Sub-Epic Offerings


Can you make SCP-999? Also, was SCP-106 meant to go on the other thread? He doesn't seem very sub-epic to me (i'd estimate he'd be at least CR 40 or so.)
I didn't know where to place it honestly. Since it has no epic or divine abilities but just the basic stuff I decided to put him here.

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Originally created in this topic, I revisited the Faerie Queen for PF1

Færie Queen

Hit Die: d6.


To qualify to become a Færie Queen, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.

Race: Fey type.

Skills: Knowledge (nature) 10 ranks.

Gender: Female.

Spells: Ability to cast 5th-level spells.

Class Skills

The Færie Queen’s class skills are Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (nobility) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), and Use Magic Device (Cha).

Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Spells per day
Courtly Patron​
+1 level of existing spellcasting class​
+1 level of existing spellcasting class​
Chariot, Touchstone​
+1 level of existing spellcasting class​
Court Identity​
+1 level of existing spellcasting class​
+1 level of existing spellcasting class​
Chariot II, One with the Weather​
+1 level of existing spellcasting class​
Immortal Realm​
+1 level of existing spellcasting class​
Queen Gifts​
+1 level of existing spellcasting class​
Chariot III, Fairy Castle​
+1 level of existing spellcasting class​
+1 level of existing spellcasting class​

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Færie Queen.

At the indicated levels, a Færie Queen gains new spells per day as if she had also gained a level in a spellcasting class to which she belonged before taking the prestige class. She does not, however, gain other benefits a character of that class would have gained, except for additional spells per day, spells known (if she is a spontaneous spellcaster or if she automatically obtain extra spells every level in that spellcasting class, like wizard and witch), and an increased effective level of spellcasting. If the character had more than one spellcasting class before becoming a Færie Queen, she must decide to which class she adds the new level for the purposes of determining spells per day.

Courtly Patron (Su)
Being a Færie Queen is about forming a symbiotic relationship with her court and establishing a base of cultists within it. Like a god, she can grant spells to petitioning spellcasters [usually witches or druid-like casters]. A Queen may have a total number of followers equal to her Charisma modifier plus her class level, at any point. She may grant spells of up a level up to her Færie Queen level -1, or half her hit dice, whichever is lower. Granting a petitioner spells for the day requires a sacrifice of a number of spell levels equal to the highest spell level of the recipient. Queens normally set a time when all followers petition for spells, just as gods do. Practicality more than anything. In return, she may demand power back from her followers. As a full-round action, she may demand they sacrifice any number of spell levels they have prepared in order to restore one of her expended spells or spell slots. The number of slots the target needs to sacrifice is equal to the level of the spell to be restored +1. A follower is allowed to refuse but this has possible consequences. Finally, as a full-round action, a Queen may strip all spells from a follower. This has no save, though the Queen gain no benefit aside from punishing the target, so it's not often done.

Demesne (Su)
At 2nd level, the Færie Queen begins the process of founding a realm, or Demesne, a zone in the First World but connected to the Material Plan (see below). This realm consists of a number of square miles equal to the Færie Queen prestige class level; the minimum size of a building block that the queen may use in assembling the realm is an acre. A Demesne can contain any terrain that the Queen wishes and it grows organically based on the number of members in the court, adding 1 acre to its area per HD of fey in the court [round up and guess for the most part here]. At this stage, the Queen may dictate the terrain and conditions when they form and could alter them using magic but has no control over them once the pocket realm has formed. The Demesne contains any dwellings the Queen desires, though these buildings cannot be particularly grandiose at this stage. In general, the Queen will have a nice cottage or an underground facility of similar size. When a Demesne is created, a number of permanent paths into it equal to the Færie Queen prestige class level are created between points in the realm and points in the Material Plane. Characters with the correct incantations [Knowledge (planes) DC 30] can travel between the Demesne and the Material Plane as a full-round action without having to transverse the First World.

Chariot (Su)
Færie Queens are known for their methods of conveyance, whether it is the tiny snail shell chariot of Mab or the skiffs of the Lady of the Lake or the vast longships associated with certain Norse figures. In any case, a Chariot is a construct of any size that is appropriate for its purpose; at 3rd level, the queen gains a conveyance that can carry herself and up to five others of the same size category at a Fly speed of 30 ft. [Clumsy] or either on land or on the top of the water at a speed of 60 ft. Aquatic queens may opt to replace their land speed with the ability to move underwater at the same speed. A Chariot has an AC of 14, 10 hp per Færie Queen prestige class level and a Hardness equal to the Færie Queen prestige class level +10. This improves at 6th level, allowing the vessel to carry up to 20 extra creatures of the queen's size at a Fly speed of 40 ft. [Poor] or at 90 ft. on land or sea. At 9th level, this improves again, allowing up to 50 extra creatures to be carried at a Fly speed of 60 ft. [Average] or at 120 ft. on land or sea.

A Touchstone is the core of a Demesne and the core of a court. Prior to this point, the queen is able to hold allegiance with force or goodwill but when the Touchstone is founded, she can cause her members to swear allegiance to her. In the centre of a 3rd level Færie Queen's Demesne, a large stone forms; sometimes this is carved into an exquisite statue or fountain but at others it is simply an ugly lump of stone. Once per season, members of the court come in to swear allegiance to the Queen by placing their hand on the stone and swearing a simple but unique oath. Once this is done, the Queen gains a number of spell levels equal to 1/10 of the HD within her court, which may be used only for empowering followers and applying metamagic effects to her spells. and can tell instantly when one of them is slain, knowing the exact location. Additionally, the Touchstone allows the Queen to swear Faerie Knights to her service; this allows her to foster a number of knights equal to her Færie Queen prestige class at any given point, though the class level of any given knight may not exceed her class level.

Court Identity
There is a trend within courts to assume an identity, or "nature," by which they are known and reckoned. The two most common of these are the Seelie and Unseelie natures but there are also seasonal themes, themes linked to the times of day and occasionally themes linked to a unique area that the court occupies. At 4th level, a Færie Queen must select one of the following themes for her court. All members who pledge to the touchstone gain this benefit for the rest of the season, until the next Time of Gathering rolls around. Once selected, it takes a complete change of nature for the aspects of the court to change. This isn't impossible, but is usually as the result of a very serious blow to the court.

  • Seelie: The Seelie or blessed fairies are mostly kind to humans, though they have expectations that may seem unreasonable at best and tend to punish those who don't at least make a good show of trying to meet them. The seelie are amongst the most numerous of the fæ, second to the Unseelie only because they don't use conscription tactics. Seelie fæ are innately more beautiful than other kinds of fæ, even those of the same breed from other courts. When dealing with mortals, this can come as a massive advantage wherever looks could prove an influence. A Seelie may replace her Charisma modifier on skill checks with half her HD, if this is higher. This only functions on checks to work positive emotions or trust. In return, a Seelie fæ's geas is that they may "Do no harm to mortals who have yet to break the fairy bans in sight of another fairy." The wording does indeed allow rogue seelie to mess with people but never in company.

  • Unseelie: The Unseelie is by far the largest of the courts, though its holdings are generally small. Individual courts are common and rarely control any lands of their own, unable to control their members well enough to enforce borders. The Unseelie aren't a voluntary group, rather they are forced into line by a queen with enough will and gumption to do so. Unseelie are almost always deeply fearsome creatures, bent on causing suffering in humans, usually for their own amusement but sometimes because it actually required of them. The Unseelie gift is potent only against the innocent, making them truly distasteful; when an Unseelie attacks a target that they have no true quarrel with, they gain a bonus to hit or to the save DC of the effect equal to their Cha modifier [many Unseelie have negative modifiers but add this as a bonus, so -3 becomes a +3 bonus to hit]. The Unseelie geas is "take from others any joy or satisfaction they may have in their deeds”, a bitter, sad geas if ever there was one.

