• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Super Dragon King Ghidorah!


First Post
Not to mention what fun one can have with the spells and templates in the book...
The BBEG needs a distraction? Have him (or her) cas Morality Undone on the party paladin.
Accidentally caused a TPK? no problem, the Bone and Corpse templates is an easy solution (especially if you throw in an insane spellcaster that brought them back so he can have them perform a 'small' task for him :D)
Need a plot twist for a dragon to use against the players? Have it be possessed.
Need the DC's mods for an evil PC's ritual attempt to summon cthulhu? Use the ritual chapter.

The list goes on and on.

Demiurge: Add class levels to the fiend lords, I did, I gave everyones favourite, baboon headed (yes in my campaign he still has baboon heads), two-faced, evil, twisted, prince of all demons, Demogorgon 25 levels of wizard, *and* 25 levels or sorcerer... :D Also if you wan't ideas, mail me with the info I requested in my last post. ;)

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First Post
Actually, I was just looking at the Dread Warrior template in Unapproachable East, and it looks pretty cool. At no LA, there wouldn't be any problems with having it applied to a character.

In a previous attempt at an undead character, the template in question was something like LA 8, so the character basically lost everything when he got it. Not to mention the fact that when he was ressed, he went back to level 1. I just thought that was kinda idiotic, but hey, that's life.... err.... undeath.


First Post
Paladin why would anyone play a Paladin. Actually they were great in 2E but I don't care for the 3E ones much. I would also like to note I like the 3E ranger better than the 3.5. And I am not a big fan of Law. True Neutral is good from a powergaming point of view, you don't have to worry about alignment based spells or damage. A few protection from chaos, law, evil, good, magic, DM, death, damage, etc. are all good. However for roleplaying, I prefer Chaos prefereably either good or neutral. Right now I am playing a C.N. Siv 6 level fighter/ 1 level tempest. I'm considering a level in Theif-Acrobat but to do that I would need evasion.


Inventor of Super-Toast
Arc said:
Actually, I was just looking at the Dread Warrior template in Unapproachable East, and it looks pretty cool. At no LA, there wouldn't be any problems with having it applied to a character.

Actually, it says in both the sample and the template that there is no advancement on a dread warrior, which means that the character'd be going nowhere fast. And Thalias, why are you bitching about paladins without provocation again. Come to think about it, what does your post have to do with anything?

Oh, and Krish, I did add class levels. A lot of them. I've never actually used them directly (although one of the charaters had a little chat with Demogorgon in the epic), but it just irritates me on gereral principle. BTW, the bone template is the greatest for archers. The Dex bonus helps attack rolls, and the half damage prevents you from being counter-sniped*.

Demiurge out.
*This is not a suggestion for any of my players who might be reading (cough Nick cough)


First Post
Well, would 'no advancement' mean no XP, or just no leveling up? It might be perfectly logical to get turned to a Dread Warrior for a little while, finish the quest, then go and get ressed. Level up then (house rule territory here).

Mmmm... skeletal archers. Fond memories of Diablo are coming back to me now.

Actually, Paladins had some great charging combat abilities, and if properly done, were more than capable of smacks. Unfortunately, if done otherwise... they were mediorce. If I'm not mistaken, the 3.5 ranger, is, well, playable beyond 1 level for favored enemies. The whole TWF or Archery option gives plenty of use, and the increase in other abilities really rounds them out, transforming from a mediocre d10 hit die melee fighter to a fairly good d8 support fighter.

Oh, Thalias, when I see someone play True Neutral properly, I'll be glad. Because the whole 'utter balance' thing means that eventually, if the party does its job, the TN character will have to turn against the party. Guess what that means? Yep, you got it: PK's. 'Course, my TN interpretation is from a 2e standpoint, and now alignment doesn't seem so important. After all, if Good/Evil doesn't matter when compared to Law/Chaos, or Honor/Dishonor, why bother?

Edit: Grammar.
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Inventor of Super-Toast
Arc, there are two types of True Neutral. One of them is the "Ultimate Balance" TN, which is used by Mordenkainen, rilmani ,and crazy players who want an excuse to kill other party members. The WOTC sanctioned True Neutral, the one that most 3e creatures are, is as follows:
"A neutral character does what seems to be a good idea...most neutrality is a lack of conviction or bias than a committment to neutrality. Such a character thinks of good as better than evil. After all, she would much rather have good neighbors and rulers than evil ones. Still, she's not personally committed to holding up good in any abstract or universal way."

That's the kind of neutral Thal's talking about.

Demiurge out.


First Post
Eh. The whole alignment system doesn't rub me right. Especially with class requisite restrictions. True neutral, in this case, is basically a cheesy excuse to go along with the party. If the TN character is looking out for themselves, then that's neutral, right? But if they're in it for the money, that's NE. But if they're in it because, hey, their self interest is 'good', then that's NG. In my thoughts, NG, TN, and NE are a bit too close for comfort, yet the rules reprecussions make it so that some are much better choices than others.


First Post
Regarding undead templates, this is what I like the most about the Bone and Corpse templates, their low LA. Going by the rules in Savage Species they only have LA of +2 each, which is quite good. Also when going undead, I usually take out the LA's retroactively, that means that the recently undead PC's won't be gaining any levels (but they will still get EXP) until their total ECL matches up. It's not perfect, but it works. I do the same for lycanthropes and other accuired templates. :D

Thalias: Well, paladins can be a lot of fun if you play them properly, and take PrC's... Templars rock! as do certain other PrC's that fit the Paladin nicely... But then again, I have a multiclass rule (that by the way already exists in the Forgotten Realms!) that allows the paladins to freely multiclass to certain core classes without penalty dependant on their deity. Paladins of Bahamuth for example can freely multiclass as Sorcerers, while paladins of Azurewing (a homebrew deity of chivalry, and an ally of Bahamuth) can multiclass as fighters without penalty. I humblu suggest that all campaign settings that have a paladin core class do the same. ;) But still, for fun, I converted my 14th lvl paladin from Eye of the Beholder over to 3E some time ago, with the exact same items she has in the game, and ended up with a very powerful NPC paladin in my campaign world.

Arc: If you play a spellcaster and want to become undead, I can recommend the lich, the LA is only +4, which should be taken out retroactively of course. Basically, you'll be giving up yor next four levels for the template. :D

Demiurge: Had the chance to try out the monster yet? ;)


First Post
Hell...paladins ROCK. :)

Check out thier bonuses, fer chrissake... ;)

(my namesake has been rebuilt as a Pal23/Sor1/DiE16...he does his smite evil on evil outsiders for 8d6+225 7/day...no sweat...and he isn't munchkinized...)


Inventor of Super-Toast
It's so nice to see more people drawn into this little post-trap.

Krish: No, no cause for another munchkin war, a fact for which I am eternally grateful.

Demiurge out.

Voidrunner's Codex

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