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Struggle and Strife- A scarred lands storyhour

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Lars Frehse

First Post
Sorry it took me so long. :eek:

But as Nightfall had guessed, I am still on vacation, even though I am at home. We had been to Heidelberg and spend the rest of our vacation here at home in Hamburg. But for the first time in a year, my wife and me had plenty of time off together, and so we spent the weeks together, enjoying just being close to each other. :)

But here is a new update!

Lars Frehse

First Post
Out of the frying pan- part 3 of 4

As Torn plummeted to the ground, Hielaa saw her thunderkites attack the Paladin. Even though he cut one of the small elementals down, they discharged their electric charge into him, which proved to be too much for his already tortured body, and he collapsed to the ground.

Right then, Niklas jumped forward and fought the thunderkites. The magical snowstorm had subsided and Ben healed Trepat, who was unconscious as well. Back on his feet, the sorcerer cast another bolt of acid lightning at Hielaa, just as she created an ice storm down on the ground.

The magical storm froze Trepat to the bones and he was pummelled by the hailstorm. He felt like blacking out, but above, he saw the shape of the hag, and he summoned all his inner strength to stay conscious. Once more, he focused his magical energies to summon another acid lightning, but he never saw it hitting it’s target since at the moment when the spell worked, he felt like he was falling into a deep, black well and his body dropped to the ground.

He didn’t know how long he had been out, but when he came back, it was still raining, his friends were surrounded around him and Ben’s face was there right above his own. “You did it! You killed the witch”, the halfling said.

Trepat raised his head, and still lying on his back in a puddle of mud, he looked around. Somewhere in the back, he saw the carcass of Hielaa and all his friends were wounded. At least they would live for now, and he felt that their lives have just gotten a little bit safer.

They rode a little further and then settled down for the night in a small cave, which was hidden in the side of a hill. On the next morning, they took further care of their wounds and continued their trek through the Haggard Hills to the Ganjus.

The journey wasn’t easy but it was mostly uneventful. The small animals and raptors they had seen on their way to the Ganjus were gone and there wasn’t even the buzz of insects in the air anymore. It almost felt as if the land of the Haggard Hills was holding its breath.

After four days, they finally saw the first treetops of the Ganjus protruding above and between the hills. At last, the safety of the Ganjus was in sight again, and Trepat lazily turned around on his horse to get a final look at the bad lands they had left behind. He shielded his eyes with his hand from the glare of the sun, as he noticed something peculiar. It almost looked as if there was something in the sun.

He clenched his eyes together, and through the little slit that was left, he saw that there was indeed something. Whatever it was, it was huge and it was flying towards them…

“Quick! Something is after us”, he shouted and after his friends had looked over the shoulder, they too dug their heels into the sides of their steeds and rode as quick as they could, with the only exception of Niklas, who was running, since he was faster on foot then on horseback.

They raced towards the sanctuary of the Ganjus, but looking over their shoulders, they saw that the creature was catching up, and now it was even close enough for them to recognize their pursuer. It was a woodwrackdragon, probably the same one who had stolen the Amphora with Hielaa.

Now that they realized the danger they were in, the border of the forest, which had seemed so close just moments ago, seemed to be much too far away. Frantically, they pushed their steeds on, but the parched earth and rock beneath them was treacherous, and they had to be extra careful to avoid tripping or falling.

As the barren hills flew past them, they were soon riding in a giant cloud of dust, and everyone was inhaling the dirt those in front of them were whirling up. And still, with each hill they climbed, the forest hardly seemed to be getting any closer, while the dragon in their back was catching up.

Just as they struggled up the final hill that separated them from the forest, Torn was able to make out the sound of the giant beast’s wing over the thunder of their hooves, and as he whipped his head around, he saw how the dragon was exhaling lighting! The next moment, he felt the world around him explode in thunder and light, and when he opened his eyes again, he saw that his horse had turned into charred meat beneath him.

The dragon was now really close, but Torn knew that there was no point in fighting it, and so he turned and ran on his feet, hoping to join his friends who had already reached the forest. Just then, when he was sure that this was the end, something happened that turned the tables again.

Suddenly, everything seemed to be buzzing, as swarms of biting and stinging insects and birds shot out of the forest and attacked the dragon, who disappeared in this living cloud within moments. As Torn ran on to the forest, he saw fire raining from the sky, impacting on the vaguely visible shape in the cloud.

He reached the first trees, and saw how the cloud moved away and the weakened dragon eventually broke lose and flew back into the direction of the Hornsaw forest.

Now Torn felt the deep exhaustion and fatigue and he supported himself with one arm against a tree as he bent forward to breathe deeply and greedily. When he looked up again, he saw that he and his friends weren’t alone. With them were several elven druids, who had just saved their lives.