  • Summer: The fæ with a summer queen are kind but negligent and struggle to understand the needs of humans more than others of their breed. They are inhuman in their thoughts and their aid can easily be the death of you. Summer fæ are proud, passionate and want to help, but their strength is ridiculous, making them very dangerous. The area of spell or effect of summer fæ is increased by 50%. Their geas is "give not what is wanted, but that which is needed."

  • Winter: The fæ of a winter queen are chilly and cold in their ways, clear and still in their beauty. Mostly deadly to life by their mere nature, they are cruel in their disinterest; to a winter fæ, all life is mulch in waiting. These courts generally hold sway in mountains and cold places, though some bleached areas of cold stone are their dwellings as well. Winter fæ are predictably cold, producing dancing patterns of rime around them as they move. Winter fæ gains the cold subtype and give out a field of cold that causes all living creatures non-immune to cold within 10 ft. to make a Fort save DC 10 + ½ HD + Con, or being hampered by the intense cold [-2 on attack rolls, ability checks and skill checks] while in the area and creates a feeling of companionship in other Winter fæ, granting a stacking +1 bonus on checks [max +5] for every other Winter fæ within 10 ft. The winter geas is "let no guest uninvited linger unserved," which forces these fæ to act decisively when disturbed.

  • Spring: The fæ of a spring court are not tightly bound. They are industrious beings who open flowers and tend to animals. As a result, the bulk of these courts is composed of sprites and dryads of various types, with the remainder of their number being made up of the most enthralling breeds of fæ, such as Nymphs and Leannan sidhe. Spring fæ are wild and their moods contagious. They give off an aura of pollen that they may change the qualities of as a Swift action. It grant a bonus equal to ½ their HD on Diplomacy and Bluff checks with its sweet scent, while interracting with creatures able to smell. The Spring geas is "never destroy that which can still grow," so no killing anyone who's not already too far gone to change.

  • Autumn: The end of the yearly cycle is the basis for the autumn courts and their ways. Most members join up to indulge their destructive urges in a productive or at least, non harmful manner. The autumn courts are generally small bodies that fit under the rulership of a local court, a little like a mercenary company within the fæ culture. The autumn fæ are bringers of ruin. They are not specifically violent in some cases, but they are significantly more likely to slay than other members of their breed. An Autumn fæ adds it's Cha modifier to its Critical confirmation rolls. Anything slain by an Autumn fæ begins to rot rapidly. The creedo of the Autumn Court is "never allow to remain, that which no longer has use." They are the greatest threat misers can know.

  • Stars: The courts of stars are a kind of refuge for the bizarre and dreamlike amongst the fæ. They hinge on a level of autonomy that other courts would not allow and seek knowledge outside of the moral bounds of humanity and the perceivable limits of reality. The court of stars is not in the First World but in a maddening place known as the Dark Tapestry. The star fæ gain two abilities: firstly, they gains the starflight ability as a shantak (they cannot take passengers with them). Secondly, they gains the no breath ability, immunity to the cold of the space and to solar radiations. The credo of the Star Fæ is "never let the wonder escape the world." They are an ever present problem for scientists and cartographers in the wild places.

  • Waters above: The courts of the waters above are those that tie themselves to a particular body of water, specifically those that are not part of a sea or ocean. Water fæ are usually a member of one of these courts and express something of the personality of the river, talking about it as if it were sentient, which it is, after a fashion. The queens of the waters above are generally calm and mercurial in their thoughts. The fæ of the Waters Above are mischievous and move like water, flowing around their foes. Part of this is the high quantity of liquid in their composition, but also their very attitude. Fæ of the Waters Above never provoke Attacks of Opportunity for moving. They may even move into the space of another creature without issue. Fæ of the Waters Above are bound to "wear smooth all that stand in their way, breaking off that which resists." They prize freedom above all things and anyone attempting to bind or change the watercourse can find themselves in for a fight.

  • Dark Waters: The seas and oceans are ruled by the courts of the dark waters. These fæ are surprisingly numerous and also, in general, substantially larger than other fæ. These courts know a lot of internal strife and sea monsters are counted as unruly members of their numbers. Dark water fæ exemplify the capriciousness of the ocean. They all possess a Swim speed of 50 ft. and the Aquatic subtype, making them able to exist in their realm, but their greatest danger is their ability to mimic the storm effect. This ability takes the form of the possibility of use hydraulic torrent as a spell-like ability 3/day with caster level equal to the Dark Water fæ HD. They use this ability to flush enemies over the side of boats. Dark Water fæ are bound to "reckon with those as disrespect the ways of the ocean."

  • Blasted: The blasted courts are the most capricious of the non-malicious fæ. They do not make it their task to hunt or haunt mortals and will occasionally help the desperate but their realm is bleak beyond all comparison and they too are harsh and unforgiving. Their biggest foible is their rules of hospitality, which make those of the Seelie or Djinn seem forgiving by comparison. Coming from deserts and wasteland, it's understandable, at least. Blasted fæ are amongst the most powerful fæ, but deeply unforgiving. They gain several benefits: firstly, any DR they possess becomes Hardness instead; second, they can grow armour spikes as a Swift action, adding +1d6 damage to their unarmed damage; finally, they have great powers of hospitality and can create a tent, food and water for up to 5 people per HD they possess, as long as their target observes the local rules of hospitality with religious devotion. The geas of Blasted Fæ is "duty and politeness are all and their opposites are abandonment and wrath." These beings will save you from starvation, only to abandon you for a single careless action.

Manor (Su)
A Fairy Manor is a more advanced form of Demesne; at 5th level, the Queen's Demesne grows a new home for the Queen and her court in the form of a "Manor" which is a large house inside her realm. This structure must be partially within 100 ft. of the Touchstone and can have as many rooms as the Queen has followers [meaning that some have to share if everyone wants to stay at one time]. As long as she remains inside the structure, the Queen knows all that goes on within its walls and can alter the building as she sees fit, transplanting rooms to different places, altering their shape and size and changing their furnishings and internal conditions. For instance, she could move a room from one side of the building to another and fill is with snow-drifts and crystal figurines if she was that way inclined. The ability to reshape the building costs one full-round action and requires her to sacrifice five levels of spells per room altered. If she changes a room while it is occupied, she suffers one point of damage per occupant thanks to the strain of altering perceived reality. Some Queens use this to make never ending corridors and the like.

One with Weather (Su)
After a certain point, the triple bond between the Queen, her Touchstone and her realm becomes so great that the land warps in sympathy to her. When a 6th level Queen is angry, the weather takes on a harsh element [usually a storm, either a thunderstorm or a blizzard], when she is happy it is clement and when she is sad or defeated, it becomes overcast and miserable. This is automatic and she has little control over it outside of the structure of her mansion.

