D&D 5E Stuck in Gehenna with you


Hi all,

So during tonight's session of Dungeon of the Mad Mage, I had three players. They began exploring the 16th floor, where a bunch of githyanki have set up camp. There are several pits full of silvery mist. Fall in a pit and you are transported to the Astral Plane. There are some githyanki gish who can cast telekinesis. One did so and yanked a PC over a pit and then let go. The PC fell in. Naturally, the other two PCs followed. So now they were in the Astral Plane. They drifted for a while. A psychic wind battered them. They ended up finding a color pool. It was a russet colored pool. They decided to enter the pool. Now they are on Gehenna without knowing they are on Gehenna.

While I could have Halaster deus ex machina them back into Undermountain, how else can I have them escape from Gehenna? There's not a lot of info on the plane in the 5e DMG. I've looked online but there seems to be a dearth of information. I suppose I could have them encounter some yugoloths. Since the yugoloths on their home turf and not being paid, I expect they would not automatically be hostile and could potentially tell the PCs that they're on Gehenna. Perhaps they meet a night hag who offers to help them get home but at some dreadful cost.

Can anyone point me to some good resources for fleshing out an unplanned stop on the plane of Gehenna?


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Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix
I dont know much about the plane, but for escaping it, I'd make it pretty simple: you must be hired by a group of Yuggoloth mercs about to be summoned on Faerun by NPC X. This way, when said NPC summon the cohort for his nefarious plan, the PCs are summoned with the rest of the troops and can then ditch them and go back to dungeon delving.

The Yug mercs' chief would probably not be happy though, so that's an extra potential rival for your group to deal with, should you want to.

Best source for Gehenna overall is probably going to be the Planescape Planes of Conflict boxset and the relevant sections of any Manual of the Planes you have access to.

As to a quick way to escape... Maybe catch a ride from a marraenoloth on the River Styx? Make a deal of some kind with the arcanaloths of the Tower Arcane? Find a portal, to the Gate-Town of Torch in the Outlands if nowhere else, and make your way from there?


Well I don't know how we got here tonight
I've got the feeling that something ain't right
I'm so scared in case I can't escape this plane
And I'm wondering how I'll get out of here

Imps to the left of me
Quasits to the right
Here I am stuck in Gehenna with you

Yes I'm stuck in Gehenna with you
And I'm wondering what it is I should do
It's so hard to find a way out of this place
Eternal fiendish war, demons tryin' to eat my face

Imps to the left of me
Quasits to the right
Here I am stuck in Gehenna with you
Last edited:


From real world lore it's based on a valley that was used for trash that was set on fire. But I did a google search for "Gehenna in D&D" and found the following link The Planes: Gehenna — Dump Stat Adventures

One section is "Holy Warriors"
Occasionally, paladins of good and mercy will attempt to build fortresses on the first layer of this plane in an attempt to purify the land and steal the land for another plane. If they are successful, after a few days the land becomes purified and good and is transported to another plane… most fortresses are destroyed within a matter of hours or days by the devil and demon armies who both hate these dogooders.​
So perhaps you just need to set up some NPC that needs help protecting their fortress for a short period of time. Personally I'd just take the basic concept that someone can "claim" a chunk of land that will be transported to another plane if they can hold it long enough. It doesn't have to be the old school LG paladin, although it certainly could be.


Dusty Dragon
From real world lore it's based on a valley that was used for trash that was set on fire. But I did a google search for "Gehenna in D&D" and found the following link The Planes: Gehenna — Dump Stat Adventures

One section is "Holy Warriors"
Occasionally, paladins of good and mercy will attempt to build fortresses on the first layer of this plane in an attempt to purify the land and steal the land for another plane. If they are successful, after a few days the land becomes purified and good and is transported to another plane… most fortresses are destroyed within a matter of hours or days by the devil and demon armies who both hate these dogooders.​
So perhaps you just need to set up some NPC that needs help protecting their fortress for a short period of time. Personally I'd just take the basic concept that someone can "claim" a chunk of land that will be transported to another plane if they can hold it long enough. It doesn't have to be the old school LG paladin, although it certainly could be.
... expanding on that...

