Sub-Epic Offerings


Angel of Death CR 6

N Large aberration

Init +8; Senses blindsight 60 ft.; Perception +9 (+17 sound-based)

AC 19, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+4 Dex, +1 dodge, +5 natural, –1 size)

hp 76 hp (8d8+40)

Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +6

DR 15/magic; SR 17

Weakness frequency, hydrophobic

Speed 80 ft., climb 40 ft.

Melee bite +12 (1d8+7), 2 claws +12 (1d6+7)

Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.

Special Attacks pounce

Str 25, Dex 19, Con 18, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 10

Base Atk +6; CMB +14; CMD 28 (32 vs. trip)

Feats Dodge, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, RunB, Toughness

Skills Perception +9 (+17 sound-based); Racial Modifies +8 sound-based Perception

SQ blind, ears guards, woodland stride

Blind (Ex)
An angel of death is blind. Creatures that decide to move silently (they don't move more than 1/4 of their movement speed that round and don’t make loud noise in their round) get +20 circumstance bonus to Stealth checks against an angel of death while creatures that as full rounds declare that they try to make as little noise as possible (not moving, holding their breath, etc.) get a +40 circumstance bonus to Stealth checks against an angel of death. Creatures that decide to move silently or try to make as little noise as possible cannot be detected by the angel of death blindsight. The distance modifier on the DC of Perception checks an angel of death attempt is reduced to +1 per 600 ft.

Blindsight (Ex)
An angel of death’s blindsight is echolocation-based; it cannot sense within areas of silence or similar spells or if deafened.

Ear Guards (Ex)
An angel of death can use a swift action to open or close the armor plates surrounding its ear apertures. While these armor plates are open, the angel of death’s blindsight radius increases to 120 ft., can detect with its blindsight creatures that decide to move silently (and they do not benefit of any Stealth bonus against it), and it loses its DR.

Frequency (Ex)
An angel of death has vulnerability to sonic damage. In addition, anytime the angel of death takes sonic damage, it must make a Fortitude save DC 15 (or 25 if its ear guards are open). On a failure, until the end of its next turn it become deafened, is staggered, and lose its DR.

Hydrophobic (Ex)
An angel of death cannot swim and automatically fail all swim checks. An angel of death can only hold its breath for a number of rounds equal to its Constitution bonus (4 for a standard angel of death) before starting drowning, unlike a normal creature that can for double his Constitution score.


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Divine Herald (Unchained Summoner Archetype)

Alters spellcasting, eidolon; Replaces summon monster I-IX, gate, shield ally, aspect, greater shield ally, merge form, greater aspect, twin eidolon.

Sometimes a person comes into contact with the divine in a much more direct way than a normal cleric or paladin. Sometimes a deity wants to have a direct eye and hand in intervening in the mortal realms and bind one of its avatar to a mortal, other times a dying deity, in order not to disappear, accepts becoming an eidolon of a mortal. In the end the result is always the same, a mortal walking alongside a deity, even if that deity is but a shadow of a shadow of what it once was.

Divine Spells: A divine herald uses divine spells from the cleric spell list. Cleric spells of 7th level and above are not on the divine herald’s class spell list, and a divine herald cannot use spell completion or spell trigger magic items (without making a successful Use Magic Device check) of cleric spells of 7th level or higher. A divine herald uses orisons rather than cantrips (level zero divine spells rather than level zero arcane spells).

A divine herald cannot cast spells or use spell-like abilities of an alignment opposed to his eidolon. Otherwise, a divine herald learns and casts spells just like a summoner, including using Charisma as the casting ability, spontaneous casting, and spells known. A divine herald adds all the spells that go on his eidolon such as summon eidolon to the cleric spell list at the appropriate level. For the purpose of his spellcasting, the eidolon is the one that give access to the spell to the divine herald.
This alters the summoner’s spellcasting.

Divine Seals: A number of times per day equal to 1 + 1 per four summoner levels, the divine herald can use the following abilities.
  • Divine Mastery (Su): This divine seal allows the summoner to summon his eidolon or heal his eidolon to full health. This divine seal requires a standard action.​
  • Divine Protection (Su): This divine seal allows the summoner’s eidolon to take any attacks aimed at the summoner. For a duration of 1 round + 1 round per 4 summoner levels after 1st, as long as the divine herald is adjacent to his eidolon, the eidolon intercepts any attacks, using its AC instead. For the duration of this divine seal, the eidolon gains a damage reduction of 2/– and additional 2/– per four summoner levels after 1st. This divine seal requires a swift action.​
  • Divine Advancement (Su): This divine seal allows the summoner to immediately end any one of the following conditions currently affecting his eidolon: bleed, blind, confused, cowering, dazed, dazzled, deafened, entangled, exhausted, fascinated, fatigued, frightened, nauseated, panicked, paralyzed, petrified, shaken, sickened, staggered, or stunned. All other conditions and effects remain, even those resulting from the same spell or effect that caused the selected condition. This divine seal requires a standard action.
This replaces all instances of summon monster and gate.

Divine Eidolon (Su): A divine herald gains a special type of Eidolon, a fragment of a deity called Divine eidolon (see below). The divine eidolon can be of any alignment, even if its alignment is more than one step away from the divine herald. The divine eidolon never refuses the divine herald call as a result of the differences between their respective alignments, though it still can refuse to follow commands that are against its ethos or alignment. The Divine eidolon is not automatically banished if the summoner is unconscious or asleep and it recovers 1 hit point per Hit Dice when it receives at least 8 hours of rest. The Divine eidolon must be summoned in order for this ability to have any effect. A divine herald can summon his eidolon in a ritual that takes 1 full round to perform and provoke an attack of opportunity. The Eidolon's Hit Dice are equal to the divine herald's class level. The total armor and natural armor bonus possessed by the Divine eidolon is equal to ½ its Hit Dice instead of the bonus registered in its table, but it gains a deflection bonus to AC equal to its Charisma modifier (if any). The ability score bonuses are equal to one-half its hit dice and instead of apply to its Strength and Dexterity scores apply to two scores of the divine herald choice (he must chose at 1st level, and once chosen, they cannot be changed). The Divine eidolon gains one feat at each odd-numbered HD (just like a normal creature). It gains one ability score increase for every four HD. Other abilities, such as share spells and evasion, are gained at the same levels as a normal Summoner's Eidolon would gain them. If the divine eidolon is slay, banished, or dismissed, instead of returning to its home plane, it resides inside the divine herald soul.