Immortal Realm (Su)
So strong is the connection between a 7th level Færie Queen and her realm, that she begins to leave her mark on the real world as well. The Touchstone of her realm grows a corresponding body in the Material Plane and her influence applies to the real as well as it does to her realm. By spending ten minutes and 30 spell levels, she may shunt her Mansion to or from the real world, along with as much of her Demesne as she can, as long as the territory is physically separated from the eyes of mortals at the time of the shift. This usually means that she has to form her mortal Demesne inside a large forest or inside a deserted valley. In addition, the Queen's One with Weather ability applies to the real world around her Material Touchstone, whether she likes it or not.

Queen Gifts
At 8th level, the Queen gains the Blinding Beauty, Inspiration, Stunning Glance and Unhearthly Grace abilities of the nymph (B1).

Fairy Castle (Su)
While a færie Manor is fantastic in its construction and mutability, it is still vulnerable to infiltration. At 9th level, the Queen's Manor becomes a true castle, complete with unassailable walls and the like. The Queen is free to shape it how she likes, but he walls are at least 4 feet thick, with 100 hp per foot and a Hardness of 8 [Granite equivalent]. There are also defensive features which are powered by sacrificing her spell reserves, dealing 2d10 damage per spell level used, though they are aimed and operated by crews of 5 of her minions [large creatures counting as 4 medium ones]. She may choose which spells to surrender as a Free action at any time. The inside of the castle remains mutable and lavish but can be readily filled with traps that function as automatic versions of the siege weapons. The Touchstone is generally located in the castle courtyard but not always; sometimes it is in a nearby glade, a cave or part of the outer wall.

A 10th level Queen becomes an Empress. From this point on, she may call upon all spells known by her cultists as a free action, effectively allowing her to cast their spells spontaneously using their slots (using her character level as a caster level and her spellcasting modifier for modifier these spells). An Empress takes no penalty to her physical ability scores from advanced age. If she is already taking such penalties, they are removed at this time. The Empress stop aging and gains immune to aging affect. Barring death from violence, or misadventure, a Empress can live forever.
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The Worm that Walks


To qualify to become a Worm That Walks, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.

Alignment: Any Evil.

Skills: Knowledge (arcane) 10 ranks.

Spells: Ability to cast 5th-level spells.

Hit Die: d6.

Class Skills

The worm that walks’s class skills are Appraise (Int), Craft (Int), Fly (Dex), Knowledge (all) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Profession (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), and Use Magic Device (Cha).

Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Spells per day
Gathering of Maggots, Vermin Empathy​
+1 level of existing spellcasting class​
Symbiosis, Vermin Lord​
+1 level of existing spellcasting class​
Fortification, Giant Vermin 1/day​
+1 level of existing spellcasting class​
Spew Worms​
+1 level of existing spellcasting class​
Giant Vermin 3/day, The Worm That Walks​
+1 level of existing spellcasting class​

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the worm that walk.

At the indicated levels, a worm that walks gains new spells per day as if he had also gained a level in a spellcasting class to which he belonged before taking the prestige class. He does not, however, gain other benefits a character of that class would have gained, except for additional spells per day, spells known (if he is a spontaneous spellcaster or if he automatically obtain extra spells every level in that spellcasting class, like wizard and witch), and an increased effective level of spellcasting. If the character had more than one spellcasting class before becoming a worm that walk, he must decide to which class he adds the new level for the purposes of determining spells per day.

Gathering of Maggots

This ritual initiates the celebrant into the road to become a worm that walks. The worm that walks must successfully complete the ritual to gain the first level benefits of the prestige class and to advance to the next levels.

Gathering of Maggots

conjuration (healing), necromancy and transmutation; Level 5

Casting Time 8 hours

Components V, M (a specially prepared worm bait worth 16,000 gp), F (the book Age of Worms)

Skill Checks Knowledge (arcana) DC 32, 4 successes; Knowledge (dungeoneering) DC 32, 2 successes; Spellcraft DC 32, 2 successes

Optional Components SC (up to 6, each of whom must be a creature with ties to vermins (GM’s discretion); +1 bonus on ritual skill checks per SC)

Range personal

Target you

Duration instantaneus

Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no

Backlash The primary caster is exhausted and immediately falls to -1 hit points, bleeding out and dying; the primary caster also suffers 4 ability drain to one ability score (selected by the primary caster).

Failure The ritual fails horribly and all participants must make a DC 21 Will saving throw or gain the Ravenous Creature template (Advanced Bestiary).


The caster buries itself in the ground and during the 8 hours of the ritual worms and maggots slither and crawl their way inexorably toward him to then break through his skin and crawl into his body. During this process his body slowly changes, however subtly to the sight. The caster gains the benefict of first level of the worm that walks prestige class and can advance to the next levels.

The Age of Worms is a book which tells of the first worm that walks, Kyuss, and his ascension to immense powers through the worms. The original tome, with ancient and terrible rituals related to worms inside, has been lost since time immemorial but many minor couples are readily available from vendors specializing in the arcane or occult arts for 20,000 gp. They do not have occult rituals like the original but always have the Gathering of Maggots ritual to allow a reader to walk the path of the worm that walks.

Vermin Empathy (Ex)
At 1st level, you gain this ability, which functions as a druid’s wild empathy, save that you can only use this ability on vermin. This ability functions just like a Diplomacy check made to improve the attitude of a person. You roll 1d20 and add your total character level and your Charisma modifier to determine the wild empathy check result. Vermin are normally mindless, but this empathic communication imparts on them a modicum of implanted intelligence, allowing you to train vermin via Handle Animal. Vermin have a starting attitude of unfriendly. Vermin empathy treats swarms as if they were one creature possessing a single mind. You can thus use this ability to influence and direct the actions of swarms.

Symbiosis (Ex)
The worms that borrow though your body don't always play nice. Sometimes you are the victim of their hunger, and your body becomes warped by infections and venom that increase your resistance to later invaders and other nasty things. Starting at 2nd level you becomes immune to all poisons and diseases, even those of magical nature.

Vermin Lord (Su)
Starting at 2nd level, vermins are susceptible to your mind-affecting spells. Vermins are treated as animals for the purposes of determining which spells affect them and you ignore their immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, morale effects, patterns, and phantasms) if that immunity is given by the mindless trait.

Fortification (Ex)
Starting at 3rd level, you gains a 50% chance to treat any critical hit or precision damage as a normal hit, as if wearing a moderate fortification armor.

Giant Vermin (Sp)
Starting at 3rd level, you can cast giant vermin as a spell-like ability with a caster level equal to your character level once per day. At 5th level, you can cast it 3 times per day.

Spew Worms (Su/Sp)
Starting at 4th level, you are able to spray out a swarm of worms from your mouth, as a breath weapon in a 30-foot cone. Anyone in this area takes 1d6 points of bludgeoning damage per your character level, with a successful Reflex save reducing the damage by half (DC 10 + ½ your character level + your's Con bonus). The worms then remain as if an insect plague spell had been cast with a caster level equal to your character level (the swarms generated are worms swarm instead of wasp swarm; see below). The worms are under your command.

Worms Swarm

N Diminutive vermin (swarm)

Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 10 ft.; Perception +9


AC 15, touch 15, flat-footed 14; (+1 Dex, +4 size)

hp 31 (7d8)

Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +3

Defensive Abilities swarm traits; Immune weapon damage

Weakness swarm traits


Speed 20 ft., burrow 20 ft, climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft.

Melee swarm (2d6 plus poison)

Space 10 ft.; Reach 0 ft.