What if the NPCs need help but not fighting off the fiends... rather it's "not working". It really should be working, but something is wrong. The PCs help investigate.

What could be/go wrong:

  • The PCs are accused of being the "corrupting" factor that is stopping the transfer.
  • The PCs are the corrupting factor
  • It's not working because it's being done out of greed (woho free real estate!), not pure intentions
  • One NPC is secretly sabotaging because they are evil
  • One NPC is secretly sabotaging because they were secretly replaced by one of the fiends
  • One NPC is unintentionally sabotaging (they aren't some evil cultist, they just are... kind of a bad person)
  • It DOES work but the chunk of land is not transported to the intended plane - a better place yes, but not the LG paradise that was intended.

etc etc...


Hi all,

So during tonight's session of Dungeon of the Mad Mage, I had three players. They began exploring the 16th floor, where a bunch of githyanki have set up camp. There are several pits full of silvery mist. Fall in a pit and you are transported to the Astral Plane. There are some githyanki gish who can cast telekinesis. One did so and yanked a PC over a pit and then let go. The PC fell in. Naturally, the other two PCs followed. So now they were in the Astral Plane. They drifted for a while. A psychic wind battered them. They ended up finding a color pool. It was a russet colored pool. They decided to enter the pool. Now they are on Gehenna without knowing they are on Gehenna.

While I could have Halaster deus ex machina them back into Undermountain, how else can I have them escape from Gehenna? There's not a lot of info on the plane in the 5e DMG. I've looked online but there seems to be a dearth of information. I suppose I could have them encounter some yugoloths. Since the yugoloths on their home turf and not being paid, I expect they would not automatically be hostile and could potentially tell the PCs that they're on Gehenna. Perhaps they meet a night hag who offers to help them get home but at some dreadful cost.

Can anyone point me to some good resources for fleshing out an unplanned stop on the plane of Gehenna?

Here are some 5e DMsGuild sources that might help:

Codex of the Infinite Planes: Gehenna
Planar Bestiary Excerpts #1: Gehenna


Hi all,

So during tonight's session of Dungeon of the Mad Mage, I had three players. They began exploring the 16th floor, where a bunch of githyanki have set up camp. There are several pits full of silvery mist. Fall in a pit and you are transported to the Astral Plane. There are some githyanki gish who can cast telekinesis. One did so and yanked a PC over a pit and then let go. The PC fell in. Naturally, the other two PCs followed. So now they were in the Astral Plane. They drifted for a while. A psychic wind battered them. They ended up finding a color pool. It was a russet colored pool. They decided to enter the pool. Now they are on Gehenna without knowing they are on Gehenna.

While I could have Halaster deus ex machina them back into Undermountain, how else can I have them escape from Gehenna? There's not a lot of info on the plane in the 5e DMG. I've looked online but there seems to be a dearth of information. I suppose I could have them encounter some yugoloths. Since the yugoloths on their home turf and not being paid, I expect they would not automatically be hostile and could potentially tell the PCs that they're on Gehenna. Perhaps they meet a night hag who offers to help them get home but at some dreadful cost.

Can anyone point me to some good resources for fleshing out an unplanned stop on the plane of Gehenna?

Dump Stat has a decent intro to Gehenna. And I always appreciate what Ed the PathGuy writes about the planes - here's his Li Po's Guide to Gehenna.

A lot of what I've posted about Gehenna on Mimir and Planewaker and ENWorld was lost during site crashes.

Let me see what I can find... ok, here's what I posted for the Planar Renovation Project renewal on Gehenna from 2012...

From here (using Internet Archive's Wayback Machine):
Some great clearly defined unique themes came out of this: Exploitation. Libertarian dystopia. Organized crime. Illusion of free will. Plane of scoundrels & illusion. Stealing everything, including land from other planes/worlds. Ecological devastation and savage landscape between towns.

One poster brought up that the Rakshasa make a great fit for this interpretation of Gehenna, and could definitely see them as being architects behind the current face of the plane...Also, I've always wondered about the rakshasa / raavasta (arcanoloth) connection...