The eidolon’s own abilities are modified as follows:
Divine Presence (Su): At 9th level, a divine herald eidolon gains the divine grace, aura of courage, and aura of resolve class features of a paladin, except that the range is 30 ft. instead of 10 ft.
This replaces multiattack.

This alters Eidolon.

Divine Shield (Su): At 4th level, whenever a herald is within his eidolon’s reach, he gains a deflection bonus equal to his eidolon Charisma bonus (if any) to the AC. This bonus is sacred if the eidolon is good, or profane if evil. If the eidolon is neutral on the Evil-Good axis, the divine herald must chose the type of bonus when this feature is obtained.
At 12th level, all allies of the divine herald within 10 ft. his eidolon gain this bonus.
This replaces shield ally and greater shield ally.

Resistant Eidolon (Su): Beginning at 10th level, the divine herald’s eidolon cannot be banished back to the divine herald soul by effect with less than four more caster levels than summoner levels of the divine herald (ex: for banish the eidolon of a divine herald of 10th the effect must be at lest at caster level 14).

Protection of the Divine (Su): At 10th level, whenever a herald is within his eidolon’s reach, he gains a bonus equal to his eidolon Charisma bonus (if any) on all Saving Throws. This bonus is sacred if the eidolon is good, or profane if evil. If the eidolon is neutral on the Evil-Good axis, the divine herald must chose the type of bonus when this feature is obtained.
At 18th level, all allies of the divine herald within 10 ft. his eidolon gain this bonus.
This replaces aspect and greater aspect.

Greater Resistant Eidolon (Ex): Beginning at 14th level, the divine herald’s eidolon ignore the effect of antimagic field but only for the part that makes summoned creatures disappear (the Su of the eidolon still do not function within it). At 20t level, the divine herald’s eidolon become immune to antimagic field.

Enhanced Eidolon (Su): Beginning at 16th level, the divine herald’s eidolon gains a +6 enhancement bonus to each of its ability scores, +4 armor bonus, and +5 resistance bonus to saving throws. Summoning the eidolon is now a move action that not provoke an attack of opportunity and if the eidolon is sent back to its home plane due to death, it can be summoned again after 1 minute is passed with 1 hit point.
This replaces merge form.

Divine Energy (Sp): At 20th level, 3 times per day, a divine herald can cast any cleric spell of a level equal or less than ½ his summoner level as a spell-like ability with caster level equal to his summoner level. Unlike a normal spell-like ability, the divine herald must pay any required material components.
This replaces twin eidolon.

Divine eidolon


Base Form: Aberrant (bite, grab [tentacle mass], tentacle mass), biped (limbs [arms], limbs [legs], slam), quadruped (bite, limbs [legs, 2]), or serpentine (bite, grab [bite], reach [bite], tail, tail slap).

Base Evolutions: Starting at 1st level, a Divine eidolon gains divine traits and mythic. A Divine eidolon always use the following starting array instead of the one of a normal eidolon of tis base form: Ability Scores Str 13, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 15.

Divine Traits (Divine Eidolon) (Ex)
Divine eidolons add a divine bonus equal to 1/5 their summoner level (minimum +0) to: armor class; attack rolls; checks (ability checks, caster level checks, skill checks); difficulty class (for any special abilities, spell-like abilities, spells); initiative; saving throws and spell resistance. A divine eidlon’s natural attacks or any weapons it wields, are treated as epic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. A divine eidolon does not age, requires no air to breathe, no food or drink to sustain itself, nor sleep.

Mythic (Ex)
Divine eidolons have Mythic Power (x/day, Surge +y) and counts as a xth-rank Mythic creature. X is equal to the divine rank of the divine eidolon (minimum 1, even if before the 5th level) and y is the corresponding surge. For their surge, a divine eidolon can use it for its summoner: when manifested a divine eidonon can expend one use of mythic power as an immediate action to increase any d20 roll it or its divine summoner just made by rolling 1d6 and adding it to the result. The eidolon must use the surge before the result of the original roll is revealed, unlike a normal mythic character that can use it after.

  • At 4th level, the eidolon gains the divine ray special attack.
Divine Ray (Su)
As a standard action, a divine eidolon, can make a ranged touch attack against a creature or object within 20 ft.+10 ft./2 summoner levers. On a hit, the target suffer 1d4 force damage per 2 summoner levels (minimum 1d4) plus the divine eidolon Charisma bonus. The source of this damage takes on a thematic appearance (a war god’s divine ray might appear as a weapon of energy striking the target, while a fire god’s is spontaneous combustion), but while this may change the cosmetics of the ability it does not affect the type of damage dealt. Once a divine eidolon uses this ability, it must wait 1d6+2 rounds before using it again. At 9th level, the dice increase to d6 and the recharge to 1d4+1 rounds. At 16th level, the damage change from force to divine. Divine damage penetrates any type of magical defense (including a force field, prismatic sphere, wall of force, etc.) destroying the barrier in the process, is not subject to damage reduction or energy resistance, and deals full damage to objects although hardness still applies (full damage to incorporeal creatures). Beginning at 19th level, divine ray is sublimely divine and is now not stopped by an antimagic field.

