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Strange Note


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A note that looks as if it has suffered some attempt at writing on it, then what little is visible of the pale blue ink has been smudged by the handprint of blood over it. The print looks to be that of a female hand, slender and long fingered and much of the blood is concentrated towards the tips of the fingers.

Underneath is written a small line.

Not quite, not yet. It's not over yet.

(( If anyone bothers to really look closely, it actually appears to be a clerical document used in morgues and the like, when filing the names and ranks of military types. The name at the top is unrecognisable, but the cause of death is clear: 'Beheading' ))

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Xerneth Karjen

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The response arrives curiously, and without display. The typical torn parchment affixed by a distinct scalpel. The top of the note is stained dark red, not with fingerprints, but rather as though a sanguine mist had once held it aloft.

It will never be over, Paragon, not for you or yours.
Tell me, dear one of the heavens, when will you learn to lock the doors?
I hope that you enjoyed the parting gift that I left behind this time.
Consider it a token of my appreciation for you and your entire line.
Tell me, have you noticed that one of yours is missing yet?
I've not decided whether this one shall be enough to settle the second debt.
Can the life of any one celestial truly repay me what I am owed?
I think not, my dear; many lives must be compensated for the pain you have bestowed.
Perhaps I should take another, one closer to you?
I think I know just who to take, and I suspect that you do too.

Care to venture a guess?
Last edited:


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Another note is tacked beneath the first written in a dull gray-violet hue.

Poor pitiful paragon. I see now why you've stood me up for our little date. Can you withstand the pull of fate much longer? How much more can you bear on your shoulders before you shatter beautifully under the weight of your despair?

James V

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*a note is tacked up on the boards*

Her despair exists not in these pitiful thoughts if I know Bhryn. Your thoughts and horrible attempts of poetic speach is manefesting into such laughter, you lost.


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Another note, this one a little more pertinent than the others, simply states.

Where is Riyon?

A darker line of writing sits small underneath it:

The deadline for the dance you failed to attend was two weeks back. You are the tardy one, as ever. But what can anyone expect from someone who scrapes and bows to the sword he 'guards'?

Xerneth Karjen

First Post
Two more torn notes appear, each one imposed by the same form of scalpel as the previous message. Each is attached beside the note which they address.

The first is simple, unrefined, and appears to have been shredded in cruelly carved tears by whatever writing implement might have been used. The parchment is stained red around the interior edges, though it gradually becomes legible, albeit unusually bold and heavy-handed text halfway through:

.... pretend to be more than you are.
Your attempts at intellectual thought betray your simple mind.
You think that I care in what form she suffers, but your thoughts have left you blind.
You know not what you speak of, whiskey-laden fool.
Her anger is every bit as enjoyable as a tool.

The second note, by contrast, appears calm and concise, almost rational in its composition, and is attached to the more recent inquiry.

Riyon, the now-grown child-heir birthed of two upon my list?
I assure you, if he missing now, that loss will not yet persist.
Yet, I am flattered that you thought of me, as the game has merely begun.
How can you protect Celestia from me, Paragon, when you cannot keep track of your own son?


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My dear paragon, your burden obviously overwhelms you for I had arrived and was prepared to dance weeks ago, but you yourself turned down the notion. Am I to understand that you are at last prepared for the final requiem?

Will you sacrifice another loved one for what must be done I wonder?

I do so look forward to the answer to that question.

James V

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Tacked up on the board in rather impressive cursive writing[I

I tire of your words. Mmm, when she wishes, I will unleash a decade of boredem upon the pittyless soul with you conjour. Thoughts of devouring greed to consume your weakness finally shows in the words you write. I write this in boredom, almost anticipation to unbound my shackled being, awaiting the day, for this isn't mine to interfere in, when Bhryn wishes to allow others to, I shall, my shackles, the burdons I care, the fear of the dark that consumes my being beyond your understand of these nethers for which I shall cascade the inner darkness that consumes us all. Embrace it, your time is near, enough of these games. Appointments are the waste of excitment that is lost in our thoughts. You look to this as a mission...something you must accomplish. I prefer this as more of a game...


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Tacked up and written neatly by the ones with the scalpels

I said it once and I'll say it again. You're nothing but a coward. I know your kind, I once even shared my life with one for a time. But he met his end and as all who hide behind words and taunts do.

If only I could be there when she lays you low, and you cower before her, groveling like the pathetic fool you are. Be careful what you sow, for when it is reaped, it may be more than you thought you could handle.

At the bottom right is a small, stylized Rose, in the same red ink as the rest of the text


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An unremarkable elf approaches the boards. He reads the notes written here, takes a few moments to consider them, then steps away once more.

Voidrunner's Codex

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