Special Attacks distraction (DC 13), poison


Str 1, Dex 13, Con 10, Int —, Wis 12, Cha 9

Base Atk +5; CMB —; CMD

Skills Perception +9; Racial Modifiers +8 Perception

SQ swarm traits, vermin traits


Poison (Ex)

Swarm—injury; save Fort DC 13; frequency 1/round for 4 rounds; effect 1 Dexterity damage; cure 1 save. The save DC is Constitution-based.

The Worm That Walks

You reach the apotheosis of the dream of Kyuss, the immortality without the need for divine help or becoming undead. You gain the True Worm that Walks template and must choose one of the heritage below. Once a heritage is chosen you cannot change it.

True Worm That Walks (CR +4)​

A worm that walks retains all the base creature’s statistics and abilities except as noted here.

CR: Same as the base creature +4.

Alignment: Any evil.

Type: The base creature’s type changes to vermin. It gains the augmented subtype. Do not recalculate BAB, saves, or skill ranks. Worms that walk are intelligent and do not possess the standard mindless trait of most vermin. Note that while a worm that walks has the ability to discorperate into a swarm, and while its body is made up of countless wriggling vermins, it does not itself gain the swarm subtype.

Size: Although the worms that make up the worm that walks’s body are Fine creatures, the worm that walks is treated as a creature the same size as the base creature.

Senses: As the base creature, plus darkvision 60 feet and blindsight 30 feet.

AC: The worm that walks loses any natural armor bonus the base creature may have had, but gains an insight bonus to its AC equal to its Wisdom bonus (minimum of +2).

Speed: As the base creature, plus see Vermin Heritage below.

Hit Dice: Change the base creature’s racial Hit Dice to d8s. All Hit Dice derived from class levels remain unchanged.

Defensive Abilities: A worm that walks retains all of the base creature’s defensive abilities and special qualities. It also gains the following additional defensive abilities.

Worm that Walks Traits: A worm that walks has no discernible anatomy, and is not subject to critical hits, precision damage or flanking. Reducing a worm that walks to 0 hit points causes it to discorporate (see below, but not greater discorporate)—a worm that walks at 0 hit points is staggered, and one at negative hit points is dying (but can use the Diehard feat). The fast healing of the worm that walks stop work while it is at 0 or lower hit points. Worms that walk are immune to any non-harmless physical spell or effect that targets a specific number of creatures (including single-target spells such as disintegrate), with the exception of such spells and effects generated by the worm that walks itself, which treat the worm that walks as one single creature if it so chooses. Mind-affecting effects that target single creatures function normally against a worm that walks, since the creature’s individual components share a hive mind. A worm that walks takes half again as much damage (+50%) from damaging area effects, such as fireball and splash weapons. Worms that walk are susceptible to high winds—treat a worm that walks as a Fine creature for the purposes of determining wind effects.

Damage Reduction: A worm that walks loses any damage reduction possessed by the base creature and gains damage reduction /— equal to his character level.

Fast Healing: A worm that walks gains fast healing equal to its HD.

Immunities: Worms that walk are immune to disease, paralysis, poison, and sleep effects.

Melee Attacks: A worm that walks loses any natural attacks the base creature had, but gains a slam attack that deals damage based on its size. This slam has the grab ability and affects creatures up to one size larger than the worm that walks. A worm that walks retains any weapon proficiencies the base creature had.

Special Attacks: A worm that walks retains all of the base creature’s special attacks. It also gains the following additional special attacks.

Flowing (Ex): All combat maneuver checks made to grapple the worm that walks automatically fail. A worm that walks automatically succeeds on grapple checks or Escape Artist checks made to escape a grapple or a pin.

Discorporate (Ex): A worm that walks can collapse into a shapeless swarm of the vermins that make it up as a free action. All held, worn, and carried items fall and its Strength score drops to 1. The worm that walks functions as a true swarm while discorporated, with a reach of 0 feet (its space remains unchanged). While discorporated, the worm that walks loses all of its defensive abilities and gains all of the standard swarm traits. It loses its slam attacks and all special abilities and special attacks, but can make a swarm attack that deals damage equal to its engulf attack. A worm that walks can reform into its true form (including equipping all gear in reach) as a full-round action as long as it has at least 1 hit point. If a worm that walks is reduced to negative points but is not killed and manages to escape, it can reforms when it return to at least 1 hit point. It returns to 1 hit point after 1 hour, then is no longer forcet to remain in swarm form.

Greater Discorporate (Ex): If gravely threatened, a worm that walks can discorporate as a free or immediate action, simply falling into a pile of individual vermin that slither quickly away. So long as any of the component vermin survive, they can breed and create a new body to house the character’s intelligence and personality. Discorporating is a dangerous tactic, because once separated, the vermin are treated no differently than other vermin. Also, the worm that walks stands a good chance of losing all its equipment. However, discorporation almost assures that at least one vermin (if not dozens) will manage to crawl away, and so provide for the worm that walks’s continued existence.

Squirming Embrace (Ex): If a worm that walks grapples a foe, as a swift action, it can cause a swarm of its vermins to squirm over the grappled creature. These vermins deal automatic swarm damage with no attack roll needed (see the table below). If a creature takes damage from the swarm, it is also subject to the swarm’s distraction ability, and must make a Fortitude save or be nauseated for 1 round. The save DC equals 10 + ½ the worm that walks’s HD + its Con modifier.

A worm that walks can only have one embraced target at a time, but it does not have to continue grappling in order to maintain the embrace. If the worm that walks moves more than 5 feet from the swarm or dismisses the swarm (a free action), the swarm dies. Any area attack that damages the swarm or any severe or stronger wind effect that affects the swarm’s target kills it.

Engulf Damage
1d6 + 1.5 Str bonus​
2d6 + 1.5 Str bonus​
3d6 + 1.5 Str bonus​
4d6 + 1.5 Str bonus​
5d6 + 1.5 Str bonus​

Tenacious (Ex): A worm that walks gains a +4 racial bonus on CMB checks made to grapple and a +4 racial bonus to its CMD.

Ageless (Ex): A worm that walks takes no penalty to its physical ability scores from advanced age. If it is already taking such penalties, they are removed at this time. The worm that walks stop aging and gains immune to aging affect. Barring death from violence, or misadventure, a worm that walks can live forever.

Abilities: Dex +4, Con +4.

Skills: Worms that walk gain a +8 racial bonus on Knowledge (arcane), Perception, Sense Motive, Spellcraft and Stealth checks.

Feats: Worm that walks gain Diehard as a bonus feat without the need to meet its prerequisite.

Vermins Heritage

Just as various breeds of vermins exist, so too does diversity exist within groups of Worm That Walk. A worm that walks that takes a specific type of vermin may be targeted with all the beneficial effects of being a swarm of that type but none of the negative effects specific to that type of swarm (ex: a worm that walks that take the Vescavor swarm with Exotic Heritage gains the beneficts of the Chaos Aura of the Vescavor Queen but cannot be targeted with her Swarm Mother special ability).