  • At 8th level, the eidolon gains the divine aura ability.
Divine Aura (Su)
Divine aura is a direct extension of the immortal’s will. As if the god’s subconscious desires exist beyond mere physical limitations and can reach out and interact with the reality around it. This presence manifests as an intangible emanation of power. Immortals can automatically sense when their own aura is in contact with that of another such being and both will be able to sense the others divine status. All creatures within 25 ft.+5 ft./2 summoner levers are affected. The divine eidolon can choose from the following effects each round at the start of its turn. The saving throw to resist effects has a DC of 10 + ½ the eidolon HD + the eidolon’s Charisma modifier + the eidolon’s divine rank.
  • Daze: Opponents within the immortal’s aura must make a Will save or become dazed for 1 round, duration 1 round. Once a creature is exposed to this version, he become immune to the daze version of the aura of that specific divine eidolon for 24 hours. This is a mind-affecting effect.​
  • Fear: Opponents within the immortal’s aura must make a Will save or become frightened by the divine eidolon for 1 round/summoner level. Each round at the end of his turn, the creature may attempt a new saving throw to end the effect in advanced. Once a creature is exposed to this version, he become immune to the fear version of the aura of that specific divine eidolon for 24 hours. This is a fear, mind-affecting effect.​
  • Heroism: Allies within the immortal’s aura gain a +2 morale bonus on all checks, attack rolls, saves, and weapon damage rolls. Allies adjacent to the divine eidolon gain a +4 morale bonus on saves against fear effects.

  • At 12th level, the eidolon gains the divine casting ability.
Divine Casting (Sp)
A divine eidolon can cast a number of times per day equal to its Charisma bonus any cleric spell of a level equal or less than ½ the summoner level as a spell-like ability with caster level equal to the summoner level. Unlike a normal spell-like ability, the divine eidolon must pay any required material components. The divine eidolon cannot cast spell-like abilities with an alignment descriptor opposed to its own.

  • At 16th level, the eidolon gains DR/epic equal to ½ the summoner level, SR 11 + summoner level, resistance 30 to acid, cold, electricity, fire, and sonic, immunity to disease, mind-affecting effects, poison, and unwilling polymorph effects, and true seeing as a constant spell-like ability with caster level equal to the summoner level. The divine herald ignore the spell resistance of its own eidolon. Also, as a full-round action the Divine eidolon can make a divine ray attack against a number of creatures or objects within reach equal to its Charisma modifier (it must make a separate attack roll against each opponent). In this case, the recharge is 1d6+2 rounds.

  • At 20th level, the eidolon can cast miracle 1/week as a spell-like ability with caster level equal to its HD and once per day can cast any spell-like of Divine Casting without paying the material components. Also, the eidolon can use any of its spell-like abilities as the Mythic versions of those spells (if a Mythic version of that spell exists), expending Mythic Power as normal. It can also expend Mythic Power to use the augmented versions of these spell-like abilities



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Invincible Lycanthrope (CR +1)

Some lycanthrope of legends are truly invincible unless silver weapons are used.

Creating an Invincible Lycanthrope

“Invincible Lycanthrope” is an acquired or inherited template that can be added to any lycanthrope (referred to hereafter as the base creature).

Challenge Rating: Same as base creature +1.

Defensive Abilities: An invincible lycanthrope gains regeneration 5 (silver) (if HD 10 or less) or 10 (silver) (if HD 11 or more) when in animal or hybrid form and gains the following defensive ability.

Invincible (Ex)
While in animal or hybrid form, an invincible lycanthrope is immune to the physical damage of objects not made of silver (eg. a sword made of steel, a landslide, or fall damage [unless the floor is made of silver] do not inflict damage to an invincible lycanthrope). A spell that inflict direct physical damage (like conjure deadfall) inflict damage as normal to an invincible lycanthrope. Any damage that overcome DR /silver (like the unarmed strike of a monk of 7th level or a smite evil of a paladin) inflict damage as normal to an invincible lycanthrope.

Weakness: The invincible lycanthrope lose any DR /silver the base creature originally possess in animal or hybrid form and gains vulnerability to silver.

Vulnerability to Silver (Ex)
While in animal or hybrid form, an invincible lycanthrope stricken by a weapon made of silver suffer 2d6 additional damage.


A conversion of the Runescarred Berserker to PF1

Runescarred Berserker (Base/Unchained Barbarian Archetype)

Alters class skills; Replaces rage powers, trap sense/danger sense

Deadly barbarians who bear magical runes carved into their flesh, runescarred berserkers are among the most feared warriors.

Class Skills: Runescarred berserker lose Knowledge (nature) as a class skill but add Knowledge (religion) and Spellcraft to the list of her class skills.

Scribe Runescar (Sp): At 1st level, a runescarred berserker learns how to carve a runescar into her own skin. A runescar is a means of storing a spell, much like a scroll. The berserker knows only a limited number of spells with which to imbue runescars, selected from the runescarred berserker spell (list at the end of the class). To learn a runescar spell, the berserker must have a Wisdom score of at least 10 + the spell level. A runescar berserker can only cast spells by crafting them as runescars; she has no other spellcasting capability and cannot use spell completion or spell trigger magic items based on spells from this list. She does not count as having a caster level or spellcasting (like meeting prerequisites for feats or prestige classes). The character may set the caster level of the runescar at anywhere from the minimum class level necessary for her to know the rune to her own barbarian level.

Scribing a runescar takes 10 minutes per spell level or the casting time of the spell, whichever take longer. Unlike the general rules of spell-like ability, the runescarred berserker must pay any required material components than cost more than 1 gp at the time of scribing the runescare if the spell require it (if the spell has multiple possible costs, like restoration, the runescare replicate the effect of the cost pay at the time of scribing). She may scribe a runescar only on her own body. The act of scribing a runescar is painful and deals 1d3 points of nonlethal damage per spell level at the end of the scribing time (the berserker is free to heal this damage by any normal means afterward—the runescar remains until activated).

A runescarred berserker can bear no more than seven runescars at any one time: two on the chest, two on the upper arms, two on the backs of the hands, and one on the face. Runescars are dormant until activated and can be dispelled or suppressed. Runescarred berserkers with a non-humanoid form can have other slots (less or more) at the discretion of the DM.