One of them, a grim looking elf who was garbed in a robe and only equipped with a long staff, a sickle and some mistletoe hanging from his belt, stepped forward:” As Tamlaine promised, we have awaited your coming. I greet you in the name of the Jordeh and the elves of Vera-Tre. I am called Enascine”.

“Is Tamlaine near, as well?“ Ben asked.

Enascine shook his head, his eyes darkened by a cloud of worry: “ Her injuries were quite severe. Fortunately, she is slowly recovering, but she is not well enough to meet you herself.

“At least you have all returned safely. We will take you deep into the Ganjus, to the place of power. Only there can that…, that thing you brought with you be destroyed”.


Sage of the Scarred Lands
Yes! :) Hieela is dead! I always disliked that witch. But in any case folks if you think the worst is over...you'd be surprised. ;)

Lars Frehse

First Post
Out of the frying pan - part 4 of 5

Their journey through the Ganjus took several days. After all the horrors that lay behind them, the friends were grateful for the relative ease of this journey. After all, there would be no titanspawn lurking in the shadow or fiendish beasts preying on them in the realm of the Earthmother.

Eventually, they reached a tightly packed cluster of trees that formed the walls and beams of a small hut. Around it, the ground was littered with fallen leaves and branches, indicating that this place hadn't been in use in a long time.

"This is as far as we can take you," Enascine told them. "We must proceed alone from here with the Amphora, for non-Jordeh would weaken the power of the ritual. Meanwhile, I would like to ask you for one final service: To act as our guards.

"This path here, past this hut, is the only easy route into the grove. It is vital that you won't allow anyone to pass. Even though we are deep in the Ganjus, the servants of the Serpentmother may be desperate enough to venture even here- just like you have ventured into the realm of their realm. I fear they could try to disrupt the ritual and regain possession of the Amphora once again."

The friends nodded, indicating their agreement. The forest was beautiful and peaceful, making it hard to believe that titanspawn would venture here. But like Enascine had indicated, they too had dared to enter the heart of the lair of the followers of the Serpent-mother. Their enemy might just do the same thing.

With a final wish for good fortune and Denev's blessing, the elves went into the woods to the north, and the friends settled down for their watch. For hours, the friends noticed nothing bigger or more threatening than an occasional squirrel, until, just as the evening was about to fall, there was movement between the trees.

Ben and Niklas were on watch, and the movement didn't come from the south, from where they would have expected any enemies to approach, but from the north, where the druids had gone. The incarnate and the monk got up and several of the Jordeh staggered out of the woods towards the hut. They were all badly burned, their flesh blackened and their clothes scarred.

Ben called for the rest of his companions in the hut, and Niklas stepped forward to support a collapsing elf-maid who had been beautiful before something had cooked her flesh and burned away her clothes. In a flash, Niklas remembered the name of the woman he was holding: Jahana.

"We were betrayed", she rasped. "Enascine must have been corrupted. He... He told us to gather in one spot and pray to Denev while he cast a spell to summon our brethren. But he lied! He called down fire upon us!

She looked like she was about to break down crying, but then she forced herself to go on:“ Some of us were killed right away, and we others were badly injured. Before we were able to do anything at all, he had taken the Amphora and merged with the great oak in the centre of the grove to which he had led us."

Ben was shocked. In all of the lives he had lived, which he could remember, there had never been a betrayal by a servant of Denev. Surely this was without precedence. "Where did he go?“ he asked.

Jahana wipe her tears from her cheek with her dirty sleeve, smearing ash over her burnt face: "I don't know. I think the only thing we can do now is contact Tamlaine. We did not wish to disturb her until she has fully recovered, but we have no choice now. At least we know that she can be trusted".

Ignoring the pain and agony of their abused bodies, the Jordeh gathered and prayed aloud. After a short moment, a small flock of birds descended into the clearing, landing on outstretched arms.

The Jordeh attached small pieces of parchment with messages to the birds' legs and whispered into their ears. Then, with a shake of their wrist and a bit of prayer, they sent them flying again, and all of the birds turned eastwards.

"Now," Jahana said, "there is nothing we can do but wait".

All of the friends felt uneasy. Minutes felt like hours as they waited. After all, every minute Enascine had the Amphora could be one minute too many, since it was impossible to tell what the traitor was planning while they were doing nothing.

An hour passed, and the sun was setting, as finally Tamlaine stepped out of one of the trees. There were no signs of the injuries inflicted upon her by the woodwrack dragon and she was furious.

“Why did you not summon me when you went to meet our guests?“ she asked Jahana angrily. “I might have prevented this!”

The elven maiden jumped up: “Enascine had told us that you were still recovering and too weak to travel!”

