Sultans of Smack

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Re: Re: Re: Re: re: the unreadable smackdown

DM_Matt said:
Wisdom-Wise, assume a start of 18.
Just assume another 18 for a base stat?
Making that the 5th out of 6 base stats to get an 18? :D

Is this a Smackdown, or fantasy-land? :)

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: re: the unreadable smackdown

reapersaurus said:
Just assume another 18 for a base stat?
Making that the 5th out of 6 base stats to get an 18? :D

Is this a Smackdown, or fantasy-land? :)

Smackdowns use best-case scenarios on a regular basis. It takes quite a unique person to becoe THIS monstrosity.


And the understatement of the day goes to... "Unique"... That's one word for it. :D

Pretty much every smackdown starts with at least one if not more stats that are 18 or higher. Legally of course.. Depending on the author they may attempt to justify it by demonstrating how it is achievable in point buy or just skipping over it to the good stuff.

Regardless, none of these smacks are meant to be the average played character, more like an exercise in thinking outside the box (and into the akutenshi's lair!).
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WotC's bitch
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: re: the unreadable smackdown

reapersaurus said:
Is this a Smackdown, or fantasy-land? :)

All smackdowns are, by definition, fantasyland. ;)

Also, this thread has now reached 200+ posts, so if for no other reason, it's probably time to archive it and start a new thread.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: re: the unreadable smackdown

DM_Matt said:
Smackdowns use best-case scenarios on a regular basis. It takes quite a unique person to becoe THIS monstrosity.
but come on, now, DM_Matt....

5 18's for base stats?

You don't see that as pushing the envelope just a WEE bit? ;)


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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: re: the unreadable smackdown

reapersaurus said:
but come on, now, DM_Matt....

5 18's for base stats?

You don't see that as pushing the envelope just a WEE bit? ;)

There are two main ways of choosing abilities - point buy and rolling. To get five 18s, you'd need an 80 point buy.

Let's suppose instead that DM_Matt is rolling stats. He'll just sit there until he gets five (or more) 18s. Let's also suppose that since this is a smackdown he can use the high-powered "5d6 drop lowest 2" method.

He'd only have to roll 2.9 million times (on average).


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: re: the unreadable smackdown

CRGreathouse said:
He'd only have to roll 2.9 million times (on average).
I was reading your post, ready to drop the estimates that had been worked up by some statistics guys last year, when you dropped that whopper of a stat, CR.

Leave it to you... :) ROFL!


DM_Matt said:
erm, is it my imagination or am I being accused of excessive munchkinism in THE SMACKDOWN THREAD.
well, to actually have a discussion about this... YES.

The Iajitsu Focus stuff, and this monstrosity seems to be pushing the limits of powergaming and coming dangerously close to munchin.

there is a HUGE difference in my eyes, and i think you have some great ideas in this most recent one, but are the Smackdowns now just plopping 18's in all stats..?

I mean, i know these are not exactly that playable of characters in most games, but the ones that interest ME are the ones that COULD be PC's... in fact, ARE PC's.

It's just a personal approach.. what do you guys think?
Are the Smackdowns munchkin, unplayable rules-exercises, or are they optimized, rare playable-PC's?
(i smell a new smackdown thread-poll-bait?)

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