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Super Dragon King Ghidorah!


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Krishnath said:
Arc: There you are wrong, we Evil Overlords need to stick together and develop tactics against the good guys (i.e: you).

Demiurge: So what if it's only two breathweapons at a time, simply change 72d8 to 48d8. The tactics are still sound. Also, I'll consider doing tactics for the rest, but only if someone bumps them... :D
It's interesting: Ghidora managed to get off a couple double breath weapon attacks on me (the mage), but they came quite close enough to not finish me off. The breath weapons, at 24d8, average to 108 points of damage a piece, double that and it's 216 points of damage. The caster has 237 hp. He'd need to enter melee range to do that, and with the sun giant monk keeping him occupied, it's rather difficult for Mr. Ghidora to finish any one character off in a round, especially since we all have a personal Staff of Life. The major damage comes from those critical ranges: 15-20 means that if he pulls off a full attack, 1 character is going into the danger zone. As we use 3.5 Heal rules, a Staff of Life can maybe put out 300 points of healing a round (150 hp x 2), so Ghidora could theoretically just do more than 300 a round, and keep us on the defensive.

Crap... what was it that I said about giving demiurge ideas? :)

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First Post
Arc said:

Please, whatever you do, DO NOT GIVE HIM ANY MORE IDEAS. He's evil and nefarious enough already, I don't think demiurge needs any more help.

You know, saying that on this board is like asking our Sadistic DMs of Doom (tm) to come up with the most evil plans possible right?


First Post
Kitsunekaboom said:

You know, saying that on this board is like asking our Sadistic DMs of Doom (tm) to come up with the most evil plans possible right?
You've unearthed my dirty little secret :) The last couple games have been close, but not as close as I would have liked, so getting closer to death can really be fun. Plus, I'm a bit of a masochist.


First Post
Arc: Ah, yes, but 216 points of damage should be enought to stun you for one round if I remember my DMG rules correctly, thus preventing you from using a staff of life, which you by the way allready should be unable to use due to heal not being on the wizard spell list... Also, the monk would have a very though time hitting Ghidora if your DM had remembered to keep the dragon in flight... :D

Either way, sooner or later you'll run out of heal charges and then you're toast. Literally. :D


Inventor of Super-Toast
Krishnath said:
Arc: Ah, yes, but 216 points of damage should be enought to stun you for one round if I remember my DMG rules correctly, thus preventing you from using a staff of life, which you by the way allready should be unable to use due to heal not being on the wizard spell list... Also, the monk would have a very though time hitting Ghidora if your DM had remembered to keep the dragon in flight... :D
Do you think the whole spell-list thing would stop him? Especially when he's in full Munchking mode?
And you're right. The one mistake everyone makes when DMing a dragon: never let them touch ground.
Ah well.

Demiurge out.


First Post
Hmmmm *Flips through DMG*, I don't see anything about stunning because of massive damage. If that was the case, then I'm suprised that Ghidora got a single action in. You're right about the staff of life thing, we've house ruled that so everyone can use 'em, it tends to keep the party alive. And when you're powergaming, you use every rule to your advantage... Hmmm... I did gain a level last time... Cleric, here I come!

Supposedly, we were fighting in a really, really big dome shaped wall of force. Kinda prohibits flying. Also: The monk is fairly big, and you know how kaiju films go: the combat between the guys in the rubber suits tends to happen on the ground (buildings and all).


First Post
Krishnath said:

Either way, sooner or later you'll run out of heal charges and then you're toast. Literally. :D
However, that assumes a good 25+ rounds of combat. Considering that we were dealing 400 hp a round, suddenly it sounds like Ghidora is the one on the time limit. And with a 50/50 chance to miss me (once I get Arcana Form going), and me having a 50/50 or so chance of hitting him with a spell, then he needs to start hitting me _hard_, and fast. The only thing that could save him is getting me to run out of spells, and then letting his regen 25 take over. Then again, I could cast a persistant Wall of Force, wait until I get my spells back, res my comrades, and start all over. Just some possibilities :)


First Post
Oopsie me, the 'stunned when taking half HP or more damage' is a varient rule...silly me.

Also, your monk friend is at most huge, Ghidora is colossal, in fact, the dragon is so large that the giant is no bigger than his fingernail. Check out the size chart in the Kaiju article. Kaiju are *BIG*.

And while we are at it, I would like to know how a 30th level caster can beat SR 53, 50% of the time. Not to mention having your party of three deal 900+ damage a round? Especially considering Ghidora's Damage Reduction and Regeneration. You do know how regeneration works, right? All damage the dragon takes is converted to subdual damage if it isn't from either force effects or is sonic damage. And even then the damage is reduced by 20, due to his damage reduction, unless the damage is dealt is also holy or from an epic source. You and your party should be dead. It seems to me that your DM 'forgot' quite a bit... :p

Demiurge: Don't forget the rematch. And don't worry about killing of the PC's, as the DM you can always bring them back. :D


First Post
Krishnath said:

And while we are at it, I would like to know how a 30th level caster can beat SR 53, 50% of the time. Not to mention having your party of three deal 900+ damage a round? Especially considering Ghidora's Damage Reduction and Regeneration. You do know how regeneration works, right? All damage the dragon takes is converted to subdual damage if it isn't from either force effects or is sonic damage. And even then the damage is reduced by 20, due to his damage reduction, unless the damage is dealt is also holy or from an epic source.
Well, caster level 30, with 4 levels of archmage (taking Spell Power +1, +2, and +3). That's 36. Then add Epic, Greater and plain old Spell Penetration, for a total of 42. That's success on 11-20. I'd call that 50%

From the DMG, page 74
Magical attacks and energy attacks (even mundane fire) ignore damage reduction.
Also, consider the fact that most of the magical damage was from Constitution damage, so DR and regeneration won't be doing much against that. With 84 hit dice, even a few points of Con drain do a lot.

Now, for regeneration: Once Ghidora's subdual damage is greater than his actual hit points (Low, because of Con drain), he is unconcious. At that point, Mr. Wizard lets loose with the fireballs and meteor swarms (with free energy subsitution because of that 4th level of Archmage: Mastery of Elements). Also, the monk has a +6 holy dagger, because he's used to fighting evil epic creatures.

Also, Mr. Sun Giant Monk, who wished himself 1 size larger, is in fact Gargantuan. He does have a problem, because Ghidora is big. But not that big.
You and your party should be dead. It seems to me that your DM 'forgot' quite a bit... :p
Yes, we should, but only if we weren't powergamers :)
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First Post
Oops, I forgot

That battle roar thingy. Yeah, the roar would be a fear effect, and therefore a mind-affecting effect. Hmmm... what's that item on page 156 of Magic of Faerun? Oh yeah, a Cowl of Warding, which grants the wearer the effects of Mind Blank. Hmmm... isn't that a pleasant sound, don't you think?

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