Runescars are considered divine spells, although a berserker does not actively prepare or cast them. The save DC, if necessary, is 10 + spell level + the berserker's Wisdom score. To activate a runescar, the character must take a swift action for touch the rune. All runescar spells target only the runescarred berserker or an item in her possession, even if the spell scribed could normally be bestowed on another subject.

After activation, the runescar's magic is discharged, and the rune fades to nothing but a faint outline. Typically, a berserker's skin is crisscrossed with dozens of old, discharged runescars.

Activating a runescare does not count as an ability that requires patience or concentration and can be used even when the character is in rage.
This replaces rage powers.

Ritual Scarring (Ex): Through frequent disfiguration of her own skin, a runescarred berserker increase her natural armor by +1 at 3rd level (a creature without natural armor count as having an initial bonus of +0). This increases by 1 at 7th level and every 4 levels thereafter.
This replaces trap sense/danger sense.

Runescarred Berserk Spell Know

Spell List

1st level
cure light wounds, compel hostility, divine favor, endure elements, protection from chaos/evil/good/law, magic weapon, shield of faith

2nd levelbear's endurance, bull’s strength, cure moderate wounds, darkvision, lesser restoration, resist energy, see invisibility

3rd levelcure moderate wounds, death ward, divine power, freedom of movement, greater magic weapon, invisibility, keen edge, protection from energy, true strike

4th levelair walk, cure critical wounds, haste, neutralize poison, restoration, righteous might (DR penetrated by alignment opposite to yours, or /adamantine if true neutral), spell immunity, stoneskin

5th levelantimagic field, dimension door, greater polymorph, heal, spell resistance


Conversion of the Midnight Cat to PF1 rules

A black cat watches you from the armchair where he is sprawled out, a gleam of unusual intelligence glimmering in his eyes.
Midnight Cat CR 2
XP 600
NE Tiny magical beast

Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent; Perception +9


AC 15, touch 15, flat-footed 12 (+3 Dex, +2 size)

hp 19 (3d10+3)

Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +4

Defensive Abilities always fall on all four, evasion; DR 5/magic; Immune curse, death effects, energy drain, poison; Resist negative energy 5; SR 7


Speed 30 ft., climb 20 ft.

Melee bite +3 (1d3–2), 2 claws +3 (1d2–2)

Space 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.

Special Attacks curses, steal breath, rend (2 claws, 1d4+1)

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 6rd; concentration +9)

Constantjump, speak with animals (felines only)

3/daycrafter’s curse (DC 14), darkness, detect magic, itching curse (DC 14)

1/dayknell of the depths (DC 16), lesser curse (DC 15), lesser curse terrain

1/weekaccursed glare (DC 16), aristocrat’s nightmare (DC 16), sun’s disdain (DC 15)


Str 6, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 15, Wis 13, Cha 16

Base Atk +3; CMB –1; CMD 12 (16 vs. trip)

Feats Alertness, Cursed Item DetectorB, Improved Initiative

Skills Acrobatics +11 (+31 high or long jumps), Bluff +4, Climb +15, Diplomacy +4, Intimidate +4, Knowledge (arcana) +3 (+23 regarding curses), Perception +9, Sense Motive +3, Spellcraft +3 (+23 for decipher or identify curses [+25 identify cursed items]), Stealth +17 (+21 in darkness or lower condition of light); Racial Modifiers +8 Acrobatics, +20 Knowledge (arcane) regarding curses, +20 Spellcraft for decipher or identify curses, +4 Stealth in darkness or lower condition of light

Languages Common (rarely speak if not with his master when a familiar)

SQ a simple cat, jumper


A Simple Cat (Ex)
A midnight cat is completely physically the same as a normal black cat and automatically passes all Disguise checks to appear a simple cat. Strange senses like thoughtsense automatically reveal the deception.

Always Fall on All Four (Su)
A midnight cat never suffer fall damage and never fall prone from a fall.

Curses (Su)
As a standard action, a midnight cat can remove any curse by sucking it out of the victim in the same way it steal breath. The target can be awake, however. This work as a limited wish spell used for remove the curse.
Alternatively, as a standard action, a midnight cat can lay a powerful curse on someone who has wronged him (usually by stealing from him, injuring him, or killing the spellcaster whose familiar he was). This functions like bestow curse (DC 18, CL 6th), except that the range is unlimited, and the spell is dismissible. The midnight cat must be able to see or describe his target (for example, "the thief who took my jewel, wherever he is" or "the one who killed Shadul") and the target must be guilty of the injury the midnight cat specifies. Midnight cat on the brink of falling in battle have been known to forego an attack in order to curse the enemy who is about to defeat them. A midnight cat can sometimes be persuaded to lift his curse with an offer of money or services to compensate the cat for the injury or wrong he suffered. Generally, this requires at least 1,000 gold pieces. The save DC is Charisma-based and included a +4 racial bonus.

Lesser Curse (Sp)
As bestow curse but can only
  • impart –4 to an ability score (minimum 1).​
  • –2 penalty on attack rolls, saves, ability checks, and skill checks.​
  • Each turn, the target has an 80% chance to act normally; otherwise, it takes no action.​
The midnight cat may also invent its own curse, but it should be no more powerful than those described above.
Unlike bestow curse, lesser curse can be dispelled. This is equivalent to a 2nd level spell.

Jumper (Ex)
Midnight cats are always considered having a running start when trying an Acrobatics check made for jump and don’t have a maximum vertical reach.

Steal Breath (Su)
Midnight cats feed on the spirit of living creatures. The cat must perch on the chest of a sleeping victim, then inhale the breath from the creature’s lips as a full-round action. The victim must succeed a Fortitude save DC 14 or suffer 1 point of Constitution drain. In addition, a victim that fail the save does not benefit from that night rest, cannot prepare spells or spell slots, awaken fatigued, and is rendered immune to all healing magic for 24 hours. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Little is known about these brooding creatures save that they are found most frequently in the company of evil spellcasters. While they are often sought out for their rumored ability to lift curses, they are greatly feared for their ability to bestow the same. The most dreadful and least understood power of these ebon felines, however, is their ability to consume the very spirit of a living being, leaving behind a drained and empty shell.
Midnight cats are easily mistaken for ordinary house cats with lustrous coats of soft, ink-black fur.