Tamlaine nodded, her fury transforming into cold determination: “Another of his lies. I have been fine for days now. I still cannot believe that one of our own would betray us like that, but he shall pay for this. I have sent messages to my brethren. They will soon join us.“

She paused shortly, and after a deep sigh, she continued: “The bringers of autumn, a sect of Mormo worshippers, have corrupted a small number of Jordeh to their ways of thinking, and it looks like Enascine would be one of those traitors. Their leader, the autumn king, may already be in possession of the Amphora.”

“Do you think that it is possible that this sect had worked against the Dar Al Annot at times?“ Torn asked.

Tamlaine shrugged:” It is possible. The Autumn King has often acted in ways, which seemed contrary to the goals of Mormo. And maybe he wanted the Amphora for himself to gain special favours from his mistress. Why do you ask?”

Torn told her about the time when the strange woman, who had smelled like sandalwood had helped them in Lageni when they had been on their quest to gain the ritual that would destroy the amphora. Her described the skeletons which had been animated by vines, which had cleared the path at the entrance of Marilvaz’ tomb, Tamlaine interrupted him.

“The constructs you are describing are vinedead, and they are creations of the Bringers of Autumn. It really looks like agents of the Bringers of Autumn had aided you in the past in order to gain the ritual. I don’t know why they had done it, but this can’t be good…”

While they were talking, the grove filled with druids. Some stepped out of trees, some came in flying as birds and changed into their elven form them and some came in walking on foot. All in all, about two dozen druids arrived this way, filling up the grove.

A grizzled, thick bearded old man, clad in leather armour and a heavy cloak, stepped forward to Tamlaine and the companions. Unlike the other Jordeh, he was no elf, but a half-elf.

With a noise that sounded like rocks grinding against each other, he cleared his throat: “We came as swiftly as we could, sister. I am afraid we can tell you where the traitor has gone. He has gone to the Grove of the Mother, and even Denev knows not what he may do there!”

Tamlaine turned pale and turned to the friends:” We need your help more than ever now. But first you have to take an oath to not reveal what you are about to hear.”

All of the companions did so, feeling the sincerity and importance of her request, and she continued: “The Grove of the Mother is the spot where Denev had returned, exhausted, to the earth in the aftermath of the Titan War. If the Amphora is destroyed there, Mormo’s corruption will be released into the soil where Denev slumbers. I cannot imagine what will happen then. Maybe nothing. But they may poison the essence of Denev herself.”

She paused for a moment, scanning the friends’ faces to make sure that they were fully aware of the significance of her words: “It could be even worse, though. If they succeed in pouring Mormo’s essence into Denev’s sleeping form, the consequence would be the death of the Earth Mother and the resurrection of the Serpent Queen!”

Lars Frehse

First Post
Out of the frying pan- part 4 of 5

There was no time to lose. The druids and the adventurers set out on foot, since the Grove was protected by special magic that made strangers turn away and prohibited any magical means of transportations. Night had fallen, and they were marching through the darkness, the humans and the halfling being led by those with nightvision.

Around midnight, the trees cleared and the druids and the heroes stood before a magnificent site. The Grove of the mother was a vast expanse of greenery, surrounded by the most ancient of boles, shaded by leaves of the deepest green. The entire area was illuminated by small magical flames that flickered from many of the surrounding trees and the grass was almost unnaturally lush, the soil soft.

In the centre of the grove, about 300 feet from its fringe, surrounded by rock, there was a small pool, which was fed by a small stream. The stream and pool, which normally were filled with the purest and clearest water, were tainted, however. The corpses of several elven druids were scattered about, their blood tainting the water. Thirteen men and women were surrounding the pool, garbed in ceremonial robes of deepest crimson and darkest green and their voices rose and fell in a chant of hypnotic rhythms.

Stunned for a moment, the Jordeh and the friends noticed Enascine at the edge of the pool. He held a dagger in his bloody fist and he was about to cut the throat of a Medusa who had had her eyes ripped out already. With one swift motion he cut her throat, and the only thing that prevented her from falling into the pond, in which there were already two corpses of two of her kind, was his iron grip on her snake-hair.

At the edge of the pool sat the Amphora, and as the blood of the third medusa dripped into the pool, and the bloodied water lapped against the Amphora's base, the artefact gave a great toll with the sound of a tree splitting beneath the woodman's axe, as of a bell under great strain.

"We must attack now!" Tamlaine whispered. "The ritual is but moments away from completion. It requires eleven of them to complete it, so we only need to defeat three. If they..."

Just then, the medusa's blood entered the first of the minute cracks of the Amphora, and all around the companions, the very earth screamed out in agony.

In the centre of the grove beside the pool, the earth itself buckled outward and an enormous rock breached the surface. The earth shook, and the rock spread itself, forming into fingers and a thumb. "It's Denev's hand", Ben shouted in disbelief over the rumbling of the earth, as he remembered he form from one of his previous incarnations.