  • Aquatic Vermin (Leech/Jellyfish/Shrimp/Etc.)
    The base creature lose any fly speed might possess. The worm that walks gains a swim speed of 20 ft., the aquatic subtype and the amphibious special quality.​

  • Climbing Vermin (Ant/Spider/Etc.)
    The base creature lose any fly speed might possess. The worm that walks gains a climb speed of 20 ft.​

  • Fly Vermins (Locust/Wasp/Mosquito/Etc.)
    The base creature lose any borrow or swim speed might possess. The worm that walks gains a fly speed of 60 ft. (good). Remember that the Worm the Walks is treat as a Fine creature for the purposes of determining wind effects.​

  • Underground Vermin (Worm/Etc.)
    The base creature lose any fly speed might possess. The worm that walks gains a burrow speed of 20 ft., can burrow through any terrain with hardness less then 9 and can breathe while buried in earth.​

  • Exotic Heritage (Verminlike Creatures and/or Extraplanar)
    Not all the worm that walks look to vermins that are commonly found around. Some look to other planes, observing the vermin-like swarms that inhabit them. The more common among them are the Hellwasp and Vescavor Swarm. These worm that walks do not get specific movement but do get the swarm movements from which they took the members (a worm that walks that take a Vescavor Swarm gains a base land speed of 30 ft. [unless the base creature has higher land speed] and fly speed 40 ft. (good)).​

  • Powerful Heritage (Game Master Permission)
    Some rare worm that walks gains all the power of the swarm. This heritage work like one of the previously heritages but with the difference that the worm that walks gains all the special ability of the swarm of that specific type of creatures that composes it (ex: a worm that walks that take the Vescavor swarm with Exotic Heritage gains gibber, ravenous and traumatazing while a worm that walks that take the Army Ants swarm with Climbing Vermins gains Cling and Consume).​
Honestly I just like this one. I make the Epic Handbook Worm That Walks a pretty commonplace thing and even allow other thing, not just worms to be used ina similar manner. For example my wife's character has the template but it's called
Fury (Barbarian Archetype)
This is based on the archetype for the Legendary Barbarian of the Legendary Games. I converted it to the base Barbarian.
Modifies rage, rage power;

For a broken few, the rage never ends. Furies are ever consumed by bloodlust, charging from foe to foe in ceaseless wrath.

Ceaseless Rage (Ex) A fury’s rage never ends. She is at all times consumed by a barbarian rage. There is no limit to her rounds of rage, and she is always raging. A fury cannot willingly end her rage, except into a calm. Exiting a rage does not fatigue the fury. Furies do not exit a rage even when unconscious, though their twitching and growling may upset others. While in a rage, a fury gains all the normal benefits and penalties of her rage whith the following difference: while in a rage, a fury takes a –10 penalty on any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) and cannot perform any action which requires patience or concentration (such as spellcasting). A fury may select rage powers and use rage powers during her rage. This alter rage.

Calm (Ex) At 1st level, a fury can calm for a number of minutes per day equal to 4 + her Wisdom modifier. This duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be used in 1-minute increments. For each level after 1st she possesses, the fury can calm for 1 additional minute per day. Temporary increases to Wisdom do not increase the total number of rounds that a fury can calm per day. A fury can enter a calm as a standard action. The total number of minutes of calm per day is renewed after resting for 8 hours, although these hours need not be consecutive. During a calm, a fury is no longer raging. She may use Charisma, Dexterity, and Intelligence based skills without penalty, and perform actions which require patience or concentration. When a calm ends a fury re-enters rage and the rage powers of her choice reactivate.

Fury Powers (Ex) At 2nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, the fury gains a rage power as normal. At any time while raging, she may choose which of her rage powers to activate. Unless otherwise stated, activating a rage power is a move action, and the power remains until the fury dismisses it as a move action. She cannot use rage powers that require the expenditure of rounds of rage or have a limit on the number of times per rage they can be activated. This ability modifies rage powers.
Nice I love this!
Originally created in this topic, I revisited the Faerie Queen for PF1

Færie Queen

Hit Die: d6.


To qualify to become a Færie Queen, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.

Race: Fey type.

Skills: Knowledge (nature) 10 ranks.

Gender: Female.

Spells: Ability to cast 5th-level spells.

Class Skills

The Færie Queen’s class skills are Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (nobility) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), and Use Magic Device (Cha).

Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Spells per day
Courtly Patron​
+1 level of existing spellcasting class​
+1 level of existing spellcasting class​
Chariot, Touchstone​
+1 level of existing spellcasting class​
Court Identity​
+1 level of existing spellcasting class​
+1 level of existing spellcasting class​
Chariot II, One with the Weather​
+1 level of existing spellcasting class​
Immortal Realm​
+1 level of existing spellcasting class​
Queen Gifts​
+1 level of existing spellcasting class​
Chariot III, Fairy Castle​
+1 level of existing spellcasting class​
+1 level of existing spellcasting class​

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Færie Queen.

At the indicated levels, a Færie Queen gains new spells per day as if she had also gained a level in a spellcasting class to which she belonged before taking the prestige class. She does not, however, gain other benefits a character of that class would have gained, except for additional spells per day, spells known (if she is a spontaneous spellcaster or if she automatically obtain extra spells every level in that spellcasting class, like wizard and witch), and an increased effective level of spellcasting. If the character had more than one spellcasting class before becoming a Færie Queen, she must decide to which class she adds the new level for the purposes of determining spells per day.

Courtly Patron (Su)
Being a Færie Queen is about forming a symbiotic relationship with her court and establishing a base of cultists within it. Like a god, she can grant spells to petitioning spellcasters [usually witches or druid-like casters]. A Queen may have a total number of followers equal to her Charisma modifier plus her class level, at any point. She may grant spells of up a level up to her Færie Queen level -1, or half her hit dice, whichever is lower. Granting a petitioner spells for the day requires a sacrifice of a number of spell levels equal to the highest spell level of the recipient. Queens normally set a time when all followers petition for spells, just as gods do. Practicality more than anything. In return, she may demand power back from her followers. As a full-round action, she may demand they sacrifice any number of spell levels they have prepared in order to restore one of her expended spells or spell slots. The number of slots the target needs to sacrifice is equal to the level of the spell to be restored +1. A follower is allowed to refuse but this has possible consequences. Finally, as a full-round action, a Queen may strip all spells from a follower. This has no save, though the Queen gain no benefit aside from punishing the target, so it's not often done.

Demesne (Su)
At 2nd level, the Færie Queen begins the process of founding a realm, or Demesne, a zone in the First World but connected to the Material Plan (see below). This realm consists of a number of square miles equal to the Færie Queen prestige class level; the minimum size of a building block that the queen may use in assembling the realm is an acre. A Demesne can contain any terrain that the Queen wishes and it grows organically based on the number of members in the court, adding 1 acre to its area per HD of fey in the court [round up and guess for the most part here]. At this stage, the Queen may dictate the terrain and conditions when they form and could alter them using magic but has no control over them once the pocket realm has formed. The Demesne contains any dwellings the Queen desires, though these buildings cannot be particularly grandiose at this stage. In general, the Queen will have a nice cottage or an underground facility of similar size. When a Demesne is created, a number of permanent paths into it equal to the Færie Queen prestige class level are created between points in the realm and points in the Material Plane. Characters with the correct incantations [Knowledge (planes) DC 30] can travel between the Demesne and the Material Plane as a full-round action without having to transverse the First World.

Chariot (Su)
Færie Queens are known for their methods of conveyance, whether it is the tiny snail shell chariot of Mab or the skiffs of the Lady of the Lake or the vast longships associated with certain Norse figures. In any case, a Chariot is a construct of any size that is appropriate for its purpose; at 3rd level, the queen gains a conveyance that can carry herself and up to five others of the same size category at a Fly speed of 30 ft. [Clumsy] or either on land or on the top of the water at a speed of 60 ft. Aquatic queens may opt to replace their land speed with the ability to move underwater at the same speed. A Chariot has an AC of 14, 10 hp per Færie Queen prestige class level and a Hardness equal to the Færie Queen prestige class level +10. This improves at 6th level, allowing the vessel to carry up to 20 extra creatures of the queen's size at a Fly speed of 40 ft. [Poor] or at 90 ft. on land or sea. At 9th level, this improves again, allowing up to 50 extra creatures to be carried at a Fly speed of 60 ft. [Average] or at 120 ft. on land or sea.