Midnight cats can speak Common but generally choose to do so only when laying a curse upon an enemy or to the master of which they are the familiar. When they wish to, these creatures can converse freely with non-magical felines, although they have no power to command them in any way.

Combat: Midnight cats share all of the predatory skill of their more common cousins. In addition, their powerful eyes enable them to see perfectly well in anything but supernatural darkness. They are good climbers and can scale trees or similar objects. They can make also incredible jumps without the need of a running start.

The midnight cat can use its claws to defend itself: they are weak and not particularly deadly but if it hits with both of them can rend.

A midnight cat is quick to take offense and will cast embarrassing and frustrating curses at the least infraction. Troublesome curses may be cast on opponents that a cat is especially displeased with.

A midnight cat can lift the vast majority of curses at will. It is very difficult to persuade them to lift any curse, however, unless they are paid for their efforts. Generally, this recompense takes the form of services and favors for the feline.

Habitat/Society: These coy, epicurean creatures insist on being waited upon by others and will only hunt for their food when forced to do so. Midnight cats usually adopt a “master” upon whom they rely for these creature comforts. As a rule, they choose spellcasters as companions.

A spellcaster of at least 7th level with an alignment within 1 step of neutral evil who has the Improved Familiar feat may select a midnight cat as a familiar.


A revisited (more balanced but still strong) version of my Wild Hunt

Alignment: Any non-lawful.

Starting Gold: 3d6 × 10 gp (average 105 gp.) In addition, each character begins play with an outfit worth 10 gp or less.

Starting Age: Simple.

Hit Die: d8.

Class Skills

The Wild Hunt’s class skills are Acrobatics (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Fly (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (geography) (Int), Knowledge (local) (Int), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Perception (Wis), Perform (Cha), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Stealth (Dex), Swim (Str) and Use Magic Device (Cha).

Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Table: The Wild Hunt
Attack Bonus​
Selected Prey, Track, Wilderness body​
Hunter Initiate​
Relentless Stride, Sprite Skin​
Hunting Steed​
Adept Hunter​
Hunter Freedom​
Hunting Cry​
Master Hunter​
Group Hunt​
Ride the Storm​
Focused Mind​
Legendary Hunter​
Omen of Peril​
Hunter’s Instinct​
Gather the Dead​
Hunter’s Eyes​
Hunting Tools​
God of Hunt, Heaven's Wrath, The Eternal Hunt​

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Wild Hunt.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency
Wild Hunt are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, light armor and shields (except tower shields).

Selected Prey (Su)
As a swift action once per day for every, the Wild Hunt can chooses one target within 30 feet per level he can detect, and it starts to glow as under the effect of a faery fire spell. The effect lasts 1 minute per Wild Hunt level, and during that time the Wild Hunt adds his Charisma bonus (if any) to his attack rolls and adds his Wild Hunt level to all damage rolls made against the target of his selected prey. If the prey is outsider with the lawful subtype, a lawful-aligned dragon, or a lawful creature with levels in class that gives the aura, the bonus to damage on the first successful attack increases to 2 points of damage per level the Wild Hunt possesses. Regardless of the target, prey attacks automatically bypass any DR the creature might possess.
In addition, while selected prey is in effect, the Wild Hunt gains a deflection bonus equal to his Charisma modifier (if any) to his AC against attacks made by the target of selected prey.
The Wild Hunt can only have active a selected prey at a time. At 4th level, and at every three levels thereafter, the Wild Hunt may use select prey one additional time per day, to a maximum of seven times per day at 19th level.

Track (Ex)
A Wild Hunt adds half his level (minimum 1) to Survival skill checks made to follow tracks.

Wilderness Body
At 1st level the Wild Hunt type changes to fey (do not recalculate base attack bonuses, saves, or skill points) and gains low-light vision. If the Wild Hunt already have low-light vision from another source he gains darkvision 60 ft. If the Wild Hunt was of a race without a Constitution score (like construct or undead), he gains a Constitution score of 10 or the former score which she used to determine her hp and Fortitude save (like Charisma for undead). Finally, a Wild Hunt no longer takes penalties to his ability scores for aging and cannot be magically aged. Any such penalties that he has already taken are removed. Age bonuses still accrue, but the Wild Hunt cannot die of old age.

Hunter Initiate (Ex)
At 2nd level the Wild Hunt is immune to fatigue, gains resistance to electricity damage equal to his Wild Hunt level and resistance to cold and fire equal to ½ his Wild Hunt level.

Relentless Stride (Ex)
At 3rd level, the Wild Hunt learns to move more effectively in different environments. When he succeeds on a Climb check, he may move his full speed without penalty, or he may move half his speed while continuing to use a shield. He may also move his full speed when he succeeds on a Swim check, and he may move through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at his normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment, and is not affected by tripping effects caused by slick or icy surfaces, magical or otherwise.
At 7th level, the Wild Hunt has an incredible lightness to his step. Provided he starts his turn on normal ground, he can move on any surface as if it were the ground, like walls and ceilings. He falls if his movement ends or he falls prone. As a swift action, he may make a Climb skill check to use a hand to cling to the surface he has walked on this way.
He can also walk across water without sinking or taking damage but sinks normally if he stops his movement or falls prone. He cannot begin his movement on water.

Sprite Skin (Ex)
At 3rd level the Wild Hunt gains DR/cold iron or magic equal to ½ his Wild Hunt level. At 6th level this increases to /cold iron and magic. At 11th the Wild Hunt gains SR equal to 11 + Wild Hunt level. At 16th level the DR increases to /cold iron and lawful equal to his Wild Hunt level.

