Sunday PM: Dying at St Margaret (Trail of Cthulhu) (Full -- Accepting Alts)


Can you sign up Jasmine and Hailey for this [Dying at St Margaret]? Thanks. :)

Oh no! We have but one slot left.

Hmmm. If they're really set on playing a depressing game, I might be able to squeeze in another PC. Let me know if they still want it. Nothing truly adult in just, just absolutely no heroics.

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Oh no! We have but one slot left.

Hmmm. If they're really set on playing a depressing game, I might be able to squeeze in another PC. Let me know if they still want it. Nothing truly adult in just, just absolutely no heroics.

I'll ask her again, but Jasmine's pretty morose. ;)

Thanks. If you'd rather, I can look and see what else is out there. But it was her first choice and she didn't give me an alternate.


First Post
And just cause I hate only using d6s, how's this for a sanity mechanic?

You always have to roll under 2, and the difficulty of the check determines the die you have to roll. So the easiest would be a d4 which would be 50%, just like the standard 4 on 1d6. The equivalent of 5 would be rolling a 1d6, and then to make it harder, you'd roll a 1d8.

Course, I'd also turn out the lights for it and have the player use the Cthulhu dice...


And just cause I hate only using d6s, how's this for a sanity mechanic?

Ahh, that explains your interest with the d7! But your mechanic would certainly work. It loses the elegance of a single roll-mechanic and replaces it with wacky dice and more difficulty. Seems a worthy trade.

Anyway, thanks to everyone who signed up for a rather odd game. The start was a bit on the slow side (my fault!), but you all injected enough weirdness of your own to pull it all through.

Somehow I feel I should run something nice and light come spring Game Day. And something involving combat. I know: Pokethulhu!


First Post
Ahh, that explains your interest with the d7! But your mechanic would certainly work. It loses the elegance of a single roll-mechanic and replaces it with wacky dice and more difficulty. Seems a worthy trade.

About the d7 S7S idea: Yes. Replacing the most boring die with the most interesting die is pretty much a win-win situation. And ya get setting synergy to boot!

And I actually have a fix for True20 to bring in other dice which I intend to use if I ever get around to running a True20 game.

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