A Touchstone is the core of a Demesne and the core of a court. Prior to this point, the queen is able to hold allegiance with force or goodwill but when the Touchstone is founded, she can cause her members to swear allegiance to her. In the centre of a 3rd level Færie Queen's Demesne, a large stone forms; sometimes this is carved into an exquisite statue or fountain but at others it is simply an ugly lump of stone. Once per season, members of the court come in to swear allegiance to the Queen by placing their hand on the stone and swearing a simple but unique oath. Once this is done, the Queen gains a number of spell levels equal to 1/10 of the HD within her court, which may be used only for empowering followers and applying metamagic effects to her spells. and can tell instantly when one of them is slain, knowing the exact location. Additionally, the Touchstone allows the Queen to swear Faerie Knights to her service; this allows her to foster a number of knights equal to her Færie Queen prestige class at any given point, though the class level of any given knight may not exceed her class level.

Court Identity
There is a trend within courts to assume an identity, or "nature," by which they are known and reckoned. The two most common of these are the Seelie and Unseelie natures but there are also seasonal themes, themes linked to the times of day and occasionally themes linked to a unique area that the court occupies. At 4th level, a Færie Queen must select one of the following themes for her court. All members who pledge to the touchstone gain this benefit for the rest of the season, until the next Time of Gathering rolls around. Once selected, it takes a complete change of nature for the aspects of the court to change. This isn't impossible, but is usually as the result of a very serious blow to the court.

  • Seelie: The Seelie or blessed fairies are mostly kind to humans, though they have expectations that may seem unreasonable at best and tend to punish those who don't at least make a good show of trying to meet them. The seelie are amongst the most numerous of the fæ, second to the Unseelie only because they don't use conscription tactics. Seelie fæ are innately more beautiful than other kinds of fæ, even those of the same breed from other courts. When dealing with mortals, this can come as a massive advantage wherever looks could prove an influence. A Seelie may replace her Charisma modifier on skill checks with half her HD, if this is higher. This only functions on checks to work positive emotions or trust. In return, a Seelie fæ's geas is that they may "Do no harm to mortals who have yet to break the fairy bans in sight of another fairy." The wording does indeed allow rogue seelie to mess with people but never in company.

  • Unseelie: The Unseelie is by far the largest of the courts, though its holdings are generally small. Individual courts are common and rarely control any lands of their own, unable to control their members well enough to enforce borders. The Unseelie aren't a voluntary group, rather they are forced into line by a queen with enough will and gumption to do so. Unseelie are almost always deeply fearsome creatures, bent on causing suffering in humans, usually for their own amusement but sometimes because it actually required of them. The Unseelie gift is potent only against the innocent, making them truly distasteful; when an Unseelie attacks a target that they have no true quarrel with, they gain a bonus to hit or to the save DC of the effect equal to their Cha modifier [many Unseelie have negative modifiers but add this as a bonus, so -3 becomes a +3 bonus to hit]. The Unseelie geas is "take from others any joy or satisfaction they may have in their deeds”, a bitter, sad geas if ever there was one.

  • Summer: The fæ with a summer queen are kind but negligent and struggle to understand the needs of humans more than others of their breed. They are inhuman in their thoughts and their aid can easily be the death of you. Summer fæ are proud, passionate and want to help, but their strength is ridiculous, making them very dangerous. The area of spell or effect of summer fæ is increased by 50%. Their geas is "give not what is wanted, but that which is needed."

  • Winter: The fæ of a winter queen are chilly and cold in their ways, clear and still in their beauty. Mostly deadly to life by their mere nature, they are cruel in their disinterest; to a winter fæ, all life is mulch in waiting. These courts generally hold sway in mountains and cold places, though some bleached areas of cold stone are their dwellings as well. Winter fæ are predictably cold, producing dancing patterns of rime around them as they move. Winter fæ gains the cold subtype and give out a field of cold that causes all living creatures non-immune to cold within 10 ft. to make a Fort save DC 10 + ½ HD + Con, or being hampered by the intense cold [-2 on attack rolls, ability checks and skill checks] while in the area and creates a feeling of companionship in other Winter fæ, granting a stacking +1 bonus on checks [max +5] for every other Winter fæ within 10 ft. The winter geas is "let no guest uninvited linger unserved," which forces these fæ to act decisively when disturbed.

  • Spring: The fæ of a spring court are not tightly bound. They are industrious beings who open flowers and tend to animals. As a result, the bulk of these courts is composed of sprites and dryads of various types, with the remainder of their number being made up of the most enthralling breeds of fæ, such as Nymphs and Leannan sidhe. Spring fæ are wild and their moods contagious. They give off an aura of pollen that they may change the qualities of as a Swift action. It grant a bonus equal to ½ their HD on Diplomacy and Bluff checks with its sweet scent, while interracting with creatures able to smell. The Spring geas is "never destroy that which can still grow," so no killing anyone who's not already too far gone to change.

  • Autumn: The end of the yearly cycle is the basis for the autumn courts and their ways. Most members join up to indulge their destructive urges in a productive or at least, non harmful manner. The autumn courts are generally small bodies that fit under the rulership of a local court, a little like a mercenary company within the fæ culture. The autumn fæ are bringers of ruin. They are not specifically violent in some cases, but they are significantly more likely to slay than other members of their breed. An Autumn fæ adds it's Cha modifier to its Critical confirmation rolls. Anything slain by an Autumn fæ begins to rot rapidly. The creedo of the Autumn Court is "never allow to remain, that which no longer has use." They are the greatest threat misers can know.

  • Stars: The courts of stars are a kind of refuge for the bizarre and dreamlike amongst the fæ. They hinge on a level of autonomy that other courts would not allow and seek knowledge outside of the moral bounds of humanity and the perceivable limits of reality. The court of stars is not in the First World but in a maddening place known as the Dark Tapestry. The star fæ gain two abilities: firstly, they gains the starflight ability as a shantak (they cannot take passengers with them). Secondly, they gains the no breath ability, immunity to the cold of the space and to solar radiations. The credo of the Star Fæ is "never let the wonder escape the world." They are an ever present problem for scientists and cartographers in the wild places.

  • Waters above: The courts of the waters above are those that tie themselves to a particular body of water, specifically those that are not part of a sea or ocean. Water fæ are usually a member of one of these courts and express something of the personality of the river, talking about it as if it were sentient, which it is, after a fashion. The queens of the waters above are generally calm and mercurial in their thoughts. The fæ of the Waters Above are mischievous and move like water, flowing around their foes. Part of this is the high quantity of liquid in their composition, but also their very attitude. Fæ of the Waters Above never provoke Attacks of Opportunity for moving. They may even move into the space of another creature without issue. Fæ of the Waters Above are bound to "wear smooth all that stand in their way, breaking off that which resists." They prize freedom above all things and anyone attempting to bind or change the watercourse can find themselves in for a fight.