Hounds (Su)
At 4th level the Wild Hunt can summon mystical hounds to aid him in an 8 hour special ritual, and they're permanent. This work as the nature bond (animal companion) of a druid with level equal to the Wild Hunt level, except for the following differences. The Wild Hunt may have more than one animal companion, but he can divide up his effective druid level between his companions to determine the abilities of each companion. For example, a 4th-level Wild Hunt can have one 4th-level companion, two 2nd-level companions, or one 1st-level and one 3rd-level companion and all the companions must be hounds directly to sight they are clearly supernatural in nature (use the stats of a dog animal companion). Dismissed or slay companions vanish without a trace. A Wild Hunt can decide how to re-allocate the levels between his hounds with a new 8 hours ritual which also replaces and re-summon all companions.
Hound companions also gain the following abilities when the Wild Hunt gains them from this class: Adept Hunter, Ascension, Focused Mind, Hunter Freedom, Master Hunter (HD as class level), and Relentless Stride (full benefit of 7th level).

Hunting Steed (Sp)
At 5th level the Wild Hunt can now use phantom steed as a spell-like ability 1/day for every 2 level he has, except that it has double the normal hp and can be made to look like whatever he want. Lookers can notice it's an unnatural creature by succeeding on a Perception check against a Bluff check from the Wild Hunt.

Adept Hunter (Su)
At 6th level whenever the Wild Hunt damages an opponent under selected prey, that opponent is under a dimensional anchor effect until the end of the Wild Hunt's next turn.
In addition, the Wild Hunt gains a bonus to natural armor equal to his Constitution modifier.

Ascension (Su)
At 7th level the Wild Hunt can now fly by himself at double his base speed with perfect maneuverability.
His Hunting Steed is also improved, now it has a number of hit points equal to the hit points of the Wild Hunt and when the Wild Hunt rides it, the steed gains a bonus to its speed equal to the Wild Hunt's base speed and add the Charisma modifier of the Wild Hunt as a deflection bonus to its AC.

Hunter Freedom (Su)
At 8th level the Wild Hunt benefits from a permanent freedom of movement effect, and in addition it ignores the max Dexterity bonus on armors.

Hunting Cry (Su)
At 9th level, as a standard action the Wild Hunt can release a fearsome shout. All opponents in a radius of 5 ft. per Wild Hunt level must make a Will save DC 10 + ½ the Wild Hunt level + his Charisma modifier or be shaken for 1 round per class level. A successful save renders a creature immune to further Hunting Cries from the same Wild Hunt for 24 hours, but not from others. At 13th level this ability may be used as a move action, at 17th level as a swift action, and at 20th level it ignores immunity to fear, but creatures normally immune gain a +5 bonus on their saves. This is a fear, mind-effecting, sonic effect and deaf creatures are immune to this ability.

Master Hunter (Ex)
At 10th level, the Wild Hunt deals extra damage with all manufactured and natural weapons equal to ½ his Wild Hunt level. He's also now immune to being caught flat-footed.

Group Hunt (Su)
At 11th level, when the Wild Hunt selects a prey, his allies within 30 ft. receive the same bonus to attack and damage rolls and overcome of DR, using the Wild Hunt level and Charisma modifier, but his allies maintain the bonus only for 1 round per Wild Hunt level from the activation of the ability. In addition, Selected prey now lasts 1 hour per Wild Hunt level and the Wild Hunt can have a number of preys at the same time up to his Charisma modifier.

Ride the Storm (Su)
At 12th level, by chanting for 10 minutes the Wild Hunt can produce a control weather effect as the spell a number of times per day equal to 1/3 his class levels. The Wild Hunt count as a druid for the purposes of this ability. At 16th level, he can use this ability with only a minute of chanting. At 20th level, he can use this ability as a full-round action. In addition, when the Wild Hunt use this ability, he may also replicate a greater teleport or plane shift, except that he must end up in an open non-enclosed area, his hounds don't count towards the max number of passengers and the control weather effect only manifests in his ending point. When use this ability, the manifestation is always the thunderstorm, regardless of climate and season, and it manifest immediately in his ending point. The Wild Hunt, his hound, and every allies who teleport with him are never selected by lightning generated by this thunderstorm and are immune to negative effect generated by the winds strength (weapon penalty, check size, blow away and skill penalty). At 12th level this ability generates strong winds, at 16th severe winds and at 20th windstorm. Because of his supernatural origin, this thunderstorm can never produce tornado, hurricane, haboob or any other natural event.

Focused Mind (Ex)
At 13th level the Wild Hunt becomes immune to mind-affecting spells and abilities.

Legendary Hunter (Ex)
At 14th level creatures slain by the Wild Hunt cannot be brought back to life unless the caster succeed a caster level check with a DC of 11 + Wild Hunt level. Even in this case, the Wild Hunt is automatically aware of anyone restoring a creature in this way and he may observe him with a swift action as if it had cast greater scrying (no saving throw or spell resistance allowed) and may choose to move to the creature’s location using his Ride the Storm ability.

Omen of Peril (Su)
At 15th level, no good can come from crossing the path of the Wild Hunt. This works as a gaze attack with a range of 5 foot per Wild Hunt level. Creatures must make a Will save DC 10 + ½ the Wild Hunt level + his Charisma modifier or be cursed as a bestow curse spell. Only one curse per individual from this effect can be active. Unlike normal Gaze attacks, the Wild Hunt can willingly choose to don't affect specific individuals without penalty. At 20th this work like a greater bestow curse spell. A creature that successfully saves against the Wild Hunt gaze is immune to this effect for the next 24 hours. The equivalent caster level of this curse is equal to the Wild Hunt class level.

Hunter’s Instinct (Sp)
At 16th level, the Wild Hunt can see much farther than anyone could think. He can use discern location as a spell-like ability 1/day for every 4 Wild Hunt level he has, except that this effect can pierce mindblank effects if the Wild Hunt succeeds on a Perception check against a DC of 20 + CL of the mindblank (HD of the target if the mindblank is not a spell or spell-like ability) of the target.