What if the "asteroids" and other bits of stolen planes/worlds were part of an experiment that ravaged Gehenna? Sounds like the sort of thing yugoloths would be involved with, an ancient Plane Breaker spell or artifact, stealing bits of worlds to stem the decay of Gehenna due to over-exploitation of its resources.


Gehenna was re-imagined as a libertarian dystopia, with Exploitation the main theme.
With its inverse plane being Bytopia (a realm of honest free-willed hard work and spiritual commerce where every interaction benefits boths parties), Gehenna was re-imagined as a nexus of slavery and industrial exploitation. "It's nothing personal, just business" and "honor among thieves" tend to be catch phrases petitioners use. Some described the petitioners as mafia underlings, and emphasized crooked businesses/enterprises as a common theme.

With its mirror plane being the Beastlands, Gehenna was re-imagined as a polluted apocalyptic nightmare where petitioners are self-absorbed and distanced from nature. A series of ecological disasters happened on Gehenna and will continue to happen, making the existing resources harder and deadlier to extract. Mining, smelting, forging, liquid pain extraction, slave markets, sinister lotteries, gambling halls, black markets, and even some kind of geothermal power were among the potential enterprises discussed. "Survival of the fittest" is a common catchword.

It all makes me think the Rakshasa should have a stronger presence on this plane. The old 2e MM entry for rakshasa said their Maharajahs dwell mostly on the Outer Planes. I would suggest that Gehenna is their plane of preference or perhaps origin. The old "Ecology of the Rakshasas" article in Dragon doesn't mention the Outer Planes at all, so as far as I know the only official material linking rakshasa to a plane is the Planes of Law boxed set which gives one of the maharajahs a cube on Acheron. However, D&D rakshasa aren't about never ending pointless conflic...they are about exploitation, slavery, grinding people's spirits to dust before devouring them, maintaining a facade of civility while evil lurks beneath the surface, and organized crime. That screams Gehenna to me.


In keeping with the theme of organized crime and exploitation that seems to fit Gehenna, I am basing a thieves guild in my campaign there. I'm imagining the guild has a headquarters in Sigil's Lower Ward, an old blind tiefling Guildmaster named Old Graycloak, and lots of thieves working for its smuggling, racketeering, and slaving rings, with an emphasis on the thieves stealing abstract things (e.g. Lady Kindernis' shadow) or magical things (e.g. horn of a Baku) rather than normal goods. I imagine them as operating child sweatshops in Gehenna which are connected to Sigil via portals, circumventing any laws against such things. I also imagine them trading in nymphs trapped in glass cylinder enchanted with continual darkness, and other creatures who could be used in fiendish rituals, magic experiments, or as slaves. While Old Graycloak is the nominal master, the true power behind the guild is a rakshasi maharani (female version of maharajah) named Virushya who also controls the remnants of the Tacharim (from Great Modron March) and the Sarex of Bedlam (the shadow fiend Hrava being one of her agents), and manipulates behind the scenes of the Sodkillers.

I'm re-examining the barghests for how to use them in my campaign and make them a more compelling aspect of Gehenna. Their PSCS entry has very little on their habitat/society in regards to what they actually do on Gehenna...just that the ones that do return from feeding on the Prime have 12 HD and become lords of valley rifts living in isolation.

I guess they hunt petitioners, fued with (or get exploited by) yugoloths and/or rakshasa, and raid divine realms or planar settlements?

I remember some lore holds the barghest as an expression of mankind's own sin, so that might be an interesting link between the barghest strongholds and the planar communities of Gehenna?

If you decide to go the River Styx route, it can be a potential opportunity to send the PCs to hell and start Descent Into Avernus part of the way through with some adjustments.

There is also the Infinite Staircase, if the PCs can find a city in Gehenna.

Actually, if the Infinite Staircase is used, then the PCs can use it as a transitional medium to return to Waterdeep. A possible entry/exit point in Waterdeep would be a well-secured room on the second floor of the tavern Selune's Smile.

Voidrunner's Codex

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