  • Dark Waters: The seas and oceans are ruled by the courts of the dark waters. These fæ are surprisingly numerous and also, in general, substantially larger than other fæ. These courts know a lot of internal strife and sea monsters are counted as unruly members of their numbers. Dark water fæ exemplify the capriciousness of the ocean. They all possess a Swim speed of 50 ft. and the Aquatic subtype, making them able to exist in their realm, but their greatest danger is their ability to mimic the storm effect. This ability takes the form of the possibility of use hydraulic torrent as a spell-like ability 3/day with caster level equal to the Dark Water fæ HD. They use this ability to flush enemies over the side of boats. Dark Water fæ are bound to "reckon with those as disrespect the ways of the ocean."

  • Blasted: The blasted courts are the most capricious of the non-malicious fæ. They do not make it their task to hunt or haunt mortals and will occasionally help the desperate but their realm is bleak beyond all comparison and they too are harsh and unforgiving. Their biggest foible is their rules of hospitality, which make those of the Seelie or Djinn seem forgiving by comparison. Coming from deserts and wasteland, it's understandable, at least. Blasted fæ are amongst the most powerful fæ, but deeply unforgiving. They gain several benefits: firstly, any DR they possess becomes Hardness instead; second, they can grow armour spikes as a Swift action, adding +1d6 damage to their unarmed damage; finally, they have great powers of hospitality and can create a tent, food and water for up to 5 people per HD they possess, as long as their target observes the local rules of hospitality with religious devotion. The geas of Blasted Fæ is "duty and politeness are all and their opposites are abandonment and wrath." These beings will save you from starvation, only to abandon you for a single careless action.

Manor (Su)
A Fairy Manor is a more advanced form of Demesne; at 5th level, the Queen's Demesne grows a new home for the Queen and her court in the form of a "Manor" which is a large house inside her realm. This structure must be partially within 100 ft. of the Touchstone and can have as many rooms as the Queen has followers [meaning that some have to share if everyone wants to stay at one time]. As long as she remains inside the structure, the Queen knows all that goes on within its walls and can alter the building as she sees fit, transplanting rooms to different places, altering their shape and size and changing their furnishings and internal conditions. For instance, she could move a room from one side of the building to another and fill is with snow-drifts and crystal figurines if she was that way inclined. The ability to reshape the building costs one full-round action and requires her to sacrifice five levels of spells per room altered. If she changes a room while it is occupied, she suffers one point of damage per occupant thanks to the strain of altering perceived reality. Some Queens use this to make never ending corridors and the like.

One with Weather (Su)
After a certain point, the triple bond between the Queen, her Touchstone and her realm becomes so great that the land warps in sympathy to her. When a 6th level Queen is angry, the weather takes on a harsh element [usually a storm, either a thunderstorm or a blizzard], when she is happy it is clement and when she is sad or defeated, it becomes overcast and miserable. This is automatic and she has little control over it outside of the structure of her mansion.

Immortal Realm (Su)
So strong is the connection between a 7th level Færie Queen and her realm, that she begins to leave her mark on the real world as well. The Touchstone of her realm grows a corresponding body in the Material Plane and her influence applies to the real as well as it does to her realm. By spending ten minutes and 30 spell levels, she may shunt her Mansion to or from the real world, along with as much of her Demesne as she can, as long as the territory is physically separated from the eyes of mortals at the time of the shift. This usually means that she has to form her mortal Demesne inside a large forest or inside a deserted valley. In addition, the Queen's One with Weather ability applies to the real world around her Material Touchstone, whether she likes it or not.

Queen Gifts
At 8th level, the Queen gains the Blinding Beauty, Inspiration, Stunning Glance and Unhearthly Grace abilities of the nymph (B1).

Fairy Castle (Su)
While a færie Manor is fantastic in its construction and mutability, it is still vulnerable to infiltration. At 9th level, the Queen's Manor becomes a true castle, complete with unassailable walls and the like. The Queen is free to shape it how she likes, but he walls are at least 4 feet thick, with 100 hp per foot and a Hardness of 8 [Granite equivalent]. There are also defensive features which are powered by sacrificing her spell reserves, dealing 2d10 damage per spell level used, though they are aimed and operated by crews of 5 of her minions [large creatures counting as 4 medium ones]. She may choose which spells to surrender as a Free action at any time. The inside of the castle remains mutable and lavish but can be readily filled with traps that function as automatic versions of the siege weapons. The Touchstone is generally located in the castle courtyard but not always; sometimes it is in a nearby glade, a cave or part of the outer wall.

A 10th level Queen becomes an Empress. From this point on, she may call upon all spells known by her cultists as a free action, effectively allowing her to cast their spells spontaneously using their slots (using her character level as a caster level and her spellcasting modifier for modifier these spells). An Empress takes no penalty to her physical ability scores from advanced age. If she is already taking such penalties, they are removed at this time. The Empress stop aging and gains immune to aging affect. Barring death from violence, or misadventure, a Empress can live forever.
Dude, this is awesome! My wife is always playing fae or fae type beings, I have an extensive Fae storyline and similar Faerie court system, the Seasonal Courts of the Siddhe and the Wyldfae of the Wildlands. I actually have most of this in what's called The Green Realm which is the dimension of primordial nature, I make the Far Place, The Green Realm and the Infinite Planes of the Abyss all one realm. The Green Realm is the less horrible part of it.

The Siddhe rulers and Leshay tend to rule there, I can post the stats of the 4 types of Siddhe if you want? They're like elves but with exaggerated angular features but far and away more I powerful.

I'm afraid the system has cut your sentence
I'm not sure, where did I write that Template part? I didn't write that. I was just saying my wife always plays fae and fae type beings. Idk. I must have had a previous message half written that I forgot about or something that got added on, I have no idea.


For when you want a paladin who isn't a pain FOR the party.

Prejudiced (Paladin Archetype)

Modifies alignment, code of conduit, lay on hands, channel positive energy, aura of righteousness; Replaces aura of good, detect evil, associates, divine bond, aura of faith, holy champion.

Prejudiced paladins are convinced that most creatures not of their own cause are evil. As a prejudiced paladin, you have the following class features.

Alignment Any.

Godless You do not gain your powers from a named entity (such as a god or demigod), but from your own conviction. As such you do not gain a deity code of conduit.

Prejudice At 1st level you must select an identifiable cause, group, country or other agency (GM discretion). For the purpose of all your paladin class features and spells creatures of your own group count as good, regardless of their actual alignment; all other creatures count as evil and with the evil-subtype. You can associate with peoples of any alignment until they do not oppose the interests of your group. This replaces aura of good and associates.

Code of Conduit The Game Master must work with the player to decide on a code of conduct suited to the cause he or she has chosen. Usually a player selects his party so a code of three to four articles is usually fine. Shown below is an example of a code of conduct of a prejudiced paladin who selected the party as his group. This replace the base code of conduit.

Locate Ally (Sp) Once per day, you can cast locate creature as a spell-like ability with a caster level equal to your paladin level, but you can do so only to target a member of your group (see prejudice). This replaces detect evil.

Group Lay on Hands (Su) At 2nd level you gain lay on hands as normal but with the difference that you can only use it to cure the members of your group (see prejudice). Members of your group always count as living creatures for the purpose of being heal by it (even construct and undead) while all the other creatures count as undead for the purpose of being damage by it. This alter lay on hands.

Channel Group (Su) At 4th level you gain channel positive energy as normal but with the difference that you can only use it to cure the members of your group (see prejudice). Members of your group always count as living creatures for the purpose of being heal by it (even construct and undead) while all the other creatures count as undead for the purpose of being damage by it. This alter channel positive energy.