Gather the Dead (Su)
At 17th level, the Wild hunt can call the spirits of those who recently passed away. One per day as a full-round action, the Wild Hunt make all dead creatures, deceased in the last minute, in a 5 ft. radius per Wild Hunt level to rise as spirits. Treat them as the original creatures with the undead type, the incorporeal subtype (with relative penalty and benefit) and without equipment. The Wild Hunt can directly control up to twice his Wild Hunt level in HD of spirits (selected at the activation of this ability, no spirit can have more HD than Wild Hunt level) and have them fight and perform deeds for him, the remaining risen spirits simply follow the Wild Hunt at distance moaning and lamenting their demises, never fighting or providing any benefit or penalty. The spirits remain for 1 hour, after which they depart to the afterlife. Creature unwilling to be called as a spirit can resist with a Will save DC 10 + ½ the Wild Hunt level + his Charisma modifier.

Hunter’s Eyes (Sp)
At 18th the Wild Hunt gains as a constant spell-like ability true seeing with caster level equal to his class level.

Hunting Tools (Su)
At 19th level weapons wielded by the Wild Hunt automatically gain an enhancement bonus equal to ¼ his Wild Hunt level. This bonus can be used to replicate specific weapon enhancements like returning, vorpal, holy, speed, etc. (the weapon must meet the prerequisites of the enhancement) If a weapon leaves the Wild Hunt's hands it returns to normal at the end of his turn.

God of Hunt (Ex)
A Wild Hunt of 20th level reaches the top of the hunter's ability. Whenever he attacks his prey and misses with a roll that is not a natural 1, he hits his prey, but the damage is halved.

Heaven's Wrath (Su)
At 20th level the Wild Hunt can now use his Selected Prey and Ride the Storm ability at will. His Hunting Cry ability now makes opponents frightened on a failed save for 1 round per level or shaken for 1d4 rounds on a successful save.

The Eternal Hunt (Su)
At 20th level, if the Wild Hunt would be killed by any effect he raises 1d4 rounds later when his initiative arrives, automatically standing up from prone as a free action. He retains all taken injuries, but isn't hindered by them in any way. So a Wild Hunt decapitated by a vorpal sword would keep fighting headless, probably holding his head under one of his arms, while a disintegrated Wild Hunt would fight as a cloud of ash taking his shape. This is purely visual and doesn't provide any bonus or penalty. All spells/abilities/effects are removed from the Wild Hunt when it raises and he's restored to full HP, but if he's killed again within one day then he stays dead. If one day passes after the eternal hunt is triggered the Wild Hunt's wounds heal naturally and he can resurrect again if killed. In addition his damage reduction is now DR/cold iron, epic and lawful.


Dungeon Delver

"This place gives me the creeps!... After you."
—Rala Croft, Dungeon Delver​

In many ways, the dungeon delver is the ultimate adventuring rogue. He’s skilled at moving stealthily through all types of dungeon terrain, detecting and disarming inconvenient traps, bypassing locks, locating treasure, and filching protected items.

Since a dungeon delver frequently works alone, he must learn to think and act independently, relying upon no one but himself. Even when exploring a dungeon in the company of other adventurers, he often keeps to himself—scouting ahead, disarming traps a safe distance from the group, or seeking treasure while the others are distracted.

The typical dungeon delver has forsaken interaction skills to concentrate on the nuts and bolts of dungeon exploration and treasure retrieval. Rogues and rangers make excellent dungeon delvers, as do the rare few hunters and ninja who choose to pursue this track. Multiclass rogue/rangers who favor the darkness of caverns to the light of the sky also make good dungeon delvers.


Hit Die: d8.


To qualify to become a Dungeon Delver, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.


Feats: Alertness, Blind-Fight.

Skills: Climb 2 ranks, Disable Device 2 ranks, Perception 6 ranks, Stealth 6 ranks, Survival 4 ranks, Swim 2 ranks.

Special: Trapfinding and Trap Sense (or Danger Sense) class feature.

Class Skills

The Dungeon Delver’s class skills are Acrobatics (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Disable Device (Dex), Escape Artist (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (all), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Stealth (Dex), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), and Use Magic Device (Cha).

Skill Ranks per Level: 8 + Int modifier.

Table: Dungeon Delver
Base Attack
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Darkvision, stealthy movement, trap training​
Quick at hand, wild stride​
Skill mastery, trackless step​
Skill unlock, survivor’s spirit​
Blindsense, evasion​
Artist of escape, camouflage​
Skill unlock​
Hide in plain sight​
Maze mastery​
Perfect explorer, skill unlock​

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Dungeon Delver.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency
Dungeon delvers gain no proficiency with any weapon or armor.

Darkvision (Ex)
A dungeon delver's long exposure to pitch-black subterranean surroundings enables him to develop darkvision out to 60 feet. If the character already has darkvision, the range increases by 30 feet.

Stealthy Movement (Ex)
A dungeon delver learn to remain quiet and hidden even while mobile. He can move at full speed using the Stealth skill without penalty, and he can run using the Stealth skill taking a –10 penalty to the check.

Trap Training (Ex)
Dungeon delver levels stack with any previous levels for increase the bonus of Trapfinding and Trap Sense (or Danger Sense). Also, whenever a dungeon delver comes within 10 feet of a trap, he receives an immediate Perception check to notice the trap. The GM should make this check in secret.

Quick at Hand (Ex)
Starting at 2nd level, a dungeon delver is adept at fighting in the wilderness, throwing whatever is available at his opponents. He may use any item as an improvised melee or ranged weapon without penalty.

Wild Stride (Ex)
At 2nd level, a dungeon delver learns to move more effectively in different environments. When he succeeds on a Climb check, he may move his full speed without penalty, or he may move half his speed while continuing to use a shield.

