - his blood-curdling scream when he sees his future hit me right in the feels.

Thomas Shey

Fair point, but the patient in the trailer is La'an Noonien-Singh, Khan's descendant, so I think any genetic tweaking is due to her enhanced heritage.

Well, one of the points made in the DS9 plotlines about enhanced individuals is that it was difficult (particularly with those with mental enhancements) not to get problems to go with it (as I recall Bashir was so standout because it hadn't happened with him). Maybe its going to be the premise that the sociopathy that seemed to go with all the early Augments was partly genetic in nature, and it was necessary to do adjustments (maybe more than one) to keep that in hand.


New Publisher
Off topic... But we just started discovery, Andi can't believe how much it did what I've called for, a Klingon based trek. We are in early season two, and I'm liking the show a lot.


Off topic... But we just started discovery, Andi can't believe how much it did what I've called for, a Klingon based trek. We are in early season two, and I'm liking the show a lot.
I've always liked Disco, but I didn't think that it understood "Star Trek" very well in the first season. Primarily it lacked hope which is a big problem - fine for another sci-fi, but fundamentally not Star Trek. Also characters were miserable and didn't get along. I don't mind conflict at all, but Star Trek characters (Federation ones anyhow) should at least seem like they have a basic understanding of psychology. And empathy.

They fixed that in the second season. Then they dialed it to 11. They've almost gone overboard in the 4th season. I won't spoil it for you, but it feels like everyone is hugging each other all the time. Like I said, it's almost too much (and YMMV) but it's kind of exactly what I need right now.

Strange New Worlds looks like it's got that feeling, while maybe fixing one more of Disco's weaknesses: I've watched them for 4 seasons, and I still can't remember half the non-core character's names. It's not that I don't like them, it's that I don't KNOW them.

These character profile trailers show that they're gonna try to do better about that. They're already succeeding at it, IMO.


I've always liked Disco, but I didn't think that it understood "Star Trek" very well in the first season. Primarily it lacked hope which is a big problem - fine for another sci-fi, but fundamentally not Star Trek. Also characters were miserable and didn't get along. I don't mind conflict at all, but Star Trek characters (Federation ones anyhow) should at least seem like they have a basic understanding of psychology. And empathy.

They fixed that in the second season. Then they dialed it to 11. They've almost gone overboard in the 4th season. I won't spoil it for you, but it feels like everyone is hugging each other all the time. Like I said, it's almost too much (and YMMV) but it's kind of exactly what I need right now.

Strange New Worlds looks like it's got that feeling, while maybe fixing one more of Disco's weaknesses: I've watched them for 4 seasons, and I still can't remember half the non-core character's names. It's not that I don't like them, it's that I don't KNOW them.

These character profile trailers show that they're gonna try to do better about that. They're already succeeding at it, IMO.
I've started watching "The Center Seat." One of the things stressed in the first episode is that in ST:TOS they wanted to make a character driven show. Know them, care about them, keep coming back for them.

Dire Bare

I've started watching "The Center Seat." One of the things stressed in the first episode is that in ST:TOS they wanted to make a character driven show. Know them, care about them, keep coming back for them.
ST: Discovery is character-driven, but focuses on a smaller group of main characters than TOS or TNG. The bridge crew are hard to remember, as they don't get the spotlight much. The show has improved on that in later seasons, but still has the basic issue.

That said, the characters that get the most love are amazing characters! Michael Burnham (mutineer to captain), Saru (played by the always amazing Doug Jones), Tilly (perky comic-relief), Stamets (engineer/mycologist) . . . . and the B-cast's shining moments in Season 4 are still too far and few, but are a lot of fun.

Actually . . . . I'm not sure Disco really is much different than TOS in that regard. Sulu, Chekhov, Uhura are beloved characters but . . . did they really get that much screentime as Kirk, Spock, and McCoy?


Mod Squad
Staff member
They fixed that in the second season. Then they dialed it to 11. They've almost gone overboard in the 4th season. I won't spoil it for you, but it feels like everyone is hugging each other all the time. Like I said, it's almost too much (and YMMV) but it's kind of exactly what I need right now.

So, weirdly, the problem I'm having with Season 4 (I am only a few episodes in) is that everyone's so gorram miserable.

Tilly is miserable because she has lost her passion. Adira is miserable because there is so much change in their life that they can't find a stable point, and lives a life of anxiety as a result. Saru is separated from his ship. Book just had his entire planet blown up! And Michael (who, honestly, is only barely qualified for her new position to begin with) is getting second-guessed by the freaking President of the Federation.

My wife had to put a pause on us watching, because the guy playing Book is too good, and is making her feel that loss. Book doesn't need to focus on work, he needs freakin' therapy.

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