Intercept (Ex) At 5th level you gain Combat Reflexes as a bonus feat, and you can use your Charisma bonus instead of your Dexterity bonus for calculate the extra number of attacks of opportunity you can make in a round. As an attack of opportunity, when a melee or ranged attack would successfully strike an adjacent member of your group (see prejudice), you can choose to have the attack hit you instead of the intended target. The attack is resolved against your AC and any effect you have active (like displacement). This replaces divine bond.

Aura of Resolve and Aura of Justice (Su) For the purpose of these 2 class feature, only members of your group (see prejudice) count as allies.

Aura of Purity (Su) At 14th level, you and all members of your group (see prejudice) within 10 feet gain a +4 bonus on saving throws against the abilities of evil creatures. This ability functions while you are conscious, but not if you are unconscious or dead. This ability replaces aura of faith.

Aura of Self-Righteousness (Ex) At 17th level, you gain DR 5/adamantine and immunity to compulsion spells and spell-like abilities. All members of your group (see prejudice) within 10 feet of you gains a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against compulsion effects. Aura of self-righteousness functions only while you are conscious, not if you are unconscious or dead. This alter aura of righteousness.

Ultimate Vindication (Su) At 20th level, if a foe damage one members of your group (see prejudice) or knock you unconscious (and you later regains consciousness), you musters a vindictive fury. The next time you hits that foe within 1 minute, you can channel the effects of a disintegrate spell through your weapon, using your paladin level as her effective caster level. The saving throw is 10 + ½ your paladin level + your Charisma modifier. This is a supernatural ability and does not allow spell resistance. This disintegrate damage is multiplied on a critical hit, using the weapon critical multiplier. Whether or not the target succeeds at its save against the disintegrate effect, it is immune to this ability for the next 24 hours. This replaces holy champion.

Example Code of Conduit
  • My comrades are my home, whoever threatens it will be eradicated.​
  • Anyone who tries to force my comrades to do actions against their will will be punished.​
  • My allegiance only goes to my group, the only reason I can swear allegiance to another cause is because it serves my group better.​
  • My companions are my life, I can withdraw from a battle but only to cover the retreat of my companions.​

For when you want a paladin who isn't a pain FOR the party.

Prejudiced (Paladin Archetype)

Modifies alignment, code of conduit, lay on hands, channel positive energy, aura of righteousness; Replaces aura of good, detect evil, associates, divine bond, aura of faith, holy champion.

Prejudiced paladins are convinced that most creatures not of their own cause are evil. As a prejudiced paladin, you have the following class features.

Alignment Any.

Godless You do not gain your powers from a named entity (such as a god or demigod), but from your own conviction. As such you do not gain a deity code of conduit.

Prejudice At 1st level you must select an identifiable cause, group, country or other agency (GM discretion). For the purpose of all your paladin class features and spells creatures of your own group count as good, regardless of their actual alignment; all other creatures count as evil and with the evil-subtype. You can associate with peoples of any alignment until they do not oppose the interests of your group. This replaces aura of good and associates.

Code of Conduit The Game Master must work with the player to decide on a code of conduct suited to the cause he or she has chosen. Usually a player selects his party so a code of three to four articles is usually fine. Shown below is an example of a code of conduct of a prejudiced paladin who selected the party as his group. This replace the base code of conduit.

Locate Ally (Sp) Once per day, you can cast locate creature as a spell-like ability with a caster level equal to your paladin level, but you can do so only to target a member of your group (see prejudice). This replaces detect evil.

Group Lay on Hands (Su) At 2nd level you gain lay on hands as normal but with the difference that you can only use it to cure the members of your group (see prejudice). Members of your group always count as living creatures for the purpose of being heal by it (even construct and undead) while all the other creatures count as undead for the purpose of being damage by it. This alter lay on hands.

Channel Group (Su) At 4th level you gain channel positive energy as normal but with the difference that you can only use it to cure the members of your group (see prejudice). Members of your group always count as living creatures for the purpose of being heal by it (even construct and undead) while all the other creatures count as undead for the purpose of being damage by it. This alter channel positive energy.

Intercept (Ex) At 5th level you gain Combat Reflexes as a bonus feat, and you can use your Charisma bonus instead of your Dexterity bonus for calculate the extra number of attacks of opportunity you can make in a round. As an attack of opportunity, when a melee or ranged attack would successfully strike an adjacent member of your group (see prejudice), you can choose to have the attack hit you instead of the intended target. The attack is resolved against your AC and any effect you have active (like displacement). This replaces divine bond.

Aura of Resolve and Aura of Justice (Su) For the purpose of these 2 class feature, only members of your group (see prejudice) count as allies.

Aura of Purity (Su) At 14th level, you and all members of your group (see prejudice) within 10 feet gain a +4 bonus on saving throws against the abilities of evil creatures. This ability functions while you are conscious, but not if you are unconscious or dead. This ability replaces aura of faith.

Aura of Self-Righteousness (Ex) At 17th level, you gain DR 5/adamantine and immunity to compulsion spells and spell-like abilities. All members of your group (see prejudice) within 10 feet of you gains a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against compulsion effects. Aura of self-righteousness functions only while you are conscious, not if you are unconscious or dead. This alter aura of righteousness.

Ultimate Vindication (Su) At 20th level, if a foe damage one members of your group (see prejudice) or knock you unconscious (and you later regains consciousness), you musters a vindictive fury. The next time you hits that foe within 1 minute, you can channel the effects of a disintegrate spell through your weapon, using your paladin level as her effective caster level. The saving throw is 10 + ½ your paladin level + your Charisma modifier. This is a supernatural ability and does not allow spell resistance. This disintegrate damage is multiplied on a critical hit, using the weapon critical multiplier. Whether or not the target succeeds at its save against the disintegrate effect, it is immune to this ability for the next 24 hours. This replaces holy champion.

Example Code of Conduit
  • My comrades are my home, whoever threatens it will be eradicated.​
  • Anyone who tries to force my comrades to do actions against their will will be punished.​
  • My allegiance only goes to my group, the only reason I can swear allegiance to another cause is because it serves my group better.​
  • My companions are my life, I can withdraw from a battle but only to cover the retreat of my companions.​
Ah, let me fix that, ty.

Archetype looks cool btw! Reminds me of Homelander.

@Beefermatic for the Worm that Walk?
So my wife took a variation of the Worm That Walks template called the Lady of Cherry
Blossoms, same exact template, and not the sh-it wannabe Worm that Walks from Pathfinder, we use the powerful old school 3.5 one, we mainly change her discorporate from bug to leaves or flower petals and they get scattered by wind. The engulf power as well instead of being bugs, she turns into a swirling mass of slicing flower petals. Another character did something similar but turns into light called the Lord of Light, his body explodes into a flash of light and his photons need to connect with a steady source of light to survive.


So my wife took a variation of the Worm That Walks template called the Lady of Cherry
Blossoms, same exact template, and not the sh-it wannabe Worm that Walks from Pathfinder, we use the powerful old school 3.5 one, we mainly change her discorporate from bug to leaves or flower petals and they get scattered by wind. The engulf power as well instead of being bugs, she turns into a swirling mass of slicing flower petals. Another character did something similar but turns into light called the Lord of Light, his body explodes into a flash of light and his photons need to connect with a steady source of light to survive.
So no mechanical changes but just reskin?

Voidrunner's Codex

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