He may also move his full speed when he succeeds on a Swim check, and he may move through any sort of natural difficult terrain (such as natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas, deep snow, sand, and similar terrain) at his normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment, and is not affected by tripping effects caused by slick or icy surfaces, magical or otherwise.

Provided he starts his turn on normal ground, the dungeon delver can move on any surface as if it were the ground, like walls and ceilings. He falls if his movement ends or he falls prone. As a swift action, he may make a Climb skill check to use a hand to cling to the surface he has walked on this way.

He can also walk across water without sinking or taking damage but sinks normally if he stops his movement or falls prone. He cannot begin his movement on water.

Skill Mastery (Ex)
At 3rd level, a dungeon delver becomes so confident in the use of certain skills that he can use them reliably even under adverse conditions. The dungeon delver can take 10 in a class skill even when adverse conditions, stress, and distractions would normally prevent him from doing so.

Trackless Step (Ex)
At 3rd level, a dungeon delver leaves no trail and cannot be tracked. He may choose to leave a trail if so desired.

Survivor’s Spirit (Ex)
Beginning at 4th level, a dungeon delver add his class level to Fortitude saves against disease and poison and all Constitution checks.

Skill Unlock
At 4th level, a dungeon delver gains the skill unlock in one class skill of his choice. At 7th and 10th levels he select another class skill to benefit of the skill unlock.

Blindsense (Ex)
Beginning at 5th level, a dungeon delver gains the ability to activate as a swift action an acute sensitivity to sounds, smells, movement, and other disturbances, gaining blindsense 30 ft. A dungeon delver can use this ability for 1 minute per day per character level. This duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be spent in 1-minute increments. He can dismiss it as a free action. At 10th level this improve to blindsight.

Evasion (Ex)
At 5th level, a dungeon delver gains the evasion class feature of a rogue. If a dungeon delver already has evasion, he gains improved evasion instead. See the monk class feature.

Artist of Escape (Ex)
A dungeon delver frequently finds it necessary to squeeze through narrow crevices, half-collapsed passages, prison bars, and other tight spots that would normally block a character of his size and bulk. Starting at 6th level, a dungeon delver can move through an area as small as ½ his space without squeezing or one-quarter his space when squeezing.

Camouflage (Ex)
A dungeon delver of 6th level or higher can use the Stealth skill to hide, even if the terrain doesn’t grant cover or concealment.

Hide in Plain Sight (Su)
A dungeon delver of 8th level or higher can use the Stealth skill even while being observed. As long as he is within 10 feet of an area of dim light, a dungeon delver can hide herself from view in the open without anything to actually hide behind. He cannot, however, hide in his own shadow.

Maze Mastery (Su)
At 9th level, a dungeon delver is immunity to maze spells and cannot becoming lost. He always knows the shortest, most direct route through any structure. After spending 1 day in any structure, he understands its entire layout implicitly.

Perfect Explorer (Ex)
At 10th level, a dungeon delver automatically succeed all Perception checks for notice a trap and saving throws against traps (including magical ones).


From the Dragonslayer Codex of Sawyer Lee

Strangler Giant CR 8

N Large humanoid (giant)

Init +8; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +17

AC 21, touch 13, flat-footed 17 (+4 Dex, +8 natural, –1 size)

hp 115 hp (11d8+66)

Fort +8, Ref +13, Will +6

Defensive Abilities evasion, ferocity; DR 5/adamantine; Resistance fire 20; SR 19

Speed 40 ft., climb 30 ft.

Melee bite +15 (2d6+8)

Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.

Special Attacks chokehold, constrict (2d8+8), dragon slayer, grappler pounce, sleeper hold, smother

Str 27, Dex 19, Con 21, Int 4, Wis 17, Cha 7

Base Atk +8; CMB +17 (+21 grapple); CMD 31 (33 vs. grapple, 35 vs. trip)

Feats Bushwhack, Greater Grapple, Improved Initiative, Improved Grapple, Lightning Reflexes, Toughness

Skills Perception +17, Stealth +11; Racial Modifies +8 Perception, +6 Stealth

Languages Giant (cannot speak)

SQ grappler

Chokehold (Ex)
A creature grappled by a strangler giant, while the monster is in control of the grapple, cannot use breath weapons, nor can breathe or speak, and thus cannot cast spells that have a verbal component. The creature grappled has to hold his breath or begin suffocating. Any creature that does not breathe is immune to the suffocation effects of a strangler giant chokehold, but he still cannot speak or use breath weapons.

Dragon Slayer (Ex)
A strangler giant gains a +4 insight bonus on attack rolls (including combat maneuver checks) against creatures of the dragon type and on saving throw against effects generated by a dragon (like a breath weapon or a spell). Against a dragon breath weapon, a strangler giant evasion count as improved evasion. A strangler giant natural weapons count as magical weapons for the purpose of overcome a dragon DR.

Grappler (Ex)
A strangler giant count as having Improved Unarmed Strike for meet the prerequisites of Improved Grapple and any feat that has Improved Grapple as a prerequisite and count as be of one size larger for the purpose of what creatures it can grapple. When a strangler giant maintain a grapple, it can make one bite attack against the opponent as a free action.

Grappler Pounce (Ex)
When a strangler giant makes a charge, it can make a grapple check instead of a normal attack.

Sleeper Hold (Ex)
When a strangler giant maintain a grapple for a number of consecutive rounds equal to its opponent’s Constitution bonus (minimum 1 round), it can attempt to knock out its opponent. The victim must succeed at a DC 23 Fortitude save or else it falls unconscious for 1d4 rounds. Each successive round, the target takes a cumulative –1 penalty on its saving throw. Creatures that are immune to bleed damage, stunning, or critical hits are immune to this ability. The save DC is Strength-based.

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Cloth Vision
Ability to cast spells, spell-like abilities, or use supernatural ablities.
Benefits: Select a specific unique facial accessory (like a mask, veil, or hood) that has no holes to see through. You can see through that facial accessory when you wear it, even if it has no holes to see through. With a 24 hours ritual you can change the selected facial accessory.

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