Ben felt nauseated, and all around, he saw the Jordeh falling to the earth, their bodies writhing and thrashing. Many began vomiting putrid and clotted gouts of flesh. Their flesh bulged, and with growing horror, the friends saw hideous serpentine shapes moving beneath the Jordehs' skin. Niklas and Torn charged ahead at the two robed humanoids, which stood between themselves and the pool, and Jan rode ahead on horseback, as Trepat and Ben started casting spells.

Meanwhile, snakes rose from the earth besides the amphora and moved to the gaping hole from which the hand was rising. Then, Jan had impaled one of the hooded humanoids with his lance, killing it instantly, and as the hood fell from the head, he saw that the guard he had just defeated was a medusa as well.

The other one turned around while the thirteen in the background were still chanting, and Jan shouted a warning. Right then Niklas, who was running faster than a horse, had reached the remaining medusa, and turning away his gaze, he kicked her right in the centre. The aberration was tossed backwards, and suddenly, Torn appeared in her back and cut through her spine with his axe.

As the second medusa crashed to the ground, the stony skin of Denev's hand turned to mottled green scales. The air grew hot and heavy, and the stench of diseased meat permeated the grove. Just then, all of the friends heard a deep feminine voice in the back of their minds. It was a powerful voice, the voice of a titan, and quivering in pain, the voice uttered two words: "Help me!"

Two of the druids turned around, and as they cast a spell, two giant snakes appeared in front of Torn, Niklas and Jan. In the back, Trepat, who had turned Torn invisible before, cast an acid arrow, which hit one of the remaining eleven casters. For a moment, the traitorous druid was distracted by the injury of the burning acid and for the shortest moment, he lost his concentration, and mispronounced one syllable.

It was the tiniest error in his chanting, but in effect, one mispronounced syllable changed everything. All of the friends fell to their knees, instinctively covering their ears with their hands, as a deafening, high pitched screech reverberated out the deep pit in the centre of the grove. The blood of the medusas erupted out of the water, flying towards the Amphora, and the relic shuddered as the surviving essence of Mormo tried to get back in.

For a few heartbeats, the Amphora shrunk and expanded as if it was a heart itself, before it exploded into nothing more substantial than dust. Mormo's blood swirled around a little longer and then sunk harmlessly into the soil.

The Jordeh ceased their thrashing and vomiting and rose to their feet, no longer tainted by Mormo's essence, whereas the Bringers of Autumn now collapsed, screaming in agony as their physical existence ended and their souls were already racing to hell. In the middle of all this stood Enascine, his arms hanging limp on his sides, and he stared around with wide eyes and an expression of utter disbelief.

The titan's hand protruding from the earth flexed once, and the scales that had covered it shattered and fell to the earth, where they swiftly decayed. The hand submerged, and the grove once again regained its tranquillity as the gaping hole closed. Immediately, new grass began to grow with supernatural speed on the upturned soil, and within moments, all indications of anything unusual at that spot had disappeared.

A cool breeze washed over the Jordeh and the heroes and it blew away all their pains and worries, scattered like a morning mist. Even there wounds were gone, and they all felt relaxed, rested and clean.

There was no haste now, and as the friends intensely felt their joy and appreciation of life, the earth began to shake once more, although with less force, as a walking tree, which was about fifty feet tall stepped into the clearing. Its face was almost hidden under moss and it glared directly at Enascine who was now cowering besides the pool.

"You don't understand!" he cried out with a breaking voice. "The natural order must be restored! The titans must rise again and the great cycle has to continue! It's nature! It's what you have taught me! It's what you want!"

As the tree shook it's crown in a slow, sad gesture, he turned to the companions, who had been joined by the now fully recovered Jordeh and addressed them with his deep, sonorous voice: "I must implore your forgiveness, Blessed Ones of the Mother and Jordeh both. I have taught him poorly. His errors are my errors."

His largest branches sank to the ground as though his shoulders slumped: "And now I would beg of you to leave me in privacy so that I can do what has to be done."

Touched by the boundless sadness of the noble being in front of them, the friends left the grove with the Jordeh. None of them looked back as they heard the screams of an elf. Neither did they look back when the screams suddenly stopped. And only when they heard the crackling of fire in their back and saw the trees weeping silently around them did Niklas glance over his shoulder to see a faint orange glow over the location of the grove.

They had fulfilled their mission, but none of them felt like celebrating.

Lars Frehse

First Post
And with that, the Serpent Amphora cycle ends. I wonder whether S&S will publish a high level trilogy any time soon, so that I can run my characters through that one, as well. :)


Sage of the Scarred Lands
Not sure Lars, but if they do, I'll let you know. ;) Hopefully now you can continue onwards. Perhaps lead them to even greater glory fighting the pirates of the Blood Sea or perhaps searching for ancient Slacerian ruins in the Plains of Lede.

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